1. Tonight, I do a skid.
Copy !req
2. Richard steals some tyres.
Copy !req
3. And James get
kicked in the face.
Copy !req
4. Hello, hello, thank you,
thank you everybody.
Copy !req
5. Now, let's get one thing
straight, from the start...
Copy !req
6. Formula 1 is better than NASCAR.
Copy !req
7. It just is.
Copy !req
8. If you compare them, to
musical instruments,
Copy !req
9. F1 is a Stradivarius violin,
NASCAR is banging a saucepan
Copy !req
10. with a wooden spoon.
Copy !req
11. Now, we all agree on that
in the civilised world.
Copy !req
12. Well, when I say we all agree,
Copy !req
13. we all agree apart from Richard
J Cheeseburger Hammond III.
Copy !req
14. I'm not alone in believing
in the supremacy of NASCAR.
Copy !req
15. It's currently the most popular
spectator sport in America.
Copy !req
16. And there are many reasons why
it hits the spot with the fans.
Copy !req
17. The first is to do with its roots.
Copy !req
18. Unlike Formula 1, which began as
a pastime for wealthy playboys
Copy !req
19. and aristocrats, NASCAR has very
humble, blue-collar origins.
Copy !req
20. NASCAR has its roots back in the 1940s,
Copy !req
21. when the Moonshine runners,
basically naughty hicks,
Copy !req
22. smuggling illegal booze
across county lines,
Copy !req
23. would modify their cars
to out run the cops.
Copy !req
24. One thing sort of led to another,
and before you knew it,
Copy !req
25. they were holding informal
race meetings in the evenings,
Copy !req
26. on impromptu racetracks that they
kicked into the dirt in fields.
Copy !req
27. The cars the Moonshine runners
favoured were ones like this,
Copy !req
28. a respectable looking
1941 Ford Business Coupe,
Copy !req
29. which wouldn't raise the
suspicions of a passing policeman.
Copy !req
30. Clearly, the man in such a car as this,
Copy !req
31. is a man going about his business,
why would the cops disturb him?
Copy !req
32. Underneath though is a
highly-tuned engine,
Copy !req
33. beefed up suspension, and
inside, a special hideaway
Copy !req
34. for the illegal booze.
Copy !req
35. Moonshine runners used this actual car.
Copy !req
36. It smuggled hooky booze
across county lines,
Copy !req
37. and then went on to race in
NASCAR, it's the real deal!
Copy !req
38. As the decades passed, the sport grew.
Copy !req
39. 'One critical time when trouble
could be mighty contagious.'
Copy !req
40. But that love of living
outside the law remained.
Copy !req
41. In the early 1950s, for example,
roll cages were mandatory
Copy !req
42. in NASCAR racing, but
the drivers thought,
Copy !req
43. well, the added weight was a
bit wussy, having a roll cage,
Copy !req
44. so they just fitted them with things...
that looked like roll cages,
Copy !req
45. made out of off cuts of wood, say.
Copy !req
46. Another reason I prefer this sport,
Copy !req
47. apart from its rebellious streak,
is that next to the spaceships
Copy !req
48. you get F1, NASCAR machines
are beautifully simple.
Copy !req
49. As was explained to me on
race day at Texas Speedway.
Copy !req
50. This is making 800 horsepower?
Copy !req
51. Closer to 900, yeah.
Copy !req
52. 900 horsepower. 900 horsepower.
Copy !req
53. And no electronic aids on this?
No. It literally carburetted.
Copy !req
54. NASCAR wants the drivers to
separate themselves on the track,
Copy !req
55. so, for myself, without having data,
Copy !req
56. I have to explain all the
sensations I feel in the car.
Copy !req
57. Talk about spring changes, shot
changes, geometry changes.
Copy !req
58. So, they're not downloading
it off a laptop?
Copy !req
59. We don't even have a
fuel sensor in the car.
Copy !req
60. And these little things,
these are the ones...
Copy !req
61. It's just to create some drag
when the car spins around...
Copy !req
62. That's not going to stop you flipping!
Copy !req
63. They've proven in the
wind tunnel that it does.
Copy !req
64. Now, what really helps is this.
These deploy.
Copy !req
65. When there's a low-pressure
area on the top, these deploy,
Copy !req
66. and help set the car down.
Copy !req
67. That stops you. Two on top.
You have these here, as well.
Copy !req
68. Hey, that's high-tech, that's like
a-Land Rover's air vents at the front.
Copy !req
69. It's not mega high-tech.
Copy !req
70. If you're a Formula 1 fan,
and a NASCAR cynic,
Copy !req
71. I think I know exactly what you'd
be... saying if you were here.
Copy !req
72. This looks, well, easy.
Copy !req
73. You just keep your foot
down, keep turning left,
Copy !req
74. and that's kind of it, really.
Copy !req
75. Whereas in Formula 1, there's
corners and stuff to remember.
Copy !req
76. It's tricky.
Copy !req
77. So, do these drivers,
Copy !req
78. who can earn up to £15 million a year
Copy !req
79. have an easier time of
it than F1 drivers?
Copy !req
80. Well, let's ask a man who's
raced in both sports.
Copy !req
81. To drive? I would say there's nothing
drives like a Formula 1 car,
Copy !req
82. but these are more unpredictable.
Copy !req
83. They slide around a lot,
they have no breaks.
Copy !req
84. I mean, when I tell you NO breaks,
because the car's so heavy
Copy !req
85. and the brakes are so tiny.
Copy !req
86. I've got to say, ovals, I
think, are more challenging,
Copy !req
87. and it's because the corner
starts way over there,
Copy !req
88. and ends way over there.
Copy !req
89. And is the car moving?
Copy !req
90. The car's moving all the
time, it's never settled.
Copy !req
91. And then, you take the cars all
around you, the turbulent air.
Copy !req
92. If they are on the outside of
you, it's pulling you around,
Copy !req
93. if they're in front of you,
you just don't have the grip.
Copy !req
94. That's when the entertainment
value... goes up tremendously,
Copy !req
95. because you're averaging
over 190 miles an hour,
Copy !req
96. with that many cars inches
away from one another,
Copy !req
97. and we'll be three or four
wide through these corners.
Copy !req
98. You go to Silverstone, you sit in
a... stand on and you go, "meooooo."
Copy !req
99. You wait one half minutes.
See if the order has changed. Yes.
Copy !req
100. But, most likely, it won't.
Copy !req
101. They used to give awards because,
oh, the overtaker of the year,
Copy !req
102. you passed three people in
the whole freaking year.
Copy !req
103. So, lots of close racing in
cars that are tricky to drive,
Copy !req
104. which means, as a bonus,
you get lots of these.
Copy !req
105. It's a contact sport, put it that way.
Copy !req
106. A lot of times, the contact that's
made is either out of frustration,
Copy !req
107. the guy wants to get another
guy out of the way.
Copy !req
108. You can't just ram him
because you can't overtake!
Copy !req
109. If you have bumpers, you do!
Copy !req
110. And when there is a coming together,
Copy !req
111. NASCAR drivers don't bother
settling... with a stewards' enquiry.
Copy !req
112. Let's see if they'll fight?
Harvick's really mad at Montoya.
Copy !req
113. Have got a fight breaking out?
Here it comes.
Copy !req
114. He's slowing back here, and we're
going to have a little talk.
Copy !req
115. This, too, is a bonus
for the hard-core fans,
Copy !req
116. who are not often mistaken
for Harvard professors.
Copy !req
117. Yeah! Yeah!
Copy !req
118. On race weekends, their main
diet is beer and red meat.
Copy !req
119. What if you were spotted eating a salad.
Eating salad?
Copy !req
120. And they get a lot more
access than F1 fans.
Copy !req
121. These are actual fans
being driven around!
Copy !req
122. These are fans who have lined up,
Copy !req
123. that have paid to go around the
track with a professional,
Copy !req
124. or some kind of driver.
Copy !req
125. Can you imagine that in F1?
If you can do this, I'm coming tomorrow.
Copy !req
126. They're in a pack of cars,
they're not even on their own.
Copy !req
127. Look at this, these are
just spectators, you or me.
Copy !req
128. I didn't see how I might get the
same chance to drive on that oval,
Copy !req
129. but then I was told to report
to the drivers' briefing,
Copy !req
130. where I was in for a surprise.
Copy !req
131. From the United States Air Force,
Copy !req
132. four-star general, General Mark A
Wells III and his wife Betty Welsh.
Copy !req
133. From Top Gear UK, today's
honorary pace car driver,
Copy !req
134. from Birmingham England,
Richard Hammond.
Copy !req
135. Race time arrived.
Copy !req
136. After the national anthem had finished,
Copy !req
137. the man with the jetpack had landed...
and the B... 52 bomber had flown past.
Copy !req
138. It was time to me to lead the grid of
43 cars out on the formation lap.
Copy !req
139. They are still coming,
there's millions of them.
Copy !req
140. Don't stall, Hammond, don't mess it up.
Copy !req
141. Behind me, 39,000 horsepower
was itching to get going.
Copy !req
142. I daren't look in the mirror, it's
like being attacked by Tigers.
Copy !req
143. Woah-ho-ho! Oh, come on.
Copy !req
144. 'Slip road is clear.
Copy !req
145. 'Green flag.'
Copy !req
146. We started that! We did that.
Copy !req
147. And my treats weren't over,
because I would be spending
Copy !req
148. the actual race helping
one of the teams,
Copy !req
149. who gave me a very important job.
Copy !req
150. Yeah, I'm with the team.
Coming through, oh, yeah.
Copy !req
151. Now, I will admit the one
problem with NASCAR races
Copy !req
152. is that they're over 500 laps long,
Copy !req
153. so at this point there is
only one thing we can do...
Copy !req
154. That did the trick, and 530 laps
later, we had ourselves a winner.
Copy !req
155. Three hours and 20 minutes
of racing just flew by,
Copy !req
156. there's a man over there who won,
he's now firing six guns in the air,
Copy !req
157. wearing his new Stetson.
And he's delighted.
Copy !req
158. Now the whole circus moves on to the
next place, to do it all again,
Copy !req
159. and there's a big argument
here to say this is proof
Copy !req
160. F1 is po-faced, it could
learn a lot from this.
Copy !req
161. The next morning, at a
deserted Texas Speedway,
Copy !req
162. there was one final treat in store.
Copy !req
163. This. Plus a driving lesson
from NASCAR royalty Kyle Petty.
Copy !req
164. It doesn't feel like anything
else I've ever driven, I mean,
Copy !req
165. this thing does not want
to go in a straight line.
Copy !req
166. The car only wants to turn left,
it doesn't want to go straight.
Copy !req
167. Hit the grass, you've got
to run through the grass,
Copy !req
168. it's like mowing the yard, you
have to hit the grass. Hard.
Copy !req
169. Yeah, all the way down. I am so scared!
Copy !req
170. More gas, more gas, more gas, more gas.
Copy !req
171. Oh, dear Lord!
Copy !req
172. Put her next to the wall little bit.
I am next to the wall!
Copy !req
173. 'Eventually, Kyle let
me go out on my own.'
Copy !req
174. Letting it find grip.
Trying not to fight it too much.
Copy !req
175. It's not just a big loop, it's
complex, it's three-dimensional,
Copy !req
176. and I'm wrestling my way around
it in a huge shouting dragon.
Copy !req
177. I'm going to roll out of this
corner... onto the straight now,
Copy !req
178. here I go, getting on the gas! Haha!
Copy !req
179. Oh my God!
Copy !req
180. I'm in an explosion again!
Copy !req
181. Where's it finding the grip?
Copy !req
182. Most of my lungs are on the
same side, that's not normal.
Copy !req
183. 'And then, just to add
to my problems... '
Copy !req
184. Oh, no, that's not what I
wanted to see in the mirror,
Copy !req
185. that's too authentic.
Copy !req
186. I don't need that!
Copy !req
187. Arghh!
Copy !req
188. Unbelievable. It was brilliant!
Copy !req
189. I loved it. It was...
Copy !req
190. It's really good.
Copy !req
191. All right, OK, let's get this over with.
Copy !req
192. Come on then, Mr F1 Fan, I'm braced
and ready for your comments. Go.
Copy !req
193. I agree with you. Eh?
I do agree with you.
Copy !req
194. The Americans are very bad at some
things, they can't say aluminium,
Copy !req
195. and they can't win a
war without our help,
Copy !req
196. but they are very good
at making dreary sports
Copy !req
197. very exciting to watch.
Copy !req
198. Let's just take, for an
example, rounders. Right?
Copy !req
199. That's played by small
children here, over there,
Copy !req
200. it's Babe Ruth, and a religion.
Copy !req
201. Then you've got netball which
here is schoolgirls standing,
Copy !req
202. so you can only move one foot, and
there's four parents watching,
Copy !req
203. and over there it's, what is it?
Harlem Globetrotters.
Copy !req
204. They are quite easily amused.
Copy !req
205. Unbelievably easily
amused, and that's why
Copy !req
206. they're able to make
NASCAR exciting.
Copy !req
207. It's just some good ol' boys going
round in a circle. And they go,
Copy !req
208. "Oh, hell, I'll go pay to watch that."
Copy !req
209. 250,000 people turn up to watch it.
Because it is a good sport.
Copy !req
210. I mean Hammond you would say that,
because you're an American.
Copy !req
211. Wait a minute, I'm not.
Copy !req
212. You've got a Stetson, cowboy boots,
chaps, a Harley-Davidson, a Mustang,
Copy !req
213. you like to get a beer and you
put cheese on everything.
Copy !req
214. I don't! I'm not American.
Copy !req
215. You have made a living out
of being... an American.
Copy !req
216. Your Saturday night programme is
Copy !req
217. a fat man falling off some foam rubber.
Copy !req
218. "Oh, right, hey, we'll watch that!"
Copy !req
219. Then they turn up in their millions.
Copy !req
220. I'm not an American.
Copy !req
221. Look, Hammond, I wish the
Americans... ran a decent sport,
Copy !req
222. if they got Formula 1, it would be
fantastic, because they would say,
Copy !req
223. "Let's have sprinklers
coming on at random points
Copy !req
224. "during the race," and
that would be fantastic.
Copy !req
225. There would be no more
stewards' enquiries,
Copy !req
226. and there will be no more of this,
Copy !req
227. "You've got a ten second drive-by
penalty," which ruins the race.
Copy !req
228. They would say, "Hamilton and
Masa... you don't get on,
Copy !req
229. after the race, in your boxes,
Copy !req
230. "on the winner's podium, slug it out."
Copy !req
231. Yeah. I'd watch that,
would you watch that?
Copy !req
232. I'd watch that. It would be brilliant.
I would watch that.
Copy !req
233. Anyway, we must do the news.
Copy !req
234. We are starting with the
Institute of Advanced Motorists,
Copy !req
235. you know the ones.
Copy !req
236. Oh, yeah, them.
Copy !req
237. They are the ones who...
Copy !req
238. They say that you mustn't cross
hands on the steering wheel.
Copy !req
239. You've got to shuffle it, like that.
Copy !req
240. Never drive one-handed,
they don't like that.
Copy !req
241. They prefer that.
Copy !req
242. Is anyone here in The Institute
of Advanced Motorists?
Copy !req
243. Like you are going to confess it now.
Copy !req
244. You are! So you are in the Institute?
Copy !req
245. So, you do this?
Copy !req
246. Did you drive down...
here today like this?
Copy !req
247. You're a passenger?
Oh, you can knock yourself out, then.
Copy !req
248. The Institute of Advanced Motorists...
has launched a new thing called,
Copy !req
249. Drive And Survive.
Copy !req
250. What, rather than Drive And Die?
Copy !req
251. That would never work.
Drive And Survive, OK?
Copy !req
252. The idea is, what they've got is,
Copy !req
253. every week they're
offering motoring tips.
Copy !req
254. Yes, so this week it's parking.
Copy !req
255. I'll give you a couple of examples
they've come up with, right?
Copy !req
256. "Park on the left-hand side
of the road if possible,
Copy !req
257. "and always at night."
Copy !req
258. Eh? What happens if you
arrive at lunch time?
Copy !req
259. I parked here this morning.
You didn't! I did. You idiot!
Copy !req
260. Park always at night.
Another one, right?
Copy !req
261. This is one I really can't get.
Copy !req
262. "When parking, open your
window in car parks,
Copy !req
263. "and turn off your stereo.
You can often hear something,
Copy !req
264. "before you can see it."
Copy !req
265. What, a lamppost? Lampposts actually
make a very soft cooing sound.
Copy !req
266. Do they?
Copy !req
267. I once heard a squelching
sound, and then a pop,
Copy !req
268. but that was the neighbour's cat!
Copy !req
269. Can we move on? Yes.
Copy !req
270. I have some news, there is a new
Dodge Viper being announced,
Copy !req
271. and apparently it's going to employ
Fiat technology on it, which is...
Copy !req
272. They mean is there's a new one,
and it won't work properly.
Copy !req
273. They haven't said that.
Copy !req
274. I suspect that Dodge
are a little worried
Copy !req
275. about the styling they have chosen,
Copy !req
276. because this is the
photograph they have sent.
Copy !req
277. Doesn't tell you much, does it?
Copy !req
278. Doesn't tell you a lot. Maybe it's shy?
Copy !req
279. Hey, now, you know sometimes
you meet someone who has
Copy !req
280. a growth on their face, and it's
actually bigger than their face?
Copy !req
281. Have you ever seen that?
Copy !req
282. No, I mean... one of those
really ugly things.
Copy !req
283. No, this is just a face, I'm talking
about a growth. That's your face?
Copy !req
284. I bring this up, because
there's a company in Japan
Copy !req
285. whose obviously used this growth thing
Copy !req
286. as an inspiration for their
new Prius campervan.
Copy !req
287. Here it is. Oh, God!
Copy !req
288. It's the elephant car. It is.
Copy !req
289. I'm so
pleased to meet you.
Copy !req
290. I hope nobody knocks my trailer over.
It's a monster.
Copy !req
291. You've got a double bed in the
and another one in that growth.
Copy !req
292. That is not a car that you
could talk to at a party,
Copy !req
293. unless you are looking
at something else.
Copy !req
294. I've got news from Renault,
Copy !req
295. they've got a new car, I've
got a picture of it here,
Copy !req
296. it's called the Influenza. Is it?
It isn't called the Influenza.
Copy !req
297. Well, it's something a bit like that.
Copy !req
298. It's electric, as you can see, because
there it is plugged in, recharging.
Copy !req
299. I was wondering, when in the future,
when we're all driving electric cars,
Copy !req
300. the cities are full of
these charging points,
Copy !req
301. won't ten-year-old boys go
around unplugging cars?
Copy !req
302. That's what we would have
done when I was ten.
Copy !req
303. Do you have to be ten, why wouldn't...
you do that aged, I don't know, 52?
Copy !req
304. Well, quite.
You would know though... wouldn't you?
Copy !req
305. If you saw somebody parked, you
would just go... You would.
Copy !req
306. I wouldn't. Why would you do that?
Copy !req
307. Remember the early Fiat Panda, the
boxy one that Giugiaro designed,
Copy !req
308. whenever I walk past one of
those with a group of friends,
Copy !req
309. we always picked it up
and turned it around.
Copy !req
310. You could just...
Copy !req
311. I was going that way,
how is that happened?
Copy !req
312. In the same way as it's always great fun
Copy !req
313. to lock someone else's bicycle
up with your bicycle lock.
Copy !req
314. You're just a yobbo!
Copy !req
315. Come on, Hammond, you
must have done that?
Copy !req
316. Or throw a brick through their
window, or set fire to their shop.
Copy !req
317. If you go to Halfords, you buy a whole
load of really cheap bicycle locks.
Copy !req
318. The combination ones... Then go along
the street, locking people's bikes up.
Copy !req
319. Why would you do that?
Because it's funny!
Copy !req
320. No, it is, because you do it,
Copy !req
321. and I did this with Robert
Cook on York station, in 1978,
Copy !req
322. if it was your bicycle,
you'll know it was us.
Copy !req
323. You lock it, hide behind some bins,
Wait for them to come back.
Copy !req
324. They take their lock off,
"Yes, my bicycle's good,"
Copy !req
325. and they go off and go,
Copy !req
326. "I didn't put that on there.
"People are watching, getting ideas...
Copy !req
327. Don't do this, ten-year-olds and
52-year-olds, we're not condoning this.
Copy !req
328. 52-year-old children.
Copy !req
329. Or indeed unplugging
peoples' electric cars,
Copy !req
330. because when they come back and find
the range says two, it's not funny.
Copy !req
331. It is funny.
We're not saying you should do that.
Copy !req
332. No, you shouldn't.
Copy !req
333. Were just saying you can do that.
Copy !req
334. Last week we revealed that the
police were claiming that
Copy !req
335. driving under the influence
of a cold remedy
Copy !req
336. is the same as driving under
the influence of cocaine.
Copy !req
337. Now, I drove down here,
Copy !req
338. because I got a cold that
I haven't... mentioned,
Copy !req
339. I drove down here this morning
having taken some Day Nurse,
Copy !req
340. and I arrived without incident.
Copy !req
341. Did it make you very boring, and
overly confident at parties?
Copy !req
342. No, I'm always that, I was that anyway.
Copy !req
343. So, I'm just letting you know that Day
Nurse and driving are OK. I made it.
Copy !req
344. Yeah, on that subject actually
last week, you agreed,
Copy !req
345. in fact you challenged James
to do a lap of a track,
Copy !req
346. you would be sewing on a button
at the same time as driving,
Copy !req
347. he would be in a sleeping bag.
Copy !req
348. Yes, and you would be
giving yourself pleasure.
Copy !req
349. Those are the rules, so are we going...
to have our race? We did promise.
Copy !req
350. I've forgotten my sleeping bag, sir,
I've been practising all week.
Copy !req
351. I promise we will do our sleeping
bag, sewing a button on,
Copy !req
352. and Hammond race before
the end of the series.
Copy !req
353. Moving on, Mercedes SLS,
Copy !req
354. James and Richard will tell you
that it's too big and too stupid.
Copy !req
355. It is. It is. No, it isn't.
Copy !req
356. It is a SUPERB car, and
as far as I'm concerned,
Copy !req
357. there is only one thing wrong with it...
Copy !req
358. its doors.
Copy !req
359. That two things!
Well, it is, it's too doors.
Copy !req
360. Thank you, Hammond.
Copy !req
361. You might imagine, as you drive along
Copy !req
362. that people will think the
gullwing doors hark back
Copy !req
363. to the magnificent 300 SL from 1954,
Copy !req
364. but I suspect they won't
think anything of the sort.
Copy !req
365. What they will think, as you
pull up and get out is,
Copy !req
366. "What a massive show off,"
and there's another problem
Copy !req
367. with gullwing doors as well
because if you roll the car,
Copy !req
368. how do you open them to get out?
Copy !req
369. You're trapped in there, soaked
in petrol, burning, screaming.
Copy !req
370. Now, to prevent that from happening,
Mercedes has fitted the hinges
Copy !req
371. with explosive bolts that
are designed to fire
Copy !req
372. if the car goes upside down.
Copy !req
373. So, these doors then,
what they are are heavy,
Copy !req
374. unnecessary, embarrassing bombs.
Copy !req
375. Now however there is a solution.
Copy !req
376. The SLS Roadster, a car which
offers all of the coupe's thrills,
Copy !req
377. without leaving you purple-faced
with embarrassment,
Copy !req
378. every time you get out of it.
Copy !req
379. That is my idea of the perfect car.
Copy !req
380. But it is quite difficult
to explain why.
Copy !req
381. First of all, it costs as near as
makes no difference, £200,000.
Copy !req
382. Which means it's in the same sort
of price bracket as a Rolls-Royce.
Copy !req
383. And with a Rolls-Royce you get more...
Copy !req
384. car.
Copy !req
385. Of course, with this you get
the magnificent jackhammer
Copy !req
386. 50 cal, AMG soundtrack.
Copy !req
387. But if that's all you want, why
not buy a much cheaper C-Class?
Copy !req
388. This four-door saloon makes
exactly... the same sort of racket.
Copy !req
389. For around a quarter of the price.
Copy !req
390. Of course, you may say, "A-ha, I
like being exposed to the elements."
Copy !req
391. I understand that, but I'll
let you into a little secret,
Copy !req
392. once you're doing 70 miles
an hour in a convertible,
Copy !req
393. all you really notice is the
wind rushing through your hair,
Copy !req
394. nothing about the car at all, the
wind is an all-consuming thing.
Copy !req
395. So, 70 miles an hour
feels exactly the same
Copy !req
396. whether you're in this,
or this, or this.
Copy !req
397. Let me put it this way, when
you're... being attacked by a lion,
Copy !req
398. it doesn't really matter whether
you're in a bungalow or a mansion.
Copy !req
399. Being attacked by a
lion is the main thing.
Copy !req
400. Of course, at this point you may say,
Copy !req
401. "Yes, but I want a big V8
rear drive sports car."
Copy !req
402. So, what's wrong with this?
The big V8 rear drive Jaguar XKR.
Copy !req
403. It's very similar to the
Mercedes, except that to my eye,
Copy !req
404. it looks even better, and is
less than half the price.
Copy !req
405. Of course, you may think
the SLS is more technical,
Copy !req
406. more spectacular, and
that's true, it is.
Copy !req
407. The engine is a masterpiece.
Copy !req
408. The seven speed, double clutch gearbox
Copy !req
409. is mounted at the back for
better weight distribution.
Copy !req
410. It's light. The prop shaft
is made from carbon fibre
Copy !req
411. and only weighs four kilograms.
Copy !req
412. And all the little changes they've made
Copy !req
413. to the suspension on the
convertible are so successful
Copy !req
414. they're applying them
to the coupe as well.
Copy !req
415. However don't be fooled
into thinking this is
Copy !req
416. some kind of track-munching
driver's car...
Copy !req
417. because, it isn't. Argh!
Copy !req
418. Woah! God, strewth.
Copy !req
419. It doesn't grip, steer, stop,
Copy !req
420. or turn anything like
as well as a Ferrari.
Copy !req
421. Or an Aston Martin DBS, or even a BMW.
Copy !req
422. BMW M3.
Copy !req
423. You know what this is like,
an old American muscle car.
Copy !req
424. A Dodge Charger with a
three-pointed star on the nose.
Copy !req
425. You could almost call it crude.
Copy !req
426. So, there are many, many reasons
why you would not buy an SLS,
Copy !req
427. but there's one why you would,
Copy !req
428. because it is fantastic.
Copy !req
429. Cars these days are
also safe, and refined,
Copy !req
430. and they're all built in
wheat-free multi-ethnic factories,
Copy !req
431. with one eye on Johnny polar
bear, but this just isn't.
Copy !req
432. It's just a gigantic,
two-fingered noisy salute
Copy !req
433. to the whole concept of
sustainable eco-ism.
Copy !req
434. It's as in tune with the times
as a blaze at an oil refinery,
Copy !req
435. and I love that.
Copy !req
436. I also love the idiotically long bonnet,
Copy !req
437. and the 571 horsepowers
that live beneath it.
Copy !req
438. I love the speed of the roof, too.
Copy !req
439. You really can get it up or down at...
a set of lights. I love its doors.
Copy !req
440. I love its windscreen wipers.
Copy !req
441. I love the dust caps on the tyre valves.
Copy !req
442. I love the men who made
it, I love Germany.
Copy !req
443. I want to move there, and
have cold meat for breakfast,
Copy !req
444. and wear shorts.
Copy !req
445. I also love the way that in here,
it just feels like a Mercedes,
Copy !req
446. apart from that, obviously.
Copy !req
447. And that, and that, and that.
Copy !req
448. I mean, apart from the launch control
Copy !req
449. and all those buttons
there it feels normal.
Copy !req
450. There's no sense that you're in a
swivel-eyed destroyer of worlds.
Copy !req
451. There are many cars on the market today
Copy !req
452. for people who want to be sensible.
Copy !req
453. The SLS is rare because
it's for people who don't.
Copy !req
454. I like it, that's just...
You love this thing, don't you?
Copy !req
455. It's such a perfect car. It is perfect.
Copy !req
456. I can see why you love it,
looking at you with it.
Copy !req
457. Think about it.
It's loud, old-fashioned, not sensible,
Copy !req
458. it's got a hole in the top,
it's you, with a tax disc.
Copy !req
459. That's what it is. Yes, it is.
Copy !req
460. And now, we must find out how
fast it goes round our track,
Copy !req
461. and that means handing it over
to our tame racing driver.
Copy !req
462. Some say that he's the
only man in Britain
Copy !req
463. who knows what B&Q stands for.
Copy !req
464. And that he can't give his
million-pound bonus back
Copy !req
465. because he's already spent it...
Copy !req
466. on French breast implants.
Copy !req
467. All we know is... he's called The Stig.
Copy !req
468. And he's off. Nice, clean
start on this crisp, dry day.
Copy !req
469. That is pure engine sound
you're hearing, by the way.
Copy !req
470. No active exhaust valve
nonsense in the SLS.
Copy !req
471. First corner.
Copy !req
472. He's getting a bit sideways on
the way out, but he's through!
Copy !req
473. Theme tune from "The Archers"
Copy !req
474. Sorry, I should explain,
Copy !req
475. the Stig has become a massive
Archers fan recently.
Copy !req
476. He keeps it tidy through
Chicago down to Hammerhead.
Copy !req
477. This is a car that needs
very precise driving.
Copy !req
478. Too violent with the
steering, throttle or brakes
Copy !req
479. and it will bite you.
Copy !req
480. Look at that. Beautifully done.
Copy !req
481. 'I'll be as quick as I can.
Copy !req
482. 'I can help, if that'll
speed things up.'
Copy !req
483. Rural drivel there.
Up the gears to Follow-Through
Copy !req
484. like all flappy-pedal boxers.
Copy !req
485. Not so good in town, but
it works brilliantly here.
Copy !req
486. OK, he's passed the tyres.
Copy !req
487. Roadster is 40 kilos heavier than
the Coupe, so will it be slower?
Copy !req
488. We'll never know, because the
Coupe has never been round here.
Copy !req
489. That's Gambon done and across the line!
Copy !req
490. It did it...
Copy !req
491. It did it...
Copy !req
492. No. Higher than that.
Copy !req
493. 1.19.6, so it's there,
Copy !req
494. between the Lamborghini Gallardo
and a Ferrari Scuderia.
Copy !req
495. Not bad, but it's hardly
in the medals, is it?
Copy !req
496. What this is, it's like
Robert Downey Jr.
Copy !req
497. He's never won an Oscar,
but he's still brilliant.
Copy !req
498. Anyway...
I've got no idea what that means.
Copy !req
499. Yes, well, you work it out,
Copy !req
500. because it is time to put a star
in our reasonably-priced car.
Copy !req
501. Is it Robert Downey Junior? No.
But he is an American, like you.
Copy !req
502. I'm not.
Copy !req
503. Ladies and gentlemen, please
welcome Matt Le Blanc!
Copy !req
504. Have a seat. He's here!
Copy !req
505. That's a good welcome.
Copy !req
506. Now, first of all,
Copy !req
507. hearty congratulations
on your Golden Globe.
Copy !req
508. Last week, wasn't it?
Copy !req
509. Last week or the week before,
I don't know, I had to fly...
Copy !req
510. I came back here after Christmas...
Copy !req
511. Is it easier to win an award or lose one
Copy !req
512. in terms of getting your face right?
I'm never quite sure.
Copy !req
513. If you win, you've got to
look proud, but not smug,
Copy !req
514. and that's a tricky thing to do.
Copy !req
515. I've got a lot of practice
at the losing face.
Copy !req
516. The losing face? Yes.
Copy !req
517. The camera sits at your
table and stays on you
Copy !req
518. and the guy's halfway through his speech
Copy !req
519. and they still have a
camera on you... so you...
Copy !req
520. He deserved it, yeah.
Copy !req
521. We lost spectacularly last week to
a programme called This Morning.
Copy !req
522. You know this? No. It's a programme...
Copy !req
523. Fix! Fix!
Copy !req
524. Well, no, it's a programme where men
put their fingers in other men.
Copy !req
525. They did! And as a result of that,
we were blown out of the water.
Copy !req
526. The viewing public likes that more.
So well done, This Morning.
Copy !req
527. You won your Golden Globe for Episodes.
Copy !req
528. I don't know if anybody
here has seen Episodes.
Copy !req
529. I think it is just brilliant.
Copy !req
530. Thank you.
You've just done the second series,
Copy !req
531. which is why you're here.
We finished a few days ago.
Copy !req
532. Talk us through the plot.
Copy !req
533. Because of those of you
who have not seen yet
Copy !req
534. OK, it's a show about a fictitious
show that starts in the UK
Copy !req
535. and it's bought by the American networks
to be revamped and remade in the States.
Copy !req
536. They promise them the
world and one by one,
Copy !req
537. every promise is broken, including
the fact that they keep
Copy !req
538. their lead actor played by Richard
Griffiths and they tell him,
Copy !req
539. "No, can't have him.
You're going to hire a Matt Le Blanc."
Copy !req
540. So I play this weird,
bizarre version of myself.
Copy !req
541. Of course, Episodes has not
yet become the huge hit.
Copy !req
542. What you're best known for is...
Well, I tell you what,
Copy !req
543. let's show you a clip of you
in your best role. Here it is.
Copy !req
544. This is Bob Seger, obviously.
Night Moves.
Copy !req
545. This was the video shot in 1994,
and if we look very carefully,
Copy !req
546. here's the heroine and... whoa!
Wait a minute! Who is that?
Copy !req
547. That was '94.
Friends had already started in '94,
Copy !req
548. so you were moonlighting
in Seger videos.
Copy !req
549. A friend of mine directed
that and he called me
Copy !req
550. and said, "Hey, I'm doing a video
for Bob Seger for Night Moves.
Copy !req
551. "Do you want to be the hero guy?
" And I said, "Sure, yeah."
Copy !req
552. So I go down there and they get in
the little trailer to get ready,
Copy !req
553. we're at this drive-in theatre,
and someone knocks on the door
Copy !req
554. and says, "Bob Seger would like
to see you in his motor home."
Copy !req
555. So I go over and I go into the motor
home and he starts talking me through
Copy !req
556. what it was like when he was
young and going to the drive-in
Copy !req
557. and trying to pick up girls and he
breaks out a bottle of tequila.
Copy !req
558. Next thing I know, we down
a whole bottle of tequila,
Copy !req
559. Bob Seger and I, and then
they knock on the door,
Copy !req
560. "Ready for you on set!
" So I'm drunk in the whole video.
Copy !req
561. And it wasn't just that.
Copy !req
562. You were also in a Tom Petty video.
Copy !req
563. Drunk in that one too.
Copy !req
564. Drunk today? Hmm, yeah. A little bit.
Copy !req
565. Now, cars. I know you are
what we call a petrol head,
Copy !req
566. I think you call a gear head.
We know this...
Copy !req
567. I've got an inkling of it,
Copy !req
568. because when I was watching Episodes,
Copy !req
569. we've got a clip here which
gives us a bit of an insight.
Copy !req
570. Let's just run this.
Copy !req
571. Tell me that's not yours! You like?
Copy !req
572. Oh!
Copy !req
573. I read there was only three
in the whole world. Yes.
Copy !req
574. Me, the Sultan of Brunei
and some drug guy.
Copy !req
575. Oh, it's magnificent.
Copy !req
576. Here.
Copy !req
577. And that's while I was never picked.
Really? Go for it!
Copy !req
578. I am SO happy.
Copy !req
579. Oh!
Copy !req
580. Oh!
Copy !req
581. Oh!
Copy !req
582. Get a room! Can I?
Copy !req
583. I wish I knew how to drive.
Copy !req
584. That's an Alfa 8C convertible.
That's a very rare car.
Copy !req
585. You end up in an XK
in that first series.
Copy !req
586. Right. That was a funny story
about that car because
Copy !req
587. when they agree to let us use it in
the show, it hadn't been sold yet.
Copy !req
588. By the time we needed it,
someone had bought it,
Copy !req
589. so it showed up with its own
security team and everything else.
Copy !req
590. I got to drive it maybe five feet.
YOU did? Yeah.
Copy !req
591. Steve drove it further than I did.
Copy !req
592. This year, it's Ron Dennis's
personal Mercedes SLR he loaned us.
Copy !req
593. What was that like?
I didn't get to drive that one either!
Copy !req
594. You're the only one crazy enough to let
me behind the wheel, apparently.
Copy !req
595. Now, your car history is chequered,
Isn't it? At best, yes.
Copy !req
596. You had an Audi 5000,
which we'd call 100.
Copy !req
597. That was the one that had the
unintended acceleration stories.
Copy !req
598. Yeah, not the one I had,
but I heard about that.
Copy !req
599. It was like a crap shoot.
Copy !req
600. And then there was a
Fiat X1/9 that came,
Copy !req
601. which is like a motorised vajazzle,
I always think, the X1/9.
Copy !req
602. Yeah, that was probably a mistake.
I bought it at a used car lot.
Copy !req
603. I was driving by and, you know, "Ooh!
Copy !req
604. "That looks like a good waste
of money right there."
Copy !req
605. You used to have a Porsche
Turbo, didn't you?
Copy !req
606. Yeah, I had a 2000996 turbo.
Copy !req
607. As I understand it, you modified that,
Copy !req
608. cos when we buy cars in
Europe, BMWs or Porsches
Copy !req
609. or whatever they might be,
that's what they're like,
Copy !req
610. whereas in the States,
Copy !req
611. there seems to be a culture of you
buy a car and then you take it
Copy !req
612. to a shop and somebody tweaks
it and fiddles with it.
Copy !req
613. Right. Is that something you
just feel you have to do?
Copy !req
614. Well, for me, it's like, if someone who
doesn't know anything about cars
Copy !req
615. can just go down to the
store and get the same car,
Copy !req
616. that's not right.
Copy !req
617. I mean, I love cars, so I should
go a LITTLE faster, I think.
Copy !req
618. So what did you do to the Turbo?
Copy !req
619. The Turbo, I had a Gemballa
computer programme put in it
Copy !req
620. and an exhaust and TechArt suspension.
Copy !req
621. Then I took it in to have the mass
air sensor was starting to...
Copy !req
622. This is probably super-boring
for most people.
Copy !req
623. No, it's Top Gear, for once you're
allowed to talk about this.
Copy !req
624. The Tonight Show wouldn't let
me talk about any of this.
Copy !req
625. Are you a man who goes
and drives on circuits?
Copy !req
626. Occasionally, yeah,
mostly with the bikes.
Copy !req
627. I know that's a sore subject with you.
No, you can talk about bikes.
Copy !req
628. You've got three seconds.
Copy !req
629. And they're up.
Copy !req
630. So, have you ever driven
round Laguna Seca,
Copy !req
631. which is your nearest track, I guess?
Copy !req
632. Yeah, Willow Springs is probably closer,
Copy !req
633. but Laguna Seca is such a
beautiful facility.
Copy !req
634. You know, the Corkscrew there.
Copy !req
635. The Corkscrew is a corner
that I just find impossible
Copy !req
636. to get round without crashing.
Copy !req
637. Six stories I think it drops.
It's left, right, it's six stories.
Copy !req
638. Yeah, it's not my idea of fun.
Our track is much easier.
Copy !req
639. I know you took your trip
down here quite seriously,
Copy !req
640. because you told our researcher,
you were asking about the Kia
Copy !req
641. and the roll cage, which you said,
"Ah, that'll make it more rigid."
Copy !req
642. We've never had any of this before
from a guest, somebody that keen.
Copy !req
643. That's probably the best
handling Kia there is.
Copy !req
644. Pretty nice little car.
Who here would like to see Matt's lap?
Copy !req
645. Me too, yeah!
Let's have a look.
Copy !req
646. Just don't use the brake
as much, that's all.
Copy !req
647. No, you're going to
need the brakes there.
Copy !req
648. Were you OK with having a
stick-shift on your left?
Copy !req
649. Yeah, I missed a couple of
shifts here and there, but...
Copy !req
650. Well, that looks, that's the sort
of tidy corner. Sloppy at best.
Copy !req
651. We're keeping it the tidy through there.
Copy !req
652. The more boring it looks,
the faster it often is.
Copy !req
653. That's, well, very boring indeed
through there. Hammerhead.
Copy !req
654. Almost got the front wheel off
the ground there, but not quite.
Copy !req
655. That's very tight on the way out.
Copy !req
656. It was obviously boring you
to death as well out there.
Copy !req
657. Flat through there, yeah, no lifting.
Copy !req
658. Your heart is beating
once every three hours.
Copy !req
659. You're going to cut this one.
Yeah... that's very cut. Gambon, cut it.
Copy !req
660. Oh, yes, very cut.
And there we are, across the line.
Copy !req
661. What do you reckon? Um...
Copy !req
662. Well, hopefully in the
top half somewhere.
Copy !req
663. Hopefully in the top half.
Copy !req
664. Well, often when laps look
that drama-less, as it were,
Copy !req
665. they can be quite fast.
Copy !req
666. So there's the board.
Rowan Atkinson currently leading 1.42.2.
Copy !req
667. That's quick.
Yes, 1.42.2 is unbelievably quick.
Copy !req
668. Halfway would put you
with Bob Geldof, 1.48.1.
Copy !req
669. You did it, Matt Le
Blanc, in one minute...
Copy !req
670. 40...
Copy !req
671. two...
Copy !req
672. one.
Copy !req
673. Fastest ever!
Copy !req
674. Fastest ever! That's not bad.
Copy !req
675. I just knew when I started...
Are you serious? Absolutely serious.
Copy !req
676. You were apparently running at
1.42.2, absolutely level with Rowan,
Copy !req
677. who, by the way, has just hung himself,
Copy !req
678. and then on the last lap,
popped in at 1.42.1. Wow!
Copy !req
679. So there we are, ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
680. the fastest guest we've ever had.
Matt Le Blanc!
Copy !req
681. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
682. Thank you, thanks.
Copy !req
683. Now, we may be in a spot of
economic bother at the moment,
Copy !req
684. however, Rolls-Royce, Bentley and
Aston Martin are all enjoying
Copy !req
685. record sales, and all because
of demand from China.
Copy !req
686. The thing is, though, that people with
adenoids are saying in five years' time,
Copy !req
687. the Chinese are going
to stop buying our cars
Copy !req
688. and WE will start buying theirs.
Copy !req
689. In fact, if I had a pound
for everyone who said,
Copy !req
690. "Soon you will be driving a Chinese car,
" I'd be able to afford a Chinese car.
Copy !req
691. To see if they have a point, Jeremy
and I decided to pop over to
Copy !req
692. Beijing and find out what
all the fuss is about.
Copy !req
693. For the last 50 years,
Copy !req
694. there have been two types
of transport in China.
Copy !req
695. If you were Chairman Mao, you had
a honky, red-flag armoured limo.
Copy !req
696. If you were not Chairman
Mao, you had one of these.
Copy !req
697. Or if you were really lucky,
you had one of these.
Copy !req
698. Even in the early '90s,
the idea that you would
Copy !req
699. own a car was complete madness,
Copy !req
700. because you'd never have
been able to afford it,
Copy !req
701. and even if you could afford it,
you weren't allowed to have one.
Copy !req
702. Now, though, things have changed.
Copy !req
703. In 1977, there were one
million cars in China.
Copy !req
704. By 2008, there were 51 million.
Now there are 85 million.
Copy !req
705. And every day that
number swells by 38,000.
Copy !req
706. Somebody buys a new car in
China every 2.3 seconds.
Copy !req
707. To keep up with demand,
Copy !req
708. China's car factories are
running at light speed.
Copy !req
709. Last year, the whole of Europe combined
produced 16.9 million vehicles.
Copy !req
710. China all on its own produced
1.3 million more than that.
Copy !req
711. And it's not just Chinese companies-
that are cashing in on the boom.
Copy !req
712. Audi is now making long-wheelbase
versions of its cars
Copy !req
713. specifically for sale in
China and nowhere else,
Copy !req
714. because in China, space in the back-
matters more than anything else.
Copy !req
715. China is now the world's
second-biggest oil consumer,
Copy !req
716. taking more barrels per day
than India and Japan combined.
Copy !req
717. By 2025, the road network
will be big enough to cover
Copy !req
718. the whole of the British Isles...
Copy !req
719. all of it, Scottish
Highlands, the lot...
Copy !req
720. 20 times over.
Copy !req
721. So where did it all begin?
Copy !req
722. Well, one of the first cars ever
to be sold in China was this.
Copy !req
723. The CA6410UA.
Copy !req
724. Better known to you and I
as the Austin Maestro.
Copy !req
725. Actually, it's the
back end of a Maestro,
Copy !req
726. but the front end of a Montego, and
it's powered by a Toyota engine.
Copy !req
727. The history behind this car
though is even more complicated.
Copy !req
728. In 1998, a Chinese tobacco
company bought the tooling
Copy !req
729. for the Maestro and the Montego
so they could be made in China.
Copy !req
730. In order to make them in China,
Copy !req
731. they had to tell the authorities
that they were building buses.
Copy !req
732. This car... or I should say THESE cars,
Copy !req
733. because this is a bit
of a cut-and-shut job...
Copy !req
734. these were terrible when they
were being built in Britain,
Copy !req
735. so imagine what they like when they
were being made using worn-out tools
Copy !req
736. by a company that's the Chinese
equivalent of Player's No 6.
Copy !req
737. It's just hopeless!
Copy !req
738. Pretty soon, various bright
sparks in China started to think.
Copy !req
739. Why buy the rights to
make cars we don't want
Copy !req
740. when we can just copy
the ones we DO want?
Copy !req
741. The Chinese are very good
at this sort of thing.
Copy !req
742. I'm speaking to you from
behind a pair of fake Ray-Bans
Copy !req
743. wearing a fake Armani jacket,
carrying a fate Louis Vuitton bag,
Copy !req
744. in which we find a fake iPad
Copy !req
745. and a fake iPhone.
Copy !req
746. And if we consult my fake Omega,
Copy !req
747. we see that it's 2:35 probably.
Copy !req
748. Which means it is time to pop into
the fake Starbucks over there
Copy !req
749. for a cup of fake coffee.
Copy !req
750. It seems, then, that the expression...
"copyright infringement"
Copy !req
751. doesn't translate terribly
well into Mandarin.
Copy !req
752. All of which explains this.
Copy !req
753. It looks like a BMW X5,
Copy !req
754. but actually, it's a blatant copy called
Copy !req
755. the Shuanhuan S-CEO HBJ6474Y.
Copy !req
756. Then there's this, a
copy of the Fiat Panda.
Copy !req
757. And this, a copy of the Smart ForTwo.
Copy !req
758. And this, a copy of the Daewoo Matiz.
Copy !req
759. Did you hear about the
Lifan motorcycles?
Copy !req
760. Lifan is a Chinese company that make
copies of small Honda motorcycles,
Copy !req
761. but to make sure you don't notice,
they change the name on the tank.
Copy !req
762. To what? Hongda. H-O-N-G-D-A.
Copy !req
763. Hongda? So on that basis,
is this Mini a Minging?
Copy !req
764. It should be, yes.
Copy !req
765. Because it is the most
tragic-looking thing. It's awful.
Copy !req
766. It's like somebody's
described Mini to somebody
Copy !req
767. on the telephone.
Or sent a blurry fax.
Copy !req
768. "There we are, that's
what it looks like."
Copy !req
769. It is very cheap. How much is it?
Copy !req
770. £4,100. That is cheap.
Copy !req
771. But this Toyota Aygo over
here is only£3,500.
Copy !req
772. It's not a Aygo. That's an FO.
Copy !req
773. That's what it's called. FO.
I think that's a message to Toyota
Copy !req
774. if Toyota ever decide
to sue the fake makers.
Copy !req
775. Do these people ever get taken to court?
Copy !req
776. Yeah. BMW sued the people making
the X5 fake and they lost.
Copy !req
777. Really? Yeah.
The Chinese government said,
Copy !req
778. "No, it doesn't look like
anything like an X5."
Copy !req
779. That's funny, I thought they looked...
really similar. No, they don't.
Copy !req
780. Don't they? No. It's just me?
No, it's just you. Right. OK.
Copy !req
781. It's easy to see why they were copying
Copy !req
782. because when they tried to go it alone,
the results weren't very good.
Copy !req
783. This tripod is the XF15OZK-4,
Copy !req
784. and naturally, we
couldn't wait to try it.
Copy !req
785. Right.
Copy !req
786. You see one yet...
Copy !req
787. Oh, God!
Copy !req
788. James!
Copy !req
789. 'On the plus side, we now
knew where the engine was,
Copy !req
790. 'information that came in handy
about 20 seconds later.'
Copy !req
791. Come on!
Copy !req
792. 'After some local bodging, we
were back in and on our way.'
Copy !req
793. Wow!
Copy !req
794. Oh, that's reverse.
That's gone into nought, fifth, second.
Copy !req
795. First, that was it.
Copy !req
796. Fourth.
Copy !req
797. That's going to look very
funny from the outside, that.
Copy !req
798. Now you're doing second.
Copy !req
799. 'Having mastered the gearbox,
it was time to open up
Copy !req
800. 'the single-cylinder
12-horsepower engine.'
Copy !req
801. The acceleration is blinding!
Copy !req
802. It's like a safety device.
Copy !req
803. You accelerate too hard, your
feet come off the pedal.
Copy !req
804. Hold on to your spine. Ah!
Copy !req
805. 2004, this car was launched.
Copy !req
806. If I'd shown this to
you and asked you when
Copy !req
807. it was built, when
would you have said?
Copy !req
808. 1957. I would say it was
older than me. Yeah.
Copy !req
809. Ow! Ow!
Copy !req
810. Poor quality!
Copy !req
811. Uh!
Copy !req
812. Come on, redeeming feature, James.
There must be a redeeming feature.
Copy !req
813. Er... It's character-building.
Copy !req
814. No, because I mean this... Oh, no!
Copy !req
815. I think our test drive's over.
Copy !req
816. So we moved on to look at some
more modern Chinese cars.
Copy !req
817. This is the JACJ7.
Copy !req
818. At the 6th annual Chinese
government procurement conference,
Copy !req
819. it won the highly coveted
first choice in middle class
Copy !req
820. of government procurement award.
Copy !req
821. And then there's the
Haval M2 which is...
Copy !req
822. Well, we have absolutely
no idea what it is.
Copy !req
823. Can I read you something
from the blurb? Yeah.
Copy !req
824. About the styling of the M2.
I think this absolutely sums it up.
Copy !req
825. "Body on the side of the
lion to go straight fair
Copy !req
826. "with enough of the masculine
qualities of men."
Copy !req
827. If we're honest, the M2 and
the J7 aren't much good.
Copy !req
828. So, are there any
Chinese cars which are?
Copy !req
829. Well, this is a Guangzhou Trumpchi.
Copy !req
830. And it's not made from tin
foil or bits of old Austin.
Copy !req
831. Underneath, it's an Alfa Romeo 166.
This might be all right.
Copy !req
832. I think, however, that this
Roewe 350 will be even better.
Copy !req
833. The Roewe 350 is particularly important,
Copy !req
834. because it will eventually become
an MG in Britain, the MG 5.
Copy !req
835. It will be changed slightly.
Copy !req
836. The engine will be different because
Copy !req
837. it needs to meet legislation
for emissions, and so on.
Copy !req
838. But basically, I'm driving
a car that you will
Copy !req
839. be able to buy in Britain very soon.
Copy !req
840. Essentially, then, what we have
here is an Alfa Romeo and an MG.
Copy !req
841. Those, of course, are
very sporting names,
Copy !req
842. and that's why we've come to
this very picturesque racetrack.
Copy !req
843. What we're going to do is see
which of these cars can set
Copy !req
844. the fastest lap time.
Well, WE'RE not. No, we're not.
Copy !req
845. We're going to use our
tame racing driver.
Copy !req
846. Some say he's the Stig, but he isn't.
Copy !req
847. He is the Stig's Chinese cousin.
Copy !req
848. Now, I should explain, driving
is his second favourite thing.
Copy !req
849. What's his first favourite thing?
Attacking people. He does it a lot.
Copy !req
850. He's constantly at it.
Why are you doing that?
Copy !req
851. Why don't you go and do some driving?
Copy !req
852. Do some driving. Get into the car!
Copy !req
853. Stop attacking us! Get in the car.
Copy !req
854. No, he's got to get in the car.
Get in the car.
Copy !req
855. Trumpchi. Trumpchi.
Get in the Trumpchi. No!
Copy !req
856. No, that's the director.
That's the director!
Copy !req
857. What if I start the
engine, would that do it?
Copy !req
858. Come on, come on, in you go.
They bow, don't they?
Copy !req
859. Go in. Get in. Oh, yes!
Copy !req
860. That's the worst Stig we've ever had.
Copy !req
861. Attack Stig doesn't attack
the throttle, does he?
Copy !req
862. Good-looking car, that.
Copy !req
863. It is a good-looking car,
it's growing on me.
Copy !req
864. It's got the boot shape of
the Lancia Gamma. Yeah.
Copy !req
865. And it has an Alfa engine. Does it? Yes.
Copy !req
866. But it is called a Trumpchi.
It is, but...
Copy !req
867. That is quite funny.
What are you driving these days, Jeremy?
Copy !req
868. Well, it's interesting...
underneath, it's an Alfa.
Copy !req
869. It is a Trumpchi.
Copy !req
870. Attack Stig is back, everybody!
Watch out! And across the line.
Copy !req
871. 01:50, dead.
Copy !req
872. We've got to get him out of
that car and into the Roewe.
Copy !req
873. Get him in the Roewe as
quickly as possible.
Copy !req
874. Get him in the Roewe! It's interesting.
Copy !req
875. He's attacking the starter.
Copy !req
876. I thought it was a racist thing,
he just didn't like us.
Copy !req
877. He's coming towards us now. No.
You were good! 01:50 dead.
Copy !req
878. Eventually, Attack Stig was
corralled into James's Roewe.
Copy !req
879. That begins quickly.
Copy !req
880. How many horsepower has it got? 107.
Copy !req
881. That's a 1.5, isn't it?
Copy !req
882. How have they got so few horsepower?
I don't know.
Copy !req
883. And I don't like to sound like you,
But that's not enough power.
Copy !req
884. Because they called it
Roewe, because Roewe...
Copy !req
885. Is how they would say Rover.
Copy !req
886. Yeah. I thought they'd say Lover.
Copy !req
887. The seconds ticked by, but
there was no sign of my Roewe.
Copy !req
888. Where has he gone? I don't know.
Copy !req
889. After we dragged Attack
Stig off the marshal...
Copy !req
890. Across the line!
Copy !req
891. We got a clean lap time for the Roewe.
Copy !req
892. Victory by one tenth of a second.
Copy !req
893. A fairly hollow victory, though, as...
we estimate that on the same track
Copy !req
894. a comparable European car would
be 10 or 15 seconds faster.
Copy !req
895. So, what about safety?
Copy !req
896. Chinese crash tests are much the
same as the ones we have in Europe.
Copy !req
897. But the speeds are a bit lower.
Copy !req
898. Any injuries? None at all. Nothing?
Copy !req
899. Not a scratch. What about the car?
Copy !req
900. No damage at all. Really?
No. That's a pass.
Copy !req
901. Are you ready?
Copy !req
902. Having satisfied ourselves
that these cars
Copy !req
903. had been through all their crash tests,
Copy !req
904. we were confident that we could take
them onto the streets of Beijing.
Copy !req
905. This might not be as nice to drive,
Copy !req
906. or as fast or as safe as a European car,
Copy !req
907. but it offers everything the
Chinese motorist would want.
Copy !req
908. There's lots of space in the
back, a couple of nice gadgets,
Copy !req
909. wooden trim and enough headroom
for anyone up to five foot three.
Copy !req
910. The editor of a Chinese car
magazine told me this morning
Copy !req
911. that the Chinese like good
equipment in cars, good gadgets.
Copy !req
912. And this actually does quite well.
Copy !req
913. It has got sat-nav, incomprehensible
of course, reversing cameras,
Copy !req
914. decent audio system,
automatic air-conditioning,
Copy !req
915. audio controls on the steering wheel,
Copy !req
916. digital dashboard... pretty good.
Copy !req
917. I'd like to say that this
feels like an old Alfa Romeo,
Copy !req
918. but it doesn't really, chiefly
because of the automatic gearbox,
Copy !req
919. which was made by a man who
I think is a greengrocer.
Copy !req
920. Certainly, he has no comprehension
Copy !req
921. of what an automatic gearbox should do.
Copy !req
922. Stop changing gear! Don't do that!
Copy !req
923. It's all very well Jeremy whining
and shouting at his gearbox,
Copy !req
924. but he should try this.
Copy !req
925. This is a three-speed
automatic with overdrive.
Copy !req
926. It's quite smooth, actually,
but as a concept,
Copy !req
927. it's just a tad old-fashioned.
Copy !req
928. It is worth bearing in mind,
though, that both these cars
Copy !req
929. cost £12,000, and that in China,
Copy !req
930. a base model Audi A3 is
more than twice that.
Copy !req
931. If you bear that price
difference in mind
Copy !req
932. and ignore the gearbox,
it's really not too bad.
Copy !req
933. Rides nicely.
Copy !req
934. CLUNK!
Copy !req
935. Most of the time. Er...
Copy !req
936. At this point, we ran out of
things... to say about our cars,
Copy !req
937. so we met up for a discussion.
Copy !req
938. So, James May, would you buy
a Roewe 350 in Britain? No.
Copy !req
939. No. No. Would you buy a Trumpchi?
Copy !req
940. Only if it was very cheap.
But look at it this way.
Copy !req
941. In just five years, China
has gone from making that,
Copy !req
942. whatever it is, to making these.
Copy !req
943. With that rate of progress,
Copy !req
944. where are they going to
be in five years' time?
Copy !req
945. That does take us back to
our original question...
Copy !req
946. in five years' time,
everybody will be driving
Copy !req
947. Chinese cars... yes,
we probably will.
Copy !req
948. We are doomed. We are doomed.
We've absolutely...
Copy !req
949. In the plums.
Copy !req