1. yes, a problem with the ice. James wears a stripey
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2. jumper. Richard drives a stripey Lamborghini, and we name the
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3. Thank you so much, everybody. Amazing.
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4. Now, as we know, as we know, you can never get rid of a baddie, OK?
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5. No matter how much you kill them. Remember Glenn Close in Fatal
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6. Attraction? She was stabbed, drowned, half an hour later, reared
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7. up. Then you got the Daleks, Blofeld, Peter Mandelson! LAUGHTER
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8. They just keep coming back. Then there's Top Gear's perennial baddie.
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9. Yes, it's the caravan. Also regular viewers of Dave will
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10. know we have, over the last 24 hours, done our very best to rid
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11. the world of the caravan menace. That is, I think you'll agree,
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12. sterling work in our battle to free the road of these mobile traffic
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13. jams. Sadly, it's a battle we're losing. There are now almost half a
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14. million caravans on UK roads, and the British are the most prolific
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15. caravanning nation in Europe - a title we've held for almost four
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16. years, according to the Caravan Council. In short, they're building
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17. them faster than we can destroy them., so we need a scientific
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18. Subtitles unavailable for 1 minutes
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19. approach to getting them off the What you're witnessing here,
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20. viewers, is the maiden voyage of the world's first caravan air ship.
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21. I believe this is the solution to I believe this is the solution to
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22. all our problems. There are only two ways to go
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23. you can have your two- litre diesel, toe your caravan,
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24. obscure the view of all the people you're annoying or you can bring it
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25. up. Here. Everybody wins. Driving is more fun and caravanning is more
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26. exciting. As with all all cutting edge engineering projects, there
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27. are teething problems. Normally, you drive along with your caravan
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28. and car and when you get to the site, you have a car to use. I need
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29. somebody to take the car to the caravan for me.
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30. And for that, I'm calling on my old caravan-destroying mate, Mr Richard
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31. Hammond. And because it doesn't have the
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32. caravan around, it can be a nice car.
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33. This car will never, ever hitch itself to a swift Rapide. It's a
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34. Lamborghini, probably the least caravanish car company ever. This
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35. is their new Gallardo Balboni, a tribute to Valentino ball boney.
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36. Although he wore a cardigan to work, he was a mentalist. As a tribute to
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37. his mentalness, this is the most mental Lambo there's been for a
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38. while. More of that later. First, I shall ring James and offer him some
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39. encouragement. Hammond? That thing is going to
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40. crash, burn and explode and you'll be scatter nerd a million pieces
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41. across the English countryside. Don't be so defeatist. Anyway, I've
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42. got an address for you. Hunter's Moon Caravan Club just outside wear
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43. ham in Dorset. I've made the booking. They are expecting an air
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44. ship. See new a bit. Caravanning in a Lamborghini.
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45. I think he might actually be on to something here.
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46. It's 125 feet long, 110,000 cubic feet of hot air holding it up and
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47. it's an ingenious solution. All the caravan attachments are still here.
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48. Instruments flip up out the table, the gas burners go where the cooker
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49. would be, the beds fit where I'm sitting here. It is still a caravan,
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50. it's just a flying caravan. It floats with the infinite blue.
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51. It's superb. Meanwhile, on the ground, this was
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52. turning for the best drive to a caravan site ever. According to Top
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53. Gear research, 47% of caravaners enjoy wife swapping. Think what
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54. will happen when the keys for this baby come out the pot! As I was
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55. saying, because this is a tribute to their looniest test driver,
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56. Lamborghini ditched a a normal four-wheel drive and went back to
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57. the hairy-chested rear wheel drive making it 120kg lighter, steel
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58. brakes, it's Lamborghini's punk album. How are you? Very well.
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59. How's it going? Pretty good. Slight issue on the horizon, though.
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60. It's not the fastest aircraft in the world. How not quick is it?
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61. Well, top speed is about 17. miles an hour isn't bad, in a
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62. straight line. No, 17 miles an hour. I think Dorset might be a bit far.
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63. I've got a new address for you. Another address? Dale Acres caravan
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64. club site in Kent. Probably not my first choice of caravanning
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65. defendant naigts. I'll buy you an ice cream. See you there.
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66. Right, campsite number two. It's now time for a spot of
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67. airborne lunch. This is unquestionably the most
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68. powerful cooker ever fitted to a caravan. Very well cooked on one
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69. side. It's all part of the adventure of
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70. caravanning. Back to the Balboni. The thing is, the basicness makes
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71. it better to drive. The steering feels so much quicker because
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72. there's no four-wheel drive in the way and the gear change, the manual
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73. box feels like it's shaking hands with an old friend.
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74. Everything that isn't basic is price, because weirdly, this
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75. stripped out strictly functional costing £163,000, which is 18 grand
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76. dearer than the ordinary four-wheel drive one, so maybe less really is
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77. more. The Balboni propelled me towards
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78. our campsite in Kent. And then James rang again. Hello?
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79. Hello. Are you ringing from the grave? No, not at all. It's going
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80. marvellously up here, mate. You'd love it. There is one slight hitch,
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81. thoxt What is up now? performance is slightly marginal.
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82. If I get ahead wind of more than 30 knots, I start to go backwards.
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83. can't go into a wind of more than 30 knots? No. What is the wind
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84. speed now? It was 12. You're telling me you're being blown
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85. around Britain? It takes too long to get down to Kent so I will turn
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86. round and go the other way up to Suffolk.
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87. Right. Anyway, I've got an address for you. Why not book us into every
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88. caravan site in Britain before we left. Stop nit-picking, will you?
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89. What a norbert. If this air ship caravan skex his catches on, what
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90. we'll have is the skies full of air ships crashing into each other when
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91. the wind gets up and the roads crashing crashing we'll have cars
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92. crashing into each other pause they With the wind behind me, I headed
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93. for our new destination. Frblg morning, caravan club. Any pitches
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94. available at the White House beach club? What is your surname? Do you
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95. have facilities for people arrive by air ship? OK, are you actually a
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96. Here I am in the village of - here, this village! And it's somewhere I
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97. would never have seen. It's a really, really big tower
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98. over there. That's - well, that's clearly just a danger to caravaners.
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99. Look at it. Must remember to tell James about that. As As it turned
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100. out, at that moment, James had more than a tower to worry about.
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101. May Day, May Day. Norwich golf pap pa golf, I'm about to enter your
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102. air space. You're entering an area of intense
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103. aerial activity at the moment t is imperative that you remain clear -
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104. well clear. Sorry, cannot comply, have no
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105. control over air ship owing to wind conditions. Remain well clear.
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106. Norwich cannot comply. You have traffic left, 11 o'clock range of
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107. half a mile, fast moving. Have visual. Further traffic in your
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108. That's the news report and no news of a massive fireball burning over
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109. Northamptonshire or of people in the streets being hit by pieces of
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110. long burning hair and bad jumper. Anyway, I'm probably being
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111. pessimistic. It sure is going very well.
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112. Stay where you are, man! heading close to the City Hopper.
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113. Police helicopter not necessary. I will attempt to clear your zone at
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114. this altitude. Please don't call the police.
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115. Police helicopter to Golf Tango. We're not aware of your intention,
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116. but you've strayed into the controlled air space of Norwich
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117. airport. I may be about to get a Suffolk, a popular holiday
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118. destination. Just a few miles away now. James will have landed, set
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119. the van up, organised our little home from home, probably got the
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120. kettle on. Finally, I reached a caravan site.
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121. I didn't know if it was the one I had booked into, but it would do.
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122. Here we go. The landing you won't even notice. This is a lovely
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123. approach over the trees. This is a matter of a resting descent.
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124. People who envisaged the elegance of the majesty of lighter-than-air
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125. flight, zeppelin, Barnes Wallace, Drifting. This is difficult. Gas!
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126. Gas! It's going down. May Day, May Day!
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127. Bloody hell, stop! Stop! Stop!
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128. Papa Charlie echo, whiskey, echo, what? I think it has a lot of
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129. promise. Airships have never worked? Jew can't land being full
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130. of hot air. I have been in a hot air balloon once, it landed
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131. dragging itself through sideways through a hedge in a field, I ended
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132. up jammed on the lady Mayoress in a field. I want to talk about lighter
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133. than air transport. I want to talk about the Lambourghini? It is
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134. heroically daft, by going down from four-wheel to rear-wheel drive, it
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135. is bonkers, it is like free climbing rather than all the ropes
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136. and harnesss. Compared to, we must compare it, rear-wheel drive, to a
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137. Ferrari 430? It is not as good, it is better. It is the white stripe.
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138. Super car. You have to drive it a lot more than you thought, because
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139. of the freak weather conditions that blighted James, the light
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140. breezes. It was more like a Hurricane. It
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141. was puffy clouds. Let's do the news. The Danes have made Anne noupsment,
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142. they are going to start — an announcement, they are going to
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143. start making a supercar. It has a V8, supercharged and turbochargeed,
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144. they say all of the components, where possible, will be made and
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145. sourced by companies in Denmark. Yes? Will it be made of bacon.
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146. it be lubricated with Lurpak? know Bang & Olufsen, and inside it
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147. is all, as far as I'm aware, Philips electronics? It doesn't
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148. stop you buying pretty much everything they make. I am a bit of
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149. a sucker for Bang & Olufsen. The new Audreys have their speakers
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150. rising up out of the dashboard. Bet you're rising up with them.
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151. am. It works like kit nip on him, if you give him a bang and Olaf sen
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152. he grips it and hugs it to his chest. What is cat rip? You give it
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153. to cats and they hug it. The only thing I want to give a cat is its
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154. name and address to my dogs. He said when I said I would set my dog
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155. on his cat that he wouldn't be able to do it? Uuraguay dog comes around
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156. to see my cat, it would get its bloody head kicked in. Bang and
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157. Olaf sen brings me bang and Olafson brings me back to that car.
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158. A woman had a baby, while she was on her way to hospital in a Kia,
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159. they have called the baby Kia. It could have been worse, it could
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160. have been Proton. Because these people called their baby, Kia, Kia,
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161. the people who made the cars have given them a Kia car. We have got a
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162. picture of the handover. This brings us on to a very important
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163. Top Gear, top tip, if you are on your way to hospital in Labour, and
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164. you're in a Kia, for God's sake get out. Let the child be Christened
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165. skip, bus stop, phone box, anything, just get out. I Christen this child,
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166. doorway of Currys, because at least that way you get a free microwave
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167. and not a hidious car like that. Reckon this whole story and baby
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168. Kia here, it could spark a whole load of copy cats, a whole load of
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169. dads waiting until the due dates and driving a Lambourghini and
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170. driving really slowly to hospital. Why are you called Zonda with the
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171. brake package. Last weekend the three of us were in Middlesborough,
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172. on Saturday night we had to drive back to England, it meant going
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173. down the M1. The truth of the matter is all three of us had been
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174. away from home for six weeks, looking forward to seeing our
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175. families. Belting down the M1, you arrive in Leicestershire, and there
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176. is a 20-mile set of road works there. They have average speed
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177. cameras set at 50 miles an hour, for the entire length. Traffic is
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178. light, there is no rain, it is three lanes, but you're forced to
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179. do 50. I don't know who the Minister of Transport is, I want
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180. him to find the man who came up with that idea, go round to his
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181. office on Monday morning, and punch him really hard on the side of his
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182. head. Because if he doesn't, I'm going to find the man and attach
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183. him to a milling machine, and see if it is possible to turn a man's
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184. head into a perfect cube. Do you know why they have the 50 mile an
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185. hour speed limit, to protect the work force, who weren't there. They
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186. were in bed, where I wanted to be. I agree with you entirely. But the
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187. answer is not cubing people's heads, the answer is when the work force
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188. aren't there is do 70. You will get nicked? Who here would just do 70
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189. through a set of road works with speed cameras. If you go charging
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190. through you get booked. Do 70 you take it to court in front of a jury,
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191. you argue correctly that it is wrong to apply the 50 mile an hour
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192. speed limit when there is nobody there to protect. You are saying it
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193. is logic? It is logic. It is logic to kill Peter Mandelson. But you
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194. can't do it. Killing Peter Mandelson is a grey area, but doing
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195. 70 miles an hour on the motorway is an absolute. How many people went
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196. on the anti-war march, a million, we went to war. How many people
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197. went on the countryside march, 400,000, and fox-hunting was banned.
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198. The Government is not interested in the will of the people.
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199. Particularly if it is not some long-haired old Queen arguing about
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200. speed limits. Speed limits are a pain, there are two solutions
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201. outlined, revolution or cubing people's heads, or alternatively
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202. you could just leave a bit earlier. No, cube their heads. Leave five
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203. minutes earlier. It is not five minutes any way. It is five minutes
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204. a day. Any here from Leicestershire. How did you get here, Jesus.
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205. He's from Leicestershire. He's Jesus, come here, Jesus, come and
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206. talk to me. Congratulations. It's slightly
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207. bigger news than the M1 but nevertheless let's gloss over the
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208. second coming, do you commute on the road? I go the back way.
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209. Because of that. How much does it add to your transport every day?
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210. Ten minutes, quarter of an hour. Day? Each way. It is an hour and 40
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211. minutes a week the Government is stealing from Jesus.
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212. This is a sore point. Gordon Brown is stealing an hour and 40 minutes
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213. from Jesus. Any way, time to move on. Because
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214. last week we asked you to nominate the car-maker that you thought over
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215. the years has made the largest number of great cars. There have
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216. been a couple of quite interesting nominations, one was Matchbox,
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217. clever, I thought, the other was James May, he tied with Chrysler.
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218. It was weird he's only ever made one great car, James, the Eagle
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219. Hamthrust. This is the top ten, as you can see we have Ferrari,
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220. Lambourghini, coming up now we have the top three, here they are.
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221. Automatic board. Cost a lot of money. In third place, according to
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222. you, the voters. BMW. In second place, even though they made the
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223. worst car in the history of the world ever, the Beatle, it is VW.
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224. You can applaud this if you like, the winner is Ford.
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225. That is it, the thing is, though, you're wrong.
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226. Ford hasn't won this at all, we reckoned Ford has made four great
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227. cars over the years. But the car company we think is at the top of
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228. this list has made seven. The car company we have in mind, there were
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229. 350 million people watching last week's show when we asked you to
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230. vote. The number of people who voted for, what we think is the
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231. greatest car company in the world was nine. Not nine million. Just
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232. nine. No ideas? Made some of the prettiest cars ever. Let me put it
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233. this way, Mitsubishi has won the World Rally Championship once, did
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234. you brew three times, Ford three times, the company we have in mind
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235. won it ten times. No, silence. OK then, watch this.
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236. This is a collection of art, of madness, of brilliance. This is a
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237. collection of pornography, this is a clocks of Lancias. But this,
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238. annoyingly is the Lancia people remember best of all, The Beatles.
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239. It was made from steel so thin that on a windy day it would actually
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240. change shape. And it wasn't much cop in the rain either. This was
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241. fine yesterday, but then this morning we had a bit of a shower
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242. and now look at it. The fact is though, that all
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243. Lancias had problems. The Gamma, for instance, exploded every time
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244. you turned the steering wheel. And then, there was the Fulvia.
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245. It is a fantastic little car this. It's like driving a wroughty sorbet.
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246. With its clever V4 engine, it was the first Lancia to win the World
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247. Rally Championship. The thing is, though, when all is said and done,
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248. it was a very small, 1.3 litre, front-wheel drive, two-door saloon
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249. car. It cost when it was new, more than an E Type Jaguar.
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250. We forgave the Fulvia the silly price tag, because what made it
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251. great, the same thing that made all Lancia's great, the way it looked.
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252. It really is as pretty as the sunseting over Charlize Theron. In
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253. its day, this was too. The streamlined aPrince Williamia, the
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254. first — Aprillia, the first car to be designed in a wind tunnel.
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255. Inevitably there were problems. The doors opened like this, it was
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256. lovely, it meant getting in and out was very easy. When they were
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257. closed they didn't quite meet, so quite a lot of weather could get
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258. inside as you drove along. It was only made with right-hand drive,
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259. fine in Britain and Sweden, which drove on the left at the time, but
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260. it was quite annoying everywhere else.
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261. And then there was the Monte Carlo. This was a wonderful car, a mid-
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262. engineed mini-Ferrari. Because it was actually a Lancia, the things
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263. that were right were balanced out by the things that were wrong. If
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264. you so much as looked at the middle pedal, the brakes would lock up and
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265. you would crash into a tree. Lancia took the thing very seriously, so
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266. much so they stopped production for two years whilst they looked for a
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267. solution. They found one. What they did was remove the brake servo, so
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268. then it had no brakes at all. And... The Monte Carlo then was quite
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269. dangerous. But in that Lancia way, it was so pretty I wanted one more
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270. than I wanted my next breath. Sometimes, though, Lancia's lunacy
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271. did produce results. Did you know Lancia was the first
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272. car company ever to sell a car with a monocop. They were the first to
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273. offer a five-speed gear box. First to sell a car with
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274. supercharging and turbochargeing on the same engine. First to sell a
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275. car with a V6 engine. First with an electric boot spoiler. They did all
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276. these mechanical firsts, if you say to anyone a Lancia, they snigger
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277. and say they fall apart. It is ridiculous. Holy moly, does the
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278. bumper come off? I believe it has. You need to define greatness, that
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279. is the important thing. Just because something is unreliable. Oh,
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280. it doesn't mean it isn't great. Stephen Hawkins, great bloke, even
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281. though a lot of him doesn't work. Yeah. I wouldn't break it to him
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282. like that. But the principal stands. The principle stands. Meryl Streep,
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283. everybody says she's a great actress, and then she appears in
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284. Mama Mia, the worst film ever made. She's still a great actress. Have
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285. you seen Mama Mia? Yes I have. Big girl. To prove even the
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286. tattyist Lancia is tougher than you might think, we have bought this
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287. 1982HPE. I shall now drive it non- stop through the night on a rough
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288. rally stage. I shall be racing, not racing, been
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289. told about that, dangerous, driving at the same time, on the same track
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290. in a similar vintage car. This Morris Marina. Hammond, winner,
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291. last one still running. Fair enough. Let's do it.
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292. This is not a promising start, dispelling the myth that Lancias
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293. were not very good. Yes! Never doubted it. Obviously, the Marina
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294. Now, you might be saying, it's a Morris Marina, a pan piano is going
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295. to fall on it. I bought a Marina which already are a piano since we
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296. were doing serious research, we agreed there would be no childish
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297. racing. I've hit Hammond! That's OK, OK!
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298. Proving what a fine and strong breed of car the Lancia always was.
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299. 8 hit Jeremy as he goes round this really difficult corner. He's got
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300. the outside there. He'll never get by, and he hasn't.
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301. We're not racing, we're not racing. It's through. I got my sun sun
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302. visor out of the way. For hour after hour, we continued continued
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303. to not race around the rally stage. It's pretty close to dark, still
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304. literally no faults to report. Eventually, after not racing some
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305. more, the Marina began to pull ahead.
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306. It's of course a well-known fact that a piano on the roof aids
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307. traction and gives you more speed on a rally-special stage. Then,
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308. predictably, it broke down. So I went to get some tools to try and
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309. fix it. There he is! It's Hammond! He's
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310. The Lancia soldiered on alone, but then I got a warning light.
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311. Literally. Orbg no!
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312. I can't see through through the flames! I've got to blow this out.
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313. Maybe if I sped up like in Memphis Belle.
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314. No, that's not working. I can't see anything.
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315. No matter, though, because here's proof that Lancias are tough and
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316. strong, and dependable. This is a Stratot. It had a 2.4
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317. litre Ferrari V 6 mounted in the middle. It was Italian, styled by
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318. Bertone and completely impracticalable. It therefore
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319. ticked all the supercar boxes. Unlike any other supercar before or
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320. since, it wasn't designed to be parked in Monte Carlo.
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321. It was designed to get there like this.
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322. It's ab- its absurdly short wheel base meant it was agile and Ferrari
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323. power meant it was so fast, it won the world rally championship three
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324. times. And joy of joys, they made 500
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325. What a fantastic car! Of course, there were a few
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326. problems with it. Chief among which was a lack of
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327. space inside. A gynaecologist would get in here
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328. and go, "I'm at work!" It's like climbing into somebody else's giant
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329. red posing pouch. James May's! touching my knee. You try changing
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330. gear. I'm going to change gear now. This will involve man touching. The
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331. list of faults doesn't end with the tiny cockpit.
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332. Why did it give the passenger the pedals and the driver the wheels.
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333. They're definitely over to the right-hand side. You're sort of
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334. sitting a bit sideways. These window winders are not very good.
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335. The other thing I really like as well is, you know a Porsche puts
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336. the rev counter right in front of you, Lancia in this put the oil
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337. pressure right in front of you. He What does that tell you! So, not
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338. But then you look at it and there's the thing, because it just sort of
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339. This is one of the best cars ever made. I would go with that. On the
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340. grounds of its achievement, but also that slightly more subjective
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341. thing of how gorgeous it looks. Just move your leg. That was a
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342. stroke! Move it! After the Stratos came the 037,
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343. last two-wheel drive car to win the world rally championship.
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344. And the only two-wheel drive car to beat the mighty Audi Quattro.
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345. The thing is, though, no-one really Then there's the Fima - the Thema
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346. 8.3: no-one remembers this, either, even though it had a fully fledged
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347. Ferrari V8 under the bonnet. Without really remembering - we
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348. don't really remember any of Lancia's seven great cars, and all
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349. Lance weigh was forced by pressure from the media to spend a fortune
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350. buying back rusty beaters, scrapping them and giving their
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351. owners brand new cars. It was a PR disaster.
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352. — Betas. In Britain, Lancia's reputation was ruined. And in 1994,
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353. they pulled out of the market However, before the most cars
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354. matbreak car maker of them all finally went, they left us with one
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355. final reminder of what they can do when they try.
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356. This is a Delta Integrale. It picked up where the Stratos and the
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357. This thing won the world rally championship six times on the trot
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358. - six times! You can feel that DNA in here.
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359. The steering is so neat, precise. It settles into a turn and just
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360. gripped and pulled twelve back into a corner.
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361. Having learned their lesson with the Aprilia, Lancia weren't going
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362. to ohm make these in a right-hand drive, so they made them left-hand
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363. drive - only. Only lance ia.
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364. Despite this, a good one of these today is worth £25,000.
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365. And I'm not surprised. Because this is a very unusual
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366. Lancia. It wasn't very pretty, but God, it
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367. APPLAUSE I'm standing here thinking "I want
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368. that." But what I love about Lancia is that they never once just said,
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369. "Let's make a medium car." They were always doing experiments. Some
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370. of the experiments worked but some some didn't. That was the nraij of
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371. it. They thought let's make an engine with seven-and-a-half
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372. cylinders. Or make the windows go up and down with magic. No, it
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373. hasn't worked. But sell it anyway. And that's what made them so
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374. magnificent. They are still going today but now they are just a
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375. division of Fiat making things like this, which is neither pretty nor
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376. they good. What it is in essence is a Fiat Bravo with Rio Ferdinand's
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377. face stuck on the front. If you still hanker over the glory days,
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378. then later on in the show, we have something to warm the cockles of
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379. your heart. But now it's time to put a star in our reasonably priced
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380. car. My guest tonight is a broadcasting legend. He also has an
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381. astonishing collection of cars - I list for you here: Ferrari 599,
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382. Ferrari F40, Ferrari California, Ferrari Enzo, Ferrari 288 GTO,
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383. Ferrari 308 GTS, Ferrari 246 Dino, Ferrari 275 GTB.
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384. 8 So, let's find out if there is any particular type of car he likes.
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385. Ladies and gentlemen, Chris Evans. APPLAUSE
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386. How are you? Very well. How are you? Have a seat, mate. Have a seat.
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387. Prul, you disagree with our greatest car verdict, then? Quelle
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388. surprise. You don't believe presumably, judging by your
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389. collection that Lancia aren't a brilliant maker of motor cars.
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390. car falling to bits the best mark in the world! Lancia's only came in
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391. black and rust! I I still stand by - There's more - the number of
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392. Ferrarisl would like to own now is one. What about the A6 0 mopbzia,
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393. the PF 250, the four-cam. A lot of people write and complain this
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394. isn't a car show anymore. It is now!
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395. I love this enthusiasm. Why have you painted all yours white?
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396. Because I wanted them to match. I wanted them to be a work of art.
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397. I've got a white garage or "car house" as they're sometimes nofpblt
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398. it's got a white piano in it, right? That plays itself, and there
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399. are these eight beautiful white Farrarrys. It's no — Ferraris.
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400. Which led you to the auction. This is terribly vulgar. How much did
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401. you pay for that? The most expensive car sold at auction in
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402. the world. When I bought it. Last year? A lot of millions? Yes, $12
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403. million. How drunk were you? wasn't drunk at all. The point is,
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404. I didn't go to buy the car. I went to buy a poster.
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405. The 250 Spider came up on the stand, my second favourite car in the
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406. world because it was in my Top Trumps collection. I thought I
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407. would go for it. That was the best one in the world, James Coburn
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408. owned it for 23 years. Talking about this makes the hairs on the
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409. back of my neck stand up. It's all documented, I've got the history
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410. and that baby is back in the garage at home. I show it to as many
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411. people as I can. Unbelievable. I was listening to you every day
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412. whilst stuck in a traffic am gentleman, and you've auctioned
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413. your entire collection of Ferraris for Children In Need. Yes. So how
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414. does that work? People ring in and they were bidding? Yes. And drive
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415. whichever one they want? We take the seven highest bids on the day
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416. and they spend a four-day tour and during the four days, each person
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417. who's bid the amount of money gets to drive every single car. Isn't
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418. That terrifying from your point of swru sh It's only tin and rubber.
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419. If anybody comes round to my house if they're fitting a carpet, a
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420. carpet, burgling, before you take that, come and have a look at the
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421. cars. I think it's really important to share these cars with people.
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422. But you don't know who's bid. You know their names. You could have
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423. any sort of ape turning up. Well, if you bid...
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424. You've got a book out. It's not
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425. what you think - It's Not What You Think, which is what it's called.
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426. Yes. And there's a list of top tens at the beginning of each chapter.
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427. Yes. But this car business, it does seem to me that cars, you sometimes
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428. claim you're not a Carman, but you bloody well r I'm definitely a
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429. Carman. Behind my family, my job, maybe you're not not going to like
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430. this, maybe golf, then I am a Carman. Sometimes, if I'm away from
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431. home, the first thing I do, I get back home and I have to go to the
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432. garage just to have a smell. I love it. The smell of petrol and leather,
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433. I love it to death. It's better than stuff I've never tried.
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434. When I first met you about a
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435. million years ago, you were definitely a Porsche man. You are
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436. having a laugh! You've lost your mind. You need to go to Venice -
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437. Did you have a 968? No. You did, convertible, Big Breakfast.
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438. Mine was mabl. So it was a 944? was a 944 drop top, 19 grand, a
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439. great car but it was dull and Obviously the big news is that
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440. Chris he have vabs, enfant terrible of the — Evans, enfant terrible of
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441. the air waves is about to take over from the Terry Master. Has he given
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442. you any tips? He gets up at 7.30 that's not a breakfast show. When
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443. do you start? 7.00am. You will have to pretend you are older than you
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444. are? People request Van Halen, that is the music. It is all fine.
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445. are all going to be, my generation are going to be in our old people's
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446. home with Anarchy In The UK in our wheelchairs. We won't have
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447. wheelchairs but we will still do that. Give me a wheelchair. I don't
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448. want any more Gracie Fields, just this. How did it go for you, out
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449. there today on our lap? I did my best, probably the worst weather
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450. there has ever been out there. The Stig, what a lovely man, he
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451. couldn't have been nicer, what I have decided to do, I have had a
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452. great time. I thought if I'm going to die, let me die today on this
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453. track. He did actually say, Chris has no sense of self-preservation.
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454. Would anybody like to see some of Chris's practices.
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455. Let's have a look at some of these practices. At the 50 mark, turning,
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456. off the brakes again, brake hard now, into in to second. This is the
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457. hammerhead. You feel like you're going out of control, go out of
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458. control. Nobody has ever spun there before. That's good. Watch this.
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459. This is the last corner. Sideways. Everybody goes here, second to last
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460. corner, I'm impressed. You never even made it to the corner.
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461. thought I would just go straight on here.
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462. That is good bravery. But then, the lap happened for real. Who wants to
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463. see it. So you haven't learned your lesson,
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464. still going for brute force. Come on, hello family. Concentrate, man.
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465. Concentrate on the job in hand, that is wet. Good, it's Joe 90 mind
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466. the wheel. That is slippery. You're looking quite good. You have
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467. never been good at anything like this in your life, try and have a
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468. go at this. Have you never been good at anything? Not like this.
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469. I'm with you, all sports are impossible. Not bad. You have to
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470. nail hammerhead. You have to do this, even though your chin does
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471. look like a bum! Hammerhead, we have put cones out so Jonathan Ross
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472. doesn't get lost if he comes back, you're in the white lines, that
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473. looks slow but important for a quick time. Aim for the cameraman.
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474. I missed the gear aiming for the cameraman. Is he getting tired now,
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475. that's looking good. The smell of the clutch. Mmmm. But does it smell
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476. of victory. I'm being a bit of a with us into the final bend. Come
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477. on now. Cut the corner, just a bit. That's the trick. That's good.
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478. That's quite a lot. This one, cut it a lot.
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479. So an entirely new way across the line.
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480. Here we are. There's the board. There is the
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481. board. Where do you think. Obviously we will give you a wet
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482. lap. We will butt Chris Evans "wet" on it. Where do you think you have
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483. come? I don't think it is impressive, I try my best, I will
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484. not lean forward, I will try to be cool. My heart is racing. You did
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485. it in one minute, quicker than Terry Wogan was. You are already
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486. the new fastest Radio Two breakfast show host we have ever had. In the
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487. last 40 years. You did it in one minute, 40. That's good. 1.48.1.
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488. For a wet lap that's the third- fastest wet lap we have ever had.
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489. There's your ex. I'm just above her, not on top of her, just above her.
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490. She's my ex. We were accused of favouritism by her by David Tenant,
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491. that we only allowed that because she was wearing a see-through top,
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492. but you cut corners as well. Next time I will wear a see-through top.
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493. Ladies and gentlemen, Chris Evans. Best of luck.
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494. Be proud of that time Earlier on in the show, we explained that Lancia,
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495. the greatest car company in the world, and just because of a few
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496. problems with rust 30 years ago, they are not available in the UK
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497. any more. The thing is though, as Jeremy as been finding out, you can
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498. still get one, sort of. This is a Lancia Stratos, except
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499. for one small thing, it isn't. It wasn't made in the 1970s in Italy,
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500. in fact, I don't know where it was made, in a shed in Nuneaton,
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501. probably. This, you see, is a kit car. Either you can pay someone to
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502. build it for you, or you can make it at home yourself, with a hammer.
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503. Apparently, if you're fairly competent it would take about 300
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504. showers, obviously it would take me about 300 years, which is a very
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505. long time. But, there is an upside, an original Stratos would cost
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506. £100,000, maybe more, that is £13,000.
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507. In theory that makes this the Hawk HF, the bargain of the century.
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508. The body is absolutely identical to the original, all the panels are
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509. completely interchangable. The interior too would be familiar to
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510. Lancia fans. The pedals are nowhere near where the bottom of my legs
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511. are. The steering wheel is perilously close to where my testes
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512. used to be, before the seatbelt jammed them up to my lungs. The
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513. gear lever is like Bugs Bunny's ears, and one of the buttons on the
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514. dash operates the fire extinguisher, but I don't know which one it is,
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515. so I dare not touch any of them. The wiper has gone upside down, it
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516. wouldn't clear the rain from the window. Then there was a big noise.
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517. Wait a minute, what the hell? What was that? The front left brake had
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518. jammed on. I have to get this in to a workshop. Come on, come on. I
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519. took the car to Nigel, the resident mechanic at our track, and greeted
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520. him in the usual fashion. Have you got a hammer? That is scalding hot,
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521. as we can see on the thermal-images camera. He has just
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522. gone to answer the phone now. While we wait, I suppose I should explain
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523. the £13,000 doesn't include the cost of an engine, you have to get
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524. one yourself. You have a choice of two, you can either get Fiat's
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525. twin-camthat you can buy usedor 5p, for £600 you can get the engine I
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526. have in this. This handle is disguised as a spoiler, there you
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527. have it, Alpha's V6. This provides more power than the engine the
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528. Lancia used, with it the Hawk is faster, when it is working, which
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529. it will be, eventually. It is mended. Now I'm going to get
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530. back in. Which is a surprisingly elegant process if you're a mouse.
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531. That's not good. You sort of get over this roll bar, like this. Then
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532. you get your head in, it's probably easier to detatch your head first,
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533. and put it back on in the car. There we are. Whenever there, and
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534. then you might want to cut the camera for this bit.
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535. I had intended at this point to check out the performance, after
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536. the brake problem I had rather lost my nerve. 0-60 takes less than five
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537. seconds, and what I'm not going to do now is see where that
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538. acceleration stops. I really don't want to travel at 150 miles an hour
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539. in a car built in a shed by a man I have never met. This is 90 perhaps
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540. that's, the wiper has gone. That is an important consideration,
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541. you have to bear in mind if you are thinking of buying a used kit car.
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542. You have to ask, was it built fastidiously by James May over a
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543. period of many hundreds of years, or was it built by a spanner, with
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544. a hammer? I mean, would you buy a kit car that I had built? Having
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545. chickened on the max speed run, I decided not find out what it is
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546. like flat out through the corners. Here we go, I'm going in, and here
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547. I am cornering not at all flat out. 60, that's fine. Brakes, three and
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548. three quarters of them are very squirrelly. The steering is heavy,
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549. a lot of body roll. I think that's probably enough cornering now, we
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550. have done that, tick. Certainly then, the Hawk is only as
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551. good as the block who put it together. You will spend more time
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552. under it than in it, for example. I'm not going to pretend it is as
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553. good as an original Stratos, for the same reason that a postcard of
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554. the Mona Lisa is not as good as Leonardo's. But one day your car
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555. will be working and you will see a reflection of yourself in a shop
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556. window as you go by, and trust me on this, that's gonna feel good.
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557. Because critically this looks like a Stratos. If we're honest, that's
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558. I would like to build a kit car like that, I think it would be very
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559. therapeutic. It would be. You know what I mean. It is more satisfying
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560. to have something you have made yourself? I don't even like to eat
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561. a sandwich I have made myself, because it always has blood in it
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562. and bits of my fingers. We have to find out how fast this cargoes
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563. round our track, that means handing it over to our tame racing driver.
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564. Some say his new Christmas range of fragrances, includes the great
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565. smell of Wednesday, and that he was turned down for the job of EU
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566. President, because his face is just too recoginsable. All we know is
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567. he's call The Stig. He's off, there he goes. I say
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568. listen to that noise. The Alpha V6 sounds, if anything, even better
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569. than the Ferrari V6. That's fantastic sound. What's happening
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570. here. Is he looking for the stereo, no, what's gone wrong? He's broken
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571. down. How authentic is that? This is a scene familiar to any Lancia
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572. owner, look at him walking off, completing his journey on foot. Not
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573. across the line. There is no way we were going to allow our first-ever
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574. DNF, on the board, to be a Lancia, no way. So we, mended the car, in a
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575. shed, OK, brought it back, it was here, this morning for The Stig to
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576. try again. Unfortunately it was raining this
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577. time. But the car has set off well, still making a fabulous noise, look
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578. at the rooster tails, stip dipping badly underbraking as the tiing
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579. turns in. That is a — The Stig turns in. Where are you going, he
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580. has got it back. He comes up to Chicago, locked up the front, back
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581. stepped out, this is wide he's gone. The Stig has spun. That's not going
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582. to stop him, he's still going on, look at that for determination.
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583. He's obviously a fan as he comes up to the hammerhead, he has got it to
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584. turn in nicely, better than Chris Evans there. Nice through with the
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585. whole beautifully-held slide. It's gone wrong, he's headed for the
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586. camera crew. I bet they were frightened. Is he breaking down
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587. again, that is not at all like a Lancia as he comes to the follow-
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588. through. He's backed off of that, I can't say I blame him, as he heads
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589. towards the tyres, building up speed, not too much. He's coming
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590. down, crikey this is out of control now, he has done it, he's round the
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591. second to last corner, he's gone again. That's what I call driving,
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592. as he comes round, this time across the line.
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593. That is the best-looking lap we have ever seen. I have to say one
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594. of the most exciting. Spectacular. Car control is phenomenal. The time
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595. was, 1.48.2, which means it's also the slowest slap we have ever had
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