1. Tonight - James gets lost in a Lamborghini.
Copy !req
2. Richard drives over a bridge in a Ferrari.
Copy !req
3. And I wear a small hat in an Aston Martin.
Copy !req
4. Hello! Thank you!
Copy !req
5. Thank you very much, thank you.
Copy !req
6. We're back! We're back.
Copy !req
7. And while we were off air, the
three of us had a bit of an argument
Copy !req
8. about what would be the best car
to take on a Grand Tour of Europe.
Copy !req
9. I reckon, and I'm right,
Copy !req
10. it's the Aston Martin DBS Volante.
Copy !req
11. Richard says, no, it isn't,
Copy !req
12. it's the Ferrari California,
Copy !req
13. and James - who's a bit weird -
Copy !req
14. says it's the Lamborghini Gallardo, the
new one with the 560-horsepower engine.
Copy !req
15. Well, it is.
Copy !req
16. No, it isn't!
Copy !req
17. What that is is a two-seater,
mid-engine, 560-horsepower supercar.
Copy !req
18. What you want for a Grand
Tour is engine at the front,
Copy !req
19. nice comfy suspension, four
seats and a boot for all your luggage.
Copy !req
20. Exactly, like the Aston.
Copy !req
21. Well, yeah, it's the best apart from the
fact that the Ferrari costs GBP140,000,
Copy !req
22. the Lambo GBP150,000 and the
Aston is the best part of GBP170,000.
Copy !req
23. Yes.
Copy !req
24. And it's the slowest to 60mph.
Copy !req
25. Yes.
Copy !req
26. And it's got the smallest top speed.
Copy !req
27. Yes. But... That's a V8, that's a V10,
Copy !req
28. that's a V12. More is better.
Copy !req
29. No! It is.
Copy !req
30. Isn't.It is.
Copy !req
31. It isn't.
Copy !req
32. I'll hold my breath.
Copy !req
33. He is now holding his breath.
Copy !req
34. Anyway. The producers said
that the only real way to sort this out
Copy !req
35. was to take these cars
on an actual Grand Tour.
Copy !req
36. So we thought, "Yes! South of France,
Copy !req
37. or Italy, or the Black Forest."
Copy !req
38. But then they said no. They said
that we had to take them... to Romania.
Copy !req
39. This is what springs to mind
when we think about Romania.
Copy !req
40. Not that we do very often.
Copy !req
41. We imagine it's full of oxes and
Copy !req
42. people throwing stones at gypsies.
Copy !req
43. So you'd imagine that turning up in
cars like this might look like showing off.
Copy !req
44. We did, too.
Copy !req
45. Coming here in a car that costs GBP168,000
Copy !req
46. is a bit like turning up
in the Sudan in a suit
Copy !req
47. made entirely out of food.
Copy !req
48. 'But then we arrived in the
Black Sea town of Mamaia.
Copy !req
49. 'And it wasn't really
what we were expecting.'
Copy !req
50. My God!
Copy !req
51. Jag. Porsche. Ferrari. Ferrari.
Copy !req
52. Audi R8 V10. Another Ferrari.
Copy !req
53. If Simon Cowell came here
they'd put him on income support.
Copy !req
54. Look at it!
Copy !req
55. That's a 430. That's a 599.
Copy !req
56. OK. We're not as
conspicuous as I first feared.
Copy !req
57. Have you ever seen the like, Hammond?
Copy !req
58. No, it's staggering!
Copy !req
59. 'And then, just when we thought
the car park couldn't get any better...'
Copy !req
60. Oh my God! That is, isn't it?
Copy !req
61. It is a Dacia Sandero.
Copy !req
62. That is it.
Copy !req
63. I think this is the 1.6.
Copy !req
64. I think it is the 1.6.
Copy !req
65. I forgot that this is where
the Sandero is from.
Copy !req
66. I've been thinking about
that car for two years.
Copy !req
67. 'Sadly, before he could
think about it any more,
Copy !req
68. 'a challenge arrived.'
Copy !req
69. "You are here to seek out a
road" built by a former dictator.
Copy !req
70. "Officially it's called
the Transf... Transfi..."
Copy !req
71. That. Trans...
Copy !req
72. Transfgs...
Copy !req
73. ".. Transfagarasan Highway.
Copy !req
74. Unofficially it's known
as Ceausescu's Folly.
Copy !req
75. "People speak of it in hushed whispers.
Copy !req
76. "They say it's the best road in the world."
Copy !req
77. So we're here to look for it.
Copy !req
78. We've got to find it.
Copy !req
79. We decided to look in the
mountains, which were 300 miles away.
Copy !req
80. And on the journey, each of us
would hope to prove our car was best.
Copy !req
81. Yes, if you used facts and figures
Copy !req
82. when buying a car, you probably would
end up with the Lamborghini or the Ferrari,
Copy !req
83. in the same way that if you used
facts and figures to buy a house,
Copy !req
84. you'd end up in Dunfermline.
Copy !req
85. Because you get a lot more for your money.
Copy !req
86. This is a whole new
type of car for Ferrari.
Copy !req
87. This is the first with the
V8 engine in the front.
Copy !req
88. It's the first direct injection
engine they've produced,
Copy !req
89. it's the first Ferrari
with a metal folding roof.
Copy !req
90. This is the first time Ferrari have
produced a car with a DSG gearbox
Copy !req
91. which means you get absolutely
seamless gear changes.
Copy !req
92. This isn't a Ferrari for the track,
Copy !req
93. it's for long journeys
exactly like this one.
Copy !req
94. 'And now James had the chance to explain
Copy !req
95. "why he brought a mid-engine
two-seater supercar on a Grand Tour.'
Copy !req
96. By driving around in a Lamborghini,
you are actually doing the world a favour.
Copy !req
97. Because it's a thing of beauty, other
people can look at it and they can enjoy it.
Copy !req
98. It's like owning one of Raphael's virgins
Copy !req
99. and running around the streets
holding it above your head
Copy !req
100. rather than just putting it on the wall.
Copy !req
101. 'So that we could talk to
each other on our long journey,
Copy !req
102. 'we decided to pull over and connect our
phones into the cars' Bluetooth systems.
Copy !req
103. 'In the Aston and the
Lamborghini, this was very easy.'
Copy !req
104. Bluetooth, on.
Copy !req
105. Press enter to continue.
Copy !req
106. Bluetooth on the phone.
Copy !req
107. 'However, in the Ferrari...'
Copy !req
108. 'Every new phone must be
prepared before it is used.'
Copy !req
109. Yes, preparing my phone.
Copy !req
110. 'You may have...'
Copy !req
111. Yes, yes, yes.
Copy !req
112. '..So that you can press the
phone's button and say "Call Mary"
Copy !req
113. to place a call to Mary.
Copy !req
114. 'Pressing the VR button
while the system is speaking...'
Copy !req
115. Please stop!
Copy !req
116. Synchronising... yes!
Copy !req
117. I'm there! I'm connected! I'm Bluetoothed!
Copy !req
118. Bluetooth switched on. Oh, joy.
Copy !req
119. '.. Home, work, mobile or pager.'
Copy !req
120. Work! I'm at work!
Copy !req
121. 'Name, please.'
Copy !req
122. Richard! How does that help?
Copy !req
123. 'Please repeat the name after the beep.'
Copy !req
124. - 'With our phones connected.
- Eventually - we put our roofs up,
Copy !req
125. 'which, without wishing to boast,
you can do on the move in the Aston,
Copy !req
126. 'and then we were ready for a
motorway blast to Bucharest.'
Copy !req
127. Oh! There's the V12!
Copy !req
128. "12508
'1, 2, 5, 0, 8...'
Copy !req
129. What?
Copy !req
130. "... 02000000011
'..0, 2, 0, 0, 0,'0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1...'
Copy !req
131. CLEAR!
Copy !req
132. 'Then we did what we
weren't supposed to do.'
Copy !req
133. In 3, 2, 1, go!
Copy !req
134. Oh, yeah, this is what we mustn't do.
Copy !req
135. It just has the legs, that Ferrari.
Copy !req
136. Just, just, just.
Copy !req
137. Yeah, this might be a GT car, but it's...
Copy !req
138. It's not a slouch.
Copy !req
139. Aston Martin has gone to
simply enormous lengths
Copy !req
140. to make the DVS convertible
as light as possible.
Copy !req
141. It has a carbon-fibre bonnet,
Copy !req
142. carbon-fibre wings,
Copy !req
143. carbon-fibre boot,
Copy !req
144. carbon-fibre door-pulls, even.
Copy !req
145. They've even made the carpet
out of a specially lightweight weave.
Copy !req
146. And the results speak for themselves.
Copy !req
147. This is by far and away
the heaviest car of the three.
Copy !req
148. Have you noticed something, Hammond?
Copy !req
149. What?
Copy !req
150. I don't see a black
Lamborghini anywhere near us.
Copy !req
151. What, you mean the one that
is on paper the fastest here?
Copy !req
152. 'James was merrily tootling along,
Copy !req
153. 'apparently under the illusion he
was presenting his wine programme.'
Copy !req
154. Good place to stop for a bag of grapes.
Copy !req
155. There's three more people
holding up grapes, there's a fourth...
Copy !req
156. a fifth, a sixth. I think we're
well covered for grapes, there.
Copy !req
157. 'Meanwhile, Hammond's Ferrari had decided
all on its own 'to make a telephone call.'
Copy !req
158. 'Selected. Calling... Vernon Kay.'
Copy !req
159. What? Vernon...?
Copy !req
160. 'Is this correct?'
Copy !req
161. Why are you calling Vernon Kay?
Copy !req
162. Why are you doing that?
Copy !req
163. 'Hello?'
Copy !req
164. Vernon?
Copy !req
165. 'Hi?'
Copy !req
166. Hello, mate, it's Richard Hammond.
Copy !req
167. 'For miles, our convoy
ruled the road. But then...'
Copy !req
168. Oh, my God! Look here!
Copy !req
169. What's that? Wha...?
Copy !req
170. That's the Dacia Sandero.
Copy !req
171. I'm going to see if I can
hold on to the back of it.
Copy !req
172. The 1.216-valve -that thing can shift!
Copy !req
173. Come on! Keep up with the Sandero!
Copy !req
174. 'Hammond's Ferrari might
have got it, but unfortunately...'
Copy !req
175. Why are you doing that now?
Copy !req
176. Why are you calling Vernon Kay again?
Copy !req
177. 'Hi, Richard!'
Copy !req
178. Vernon! Er, it's Richard Hammond. Again.
Copy !req
179. Er... I'm really sorry.
Copy !req
180. 'No, it's fine. I'm just in the
studio, everyone's stopped work...'
Copy !req
181. Good. Good.
Copy !req
182. 'While refuelling on the
outskirts of Bucharest,
Copy !req
183. 'James and Richard bought me a present.'
Copy !req
184. Great(!)
Copy !req
185. What now?
Copy !req
186. My life is complete, that's what.
Copy !req
187. Very big round here, apparently.
Copy !req
188. 'And then James thought of a new game.'
Copy !req
189. Why don't we have a sat-nav challenge?
Copy !req
190. Because mine is a German
one and will be superior.
Copy !req
191. It's Audi, isn't it? It is.
Copy !req
192. Good idea. We can start here.
Copy !req
193. Ready steady go, set your
sat-nav for the People's Palace.
Copy !req
194. I know it exists. First to get to
the People's Palace is the winner.
Copy !req
195. Are you ready?
Copy !req
196. Yes.
Copy !req
197. Steady? Yes.
Copy !req
198. Go!
Copy !req
199. Now, I should explain before
we start, I have a Volvo system.
Copy !req
200. Unanimously, everybody agrees
it's the worst sat-nav in the world.
Copy !req
201. Rise! Rise!
Copy !req
202. 'Mercifully, in the California,
Copy !req
203. the sat-nav system was
much better than the Bluetooth.'
Copy !req
204. Nearby point of interest,
that's the first order of business.
Copy !req
205. 'Whereas in the Lambo,
Copy !req
206. James was regretting his new game.'
Copy !req
207. Country.
Copy !req
208. I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q...
I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q...
Copy !req
209. It goes from Portugal to Sam...
Copy !req
210. How can it not have...?
Copy !req
211. The Italians don't acknowledge
the existence of Romania.
Copy !req
212. 1-1-7
Copy !req
213. 11
Copy !req
214. No, no, no. 1 to 42, that is all.
Copy !req
215. Right, I've got it.
Copy !req
216. No! No, no!
Copy !req
217. Er, People's Palace? People?
Copy !req
218. Not the best present I've
ever had, if I'm honest,
Copy !req
219. but it's tactless to just ignore them.
Copy !req
220. 'Please follow the road.'
Copy !req
221. Yes. I will gladly follow the road,
Copy !req
222. for... 7.3kms.
Copy !req
223. Technology and I are now
getting on absolutely fine.
Copy !req
224. 'Calling Stephen Accountant.'
Copy !req
225. No, no, no, don't do that.
Copy !req
226. Go to the roundabout here. Yep.
Copy !req
227. And here...
Copy !req
228. Here in sub... No.
Copy !req
229. One of the most irritating things
about the Volvo system that Aston use,
Copy !req
230. is that it tells you where you've been.
Copy !req
231. Which is only of any use if you
think your wife's having an affair.
Copy !req
232. James was now on the move,
Copy !req
233. but obviously his map had
been drawn by a distant relative.
Copy !req
234. When he said roundabout,
did he mean roundabout?
Copy !req
235. Or did he mean crossroads?
Copy !req
236. Fortunately, the producers had
given me a Romanian phrasebook.
Copy !req
237. Unfortunately, it was a bit confusing.
Copy !req
238. The sat-nav race was hotting up.
Copy !req
239. Hammond! Get him!
Copy !req
240. What's he doing here?
Copy !req
241. Come on!
Copy !req
242. I'm winning by 1.5 metres.
Copy !req
243. I found it first.
Copy !req
244. No, I found it with my eyes.
Copy !req
245. No, you didn't. I found it first.
Copy !req
246. This...
Copy !req
247. But when we saw the People's Palace,
Copy !req
248. we sort of stopped.
Copy !req
249. Today it's the Romanian
Parliament building.
Copy !req
250. But it was once the private house of
notorious dictator Nicolae Ceausescu.
Copy !req
251. If that's his idea of a house,
Copy !req
252. what's his idea of a road gonna be like?
Copy !req
253. You know that is the
heaviest building in the world?
Copy !req
254. That's what you'd build, isn't it?
Copy !req
255. It is. A million cubic
metres of marble in there.
Copy !req
256. Ceausescu was a mental,
wasn't he? Complete mental.
Copy !req
257. And an unpleasant mental.
Copy !req
258. He had people go ahead of him and
paint the leaves green, wherever he went.
Copy !req
259. As we waited,
Copy !req
260. James had become really lost.
Copy !req
261. That's it.
Copy !req
262. While we waited we were informed we
might get a visit from a local dignitary.
Copy !req
263. The Secretary General of
the Chamber of Deputies.
Copy !req
264. Jeremy, you are familiar with
the local customs, aren't you?
Copy !req
265. What?
Copy !req
266. Penis out. When she stands to
shake hands, you just plop it in.
Copy !req
267. And that's what you do.
Copy !req
268. That's how it works.
Copy !req
269. Hello, sir. Hello.
Copy !req
270. It was a Lam... Lam... Lamborghini.
Copy !req
271. Behold the People's Palace.
Copy !req
272. James, you lost that one. Quite badly.
Copy !req
273. While waiting for James the local
dignitary had given us permission
Copy !req
274. to drive in the network of tunnels
underneath the government building.
Copy !req
275. This, we feel, is not something
that would be allowed in Britain.
Copy !req
276. Start the music!
Copy !req
277. Jeez, there's a corner there!
Copy !req
278. Dust. Dust!
Copy !req
279. Can't see a thing!
Copy !req
280. We then decided to bring
a bit of science to the party.
Copy !req
281. That is a decibel-o-meter and I'm going
to see how loud the Ferrari is. Ready?
Copy !req
282. Not too bad, 70... 82.
Copy !req
283. 89? 89
Copy !req
284. - I saw an 89 average.
- I saw 89. -89, yeah.
Copy !req
285. What a lot of dust, jeez.
Copy !req
286. It's quite dusty down there.
Copy !req
287. This is our best game yet.
Copy !req
288. All you need to play this game,
Copy !req
289. in case you're interested at home,
Copy !req
290. is a People's Palace, with a
tunnel underneath it. Yeah.
Copy !req
291. Three supercars and a cheap
app and you're there! You're there!
Copy !req
292. It turned out that all three
cars were equally loud.
Copy !req
293. So, we abandoned the science
Copy !req
294. and went to the pub.
Copy !req
295. Where we were just in time to
catch the local version of Top Gear.
Copy !req
296. I just wish that girl
would get out the way,
Copy !req
297. so we could see the car more!
Copy !req
298. I bet that would sound good in the tunnels.
Copy !req
299. What a magnificent thing.
Copy !req
300. We'll pick that, er,
Copy !req
301. we'll pick that up later on.
Copy !req
302. But now it is time to do the news.
Copy !req
303. And we begin with a
story from Australia, in fact.
Copy !req
304. Er, Australian authorities
Copy !req
305. are really going to get
tough on boozed up fans
Copy !req
306. at the Bathurst Motor Race.
Copy !req
307. Well, I say motor
race, it's actually a fight
Copy !req
308. between rival gangs of Ford
supporters and GM supporters.
Copy !req
309. OK, now the way they've
cracked this, is they say
Copy !req
310. each fan is going to be limited to
just 24 cans of lager each per day.
Copy !req
311. Just 24?
Copy !req
312. 24 a day, no more than that.
Copy !req
313. And Australians, don't think you
can get round this by switching to wine,
Copy !req
314. because that's limited as well,
Copy !req
315. to four litres a day.
Copy !req
316. Do you know what they're
doing, to get round it?
Copy !req
317. What, Australians? Yeah.
Copy !req
318. Australians are going there
two weeks before the race
Copy !req
319. and burying beer.
Copy !req
320. We have an Australian guest on later,
Copy !req
321. I'm going to talk to him
about this. I'm fascinated. Yes.
Copy !req
322. Now. We must move on. We must.
Copy !req
323. McLaren have a announced
a new supercar, here it is.
Copy !req
324. It's called the MP4-12C.
Copy !req
325. Mmmm. That'll sound good with adenoids.
Copy !req
326. "Wanna come for a ride in my MP4 dash 12C?"
Copy !req
327. No, I don't, it sounds like a telephone.
Copy !req
328. However, um, interesting
thing about this car particularly
Copy !req
329. is the previous McLaren
supercars, the F1 and the Merc SLR,
Copy !req
330. were very, very expensive.
Copy !req
331. This - GBP170,000.
Copy !req
332. Oh, cheap.-Oh, that's all right then.
Copy !req
333. As I said that I realised...
Copy !req
334. I know what you mean it's cheap-er.
Copy !req
335. Absolutely.
Copy !req
336. It's same... Half the price of the SLR.
Copy !req
337. This is the first time they've
put their own engine into it,
Copy !req
338. 3.8 litre 2 turbo V8, so there's
a lot of exciting things about it.
Copy !req
339. I hope that works, McLaren
have had a rotten week.
Copy !req
340. All their vehicles have been recalled,
Copy !req
341. cos they've been amputating peoples' limbs.
Copy !req
342. No that's not... no, yeah.
Copy !req
343. What?
Copy !req
344. It's not the vehicles, mate,
Copy !req
345. it's the prams, the pushchairs,
Copy !req
346. Maclaren buggies.
Copy !req
347. - Oh! I thought Rowan Atkinson had had his arm cut off by his car.
- No.
Copy !req
348. It's Maclaren prams?
Copy !req
349. Yes, the buggies, the pushchairs.
Copy !req
350. Oh, God!
Copy !req
351. Interesting thing about this story
Copy !req
352. is it's come about because
of 12 cases in the States
Copy !req
353. of children having their fingers amputated.
Copy !req
354. So, as a result they've
recalled all the pushchairs.
Copy !req
355. But the pushchairs are
the same all over the world
Copy !req
356. and it's only in the States
they're recalling them. Not here.
Copy !req
357. No, there's a very good
reason for that though.
Copy !req
358. British parents are more...
Copy !req
359. What's the word I'm looking for?
Copy !req
360. Intelligent. Yes!
Copy !req
361. Cos how could you? Hey!
Copy !req
362. I can't shut this buggy down,
Copy !req
363. there's these pink things in the way.
Copy !req
364. I've got the kid screaming
his head off! Shut-up, Junior.
Copy !req
365. That's got it!
Copy !req
366. Stop yelling.
Copy !req
367. It's... there you go.
Copy !req
368. Now, do you want to
combine your love of camping,
Copy !req
369. with your love of buying the wrong Porsche?
Copy !req
370. No, because I have good news, OK?
Copy !req
371. Because you can now buy, um, well,
Copy !req
372. it's a new type of Boxster, OK?
Copy !req
373. With a tent on the top of it.
Copy !req
374. Here it is.
Copy !req
375. Look at that roof!
Copy !req
376. It looks like a tramp's hat.
Copy !req
377. It's called the Boxster Spyder
Copy !req
378. and it's a super lightweight version.
Copy !req
379. It only weighs 1,250 kilos, top speed
Copy !req
380. 166mph, 0-60 in 4.8 seconds.
Copy !req
381. And it's that fast because
it's got a very clever gearbox.
Copy !req
382. It's called a... it's...
Copy !req
383. Well, it's...
Copy !req
384. Is it German?
Copy !req
385. It's a German name. And it's complicated.
Copy !req
386. Let me just spell this out -
Copy !req
387. it's a D-O-P-P-E-L.
Copy !req
388. K-U-P-P-L
Copy !req
389. U-N-G
Copy !req
390. S-G-E-T...
Copy !req
391. R...
Copy !req
392. I-E...
Copy !req
393. B...
Copy !req
394. E.
Copy !req
395. That's what it is... I...
Copy !req
396. Can we? Get it on the screen.
Copy !req
397. Are there any Germans here?
Copy !req
398. That's a long word!
Copy !req
399. That is a...
Copy !req
400. Do you know what that
means? You speak German.
Copy !req
401. I do.
Copy !req
402. What's the only German you can say?
Copy !req
403. Naturlich ist Hans nass, er
steht unter dem Wasserfall.
Copy !req
404. What's that mean?
Copy !req
405. Naturally Hans is wet he's
standing under a waterfall.
Copy !req
406. OK.
Copy !req
407. I use it all the time.
Copy !req
408. That's kind of a one shot deal, isn't it?
Copy !req
409. Er, anyway, if you want the wrong car,
Copy !req
410. which has no door handles,
Copy !req
411. and no air conditioning and no radio
Copy !req
412. and has a tent on the top of it,
Copy !req
413. then there you are,
Copy !req
414. the Boxster double line. Spyder.
Copy !req
415. It's not got all those
things to keep it light
Copy !req
416. cos it's still GBP44,000.
Copy !req
417. GBP44,000, you don't even get door handles.
Copy !req
418. We've been sent this.
Copy !req
419. It's an eco-friendly, portable,
Copy !req
420. disposable, cardboard lavatory,
Copy !req
421. for use by the side of the road.
Copy !req
422. The idea is you're driving
along, you get caught a bit short,
Copy !req
423. can't find the nearest karzy,
Copy !req
424. you pop this out, erect it
and do what you have to do.
Copy !req
425. Are you about to tell us you
have been caught short? No.
Copy !req
426. Cos I don't think you should.
Copy !req
427. No, I was going to say,
Copy !req
428. we shall give this a fair test on Top Gear
Copy !req
429. by giving it to the world's
most practical man, Clarkson.
Copy !req
430. What you want me to build it?
Copy !req
431. I do.
Copy !req
432. Oh, God, I hate this sort of thing.
Copy !req
433. Where's the instructions?
Copy !req
434. Have you ever noticed,
Copy !req
435. watching him do anything practical,
Copy !req
436. it's like watching an orangutan?
Copy !req
437. It is! Look at his face.
Copy !req
438. - Honestly, look at his face,
- it goes all... It's very long.
Copy !req
439. He's happy, but confused.
Copy !req
440. They actually put a picture
of Jeremy on the bag, look,
Copy !req
441. showing you how to assemble it.
Copy !req
442. These instructions, look!
Copy !req
443. They bear no relation, as always,
Copy !req
444. to the thing they're supplied with.
Copy !req
445. See, he's doing the ape thing.
Copy !req
446. And bear in mind,
Copy !req
447. you have to erect this...
Copy !req
448. while basically desperate
for a number two, with...
Copy !req
449. I was going to say...
Copy !req
450. With lorries going by.
Copy !req
451. Could you erect this while you
were touching cloth? You can?
Copy !req
452. See if you can get that erected.
Copy !req
453. I'm prepared to bet that question has
never been asked on any other car show.
Copy !req
454. She's good.
Copy !req
455. How've you done that?
Copy !req
456. She's bloody done it, look.
Copy !req
457. That was it.
Copy !req
458. How did you do that?
Copy !req
459. Look she's made a lavatory.
Copy !req
460. You did what?
Copy !req
461. I'm female.
Copy !req
462. You're a... she's a female.
Copy !req
463. So, you just put that up at
the side of the road and then...
Copy !req
464. There's no need to demonstrate!
Copy !req
465. How did you think that was going to go?
Copy !req
466. How did you think that was going to work?
Copy !req
467. You great dumb ape.
Copy !req
468. Do you know what, honestly?
Copy !req
469. I'd rather just crap myself.
Copy !req
470. I think I just did!
Copy !req
471. Can we move on?
Copy !req
472. - I'm not the world's most unpractical man.
- You are.
Copy !req
473. I am, actually. You're right.
Copy !req
474. Anyway, we've got to get on.
Copy !req
475. Yes, anyway, we've had a letter.
Copy !req
476. It's literally from some bankers
Copy !req
477. and it says,
Copy !req
478. "Dear Top Gear, this time last year
Copy !req
479. we didn't have any money,
Copy !req
480. "but the Government has given us some now.
Copy !req
481. "However, we don't want the public
to know that we're loaded again,
Copy !req
482. "so we need really fast, expensive
cars that are quite discreet.
Copy !req
483. "Can you help? Yours
sincerely, some bankers."
Copy !req
484. Well, as it happens, yes, we can help.
Copy !req
485. And we begin with something from BMW.
Copy !req
486. This here is the BMW 760Li.
Copy !req
487. Or to give it it's other name -
Copy !req
488. the BMW Move Over Poor Person.
Copy !req
489. Because this is the biggest, most expensive
Copy !req
490. and most powerful car BMW makes.
Copy !req
491. It has a six litre V12,
Copy !req
492. which sounds like plenty.
Copy !req
493. But, obviously, someone
at BMW thought, "No".
Copy !req
494. So, for a bit of extra "schnell,"
Copy !req
495. this car has got two turbo chargers.
Copy !req
496. The result is 544 BHP.
Copy !req
497. And the power station under
the bonnet is connected to
Copy !req
498. a brand new eight speed gearbox.
Copy !req
499. Put all that together and even
someone as laid back as me
Copy !req
500. can quite easily, look,
get a bit of a lick on.
Copy !req
501. It'll batter most 911's in a sprint to 60,
Copy !req
502. and de-limited, it would
hit 188 miles per hour.
Copy !req
503. But those numbers only tell half the story.
Copy !req
504. This is a bizarre kind of fast.
Copy !req
505. It's quiet and relaxed and smooth.
Copy !req
506. It's like swimming over a
waterfall of double cream.
Copy !req
507. A luxurious waterfall, too.
Copy !req
508. The 760 has seats that massage you,
Copy !req
509. and an SAS spec night vision system.
Copy !req
510. And here's a clever thing.
Copy !req
511. Pulling up to this junction,
Copy !req
512. the view is quite obstructed,
Copy !req
513. I can't really see what's coming.
Copy !req
514. But if I press this button,
Copy !req
515. there are little cameras
mounted on the wings
Copy !req
516. that give you eyes on the side of
your head. It's like being a rabbit.
Copy !req
517. And the price?
Copy !req
518. A smudge under GBP100,000.
Copy !req
519. If you have that sort of
money to spend on a car,
Copy !req
520. there's a good chance you'll want
to pay someone to drive it for you.
Copy !req
521. So that's exactly what I've
done, I've got myself a chauffeur.
Copy !req
522. He's in a bit of a bad mood to be honest,
Copy !req
523. because I've told him this is my test.
Copy !req
524. It's not about tyre smoke
and going sideways.
Copy !req
525. Dignified driving is what I want.
Copy !req
526. This version of the seven
series is only available
Copy !req
527. as a long wheel base model,
Copy !req
528. which means you get an extra
five inches of leg room in the back.
Copy !req
529. Doesn't sound like much, but
it makes a world of difference.
Copy !req
530. And I can watch the TV.
Copy !req
531. I've got something on here, it's
interesting, it's about antiques...
Copy !req
532. What are you doing, man?
Copy !req
533. Bloody hell!
Copy !req
534. Oh, God, I see the problem.
Copy !req
535. The Mercedes S63 has turned up,
Copy !req
536. that's the other car I was going to test,
Copy !req
537. and that sort of puts Stigs on heat.
Copy !req
538. That S-class is actually
the AMG tuned version.
Copy !req
539. Apparently it's a bit of a rocket ship,
Copy !req
540. I can see why Stig's got the red mist.
Copy !req
541. Luckily, Stig's a bit too stupid
Copy !req
542. to work out where all
the driver aids are on this.
Copy !req
543. Oh no, he's found it.
Copy !req
544. Stig has put the dynamic
driving control into sport plus,
Copy !req
545. that sharpens up throttle
response and gear changes!
Copy !req
546. Bloody Nora.
Copy !req
547. God, he's switched the
stability control off altogether...
Copy !req
548. That locks up the rear
differential for extra... ow! Hooligan!
Copy !req
549. So, the Mercedes. The most
powerful non-turbo V8 car in the world.
Copy !req
550. It costs the same as the BMW,
Copy !req
551. it comes only in business class,
long wheel base form, like the BMW,
Copy !req
552. and like the BMW, it's
dripping with technology.
Copy !req
553. Even the interior lighting has
three different colour settings.
Copy !req
554. In fact, there's such a bewildering
array of gizmos on both cars,
Copy !req
555. that it's almost impossible
to choose between them.
Copy !req
556. We're going to make it easier
with a game of Top Trumps.
Copy !req
557. Here's my opponent, the Stig.
Copy !req
558. It's like normal Top Trumps,
Copy !req
559. except all of Stiggy's cards are the BMW,
Copy !req
560. and all of mine are the Mercedes. Ready?
Copy !req
561. OK, TV screens. Mercedes
has TV in the front.
Copy !req
562. BMW... I know the answer to this,
Copy !req
563. it's got two, isn't it?
Copy !req
564. Front and rear, so you win that pair.
Copy !req
565. Climate control.
Copy !req
566. Mercedes - two zone.
Copy !req
567. And the BMW, we know,
Copy !req
568. has four zone climate control,
Copy !req
569. so you win that pair.
Copy !req
570. It's not difficult.
Copy !req
571. - Seat massage system. Mercedes.
- Front and rear seat massage.
Copy !req
572. And the BMW, massage seat
only in the front, so I win that pair.
Copy !req
573. Right, BHP...
Copy !req
574. OK, that's not working,
Copy !req
575. so let's go back to the traditional,
philistine Top Gear method.
Copy !req
576. A drag race.
Copy !req
577. I went in the Mercedes
with Stig at the wheel.
Copy !req
578. I think I'll have "Firm massage" for this.
Copy !req
579. The BMW quickly took the lead.
Copy !req
580. And stayed there till the end.
Copy !req
581. That made Stig so angry he went home.
Copy !req
582. So, the S-class. When you drive it,
Copy !req
583. you realise it's got much more of
a split personality than the BMW.
Copy !req
584. On the one hand, it has
lots of very civilising features,
Copy !req
585. it has active body control,
Copy !req
586. and it's so clever it can detect a
cross-wind and compensate for it.
Copy !req
587. It even has a drowsiness sensor
to prevent you from nodding off.
Copy !req
588. But put your foot down and suddenly it erupts
with typical AMG volcanic storm and fury.
Copy !req
589. And here's something
that really baffles me.
Copy !req
590. On the dashboard I have a race timer
Copy !req
591. that allows you to record
your lap times. But why?
Copy !req
592. I mean, in a 911 GT3, yes.
Copy !req
593. But who's that for?
Copy !req
594. Sir Alan Sugar on a track day?
Copy !req
595. And that's the problem with the Mercedes,
Copy !req
596. it has a strangely confused personality.
Copy !req
597. And for that reason,
Copy !req
598. Mercedes S63 AMG...
Copy !req
599. you're fired.
Copy !req
600. So, let's just get this straight.
Copy !req
601. Quite wrongly, you prefer the BMW.
Copy !req
602. No, I think they're both
completely pointless.
Copy !req
603. Couldn't agree with you more.
Copy !req
604. They are absolutely pointless.
Copy !req
605. And now, I'm afraid,
Copy !req
606. we must dive even more deeply into
the murky waters of their irrelevance
Copy !req
607. by handing them over
to our tame racing driver.
Copy !req
608. Some say, that in the autumn,
Copy !req
609. all his arms go brown and fall off.
Copy !req
610. And that if he wrote you
a letter of condolence,
Copy !req
611. he would at least get your name right.
Copy !req
612. All we know is, he's called the Stog.
Copy !req
613. You mean the Stig.
Copy !req
614. That's what I said. I said it!
Copy !req
615. And they're off!
Copy !req
616. It is very wet out there,
Copy !req
617. tiny wiggle of the hips from
the BMW as the turbos spool up.
Copy !req
618. Here's something not very interesting,
Copy !req
619. that 760 has BMW's first
petrol V12 with two turbos.
Copy !req
620. That is much more interesting there,
Copy !req
621. he's going very sideways!
Copy !req
622. I should say the Stig is deeply saddened
Copy !req
623. that Chas and Dave have split up.
Copy !req
624. This is his way of
getting through the pain.
Copy !req
625. That BMW is very sideways there,
Copy !req
626. coming up to the hammerhead
we're expecting understeer here
Copy !req
627. from these two-tonne barges.
Copy !req
628. And, yep, the seven series is
ploughing wide, but more composed.
Copy !req
629. I suspect because the traction
control can't be fully switched off.
Copy !req
630. Here we are, follow-through.
Copy !req
631. It really is wet out there.
Copy !req
632. Stig would be better off
in an actual barge, I think.
Copy !req
633. Quick through the tyres,
Copy !req
634. look up "brave" in the
dictionary it says "See The Stig".
Copy !req
635. Two corners left.
Copy !req
636. BMW's all over the shop.
Copy !req
637. That let the S-class ahead,
Copy !req
638. but they're evenly matched
coming through Gambon!
Copy !req
639. Across the line!
Copy !req
640. Does it go here?
Copy !req
641. No, it doesn't.
Copy !req
642. Does it go here?
Copy !req
643. No, it doesn't.
Copy !req
644. Go on then.
Copy !req
645. Right, the Mercedes
S63 did it there in 1.32.1.
Copy !req
646. The BMW did it in... 1.31.2.
Copy !req
647. There we are. If you are a banker
Copy !req
648. and you like to get
anywhere in a big hurry,
Copy !req
649. go for the BMW.
Copy !req
650. Consumer advice for you there.
Copy !req
651. Now, it is time to put a star
in our reasonably priced car.
Copy !req
652. My guest tonight, it seems,
always wanted to be a racing driver,
Copy !req
653. but then he accidentally
ended up being in films like.
Copy !req
654. Star Trek, Finding Nemo,
Copy !req
655. Blackhawk Down, Troy,
Copy !req
656. and so on and so forth.
Copy !req
657. So, here to find out
what on earth went wrong,
Copy !req
658. from somewhere called Australia,
Copy !req
659. ladies and gentlemen, Eric Bana!
Copy !req
660. Good to see you, how are you?
Copy !req
661. Very well, very well.
Copy !req
662. Have a seat.
Copy !req
663. A proper superstar is here!
Copy !req
664. What's in there?
Copy !req
665. There?
Copy !req
666. - It's water, it's OK, it won't have anything dangerous in it.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
667. This Bathurst Motor Race
we were talking about,
Copy !req
668. have you heard about the beer thing?
Copy !req
669. They're limiting the amount of beer
each fan can take to 24 cans a day.
Copy !req
670. That's a serious restriction.
Copy !req
671. That's practically tee-totalling, isn't it?
Copy !req
672. This rivalry between Ford and GM,
Copy !req
673. it's ingrained from birth,
isn't it, in all Australians?
Copy !req
674. It's pretty deep seated.
Copy !req
675. They were the two main
manufacturers, if you're my age,
Copy !req
676. when you were growing up. It was, you know,
Copy !req
677. the General Motors
product which was Holden,
Copy !req
678. Commodores and Toranas
and for me it was Falcons.
Copy !req
679. I said to the two guys,
Copy !req
680. the two Aussies who are here
in the audience somewhere,
Copy !req
681. I said "Eric Bana's coming
on,"they went "Ah, Ford bloke."
Copy !req
682. That was it. You're a Ford bloke
Copy !req
683. so you're no good. You're a Ford bloke,
Copy !req
684. they're Holden blokes.
Copy !req
685. Completely discounted me, huh?
Copy !req
686. Yeah, exactly.
Copy !req
687. It seems to me that Bathurst
combines everything, really,
Copy !req
688. that you need in Australia.
Copy !req
689. Outside cooking, obviously.
Copy !req
690. Drinking and sport.
Copy !req
691. This sport thing, it's weird,
Copy !req
692. cos you're no good at it.
Copy !req
693. Oh, really?
Copy !req
694. Really? Cite a couple of examples.
Copy !req
695. The Ashes.
Copy !req
696. The most recent one,
Copy !req
697. the most recent one.
Copy !req
698. Rugby, the other day?
Copy !req
699. Didn't we beat you last week?
Copy !req
700. We weren't playing! It was Jonny.
Copy !req
701. Wilkinson and some lawyers.
Copy !req
702. Do you know the best thing
about having an Aussie here,
Copy !req
703. and I don't know if it's
the same in Australia,
Copy !req
704. there are very few countrymen or
countrywomen that we can tease.
Copy !req
705. Australia and England, it seems
to me, are the last two countries
Copy !req
706. where if you can go there and go,
Copy !req
707. "Hide your wallet under the
soap, he won't find it there."
Copy !req
708. If you said to the Americans
you lost in Vietnam!
Copy !req
709. They just don't find that funny.
Copy !req
710. I mean, to be honest, we're happy,
we ended up in the best country.
Copy !req
711. - It's not a bad second prize as far as you're concerned.
- It's dangerous.
Copy !req
712. - It's quite dangerous, Australia.
- Why?
Copy !req
713. How old are you?
Copy !req
714. 41.
Copy !req
715. You must be the oldest Australian
that hasn't been eaten by a shark
Copy !req
716. or bitten by a spider that killed him.
Copy !req
717. That's what happens when
you have great beaches. Ha ha!
Copy !req
718. - We've got great beaches.
- Oh, you do!
Copy !req
719. I know. Awesome surf, too.
Copy !req
720. At least we have nice names.
Copy !req
721. Give me an example.
Copy !req
722. The thing I love about Australia
Copy !req
723. is the literal names.
Copy !req
724. "We've got this big, sandy desert
in the middle, what shall we call it?
Copy !req
725. "The Great Sandy Desert."
Copy !req
726. "We've got this reef off
the coast, it's like a barrier.
Copy !req
727. "The Great Barrier Reef."
Copy !req
728. This is, of course, as opposed to...
Copy !req
729. The White Cliffs of Dover,
Copy !req
730. Yeah.
Copy !req
731. - Green Park.
- That's true, Green Park isn't very good.
Copy !req
732. Four Weddings And A Funeral.
Copy !req
733. That wasn't a very good...
Copy !req
734. What about Mad Max?
Copy !req
735. "It's about a bloke who's
mad and he's called Max."
Copy !req
736. Perfect title.
Copy !req
737. I want to get on to the car thing,
Copy !req
738. cos let's be honest, this
proper love that you have,
Copy !req
739. you are now a bona fide
Australian racing driver.
Copy !req
740. I just have a bit of fun in
the Australian GT series,
Copy !req
741. which is like your version
of, it'd be FIA, GT3 racing,
Copy !req
742. so I'm in a Porsche cup car, 911.
Copy !req
743. But you're pretty good, it's not
like you're some actor who's...
Copy !req
744. I don't know. I enjoy it
Copy !req
745. and I'd never stop doing it,
Copy !req
746. I'm just, you know, I'm obsessed.
Copy !req
747. Do you say "I'm not gonna do that
film because I wanna do that race?"
Copy !req
748. Is this on in America?
Copy !req
749. America is the only country
in the world this isn't shown.
Copy !req
750. Of course I've done
that! Are you kidding me!
Copy !req
751. Good man!
Copy !req
752. Everywhere else in the world
will hear that, but not America.
Copy !req
753. They'll never find out.
Copy !req
754. If I could just say, you've
been in some massive films,
Copy !req
755. but the one that seems to me to
be closest to your heart is the one
Copy !req
756. you've just brought out now,
Copy !req
757. which is Love The Beast.
Copy !req
758. Love The Beast.
Copy !req
759. Tell me about that,
Copy !req
760. because it's a very small film
compared to, let's say, Troy.
Copy !req
761. It's a documentary I directed.
Copy !req
762. I, one day, was looking at my beast,
Copy !req
763. which is my Ford Falcon coupe.
Copy !req
764. I've had this car since I was 15.
Copy !req
765. And I thought this actually isn't a car,
Copy !req
766. it's some kind of a personal possession
Copy !req
767. that gets carted around through
all kinds of different circumstances.
Copy !req
768. I started thinking more and
more about that, and how cars,
Copy !req
769. objects in particular, cars,
Copy !req
770. I feel can transcend themselves
to become something else.
Copy !req
771. I feel very deeply about it.
Copy !req
772. - I couldn't agree more.
- Right.
Copy !req
773. I really do believe that
cars take on a personality.
Copy !req
774. Not all cars, but some do.
Copy !req
775. So this film is about your
relationship with this car?
Copy !req
776. Yeah, and then I was competing
in Targa Tasmania that year,
Copy !req
777. so I thought well,
we'll just make the rally
Copy !req
778. a bit of an action backdrop to this story
Copy !req
779. about a guy having a
car for his whole life.
Copy !req
780. - Having a relationship with a car.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
781. OK, we have a clip here
Copy !req
782. which I'd like to show everyone.
Copy !req
783. 3..2..1.. go!
Copy !req
784. Then a five left.
Copy !req
785. It's slippery apparently.
Copy !req
786. I feel like I'm breaking in a horse.
Copy !req
787. I feel like both horses are
learning, me and the car.
Copy !req
788. Take the left, we need to stay on.
Copy !req
789. Six left, one-two right, 100.
Copy !req
790. Cut up here.
Copy !req
791. Jeez!
Copy !req
792. That hurt?
Copy !req
793. I think what hurt the most was
Copy !req
794. just knowing it was gonna happen,
Copy !req
795. you know, before it happened.
Copy !req
796. I could have told you that,
Copy !req
797. if you've got a muscle
car, you go round a corner,
Copy !req
798. you're gonna hit a tree.
Copy !req
799. Now you end wondering
whether to rebuild that car again.
Copy !req
800. True.
Copy !req
801. One of the things I was facing...
Copy !req
802. Whilst I was shooting the documentary,
Copy !req
803. I never planned on crashing
the bloody car. Honestly.
Copy !req
804. You know, I'd killed it basically,
Copy !req
805. and then for a couple of
months we thought it was...
Copy !req
806. It was dead and that we
couldn't in fact repair it.
Copy !req
807. And I decided that if
it required a reshell,
Copy !req
808. that I would not rebuild the car.
Copy !req
809. - But does it?
- It doesn't.
Copy !req
810. So you're gonna rebuild it again?
Copy !req
811. We're gonna rebuild it again.
Copy !req
812. You realise everything
you earned from Star Trek
Copy !req
813. is going to be lost the next
time you try to go round a
Copy !req
814. - corner when you've rebuilt it.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
815. Now, obviously, you didn't
come thousands of miles
Copy !req
816. to just sit and talk about this.
Copy !req
817. You came to have a go out
there in the reasonably priced car.
Copy !req
818. So, how was it?
Copy !req
819. It was slippery,
Copy !req
820. but it was a lot of fun.
Copy !req
821. It's been a while since I've driven
such a reasonably priced car.
Copy !req
822. Who would like to see Eric's lap?
Copy !req
823. Yes!
Copy !req
824. Let's have a look!
Copy !req
825. That is slippery.
Copy !req
826. I'll never play Test cricket,
Copy !req
827. but I'll drive the Top Gear track!
Copy !req
828. First corner, now...
Copy !req
829. Oooh, you see, there's somebody
who knows how to drive, look at that!
Copy !req
830. Feel the grip from the
reasonably priced Lacetti now.
Copy !req
831. Get over!
Copy !req
832. Were you really putting
your heart and soul into this?
Copy !req
833. - Yes, you were!
- I'm not even
Copy !req
834. going to pretend I don't
care what my lap time is.
Copy !req
835. Get out of the way, birds!
Copy !req
836. Look, non-dangerous birds.
Copy !req
837. Not like those ones that
burst on your windscreen,
Copy !req
838. showering you in worms which
is what happens in Australia.
Copy !req
839. Ooh, bit of understeer there.
Copy !req
840. Lots of understeer there.
Copy !req
841. Time to put it away.
Copy !req
842. Ah, these slots!
Copy !req
843. Gearbox, sorry about that.
Copy !req
844. Hasn't mended.
Copy !req
845. Follow throyuth, I may need
to ask you, flat through there?
Copy !req
846. Flat.
Copy !req
847. And flat through the tyres,
Copy !req
848. I'm guessing.
Copy !req
849. Yep, that looks pretty flat to me.
Copy !req
850. Second to last corner,
Copy !req
851. this is the tricky one.
Copy !req
852. I don't think I ever got this one right.
Copy !req
853. Let's have a look. You've
got to cut it a bit, yes. Perfect.
Copy !req
854. Now, just Gambon.
Copy !req
855. Ooh, that's quite legal, most people cheat.
Copy !req
856. There we are, across the line!
Copy !req
857. Aha! Now, bearing in mind
that that was a wet lap...
Copy !req
858. It was very slippery. I was
waiting for it to dry out, but...
Copy !req
859. All right! Enough excuses!
Copy !req
860. It's a wet lap. You were
being a racing driver there.
Copy !req
861. I was looking for the fastest ever wet lap,
Copy !req
862. which I think was Jamie Oliver on 147.7.
Copy !req
863. I'm in two minds, I'd like to beat him.
Copy !req
864. But my wife loves him.
Copy !req
865. Eric Bana, you did it in 1...
Copy !req
866. That is the fastest wet
lap... We've ever had.
Copy !req
867. The fastest.
Copy !req
868. You are 0.2 of a second faster than a chef.
Copy !req
869. But you are the fastest Australian.
Copy !req
870. Is there a wet track Ashes I
can take back to Australia?
Copy !req
871. Tell you what, we'll burn the
car and put it in a little thing,
Copy !req
872. Tell you what, we'll burn the
car and put it in a little thing,
Copy !req
873. - you can take it back and Australia can have some ashes.
- All right.
Copy !req
874. Ladies and gentlemen, Eric Bana!
Copy !req
875. Now, tonight we're in Romania,
Copy !req
876. looking for the best road in the world.
Copy !req
877. We're driving an Aston Martin,
a Ferrari and a Lamborghini
Copy !req
878. and so far we'd each decided
that our car was the best.
Copy !req
879. James had got lost, and we'd
ended up by mistake in Bucharest.
Copy !req
880. We left Bucharest the next
morning and headed west,
Copy !req
881. still full of wonderment for this
amazing country and our cars.
Copy !req
882. This car is actually filling me
with a sort of primordial lust.
Copy !req
883. It actually tingles down
in my bowels. It's sinful.
Copy !req
884. I cannot tell you how joyful it is to drive
Copy !req
885. a V12 sports car with a
proper manual gearbox.
Copy !req
886. Manual gearbox, really in a GT car?
Copy !req
887. You want that? It's about
making your life easier.
Copy !req
888. Fast, but easier and more comfortable.
Copy !req
889. If you're gonna go GTing,
Copy !req
890. Ferrari, surely.
Copy !req
891. Then disaster.
Copy !req
892. Romania only has 143 miles of motorway
Copy !req
893. and by 11am we'd used every one of them.
Copy !req
894. Ah, James, policemen. Many, many traditions
and rituals surrounding policemen.
Copy !req
895. Amongst them, if he has a gun,
you must go and unbutton him,
Copy !req
896. just because that says I
trust you with your weapon.
Copy !req
897. Go and unbutton one.
Copy !req
898. Righto.
Copy !req
899. No, just knock his hat off, James.
Copy !req
900. They think it's funny.
Copy !req
901. They often express their
humour here with gunfire.
Copy !req
902. We then told James we were
stopping to put our wind deflectors up.
Copy !req
903. But in fact, the real
reason we stopped here
Copy !req
904. is so that I could give
him a surprise present.
Copy !req
905. Oh, God! Is it an ox?
Copy !req
906. Is it a gypsy? A big one?
Copy !req
907. Nope.
Copy !req
908. It's over there.
Copy !req
909. What, some wood?
Copy !req
910. In front of the wood.
Copy !req
911. No!
Copy !req
912. Yep, seriously.
Copy !req
913. I have bought you, it's second hand,
Copy !req
914. but I have bought you a Dacia Sandero.
Copy !req
915. Really? Yes.
Copy !req
916. Oh, mate! That's my Dacia Sandero?
Copy !req
917. No piano's going to land
on it, it's not a Morris Marina.
Copy !req
918. I'm quite touched.
Copy !req
919. That's fantastic!
Copy !req
920. Can I drive it?
Copy !req
921. You go and drive it while
we're putting these on.
Copy !req
922. He's genuinely chuffed to bits!
Copy !req
923. For two years, I've been
dreaming about this car,
Copy !req
924. and now I was actually driving it.
Copy !req
925. The Lamborghini is all very well,
Copy !req
926. that's like the ultimate
expression of what a car can be,
Copy !req
927. but this is the essence of a car.
Copy !req
928. All the bits you need,
nothing more. No flim-flam.
Copy !req
929. This is a bit of a faff, isn't it?
Copy !req
930. Ah! A cool, refreshing, communist water.
Copy !req
931. Jesus!
Copy !req
932. I could buy that for Hammond,
that could be his present.
Copy !req
933. Listen to this!
Copy !req
934. Nice throaty little warble from the engine.
Copy !req
935. It's a happy car. Dacia Sandero.
Copy !req
936. That is an excellent present.
Copy !req
937. I don't know what he was thinking of there,
Copy !req
938. cos his presents are
supposed to be irritating,
Copy !req
939. but that's not irritating. That's superb!
Copy !req
940. Could you see anything in your screen?
Copy !req
941. Nothing.
Copy !req
942. When the roof's down?
Copy !req
943. As soon as the roof's down,
the slightest hint of sun, it's gone.
Copy !req
944. - You're back!
- Ya.
Copy !req
945. How is it?
Copy !req
946. - And?
- Good fun, basic, small, sporty.
Copy !req
947. But you haven't got the
little side joke, have you?
Copy !req
948. What?
Copy !req
949. Well, you can't take it back hand luggage.
Copy !req
950. I'll drive it back.
Copy !req
951. All the way? Yeah.
Copy !req
952. It took 2 and a half days to get here...
Copy !req
953. No!
Copy !req
954. Stop!
Copy !req
955. Stop!
Copy !req
956. My car's parked there.
Copy !req
957. You're supposed to look.
Copy !req
958. Look! Mirrors!
Copy !req
959. My arse! You just backed
straight into it, man!
Copy !req
960. Why did you leave it parked behind a lorry?
Copy !req
961. I didn't know there was anybody in it.
Copy !req
962. I was leaving it out of shot.
Copy !req
963. I've only had it about half an hour. Yeah.
Copy !req
964. I think he was saying in
Hungarian, or whatever it is,
Copy !req
965. it's my fault for parking the car.
Copy !req
966. Well... Probably was.
Copy !req
967. It sort of is.
Copy !req
968. Jeez!
Copy !req
969. Oh, well.
Copy !req
970. You'd have used it for work
and everything, wouldn't you?
Copy !req
971. Why don't you go away?
Copy !req
972. It would have made you happier.
Copy !req
973. There is an old tradition in this country
Copy !req
974. that on the third Wednesday of every month,
Copy !req
975. which is what today is,
Copy !req
976. people with a black T-shirt on
Copy !req
977. and a picture of a stupid
Russian sparkplug shut up.
Copy !req
978. I liked the Dacia Sandero.
Copy !req
979. It was honest and simple.
Copy !req
980. It was refreshing.
Copy !req
981. It's broken.
Copy !req
982. As we travelled further west,
Copy !req
983. the high-tech modern
Romania we knew ran out.
Copy !req
984. It's getting a bit more Borat round here.
Copy !req
985. It's gypsy country here.
Copy !req
986. I am told they can be a bit violent
Copy !req
987. if they don't like the look of you.
Copy !req
988. And on top of that,
Copy !req
989. guess who was leading the convoy?
Copy !req
990. I'm gonna take a punt on going right now.
Copy !req
991. Do we know that this is the right way?
Copy !req
992. Oh, sorry, Hammond, I'm just following May.
Copy !req
993. You do know what you just said, don't you?
Copy !req
994. This road is becoming alarmingly lumpy.
Copy !req
995. I'm worried about my Reventon-style nose.
Copy !req
996. The nose is too low.
Copy !req
997. He's gonna have to admit
he's brought the wrong car.
Copy !req
998. Soon, we were really lost.
Copy !req
999. They're building what can only be...
Copy !req
1000. Yes, it's a public execution.
Copy !req
1001. Where on the map does it say.
Copy !req
1002. "Turn right at the
partially built gallows?"
Copy !req
1003. That woman has an axe.
Copy !req
1004. That big woman has an axe. She has an axe.
Copy !req
1005. We drove deeper and
deeper into Borat country.
Copy !req
1006. But luckily, I brought something
that would help me blend in.
Copy !req
1007. I'm wearing this hat,
Copy !req
1008. so gypsies think I am one.
Copy !req
1009. And that's fine.
Copy !req
1010. I'm just a lucky gypsy.
Copy !req
1011. A pools-winning gypsy.
Copy !req
1012. James said the next turning
would take us back to the main road.
Copy !req
1013. It didn't.
Copy !req
1014. Holy moly.
Copy !req
1015. Oh, yeah!
Copy !req
1016. Oh, no, wait. If you
look what's behind you...
Copy !req
1017. The evidence is not stacking up!
Copy !req
1018. Is this the horse and cart? That's a horse.
Copy !req
1019. We wanted to hit James
over the head with a hammer,
Copy !req
1020. but the kids beat us to it.
Copy !req
1021. Are you seeing this?
Copy !req
1022. Did you shrink the man in the car behind?
Copy !req
1023. Did you shrink that man, gypsies?
Copy !req
1024. Getting through the village was bad enough,
Copy !req
1025. getting out of it was even trickier.
Copy !req
1026. Oh, my God, you're joking!
Copy !req
1027. Please fall off! Please
fall off! Please fall off!
Copy !req
1028. OK, this is certainly a
Grand Tour for these cars.
Copy !req
1029. But with the village behind us
and armed with some directions,
Copy !req
1030. it was plain sailing back to the main road.
Copy !req
1031. 'He's at the end of the
road with another car.'
Copy !req
1032. Thankfully, the damage was light.
Copy !req
1033. My hat!
Copy !req
1034. Give me a washer bottle.
Copy !req
1035. Yeah, it smells of detergent.
Copy !req
1036. Is everybody all right in that car?
Copy !req
1037. That's his second bit of bad luck.
Copy !req
1038. Whose?
Copy !req
1039. James's. That's his second car of the day.
Copy !req
1040. James... Are there any
cars you won't destroy?
Copy !req
1041. How many cars have you destroyed today?
Copy !req
1042. I didn't destroy it. I stopped, as you saw.
Copy !req
1043. I saw you driving like
an absolute maniac...
Copy !req
1044. Shut up!
Copy !req
1045. Into this poor man's classic Dacia.
Copy !req
1046. Anyway, James, as you know on Top Gear...
Copy !req
1047. Yes, goodbye.
Copy !req
1048. Thank you.
Copy !req
1049. Our hunt for the fabled
road was not going well.
Copy !req
1050. And then it got worse.
Copy !req
1051. It went dark, we couldn't find a hotel,
Copy !req
1052. the petrol stations were closed,
and because I was very low on fuel,
Copy !req
1053. I found a quiet dead-end road
Copy !req
1054. and suggested we sleep in the cars.
Copy !req
1055. That put James and
Richard in a bit of a mood.
Copy !req
1056. Listen, I can cheer you two up.
Copy !req
1057. Would you like some cannabis?
Copy !req
1058. Yes, please. Right.
Copy !req
1059. - Thanks.
- Eh?
Copy !req
1060. That's cannabis. No, specifically,
Copy !req
1061. it says it's Swiss cannabis ice tea.
Copy !req
1062. That's the best sort.
Copy !req
1063. You can get this in petrol stations.
Copy !req
1064. They sell cannabis in petrol stations here?
Copy !req
1065. Would you like some plum liqueur
in a bottle the shape of a violin?
Copy !req
1066. Say yes.
Copy !req
1067. Yes, it's just what the doctor ordered.
Copy !req
1068. Oh, dear... God!
Copy !req
1069. It gives you a fantastic natural feeling.
Copy !req
1070. Plum liqueur and cannabis!
Copy !req
1071. That's never been tried before.
Copy !req
1072. Give us a go.
Copy !req
1073. It's good.
Copy !req
1074. So we sleep in our cars?
Copy !req
1075. Yes.
Copy !req
1076. I haven't got a back seat.
Copy !req
1077. I told you,
Copy !req
1078. you brought the wrong car.
Copy !req
1079. When I chose it,
Copy !req
1080. I should have thought "Better
get one with a crap back seat!"
Copy !req
1081. Just get in your car.
Copy !req
1082. Well, that's the plum liqueur gone!
Copy !req
1083. We set about our unplanned consumer test.
Copy !req
1084. So, it is a four-seater,
they sell it as a four-seater.
Copy !req
1085. That must mean a human
being can get in the back.
Copy !req
1086. Sorry! Sorry, everyone.
Copy !req
1087. What are you doing?
Copy !req
1088. It's a design fault.
Copy !req
1089. People are trying to sleep!
Copy !req
1090. I'm gonna sleep in the front.
Copy !req
1091. Bloody hell!
Copy !req
1092. Oh, sorry, mate!
Copy !req
1093. You sleep all right?
Copy !req
1094. Yeah. Yeah, well.
Copy !req
1095. Good.
Copy !req
1096. Did you use the back?
Copy !req
1097. No, I tried...
Copy !req
1098. What's that?
Copy !req
1099. It's a dam.
Copy !req
1100. It's all right, it's quite safe.
Copy !req
1101. I should imagine it was
built by the Russians
Copy !req
1102. or the North Koreans. So we'll be fine.
Copy !req
1103. Had I known...
Copy !req
1104. Sorry, mate.
Copy !req
1105. You'd parked us next to that,
Copy !req
1106. I wouldn't have enjoyed such a deep sleep.
Copy !req
1107. The quality of all Soviet
buildings is fantastic.
Copy !req
1108. I'm sure that'll be...
Copy !req
1109. Why don't you shut up?
Copy !req
1110. We set off once more in search of our road.
Copy !req
1111. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
1112. Suddenly, I'm awake.
Copy !req
1113. And soon we reach the
mountains where the road surface
Copy !req
1114. became as pimply as a teenager's face.
Copy !req
1115. Look at the road now!
It's practically ploughed!
Copy !req
1116. This was yet another problem
for James in his supercar.
Copy !req
1117. Please let it end!
Copy !req
1118. The torture went on for hours,
Copy !req
1119. but eventually, the
mountains gave up their secret.
Copy !req
1120. Look!
Copy !req
1121. God!
Copy !req
1122. Ha! Ha! That's the most
amazing road I've ever seen.
Copy !req
1123. Built in the Seventies,
Copy !req
1124. this is the Transfagarasan Highway.
Copy !req
1125. 6,000 tonnes of dynamite
were used to make it.
Copy !req
1126. And 40 lives lost.
Copy !req
1127. But from above,
Copy !req
1128. it looks like every great corner
Copy !req
1129. from every great racetrack in the world
Copy !req
1130. has been knitted together to create one
unbroken grey ribbon of automotive perfection.
Copy !req
1131. This is what we came here for!
Copy !req
1132. Oh, yes!
Copy !req
1133. Our cars had done motorways
Copy !req
1134. and city centres and gypsy villages,
Copy !req
1135. they'd been slept in and written on,
Copy !req
1136. but now they had a
chance to let their hair down.
Copy !req
1137. Oh, that's heavenly.
Copy !req
1138. That traction control in a setting
that allows a little bit of slip.
Copy !req
1139. Look at that!
Copy !req
1140. The grip! The balance!
Copy !req
1141. Can't beat the work on this.
Copy !req
1142. But here on this road,
Copy !req
1143. the happiest bunny of us all, was James.
Copy !req
1144. I brought the right car!
Copy !req
1145. Lamborghini pay-back time!
Copy !req
1146. Oh, yeah!
Copy !req
1147. I have to say,
Copy !req
1148. this is one of the two or three
best cars in the world right now.
Copy !req
1149. The strange thing is, those
two are driving two of the others.
Copy !req
1150. The road just got better and better.
Copy !req
1151. We were wrong!
Copy !req
1152. This is better than the Stelvio.
Copy !req
1153. This is the best road in the world.
Copy !req
1154. And the Romanian helicopter
cameraman wasn't bad either.
Copy !req
1155. What a finale to our Grand Tour!
Copy !req
1156. Just wanna say, Romania,
Copy !req
1157. thank you for having us!
Copy !req
1158. And can we stay?
Copy !req
1159. For ever!
Copy !req
1160. Anyway...
Copy !req
1161. What we learned from
our lengthy trip to Romania
Copy !req
1162. was that the Aston Martin, as I
predicted at the beginning, was the best.
Copy !req
1163. Except it was the Lamborghini.
Copy !req
1164. The Ferrari was the best.
Copy !req
1165. Look, guys, the two people
whose opinion I respect most of all
Copy !req
1166. on all matters motoring -
Copy !req
1167. the Stig and Tiffany Dell -
Copy !req
1168. both say that the Aston Martin is
the best car in the world right now.
Copy !req
1169. Well, they're both wrong.
Copy !req
1170. Aha! Let me draw your attention to this.
Copy !req
1171. This is a report of our visit in one of
the leading Romanian newspapers,
Copy !req
1172. and look at the caption
to this picture here.
Copy !req
1173. It's in Romanian, but I'll translate,
Copy !req
1174. "Jeremy Clarkson in the Aston Martin,
Copy !req
1175. "is the best car in the world,
Copy !req
1176. camera video."
Copy !req
1177. It doesn't say that.
Copy !req
1178. Yes, it does.
Copy !req
1179. On that bombshell, it is time to end.
Copy !req
1180. Thank you so much for watching. Good night!
Copy !req