1. Whoa! Crazy!
Copy !req
2. Oily-san's DJing is always top stuff!
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3. I'm heating up!
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4. But...
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5. ...I'm the only one who's dancing!
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6. There's one other.
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7. It's so cool! So why?
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8. It's true that it's still early, so there
may not be that many people here.
Copy !req
9. But still, it's a waste!
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10. Oily-san.
Copy !req
11. Why is that DJ spinning at this hour,
Copy !req
12. and you have to spin so much earlier?
Copy !req
13. Oily-san, if you were DJing at peak time,
Copy !req
14. I think all the customers would love it.
Copy !req
15. Your songs are perfect for kids these days.
Copy !req
16. I think you can stick out more!
Copy !req
17. Stop it. I know it better than anybody.
Copy !req
18. Those who can use the
limited time they're given
Copy !req
19. to express their own unique style
Copy !req
20. get better and better time slots.
Copy !req
21. Compare those guys to people who are
average and hard to follow like me.
Copy !req
22. You'd probably want to leave the
most important hour of the night
Copy !req
23. to the first one.
Copy !req
24. The DJ world is a tough one
where only the strong survive.
Copy !req
25. I've missed my chance to become catchy,
Copy !req
26. but I've survived this long.
Copy !req
27. Nobody needs DJs like me these days.
Copy !req
28. Oily-san, you're dumb! That's not true!
Copy !req
29. What? Why are you yelling?
Copy !req
30. I'm sure there's somebody
who likes your DJing!
Copy !req
31. Maybe, but I don't want the limelight.
Copy !req
32. Are you sure about that?
Copy !req
33. Does it matter?
That's what I'm stuck with.
Copy !req
34. What the heck?
Copy !req
35. Huh?
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36. Oily-san, are you okay with this?
Copy !req
37. Are you okay with it?!
Copy !req
38. That Agetarou,
Copy !req
39. he doesn't know how it is to be an adult.
Copy !req
40. Are you okay with it? Are you okay with it?
Are you okay with it?
Copy !req
41. Hakozaki-kun.
Copy !req
42. Oh, Oily-san. What's wrong?
Copy !req
43. Hey, Hachikou.
Copy !req
44. You kept waiting, but I can't wait!
Copy !req
45. I can't wait for my teacher
to get the spotlight again.
Copy !req
46. Because he said...
Copy !req
47. What's important is whether
or not you feel the groove.
Copy !req
48. Be confident in the choices you made
when you present them to the audience.
Copy !req
49. Don't forget that that's part of your job.
Copy !req
50. I felt the groove in Oily-san's DJing,
Copy !req
51. and I just want more people
to hear it, Hachi!
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52. Shibukatsu
Copy !req
53. Welcome!
Copy !req
54. There must be some way.
Copy !req
55. Some way to let everyone know that
Oily-san's DJing is the best.
Copy !req
56. Thank you for always coming.
Copy !req
57. Every month, I finish
my sales in Shibuya this week.
Copy !req
58. And it just doesn't feel right
unless I eat a Shibukatsu fillet.
Copy !req
59. You want to eat this stuff
once a month, you know?
Copy !req
60. Me, too. I order the loin combo
whenever I get my monthly paycheck.
Copy !req
61. It's a monthly event now.
Copy !req
62. You want to eat this once a month...
Copy !req
63. It's a monthly event now...
Copy !req
64. This is it!
Copy !req
65. Thanks, Mr. Customer! I have to get going!
Copy !req
66. Where are you going, Agetarou?
Copy !req
67. What did you want to talk about?
Copy !req
68. Oily-san, let's do a regular event!
Copy !req
69. If you organized a regular monthly event,
Copy !req
70. I think everyone would understand!
Copy !req
71. I don't know how to say it, but...
Copy !req
72. A person has to see you DJ
a lot of times before you get it.
Copy !req
73. If you did a regular event,
maybe you could do it!
Copy !req
74. I'm surprised you were thinking
the same thing I was.
Copy !req
75. But I've already got the venue
lined up, so I'm ahead.
Copy !req
76. W-Wait...
Copy !req
77. Age, you woke me up.
Copy !req
78. What you said was naive.
Copy !req
79. But it moved me anyway, weirdly.
You win.
Copy !req
80. I want to do one last event,
Copy !req
81. one that connects things to your generation.
Copy !req
82. Will you help me?
Copy !req
83. It sounds like a joke to have a fried foods lover
and fried foods maker putting on an event,
Copy !req
84. but it's not that bad an idea, is it?
Copy !req
85. Yes!
Copy !req
86. Look.
Copy !req
87. The morning mist's hanging over Shibuya.
Copy !req
88. The buildings look like bocks of lard.
Copy !req
89. You're right.
Copy !req
90. I've got it!
Copy !req
91. The title of our event.
Copy !req
92. Lard City.
Copy !req
93. Lard City...?
Copy !req
94. Want some lard?
Copy !req
95. No. No thanks.
Copy !req
96. Run-down
Copy !req
97. Huh?! You're doing it here?
Copy !req
98. Yup.
Copy !req
99. This building was once called Box Shibuya.
Copy !req
100. It was the first club I DJed in.
Copy !req
101. In other words, this was
the predecessor to Club Box.
Copy !req
102. We still own the deed, actually.
Copy !req
103. We're just using it as
a warehouse right now.
Copy !req
104. But it used to be packed every night.
Copy !req
105. It was a legendary venue
during the big club days.
Copy !req
106. Whoa!
Copy !req
107. This may sound like an exaggeration,
Copy !req
108. but I thought if I was going to
start over, it had to be here.
Copy !req
109. I see! That's kind of amazing!
Copy !req
110. Oh, about our guest DJs for this time...
Copy !req
111. Yes?
Copy !req
112. Want to call all the others from
your generation and have a big party?
Copy !req
113. It'll be inspiring for both you and me.
Copy !req
114. That's great!
Copy !req
115. Honestly, if they do it,
it'll make it easier to get guests.
Copy !req
116. Then leave it to me!
Copy !req
117. I'll negotiate!
Copy !req
118. Then let's get started.
Copy !req
119. Hakozaki-kun and I will go get the equipment.
Copy !req
120. You get this stuff out of the way.
Copy !req
121. Leave it to me!
Copy !req
122. Or so I said, but...
Copy !req
123. ...it's gonna be a pain
to do this all by myelf.
Copy !req
124. It's gone!
Copy !req
125. Hey hey!
Copy !req
126. If it's a big party, you need to call us.
Copy !req
127. Let's do this!
Copy !req
128. You guys are always so great!
Copy !req
129. Hey there.
Copy !req
130. We're here to help.
Copy !req
131. Hi there.
Copy !req
132. I brought snacks.
Copy !req
133. Hey, you guys are working hard, huh?
Copy !req
134. I brought some tea, so let's have a break.
Copy !req
135. Huh? Agetarou's gone.
Copy !req
136. Huh?
Copy !req
137. I don't have time to take a break.
Copy !req
138. Because I've been put
in charge of booking the guests.
Copy !req
139. It's no exaggeration to say that the
success of the event depends on me.
Copy !req
140. My negotiations will determine everything.
Copy !req
141. Negotiator Age.
Copy !req
142. Negotiation 1: Harajuku.
Copy !req
143. Now arriving at Harajuku.
Copy !req
144. Well? Can you do it?
Copy !req
145. Sure, that sounds fun.
Copy !req
146. So you and DJ Oily-san
are gonna be there, huh?
Copy !req
147. But our manager...
Copy !req
148. Nope!
Copy !req
149. He says it's no good!
Copy !req
150. Mutter mutter mutter.
Copy !req
151. It's okay? What did Fujii-san whisper?
Copy !req
152. Thank you, Fujii-san.
Copy !req
153. Negotiation 2: Shinjuku.
Copy !req
154. So that's the deal.
I'd like your help, Dong-san.
Copy !req
155. Age-hyeongnim!
Copy !req
156. How can you I refuse a request
from you? Of course I'll be there.
Copy !req
157. Good. Thank you.
Copy !req
158. Wait.
Copy !req
159. My little sister's wedding
is the day before that in Seoul.
Copy !req
160. I guess I can come back
in morning. It'll be okay.
Copy !req
161. Are you sure?
Copy !req
162. It'll be fine! Leave it to me!
Copy !req
163. Negotiation 3: Ikebukuro.
Copy !req
164. Sorry, but I'll be spinning here
in 'bukuro that day.
Copy !req
165. Too bad, but give up...
Copy !req
166. You couldn't even take a late slot?
Copy !req
167. Yeah, I couldn't.
Copy !req
168. Huh, Ikenosuke-kun?
Copy !req
169. We're all going skating that day.
Won't it be okay?
Copy !req
170. Hey, what are you saying?!
Copy !req
171. Which means...
Copy !req
172. It's fine. We'll go straight
from Toshimaen Park.
Copy !req
173. The whole of the BUKRONX is gonna be there.
Copy !req
174. Why can't you guys keeps your mouths shut?
Copy !req
175. I want to refuse so he knows who's boss!
Copy !req
176. Hey, it looks a little cleaner.
Copy !req
177. Everyone! Good work...
Copy !req
178. There's even sesame oil!
Copy !req
179. There are cushioned seats
for when you get tired of dancing.
Copy !req
180. That was my idea.
Copy !req
181. Nice! Nice!
Copy !req
182. This place is great!
Copy !req
183. This is really gonna heat up!
Copy !req
184. Oily-san, I finished
the flyers you asked for.
Copy !req
185. So cool!
Copy !req
186. Good work, Tamami-chan.
Putting that visual design major to use.
Copy !req
187. This is wonderful. Thank you!
Copy !req
188. If this is all you need, I can help anytime.
Copy !req
189. Hey, is this stuff yours?
Copy !req
190. Yeah. It's some pork loin cutlet
from my place. Let's all eat it.
Copy !req
191. Everybody, thank you
for doing all this for us.
Copy !req
192. Thanks to you all, this looks like
it's gonna be a success!
Copy !req
193. Let's eat some tonkatsu now,
and then on the day of the event...
Copy !req
194. ...we'll win!
Copy !req
195. Yeah!
Copy !req
196. Oily-san.
Copy !req
197. I can't wait for tomorrow!
Copy !req
198. Yeah.
Copy !req
199. A huge low-pressure front
is approaching from the north.
Copy !req
200. We're expecting major rainfalls
over Kanto tomorrow.
Copy !req
201. Be very careful.
Copy !req
202. I repeat, a huge low-pressure
front is approaching...
Copy !req
203. Honey!
Copy !req
204. You left the TV on and fell asleep again?
Copy !req
205. You'll catch a cold.
Copy !req
206. Be very careful.
Copy !req