1. I came off like an asshole.
Copy !req
2. No, you sounded thoughtful
Copy !req
3. and looked very, very handsome.
Copy !req
4. Your friends are very cute.
Copy !req
5. Oh, I know. I tell them all the time.
Copy !req
6. It's just my friend Samantha.
Copy !req
7. St. Louis?
Copy !req
8. Yeah.
Copy !req
9. It's to go home
for my dad's 60th birthday.
Copy !req
10. And the "Meicho" will let
their star reporter
Copy !req
11. have time off?
Copy !req
12. Do you not want to go?
Copy !req
13. No, it's just kind of...
Copy !req
14. complicated with my family.
Copy !req
15. Plus, I'd rather stay here with you.
Copy !req
16. We do go out.
Copy !req
17. Our rendezvous spot?
Copy !req
18. That's not going out.
Copy !req
19. Aren't you tired of sneaking over here
Copy !req
20. and never leaving this room?
Copy !req
21. Jake...
Copy !req
22. You know it's too dangerous.
Copy !req
23. I'm tired of hiding.
Copy !req
24. I am too.
Copy !req
25. But we have to be patient and careful.
Copy !req
26. Because I'm really good
at being patient and careful.
Copy !req
27. Hai.
Copy !req
28. Hai.
Copy !req
29. Why don't you let me cook for you?
Copy !req
30. Come to my house.
Copy !req
31. I'll make you a meal.
Copy !req
32. You want to make me a meal?
Copy !req
33. Yes, I do.
Copy !req
34. How nice of you, Ohno-san.
Copy !req
35. So what do you say?
Copy !req
36. I'm flattered.
Copy !req
37. Which usually means no.
Copy !req
38. It's just that I have rules.
Copy !req
39. Samantha...
Copy !req
40. I feel we've made a real
connection these last weeks.
Copy !req
41. I'd like to see where it goes,
if you're willing.
Copy !req
42. Let me think about it.
Copy !req
43. Sure.
Copy !req
44. Erika.
Copy !req
45. - I'll just be a minute.
- Sure.
Copy !req
46. Good evening, Ohno-san.
Copy !req
47. Are you gonna do something about this?
Copy !req
48. There's nothing I can do.
Copy !req
49. Last night was the third time this month
Copy !req
50. that he's been in my club.
Copy !req
51. He's chasing my clients away.
Copy !req
52. Who the fuck is he?
Copy !req
53. Hayama.
Copy !req
54. He's the wakagashira of Chihara-kai—
Copy !req
55. Ishida's number two.
Copy !req
56. Sato's supposed to look after my club.
Copy !req
57. Last night, he just sat there.
Copy !req
58. He wouldn't lift a finger to help me.
Copy !req
59. Yeah, well, there's not much he can do
Copy !req
60. 'cause Hayama outranks him.
Copy !req
61. Will you talk to him for me,
see if he can do something?
Copy !req
62. To Sato?
Copy !req
63. The last time I saw Sato,
Copy !req
64. I got kicked out of Onyx
for trying to fight him.
Copy !req
65. So we stay clear of each other.
Copy !req
66. Why don't you talk to him?
Copy !req
67. I thought you guys were, like...
Copy !req
68. Not anymore.
Copy !req
69. Business and pleasure—not a great mix.
Copy !req
70. Yeah, I hear that.
Copy !req
71. Are you seeing someone?
Copy !req
72. Yeah.
Copy !req
73. For a while now.
Copy !req
74. It's really good.
Copy !req
75. I mean, it's complicated, but it's good.
Copy !req
76. Look at you, all grown up.
Copy !req
77. Well, let's not go that far.
Copy !req
78. I can't have this guy in my club.
Copy !req
79. Go to Sato as a friend...
Copy !req
80. and ask for his help.
Copy !req
81. Yeah!
Copy !req
82. Two articles about motorcycle thieves,
and now you're a hero.
Copy !req
83. Don't do that.
Copy !req
84. Cynicism is lazy.
Copy !req
85. I agree.
Copy !req
86. It's our mission to try and change things.
Copy !req
87. Yes, try and change things.
Copy !req
88. But why do Americans think it's your job
Copy !req
89. to fix the entire world?
Copy !req
90. Well, someone's gotta do it.
Copy !req
91. I have to get back to work.
Copy !req
92. But take these.
Copy !req
93. Invitations to an official function
Copy !req
94. at the U.S. ambassador's
residence tomorrow night.
Copy !req
95. You're all going to cultivate sources.
Copy !req
96. I thought we were meeting here next week.
Copy !req
97. This couldn't wait.
Copy !req
98. Is this a plane ticket to Missouri?
Copy !req
99. No, it's better.
Copy !req
100. It's an invitation
to a U.S. embassy party...
Copy !req
101. tomorrow night.
Copy !req
102. You're gonna be my plus-one.
Copy !req
103. Shh.
Copy !req
104. Invent a name for you
Copy !req
105. and get you on the list.
Copy !req
106. Jake...
Copy !req
107. it's still such a risk.
Copy !req
108. It's just one night.
Copy !req
109. You and me...
Copy !req
110. on a real date.
Copy !req
111. It's perfect.
Copy !req
112. Hey.
Copy !req
113. Hey.
Copy !req
114. I just left you a message
about meeting up.
Copy !req
115. I was already on my way here.
Copy !req
116. I need to talk to you too.
Copy !req
117. Okay.
Copy !req
118. We have a problem.
Copy !req
119. You mean about Hayama?
Copy !req
120. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
121. Will you talk to Ishida?
Copy !req
122. Make him understand
Hayama's bad for business.
Copy !req
123. The Oyabun will keep him out of the club
Copy !req
124. after you do something for him.
Copy !req
125. The architect.
Copy !req
126. Ohno-san?
Copy !req
127. What about him?
Copy !req
128. He works for the city—
Copy !req
129. chief designer of a new shopping center
Copy !req
130. to be built on a railway station.
Copy !req
131. The Oyabun wants to know
which station before it's public...
Copy !req
132. to buy all the surrounding land
Copy !req
133. before the announcement
makes it prime real estate.
Copy !req
134. I'm not spying on a customer for you.
Copy !req
135. The success of my place
depends on discretion.
Copy !req
136. For Oyabun, knowing which railway station
Copy !req
137. is more valuable than the club.
Copy !req
138. And the club belongs to him.
Copy !req
139. So now you're threatening me?
Copy !req
140. I told you not to fire Claudine.
Copy !req
141. She was fucking stealing from me.
Copy !req
142. She was working for us.
Copy !req
143. She was sitting
with the architect every night,
Copy !req
144. getting information.
Copy !req
145. But now all he wants is you.
Copy !req
146. So you must finish the job.
Copy !req
147. And if I say no?
Copy !req
148. Please, trust me...
Copy !req
149. do not say no.
Copy !req
150. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
151. I need your answer tomorrow.
Copy !req
152. Huh?
Copy !req
153. Mm, bye-bye.
Copy !req
154. Here we go.
Copy !req
155. Thank you to the cast members of "Rent."
Copy !req
156. So please say hi to them
as you enjoy something to eat.
Copy !req
157. Lynn is in the FBI,
Copy !req
158. so she only deals with federal crimes.
Copy !req
159. Well, at least American law
acknowledges the problem.
Copy !req
160. Women in the U.S. can
take out restraining orders
Copy !req
161. against their stalkers.
Copy !req
162. Yes, that's true,
Copy !req
163. but we could be a lot more effective
with prevention.
Copy !req
164. If you'd like, I could get you
the latest American statistics.
Copy !req
165. I would.
Copy !req
166. Can we talk on Monday?
Copy !req
167. Absolutely.
Copy !req
168. Yes, I had the shrimp puffs.
Copy !req
169. They were delicious.
Copy !req
170. Jason Aoki, U.S. Embassy.
Copy !req
171. Jun Shinohara, "Meicho Shimbun."
Copy !req
172. A journalist?
Copy !req
173. I was wrong.
Copy !req
174. My colleagues and I play a game
Copy !req
175. where we try to guess what
people do before we meet them.
Copy !req
176. What were the guesses?
Copy !req
177. One did guess journalist.
Copy !req
178. One bet retired baseball player.
Copy !req
179. And I just lost money
betting you're a model.
Copy !req
180. You should meet another of my reporters.
Copy !req
181. Jake Adelstein, this is Lynn Oberfeld,
Copy !req
182. legal attaché at the embassy.
Copy !req
183. I've really enjoyed reading your work.
Copy !req
184. When Hal Lieberman first said
Copy !req
185. there was an American
working on the "Meicho,"
Copy !req
186. I thought he was kidding.
Copy !req
187. We are slowly civilizing him.
Copy !req
188. This is Jason Aoki from my office.
Copy !req
189. - Nice to meet you.
- And you.
Copy !req
190. This is my friend Mari.
Copy !req
191. Ah, journalist also?
Copy !req
192. No, I'm a choreographer.
Copy !req
193. Modern dance.
Copy !req
194. Oh, forgive me.
Copy !req
195. I see a colleague from the Korean embassy
Copy !req
196. who's been trying to get me for weeks.
Copy !req
197. I'm sure we'll talk again.
Copy !req
198. Enjoy your evening.
Copy !req
199. You too.
Copy !req
200. I'm gonna try a shrimp puff.
Copy !req
201. I hear good things.
Copy !req
202. Modern dance?
Copy !req
203. You have no idea how talented I am.
Copy !req
204. Excuse me.
Copy !req
205. Are you the famous choreographer?
Copy !req
206. Yes, I am.
Copy !req
207. And you choreographed tonight's show?
Copy !req
208. Yes, I did.
Copy !req
209. Wasn't it great?
Copy !req
210. We're touring the world.
Copy !req
211. Our next stop is Missouri.
Copy !req
212. Come with me.
Copy !req
213. Meet my family.
Copy !req
214. I—I know we've only been
together for a month,
Copy !req
215. and the very idea of us
being together is crazy,
Copy !req
216. but...
Copy !req
217. I want to believe that we have
a future together.
Copy !req
218. What?
Copy !req
219. Did he see me?
Copy !req
220. Who?
Copy !req
221. That man. I've seen him with Tozawa.
Copy !req
222. Don't worry.
Copy !req
223. Nobody here has any connection to Tozawa.
Copy !req
224. I have to go.
Copy !req
225. Hey, slow down.
Copy !req
226. Do not touch me.
Copy !req
227. Stay away from me.
Copy !req
228. You seem preoccupied.
Copy !req
229. Do I?
Copy !req
230. Not at all.
Copy !req
231. Are you concerned about my proposal
Copy !req
232. that we spend time together
outside of here?
Copy !req
233. I'm still thinking about it.
Copy !req
234. I just need you to be patient.
Copy !req
235. Take all the time you need.
Copy !req
236. Can you excuse me for a minute?
Copy !req
237. Sure.
Copy !req
238. God damn it.
Copy !req
239. - Sam?
- Yeah?
Copy !req
240. You deal with him.
I'll deal with them, okay?
Copy !req
241. - Okay.
- Divide and conquer.
Copy !req
242. Thank you.
Copy !req
243. If the newspaper speaks up for him,
Copy !req
244. we could get him in reform school.
Copy !req
245. It doesn't matter that he's a juvenile.
Copy !req
246. He was arrested while stealing
a motorcycle,
Copy !req
247. and he hit a policeman.
Copy !req
248. Reform school is off the table.
Copy !req
249. Maruyama-san,
he's been in a holding cell for a day.
Copy !req
250. The other prisoners
have already beat him up.
Copy !req
251. It will get worse when he is transferred.
Copy !req
252. Juvenile prison here can be
even worse than adult ones.
Copy !req
253. Jesus.
Copy !req
254. Yo.
Copy !req
255. I'm busy, "Meicho"-san.
Copy !req
256. Listen.
Copy !req
257. The last time I saw you at Onyx...
Copy !req
258. I was out of line.
Copy !req
259. You tried to help me,
and I jumped to conclusions.
Copy !req
260. I heard you got beat up.
Copy !req
261. Yeah.
Copy !req
262. I heard you got stabbed.
Copy !req
263. Yeah.
Copy !req
264. Which prison is he going to?
Copy !req
265. Probably Asaka in Saitama.
Copy !req
266. Guards there like to turn
the fire hoses on prisoners.
Copy !req
267. Um, one boy...
Copy !req
268. I'll take care of it.
Copy !req
269. Take care of it, like...
Copy !req
270. Make sure he is protected inside
Copy !req
271. and give him a place with us
when he's out.
Copy !req
272. And you are paying for dinner.
Copy !req
273. - Seriously?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
274. Maybe you should have skipped
the Kobe beef, huh?
Copy !req
275. Aren't you all going out for afters?
Copy !req
276. We are—here, with you.
Copy !req
277. Sit with us.
Copy !req
278. Minami got some food.
Copy !req
279. Kanpai.
Copy !req