1. Bobby?
Copy !req
2. Phil...
Copy !req
3. I've had it with
that kid, Patti.
Copy !req
4. I've had it with
that kid, Patti.
Copy !req
5. I've already
talked to him.
Copy !req
6. Yeah, like he
ever listens.
Copy !req
7. You hear me
call your name?
Copy !req
8. Get up.
Copy !req
9. What are you doing?
Copy !req
10. You think this is why I wake up
and go to work every day—
Copy !req
11. so you can sit
around on your ass?
Copy !req
12. What did I do?
Copy !req
13. What'd you do?
Copy !req
14. What'd you do?
Copy !req
15. You never do anything;
that's the problem.
Copy !req
16. What kind of a loser are
you going to turn out to be?
Copy !req
17. Put your boots on.
Copy !req
18. You don't leave my tools
out in the rain.
Copy !req
19. Tools are for work.
Copy !req
20. They cost money.
Copy !req
21. Fine, I'll put it away.
Copy !req
22. After you're finished.
Copy !req
23. Pick it up.
Copy !req
24. I'm not going to let
your mother watch you
Copy !req
25. grow up to be
some kind of a jerk.
Copy !req
26. Fine, I'll put it away...
Copy !req
27. Fine, I'll put it away...
Copy !req
28. Phil.
Copy !req
29. No way.
Copy !req
30. You'll finish the job.
Copy !req
31. Now.
Copy !req
32. Get away from me!
Copy !req
33. Get away from me now!
Copy !req
34. Bobby!
Copy !req
35. Bobby!
Copy !req
36. Where are you going?
Come back here, Bobby!
Copy !req
37. Where are you going?
Come back here, Bobby!
Copy !req
38. I'm calling you!
Copy !req
39. Can't you hear me?
Copy !req
40. Bobby!
Copy !req
41. Bobby!
Copy !req
42. Don't run
away from me!
Copy !req
43. Come back here
right now!
Copy !req
44. Bobby!
Copy !req
45. Bobby!
Copy !req
46. Bobby!
Copy !req
47. Bobby?
Copy !req
48. Bobby?
Copy !req
49. Bobby?
Copy !req
50. Bobby?
Copy !req
51. No!
Copy !req
52. 12 pounds,
nine ounces.
Copy !req
53. All that came
out of his stomach?
Copy !req
54. Most of it.
Copy !req
55. The small amount in his lungs
is what killed him.
Copy !req
56. Is it possible that he took
the term "mud pie" literally?
Copy !req
57. Well, I'm sure if Mr. Rich
were alive,
Copy !req
58. he would find
some humor in that.
Copy !req
59. According to his police report,
Copy !req
60. Mr. Rich was a man
who could tell a joke.
Copy !req
61. He grew up here, worked the
same fields for 20 years,
Copy !req
62. He grew up here, worked the
same fields for 20 years,
Copy !req
63. well liked around town.
Copy !req
64. Funny he should turn up
Copy !req
65. Is that what
you've concluded?
Copy !req
66. I've concluded that
this man's head was held
Copy !req
67. forcibly down
in the Michigan mud
Copy !req
68. just a little too long,
most likely by his stepson,
Copy !req
69. who was named in
the report as Bobby Rich.
Copy !req
70. Age 16.
Copy !req
71. Well, according to
the same report,
Copy !req
72. the coroner had
to hire a backhoe
Copy !req
73. to remove the body,
which was buried
Copy !req
74. completely in a standing
vertical position.
Copy !req
75. There is some indication
that his stepson
Copy !req
76. may have dug the hole
and that a recent rainstorm
Copy !req
77. may have dug the hole
and that a recent rainstorm
Copy !req
78. may have helped
turn it into a muddy trap.
Copy !req
79. Some rainstorm.
Copy !req
80. They say it rained
400 inches a day.
Copy !req
81. Now that sounds like an
exaggeration, don't you think?
Copy !req
82. Would you like me to show you
how he may have done it?
Copy !req
83. How a 6'4", 250-pound man
Copy !req
84. was buried alive
in less than five minutes
Copy !req
85. by a 16-year-old kid
Copy !req
86. whose classmates lovingly
refer to as "dork-weed"?
Copy !req
87. He may have
had an accomplice.
Copy !req
88. He may have
had an accomplice.
Copy !req
89. "Ich bin ein auslander."
Copy !req
90. "I am an outsider."
Copy !req
91. You know, when Kennedy told the
Germans "Ich bin ein Berliner,"
Copy !req
92. he was actually saying
"I am a cocktail sausage."
Copy !req
93. Who's Kennedy?
Copy !req
94. I'm not...
Copy !req
95. I'm not here to accuse you
of anything, Bobby.
Copy !req
96. What are you here for then?
Copy !req
97. What are you here for then?
Copy !req
98. I want to hear your story.
Copy !req
99. I tried to help.
Copy !req
100. I couldn't.
Copy !req
101. Well, the police aren't
entirely convinced
Copy !req
102. that that's the truth.
Copy !req
103. So, what the hell am I
supposed to do about it?
Copy !req
104. They want me
to confess
Copy !req
105. so they have someone to blame.
Copy !req
106. Right. But, you see,
you're not making it very easy
Copy !req
107. for them to believe otherwise.
Copy !req
108. You understand that?
Copy !req
109. What can I say?
Copy !req
110. Everybody knows I hated him.
Copy !req
111. They were real close
when Bobby was little,
Copy !req
112. always kidding around
and stuff.
Copy !req
113. But Bobby sort of got
into that teenage stage—
Copy !req
114. he don't want
to listen to nobody.
Copy !req
115. And it came
to a head last night?
Copy !req
116. Phil was late coming home.
Copy !req
117. He'd been stressed out
'cause of the blight and stuff.
Copy !req
118. What do you mean?
Copy !req
119. His nut trees all got a disease,
Copy !req
120. and Bobby don't help things out
with his attitude and stuff.
Copy !req
121. and Bobby don't help things out
with his attitude and stuff.
Copy !req
122. Did Phil instigate
what happened?
Copy !req
123. It's hard to tell
what starts these things.
Copy !req
124. Phil could be stern—
Copy !req
125. just like his own father
was to him.
Copy !req
126. But I never saw him
raise his hand.
Copy !req
127. When I saw him lying
in the mud, I mean,
Copy !req
128. I half expected him
to pull me in—
Copy !req
129. like he had planned it
or something.
Copy !req
130. Did he ever hurt you?
Copy !req
131. Did he ever hurt you?
Copy !req
132. Phil? He used
to get off
Copy !req
133. shoving me around, yeah.
Copy !req
134. Did you ever shove him back?
Copy !req
135. He's twice as big as me.
Copy !req
136. You see, that's why
some people thought
Copy !req
137. you might have dug the hole,
or attacked him
Copy !req
138. when he fell in the hole
'cause he was down there.
Copy !req
139. That's their problem, isn't it?
Copy !req
140. You remember what was going
through your head at the time?
Copy !req
141. I guess...
Copy !req
142. I felt he had it coming.
Copy !req
143. I felt he had it coming.
Copy !req
144. He was kneeling over Phil—
Copy !req
145. struggling real hard
and stuff.
Copy !req
146. Could you tell that he was
definitely trying to help him?
Copy !req
147. It seemed that way to me.
Copy !req
148. You know,
there's a strong chance
Copy !req
149. the police are going
to arrest your son for murder.
Copy !req
150. I don't see how.
Copy !req
151. But if they do, and
if there's evidence of abuse
Copy !req
152. that you're not
coming forward with,
Copy !req
153. it could hurt his chances.
Copy !req
154. I know everything happens
for a reason,
Copy !req
155. but I still don't see
no reason for this.
Copy !req
156. They're all dying.
Copy !req
157. According to
Bobby's mother,
Copy !req
158. that's a big reason
why her husband blew up.
Copy !req
159. His hazelnut orchard
was hit with a blight.
Copy !req
160. His hazelnut orchard
was hit with a blight.
Copy !req
161. So he pounds the kid?
Copy !req
162. And the kid pounds back.
Copy !req
163. Is that what
she told you?
Copy !req
164. Well, not in
so many words.
Copy !req
165. Actually, she won't admit
to any abuse in the house.
Copy !req
166. I suspect she's just
trying to move on
Copy !req
167. and protect what family
she's got left.
Copy !req
168. Kid says his stepfather
teed off on him regularly.
Copy !req
169. Is that his excuse?
Copy !req
170. No, that's
his explanation.
Copy !req
171. He says he's innocent.
Copy !req
172. What do you think?
Copy !req
173. I think he's a hard kid to love.
Copy !req
174. I think he's a hard kid to love.
Copy !req
175. I'm still finding it hard
to reconcile the facts
Copy !req
176. with the physical evidence.
Copy !req
177. Well, even if he didn't
dig this hole,
Copy !req
178. the disease could have
killed root systems,
Copy !req
179. creating weakened soil.
Copy !req
180. Well, then how
did the victim
Copy !req
181. swallow 12 pounds
of this stuff?
Copy !req
182. Well, when you fight for air,
a vacuum is created.
Copy !req
183. And maybe once
he sucked down
Copy !req
184. a mouthful of mud,
it turned his esophagus
Copy !req
185. into a siphon.
Copy !req
186. With his head pushed down,
it filled all of his passages
Copy !req
187. With his head pushed down,
it filled all of his passages
Copy !req
188. like a gas can.
Copy !req
189. Well...
Copy !req
190. you asked me for answers.
Copy !req
191. Those are the best ones
I've got.
Copy !req
192. Did you ask if anybody else
might be involved?
Copy !req
193. His mother says
that Bobby
Copy !req
194. can't make friends.
Copy !req
195. He's been in therapy
for his anger since 1995.
Copy !req
196. That could be me.
Copy !req
197. What is it?
Copy !req
198. Someone's watching us.
Copy !req
199. Sir?
Copy !req
200. Hello?
Copy !req
201. Who was it?
Copy !req
202. I don't know.
Copy !req
203. He's gone.
Copy !req
204. Lisa.
Copy !req
205. Hey.
Copy !req
206. What are you
doing here?
Copy !req
207. I-I called you last night.
Copy !req
208. I mean, how come you
didn't call me back?
Copy !req
209. They're saying
you killed him, Bobby.
Copy !req
210. I finally stood up to him.
Copy !req
211. Hey, psycho.
Copy !req
212. Think fast.
Copy !req
213. Just get away from me, okay?
Copy !req
214. Or what?
Copy !req
215. What are you going
to do, huh?
Copy !req
216. What are you going
to do, huh?
Copy !req
217. Maybe I'll kill
you, too, huh?
Copy !req
218. Psycho killer.
Copy !req
219. See.
Copy !req
220. All you got to do is stand up.
Copy !req
221. I'll see you later, then.
Copy !req
222. Karin Matthews?
Copy !req
223. Yes?
Copy !req
224. We're Agents Mulder
and Scully from the FBI.
Copy !req
225. I hope my directions
were clear.
Copy !req
226. I'm a little tucked away.
Copy !req
227. I first worked with Bobby
after an incident at school.
Copy !req
228. He's had difficulty
developing relationships,
Copy !req
229. and this difficulty has
caused him to act out.
Copy !req
230. In what way?
Copy !req
231. By putting on certain airs,
affecting an attitude
Copy !req
232. that has drawn the wrong kind
of attention to himself.
Copy !req
233. I've seen him come in here
pretty beaten up.
Copy !req
234. Physical violence?
Copy !req
235. More than just kid stuff.
Copy !req
236. Was his stepfather
ever involved?
Copy !req
237. I'm not free to speak with
perfect frankness, of course.
Copy !req
238. I'm not free to speak with
perfect frankness, of course.
Copy !req
239. Well, if you know that Bobby
committed a crime,
Copy !req
240. you're under legal obligation
to tell us.
Copy !req
241. Bobby once spilled
a glass of milk at dinner.
Copy !req
242. For the next
two weeks,
Copy !req
243. he was forced to eat
in the cellar.
Copy !req
244. No table, no
chair, no light.
Copy !req
245. Sometimes he was left down there
until the following morning.
Copy !req
246. You see, there are
Copy !req
247. all sorts
of crimes...
Copy !req
248. not just the ones you might find
reason to investigate.
Copy !req
249. not just the ones you might find
reason to investigate.
Copy !req
250. So you're saying
Copy !req
251. Bobby would have good reason
to kill his father.
Copy !req
252. I'm saying there are some crimes
where there are only victims.
Copy !req
253. You're free not to answer,
Miss Matthews—
Copy !req
254. or you're free to make
these vague allusions—
Copy !req
255. but your evasiveness is only
going to land this kid
Copy !req
256. in jail for a long, long time.
Copy !req
257. I'm not sure I understand.
Copy !req
258. You make it sound
like a justification—
Copy !req
259. like Bobby did it—
and I don't think he did.
Copy !req
260. like Bobby did it—
and I don't think he did.
Copy !req
261. Hey.
Copy !req
262. What are you doing?
Copy !req
263. Going home.
Copy !req
264. Well, I, uh...
I waited for you.
Copy !req
265. I thought, uh, I thought
we were going to talk, so...
Copy !req
266. You scared me today, Bobby.
Copy !req
267. Why?
Copy !req
268. Was it because
I stood up for myself
Copy !req
269. or, um...
because I didn't let them
Copy !req
270. beat me up like usual?
Copy !req
271. I got to go.
Copy !req
272. You got to stand up, Lisa.
Copy !req
273. You got to tell your dad
Copy !req
274. you're not going
to put up with his crap.
Copy !req
275. There is a way
to make it go away...
Copy !req
276. forever.
Copy !req
277. What the hell business
you got with him?
Copy !req
278. What the hell business
you got with him?
Copy !req
279. Nothing.
Copy !req
280. He's just a friend.
Copy !req
281. I don't want you
seeing that kid.
Copy !req
282. I don't want him
coming around here.
Copy !req
283. Do you hear me?
Copy !req
284. Stop it, okay?
Copy !req
285. I'm doing
what's right for you...
Copy !req
286. Just shut up!
Copy !req
287. The victim's name was...
Copy !req
288. Eugene Baiocchi, 40s.
Copy !req
289. He was a foreman
for one of the local growers.
Copy !req
290. Single parent.
Copy !req
291. Did you get a look
at the body?
Copy !req
292. It had already been removed.
Copy !req
293. I think it's pretty clear
what killed him though.
Copy !req
294. I think it's pretty clear
what killed him though.
Copy !req
295. From what they've put together,
Copy !req
296. they've all but concluded he
was pushed out the window.
Copy !req
297. Pushed out?
Copy !req
298. His daughter Lisa made
the 911 call at 8:08 p.m.
Copy !req
299. She says she and her father
had a fight.
Copy !req
300. About what?
Copy !req
301. Bobby.
Copy !req
302. I don't want you to worry
about anything, all right?
Copy !req
303. Now, I'll be here for you
as much as possible,
Copy !req
304. but they're going to come
and ask you some questions,
Copy !req
305. and the most important thing
is that you feel comfortable.
Copy !req
306. and the most important thing
is that you feel comfortable.
Copy !req
307. If you don't feel
comfortable answering them,
Copy !req
308. then I don't want you
to answer them, okay?
Copy !req
309. Now, we'll pack a few things and
go straight to my place after.
Copy !req
310. Can I have a moment
with Lisa?
Copy !req
311. Was Lisa another
of your clients?
Copy !req
312. Lisa?
Copy !req
313. Yes, for four years.
Copy !req
314. What were you
treating her for?
Copy !req
315. An eating disorder.
Copy !req
316. Have you asked her
what happened?
Copy !req
317. Isn't that your job?
Copy !req
318. Isn't that your job?
Copy !req
319. We gather that she had a fight
with her father over Bobby Rich.
Copy !req
320. Well, it doesn't
surprise me.
Copy !req
321. Lisa's father was very
disapproving of her generally,
Copy !req
322. which stemmed
to a lot of her problems.
Copy !req
323. Had you counseled her father?
Copy !req
324. No. My approach
is with the victims solely,
Copy !req
325. to allow them
to empower themselves.
Copy !req
326. In what ways?
Copy !req
327. By breaking
the cycle of abuse,
Copy !req
328. by owning it,
Copy !req
329. by confronting it
and by standing up against it.
Copy !req
330. Seems to be working.
Copy !req
331. Seems to be working.
Copy !req
332. When I told Lisa
Copy !req
333. her aunt was coming
to pick her up tomorrow,
Copy !req
334. she started to cry.
Copy !req
335. It wasn't out of sorrow.
Copy !req
336. Three guesses who followed
Lisa home last night
Copy !req
337. and was sitting out front
in his father's truck
Copy !req
338. just minutes before
this happened.
Copy !req
339. Does she think Bobby did it?
Copy !req
340. Does she think Bobby did it?
Copy !req
341. She thinks he's quite capable.
Copy !req
342. I think we're all quite capable.
Copy !req
343. Well, she says that
he also threatened
Copy !req
344. to kill a boy
in school yesterday.
Copy !req
345. Come here.
Take a look at this.
Copy !req
346. If Lisa's father
was pushed out the window,
Copy !req
347. then all the glass
would be on the outside.
Copy !req
348. Look. There's glass
here on the inside.
Copy !req
349. And the paint
on the mullions
Copy !req
350. is cracked on the outside,
not on the inside here.
Copy !req
351. I don't understand.
Copy !req
352. Well, seems to me
like some facts
Copy !req
353. have been assumed.
Copy !req
354. It looks to me
like Lisa's father
Copy !req
355. was pulled out the
window, not pushed.
Copy !req
356. How?
Copy !req
357. That I don't know.
Copy !req
358. Well, there's
nowhere to stand.
Copy !req
359. Even if he did
use a ladder,
Copy !req
360. there'd be no leverage.
Copy !req
361. I mean, especially
for a scrawny 16-year-old kid.
Copy !req
362. That's my point exactly.
Copy !req
363. Sodium hydroxide
and hydrochloric acid.
Copy !req
364. All right, class, there will be
a quiz on this tomorrow,
Copy !req
365. so take good notes.
Copy !req
366. Now...
Copy !req
367. May I help you?
Copy !req
368. Sorry to interrupt.
Copy !req
369. I need to ask you
to come with us, please.
Copy !req
370. What for?
Copy !req
371. To answer some questions.
Copy !req
372. About what?
Copy !req
373. I don't want
to have to embarrass you
Copy !req
374. in front of your class.
Copy !req
375. Well, I ain't embarrassed.
Copy !req
376. I'm fairly certain
that this man
Copy !req
377. died from a broken neck.
Copy !req
378. Yeah, but there was
Copy !req
379. a substantial amount
of blood loss, wasn't there?
Copy !req
380. Yes, but the cuts
all missed the artery.
Copy !req
381. Yes, but the cuts
all missed the artery.
Copy !req
382. I have X-rays
if you don't believe me.
Copy !req
383. It's the fourth
and fifth vertebrae.
Copy !req
384. Have you determined
Copy !req
385. if the neck injury
was caused by the fall?
Copy !req
386. Well, what else
would it have been?
Copy !req
387. Have you seen this?
Copy !req
388. What do you make
of this here?
Copy !req
389. Huh.
Copy !req
390. Are you satisfied?
Copy !req
391. No, I'm not.
Copy !req
392. Scully?
Copy !req
393. What is that?
Copy !req
394. Evidence.
Copy !req
395. Of what?
Copy !req
396. You just trying to scare him?
Copy !req
397. No. I think he's scared
enough as it is.
Copy !req
398. Of what?
Copy !req
399. I'll help getting the rest
of your things packed.
Copy !req
400. I'll help getting the rest
of your things packed.
Copy !req
401. But I think it's best
Copy !req
402. that you go to your aunt's
as soon as possible.
Copy !req
403. When did she say
she was coming?
Copy !req
404. First thing
in the morning.
Copy !req
405. Feel it. It's okay.
Copy !req
406. Come on.
Copy !req
407. You never learn.
Copy !req
408. You never learn.
Copy !req
409. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
410. Please, just
don't yell.
Copy !req
411. What'll you
ever amount to?
Copy !req
412. No. Stop it.
Stop it.
Copy !req
413. Where are you going?
Copy !req
414. Up to my room.
Copy !req
415. You're ruining my life.
Copy !req
416. You hear me?
Copy !req
417. I wish you'd never
been born.
Copy !req
418. What are you looking for?
Copy !req
419. That splinter you're holding
came from Mr. Baiocchi's neck,
Copy !req
420. but it didn't come
from the broken window.
Copy !req
421. Where did it come from?
Copy !req
422. It's greenwood, fresh
from a living tree.
Copy !req
423. What?
Copy !req
424. Excuse me.
Copy !req
425. It's been a few years.
Copy !req
426. It's been a few years.
Copy !req
427. What? You think
that Bobby climbed this tree
Copy !req
428. to pull Lisa's father
out of that window?
Copy !req
429. Kind of begs the question,
doesn't it?
Copy !req
430. Hey, Scully,
Copy !req
431. is this demonstration
of boyish agility
Copy !req
432. turning you on at all?
Copy !req
433. Who are you?
Copy !req
434. I take care of the trees.
Copy !req
435. Scully?
Copy !req
436. I didn't expect you
Copy !req
437. to be standing right there
behind me.
Copy !req
438. You were watching us
the other day in the orchard.
Copy !req
439. The trees are dying.
Copy !req
440. Scully!
Copy !req
441. Maybe you should
come down here, Mulder.
Copy !req
442. You, uh, know what kind of tree
this came from?
Copy !req
443. You, uh, know what kind of tree
this came from?
Copy !req
444. Same as this tree.
Copy !req
445. You, uh... you said
these trees were dying.
Copy !req
446. This-this splinter's
live wood.
Copy !req
447. 20 years ago,
this happens.
Copy !req
448. What causes this?
Copy !req
449. A very bad man.
Copy !req
450. Little snoop.
Copy !req
451. Little snoop.
Copy !req
452. She's just like you.
Copy !req
453. Where is she?
Copy !req
454. Ms. Matthews, we'd like
to ask you a few questions.
Copy !req
455. About what?
Copy !req
456. Your father's death.
Copy !req
457. We need to clarify
a few details.
Copy !req
458. My father?
He died 20 years ago.
Copy !req
459. Yeah, under rather
curious circumstances.
Copy !req
460. His body was pulled
Copy !req
461. from the mud
of an orchard?
Copy !req
462. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
463. I was just
a-a young girl.
Copy !req
464. I don't know why
you want to talk to me.
Copy !req
465. Well, we just thought
it was strange
Copy !req
466. that you didn't bother
to mention it.
Copy !req
467. Well, I don't see
that it matters.
Copy !req
468. We spoke to someone
who thinks it does,
Copy !req
469. someone who worked
for your father.
Copy !req
470. According to the orchard man,
your father's death
Copy !req
471. brought about the end
of a blight affecting the trees.
Copy !req
472. Look, my father was
a powerful man.
Copy !req
473. And powerful men are prone
to inspire this kind of fantasy.
Copy !req
474. Don't tell me you've
been taken in by it, too.
Copy !req
475. Is Lisa still
Copy !req
476. staying with you?
Copy !req
477. No, she's not.
Copy !req
478. She's gone to her aunt's.
Copy !req
479. Look, I'm sorry I can't help.
Copy !req
480. Look, I'm sorry I can't help.
Copy !req
481. Help me!
Copy !req
482. I'm down here! Help!
Copy !req
483. Lisa?
Copy !req
484. Lisa.
Copy !req
485. Karin? Karin!
Copy !req
486. Karin!
Copy !req
487. Karin?
Copy !req
488. Lisa, you've got to be quiet—
quiet as a mouse—
Copy !req
489. or he's going to hear you
down there.
Copy !req
490. or he's going to hear you
down there.
Copy !req
491. Karin, I'm scared.
Copy !req
492. Let me out, please.
Copy !req
493. I will,
but not until it's safe.
Copy !req
494. Karin...
Copy !req
495. Karin, I don't want
to stay down here.
Copy !req
496. Please let me out.
Copy !req
497. Karin?
Copy !req
498. Mulder, whatever
you're hoping we find here—
Copy !req
499. Mulder, whatever
you're hoping we find here—
Copy !req
500. without a court order,
it won't be admissible.
Copy !req
501. I'm not expecting it to be.
Copy !req
502. Mulder...
Copy !req
503. where's the body?
Copy !req
504. Yes?
Copy !req
505. I'm Linda Baiocchi.
Copy !req
506. I'm Linda Baiocchi.
Copy !req
507. Lisa's aunt.
Copy !req
508. Are you Karin?
Copy !req
509. Yes.
Copy !req
510. Is Lisa here?
Copy !req
511. No. She went... she's
gone to the bus station.
Copy !req
512. She has?
Copy !req
513. But it was all arranged...
Copy !req
514. Well, I don't know
what to tell you.
Copy !req
515. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
516. There must have been
a misunderstanding.
Copy !req
517. Help me!
I'm down here!
Copy !req
518. Don't leave!
Copy !req
519. I'm down here!
Copy !req
520. Aunt Linda, I'm down here!
Copy !req
521. What are you doing down there?
Copy !req
522. Just get me out, please?
Copy !req
523. Okay. It'll be okay.
Copy !req
524. I'm going to call the police.
Copy !req
525. Mulder, you still haven't
answered my question.
Copy !req
526. What happened
to Karin's father?
Copy !req
527. Why would anybody
steal his body?
Copy !req
528. I don't think this was an act
of grave robbing, Scully.
Copy !req
529. No, that's what
we were doing.
Copy !req
530. More like an act of nature.
Copy !req
531. What do you mean?
Copy !req
532. The orchard man said
that the blight
Copy !req
533. that plagues this town
was caused by a man—
Copy !req
534. implying a connection.
Copy !req
535. I'm a little afraid to ask
what kind of connection.
Copy !req
536. I'm a little afraid to ask
what kind of connection.
Copy !req
537. Between the people
of this valley
Copy !req
538. and their livelihood—
the trees.
Copy !req
539. Look at the victims, Scully.
Copy !req
540. Bobby's father, Lisa's father...
Copy !req
541. And Karin's father
20 years ago.
Copy !req
542. All men who worked
in these orchards—
Copy !req
543. their lives and deaths
tied to these trees.
Copy !req
544. We removed a sliver
Copy !req
545. of greenwood from
Lisa's father's neck.
Copy !req
546. And the bruise that you found
on Bobby's father's ankle
Copy !req
547. could've been caused by a root—
the same root system
Copy !req
548. that pulled Karin's father
from his grave.
Copy !req
549. Mulder, there is a connection
between these deaths,
Copy !req
550. one that provides
a clear motive and intent:
Copy !req
551. one that provides
a clear motive and intent:
Copy !req
552. these were abused children.
Copy !req
553. Who couldn't defend themselves.
Copy !req
554. What? So nature did it for them?
Copy !req
555. Something did
it for them—
Copy !req
556. or someone controlling nature.
Copy !req
557. Karin said she was
counseling Bobby and Lisa
Copy !req
558. to empower them.
Copy !req
559. I think we should talk to them.
Copy !req
560. I called Lisa
Copy !req
561. at her aunt's house
20 minutes ago,
Copy !req
562. and there was no answer.
Copy !req
563. Then we should
talk to Bobby.
Copy !req
564. Mulder, we've already
questioned him twice.
Copy !req
565. Maybe we haven't asked him
the right question.
Copy !req
566. I don't know
what you're talking about.
Copy !req
567. Yes, you do.
Copy !req
568. Maybe you hated your stepfather,
but you didn't kill him.
Copy !req
569. You don't have it in you.
Copy !req
570. That's good. That's really good.
Copy !req
571. Can I go now?
No, no.
Copy !req
572. You can't go until
you tell me the truth.
Copy !req
573. For the first time
in your life,
Copy !req
574. For the first time
in your life,
Copy !req
575. people are taking
you seriously.
Copy !req
576. And I think they should
take you seriously.
Copy !req
577. I think you're
a serious kid.
Copy !req
578. Not an outsider anymore, huh?
Copy !req
579. Yeah. I'm thinking about
running for ASB president.
Copy !req
580. So why don't you just
give it up.
Copy !req
581. Why don't you give it up.
Copy !req
582. Why don't you tell me
what happened that night.
Copy !req
583. You took the shovel to him, but
you couldn't do it, so you ran.
Copy !req
584. You ran to the orchard,
Copy !req
585. but not because you dug a hole
or laid a trap.
Copy !req
586. Because you
were afraid.
Copy !req
587. Because you
were afraid.
Copy !req
588. Not of Phil.
Copy !req
589. You weren't afraid of Phil.
Copy !req
590. Phil never hit you or hurt you
in that way.
Copy !req
591. In fact, I think you
wanted to help Phil.
Copy !req
592. You wanted to save him.
Copy !req
593. You didn't want Phil
to die, did you?
Copy !req
594. What were you afraid of, Bobby?
Copy !req
595. I couldn't do it.
Copy !req
596. You couldn't do what?
Copy !req
597. I couldn't stand up to him.
Copy !req
598. But she made me.
Copy !req
599. But she made me.
Copy !req
600. "She" who?
Copy !req
601. K-Karin.
Copy !req
602. Karin— she-she made me, uh...
Copy !req
603. You're a loser!
Copy !req
604. You understand me?
Copy !req
605. I wish you would've
never been born!
Copy !req
606. You're ruining
my life!
Copy !req
607. Karin made you what?
Copy !req
608. She made me say those things.
Copy !req
609. She had me pretend
that I was him.
Copy !req
610. She had me pretend
that I was him.
Copy !req
611. That I-I was Phil.
Copy !req
612. She made you believe
you were a victim,
Copy !req
613. but you weren't, were you?
Copy !req
614. She said I have the power
Copy !req
615. to-to make it all go away.
Copy !req
616. But I...
Copy !req
617. But I didn't mean
for him to die.
Copy !req
618. It's okay.
Copy !req
619. You think
you can hide down there?
Copy !req
620. You think you're safe?
Copy !req
621. You'll wish you were dead.
Copy !req
622. Karin?
Copy !req
623. Scully, take a look at this.
Copy !req
624. Mulder.
Copy !req
625. Talk about
putting down roots.
Copy !req
626. What the hell
is going on here?
Copy !req
627. I think we're looking
at Karin Matthews' father.
Copy !req
628. But how did he get here?
Copy !req
629. The same way Bobby's father
got pulled down in that mud.
Copy !req
630. Mulder, I...
Copy !req
631. This has to do with Karin,
Copy !req
632. with her own father's abuse.
Copy !req
633. It was never Bobby that was
Copy !req
634. locked in the cellar,
it was Karin.
Copy !req
635. locked in the cellar,
it was Karin.
Copy !req
636. Karin caused all this.
Copy !req
637. You think Karin is the killer?
Copy !req
638. I think she's the killer
and the victim.
Copy !req
639. Lisa.
Copy !req
640. Where's Karin?
Copy !req
641. You're going to be okay.
Copy !req
642. You stay
with her, Scully.
Copy !req
643. I need to see Bobby.
Copy !req
644. I'm sorry.
Bobby's not here.
Copy !req
645. He's in danger.
Copy !req
646. Get away
from here, please.
Copy !req
647. Bobby!
Copy !req
648. He's not here.
Copy !req
649. Where is he?
Copy !req
650. Bobby! Bobby!
Copy !req
651. Bobby!
Copy !req
652. Bobby!
Copy !req
653. Stay away from me!
Copy !req
654. I'm warning you.
Copy !req
655. You're pathetic.
Copy !req
656. You little piece of garbage.
Copy !req
657. Karin! Stop!
Copy !req
658. You stay away from him!
Copy !req
659. Stand up to him!
Copy !req
660. Karin deserves what she gets.
Copy !req
661. Make him stop, Karin!
Copy !req
662. Tell him what you should've
told him 20 years ago!
Copy !req
663. You're not going to
take it anymore!
Copy !req
664. Karin's dead.
Copy !req
665. Karin's dead.
Copy !req
666. It's done now.
Copy !req
667. No more.
Copy !req
668. Come on.
Copy !req
669. Coats Grove authorities
Copy !req
670. Coats Grove authorities
Copy !req
671. conducted a detailed
examination of the soil
Copy !req
672. and root composition
in the Rich family orchard,
Copy !req
673. but could not explain what
pulled Karin Matthews' body
Copy !req
674. into the Michigan mud.
Copy !req
675. Nor could the authorities
Copy !req
676. how the body of Karin's father
was pulled from its grave
Copy !req
677. into her root cellar
three years earlier.
Copy !req
678. While the forensic data
is inconclusive,
Copy !req
679. I believe the explanation
lies in hospital records
Copy !req
680. dating back
to Karin's childhood,
Copy !req
681. which suggest she herself
was a victim of abuse.
Copy !req
682. which suggest she herself
was a victim of abuse.
Copy !req
683. Rage unconfronted
takes its own path.
Copy !req
684. I believe it was
Karin's unconfronted rage
Copy !req
685. that forced her
to face her buried father.
Copy !req
686. This same rage
made her imagine victims
Copy !req
687. in the children around her,
trying to instill in them
Copy !req
688. the strength she never found
in herself.
Copy !req
689. What happened to Karin Matthews
in the orchard that night
Copy !req
690. was a release—
release for a victim
Copy !req
691. who, unable to face up
to her own past,
Copy !req
692. was finally consumed by it.
Copy !req
693. was finally consumed by it.
Copy !req
694. I made this!
Copy !req