1. You're flooding it, Booger.
Copy !req
2. Hmm.
Copy !req
3. For God's sake, Izzy.
Copy !req
4. Here she comes. Let's go.
Copy !req
5. Come on, man. Come on.
Copy !req
6. You got to be kidding.
Copy !req
7. What?
Don't "what" me, Izzy,
Copy !req
8. or you ain't going
to no comic book convention.
Copy !req
9. I'm 18. I can go
anywhere I want.
Copy !req
10. Yeah, but where you gonna live
when you get back?
Copy !req
11. Mom, we got to get going.
Copy !req
12. You drive careful, Booger.
Copy !req
13. He's the only son
I've got.
Copy !req
14. Okay, Mrs. B.
Copy !req
15. Okay, Mrs. B.
Copy !req
16. I'm about to introduce you
Copy !req
17. to a woman who, three years ago,
Copy !req
18. was delivered
the surprise of her life.
Copy !req
19. After nine months of what
seemed like a normal pregnancy,
Copy !req
20. doctors delivered to Dolores
a very special child.
Copy !req
21. Already a mother
of two beautiful children,
Copy !req
22. Dolores held in her arms
a boy with fur like a dog
Copy !req
23. and a hairline
like Eddie Munster.
Copy !req
24. She's here with us today
Copy !req
25. with her real live,
but sleeping, wolf baby.
Copy !req
26. with her real live,
but sleeping, wolf baby.
Copy !req
27. Hey, why not just give him a
razor and some shaving cream?
Copy !req
28. I mean, he's gonna be shaving
in a couple of years anyway.
Copy !req
29. Well, actually,
he seems to be quite allergic
Copy !req
30. to shaving cream.
Copy !req
31. Children seem to like him.
Copy !req
32. They like to come up
and touch his hair,
Copy !req
33. tug on it a little.
Copy !req
34. So they don't tease him?
Copy !req
35. No. He's quite popular.
Copy !req
36. Dandruff a problem?
Copy !req
37. Mm, no. I wash
his hair twice a day
Copy !req
38. and brush
a hundred strokes a night.
Copy !req
39. I can't believe this.
Copy !req
40. I think the question
Copy !req
41. the audience really
wants answered is, uh...
Copy !req
42. the audience really
wants answered is, uh...
Copy !req
43. what does the father look like?
Copy !req
44. The father is completely bald.
Copy !req
45. Hello?
Copy !req
46. Who's there?
Copy !req
47. "Dear Special Agent Mulder:
Copy !req
48. I'm writing to you for help.
Copy !req
49. "Several years ago,
Copy !req
50. "I had an experience
I could not explain.
Copy !req
51. "I was lying in my bed
Copy !req
52. "when I felt a presence
in the room.
Copy !req
53. "Though I was awake,
I felt that something
Copy !req
54. "had taken control
over my body.
Copy !req
55. "I don't remember much else,
Copy !req
56. but I woke up three days later
pregnant with my son Izzy."
Copy !req
57. "That was 18 years ago,
but now it happened again.
Copy !req
58. "That was 18 years ago,
but now it happened again.
Copy !req
59. "I was in bed and could swear
I heard Cher singing...
Copy !req
60. "the one who was married
to Sonny.
Copy !req
61. "Then the room
got all smoky,
Copy !req
62. "and I saw some kind of monster.
Copy !req
63. "He had a really gross face
with lumps all over his head.
Copy !req
64. "I was too scared to scream.
Copy !req
65. "Then I got all groggy
and conked out for three days.
Copy !req
66. "Guess what happened
when I woke up?
Copy !req
67. "I got your name
off the TV.
Copy !req
68. "Some lady
on The Jerry Springer Show
Copy !req
69. "who had a werewolf baby
said you came to her house.
Copy !req
70. "who had a werewolf baby
said you came to her house.
Copy !req
71. "Well, I got her story
beat by a mile,
Copy !req
72. "so maybe you'll want
Copy !req
73. to come see me, too.
Sincerely, Shaineh Berkowitz."
Copy !req
74. Scully, do you think
it's too soon
Copy !req
75. to get my own 1-900 number?
Copy !req
76. So, did you actually see
that werewolf baby,
Copy !req
77. or was that
just a story?
Copy !req
78. No. It had something called
hypertrichosis lanuginosa.
Copy !req
79. It's a rare hereditary
condition, uh,
Copy !req
80. It's a rare hereditary
condition, uh,
Copy !req
81. most commonly found
in some South American families.
Copy !req
82. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
83. But it was all hairy and stuff?
Copy !req
84. Uh, Mrs. Berkowitz,
Copy !req
85. you said that you also
had a son?
Copy !req
86. Mm-hmm. Izzy.
That's him there.
Copy !req
87. And Izzy is the product
Copy !req
88. of your union with
some kind of intruder?
Copy !req
89. I don't know
about no union,
Copy !req
90. but I sure woke up
in a condition.
Copy !req
91. Did you report this
to the police?
Copy !req
92. Of course I did.
Copy !req
93. Was there an
Copy !req
94. Was there an
Copy !req
95. Not really.
Copy !req
96. Nobody here
ever locks their doors,
Copy !req
97. and it took me a month or two
to figure it out.
Copy !req
98. I mean, that I was pregnant.
Copy !req
99. And now you're pregnant again?
Copy !req
100. Uh-huh. But as I told
Agent Mulder on the phone,
Copy !req
101. that's what takes the cake.
Copy !req
102. Mrs. Berkowitz had a tubal
ligation two years ago.
Copy !req
103. You can't plant a seed
in a barren field.
Copy !req
104. They were cooking something
on the range.
Copy !req
105. Took me two days of scrubbing
to clean the skillet.
Copy !req
106. I don't know
how many of them there were.
Copy !req
107. I only saw the one,
Copy !req
108. but they ate almost a whole
damn jar of peanut butter.
Copy !req
109. You said were gone
Copy !req
110. for three days,
but nobody missed you?
Copy !req
111. I know what you're thinking.
Copy !req
112. Do you drink, Mrs. Berkowitz?
Copy !req
113. No, but I'm not so sure
Copy !req
114. my intruders, as you call them,
didn't have a few.
Copy !req
115. Somebody set a tumbler here
and didn't use no coaster.
Copy !req
116. Right.
Copy !req
117. That's a family heirloom, too.
Copy !req
118. Is there no chance
Copy !req
119. that your son
could have put it there?
Copy !req
120. Izzy's got
more brains than that.
Copy !req
121. Izzy's got
more brains than that.
Copy !req
122. Not much more,
but he values his life.
Copy !req
123. That pigsty there
is his room.
Copy !req
124. You know what
this thing is,
Copy !req
125. don't you, Agent Mulder?
Copy !req
126. Why do you say that?
Copy !req
127. 'Cause... you're
all quiet and stuff.
Copy !req
128. And you know something
you're not saying—
Copy !req
129. about alien abductions.
Copy !req
130. They said on
Jerry Springer
Copy !req
131. you're, like, an expert.
Copy !req
132. Well, I
don't think this has
Copy !req
133. anything to do with
alien abductions.
Copy !req
134. I don't even know if I believe
in that stuff anymore.
Copy !req
135. I don't even know if I believe
in that stuff anymore.
Copy !req
136. Oh, come on.
Copy !req
137. Really?
Copy !req
138. Mrs. Berkowitz.
Copy !req
139. You gave a description
of the intruder.
Copy !req
140. You said that he had
a gross face
Copy !req
141. and lumps on his head?
Copy !req
142. Mm-hmm, and two mouths.
Copy !req
143. I don't know
if I mentioned that.
Copy !req
144. Funny.
Copy !req
145. Sounds just like this.
Copy !req
146. Oh, that?
Copy !req
147. That's The Great Mutato.
Copy !req
148. That's a comic book character
my kid Izzy created.
Copy !req
149. That's a comic book character
my kid Izzy created.
Copy !req
150. What's going on?
Copy !req
151. These are Agents Mulder
and Scully from the FBI.
Copy !req
152. The Federal Bureau
of Investigations?
Copy !req
153. We were wondering
Copy !req
154. how this suspect in
your mother's case
Copy !req
155. looks exactly like this.
Copy !req
156. The Great Mutato.
Copy !req
157. Because I... I've seen him, too.
Copy !req
158. You've seen The
Great Mutato?
Copy !req
159. Yeah.
Copy !req
160. A lot of people
around here have.
Copy !req
161. Has it crossed neither of
your minds that what you say
Copy !req
162. Has it crossed neither of
your minds that what you say
Copy !req
163. you saw that night
fits perfectly with
Copy !req
164. this creature that
your son created?
Copy !req
165. Well, yeah, but...
Copy !req
166. that don't mean
it didn't happen.
Copy !req
167. Don't ask me why, but it works.
Copy !req
168. Peanut butter
Copy !req
169. You think bologna
would be more effective?
Copy !req
170. You think bologna
would be more effective?
Copy !req
171. Why are you humoring
them, Mulder?
Copy !req
172. I'm not humoring
them, Scully.
Copy !req
173. This is
a very serious crime.
Copy !req
174. So is perjury.
Copy !req
175. So is calling out FBI agents
under false pretenses.
Copy !req
176. For the purpose of what?
Copy !req
177. Isn't it obvious?
Copy !req
178. I think what we're
seeing here is an example
Copy !req
179. of a culture
for whom daytime talk shows
Copy !req
180. and tabloid headlines
have become a reality
Copy !req
181. against which they
measure their lives—
Copy !req
182. a culture so... so
obsessed by the media
Copy !req
183. and a chance for
Copy !req
184. that they'll do anything in
order to gain a spotlight.
Copy !req
185. that they'll do anything in
order to gain a spotlight.
Copy !req
186. I am alarmed that you would
reduce these people
Copy !req
187. to a cultural stereotype.
Copy !req
188. Not everybody's dream
is to get on Jerry Springer.
Copy !req
189. Psychologists
often speak
Copy !req
190. of the denial of
an unthinkable evil
Copy !req
191. or a misplacement
of shared fears.
Copy !req
192. Anxieties
taking the form
Copy !req
193. of a hideous monster
for whom the most
Copy !req
194. horrific human attributes
can be ascribed.
Copy !req
195. What-what we can't possibly
imagine ourselves capable of,
Copy !req
196. we can blame on the ogre,
on the hunchback,
Copy !req
197. on the lowly half-breed.
Copy !req
198. on the lowly half-breed.
Copy !req
199. But common sense
alone will tell you
Copy !req
200. that these legends,
these unverified rumors,
Copy !req
201. are ridiculous.
Copy !req
202. But nonetheless unverifiable,
and therefore true,
Copy !req
203. in the sense that they're
believed to be true.
Copy !req
204. Is there anything that you
don't believe in, Mulder?
Copy !req
205. Shh.
Copy !req
206. What's that sound?
Copy !req
207. It's The Great Mutato.
Copy !req
208. Where'd it go?
Copy !req
209. I don't know.
Copy !req
210. I lost it.
Copy !req
211. There.
Copy !req
212. Up there!
Copy !req
213. Turn that damn thing off!
Copy !req
214. Turn that damn thing off!
Copy !req
215. You're on my property!
Copy !req
216. We're with the FBI.
Copy !req
217. They're not.
Copy !req
218. We were...
Copy !req
219. We were chasing
what they told us was a monster.
Copy !req
220. Monster? What'd I tell you boys?
Copy !req
221. There ain't no monster.
Copy !req
222. I'll show you
the monster
Copy !req
223. you're looking for.
Copy !req
224. Who sent you here?
Copy !req
225. Your father.
Copy !req
226. Your father.
Copy !req
227. My father is a simpleton farmer.
Copy !req
228. He understands nothing
of my scientific achievements.
Copy !req
229. What achievements
are those?
Copy !req
230. What makes you think you'd
understand them any better?
Copy !req
231. Well, I'm a
scientist, for one.
Copy !req
232. Well, then you probably know
Copy !req
233. that once in a generation,
perhaps once in a lifetime,
Copy !req
234. a truth is uncovered
which thrusts mankind
Copy !req
235. into a shocking
new consciousness,
Copy !req
236. turning accepted notions of our
very existence on their head.
Copy !req
237. Consider relativity,
the double helix,
Copy !req
238. and now the homeotic Hox gene,
for which I will undoubtedly
Copy !req
239. and now the homeotic Hox gene,
for which I will undoubtedly
Copy !req
240. have my place
among the Columbuses of science
Copy !req
241. as a visionary leader
of men. Yes?
Copy !req
242. What do you want me to do
with these, Dr. Pollidori?
Copy !req
243. Never mind.
Copy !req
244. What is the
homeotic Hox gene?
Copy !req
245. She's a scientist. Ask her.
Copy !req
246. I, uh...
Copy !req
247. I believe that it has
something to do
Copy !req
248. with, um... growth
and development.
Copy !req
249. with, um... growth
and development.
Copy !req
250. If you two will excuse me, I
really don't have time for this.
Copy !req
251. I have to travel tonight
to the University of Ingolstadt
Copy !req
252. to deliver
an international address.
Copy !req
253. Sir, unless you want
your scientific achievements
Copy !req
254. to end up as a footnote
on The Jerry Springer Show,
Copy !req
255. I suggest that
you make the time.
Copy !req
256. Jerry Springer Show?
Copy !req
257. Witness the morphogenesis
of Drosophila...
Copy !req
258. the fruit fly.
Copy !req
259. What you are watching
has been going on for millennia,
Copy !req
260. What you are watching
has been going on for millennia,
Copy !req
261. since the Cambrian Period
some 580 million short years ago
Copy !req
262. when Drosophila was first born.
Copy !req
263. Notice the elegant symmetry
with which the pupae grows
Copy !req
264. into a series
of beautiful segments.
Copy !req
265. What we have found—
Copy !req
266. what I have found—
Copy !req
267. is that these segments
represent a linear model
Copy !req
268. for the genetic development
of our friend, the fly.
Copy !req
269. Each gene is responsible
for the development
Copy !req
270. of its corresponding segment:
the legs, the mouth, the body,
Copy !req
271. of its corresponding segment:
the legs, the mouth, the body,
Copy !req
272. posterior and anterior.
Copy !req
273. But which I,
through my genius,
Copy !req
274. can alter
into a creation of my own.
Copy !req
275. Behold... Proboscopedia.
Copy !req
276. This fly has legs...
Copy !req
277. Growing out of his mouth.
Copy !req
278. Why would you do that?
Copy !req
279. Because I can.
Copy !req
280. Could that be
done in humans?
Copy !req
281. That would go against
every scientific convention.
Copy !req
282. But could it be done?
Copy !req
283. Theoretically.
Copy !req
284. Good night, Dr. Frankenstein.
Copy !req
285. Good night, Dr. Frankenstein.
Copy !req
286. Despite what
you might think, Mulder,
Copy !req
287. designer mutations
like these
Copy !req
288. are virtually impossible
on humans.
Copy !req
289. That's not what I just heard.
Copy !req
290. Mulder, even if they could,
no scientist would even dare
Copy !req
291. to perform this kind of
experiment on a human.
Copy !req
292. Well, then why do them at all?
Copy !req
293. To unlock the mysteries
of genetics,
Copy !req
294. to understand how it is
Copy !req
295. that even though
we share the same genes,
Copy !req
296. we develop arms
instead of wings,
Copy !req
297. we become humans
instead of flies or monsters.
Copy !req
298. we become humans
instead of flies or monsters.
Copy !req
299. But, given the power,
who could resist the temptation
Copy !req
300. to create life
in his own image?
Copy !req
301. We already
have that ability, Mulder.
Copy !req
302. It's called "procreation."
Copy !req
303. And first thing tomorrow
morning, I'm gonna verify
Copy !req
304. the pregnancy
of Shaineh Berkowitz.
Copy !req
305. When are you
coming home again?
Copy !req
306. Huh?
Copy !req
307. When are you
coming home again?
Copy !req
308. What?
Copy !req
309. We were gonna have that talk.
Copy !req
310. Soon, soon.
Copy !req
311. We'll have
our talk soon.
Copy !req
312. That's what
you always say.
Copy !req
313. Elizabeth, you know how
I feel about children.
Copy !req
314. They're mewling
little monsters.
Copy !req
315. But I want children.
Copy !req
316. What happened
to our dream?
Copy !req
317. About getting
out of this place,
Copy !req
318. getting away from
this hick town?
Copy !req
319. I think that's your dream.
Copy !req
320. I think that's your dream.
Copy !req
321. Listen, what do you want,
a baby or a Nobel Prize?
Copy !req
322. See you on Thursday.
Copy !req
323. Hot plates!
Hot, hot, hot!
Copy !req
324. Biscuits, fritters, grits,
Copy !req
325. flapjacks, eggs,
Copy !req
326. boiled, scrambled,
Copy !req
327. poached and fried.
Copy !req
328. We got some monster grapefruits
on the way.
Copy !req
329. Bigger than
your head, almost.
Copy !req
330. Bigger than
your head, almost.
Copy !req
331. I-I'd just like some coffee.
Copy !req
332. On the house.
Compliments of J.J.
Copy !req
333. That's with two Js.
Copy !req
334. Is it true Jerry Springer's
coming to town?
Copy !req
335. We've been had.
Copy !req
336. I'll save you the trouble
of reading the article.
Copy !req
337. It has everything
that we talked about last night,
Copy !req
338. word for word.
Copy !req
339. Izzy Berkowitz,
Copy !req
340. get your butt front and center!
Copy !req
341. What did I do?
All I can say is
Copy !req
342. I hope the answer
to that question is nothing.
Copy !req
343. We have reason to believe
that you or one of your friends
Copy !req
344. recorded our conversation
last night
Copy !req
345. and gave it
to a newspaper reporter.
Copy !req
346. Me?
In order to promote
Copy !req
347. Me?
In order to promote
Copy !req
348. your comic book monster
that you created.
Copy !req
349. Do you own
a tape recorder, Izzy?
Copy !req
350. Um...
Copy !req
351. Christmas, 1993!
Copy !req
352. of shared fears.
Copy !req
353. Anxieties taking the form
of a hideous monster,
Copy !req
354. given the most horrific
human attributes...
Copy !req
355. That's for starters.
Copy !req
356. What we can't
possibly imagine...
Copy !req
357. What we can't
possibly imagine...
Copy !req
358. Hey. Hey, that's it!
Copy !req
359. That's the song that was playing
Copy !req
360. when I got knocked up.
Copy !req
361. Who the hell is that?
Copy !req
362. That's the same voice we heard
out in the woods last night.
Copy !req
363. That's him.
Copy !req
364. The Great Mutato.
Copy !req
365. Where are we going now?
Copy !req
366. Messenger this
to the Bureau.
Copy !req
367. I want special audio
to filter the tracks
Copy !req
368. and separate out the voice,
Copy !req
369. and then I want to go back
to see the professor.
Copy !req
370. and then I want to go back
to see the professor.
Copy !req
371. Mulder, this is
just a dopey hoax.
Copy !req
372. Something recorded
its voice on this, Scully.
Copy !req
373. And you think
that Dr. Pollidori
Copy !req
374. has something
to do with it?
Copy !req
375. When Victor Frankenstein
asks himself,
Copy !req
376. "Whence did the principle
of life proceed?"
Copy !req
377. and then, as a gratifying
summit to his toils,
Copy !req
378. creates a hideous phantasm
of a man,
Copy !req
379. he prefigures
the postmodern Prometheus,
Copy !req
380. the genetic engineer whose power
to reanimate matter—
Copy !req
381. genes into life— us—
Copy !req
382. is only as limited
as his imagination is.
Copy !req
383. Mulder, I'm alarmed that
you would reduce this man
Copy !req
384. to a literary stereotype—
a mad scientist.
Copy !req
385. to a literary stereotype—
a mad scientist.
Copy !req
386. Who else would go
to such trouble
Copy !req
387. to impregnate
Shaineh Berkowitz?
Copy !req
388. I have to admit, Mulder,
Copy !req
389. everything looks in order.
Copy !req
390. Mrs. Berkowitz had a
tubal ligation in 1993,
Copy !req
391. and two months ago,
she had two pregnancy tests,
Copy !req
392. and two months ago,
she had two pregnancy tests,
Copy !req
393. both with
positive results.
Copy !req
394. What are you doing?
Copy !req
395. Mrs. Berkowitz
said in her letter
Copy !req
396. that when she saw her intruder,
there was a gaseous white cloud,
Copy !req
397. and then when she woke up
three days later,
Copy !req
398. nobody knew
that she'd been gone.
Copy !req
399. Yeah. So?
Copy !req
400. Come on.
Copy !req
401. Get up!
Copy !req
402. Move!
Copy !req
403. Mulder?
Copy !req
404. I told you,
there ain't no monster.
Copy !req
405. What are you doing
in my house?
Copy !req
406. He had this awful face
with these hideous tumors and...
Copy !req
407. and not one
mouth, but two.
Copy !req
408. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
409. Dr. Pollidori...
Copy !req
410. is there something
you'd like to tell us?
Copy !req
411. Are you accusing me
Copy !req
412. of knowing something
that I'm not telling you?
Copy !req
413. I'm accusing that your wife
may have been impregnated.
Copy !req
414. Impregnated?
Copy !req
415. By whom?
Copy !req
416. Oh, I think you know...
Copy !req
417. Sir, with all due respect,
Copy !req
418. I think that this is
all part of a hoax.
Copy !req
419. A hoax?
Copy !req
420. A shameless
publicity stunt.
Copy !req
421. Scully.
Copy !req
422. What? What is that?
Copy !req
423. The other victims— they had
their frying pans... violated.
Copy !req
424. Do you know what that is?
Copy !req
425. No, I don't.
Copy !req
426. I think we found
our smoking gun.
Copy !req
427. Hey, Mom!
Copy !req
428. You look great.
You look great.
Copy !req
429. Mom, I have some great news.
Copy !req
430. Me, too.
Copy !req
431. You first.
Copy !req
432. I quit.
Copy !req
433. I'm clean as a whistle.
Copy !req
434. I'm clean as a whistle.
Copy !req
435. Brought you your favorite.
Copy !req
436. You finish your movie,
Copy !req
437. but don't you stay up too late,
okay, son?
Copy !req
438. Well, that's a start.
Copy !req
439. Well, what about
your news?
Copy !req
440. Oh, it's no big deal.
Copy !req
441. I met a girl.
Copy !req
442. We're going out.
Copy !req
443. Oh! Come on. Tell us.
Copy !req
444. Well, her name is Diana...
Copy !req
445. Yeah?
Copy !req
446. And she's beautiful.
Copy !req
447. She's got long blond hair.
Copy !req
448. She rides horses,
Copy !req
449. and she's beautiful
and she's smart
Copy !req
450. and she's beautiful
and she's smart
Copy !req
451. and she loves me.
Copy !req
452. Oh.
Copy !req
453. What's not
to love, baby?
Copy !req
454. Tell me it isn't true.
Copy !req
455. You didn't.
Copy !req
456. You wouldn't.
Copy !req
457. Why?
Copy !req
458. Because I can.
Copy !req
459. Excuse me.
Copy !req
460. Not a problem.
Copy !req
461. Ah!
Copy !req
462. He has some nerve.
Copy !req
463. What's this?
Copy !req
464. Compliments of J.J.
Copy !req
465. Coffee?
Copy !req
466. Sure.
Copy !req
467. Sure.
Copy !req
468. Whoa!
Copy !req
469. That's not a place
you want to burn a guy.
Copy !req
470. You want to see your monster?
Copy !req
471. Yeah!
Copy !req
472. You really want
to see your monster?
Copy !req
473. Yeah!
Here's your monster.
Copy !req
474. His name
is Izzy Berkowitz!
Copy !req
475. String him up!
Copy !req
476. String him up!
Copy !req
477. Get your filthy hands off him!
Copy !req
478. You let him go!
Copy !req
479. I intercepted a package.
Copy !req
480. How would you like your face
to intercept my fist,
Copy !req
481. coconut head?
Copy !req
482. Your kid's a monster!
Copy !req
483. Yeah!
Copy !req
484. Yeah! Yeah!
Copy !req
485. That is my son
you're talking about!
Copy !req
486. How would you like it
Copy !req
487. if somebody talked
about you like that?
Copy !req
488. Mulder...
Copy !req
489. You may have been
right, Scully.
Copy !req
490. What, that these people can be
reduced to cultural stereotypes?
Copy !req
491. They unmasked the monster.
Copy !req
492. They unmasked the monster.
Copy !req
493. Oh, no, don't even
start that...
Copy !req
494. I may have found something
that says otherwise.
Copy !req
495. The residue in the frying pan
was an agricultural product
Copy !req
496. used to anesthetize
herds of animals.
Copy !req
497. Used by who?
Copy !req
498. Farmers— who have
to register with the FDA
Copy !req
499. even to have it
in their possession.
Copy !req
500. Is there someone
registered locally?
Copy !req
501. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
502. Mulder?
Copy !req
503. We may be too late.
Copy !req
504. I think we are.
Copy !req
505. I think we are.
Copy !req
506. Who's that?
Copy !req
507. Show yourself!
Copy !req
508. If you're armed,
Copy !req
509. drop your weapon
and walk out slowly!
Copy !req
510. Please don't...
Copy !req
511. don't kill me.
Copy !req
512. Who are you?
Copy !req
513. I'm with the newspaper.
Copy !req
514. What's your business here?
Copy !req
515. The old man was murdered.
Copy !req
516. The old man was murdered.
Copy !req
517. By whom?
Copy !req
518. It's alive.
Copy !req
519. I've seen it.
Copy !req
520. In the barn,
burying the old man.
Copy !req
521. He's a killer!
Copy !req
522. Whatever you have in mind,
Copy !req
523. I'm gonna have to ask
you to stop right there.
Copy !req
524. We have come for the murderer.
Copy !req
525. Yeah!
Copy !req
526. What makes you think
he's here?
Copy !req
527. I've seen him with my own eyes.
Copy !req
528. He is not a man.
He is a monster!
Copy !req
529. Yeah!
Copy !req
530. The fiend must be found,
Copy !req
531. and then we'll let justice
take its course.
Copy !req
532. Yeah!
Copy !req
533. We'll search
every crevice,
Copy !req
534. We'll search
every crevice,
Copy !req
535. every ravine!
Copy !req
536. You get him alive if you can,
but you get him!
Copy !req
537. Yeah!
Copy !req
538. There's only one way Pollidori
could have seen that monster:
Copy !req
539. if he was out here himself.
Copy !req
540. Mulder.
Copy !req
541. Federal agents,
and we're armed!
Copy !req
542. Federal agents,
and we're armed!
Copy !req
543. Come on out!
Copy !req
544. Hey, Scully,
look at this.
Copy !req
545. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
546. You're gonna have
to come out of there.
Copy !req
547. We're not
gonna hurt you.
Copy !req
548. You think he
Copy !req
549. I hope not.
Copy !req
550. He looks frightened.
Copy !req
551. We're gonna have
to get him out of here, Scully.
Copy !req
552. They're gonna kill him.
Copy !req
553. The barn's on fire!
Copy !req
554. The barn's on fire!
Copy !req
555. Fire!
Copy !req
556. There it is!
Copy !req
557. Let him go.
Copy !req
558. Where is he?
Copy !req
559. You let him go,
or we'll burn him out.
Copy !req
560. Where is he?
Copy !req
561. Show the world your
horrid, lumpy face!
Copy !req
562. Yeah!
Copy !req
563. That's him.
Copy !req
564. Ugh.
Copy !req
565. That repulsive physiognomy
Copy !req
566. That repulsive physiognomy
Copy !req
567. is the vilest perversion
of science.
Copy !req
568. Created by whom?
Copy !req
569. A pale student
of my most hallowed arts
Copy !req
570. whose life was taken
by that which he gave life,
Copy !req
571. by his own
horrible creation,
Copy !req
572. by that monstrosity
that you see before you.
Copy !req
573. Who's he talking about?
Copy !req
574. My father.
Copy !req
575. No.
Copy !req
576. He can talk.
Copy !req
577. Your ears deceive you.
Copy !req
578. It's a trick!
Copy !req
579. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
580. My voice is damaged
by the gaseous chemicals.
Copy !req
581. But I would like
to explain myself.
Copy !req
582. Despite my appearance,
Copy !req
583. which you see is quite horrible
to the human senses,
Copy !req
584. I... have never acted to harm
another soul.
Copy !req
585. These are fiendish lies.
Copy !req
586. These are fiendish lies.
Copy !req
587. Quiet.
Copy !req
588. 25 years ago, my father,
having only one son,
Copy !req
589. a spiteful, hateful man
of science,
Copy !req
590. incapable of the
deeper sentiments—
Copy !req
591. he came to realize that this son
Copy !req
592. had been conducting
secret experiments,
Copy !req
593. of which I was
the most unfortunate product.
Copy !req
594. of which I was
the most unfortunate product.
Copy !req
595. A simple man,
he rescued me and loved me
Copy !req
596. in spite of my deformities.
Copy !req
597. But, as time passed,
I grew restless
Copy !req
598. for friends of my own.
Copy !req
599. Because I couldn't go to school
or play sports
Copy !req
600. or... or even show my face
outside this farm,
Copy !req
601. my father set out
to learn his son's science
Copy !req
602. so that, before he died,
he might create for me a mate.
Copy !req
603. so that, before he died,
he might create for me a mate.
Copy !req
604. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
605. Alas, my father
was a simple man,
Copy !req
606. his heart close
to the soil he worked,
Copy !req
607. the animals he tended.
Copy !req
608. The experiments he attempted
too advanced,
Copy !req
609. the science too complex
for his understanding.
Copy !req
610. The results
of his experiments,
Copy !req
611. unsatisfactory.
Copy !req
612. I still...
Copy !req
613. You mean, Izzy...
Copy !req
614. But who's the father?
Copy !req
615. Suffice to say
Copy !req
616. his experiments failed, and...
Copy !req
617. my father is dead.
Copy !req
618. I am alone... and miserable,
Copy !req
619. but one as deformed
and horrible as myself
Copy !req
620. would not deny herself to me.
Copy !req
621. If this being you can create,
Copy !req
622. then I will take blame
as a murderer.
Copy !req
623. I don't know
how to recreate you.
Copy !req
624. You were a mistake.
Copy !req
625. What we did was wrong,
Copy !req
626. but in our trespasses,
we gave you
Copy !req
627. a loving son.
Copy !req
628. And in your homes,
Copy !req
629. I went places
I'd never dreamed of.
Copy !req
630. With your books
and your records
Copy !req
631. and your home media centers,
I learned of the world,
Copy !req
632. and of a mother's love
that I'll never know.
Copy !req
633. Cher loved that boy so much.
Copy !req
634. Hey.
Copy !req
635. He's no monster.
Copy !req
636. Arrest me then, as you will.
Copy !req
637. We should go, Mulder.
Copy !req
638. The prisoner's
in the car.
Copy !req
639. This is all wrong, Scully.
Copy !req
640. This is not how the story
is supposed to end.
Copy !req
641. What do you mean?
Copy !req
642. Dr. Frankenstein pays
for his evil ambitions, yes,
Copy !req
643. but the monster's supposed
to escape
Copy !req
644. to go search for his bride.
Copy !req
645. There's not gonna be
any bride, Mulder.
Copy !req
646. There's not gonna be
any bride, Mulder.
Copy !req
647. Not in this story.
Copy !req
648. Well, where's
the writer?
Copy !req
649. I want to speak
to the writer.
Copy !req
650. Tell me something.
Copy !req
651. Is it... is it
hard to love these babies?
Copy !req
652. What's not to love?
Copy !req
653. I made this!
Copy !req