1. Now, this...
this here is a special gumbo.
Copy !req
2. Now, this gumbo
gonna make your tongue
Copy !req
3. roll out of your head
and dial 911.
Copy !req
4. I don't got time!
Copy !req
5. Dispatch, this is unit seven
Copy !req
6. investigating
reported disturbance
Copy !req
7. at 214 Prospect Avenue.
Copy !req
8. Copy that, unit seven.
Copy !req
9. Copy that, unit seven.
Copy !req
10. Geez.
Copy !req
11. Police!
Copy !req
12. Don't move!
Copy !req
13. Keep 'em in the air!
Copy !req
14. Cuff her, Jimmy.
Copy !req
15. Damn. She's got
blood all over her.
Copy !req
16. Hey, Keith.
Copy !req
17. Think you might want
to check this out.
Copy !req
18. I think she's blind.
Copy !req
19. I think she's blind.
Copy !req
20. The deceased is Paco Ordonez,
a.k.a. Little Monster.
Copy !req
21. Street dealer.
Copy !req
22. Liked to use grade school kids
as couriers.
Copy !req
23. Out on bail for possession
with intent.
Copy !req
24. Two-time loser looking at life.
Copy !req
25. I have the same pair of pants.
Copy !req
26. Who exterminated him?
Copy !req
27. That's a subject
of some debate.
Copy !req
28. The killer carved
a single C-shaped cut
Copy !req
29. The killer carved
a single C-shaped cut
Copy !req
30. up through the right kidney.
Copy !req
31. Fatal blood loss came
in under 30 seconds.
Copy !req
32. I'm going to assume the killer
knew what he was doing
Copy !req
33. and that "C" wasn't
one of his initials.
Copy !req
34. Your assumptions
are correct.
Copy !req
35. Only, the killer isn't a he.
Copy !req
36. Marty Glenn, 28.
Copy !req
37. We found her at the scene
Copy !req
38. doing a Formula 409.
Copy !req
39. Under normal circumstances,
my department
Copy !req
40. would have her
dead to rights.
Copy !req
41. There's just
one little snag.
Copy !req
42. There's just
one little snag.
Copy !req
43. She's been blind since birth.
Copy !req
44. Now before your heart
goes out to her,
Copy !req
45. check out her rap sheet.
Copy !req
46. "Fraud, petty theft,
aggravated assault..."
Copy !req
47. Believe me, she's
a real piece of work.
Copy !req
48. Her juvenile records are sealed,
Copy !req
49. but Detective Pennock
has it on authority
Copy !req
50. that two of them
were drug busts—
Copy !req
51. possession
and possession with intent.
Copy !req
52. So what? You think that, uh,
she caught Little Monster
Copy !req
53. trying to snatch the pebble
from her hand?
Copy !req
54. Nothing else makes sense.
Copy !req
55. Including how a blind girl
could get the drop on an ex-con
Copy !req
56. Including how a blind girl
could get the drop on an ex-con
Copy !req
57. and bleed him out
with surgical precision.
Copy !req
58. Ms. Glenn took a $60 cab ride
alone straight to the motel.
Copy !req
59. The cabby instructed her
to room ten,
Copy !req
60. which she asked for specifically
and then told him to get lost.
Copy !req
61. 30 minutes later,
dead heroin dealer.
Copy !req
62. All right, so you really believe
that she did this?
Copy !req
63. You just don't know how.
Copy !req
64. Well, I've got a theory,
if you want to hear it.
Copy !req
65. I think she's got
some kind of sixth sense—
Copy !req
66. I think she's got
some kind of sixth sense—
Copy !req
67. lets her see in the dark,
like a bat or something.
Copy !req
68. I got 48 hours to
convince the D.A.
Copy !req
69. or wait till she kills
somebody else.
Copy !req
70. Well, how soon can I meet her?
Copy !req
71. Oh.
Copy !req
72. It's you.
Copy !req
73. See what I mean?
Copy !req
74. It's not magic.
Copy !req
75. It's your
crappy cologne.
Copy !req
76. It's your
crappy cologne.
Copy !req
77. Who's that with you?
Copy !req
78. Special Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
79. And the lady?
Copy !req
80. Uh, Special Agent Scully.
Copy !req
81. We'd like to ask you
some questions, Marty.
Copy !req
82. You must be having trouble
with your case, Detective.
Copy !req
83. Fine. Suit yourself.
Copy !req
84. What are you
staring at?
Copy !req
85. An innocent woman.
Copy !req
86. I hope.
Copy !req
87. So, I'm all ears.
Copy !req
88. I'm curious why you've refused
your right to an attorney.
Copy !req
89. Unless you're going
to charge me,
Copy !req
90. I don't plan on needing one.
Copy !req
91. Well, you could be charged
right now,
Copy !req
92. Well, you could be charged
right now,
Copy !req
93. for the fact that you've given
no compelling reason
Copy !req
94. why you were in the motel room.
Copy !req
95. What were you doing there,
Copy !req
96. Putting mints
on the pillows.
Copy !req
97. The cabby has given a statement
Copy !req
98. that you asked specifically
for room ten,
Copy !req
99. which would put you
at the murder scene
Copy !req
100. right about the time of death.
Copy !req
101. Is that a crime?
Copy !req
102. If you were involved
in any way.
Copy !req
103. You mean, like
an eyewitness?
Copy !req
104. Did you intend to buy drugs
from Paco Ordonez?
Copy !req
105. Did you kill him?
Copy !req
106. Eh, maybe it was
just his time to go.
Copy !req
107. I mean, other than
the stab wound,
Copy !req
108. did you check his cholesterol
level or anything?
Copy !req
109. How did you know
there was just one stab wound?
Copy !req
110. Did I say that?
Copy !req
111. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
112. I guessed.
Copy !req
113. You know what
the problem is?
Copy !req
114. You've got no murder weapon.
Copy !req
115. And I bet that's driving
Stinky back there crazy.
Copy !req
116. Isn't it, Stinky?
Copy !req
117. Why is he hiding?
Copy !req
118. It's not like
I can see him.
Copy !req
119. You know what I did
with it, Detective?
Copy !req
120. I fed it to my
seeing-eye dog.
Copy !req
121. I'm curious, Marty.
Copy !req
122. Yeah? About what?
Copy !req
123. If you didn't kill him,
Copy !req
124. why you were at
the crime scene cleaning up
Copy !req
125. and doing such
a piss-poor job of it.
Copy !req
126. Why don't we just stop
playing games here, okay?
Copy !req
127. I mean, you probably don't know
a feather duster
Copy !req
128. from a duck's
ass, do you?
Copy !req
129. from a duck's
ass, do you?
Copy !req
130. I mean, it's ridiculous.
Copy !req
131. You're a blind woman,
for God's sake.
Copy !req
132. So why don't you
just tell us
Copy !req
133. who did kill Paco Ordonez,
Copy !req
134. and Agent Scully and I
can go arrest him
Copy !req
135. and you can go home and work on
Copy !req
136. your angry-young-blind-girl
comedy routine.
Copy !req
137. Or we can just... stay here
and entertain each other for
Copy !req
138. the next 48 hours.
Copy !req
139. Go to hell.
Copy !req
140. Go to hell.
Copy !req
141. See what I mean?
Copy !req
142. Put a knife in that hand...
Copy !req
143. No. All I see
is a woman
Copy !req
144. who's adapted to her
impairment admirably.
Copy !req
145. She's honed all
her other senses
Copy !req
146. around her blindness.
Copy !req
147. She's taunting you.
Copy !req
148. No. I think she just
wants us to think
Copy !req
149. that she's strong, independent.
Copy !req
150. It's important to her.
Copy !req
151. She wants us
to know she did it.
Copy !req
152. I don't think she did do it.
Copy !req
153. Then why won't she help us?
Copy !req
154. It's been my experience
that innocent people
Copy !req
155. don't act like that,
Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
156. don't act like that,
Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
157. She wouldn't explain
her presence at the crime scene,
Copy !req
158. and she avoided all discussion
about the murder weapon.
Copy !req
159. She knew there was
only one stab wound.
Copy !req
160. You caught that yourself.
Copy !req
161. Yeah.
Copy !req
162. Detective, did you snake all
the plumbing in the bathroom?
Copy !req
163. I turned that place upside down
and inside out.
Copy !req
164. Well, if we find the weapon
with her fingerprints on it,
Copy !req
165. she's as good as convicted.
Copy !req
166. Short of that,
she's going to walk.
Copy !req
167. Maybe I can get you
to come out to the crime scene
Copy !req
168. one last time.
Copy !req
169. Okay.
Copy !req
170. Okay.
Copy !req
171. No. You go ahead.
Copy !req
172. I-I want to...
Copy !req
173. I want to investigate something.
Copy !req
174. I'm going to ask you
a series of questions.
Copy !req
175. Respond only
with a "yes" or "no."
Copy !req
176. Do not judge the content
of the questions.
Copy !req
177. Simply answer truthfully.
Copy !req
178. Is your full name
Martell Francis Glenn?
Copy !req
179. Yeah.
Copy !req
180. Are you a resident
of the state of Delaware?
Copy !req
181. Are you a resident
of the state of Delaware?
Copy !req
182. Let's just cut
through the bull,
Copy !req
183. or I'm going to decide
not to cooperate at all.
Copy !req
184. All right,
let's, uh...
Copy !req
185. get to it.
Copy !req
186. I need to establish a baseline.
Copy !req
187. I'm a resident of the
state of Delaware, okay?
Copy !req
188. Let's move on.
Copy !req
189. Is it your intent to lie
Copy !req
190. during the course
of this examination?
Copy !req
191. I'm sure you'll tell me
if it is.
Copy !req
192. Did you stab Paco Ordonez,
also known as "Little Monster"?
Copy !req
193. Nope.
Copy !req
194. Nope.
Copy !req
195. Did you plan or arrange
the murder
Copy !req
196. of Paco Ordonez?
Copy !req
197. No.
Copy !req
198. Have you ever met Paco Ordonez?
Copy !req
199. No.
Copy !req
200. Would you ever
have occasion
Copy !req
201. to see Paco Ordonez
Copy !req
202. or know him
in any other way?
Copy !req
203. Strike that.
Copy !req
204. Have you ever had occasion
Copy !req
205. to interact
with Paco Ordonez
Copy !req
206. or know him
in any other way?
Copy !req
207. No.
Copy !req
208. Were you present
during the murder
Copy !req
209. of Paco Ordonez?
Copy !req
210. No.
Copy !req
211. No.
Copy !req
212. Why don't you just
ask me yourself?
Copy !req
213. Did you see the murder?
Copy !req
214. Did you see the murder?
Copy !req
215. I don't see anything.
Copy !req
216. Yes or no only,
Copy !req
217. Then the answer's no.
Copy !req
218. No blood trails
leading out of the bathroom.
Copy !req
219. Windows are
painted shut.
Copy !req
220. As you can see,
Copy !req
221. not a lot of places
she could have stashed it.
Copy !req
222. Hmm.
Copy !req
223. Scully.
Copy !req
224. She's lying.
Copy !req
225. About what?
Copy !req
226. She knew Paco Ordonez,
Copy !req
227. but I don't think
she murdered him.
Copy !req
228. How do you know
that she knew him?
Copy !req
229. I made her take
a polygraph test.
Copy !req
230. I made her take
a polygraph test.
Copy !req
231. She passed on every question
except one:
Copy !req
232. did she see the murder.
Copy !req
233. Would you like me to remind you
Copy !req
234. why polygraphs
are inadmissible in court?
Copy !req
235. No, she cracked, Scully.
Copy !req
236. She was lying. I'm sure of it.
Copy !req
237. Well, maybe she was, Mulder,
Copy !req
238. but don't make me
state the obvious.
Copy !req
239. She didn't see anything.
Copy !req
240. Not with her eyes.
Copy !req
241. Well, how else did she see?
Copy !req
242. Bat vision?
Copy !req
243. I don't know.
Copy !req
244. Well, Mulder,
Copy !req
245. when you figure it out,
give me a call.
Copy !req
246. Detective Pennock.
Copy !req
247. Somebody, I need a phone!
Copy !req
248. I get to call a lawyer!
Copy !req
249. Somebody, I need a phone!
Copy !req
250. I got it.
Copy !req
251. You know, I'm sure the ACLU
is going to be very interested
Copy !req
252. in how you violated
a blind woman's rights
Copy !req
253. by eavesdropping
on her private phone call.
Copy !req
254. Same to you.
Copy !req
255. Blarney Stone.
Copy !req
256. Blarney Stone.
Copy !req
257. Uh, let's see,
guy hitting on a redhead
Copy !req
258. at the end of the bar.
Copy !req
259. I told you, stop it.
Copy !req
260. Yeah. We got somebody
matching that description.
Copy !req
261. It's for you.
Copy !req
262. Yeah?
Copy !req
263. Leave her alone.
Copy !req
264. Who is this?
Copy !req
265. You just leave her alone.
Copy !req
266. I'm watching you.
Copy !req
267. Let me guess:
your killer is O.J. Simpson.
Copy !req
268. They were found
at the crime scene
Copy !req
269. with blood all over them.
Copy !req
270. We believe they were worn
by Paco Ordonez's killer.
Copy !req
271. Hmm. You're good.
Copy !req
272. We think
they belong to you.
Copy !req
273. Well, they don't.
Copy !req
274. Well, how about
you try one on for us?
Copy !req
275. And put my prints
all over them?
Copy !req
276. Your prints are already
all over them, Marty.
Copy !req
277. Your prints are already
all over them, Marty.
Copy !req
278. Hold still.
Copy !req
279. Are you happy, Detective?
Copy !req
280. Looks to me like it fits.
Copy !req
281. Somewhere Marcia Clark weeps.
Copy !req
282. But you still haven't got
a weapon.
Copy !req
283. Oh, it's just
Copy !req
284. a matter of time.
Copy !req
285. But you haven't got time.
Copy !req
286. Hope you saw what
just happened in there.
Copy !req
287. Even if the gloves do fit,
Copy !req
288. you can still acquit.
Copy !req
289. I think it's
arrogance, Mulder.
Copy !req
290. I think it's the
same reason why
Copy !req
291. she agreed to take
the polygraph test.
Copy !req
292. She knows that
the prejudices
Copy !req
293. in this case are
all in her favor.
Copy !req
294. I don't think
it's that simple.
Copy !req
295. Look at this.
Copy !req
296. She lives in poverty,
Copy !req
297. but she's never
taken advantage
Copy !req
298. of the disability benefits
Copy !req
299. that are available to her—
never once.
Copy !req
300. It's poison to her.
Copy !req
301. The mere suggestion
that she's anything other
Copy !req
302. than a whole or complete person
is offensive to her.
Copy !req
303. It's not arrogance,
it's pride.
Copy !req
304. It's not arrogance,
it's pride.
Copy !req
305. So you think
that it was pride
Copy !req
306. that made her ditch
the bloody gloves?
Copy !req
307. Her prints were all
over them, Mulder.
Copy !req
308. Why would she do that?
Copy !req
309. I have no idea.
I don't know.
Copy !req
310. Okay, so by
your reasoning,
Copy !req
311. the killer took off
Copy !req
312. with the murder weapon
but not the gloves,
Copy !req
313. leaving Marty to come in,
go straight to the gloves
Copy !req
314. and hide them
in the one place
Copy !req
315. that nobody would easily
think to find them.
Copy !req
316. I think that's the most
accurate scenario
Copy !req
317. available to us
right now.
Copy !req
318. Wait a minute.
Copy !req
319. Maybe it's much simpler
than that.
Copy !req
320. What?
Copy !req
321. What?
Copy !req
322. What if she's not really blind?
Copy !req
323. I mean, she hasn't
applied for
Copy !req
324. any of her disability benefits.
Copy !req
325. Maybe that's because she knows
Copy !req
326. that she couldn't pass
the medical screening.
Copy !req
327. You think she's faking it?
Copy !req
328. No.
Copy !req
329. No, but possibly
it's a conversion disorder
Copy !req
330. or a form of blindsight—
Copy !req
331. a split consciousness
whereby a person has
Copy !req
332. a certain level
of visual ability
Copy !req
333. but they're not aware that
they're actually seeing.
Copy !req
334. It's worth checking out.
Copy !req
335. It's worth checking out.
Copy !req
336. Yo, man,
moving Little Monster's "H"
Copy !req
337. ain't gonna be easy.
Copy !req
338. See, a lot of people
respected him, you know?
Copy !req
339. You buying or not?
Copy !req
340. You're not buying,
I can go to somebody else.
Copy !req
341. No, you can't,
but I'm feeling magnanimous.
Copy !req
342. Swing by in a couple of hours,
Copy !req
343. and maybe we can
do some business.
Copy !req
344. Good.
Copy !req
345. Yeah, there's something
I got to look into first.
Copy !req
346. When I'm done,
I'll be in touch.
Copy !req
347. Eyes wide, please, Marty.
Copy !req
348. Good.
Copy !req
349. Try not to move
around too much.
Copy !req
350. Are you aware
of any sensation at all?
Copy !req
351. It's a miracle!
Copy !req
352. All right, Marty.
Copy !req
353. Now we're going to introduce
some optical stimuli.
Copy !req
354. Try not to blink.
Copy !req
355. Just relax for a moment.
Copy !req
356. I'm not getting anything.
Copy !req
357. I don't think
there's any activity
Copy !req
358. in either the visual cortex
or the superior colliculus.
Copy !req
359. There's no way that she could
fool the machine?
Copy !req
360. We're talking about
wholly involuntary
Copy !req
361. physical responses.
Copy !req
362. I wasn't getting
any reading.
Copy !req
363. Then what is that?
Copy !req
364. Where is she?
Copy !req
365. What is it, Marty?
Copy !req
366. What do you see?
Copy !req
367. What do you see?
Copy !req
368. Agents.
Copy !req
369. This is Daniel Costa
from the D.A.'s office.
Copy !req
370. So what did we find?
Copy !req
371. I hear the girl
can actually see
Copy !req
372. with some
limited ability?
Copy !req
373. No, no. According
to her examiner,
Copy !req
374. she is completely
without sight
Copy !req
375. or any kind of
light sensitivity.
Copy !req
376. But she is still
our best and only suspect.
Copy !req
377. You said we were
making progress.
Copy !req
378. You said we were
making progress.
Copy !req
379. We are.
Well, I'm not going to
Copy !req
380. try to indict a blind girl
on some lousy prints.
Copy !req
381. She doesn't exactly fit
the definition "blind girl."
Copy !req
382. Come on, folks,
either she is or she isn't.
Copy !req
383. What are you
talking about?
Copy !req
384. Well, there is evidence
of some kind of
Copy !req
385. neurological activity which
caused her pupils to dilate.
Copy !req
386. From what?
Copy !req
387. To me, it indicates some
reaction to stimuli.
Copy !req
388. Some kind of physical response
to images in her mind's eye.
Copy !req
389. How does that make her
the killer?
Copy !req
390. I didn't say it did.
Copy !req
391. Kick her loose.
Copy !req
392. Danny...
I got no case, Pennock.
Copy !req
393. Danny...
I got no case, Pennock.
Copy !req
394. I don't believe this.
I'm not trying her—
Copy !req
395. not without
a murder weapon.
Copy !req
396. Kick her loose.
Copy !req
397. Wonderful.
Copy !req
398. Thanks.
Copy !req
399. These better still be 20s.
Copy !req
400. No. I replaced
them with 50s
Copy !req
401. No. I replaced
them with 50s
Copy !req
402. since you're
so damn sweet.
Copy !req
403. Want to hear
the latest?
Copy !req
404. Yes.
Copy !req
405. Detective Pennock
ran the gloves
Copy !req
406. for blood typing and found
two different samples—
Copy !req
407. for blood typing and found
two different samples—
Copy !req
408. one type matching
Marty Glenn.
Copy !req
409. But she was examined.
Copy !req
410. There were no cuts
or wounds on her.
Copy !req
411. Yeah, well, all the same, I'm
going to hand-deliver them
Copy !req
412. to the lab in
Copy !req
413. expedite a PCR to see
if she's a match.
Copy !req
414. Look at her.
Copy !req
415. Do you really think
she's capable?
Copy !req
416. I'll let you know
Copy !req
417. as soon as I get
the test back.
Copy !req
418. Please let me go!
Copy !req
419. Please!
Copy !req
420. Who called me last night?
Copy !req
421. Who's watching me?
Copy !req
422. What?
Copy !req
423. I... I don't know
what you're talking about.
Copy !req
424. You a cop, hmm?
Copy !req
425. You wearing a wire?
Copy !req
426. No, I'm not a cop!
Copy !req
427. I need to get to Spring Street!
Copy !req
428. Which way is Spring Street?
Copy !req
429. Somebody answer me!
Copy !req
430. Somebody answer me!
Copy !req
431. Four blocks
to the left.
Copy !req
432. Where?
Copy !req
433. Here, here, here.
There's an alley here.
Copy !req
434. Here, here, here.
There's an alley here.
Copy !req
435. Right here.
Copy !req
436. Okay, I'm fine. Thanks.
Copy !req
437. Leave me alone.
Copy !req
438. Excuse me.
Copy !req
439. Excuse me, somebody.
Copy !req
440. Yeah?
Copy !req
441. I killed them.
Copy !req
442. I killed them both.
Copy !req
443. I read your confession.
Copy !req
444. Detective Pennock
is typing it up as we speak
Copy !req
445. Detective Pennock
is typing it up as we speak
Copy !req
446. for you to sign.
Copy !req
447. I'll sign it.
Copy !req
448. You'll make him
a very happy man.
Copy !req
449. Can't have everything.
Copy !req
450. As for me,
I'm a little puzzled
Copy !req
451. by the sudden change of heart.
Copy !req
452. Please. Too much charity
of heart and I want to puke.
Copy !req
453. I just... Why kill them?
Copy !req
454. Paco Ordonez, Susan Forester?
Copy !req
455. Did you even know
that was her name?
Copy !req
456. Susan Forester—
she was 30 years old.
Copy !req
457. Susan Forester—
she was 30 years old.
Copy !req
458. Native of Wilmington.
Copy !req
459. She waitressed
Copy !req
460. She lived alone
with her two cats.
Copy !req
461. Shut up.
Copy !req
462. Why are you doing this?
Copy !req
463. I... I've given you people
everything you want.
Copy !req
464. I like you, Marty.
Copy !req
465. I admire you.
Copy !req
466. And I don't want to see you
confess to crimes
Copy !req
467. you didn't commit.
Copy !req
468. You just feel sorry for me.
Copy !req
469. No, I don't.
Copy !req
470. Not the way you think I do.
Copy !req
471. Read the confession.
Copy !req
472. I got it all perfect—
every detail.
Copy !req
473. How could I do that
if I'm innocent?
Copy !req
474. I believe you witnessed
both murders.
Copy !req
475. You saw them somehow,
but you were way across town
Copy !req
476. when they happened.
Copy !req
477. You were
a $60 cab ride away.
Copy !req
478. You're crazy.
Copy !req
479. I think you tried
to stop them.
Copy !req
480. I think you tried
to stop them.
Copy !req
481. You tried to, but you didn't
get there in time.
Copy !req
482. I don't have to talk
to you anymore.
Copy !req
483. Marty, whoever did this,
they're going to kill again,
Copy !req
484. and you can help stop that.
Copy !req
485. I can't stop anything.
Copy !req
486. I don't have to talk
to you anymore.
Copy !req
487. I don't have to talk
to you anymore.
Copy !req
488. Period.
Copy !req
489. Officer, we're done!
Copy !req
490. Who's worth pleading
guilty for, Marty?
Copy !req
491. Officer, we're done!
Copy !req
492. You didn't do it.
Copy !req
493. And I'm not going
to let this happen.
Copy !req
494. Do you hear me?
Copy !req
495. Marty?
Copy !req
496. Sorry, man. Deal's off.
Copy !req
497. What do you mean, "deal's off"?
You can't back out.
Copy !req
498. Hey, look here, brother,
I do what I got to do
Copy !req
499. Hey, look here, brother,
I do what I got to do
Copy !req
500. to stay on the down low,
Copy !req
501. and you shining
too much light on me.
Copy !req
502. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
503. Look, somebody's gunning
for you, man.
Copy !req
504. And I ain't getting
in the middle of it.
Copy !req
505. Who? Who's gunning for me?
Copy !req
506. Some old girlfriend of yours.
Copy !req
507. Called last night and told me
I should steer clear.
Copy !req
508. She called you?
Copy !req
509. Yeah. Said she was
passing the word.
Copy !req
510. Listen to me.
Copy !req
511. Listen, man, she's nobody, huh?
Copy !req
512. Listen, man, she's nobody, huh?
Copy !req
513. She knows nothing.
Copy !req
514. Yeah, right.
Copy !req
515. You and me, man,
we're still cool.
Copy !req
516. Trust me.
Copy !req
517. Well, if she don't
know anything,
Copy !req
518. how'd she get this number?
Copy !req
519. Listen to me.
Copy !req
520. I got nowhere else
to take this stuff.
Copy !req
521. That's not my problem.
Copy !req
522. Just don't you call here again.
Copy !req
523. Well, I appreciate your
help here, such as it was,
Copy !req
524. but I'd say
we're doing all right.
Copy !req
525. She just signed
her confession.
Copy !req
526. Congratulations.
Copy !req
527. I don't feel as good
as you might think, you know.
Copy !req
528. All you got is a signature.
Copy !req
529. No lawyer's going to let
her go down based on that.
Copy !req
530. No lawyer's going to let
her go down based on that.
Copy !req
531. I'm aware of that.
Copy !req
532. Doesn't it bother you,
Copy !req
533. Detective, that you still have
Copy !req
534. no clear motive?
Copy !req
535. Well, she just now
gave us that.
Copy !req
536. Drugs.
Copy !req
537. Just like I thought.
Copy !req
538. She even told us
where to find them.
Copy !req
539. I'd say this is going to
make it a pretty short trial.
Copy !req
540. Well, if you think
about it, Detective,
Copy !req
541. it actually proves nothing.
Copy !req
542. There it is, just
like she said.
Copy !req
543. Just like she described.
Copy !req
544. You know, the thing
I find most surprising
Copy !req
545. about this case is you.
Copy !req
546. You are one skeptical
guy, Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
547. Skeptical?
Copy !req
548. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
549. I've been called
a lot of things.
Copy !req
550. Skeptical, however,
is not one.
Copy !req
551. Well, whatever.
Copy !req
552. Skeptical.
Copy !req
553. Mulder.
Copy !req
554. I've got the PCR results
Copy !req
555. on the two blood types
from the gloves.
Copy !req
556. Neither was Marty's.
Copy !req
557. You were right, Mulder,
she didn't do it.
Copy !req
558. Yeah, well, I know that
and you know that
Copy !req
559. and so does
whoever Marty's protecting,
Copy !req
560. but Pennock is
salivating right now.
Copy !req
561. What we have to do
is convince Marty.
Copy !req
562. I got an idea.
I'll get back to you.
Copy !req
563. What do you want now?
Copy !req
564. I know who you're
protecting, Marty.
Copy !req
565. And I think I know why.
Copy !req
566. You're protecting the man
who murdered your mother.
Copy !req
567. I don't know what
you're talking about.
Copy !req
568. I read the original
police report from 1970.
Copy !req
569. Your mother died
from a single stab wound
Copy !req
570. to the right kidney,
Copy !req
571. to the right kidney,
Copy !req
572. as did Paco Ordonez
and Susan Forester—
Copy !req
573. dead at the hands
of an unknown assailant.
Copy !req
574. I never knew my mother.
Copy !req
575. No.
Copy !req
576. I know.
Copy !req
577. But for once, you were there
when it happened.
Copy !req
578. She was pregnant with you
at the time.
Copy !req
579. She died
on the operating table
Copy !req
580. as doctors were trying
to save her.
Copy !req
581. You were born...
just barely.
Copy !req
582. You were born...
just barely.
Copy !req
583. But the interruption
in blood flow you suffered
Copy !req
584. most likely caused
your blindness.
Copy !req
585. What does that have
to do with anything?
Copy !req
586. I think that
during that time...
Copy !req
587. as you lost one sense...
Copy !req
588. you gained another.
Copy !req
589. That somehow...
Copy !req
590. a connection was formed
Copy !req
591. between you
and your mother's killer.
Copy !req
592. between you
and your mother's killer.
Copy !req
593. What connection?
Copy !req
594. You see through his eyes.
Copy !req
595. You always have.
Copy !req
596. You don't want to,
you just do.
Copy !req
597. And because of that,
Copy !req
598. you feel responsible
for his actions, but you're not.
Copy !req
599. And you're sitting here
in prison
Copy !req
600. for crimes
you didn't commit.
Copy !req
601. It isn't going to accomplish
anything, Marty.
Copy !req
602. Excuse me, Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
603. Excuse me, Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
604. She's being transferred now.
Copy !req
605. There's absolutely no point
to you doing this, Marty.
Copy !req
606. We're going to find him
with or without your help.
Copy !req
607. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
608. Hi, Marty.
Copy !req
609. What's going on?
Copy !req
610. Detective Pennock is
with the warden right now
Copy !req
611. Detective Pennock is
with the warden right now
Copy !req
612. arranging for your release.
Copy !req
613. Ah! What?
Copy !req
614. Charges against you
are being dropped.
Copy !req
615. You're no longer
a suspect in this case.
Copy !req
616. How can they do that?
I confessed.
Copy !req
617. Yeah, well, confession
is worthless if it's a lie,
Copy !req
618. and yours was a lie.
Copy !req
619. What have you
been telling them?
Copy !req
620. Just that you're innocent,
which is something
Copy !req
621. they would have found out
on their own anyway.
Copy !req
622. The locker you sent us to—
Copy !req
623. it had prints on it,
but they weren't yours.
Copy !req
624. I was careful.
Copy !req
625. Yeah, well, somebody else
wasn't so careful.
Copy !req
626. Yeah, well, somebody else
wasn't so careful.
Copy !req
627. Charles Wesley Gotts—
Copy !req
628. ex-con, convicted in 1970
of aggravated assault.
Copy !req
629. He was paroled
three weeks ago,
Copy !req
630. and he's been
missing ever since.
Copy !req
631. Never heard of him.
Copy !req
632. I happen to
believe that, Marty.
Copy !req
633. PCR tests confirmed
Copy !req
634. that it was his blood
on the glove.
Copy !req
635. The tests confirmed
something else, Marty:
Copy !req
636. he's your father.
Copy !req
637. That was the connection.
Copy !req
638. Okay, we're all set.
Copy !req
639. That is, if everything's
Copy !req
640. taken care of
on this end.
Copy !req
641. taken care of
on this end.
Copy !req
642. What's he talking about?
Copy !req
643. Detective Pennock has agreed
Copy !req
644. to not pursue
aiding and abetting charges
Copy !req
645. if you agree to help us...
Copy !req
646. if you agree to
help us find him.
Copy !req
647. We need your help, Marty.
Copy !req
648. You can end it now.
Copy !req
649. I can end this.
Copy !req
650. I can end this.
Copy !req
651. I'm sure that's what
you've always wanted.
Copy !req
652. I never wanted to spend my life
in a place like this.
Copy !req
653. I had no choice.
Copy !req
654. Hmm.
Copy !req
655. If I help you, will you
protect me until he's caught?
Copy !req
656. I will personally guarantee
your safety.
Copy !req
657. I will personally guarantee
your safety.
Copy !req
658. Take me home.
Copy !req
659. Moving
into position at the back exit.
Copy !req
660. All right, stand by.
Copy !req
661. Copy that.
Copy !req
662. Just in time
for the surprise party.
Copy !req
663. She told you
he'd be in there?
Copy !req
664. Yeah. She described
this place perfectly,
Copy !req
665. right down to
the matchbooks.
Copy !req
666. What made her
decide to cooperate?
Copy !req
667. She wants to stop him.
Copy !req
668. All of a sudden?
Copy !req
669. I mean, if she's so
anxious to stop him,
Copy !req
670. why didn't she tell us
his name before now?
Copy !req
671. She didn't know his name.
They've never met.
Copy !req
672. He's been in prison
her entire life.
Copy !req
673. Well, yet according to you,
she's been seeing
Copy !req
674. through his eyes
the whole time.
Copy !req
675. I don't think she was sure
exactly what she was seeing.
Copy !req
676. It was more like
a constant image in her mind
Copy !req
677. that she learned
to live with over time.
Copy !req
678. that she learned
to live with over time.
Copy !req
679. Up until three weeks ago.
Copy !req
680. When the murders started.
Copy !req
681. He was paroled,
and everything changed.
Copy !req
682. Well, if all this is true,
let's go get him.
Copy !req
683. Mulder?
Copy !req
684. Everything's changed
for her, Scully.
Copy !req
685. I don't think we're going
to find him in there.
Copy !req
686. Need some help
over there?
Copy !req
687. Nope.
Copy !req
688. Should've known.
Copy !req
689. Now, you know, you don't have
to pack everything you own.
Copy !req
690. I promise you,
Copy !req
691. you're not going to be
in protective custody that long.
Copy !req
692. It's too late
for that, anyway.
Copy !req
693. It's too late
for that, anyway.
Copy !req
694. Why is that?
Copy !req
695. Gotts is already here.
Copy !req
696. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
697. He's been keeping tabs
on you for about a day.
Copy !req
698. Now he knows where I live.
Copy !req
699. He's reading the names
on the mailboxes right now.
Copy !req
700. He's reading the names
on the mailboxes right now.
Copy !req
701. What?
Copy !req
702. How could you...?
Copy !req
703. How did you know he
wouldn't be in there?
Copy !req
704. She doesn't want us
to get him.
Copy !req
705. She misdirected us
on purpose.
Copy !req
706. She's still
protecting him?
Copy !req
707. No, she's not.
She never was.
Copy !req
708. Pennock's not picking up.
Copy !req
709. What do you mean?
Copy !req
710. It's not him
she's been protecting.
Copy !req
711. If he goes back to prison,
so does she.
Copy !req
712. Until now,
she's never had a choice.
Copy !req
713. I hate the way you see me.
Copy !req
714. Mulder.
Copy !req
715. She did this one.
Copy !req
716. Trust me.
Copy !req
717. Trust me.
Copy !req
718. Not much to look at,
is it?
Copy !req
719. At least that's
what they tell me.
Copy !req
720. You were at the sentencing,
Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
721. Is it my cologne?
Copy !req
722. No. I just knew
you'd be there.
Copy !req
723. Marty, let me speak to
the judge on your behalf.
Copy !req
724. No.
Copy !req
725. We found where
he'd been staying.
Copy !req
726. It's a motel not far
Copy !req
727. from where Paco Ordonez
had been murdered.
Copy !req
728. from where Paco Ordonez
had been murdered.
Copy !req
729. And before that,
Atlantic City.
Copy !req
730. Hmm.
Copy !req
731. I'd never seen the ocean before,
Copy !req
732. and now when I close my eyes,
or even when I open them,
Copy !req
733. that's all I see.
Copy !req
734. Well, you're lucky he wasn't
a fan of the Ice Capades.
Copy !req
735. Lights out.
Copy !req
736. I made this!
Copy !req