1. Before the exploration
of space—
Copy !req
2. of the moon
and the planets—
Copy !req
3. man held that the heavens
Copy !req
4. were the home and province
of powerful gods
Copy !req
5. who controlled
not just the vast firmament
Copy !req
6. but the earthly fate
of man himself,
Copy !req
7. and that the pantheon
of powerful, warring deities
Copy !req
8. was the cause and reason
for the human condition—
Copy !req
9. for the past and the future,
and for which great monuments
Copy !req
10. would be created on Earth
as in Heaven.
Copy !req
11. But in time,
man replaced these gods
Copy !req
12. But in time,
man replaced these gods
Copy !req
13. with new gods and new religions
Copy !req
14. that provided no more certain
or greater answers
Copy !req
15. than those worshipped by
his Greek or Roman
Copy !req
16. or Egyptian ancestors.
Copy !req
17. And while we've chosen now our
monolithic and benevolent gods
Copy !req
18. and found our certainties
in science,
Copy !req
19. believers all, we wait
for a sign, a revelation.
Copy !req
20. Our eyes turn skyward,
Copy !req
21. ready to accept
the truly incredible,
Copy !req
22. to find our destiny
written in the stars.
Copy !req
23. But how do we best look to see?
Copy !req
24. But how do we best look to see?
Copy !req
25. With new eyes or old?
Copy !req
26. Mama!
Copy !req
27. Papa!
Copy !req
28. Papa!
Copy !req
29. Da.
Copy !req
30. Too bad for you.
Copy !req
31. It...
it's like the flesh is cooked
Copy !req
32. all the way through.
Copy !req
33. Your authority
isn't recognized here.
Copy !req
34. Only your lies.
Copy !req
35. These are U.N. peacekeepers.
Copy !req
36. This is a mission of mercy.
Copy !req
37. This is a mission of fear.
Copy !req
38. Yours and the men
you work for.
Copy !req
39. I don't know what
you're talking about.
Copy !req
40. I don't know what
you're talking about.
Copy !req
41. You go back
and you tell them
Copy !req
42. what you've seen here,
what you've found.
Copy !req
43. My name is
Marita Covarrubias.
Copy !req
44. I am a Special
Copy !req
45. to the Secretary General
of the United Nations.
Copy !req
46. I know who you are,
I know who you work for.
Copy !req
47. Now, you go back
and you tell them...
Copy !req
48. Tell them what?
What happened here?
Copy !req
49. Tell them
it's all going to hell.
Copy !req
50. Does the boy know?
Copy !req
51. Does the boy know?
Copy !req
52. Did he see?
Copy !req
53. You tell them to kiss
my American ass.
Copy !req
54. During my last
several abductions,
Copy !req
55. I have experienced no fear
Copy !req
56. And it was the absence of fear
Copy !req
57. that allowed me
to communicate with them
Copy !req
58. and them with me.
Copy !req
59. They've told me
that I am an apostle,
Copy !req
60. They've told me
that I am an apostle,
Copy !req
61. here to spread the word
Copy !req
62. of the dawning of a new age
of supernatural enlightenment.
Copy !req
63. Sensibly, it's not a question
of truth versus fiction,
Copy !req
64. but of truths
which are incomprehensible
Copy !req
65. because we have no physics—
Copy !req
66. no real language for
explaining Patient X's story,
Copy !req
67. much less the existence
of extraterrestrials—
Copy !req
68. much less the existence
of extraterrestrials—
Copy !req
69. nothing to prepare us
Copy !req
70. for the ontological
shock that is bound to follow...
Copy !req
71. We quibble and we jaw
about the need for proof,
Copy !req
72. for evidence, as if it would
serve some purpose,
Copy !req
73. as if it would make
a difference,
Copy !req
74. when what
we should be seeking
Copy !req
75. is exactly what
this woman is describing:
Copy !req
76. not if they are here
but why,
Copy !req
77. and what their
business is.
Copy !req
78. In my
conversations with her,
Copy !req
79. she believes
this business—
Copy !req
80. she believes
this business—
Copy !req
81. the abductions and
the experiments—
Copy !req
82. are due to their
plans for us,
Copy !req
83. and that we are not simply
breeding cows for them,
Copy !req
84. as some have suggested,
Copy !req
85. but subjects, much like we think
of our relationship with God.
Copy !req
86. And that
there are sites—
Copy !req
87. what she calls
Copy !req
88. around which will
be great activity...
Copy !req
89. All this conjecture—
Copy !req
90. the "ontological shock"
that you speak of
Copy !req
91. for which we are
so ill-equipped—
Copy !req
92. is, in my opinion,
not only false but dangerous.
Copy !req
93. This woman...
this woman presents
Copy !req
94. This woman...
this woman presents
Copy !req
95. no good or credible testimony
Copy !req
96. apart from the feel-good message
that she promotes.
Copy !req
97. You think she's lying?
Copy !req
98. No. I don't think
she's lying.
Copy !req
99. I think...
Copy !req
100. that if you prepare people
well enough to believe a lie,
Copy !req
101. they will believe it
as if it were true.
Copy !req
102. And if you tell them
a really big lie,
Copy !req
103. like there are aliens
from outer space,
Copy !req
104. much more than a small one,
they will believe it.
Copy !req
105. And if you suggest to them
Copy !req
106. that these aliens
are doing bad things to them,
Copy !req
107. the power of the suggestion
will be to make
Copy !req
108. certain people believe
that certain psychopathologies
Copy !req
109. and neuroses
that they're suffering from
Copy !req
110. and neuroses
that they're suffering from
Copy !req
111. can now be attributed to that.
Copy !req
112. Mr. Mulder...
Agent Mulder,
Copy !req
113. she has physical
Copy !req
114. Are you discounting
Copy !req
115. any belief in the existence
of extraterrestrials?
Copy !req
116. No. I just question
mindless belief.
Copy !req
117. But you've
cited evidence.
Copy !req
118. You've made
claims yourself.
Copy !req
119. What I've seen,
Copy !req
120. I've seen because
I wanted to believe.
Copy !req
121. I... If you look too hard,
you can go mad,
Copy !req
122. but if you continue
to look,
Copy !req
123. you become liberated,
and you come awake,
Copy !req
124. as if from a dream,
Copy !req
125. realizing that...
that the lies are there
Copy !req
126. realizing that...
that the lies are there
Copy !req
127. simply to protect
what they're advertising:
Copy !req
128. a government which knows
that its greatest strength
Copy !req
129. is not in defense
but in attack.
Copy !req
130. It's strongly held by believers
in UFO phenomena
Copy !req
131. that there is military
complicity or involvement
Copy !req
132. in abductions,
but what if
Copy !req
133. there is no complicity?
Copy !req
134. What if there is
simply just the military
Copy !req
135. seeking to develop
an arsenal of weapons
Copy !req
136. against which
there is no defense—
Copy !req
137. biological warfare,
which justifies,
Copy !req
138. in their eyes,
making an ass out of the nation
Copy !req
139. in their eyes,
making an ass out of the nation
Copy !req
140. with stories
of little green men.
Copy !req
141. A conspiracy
wrapped in a plot
Copy !req
142. inside a government agenda.
Copy !req
143. Dr. Werber?
Copy !req
144. It's been some time.
Copy !req
145. Almost five years.
Copy !req
146. Almost five years.
Copy !req
147. I came down expecting to hear
how your work had progressed.
Copy !req
148. I'm... surprised,
to say the least.
Copy !req
149. A lot has changed.
Copy !req
150. You seem to have
abandoned something
Copy !req
151. you believed
so completely,
Copy !req
152. in spite of what I know about
you from our work together—
Copy !req
153. the memories
I helped you recover
Copy !req
154. about the experience
with your sister.
Copy !req
155. Well, I've come
to distrust a lot of things.
Copy !req
156. I've-I've come
to distrust those memories.
Copy !req
157. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
158. For what?
Copy !req
159. I've taken a lot of criticism
Copy !req
160. for my work with alien abductees
and in the field itself.
Copy !req
161. for my work with alien abductees
and in the field itself.
Copy !req
162. The regression hypnosis
work I did with you...
Copy !req
163. I'm not questioning
your methods, Dr. Werber.
Copy !req
164. I'm questioning myself
and how I was tricked—
Copy !req
165. how I was led to believe through
an elaborate staging of events
Copy !req
166. that my sister
had been abducted.
Copy !req
167. A man with faith can indulge
in the luxury of skepticism.
Copy !req
168. I don't think you understand.
Copy !req
169. There's just too much evidence
that it's all been a lie.
Copy !req
170. The conspiracy is not to hide
Copy !req
171. the existence
of extraterrestrials,
Copy !req
172. it's to make people
believe in it so completely
Copy !req
173. that they question nothing.
Copy !req
174. So, you and I have just been
advocates of insanity all along?
Copy !req
175. So, you and I have just been
advocates of insanity all along?
Copy !req
176. Is this the extreme possibility
you believe in now?
Copy !req
177. Well, is Patient X
any more credible?
Copy !req
178. I hope so.
Copy !req
179. I'm her doctor.
Copy !req
180. I think you
should meet her.
Copy !req
181. I think
you might change your mind.
Copy !req
182. Cassandra?
Copy !req
183. Hi.
Copy !req
184. Fox Mulder.
Copy !req
185. Hi.
Copy !req
186. I... I am so glad
to finally meet you.
Copy !req
187. You are a hero of mine.
Copy !req
188. I am?
Copy !req
189. I read about you in the news
about three years ago.
Copy !req
190. How you helped that man
who escaped from the hospital—
Copy !req
191. um, Duane Barry.
Copy !req
192. How he had held
those people hostage
Copy !req
193. at the travel agency because
Copy !req
194. he was being called
by aliens, and...
Copy !req
195. and you were the only one
who believed him.
Copy !req
196. You may not like me
as much as you like that story.
Copy !req
197. You may not like me
as much as you like that story.
Copy !req
198. Oh... that story saved my life.
Copy !req
199. How's that?
Copy !req
200. I have been a multiple abductee
for over 30 years.
Copy !req
201. I had been afraid
to seek help.
Copy !req
202. Nobody would ever
Copy !req
203. believe me, really,
until I read about you.
Copy !req
204. That's how I came
to meet Dr. Werber.
Copy !req
205. Cassandra...
He told me
Copy !req
206. that you had been through
hypnotic regression yourself.
Copy !req
207. That's how you discovered that
your sister had been abducted.
Copy !req
208. That's how you discovered that
your sister had been abducted.
Copy !req
209. Cassandra.
Copy !req
210. Are you here voluntarily?
Copy !req
211. Uh...
Copy !req
212. yes, under doctor's supervision.
Copy !req
213. Whatever it is
that you're afraid of,
Copy !req
214. I suggest that
you check yourself out of here
Copy !req
215. as soon as you can and start
living your life, okay?
Copy !req
216. Uh, now is not a real good time.
Copy !req
217. Cassandra is experiencing
the sensation
Copy !req
218. that she's about to be called.
Copy !req
219. Now is a time of war and stress
among the alien nations.
Copy !req
220. The-the different races—
they're in upheaval.
Copy !req
221. I will be summoned
Copy !req
222. I will be summoned
Copy !req
223. to a place,
just like Duane Barry.
Copy !req
224. The man
you're talking about died
Copy !req
225. because of what he believed in.
Copy !req
226. He died in a room after
I'd been interrogating him—
Copy !req
227. after he received a visit from
some men from our government.
Copy !req
228. Oh, I'm sure
the government's involved.
Copy !req
229. They just... they don't want us
to know about it all.
Copy !req
230. Cassandra...
Copy !req
231. There was a time
Copy !req
232. when I would have believed
what you're saying,
Copy !req
233. without a doubt.
Copy !req
234. There is no doubt, Mr. Mulder.
Copy !req
235. I know what I've experienced.
Copy !req
236. I know what I've experienced.
Copy !req
237. I... I have been through
the terror and the tests
Copy !req
238. more times than I can count.
Copy !req
239. I have had an unborn fetus
taken from me.
Copy !req
240. But they're not here for the
reasons that you might think.
Copy !req
241. They're here
to deliver a message.
Copy !req
242. Except...
something has gone wrong.
Copy !req
243. There are...
Copy !req
244. there are other forces at work.
Copy !req
245. They're going to be calling me.
Copy !req
246. I can feel it.
Copy !req
247. And you, of all people,
need to know about this,
Copy !req
248. And you, of all people,
need to know about this,
Copy !req
249. because you're the one
that can do something.
Copy !req
250. I'm not.
Copy !req
251. I'm going to take
good care of you.
Copy !req
252. Agent Scully, my name
is Jeffrey Spender.
Copy !req
253. Special Agent Spender.
Copy !req
254. Is there something I can
help you with, Agent Spender?
Copy !req
255. I feel kind of funny
approaching you like this.
Copy !req
256. I just haven't been able
to reach Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
257. About what?
Copy !req
258. About somebody he's
been talking to...
Copy !req
259. somebody who claims to
be an alien abductee,
Copy !req
260. who I'd really prefer
he weren't talking to.
Copy !req
261. You going to tell me
who this is?
Copy !req
262. This is going
to sound weird.
Copy !req
263. This is going
to sound weird.
Copy !req
264. Uh, it's my mother.
Copy !req
265. Your mother.
Copy !req
266. It's a very
long story.
Copy !req
267. Uh... she's an
exceptional person.
Copy !req
268. But for reasons that are
probably kind of obvious,
Copy !req
269. I'd rather this
didn't get out.
Copy !req
270. Appearances being
what they are.
Copy !req
271. Is this part of a case?
Copy !req
272. No.
Copy !req
273. Then why is he talking to her?
Copy !req
274. I don't know.
Copy !req
275. She just called me, and she's...
Copy !req
276. She's a very disturbed woman.
Copy !req
277. This is something
that caused a lot of pain
Copy !req
278. This is something
that caused a lot of pain
Copy !req
279. about 20 years ago.
Copy !req
280. I'm just trying to save myself
any extra humiliation.
Copy !req
281. I'd like to build
a reputation here,
Copy !req
282. not be given one.
Copy !req
283. I think I understand.
Copy !req
284. Whatever happened
in Kazakhstan,
Copy !req
285. there was no one left to
give an accurate account.
Copy !req
286. How many bodies
were there?
Copy !req
287. 41. All burned
beyond recognition.
Copy !req
288. 41. All burned
beyond recognition.
Copy !req
289. The result of
Copy !req
290. some kind of intense
biochemical reaction
Copy !req
291. none of the U.N. medics
had ever seen.
Copy !req
292. Not in the Gulf
Copy !req
293. or on any battlefield.
Copy !req
294. The corpses were literally
carbonized from the heat.
Copy !req
295. A new weapon being tested?
Copy !req
296. There's no intelligence
on that.
Copy !req
297. There's no clear data on the
victims or their relationship,
Copy !req
298. but I found at least two
of these among the dead.
Copy !req
299. I think it's fairly certain
Copy !req
300. that all the victims
had them.
Copy !req
301. that all the victims
had them.
Copy !req
302. That what was taking
place was a staging
Copy !req
303. for a group abduction.
Copy !req
304. What the hell is that?
Copy !req
305. In the final phases
before it begins,
Copy !req
306. there will most likely
be assemblies.
Copy !req
307. We're years away from that.
Copy !req
308. If we're to believe
their timetable.
Copy !req
309. Unless it's already begun.
Copy !req
310. We're 15 years away.
Copy !req
311. I don't
think this was planned.
Copy !req
312. I think something or someone
set this in motion.
Copy !req
313. I think something or someone
set this in motion.
Copy !req
314. An act of war.
Copy !req
315. Against us
Copy !req
316. and our plans.
Copy !req
317. Krycek was at the burn site
Copy !req
318. with a unit
of Russian soldiers.
Copy !req
319. Alex Krycek did this?
Copy !req
320. He was there, probably acting
on the same data we got.
Copy !req
321. Whether he had
any direct involvement
Copy !req
322. in what happened,
he knows what caused it.
Copy !req
323. Knows how?
Copy !req
324. He captured a boy at the site,
Copy !req
325. a survivor.
Copy !req
326. Someone who saw.
Copy !req
327. What does Krycek want?
Copy !req
328. What does Krycek want?
Copy !req
329. I don't know.
Copy !req
330. Well, how do we find out?
Copy !req
331. Yes?
Copy !req
332. Well, look who's answering
the bat phone.
Copy !req
333. Alex Krycek.
Copy !req
334. Those guys too cheap
to offer you a pension plan?
Copy !req
335. Those guys too cheap
to offer you a pension plan?
Copy !req
336. Where are you?
Copy !req
337. I'm in town, actually.
Copy !req
338. New York City.
Copy !req
339. Just tell us what you want.
Copy !req
340. You've been working on a vaccine
against the black oil.
Copy !req
341. Unsuccessfully, you know.
Copy !req
342. Yeah, well, I figured
you and your buddies
Copy !req
343. must have been busy
while I've been gone.
Copy !req
344. Our research continues.
Copy !req
345. I'll take everything you got.
Copy !req
346. In exchange for?
Copy !req
347. The boy.
Copy !req
348. Why is that in our interest?
Copy !req
349. Because without
what he knows,
Copy !req
350. you ain't going to
need any vaccine.
Copy !req
351. you ain't going to
need any vaccine.
Copy !req
352. What does he know?
Copy !req
353. That's my opening offer.
Copy !req
354. The longer you wait,
the skinnier this kid gets.
Copy !req
355. Shouldn't
that be my picture
Copy !req
356. next to the headline?
Copy !req
357. Or is that just you
having a little fun?
Copy !req
358. Do I look like
I'm having fun, Scully?
Copy !req
359. You look constipated,
Copy !req
360. That would make sense.
Copy !req
361. That would make sense.
Copy !req
362. I've had my head up my rear end
for the last five years.
Copy !req
363. This wouldn't have anything
to do with Cassandra Spender?
Copy !req
364. Cassandra Spender
is living proof
Copy !req
365. that the truth
I've so boldly been seeking
Copy !req
366. for the last five years
is the truth of a madman.
Copy !req
367. How's that?
Copy !req
368. One more anal-probing,
Copy !req
369. levitating-ecoplasm alien
antimatter story,
Copy !req
370. and I'm going to take out my gun
and shoot somebody.
Copy !req
371. Well... I guess
I'm done here.
Copy !req
372. You seem to have
invalidated your own work.
Copy !req
373. Have a nice life.
Copy !req
374. How do you know
about Cassandra Spender?
Copy !req
375. How do you know
about Cassandra Spender?
Copy !req
376. Her son accosted me
in the hallway.
Copy !req
377. He's an FBI agent.
Copy !req
378. Great.
Copy !req
379. He's of the same opinion
as you, by the way—
Copy !req
380. that she's not well.
Copy !req
381. You know, y-you try to reveal
what's hidden,
Copy !req
382. you try to incite people
with the facts,
Copy !req
383. but they'd rather believe
some insane nonsense,
Copy !req
384. refusing to believe what
our government is capable of.
Copy !req
385. You've come a long way, Mulder.
Copy !req
386. Yeah, and still
nobody believes me.
Copy !req
387. What?
Copy !req
388. Cassandra Spender was abducted
at Skyland Mountain.
Copy !req
389. That's where I was taken—
where Duane Barry took me.
Copy !req
390. The woman is a nut,
Copy !req
391. Scully.
Copy !req
392. It says here
that she has an implant
Copy !req
393. in the base of her neck.
Copy !req
394. Where the government no doubt
removed her brain.
Copy !req
395. Isn't that what her son
stopped you to say, Scully?
Copy !req
396. Oh, no.
Copy !req
397. He, uh, he asked if you'd please
not talk about this with anyone.
Copy !req
398. Wish granted.
Copy !req
399. Hi.
Copy !req
400. I'm, uh, looking for...
Copy !req
401. I'm looking for, uh...
Copy !req
402. You're looking for what?
Copy !req
403. A mountain, I think.
Copy !req
404. A mountain, I think.
Copy !req
405. You and everybody else.
Copy !req
406. How's that?
Copy !req
407. Well, you're a little
late to the party.
Copy !req
408. Six dollars.
Copy !req
409. I hope you find
some parking.
Copy !req
410. Cassandra?
Copy !req
411. Miss Spender?
Copy !req
412. Oh. Yes?
Copy !req
413. Do I know you?
Copy !req
414. Of course I do.
Copy !req
415. I don't think so.
Copy !req
416. No.
Copy !req
417. No, I'm-I'm sure of it.
Copy !req
418. Are you a doctor?
Copy !req
419. Uh, yes, but not
a practicing one.
Copy !req
420. Uh, yes, but not
a practicing one.
Copy !req
421. No?
Copy !req
422. My name is Dana Scully,
Copy !req
423. and, uh, I'd like
to ask you some questions.
Copy !req
424. Questions about what?
Copy !req
425. May I?
Copy !req
426. Um...
Copy !req
427. I think you should know
that I, uh...
Copy !req
428. I learned about you
from your son.
Copy !req
429. Jeffrey.
Copy !req
430. Jeffrey.
Copy !req
431. Yes.
Copy !req
432. I'm an FBI agent,
and he asked that I protect
Copy !req
433. against your story
getting out.
Copy !req
434. Oh.
Copy !req
435. I guess
I'm betraying that
Copy !req
436. by coming here.
Copy !req
437. But, um... but I don't...
Copy !req
438. I'm here for more
personal reasons, actually.
Copy !req
439. I took the liberty
of reading your medical file.
Copy !req
440. You're feeling it,
too, aren't you?
Copy !req
441. You're feeling it,
too, aren't you?
Copy !req
442. Here.
Copy !req
443. You wake up at night knowing
you need to be somewhere,
Copy !req
444. but you don't know
where it is.
Copy !req
445. Like you forgot
an appointment
Copy !req
446. you didn't
know you had.
Copy !req
447. That's not why I'm here.
Copy !req
448. Oh.
Copy !req
449. I'm here because I, uh...
Copy !req
450. because... I wanted to tell you
that you should...
Copy !req
451. that you should not remove
Copy !req
452. that you should not remove
Copy !req
453. the thing
that you have in your neck.
Copy !req
454. Not without
possible consequences.
Copy !req
455. Um... I became very ill.
Copy !req
456. I'd never dream of removing it.
Copy !req
457. I want to go...
Copy !req
458. wherever it is.
Copy !req
459. Oh, they have...
so much to teach us.
Copy !req
460. You being a doctor
would want to know...
Copy !req
461. they're great healers.
Copy !req
462. they're great healers.
Copy !req
463. Maybe that's why
you were chosen.
Copy !req
464. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
465. Help me!
Copy !req
466. Help me. Help me!
Copy !req
467. Please!
Copy !req
468. Help me!
Copy !req
469. And there was
no indication beforehand
Copy !req
470. that there was
anything going on?
Copy !req
471. No sort of...
Copy !req
472. Are there
any survivors?
Copy !req
473. No. Not as of this moment.
Copy !req
474. From the smell...
Copy !req
475. They've all been burned,
and there are plenty more
Copy !req
476. who are still being bagged
as we speak.
Copy !req
477. Any preliminary
Copy !req
478. Well, it appears
they all came by car.
Copy !req
479. Most of the dead
are congregated in a wooded area
Copy !req
480. a short distance off the road.
Copy !req
481. Self-immolation?
Copy !req
482. There's no evidence
of that right now.
Copy !req
483. There's no accelerants,
no incendiary device.
Copy !req
484. And what was their
relationship to each other?
Copy !req
485. And what was their
relationship to each other?
Copy !req
486. Were they families?
Copy !req
487. Well, there's no way to I.D.
their bodies right now.
Copy !req
488. It's going to be
a painstaking dental process.
Copy !req
489. Mulder, why are you tiptoeing
around the obvious fact here?
Copy !req
490. I mean, this is
Skyland Mountain.
Copy !req
491. We're right back here
on Skyland Mountain.
Copy !req
492. And you think it's related
to your abduction
Copy !req
493. from the same place?
Copy !req
494. Well, you can't deny
the connection.
Copy !req
495. You think this is some kind
of abduction scenario.
Copy !req
496. No... I'm not saying that.
Copy !req
497. Do you have any
evidence of that?
Copy !req
498. What do you mean by evidence?
Copy !req
499. What do you mean by evidence?
Copy !req
500. That's what I'm asking you.
Copy !req
501. Well, are you going to give me
your theory then?
Copy !req
502. No.
Copy !req
503. I'm going to give you
an explanation.
Copy !req
504. This is the same scene
Copy !req
505. we saw in Kazakhstan.
Copy !req
506. What the hell is going on?
This is our own backyard.
Copy !req
507. What the hell is going on?
This is our own backyard.
Copy !req
508. This is no good.
Copy !req
509. I don't like being kept
in the dark on this.
Copy !req
510. Someone's going to great
lengths to sabotage our work.
Copy !req
511. Who?
Copy !req
512. One way or another,
we'd better find out
Copy !req
513. before it's determined we're
unable to handle this ourselves,
Copy !req
514. to put a stop to it, before
the colonists intervene.
Copy !req
515. More on our top story this hour:
Copy !req
516. in the northern part
of the state,
Copy !req
517. last night's mass death
in the forest
Copy !req
518. just inside the national park
at Skyland Mountain.
Copy !req
519. Again,
authorities have now released
Copy !req
520. a fairly complete list
of the dead
Copy !req
521. gathered from
vehicle registrations,
Copy !req
522. hoping relatives or friends
will come forward
Copy !req
523. and help to explain
the cause or the reasons
Copy !req
524. for this bizarre tragedy
here in rural Virginia.
Copy !req
525. At this time,
Copy !req
526. details of the disaster
at Skyland Mountain are sketchy.
Copy !req
527. Cassandra?
Copy !req
528. You called us?
Copy !req
529. This is not supposed
to be happening.
Copy !req
530. I knew these people.
Copy !req
531. You knew them?
Copy !req
532. They-they were friends of mine.
Copy !req
533. Friends from where?
Copy !req
534. From a long time ago.
Copy !req
535. It's not supposed
to be happening.
Copy !req
536. Not like this.
Copy !req
537. You have to do something
about it.
Copy !req
538. What would
you like me to do?
Copy !req
539. You have to stop it.
Copy !req
540. Stop who?
Copy !req
541. I don't know.
Copy !req
542. Agent Mulder,
Copy !req
543. my name's Jeffrey Spender.
Copy !req
544. my name's Jeffrey Spender.
Copy !req
545. Oh, son of... the prophet.
Copy !req
546. I asked you to leave her alone.
Copy !req
547. Your mother called us
about the incident in Virginia.
Copy !req
548. She said that she knew
some of the dead.
Copy !req
549. Of course she did.
Copy !req
550. They were
in the same
Copy !req
551. ridiculous cult
that she used to be.
Copy !req
552. There you have it.
Copy !req
553. She was in a cult?
Copy !req
554. A UFO cult, who believed
they were going to be
Copy !req
555. carried to immortality
Copy !req
556. in some kind of
flying mother wheel.
Copy !req
557. in some kind of
flying mother wheel.
Copy !req
558. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
559. We won't be
bothering you
Copy !req
560. or your mother
Copy !req
561. You think you can pull this off,
don't you?
Copy !req
562. They give me what I want,
I'm going to rule the world.
Copy !req
563. We've got them
on their knees, Alex.
Copy !req
564. Yeah?
Copy !req
565. Let's get out
of this hole.
Copy !req
566. Well...
Copy !req
567. Where's the boy?
Copy !req
568. Are you ready for this?
Copy !req
569. I've been going over
Copy !req
570. the initial forensics
and pathology reports
Copy !req
571. from the incident
at Skyland Mountain,
Copy !req
572. and while the event itself
remains unexplained,
Copy !req
573. I think it's less than a
mystery who's involved—
Copy !req
574. at least for me, and
certainly for you.
Copy !req
575. Our pathologists here haven't
finalized their reports,
Copy !req
576. but I was able to have
three victims selected
Copy !req
577. at random for X-rays.
Copy !req
578. at random for X-rays.
Copy !req
579. That's how
I found these—
Copy !req
580. small pieces of what
looks like metal
Copy !req
581. in the charred
cervical tissue,
Copy !req
582. here... here...
Copy !req
583. and here.
Copy !req
584. Implants.
Copy !req
585. I followed up
Copy !req
586. with the families
of the three victims,
Copy !req
587. and I found that none had
any cult associations,
Copy !req
588. but two out of the three belong
to local Mutual UFO Networks,
Copy !req
589. and both of them
claimed abduction experiences,
Copy !req
590. and both of them
claimed abduction experiences,
Copy !req
591. and both of them
were being treated
Copy !req
592. by a medical health practitioner
over the past few months.
Copy !req
593. For what?
Copy !req
594. Take a look.
Copy !req
595. "Major depressive disorder
characterized by periods
Copy !req
596. "of sustained anxiety
and paranoia.
Copy !req
597. "Patient believes
he will be contacted
Copy !req
598. "or called to an
undisclosed place
Copy !req
599. where he will be
abducted by aliens."
Copy !req
600. The implants triggered
those responses.
Copy !req
601. Those people were led
to Skyland Mountain.
Copy !req
602. By whom?
Copy !req
603. By the same government
that put the implant in you
Copy !req
604. By the same government
that put the implant in you
Copy !req
605. to function
as a homing mechanism.
Copy !req
606. Mulder, that doesn't
make sense.
Copy !req
607. Why not?
Copy !req
608. A tracking system
Copy !req
609. using military app
satellite technology
Copy !req
610. to monitor test subjects,
Copy !req
611. or to stage what people
might otherwise believe
Copy !req
612. are alien abductions.
Copy !req
613. But they weren't abducted.
Copy !req
614. They were led to their deaths.
And for what purpose?
Copy !req
615. I don't know that yet.
Copy !req
616. Yeah, Mulder...
Copy !req
617. Maybe you shouldn't
Copy !req
618. be so quick...
Copy !req
619. to rule out what
Cassandra Spender has to say.
Copy !req
620. to rule out what
Cassandra Spender has to say.
Copy !req
621. Mulder.
Copy !req
622. Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
623. Yes.
This is Marita Covarrubias.
Copy !req
624. Is this a secure line
we're on?
Copy !req
625. Yes.
Copy !req
626. You were at Skyland Mountain.
Copy !req
627. Are you aware of a U.N. report
Copy !req
628. on a similar incident
in the former Soviet Union?
Copy !req
629. No.
Copy !req
630. I was in Kazakhstan,
Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
631. I was in Kazakhstan,
Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
632. There is a connection.
Copy !req
633. I have someone who knows it.
Copy !req
634. I have him with me now.
Copy !req
635. Where are you?
Copy !req
636. At a pay phone on Skodal Road,
just off the I-90.
Copy !req
637. Come here, wait for my call
for directions.
Copy !req
638. Marita?
Copy !req
639. Mar...
Copy !req
640. Hello.
Copy !req
641. Who's this?
Copy !req
642. This is Special Agent Spender.
Copy !req
643. Who's this?
Copy !req
644. This is Fox Mulder.
Copy !req
645. Why are you calling here?
Copy !req
646. I'm actually looking
for Agent Scully.
Copy !req
647. I haven't been able to reach her
and she said that...
Copy !req
648. She's not here.
Copy !req
649. Nor is my mother.
Copy !req
650. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
651. She's gone from her room.
Copy !req
652. Gone where?
Copy !req
653. Look, she's just gone.
Copy !req
654. Look, she's just gone.
Copy !req
655. Don't you get it?
Copy !req
656. She's got nowhere to go.
Copy !req
657. Look!
Copy !req
658. There... there it is!
Copy !req
659. I made this!
Copy !req