1. At times, I almost dream...
Copy !req
2. I, too, have spent a life
the sages' way
Copy !req
3. and tread once more
familiar paths.
Copy !req
4. Perchance I perished
Copy !req
5. in an arrogant self-reliance
an age ago,
Copy !req
6. and in that act,
Copy !req
7. a prayer for one more chance
went up so earnest, so.
Copy !req
8. Instinct with better light
let in by death
Copy !req
9. Instinct with better light
let in by death
Copy !req
10. that life was blotted out
not so completely...
Copy !req
11. but scattered wrecks
enough of it
Copy !req
12. to remain dim memories...
Copy !req
13. as now, when seems once more...
Copy !req
14. the goal in sight again.
Copy !req
15. Federal agents!
Copy !req
16. We are armed!
Copy !req
17. Move, move, move!
Copy !req
18. Get down on the ground!
Copy !req
19. We have warrants
to search for the possession
Copy !req
20. of illegal firearms!
Copy !req
21. We are under orders to serve
warrants for the arrests
Copy !req
22. of Vernon Warren,
also known as Vernon Ephesian!
Copy !req
23. Move it! Move it! Over there!
Come on! Come on! Let's go!
Copy !req
24. Move! Move! Move!
Copy !req
25. Somebody tipped Ephesian off.
Copy !req
26. He's somewhere on the compound.
Copy !req
27. We've covered
90% of the compound.
Copy !req
28. We have to find him.
There's no sign
of the weapons.
Copy !req
29. They've hid
them somewhere.
Copy !req
30. Where haven't we covered?
Copy !req
31. Well, we can check
the machine shop again.
Copy !req
32. Maybe they've
got trapdoors.
Copy !req
33. Mulder.
Copy !req
34. Mulder!
Copy !req
35. Mulder!
Copy !req
36. Tear it apart.
Copy !req
37. Mulder?
Copy !req
38. Mulder, where are you going?
Copy !req
39. Intelligence reported
Copy !req
40. no hiding places
beyond the yard.
Copy !req
41. Did you see someone?
Copy !req
42. Did you see someone?
Copy !req
43. I am he that liveth
Copy !req
44. and was dead.
Copy !req
45. And behold...
Copy !req
46. I am alive forevermore...
Copy !req
47. my God, in the name of
the city of my God which is...
Copy !req
48. FBI!
Copy !req
49. No!
Copy !req
50. It's okay.
Copy !req
51. It's okay...
Copy !req
52. Bureau of Alcohol
Copy !req
53. Tobacco and Firearms
transmission received.
Copy !req
54. 0230 hours. 5 November '96,
Apison, Tennessee.
Copy !req
55. 0230 hours. 5 November '96,
Apison, Tennessee.
Copy !req
56. Confirmed telephone trace from
within Seven Stars compound.
Copy !req
57. BATF. This is Agent Kiley.
Copy !req
58. Uh, lookit, I'm not
going to talk long, right?
Copy !req
59. I-I can't even believe
that I'm even doing this.
Copy !req
60. Brilliant. Lookit— Vernon—
Copy !req
61. he's got a lot of good ideas.
Copy !req
62. He's right about a lot,
a lot of things,
Copy !req
63. but he's doing stuff to kids now
that... it ain't good, right?
Copy !req
64. And I'm telling you,
it's not why I signed on.
Copy !req
65. Okay, okay, easy.
Copy !req
66. Can you tell me your name, sir?
Copy !req
67. Can you tell me your name, sir?
Copy !req
68. Call me Sidney.
Copy !req
69. Now, like I said,
Copy !req
70. Vernon— he's hurting
the little kids around here bad.
Copy !req
71. It ain't right.
Copy !req
72. And, man, the guns... my God.
Copy !req
73. Yeah, you could beat
the whole Korean army here.
Copy !req
74. Oh, God, I can't talk no more.
I got...
Copy !req
75. This call capped off
an 18 month BATF investigation
Copy !req
76. of the Temple of the Seven Stars
led by Vernon Ephesian.
Copy !req
77. The "Sidney" call convinced
the attorney general
Copy !req
78. to give the go ahead
for this morning's raid.
Copy !req
79. ATF intelligence reports were
weak. I mean, our man Spooky
Copy !req
80. ATF intelligence reports were
weak. I mean, our man Spooky
Copy !req
81. found Ephesian in a bunker
ATF didn't even know was there.
Copy !req
82. The Bureau is
Copy !req
83. How did you know that?
Copy !req
84. Garbage in,
garbage out...
Copy !req
85. Knock it off!
Copy !req
86. The reports are valid.
Copy !req
87. Illegal activities were going on
at the Seven Stars compound.
Copy !req
88. Somehow they were alerted in
time to hide the evidence.
Copy !req
89. Ephesian and his wives
Copy !req
90. are being held on,
frankly, B.S. charges
Copy !req
91. of possession of
dangerous chemicals.
Copy !req
92. And you know their
attorneys will be pushing
Copy !req
93. for a quick arraignment.
Copy !req
94. They'll be out of here
in less than 24 hours
Copy !req
95. if we cannot charge them.
Copy !req
96. Agents on site
will continue to search
Copy !req
97. for evidence
of illegal firearms.
Copy !req
98. And even more critical,
find the informant "Sidney."
Copy !req
99. If they found out
that he tipped us...
Copy !req
100. it's likely we're looking
for a murder.
Copy !req
101. All right, go.
Copy !req
102. Agent Mulder,
Agent Scully.
Copy !req
103. You were assigned to this
operation to investigate
Copy !req
104. claims of Ephesian's
paranormal abilities—
Copy !req
105. channeling,
astral projection.
Copy !req
106. channeling,
astral projection.
Copy !req
107. We believe that Ephesian is a
paranoid charismatic sociopath.
Copy !req
108. He is obsessed
Copy !req
109. with the Book of Revelation
and will use
Copy !req
110. his knowledge of biblical text
Copy !req
111. to get anything that he wants
from his followers.
Copy !req
112. Ephesian had six women
on the verge of suicide.
Copy !req
113. You witnessed it.
Copy !req
114. My concern is if
the temple members are released,
Copy !req
115. any subsequent
federal investigation
Copy !req
116. will ignite Ephesian's paranoia
to such a degree
Copy !req
117. that we won't have
another Waco on our hands...
Copy !req
118. we'll have Jonestown.
Copy !req
119. I knew you were coming.
Copy !req
120. I've known
for nine centuries.
Copy !req
121. It was written in the revelation
of Jesus Christ...
Copy !req
122. "Behold...
Copy !req
123. "the Devil shall cast
some of thee into prison
Copy !req
124. "that you may be tried.
Copy !req
125. "You'll have tribulation
of ten days.
Copy !req
126. "Be thou faithful unto death,
Copy !req
127. and I'll give thee
a crown of life."
Copy !req
128. But that message was
to the church at Smyrna.
Copy !req
129. But that message was
to the church at Smyrna.
Copy !req
130. It's my understanding that
your temple is the reincarnation
Copy !req
131. of the church of Ephesia.
Copy !req
132. Mine is the Temple
of the Seven Stars,
Copy !req
133. all seven churches
receiving the revelation.
Copy !req
134. And the members are not
a reincarnation of the church.
Copy !req
135. Are you?
Copy !req
136. Oh, yes. I was present to hear
Apostle John Mark
Copy !req
137. deliver his message
of the apocalypse.
Copy !req
138. Vernon, if Sidney
was unfaithful,
Copy !req
139. did he receive
a "crown of life"?
Copy !req
140. did he receive
a "crown of life"?
Copy !req
141. There are no
members of the temple
Copy !req
142. named or nicknamed Sidney.
Copy !req
143. But I know you don't believe.
Copy !req
144. See, I don't care
if you think that I'm
Copy !req
145. Jim Jones or David Koresh.
Copy !req
146. I don't need you
to believe or even like me.
Copy !req
147. But just for a moment,
Copy !req
148. I'd like you to put aside
your investigation
Copy !req
149. for your own souls.
Copy !req
150. It is vital that you understand
that soon, very, very soon,
Copy !req
151. all unfaithfuls,
all disbelievers,
Copy !req
152. all unfaithfuls,
all disbelievers,
Copy !req
153. all beasts—
Copy !req
154. if that means me
or this "Sidney" or you...
Copy !req
155. all will be destroyed
by God's mighty men.
Copy !req
156. It is what has been told
by God will happen.
Copy !req
157. It is what has been
told by God we must do.
Copy !req
158. Do this and the "Lord shall
preserve you from all evil.
Copy !req
159. "He will preserve
Copy !req
160. "your soul.
Copy !req
161. "your soul.
Copy !req
162. "The Lord will preserve
your going out...
Copy !req
163. and your coming in."
Copy !req
164. Skinner said no one else
has come up with anything.
Copy !req
165. As you can see,
they've started
Copy !req
166. to release members
of the temple.
Copy !req
167. The compound remains
under federal control, though.
Copy !req
168. Time is flying.
Copy !req
169. We've got six wives
to question.
Copy !req
170. My estimate is 12 more hours
of fire and brimstone
Copy !req
171. and not a second
about Sidney.
Copy !req
172. and not a second
about Sidney.
Copy !req
173. Let's start with her.
Copy !req
174. My name is
Melissa Riedal-Ephesian.
Copy !req
175. I'm 25.
Copy !req
176. Melissa, do you
understand your right
Copy !req
177. to have an attorney present
at this questioning?
Copy !req
178. It's okay.
Copy !req
179. Where are you from?
Copy !req
180. I-I don't know.
Copy !req
181. What about your family?
Where do they live?
Copy !req
182. My real family is here.
Copy !req
183. How long have you
lived there?
Copy !req
184. A year.
Copy !req
185. How long have you been
married to Ephesian?
Copy !req
186. A year.
Copy !req
187. Does it bother you
that he has other wives?
Copy !req
188. "And on that day, seven women
shall take hold of one man,
Copy !req
189. "saying, 'We shall eat
our own bread,
Copy !req
190. "'we shall wear our own apparel,
Copy !req
191. "'only let us be called
by thy name
Copy !req
192. to take away our reproach.'"
Copy !req
193. That's quite a faith you
have in Vernon there, Melissa.
Copy !req
194. That's quite a faith you
have in Vernon there, Melissa.
Copy !req
195. I'd have a tough time
if my husband
Copy !req
196. had so many children
with other women.
Copy !req
197. Do you have a child by Vernon?
Copy !req
198. Someday.
Copy !req
199. Vernon has to wait
until God tells him
Copy !req
200. when the right soul
is ready to be reincarnated.
Copy !req
201. That's why Vernon's children
are the most sacred members
Copy !req
202. of the temple.
Copy !req
203. We were told that Vernon's
been hurting the children.
Copy !req
204. We were told that Vernon's
been hurting the children.
Copy !req
205. Have you ever witnessed
any child abuse
Copy !req
206. at the temple, Melissa?
Copy !req
207. Lookit! I don't know where
Copy !req
208. you two are getting that from.
Copy !req
209. I mean, I saw a couple things.
Copy !req
210. I mean, you know, it-it could
have been anything, right?
Copy !req
211. Melissa?
Copy !req
212. Melissa? No.
Copy !req
213. I don't know nobody called that.
Copy !req
214. Sidney?
Copy !req
215. What is this?
Copy !req
216. The McCarthy hearings?
Copy !req
217. The McCarthy hearings?
Copy !req
218. No, no.
Copy !req
219. Don't... don't know
anybody by that name, no.
Copy !req
220. I saw a couple things.
Copy !req
221. It could have been
anything, right?
Copy !req
222. Sidney, can you tell me
who the President
Copy !req
223. of the United States is
right now?
Copy !req
224. Who is the President
of the United States?
Copy !req
225. What the hell kind of
dumb question is that?
Copy !req
226. That is
a stupid question.
Copy !req
227. Harry Truman.
Copy !req
228. You're claiming
Sidney is her past life
Copy !req
229. just because she mentioned
Joe McCarthy?
Copy !req
230. It's not just that.
Copy !req
231. It's not just that.
Copy !req
232. Somehow I just knew.
Copy !req
233. Ephesian and his wives
Copy !req
234. are being arraigned
tomorrow morning.
Copy !req
235. That's about 15 hours
to come up with something.
Copy !req
236. Come up with something?
We found Sidney.
Copy !req
237. Voice spectrogram confirms that
Melissa Riedel's vocal pattern
Copy !req
238. matches the ATF
"Sidney" call.
Copy !req
239. Melissa Riedel
is not cooperating.
Copy !req
240. But there is a personality
within her that wants to.
Copy !req
241. We need a
psychological catalyst.
Copy !req
242. I suggest we take her
back to the compound.
Copy !req
243. Maybe exposing her to
that environment without
Copy !req
244. Ephesian present will somehow
enable Melissa to talk—
Copy !req
245. Ephesian present will somehow
enable Melissa to talk—
Copy !req
246. or a personality
inside her.
Copy !req
247. Agent Scully, could this be
some kind of a stall?
Copy !req
248. A staged version?
Copy !req
249. It's my understanding that
multiple personalities are rare.
Copy !req
250. They're extremely rare.
Copy !req
251. In fact, many in the psychiatric
community do not believe
Copy !req
252. that dissociative
identity disorder exists.
Copy !req
253. What we've witnessed
meets the criteria
Copy !req
254. established
in the DSM-IV.
Copy !req
255. The presence of two or more
distinct personality states
Copy !req
256. that recurrently take
control over behavior,
Copy !req
257. including the protector
identity— Sidney.
Copy !req
258. The inability to recall
important personal information.
Copy !req
259. She couldn't recall
her own hometown.
Copy !req
260. She couldn't recall
her own hometown.
Copy !req
261. Transitions from one
personality state to another
Copy !req
262. are usually
a matter of seconds
Copy !req
263. and are often caused
by psychosocial stress.
Copy !req
264. Sidney appeared
when we mentioned
Copy !req
265. that children
had been abused.
Copy !req
266. But you remain unconvinced?
Copy !req
267. I believe the disorder exists,
but in this case,
Copy !req
268. under these circumstances,
I would have to know more.
Copy !req
269. If Melissa has
multiple personalities,
Copy !req
270. would her— his— testimony
even be admissible?
Copy !req
271. Judicial precedents have
established that dissociative
Copy !req
272. personalities are responsible.
Copy !req
273. Yes, but we are responsible
for Melissa Riedel.
Copy !req
274. What we are responsible for is
the potential loss of 50 lives.
Copy !req
275. What we are responsible for is
the potential loss of 50 lives.
Copy !req
276. Do it.
Copy !req
277. You didn't even have the courage
to tell Skinner
Copy !req
278. what you really believe—
Copy !req
279. that Melissa Riedel
Copy !req
280. is being invaded
by her past-life incarnations.
Copy !req
281. Because he wouldn't believe me.
Copy !req
282. I don't believe that you feel
responsible for those 50 lives.
Copy !req
283. Or Melissa Riedel.
Copy !req
284. You are only responsible
to yourself, Mulder.
Copy !req
285. You're safe with us, Melissa.
Copy !req
286. The murderer's not here.
Copy !req
287. We know that
events occurred here
Copy !req
288. that, uh, that may be painful.
Copy !req
289. You may not want
to talk about them.
Copy !req
290. They may be so painful,
you may be afraid to remember.
Copy !req
291. But to help the others—
Copy !req
292. to help the children
and to help yourself,
Copy !req
293. we're here with you
to listen—
Copy !req
294. to Melissa,
Copy !req
295. to Sidney, to whoever
may need to talk.
Copy !req
296. to Sidney, to whoever
may need to talk.
Copy !req
297. Melissa...
Copy !req
298. Melissa...
Copy !req
299. Why you call me that?
Copy !req
300. What should I call you?
Copy !req
301. Lily.
Copy !req
302. Lily...
Copy !req
303. were any of your friends hurt
in this room?
Copy !req
304. What?
Copy !req
305. Can you do this?
Copy !req
306. Melissa— Lily...
Copy !req
307. Melissa— Lily...
Copy !req
308. it's okay to tell me.
Copy !req
309. Lookit, leave the kid alone.
Copy !req
310. You hear me?
Copy !req
311. She doesn't want to talk, right?
Copy !req
312. No way!
Copy !req
313. I'm sending her home.
Copy !req
314. Sidney, you can all go home.
Copy !req
315. You can all be safe if you just
tell us where they hid the guns.
Copy !req
316. What's wrong?
Copy !req
317. The weapons
were placed in the bunker
Copy !req
318. which they had built
the night before.
Copy !req
319. That's why they weren't
on the ATF reports.
Copy !req
320. That's why they weren't
on the ATF reports.
Copy !req
321. The federals would arrive
in the morning
Copy !req
322. just before the sun.
Copy !req
323. Realizing the government's
might and number,
Copy !req
324. most believed they, indeed,
would never again
Copy !req
325. see the light of day—
Copy !req
326. just as they had watched
their brothers die
Copy !req
327. days before
on Missionary Ridge.
Copy !req
328. We had received word
Copy !req
329. of General Cleburn's retreat
from the Union Army.
Copy !req
330. As a nurse, I had been ordered
from Hamilton County
Copy !req
331. to meet the troops, but...
Copy !req
332. in actuality,
I was searching for him,
Copy !req
333. in actuality,
I was searching for him,
Copy !req
334. knowing that he would attempt
to remain in Tennessee
Copy !req
335. rather than retreat
to Dalton.
Copy !req
336. I found him here
Copy !req
337. amongst the others
who had been lost
Copy !req
338. as General Thomas pushed
through the Confederate line.
Copy !req
339. The federal troops would appear
from that direction.
Copy !req
340. Rather than retreat
any further,
Copy !req
341. they fought them—
Copy !req
342. they fought them—
Copy !req
343. hiding us in the bunker.
Copy !req
344. Inside, I could smell the smoke,
Copy !req
345. hear the rifles...
Copy !req
346. feel the bodies
Copy !req
347. as they dropped
onto the ground above.
Copy !req
348. Every last one.
Copy !req
349. 26th of November...
Copy !req
350. 1863.
Copy !req
351. 1863.
Copy !req
352. I was here.
Copy !req
353. As were you.
Copy !req
354. This is the field
where I watched you die.
Copy !req
355. Who are you calling?
Copy !req
356. I'm arranging
for a therapist
Copy !req
357. trained in hypnosis to be
at the command center.
Copy !req
358. Because hypnosis is used
Copy !req
359. in the treatment
of dissociative identities
Copy !req
360. to bring forth a patient's
various personalities?
Copy !req
361. She wants to
talk, Scully.
Copy !req
362. It's a matter of
getting it out of her.
Copy !req
363. No, it's about regressing her
to a past life.
Copy !req
364. Don't do this
to her, Mulder.
Copy !req
365. This poor woman's mind—
her life— is in shreds.
Copy !req
366. Just being married
to Ephesian indicates
Copy !req
367. Just being married
to Ephesian indicates
Copy !req
368. that she is susceptible
to suggestion.
Copy !req
369. You... you were there, Scully!
Copy !req
370. You saw it.
Copy !req
371. You heard it.
Copy !req
372. Why can't you feel it?
Copy !req
373. How could I know
about a bunker
Copy !req
374. in a field
where I've never been?
Copy !req
375. And why is it that Vernon
Ephesian is, reported by you,
Copy !req
376. a paranoid sociopath
because he believes
Copy !req
377. that he lived in Greece
a hundred years ago,
Copy !req
378. and you're not,
even though you believe
Copy !req
379. you died in that field?
Copy !req
380. I'm talking
to Melissa.
Copy !req
381. In the last year at the
Temple of the Seven Stars,
Copy !req
382. is there anything that happened
that you thought was wrong?
Copy !req
383. That hurt you?
Copy !req
384. Yes.
Copy !req
385. There was a...
Copy !req
386. woman who came to the temple.
Copy !req
387. She and her son
had been living on the street.
Copy !req
388. She and her son
had been living on the street.
Copy !req
389. What was her name?
Copy !req
390. Elizabeth.
Copy !req
391. Her son was Scott.
Copy !req
392. Vernon took a liking to the boy.
Copy !req
393. He said that he was
a prophet returning.
Copy !req
394. He took the boy
away from his mother.
Copy !req
395. Took him away? How?
Copy !req
396. Vernon's children
are the grandchildren of God,
Copy !req
397. kept separate from the others.
Copy !req
398. kept separate from the others.
Copy !req
399. The mother's heart was broken.
Copy !req
400. She was afraid.
Copy !req
401. The mighty men...
Copy !req
402. Late... night...
Copy !req
403. Liz sneaks in to see Scott.
Copy !req
404. Oh, he was happy.
Copy !req
405. She brings... she brings him
Copy !req
406. a Butterfinger she stole
from the kitchen.
Copy !req
407. Vernon... Vernon...
Vernon... catches them.
Copy !req
408. Vernon... Vernon...
Vernon... catches them.
Copy !req
409. The mighty men...
Copy !req
410. they pull her away...
Copy !req
411. and beat her
in front of her son.
Copy !req
412. The boy, "No! No! Mom..."
Copy !req
413. Vernon... Vernon...
Copy !req
414. Vernon pulls him by...
Copy !req
415. Vernon pulls him by his hair.
Copy !req
416. Pulls down his pajamas
and hit him.
Copy !req
417. Pulls down his pajamas
and hit him.
Copy !req
418. "You're not a child of God.
Copy !req
419. Garbage," he calls him.
Copy !req
420. Told him to sleep
in the trash... with the rats.
Copy !req
421. Oh, the mother...
Copy !req
422. the mother cries...
Copy !req
423. but Vernon beats him...
Copy !req
424. in front of her.
Copy !req
425. "Oh, oh, no,
no, no, no..."
Copy !req
426. Lookit!
Copy !req
427. Lookit!
Copy !req
428. Brilliant, brilliant,
brilliant move.
Copy !req
429. What do you want to know?
Copy !req
430. Just... just...
leave Melissa alone.
Copy !req
431. She doesn't need to go
through that anymore.
Copy !req
432. Where are the guns?
Copy !req
433. The... the bunkers. Yeah.
Copy !req
434. Yeah, uh...
the Civil War bunkers.
Copy !req
435. Vernon... Vernon... Vernon
and his goons know, but I don't.
Copy !req
436. I really don't.
Copy !req
437. Maybe there's a map
Copy !req
438. of the battlefield
down in the records.
Copy !req
439. You know how to find
the other bunkers.
Copy !req
440. Mulder...
Copy !req
441. Mulder...
Copy !req
442. Melissa...
Copy !req
443. It's me, Melissa.
Copy !req
444. I want you to go back.
Copy !req
445. Back to the field.
Copy !req
446. Oh...
Copy !req
447. Oh...
Copy !req
448. Your eyes
may have changed shade...
Copy !req
449. but it cannot color
the soul behind them.
Copy !req
450. We have come together
in this life, this time,
Copy !req
451. only to meet in passing.
Copy !req
452. It is so heartbreaking to wait.
Copy !req
453. I miss you.
Copy !req
454. Mulder, this is
a product of her illness.
Copy !req
455. She couldn't answer
Copy !req
456. She couldn't answer
Copy !req
457. the question
of the battlefield.
Copy !req
458. She gave us no specific names,
Copy !req
459. no information
to prove her validity.
Copy !req
460. There is nothing
that we can use
Copy !req
461. to prove that
this is the truth.
Copy !req
462. There's one way.
Copy !req
463. Mulder, Ephesian's
Copy !req
464. is in two hours.
Copy !req
465. There is no time
to be doing this.
Copy !req
466. Wouldn't you, Scully?
Copy !req
467. Wouldn't anybody?
Copy !req
468. I want you to go
into your past,
Copy !req
469. beyond your life
as Fox Mulder.
Copy !req
470. beyond your life
as Fox Mulder.
Copy !req
471. What do you see?
Copy !req
472. Ghetto streets.
Copy !req
473. Shattered glass.
Copy !req
474. Bodies of the dead.
Copy !req
475. I'm a woman.
Copy !req
476. I'm a woman.
Copy !req
477. A Jewish woman. Poland.
Copy !req
478. My son is with me.
Copy !req
479. He is Samantha.
Copy !req
480. Samantha?
Copy !req
481. I thought Samantha
was your sister.
Copy !req
482. In this life, she is my son.
Copy !req
483. I see my father.
Copy !req
484. He's dead in the street.
Copy !req
485. He is Scully...
Copy !req
486. but now...
Copy !req
487. he's gone on now.
Copy !req
488. Waiting for us.
Copy !req
489. Souls... come back together.
Copy !req
490. Souls... come back together.
Copy !req
491. Different...
Copy !req
492. but always together,
Copy !req
493. again and again...
Copy !req
494. to learn.
Copy !req
495. I can't go
Copy !req
496. to my father.
Copy !req
497. Gestapo is standing next to him.
Copy !req
498. An officer.
Copy !req
499. He's Cancer Man.
Copy !req
500. Evil returns as evil.
Copy !req
501. But love... love...
Copy !req
502. souls mate eternal.
Copy !req
503. souls mate eternal.
Copy !req
504. My... husband...
is taken away from me
Copy !req
505. to the camps.
Copy !req
506. He is Melissa.
Copy !req
507. We're always taken away.
Copy !req
508. I'm rising...
Copy !req
509. I'm rising now.
Copy !req
510. I'm rising now...
Copy !req
511. high above... my body.
Copy !req
512. Above the field.
Copy !req
513. My face is bloody.
Copy !req
514. Near the bunker.
Copy !req
515. The federals are gone.
Copy !req
516. My sergeant is also dead.
Copy !req
517. He is Scully.
Copy !req
518. Sarah holds me.
Copy !req
519. She is sad.
Copy !req
520. She is Melissa.
Copy !req
521. She lives...
Copy !req
522. near the battle.
Copy !req
523. Hamilton County.
Copy !req
524. Her name is Kavanaugh.
Copy !req
525. Sarah Kavanaugh.
Copy !req
526. And my name...
Copy !req
527. is Sullivan Biddle.
Copy !req
528. She doesn't know.
Copy !req
529. She doesn't know...
Copy !req
530. that-that I'm waiting
for her.
Copy !req
531. That we will live again.
Copy !req
532. We will live again.
Copy !req
533. Oh, God.
Copy !req
534. Oh, my soul is tired.
Copy !req
535. Oh, my soul is tired.
Copy !req
536. Mulder, it's Scully.
Copy !req
537. Do you see any bunkers
in the field?
Copy !req
538. My soul is tired.
Copy !req
539. I want to rest.
Copy !req
540. Ephesian's being taken
down to his arraignment.
Copy !req
541. He and Melissa
are going to be released soon.
Copy !req
542. Dana, if, um...
Copy !req
543. early in the four years
we've been working together...
Copy !req
544. an event occurred that suggested
Copy !req
545. or somebody told you that...
Copy !req
546. or somebody told you that...
Copy !req
547. we'd been friends together
Copy !req
548. in other lifetimes—
Copy !req
549. wouldn't it have changed some of
the ways we looked at one other?
Copy !req
550. Even if I knew for certain,
Copy !req
551. I wouldn't change a day.
Copy !req
552. Well, maybe that Flukeman thing.
Copy !req
553. I could have lived
without that just fine.
Copy !req
554. I could have lived
without that just fine.
Copy !req
555. We
have come together in this life,
Copy !req
556. this time,
Copy !req
557. only to meet in passing.
Copy !req
558. It is so heartbreaking to wait.
Copy !req
559. I miss you.
Copy !req
560. I don't believe in it.
Copy !req
561. Why?
Copy !req
562. Those tapes are saying
Copy !req
563. Those tapes are saying
Copy !req
564. that we chose
the lives we live
Copy !req
565. before we're born,
and who we live with.
Copy !req
566. It's a nice idea.
Copy !req
567. It's a beautiful idea.
Copy !req
568. I want to believe.
Copy !req
569. And if I knew it were true,
I'd want to start over.
Copy !req
570. I'd want to end
this pointless life.
Copy !req
571. I'd want to end
this pointless life.
Copy !req
572. Sarah...
Copy !req
573. if it were true,
Copy !req
574. no life would be pointless.
Copy !req
575. Melissa...
Copy !req
576. it's time to leave.
Copy !req
577. All right,
let's go, y'all.
Copy !req
578. I've reported
to investigators on site
Copy !req
579. about the possible existence
of other bunkers.
Copy !req
580. The field is not the property
of the Seven Stars,
Copy !req
581. The field is not the property
of the Seven Stars,
Copy !req
582. so the BATF
is continuing to search.
Copy !req
583. Yay! They're home!
Copy !req
584. Agent Mulder, the attorney
general is furious as is.
Copy !req
585. There's no way we're
going to get a go ahead
Copy !req
586. for a second move
on the compound.
Copy !req
587. for a second move
on the compound.
Copy !req
588. Ephesian preaches
and his followers believe
Copy !req
589. the FBI and the ATF
are the Devil's army—
Copy !req
590. prophesied in
Revelations 12:17—
Copy !req
591. to make war on "the seed which
keep the commandments of God
Copy !req
592. and the testimony
of Jesus Christ."
Copy !req
593. Revelations tells of Christian
faith defeating that army.
Copy !req
594. You're saying
he'll attack the ATF agents
Copy !req
595. searching for the bunkers,
Copy !req
596. believing it's prophesied
he'll win?
Copy !req
597. I would be saying that
if I thought he believed
Copy !req
598. in Revelations in its entirety,
but he hid the weapons.
Copy !req
599. Ephesian knew
that he couldn't defeat us.
Copy !req
600. If he doesn't believe that
he can defeat the Devil's army,
Copy !req
601. If he doesn't believe that
he can defeat the Devil's army,
Copy !req
602. he may think
that by denying himself
Copy !req
603. and his followers to the Devil—
Copy !req
604. by denying himself,
you understand?--
Copy !req
605. he will achieve for them
the reward of "life forevermore"
Copy !req
606. and our worst fears
will be realized.
Copy !req
607. All members to worship.
Copy !req
608. The Lord shall preserve you
from all your evil.
Copy !req
609. He shall preserve your soul.
Copy !req
610. All members to worship.
Copy !req
611. The Lord shall preserve you
from all your evil.
Copy !req
612. He shall preserve your soul.
Copy !req
613. Marvel not, my brethren,
that the world hate you.
Copy !req
614. Marvel not, my brethren,
that the world hate you.
Copy !req
615. We know we've passed
from death unto life
Copy !req
616. because we love
the brethren.
Copy !req
617. No, I will not
Copy !req
618. remove our people; we're close
to finding the weapons.
Copy !req
619. All I want
is a cooling-off period.
Copy !req
620. Ephesian's gathered
all the temple members
Copy !req
621. in the worship hall.
Copy !req
622. Parabolic mic we have
aimed at the compound
Copy !req
623. just picked this up.
Copy !req
624. Marvel not, my brethren,
Copy !req
625. that the world hate you.
Copy !req
626. We know we've passed
from death unto life
Copy !req
627. because we love the brethren.
Copy !req
628. Hereby perceive we
the love of God
Copy !req
629. because he laid down
his life for us.
Copy !req
630. Temple began running
an interference frequency.
Copy !req
631. The first epistle of John,
chapter three:
Copy !req
632. "He laid down his life for us,
and we ought to lay down
Copy !req
633. our lives for the brethren."
Copy !req
634. Okay, Mulder.
Copy !req
635. Blessed are they
that do his commandments,
Copy !req
636. Blessed are they
that do his commandments,
Copy !req
637. that they may have the right
to the tree of life.
Copy !req
638. My little children,
Copy !req
639. let us not love in word,
neither in tongue,
Copy !req
640. but in deed and truth,
Copy !req
641. and hereby we know
that we are the truth.
Copy !req
642. They shall be stewards...
Copy !req
643. Man down!
Man down!
Copy !req
644. Man down!
Man down!
Copy !req
645. Get him out of there!
Copy !req
646. Cease fire!
Copy !req
647. Hold your fire!
Hold your fire!
Copy !req
648. Right above the vest.
Copy !req
649. Is there contact
with the temple?
Copy !req
650. Well, call that "contact."
Copy !req
651. Needs to be
Copy !req
652. transported right away.
Copy !req
653. "... and enter in
through the gates into the city.
Copy !req
654. "For without...
Copy !req
655. "are dogs...
Copy !req
656. "and sorcerers...
Copy !req
657. "and whoremongers...
Copy !req
658. "and whoremongers...
Copy !req
659. "and murderers...
Copy !req
660. "idolaters.
Copy !req
661. "And whomsoever...
Copy !req
662. loveth and maketh a lie."
Copy !req
663. Mulder, no!
Copy !req
664. You're dead!
Copy !req
665. You're dead!
Copy !req
666. "Behold...
Copy !req
667. "Behold...
Copy !req
668. I am alive forevermore."
Copy !req
669. At times, I almost dream...
Copy !req
670. I, too, have spent a life
the sages' way
Copy !req
671. and tread once more
familiar paths.
Copy !req
672. Perchance I perished
Copy !req
673. in an arrogant self-reliance
an age ago,
Copy !req
674. and in that act,
a prayer for one more chance
Copy !req
675. went up so earnest, so.
Copy !req
676. Instinct with better light
let in by death
Copy !req
677. Instinct with better light
let in by death
Copy !req
678. that life was blotted out
not so completely...
Copy !req
679. but scattered wrecks
enough of it
Copy !req
680. to remain dim memories...
Copy !req
681. as now, when seems once more...
Copy !req
682. the goal in sight again.
Copy !req
683. I made this!
Copy !req