1. It's just a damn
passport photo;
Copy !req
2. it's not the cover
of Vogue.
Copy !req
3. There's no reason I have to look
like hell in it, is there?
Copy !req
4. Now, settle down.
Copy !req
5. We're on
a schedule here.
Copy !req
6. I know we're
on a schedule here.
Copy !req
7. Act natural.
Copy !req
8. I'll be back in ten.
Copy !req
9. Make it five.
Copy !req
10. I'll be around back.
Copy !req
11. Relax, Billy.
Copy !req
12. Lower it just a bit.
Copy !req
13. Lower it just a bit.
Copy !req
14. Yeah. That's it.
Copy !req
15. Good. Yeah.
Copy !req
16. Big smile. Yeah.
Copy !req
17. Hold it.
Copy !req
18. Big trip
you got planned?
Copy !req
19. Oh, you know. Nothing special.
Copy !req
20. Just good to have a passport.
Copy !req
21. Looks like
it's clearing up.
Copy !req
22. Might be a nice day,
after all.
Copy !req
23. It's just going
to take a few minutes.
Copy !req
24. That comes to 6.95.
Copy !req
25. Oh, great.
I left my money in the car.
Copy !req
26. I'll be back.
Copy !req
27. I'll be here.
Copy !req
28. Ow!
Copy !req
29. Hey, you jerk!
Copy !req
30. What...?
Copy !req
31. Billy...
Copy !req
32. Billy, someone did
something to me. Billy?
Copy !req
33. Shoot.
Copy !req
34. Shoot.
Copy !req
35. My God.
Copy !req
36. What are your thoughts
on that, Scully?
Copy !req
37. Have the local police
been contacted
Copy !req
38. by this woman's abductor?
Copy !req
39. No demand for ransom?
Copy !req
40. No, unfortunately.
Copy !req
41. It's going on three days.
Copy !req
42. Any additional leads?
Copy !req
43. No. No hair and fiber
evidence, either.
Copy !req
44. The rain washed it
all away.
Copy !req
45. The autopsy did come back on
the dead boyfriend, though.
Copy !req
46. It's a puncture wound
through the left eardrum
Copy !req
47. and into the brain—
Copy !req
48. possibly from a long needle
or awl.
Copy !req
49. I'm still not sure how you and I
figure into this investigation.
Copy !req
50. I'm still not sure how you and I
figure into this investigation.
Copy !req
51. Well, did you
see the photo?
Copy !req
52. Yeah, I assume that was taken by
whoever it was who abducted her.
Copy !req
53. It was taken
by a 65-year-old druggist
Copy !req
54. moments before she was abducted.
Copy !req
55. That's a passport photo
from a local drugstore.
Copy !req
56. The druggist who took that photo
is the last known person
Copy !req
57. to have seen Mary Lefante.
Copy !req
58. Only, he claims that wasn't
the photo he was taking.
Copy !req
59. He says the photo he was taking
was normal in every respect.
Copy !req
60. He only came forward
to the police
Copy !req
61. when he heard
the woman was missing.
Copy !req
62. Well, whoever it was
who took this photo
Copy !req
63. was obviously privy
to the woman's abduction.
Copy !req
64. was obviously privy
to the woman's abduction.
Copy !req
65. That is what you would think.
Copy !req
66. The damnedest thing.
Copy !req
67. Here it is, just like I left it.
Copy !req
68. It was under
lock and key.
Copy !req
69. Is that where
you keep it?
Copy !req
70. Yes.
Copy !req
71. Mind if
I take a look?
Copy !req
72. Please,
help yourself.
Copy !req
73. At first, I thought
I did something wrong
Copy !req
74. when I took the picture.
Copy !req
75. You see, there's that piece
of paper you have to pull off.
Copy !req
76. You have to do that
just right.
Copy !req
77. I'm sure
you did it just fine.
Copy !req
78. I'm sure
you did it just fine.
Copy !req
79. Your film's out of date.
Copy !req
80. Is that against the law?
Copy !req
81. No. I was just making
an observation.
Copy !req
82. I don't get much call
for passport photos, you know.
Copy !req
83. The copy shop over at the mall
does them cheaper.
Copy !req
84. Oh, excuse me.
Copy !req
85. I sure hope you find that
young woman safe and sound.
Copy !req
86. So, which one of us
gets to use the stun gun
Copy !req
87. on Bruno Hauptmann
back there?
Copy !req
88. on Bruno Hauptmann
back there?
Copy !req
89. All right, so he doesn't exactly
stand out as a suspect.
Copy !req
90. Mulder, take a look at this.
Copy !req
91. You see this
smeariness here?
Copy !req
92. I'm thinking
that it's heat damage.
Copy !req
93. With the, uh, the heater sitting
under the film right there,
Copy !req
94. the emulsion
probably melted.
Copy !req
95. So you think that
would make it look
Copy !req
96. like she posed screaming
for a passport photo?
Copy !req
97. Plus, the film
is two years out of date.
Copy !req
98. The photographic chemistry
could have changed.
Copy !req
99. Uh-huh.
The dyes... fade.
Copy !req
100. They... All right,
so what's your theory?
Copy !req
101. I'm not sure
I have a theory.
Copy !req
102. I'm not sure
I have a theory.
Copy !req
103. Excuse me.
You the two FBI agents?
Copy !req
104. Yeah, Agents
Mulder and Scully.
Copy !req
105. Well, sorry we brought you
all the way from Washington.
Copy !req
106. Afraid we might have
wasted your time.
Copy !req
107. Hey, Trott.
Copy !req
108. Inspector Puett,
Copy !req
109. these are Agents
Scully and Mulder.
Copy !req
110. Agent.
Copy !req
111. "Inspector?"
Copy !req
112. United States
Postal Inspector.
Copy !req
113. My office is investigating
a mail theft—
Copy !req
114. one which we've traced
to your missing person,
Copy !req
115. Ms. Mary Louise Lefante.
Copy !req
116. She was a postal employee.
Copy !req
117. She works as a sorter
at the Kurland Hills branch.
Copy !req
118. Not coincidentally, a number
of unsigned credit cards
Copy !req
119. in transit through that branch
Copy !req
120. never made it
to their respective owners.
Copy !req
121. Mary Lefante
was intercepting them?
Copy !req
122. And her recently deceased
boyfriend was signing them.
Copy !req
123. We ran him. He was into forgery,
check fraud, you name it.
Copy !req
124. We ran him. He was into forgery,
check fraud, you name it.
Copy !req
125. Mary Lefante's
passport photo—
Copy !req
126. do you know how soon
she wanted to leave town?
Copy !req
127. Did she know
about your investigation?
Copy !req
128. Probably. Though we
didn't focus on her specifically
Copy !req
129. until this week
after she came up missing.
Copy !req
130. And you think that she faked
her own disappearance.
Copy !req
131. Well, looks that way to me.
Copy !req
132. Yeah, but why would
she stab her boyfriend
Copy !req
133. through the ear?
Copy !req
134. The magic was gone?
Copy !req
135. Did you find a camera
anywhere here?
Copy !req
136. So you're thinking this woman
planted that photo of herself
Copy !req
137. in the drugstore?
Copy !req
138. What would
be the point of that?
Copy !req
139. I...
Copy !req
140. Here it is.
Copy !req
141. Stand back, Scully. It's loaded.
Copy !req
142. What are you doing?
Copy !req
143. In the '60s,
a bellhop named Ted Serios
Copy !req
144. became kind of famous
Copy !req
145. for taking what
he called "thoughtographs."
Copy !req
146. for taking what
he called "thoughtographs."
Copy !req
147. He claimed
that by concentrating
Copy !req
148. on an unexposed
film negative,
Copy !req
149. he could create
a photographic representation
Copy !req
150. of what he saw
in his mind.
Copy !req
151. He did landscapes,
Copy !req
152. the queen of England.
Copy !req
153. "Thoughtographs."
Copy !req
154. Yeah, also known
as "skotographs."
Copy !req
155. The literature
on thought photography
Copy !req
156. dates back almost
to Louis Daguerre.
Copy !req
157. So that makes it legitimate?
Copy !req
158. Look at that.
Copy !req
159. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
160. I think he was
here, Scully.
Copy !req
161. Who was here?
Copy !req
162. Mary Lefante's abductor.
Copy !req
163. I think he stalked her.
Copy !req
164. He could have
come up right here.
Copy !req
165. I think he came in here
Copy !req
166. and he looked at her through
the window, this close.
Copy !req
167. Close enough to affect
the film in that camera.
Copy !req
168. Psychic photography.
Copy !req
169. Mulder, I think
that it's obvious
Copy !req
170. that somebody
doctored these images
Copy !req
171. and planted them
to be found here.
Copy !req
172. Maybe it's some kind
of a smokescreen.
Copy !req
173. Maybe it's some kind
of a smokescreen.
Copy !req
174. Meant to conceal what? This
isn't about mail fraud, Scully.
Copy !req
175. That's just incidental.
What if...
Copy !req
176. what if someone had
this ability?
Copy !req
177. An image like this
Copy !req
178. would be a peek
into that person's mind.
Copy !req
179. Into their darkest fantasies.
Copy !req
180. The fantasy of a killer.
Copy !req
181. Hey, miss.
Copy !req
182. She's completely
Copy !req
183. We did a preliminary
tox screen on her—
Copy !req
184. We did a preliminary
tox screen on her—
Copy !req
185. found traces of morphine
and scopolamine.
Copy !req
186. Twilight sleep.
Copy !req
187. The dental anesthetic?
Copy !req
188. It's basically
a painkiller cocktail.
Copy !req
189. It's also for
women in labor.
Copy !req
190. Would that account
for her condition?
Copy !req
191. No, it wouldn't.
Copy !req
192. What would?
Copy !req
193. Give her a P.E.T. scan.
Copy !req
194. All set.
Copy !req
195. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
196. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
197. What is it?
Copy !req
198. She's been given what's called
a transorbital lobotomy.
Copy !req
199. It used to be known
as an ice pick lobotomy.
Copy !req
200. It involves inserting
a leucotome
Copy !req
201. through the eye sockets.
Copy !req
202. So we're looking
for a doctor?
Copy !req
203. Someone with training?
Copy !req
204. Not judging by this.
Copy !req
205. Whoever did this, Mulder,
did it wrong.
Copy !req
206. Un...
Copy !req
207. Unru...
Copy !req
208. Unruhe...
Copy !req
209. Unruhe...
Copy !req
210. Unruhe...
Copy !req
211. Mary.
Copy !req
212. Un...
Copy !req
213. Unruhe...
Copy !req
214. We better go in there
and get her.
Copy !req
215. Unruhe.
Copy !req
216. Unruhe.
Copy !req
217. Unruhe.
Copy !req
218. We just got the call.
Copy !req
219. There's been
a second abduction.
Copy !req
220. Unruhe...
Copy !req
221. Unruhe.
Copy !req
222. Hab keine angst.
Copy !req
223. Ich verde dir helfen.
Copy !req
224. Vers deine unruhe
bau vergessen.
Copy !req
225. Deine unruhe vergessen.
Copy !req
226. All right, Terry,
you can roll; we're set here.
Copy !req
227. Right.
Copy !req
228. Get that area taped off.
Copy !req
229. Watch it there.
Copy !req
230. Excuse me, ma'am.
Copy !req
231. Mulder.
Copy !req
232. Charles Selchik,
certified public accountant.
Copy !req
233. Charles Selchik,
certified public accountant.
Copy !req
234. Dead from
a stab wound
Copy !req
235. through the ear.
Copy !req
236. Cleaning crew found
the body.
Copy !req
237. What about
the missing woman?
Copy !req
238. It's his secretary,
Alice Brandt, age 32.
Copy !req
239. Family confirms that she was
working late last night.
Copy !req
240. What's her connection
to the first victim?
Copy !req
241. Apparently none.
Copy !req
242. But if the M.O.
remains the same...
Copy !req
243. Yeah. The clock is running.
Copy !req
244. Yeah.
Copy !req
245. I keep thinking
about that word
Copy !req
246. that Mary Lefante
was repeating: "unruhe."
Copy !req
247. I checked
the Michigan phone directory.
Copy !req
248. It appears under
three different spellings,
Copy !req
249. none within
80 miles of here.
Copy !req
250. It might be significant
as a word.
Copy !req
251. It might be significant
as a word.
Copy !req
252. That's what I've been thinking.
Copy !req
253. Apparently, in German, it means
"trouble" or "strife."
Copy !req
254. "Unrest."
Copy !req
255. You took German
Copy !req
256. in high school, Scully?
Copy !req
257. College.
Copy !req
258. Unrest, huh?
Copy !req
259. I'm working on these
crime scene photos
Copy !req
260. from the first abduction.
Copy !req
261. If we're lucky,
Copy !req
262. we're dealing with someone
who gets a vicarious thrill
Copy !req
263. from returning
to the scene of a crime.
Copy !req
264. He wasn't there, Scully.
Copy !req
265. How do you know?
Copy !req
266. It would've affected the photos.
Copy !req
267. Trott, what did you find?
Copy !req
268. Nothing much.
Copy !req
269. There's no cameras
or film here whatsoever.
Copy !req
270. There's no cameras
or film here whatsoever.
Copy !req
271. It's all just
accountants' offices,
Copy !req
272. so I don't know
why there would be.
Copy !req
273. Is that what we're looking
for here, Mulder—
Copy !req
274. more evidence of
psychic photography?
Copy !req
275. That may be
the only evidence we get.
Copy !req
276. I've got a Bureau forensics team
coming up from Detroit.
Copy !req
277. What's here for them to find?
Copy !req
278. This guy is obviously very good
at what he does.
Copy !req
279. He's left behind no witnesses,
no latent prints.
Copy !req
280. The only thing he's left
are those photos,
Copy !req
281. which leads me to believe
Copy !req
282. he doesn't even know
he has that ability.
Copy !req
283. We haven't
found any new
Copy !req
284. psychic photos here either.
Copy !req
285. Wait a second.
Copy !req
286. I want to show you something.
Copy !req
287. Right here.
Copy !req
288. Right here.
Copy !req
289. This.
Copy !req
290. And look.
Copy !req
291. It's the same company.
Copy !req
292. What if the kidnapper was
Copy !req
293. working construction
at both sites?
Copy !req
294. From these two vantage points,
he would have been able
Copy !req
295. to pick out the two women.
You may be right, Scully.
Copy !req
296. You should check it out,
let me know what you find.
Copy !req
297. Where are you going to be?
Copy !req
298. I'm going to be
back in D.C.
Copy !req
299. I want Special Photo
to run this.
Copy !req
300. I still think
the answer's in here.
Copy !req
301. What if it's not, Mulder?
Copy !req
302. This woman's time
is running out.
Copy !req
303. Well, that's all the more
reason to fully investigate
Copy !req
304. the one and only hard piece
of evidence we do have.
Copy !req
305. I'll be in touch.
Copy !req
306. I'll be in touch.
Copy !req
307. Das ist fur dich.
Copy !req
308. Es ist fur dasht
Copy !req
309. da zeggertraggen hot.
Copy !req
310. Ooh! Oh, get away from me!
Copy !req
311. Get away from me,
you bastard!
Copy !req
312. Shh.
Let me go!
Copy !req
313. Shh, shh, shh-shh-
Copy !req
314. Shh, shh, shh-shh-
Copy !req
315. Bald...
Copy !req
316. Sehr... sehr bald.
Copy !req
317. Can you get rid of the
blurriness surrounding her here?
Copy !req
318. Yeah.
Copy !req
319. Just need to mark a place
Copy !req
320. where the blur
comes to a point,
Copy !req
321. then let the computer
do its business.
Copy !req
322. Bingo.
Copy !req
323. Bingo.
Copy !req
324. Lord, look at that.
Copy !req
325. This guy's an artist.
Copy !req
326. Why do you say that?
Copy !req
327. However he did this...
Copy !req
328. however he put
this together...
Copy !req
329. it's seamless.
Copy !req
330. What about
this face here?
Copy !req
331. Can you bring
that up at all?
Copy !req
332. Mm. Wait a sec.
Copy !req
333. Let's try...
Copy !req
334. I think I could
Copy !req
335. sweeten it more.
Okay. Do that.
Copy !req
336. What have you got?
Copy !req
337. We're running the construction
company employees.
Copy !req
338. 18 workers overlapped
on both job sites.
Copy !req
339. We're checking
their records now,
Copy !req
340. but so far, nothing.
Copy !req
341. What about day laborers?
Copy !req
342. Mr. Iskendarian there
says that his company
Copy !req
343. doesn't hire workers
off the books.
Copy !req
344. I don't want any trouble
with the I.R.S.
Copy !req
345. But that his foreman
might hire a little
Copy !req
346. cash-only day labor
without his knowledge.
Copy !req
347. He's got seven job-sites
going now; as many foremen.
Copy !req
348. He's got seven job-sites
going now; as many foremen.
Copy !req
349. Gather officers
to canvass.
Copy !req
350. Which foreman was working
the Midlothian Corporate Park?
Copy !req
351. That job's finished.
Copy !req
352. Find out
where he is today.
Copy !req
353. I'll take that one.
Copy !req
354. Can I use your phone?
Copy !req
355. Okay. Thank you.
Copy !req
356. NCIC shows no match
for that man.
Copy !req
357. What about this
shape up here?
Copy !req
358. What is that?
Copy !req
359. Can you take that
and flip it
Copy !req
360. so that that's
on the bottom?
Copy !req
361. Is that a shadow?
Copy !req
362. Yep.
Copy !req
363. It is.
Copy !req
364. Somebody's shadow.
Copy !req
365. It's the kidnapper's shadow.
Copy !req
366. It's like... it's like
he's looming over her.
Copy !req
367. It's like
he's standing over her.
Copy !req
368. It's like
he's standing over her.
Copy !req
369. He means to pass judgment on her
like a god.
Copy !req
370. Hello?
Copy !req
371. Hello?
Copy !req
372. Hello?
Copy !req
373. Hello?
Copy !req
374. Hi.
Copy !req
375. Can I help you?
Copy !req
376. Uh, I hope so.
Copy !req
377. Are you the foreman?
Copy !req
378. Yes, ma'am. Gerry Schnauz.
Copy !req
379. I'm Special Agent Dana Scully.
Copy !req
380. I'd like to ask you
some questions
Copy !req
381. about the, uh, the day laborers
that you hire.
Copy !req
382. Well, is this
some I.R.S. thing, or...?
Copy !req
383. Well, is this
some I.R.S. thing, or...?
Copy !req
384. No, sir. Not at all.
Copy !req
385. Well, my crew's at lunch
if you want to talk to anybody,
Copy !req
386. but everybody I've got on today
Copy !req
387. is on the books,
as far as I know.
Copy !req
388. Excuse me. Sorry.
Copy !req
389. Yeah. Sure.
Copy !req
390. Scully.
Copy !req
391. Scully, I may have
something for you
Copy !req
392. on the kidnapper.
Copy !req
393. It's, uh... something
Copy !req
394. about his legs.
Copy !req
395. Yeah?
Copy !req
396. They're unusually long.
Copy !req
397. They're out of proportion.
Copy !req
398. I'm thinking he's either
very tall or he's not,
Copy !req
399. but wants to be.
Copy !req
400. but wants to be.
Copy !req
401. Scully?
Copy !req
402. Scully, you there?
Copy !req
403. Unruhe.
Copy !req
404. Stand where you are.
Copy !req
405. Don't move!
Copy !req
406. Don't move!
Copy !req
407. Stop or I'll shoot!
Copy !req
408. Link your fingers
behind your head.
Copy !req
409. Do it!
Copy !req
410. Who?
Copy !req
411. Alice Brandt.
Copy !req
412. The second woman
that you abducted.
Copy !req
413. That's her name,
Copy !req
414. Where is
Alice Brandt?
Copy !req
415. I don't...
Copy !req
416. I have no earthly idea
what you're talking about.
Copy !req
417. Tell us where
she is, Gerry.
Copy !req
418. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
419. This is a case
of mistaken identity
Copy !req
420. or something.
Copy !req
421. I honestly...
Copy !req
422. I honestly...
Copy !req
423. honestly have no idea
what you're talking about.
Copy !req
424. Explain this.
Copy !req
425. We're running sheetrock today.
Copy !req
426. I use that to start the holes
in the sheetrock,
Copy !req
427. to keyhole in all the fixtures.
Copy !req
428. No, you used this
to kill the two men.
Copy !req
429. What two men?
Copy !req
430. You used this
on Mary Lefante.
Copy !req
431. Who? Wait, a minute ago,
it was Alice Brandt...
Copy !req
432. I don't believe this.
Copy !req
433. I do not believe
this is happening.
Copy !req
434. I do not believe
this is happening.
Copy !req
435. You want to tell us about
the first time
Copy !req
436. you were arrested, Gerry.
Copy !req
437. In 1980,
Copy !req
438. you attacked your father
with an axe handle.
Copy !req
439. You beat him
so severely
Copy !req
440. that he spent the remainder
of his life in a wheelchair.
Copy !req
441. I was not jailed,
I was institutionalized.
Copy !req
442. I had a kind of
chemical imbalance.
Copy !req
443. Yeah, Gerald
Thomas Schnauz
Copy !req
444. diagnosed and treated
Copy !req
445. for a paranoid
schizophrenic disorder.
Copy !req
446. for a paranoid
schizophrenic disorder.
Copy !req
447. Six years in
Melvoin Psychiatric Hospital.
Copy !req
448. Released 1986.
Copy !req
449. So what you been up to
since 1986, Gerry?
Copy !req
450. Taking care of my father.
Copy !req
451. Looking after him
24 hours a day...
Copy !req
452. making amends.
Copy !req
453. He, uh, passed away January.
Copy !req
454. Well, how did you feel
about that?
Copy !req
455. Sad.
Copy !req
456. Says here you have a sister.
Copy !req
457. Where is your
sister, Gerry?
Copy !req
458. She passed.
Copy !req
459. Actually,
it says here
Copy !req
460. she committed
suicide in 1980.
Copy !req
461. God, that was a bad year.
Copy !req
462. What else happened
in 1980, Gerry?
Copy !req
463. Well, John Lennon got shot.
Copy !req
464. Where the hell
are you going with this?
Copy !req
465. Where the hell
are you going with this?
Copy !req
466. What are you, Sigmund Freud?
Copy !req
467. Why don't you
cut the B.S.
Copy !req
468. Then why don't we get back
to Alice Brandt.
Copy !req
469. Where is she?
Copy !req
470. You look troubled.
Copy !req
471. Hey, Gerry...
Copy !req
472. This your father?
Copy !req
473. Where'd you get that?
Copy !req
474. You left that for me.
Copy !req
475. You left it like a fingerprint.
Copy !req
476. Is this what you see
when you close your eyes, Gerry?
Copy !req
477. Is that what you see?
Copy !req
478. Gerry...
Copy !req
479. tell me where Alice Brandt is.
Copy !req
480. She's safe...
Copy !req
481. from the howlers.
Copy !req
482. She's all right now.
Copy !req
483. Gerry...
Copy !req
484. tell me how I can find her.
Copy !req
485. Over here!
Copy !req
486. Let's go! Let's go!
Copy !req
487. Come on! Come on!
Copy !req
488. Right up ahead.
Copy !req
489. You know, Scully,
that word "unruhe"-- "unrest"--
Copy !req
490. it's bothering me.
Copy !req
491. Maybe he thought
he was curing them somehow.
Copy !req
492. Saving them
from damnation.
Copy !req
493. Saving them
from damnation.
Copy !req
494. From those things
in the pictures—
Copy !req
495. you know, he called them
"the howlers."
Copy !req
496. It's over, Mulder.
Copy !req
497. Well, then that photo
wouldn't be his fantasy,
Copy !req
498. it would be his nightmare.
Copy !req
499. What the hell does it matter?
Copy !req
500. Because I want to know.
Copy !req
501. I don't.
Copy !req
502. Okay, Gerry...
Copy !req
503. put it all in here—
wallet, jewelry, everything.
Copy !req
504. put it all in here—
wallet, jewelry, everything.
Copy !req
505. Eyes straight ahead.
Copy !req
506. Step over
to the table.
Copy !req
507. What the hell...?
Copy !req
508. Mulder...
Copy !req
509. This wound's
in the wrong place.
Copy !req
510. He was shot
in the throat.
Copy !req
511. He wasn't trying
to save this victim.
Copy !req
512. They just got a report
of a strong-arm robbery.
Copy !req
513. It's at the drugstore where
the first victim disappeared.
Copy !req
514. What happened?
Copy !req
515. What happened?
Copy !req
516. Thank you.
Copy !req
517. It was Gerry.
Copy !req
518. He took the passport camera
and all the film in the store.
Copy !req
519. He also took morphine,
Copy !req
520. scopolamine, hydrobromide
and insulin syringes.
Copy !req
521. He's making
more twilight sleep.
Copy !req
522. He's making
more twilight sleep.
Copy !req
523. He wants to continue his work.
Copy !req
524. You know that job site
that I arrested him at, Mulder,
Copy !req
525. what if he's...
Copy !req
526. what if he's already
picked out his next victim?
Copy !req
527. There were... there were
Copy !req
528. apartment buildings
on all sides.
Copy !req
529. You think you interrupted
his stalking?
Copy !req
530. Let's go.
Copy !req
531. Hold on a second.
Copy !req
532. Here, you bring
the car around.
Copy !req
533. I just want
to wait for this.
Copy !req
534. I'll be right there.
Copy !req
535. Corning.
Copy !req
536. Corning, send units to
the 300 block of Belmont Avenue.
Copy !req
537. Check all of the apartments in
the vicinity of that job site.
Copy !req
538. I think he's heading back there.
Copy !req
539. You got it.
Copy !req
540. Ow!
Copy !req
541. Scully! Scully!
Copy !req
542. Scully!
Copy !req
543. Sir?
Copy !req
544. Agent Scully's Explorer
just turned up.
Copy !req
545. It's abandoned
at a park and ride
Copy !req
546. about 20 miles
up the U.S. 81.
Copy !req
547. Any sightings?
Copy !req
548. A report of an Audi
stolen from the same lot.
Copy !req
549. He's switching cars.
Copy !req
550. He's switching cars.
Copy !req
551. He's going to do that
two or three times.
Copy !req
552. Looks like six fingers here.
Copy !req
553. Sir?
Copy !req
554. It's got six fingers.
Copy !req
555. What about his apartment?
Copy !req
556. We got a unit
at his boardinghouse,
Copy !req
557. but he ain't coming back.
Copy !req
558. What about friends,
relatives, coworkers?
Copy !req
559. Does he have a summer house,
a winter house?
Copy !req
560. Doesn't seem to have
much of anything.
Copy !req
561. We're running a couple
of phone numbers
Copy !req
562. we found in his
wallet, but so far...
Copy !req
563. Let me see his wallet.
Copy !req
564. It's his
father's obituary.
Copy !req
565. "Recipient of the Bronze Star
Medal during the Korean War...
Copy !req
566. Gerald Schnauz, Sr., D.D.S."
Copy !req
567. He's a retired dentist.
Copy !req
568. What about there?
Copy !req
569. He was here.
Copy !req
570. He was here.
Copy !req
571. Why would he take the chair?
Copy !req
572. Let me go.
Copy !req
573. Shh.
Copy !req
574. Es ist alles
in ordnung...
Copy !req
575. It's over, Gerry.
Copy !req
576. Let me go right now.
Copy !req
577. Ich werde dir helfen.
Copy !req
578. Do vers deine unruhe
hal ferguson.
Copy !req
579. Yes, you do.
Copy !req
580. Everybody does.
Copy !req
581. But especially you.
Copy !req
582. Why?
Copy !req
583. Why me, Gerry?
Copy !req
584. Do I remind you of your sister?
Copy !req
585. Why did your sister
kill herself, Gerry?
Copy !req
586. What did your father
Copy !req
587. do to her?
Copy !req
588. He didn't do anything.
Copy !req
589. It was the howlers.
Copy !req
590. Okay. Then let's talk
about the howlers.
Copy !req
591. Okay. Then let's talk
about the howlers.
Copy !req
592. They live inside your head.
Copy !req
593. They make you do things
and say things
Copy !req
594. that you don't mean,
Copy !req
595. and all your good thoughts
can't wish them away.
Copy !req
596. You need help.
Copy !req
597. You've got them...
Copy !req
598. right there.
Copy !req
599. Don't you feel them?
Copy !req
600. I don't have them, Gerry.
Copy !req
601. See? They made you say that
just now,
Copy !req
602. because they know
I'm going to kill them.
Copy !req
603. because they know
I'm going to kill them.
Copy !req
604. What if you're wrong, Gerry?
Copy !req
605. What if there are no
such things as howlers?
Copy !req
606. What if you made them
up inside your head
Copy !req
607. to explain the things your
sister said your father did?
Copy !req
608. Great.
Copy !req
609. Now they got you talking
like Sigmund Freud.
Copy !req
610. I am onto you!
Copy !req
611. I know your tricks!
Copy !req
612. Besides, I've seen them,
Copy !req
613. in that picture
that your partner showed me.
Copy !req
614. in that picture
that your partner showed me.
Copy !req
615. Pictures don't lie.
Copy !req
616. You saw them, too.
Copy !req
617. If there are such things
as howlers, Gerry...
Copy !req
618. they live only inside your head.
Copy !req
619. Six fingers, right?
Copy !req
620. We got state police...
Copy !req
621. Why are there six?
Copy !req
622. What?
Copy !req
623. We got the state police looking
as far south as Grand Rapids.
Copy !req
624. Still no sign.
Copy !req
625. One, two, three...
Copy !req
626. Agent Mulder...
Copy !req
627. Damn it.
Copy !req
628. what do we do?
Copy !req
629. One, two, three...
Copy !req
630. That's five headstones.
Copy !req
631. And the father makes six.
Come on!
Copy !req
632. Let's go! Let's go!
Copy !req
633. Fan out.
Copy !req
634. Check the tree line.
Copy !req
635. Wh-What... what
does this mean?
Copy !req
636. It means you need help, Gerry.
Copy !req
637. No. I think
what it means
Copy !req
638. No. I think
what it means
Copy !req
639. is that I don't have
much time left.
Copy !req
640. No, Gerry, stop!
Copy !req
641. Shh.
Copy !req
642. Scully!
Copy !req
643. Mulder!
Copy !req
644. I'm in here!
Copy !req
645. Mulder!
Copy !req
646. Help! Mulder!
Copy !req
647. Help! Mulder!
Copy !req
648. Scully!
Copy !req
649. Are you hurt?
Copy !req
650. Get an ambulance!
Copy !req
651. Addendum to case report.
Copy !req
652. After his death,
Copy !req
653. a diary was found among
Gerald Schnauz's belongings.
Copy !req
654. Written in the second person
Copy !req
655. and apparently intended as
an open letter to his father,
Copy !req
656. and apparently intended as
an open letter to his father,
Copy !req
657. it includes the names
of his victims—
Copy !req
658. the women he desired to "save."
Copy !req
659. My name is contained
in the last entry.
Copy !req
660. I have no further explanation
Copy !req
661. for the existence
of the photographs,
Copy !req
662. nor am I confident
one is forthcoming.
Copy !req
663. My captivity forced me
to understand
Copy !req
664. My captivity forced me
to understand
Copy !req
665. and even empathize
with Gerry Schnauz.
Copy !req
666. My survival depended on it.
Copy !req
667. I see now
the value of such insight.
Copy !req
668. For truly to pursue monsters,
Copy !req
669. we must understand them.
Copy !req
670. We must venture
into their minds.
Copy !req
671. Only, in doing so...
Copy !req
672. Only, in doing so...
Copy !req
673. do we risk letting them
venture into ours?
Copy !req
674. I made this!
Copy !req