1. That many of you
here tonight came home
Copy !req
2. not to a hero's welcome
Copy !req
3. but to the hostility
of the American people
Copy !req
4. is a shameful fact of history.
Copy !req
5. One that I will never understand
or forgive.
Copy !req
6. But it also underscores
our sacred duty,
Copy !req
7. But it also underscores
our sacred duty,
Copy !req
8. not just today but forever,
Copy !req
9. to honor those
who served with honor
Copy !req
10. and to remember those who fell—
Copy !req
11. men and women
whose ultimate sacrifice
Copy !req
12. must never be forgotten.
Copy !req
13. There is probably
no audience
Copy !req
14. that understands better
Copy !req
15. that our freedom
is not free.
Copy !req
16. All right,
you're my eyes out there.
Copy !req
17. All right,
you're my eyes out there.
Copy !req
18. Talk to me. Positions report.
Copy !req
19. Sector three clear.
Copy !req
20. No sign of him in four.
Copy !req
21. Sector six, report.
Copy !req
22. Mulder.
Copy !req
23. He's here. I feel him.
Copy !req
24. Then where is he?
Copy !req
25. Hold on.
Copy !req
26. I think I have him
in section four.
Copy !req
27. Can you confirm that, Scully?
Copy !req
28. Positive I.D.
He's heading towards you, three.
Copy !req
29. Positions hold. Three and four,
do you have eye contact?
Copy !req
30. I have him in three.
Copy !req
31. He's coming towards you, Scully.
Copy !req
32. Don't take
your eyes off him, Scully.
Copy !req
33. Mulder, he saw me.
Copy !req
34. He's heading towards
the sound booth.
Copy !req
35. Copy that. I'm cutting him off.
Copy !req
36. Talk to me, people.
Does anybody have him?
Copy !req
37. Talk to me, people.
Does anybody have him?
Copy !req
38. This memorial is a place
where we can come
Copy !req
39. and thank those men
and women who died...
Copy !req
40. What's happening, Scully?
Copy !req
41. I'm closing on him.
Copy !req
42. Do you have him in three?
Copy !req
43. Negative.
Copy !req
44. Scully.
Copy !req
45. Scully!
Copy !req
46. I lost him.
Copy !req
47. You got him, three?
Copy !req
48. I don't see him, Scully.
Copy !req
49. What's happening, Agent Scully?
Copy !req
50. I can't see him anywhere.
Copy !req
51. I can't see him anywhere.
Copy !req
52. He must be headed
your way.
Copy !req
53. You got him, Mulder?
Copy !req
54. Not yet.
Copy !req
55. I got him.
Copy !req
56. I lost him.
Copy !req
57. Pick him up, Mulder.
He's right in front of you.
Copy !req
58. He's got a gun!
Copy !req
59. General, get off the stage!
Copy !req
60. I can't see him.
Copy !req
61. I can't see him.
Copy !req
62. Left side!
You're good!
Copy !req
63. Good! Good! Good!
Copy !req
64. Morning, sir.
Copy !req
65. All right, let's go!
Copy !req
66. All right, let's go!
Copy !req
67. Go! Go! Go!
Copy !req
68. Who the hell are you?
Copy !req
69. How did you
get in here?
Copy !req
70. What the hell
are you...?
Copy !req
71. Lieutenant General! Sir!
Copy !req
72. Lieutenant General
Peter MacDougal
Copy !req
73. was shot dead at extreme close
range at 0600 this morning.
Copy !req
74. FBI forensics reports
Copy !req
75. the wound was not
Copy !req
76. The murder weapon
hasn't been recovered.
Copy !req
77. The murder weapon
hasn't been recovered.
Copy !req
78. The general's driver,
Copy !req
79. Private First Class
Gus Burkholder,
Copy !req
80. is currently being held
on suspicion of murder.
Copy !req
81. Well, it says here
NAA tests confirmed
Copy !req
82. the private did
not do the shooting.
Copy !req
83. There is suspicion
of an accomplice based on
Copy !req
84. the one piece of evidence
found at the crime scene—
Copy !req
85. a so-called death card
used by soldiers
Copy !req
86. in Vietnam to mark their kills,
Copy !req
87. and by Private Burkholder's
possible ties
Copy !req
88. to a radical paramilitary group
called the Right Hand,
Copy !req
89. whose stated aim
is violent revolution.
Copy !req
90. After speaking
with General Bloch,
Copy !req
91. he believes we have a high
probability of opportunity
Copy !req
92. he believes we have a high
probability of opportunity
Copy !req
93. for a group like this.
Copy !req
94. A unique situation
that could result in
Copy !req
95. the very public loss of lives.
Copy !req
96. Dozens of high-ranking
military officials
Copy !req
97. are in Washington today
for are-dedication
Copy !req
98. of the Vietnam Veterans
War Memorial.
Copy !req
99. Unless we can determine
a clear motive,
Copy !req
100. we will consider any one of them
to be a target.
Copy !req
101. What if Private Burkholder
is telling the truth,
Copy !req
102. that he's innocent?
Copy !req
103. Until we can find
another suspect,
Copy !req
104. the FBI will pursue
the Right Hand
Copy !req
105. and their leader, an ex-marine
named Denny Markham,
Copy !req
106. in a preemptive strategy
to put a stop
Copy !req
107. to any of the plans
they may have made.
Copy !req
108. to any of the plans
they may have made.
Copy !req
109. You all have Markham's file
in front of you.
Copy !req
110. For obvious reasons,
Copy !req
111. our strategy includes
Copy !req
112. keeping this from the media.
Copy !req
113. You'll be working
in teams of two.
Copy !req
114. If you encounter any
resistance, do not engage.
Copy !req
115. Surveil and
call for backup.
Copy !req
116. Agent Chandler has
your assignments
Copy !req
117. and your field warrants.
Copy !req
118. We have less than
12 hours to prevent
Copy !req
119. any further execution or
loss of life. Understood?
Copy !req
120. All right,
Beckwith and Fontana,
Copy !req
121. you're going to
Virginia Beach.
Copy !req
122. Jackson and Miller,
you're going to Alexandria.
Copy !req
123. Was that for the benefit
of the general,
Copy !req
124. or have you been able to develop
a real strategy?
Copy !req
125. or have you been able to develop
a real strategy?
Copy !req
126. Right now, I'm flying
by the seat of my pants.
Copy !req
127. You mean
there's no procedure outlined
Copy !req
128. for an invisible assassin?
Copy !req
129. Did you talk
to Private Burkholder?
Copy !req
130. I interviewed him and convinced
him to take a polygraph test.
Copy !req
131. And?
Copy !req
132. He passed.
Copy !req
133. The nature of his claims
would suggest a false positive.
Copy !req
134. The tester admitted that the
results are highly interpretive.
Copy !req
135. You heard his story, Mulder?
Copy !req
136. Yeah. I found his story
compelling, personally,
Copy !req
137. but then again, I believe
the Warren Commission.
Copy !req
138. Well, if I have to devise
a strategy around that story,
Copy !req
139. then there is no strategy.
Copy !req
140. Somebody killed the general,
Copy !req
141. Somebody killed the general,
Copy !req
142. which means somebody
is not telling the truth.
Copy !req
143. The man who heads
the Right Hand, Markham—
Copy !req
144. do you have a warrant for him?
Copy !req
145. Yes. Why?
Copy !req
146. Let Mulder and I serve it.
Copy !req
147. One misstep...
Copy !req
148. Markham smells a shakedown,
he's going to disappear
Copy !req
149. or find another way
to push the button.
Copy !req
150. And I've already seen
more dead soldiers
Copy !req
151. than I ever want to see.
Copy !req
152. Mr. Markham?
Copy !req
153. Who is it?
Copy !req
154. Agents Mulder
and Scully with the FBI.
Copy !req
155. What do you want?
Copy !req
156. It's extremely urgent
Copy !req
157. that we talk to you
right now, sir.
Copy !req
158. that we talk to you
right now, sir.
Copy !req
159. Mr. Markham?
Copy !req
160. Gate's unlocked.
Copy !req
161. Now, you wanted
to see me about...?
Copy !req
162. The murder
of General Peter MacDougal.
Copy !req
163. Am I under suspicion?
Copy !req
164. No, but your group is,
Copy !req
165. and Private First Class
Gus Burkholder.
Copy !req
166. Is that a name I should know?
Copy !req
167. He's on the mailing list
for the Right Hand.
Copy !req
168. 2,000 names on that list.
Copy !req
169. I can't keep track
of every one of them.
Copy !req
170. Well, we'd like to go over
that list with you, sir.
Copy !req
171. No way in hell you'll be
getting that from me.
Copy !req
172. We already have a copy,
if you'll just come with us.
Copy !req
173. I'm not going anywhere.
Copy !req
174. Sir, we have a warrant
for your arrest
Copy !req
175. if you don't cooperate.
Copy !req
176. if you don't cooperate.
Copy !req
177. Under the new
anti-terrorism law,
Copy !req
178. we can and will
hold you
Copy !req
179. until we get
the information we want.
Copy !req
180. There goes the neighborhood.
Copy !req
181. You can make this as easy
or as hard as you wish, sir.
Copy !req
182. The Right Hand believes
in empowering the individual
Copy !req
183. over a corrupt and corrupting
federal government.
Copy !req
184. over a corrupt and corrupting
federal government.
Copy !req
185. We're prepared
for the time
Copy !req
186. when armed resistance
will be necessary.
Copy !req
187. Lives will have
to be sacrificed.
Copy !req
188. But that day has not yet come.
Copy !req
189. Would you take
Copy !req
190. a polygraph, Mr. Markham?
Copy !req
191. My word's good enough.
Copy !req
192. What's your "word" on this?
Copy !req
193. Where'd that come from?
Copy !req
194. I'd like to ask you that.
Copy !req
195. More men are going to die.
Copy !req
196. This guy's a one-man threat
to national security.
Copy !req
197. I bet he's got more
weapons and ammo
Copy !req
198. than most Third
World armies.
Copy !req
199. He told me
to pull this photo
Copy !req
200. from his file cabinet.
Who's this?
Copy !req
201. He says that's who killed
General MacDougal.
Copy !req
202. Name's Nathaniel Teager.
Copy !req
203. 26 confirmed
solo enemy kills.
Copy !req
204. Veritable
killing machine,
Copy !req
205. left for dead by the same
government that created him.
Copy !req
206. left for dead by the same
government that created him.
Copy !req
207. Left for dead?
Copy !req
208. He belonged to Green
Beret detachment B-11—
Copy !req
209. squad known as
the Bloody Sabers.
Copy !req
210. 1971, the B-11 was
being transported
Copy !req
211. in country when their
chopper was shot down.
Copy !req
212. There were no survivors.
Copy !req
213. When was this photo taken?
Copy !req
214. December 1995.
Copy !req
215. Just a few hours after
the Right Hand liberated him
Copy !req
216. from a P.O.W. camp just
outside the U-Minh Forest.
Copy !req
217. Mr. Markham, I'm sure that
you're aware that in 1973,
Copy !req
218. the Defense Department
Copy !req
219. that there were
no more P.O.W.s in Vietnam.
Copy !req
220. that there were
no more P.O.W.s in Vietnam.
Copy !req
221. Maybe that's why they tried
to kidnap Sergeant Teager
Copy !req
222. when we brought him home.
Copy !req
223. The government kidnapped
a U.S. prisoner of war?
Copy !req
224. I said they tried.
Copy !req
225. Had their commandos board
our plane in San Diego,
Copy !req
226. but when they broke
into the cargo hold
Copy !req
227. where we hid him,
he was already gone.
Copy !req
228. I never did
figure out how.
Copy !req
229. I think I've heard enough.
Copy !req
230. You don't believe
him, do you?
Copy !req
231. But what if he's
telling the truth?
Copy !req
232. A phantom P.O.W.
left for dead
Copy !req
233. comes back to avenge
the injustices?
Copy !req
234. Maybe the war
ain't over, Scully.
Copy !req
235. Well, maybe not
Denny Markham's war.
Copy !req
236. Well, given the facts
of the case
Copy !req
237. and Private Burkholder's
polygraph test,
Copy !req
238. it's the closest thing to
an explanation that we've got.
Copy !req
239. Or it's just
a clever story
Copy !req
240. being proffered as a cover-up
for what is actually
Copy !req
241. an elaborately
orchestrated conspiracy.
Copy !req
242. Well, there is
that possibility, too.
Copy !req
243. Well, there is
that possibility, too.
Copy !req
244. Let Markham
take the polygraph.
Copy !req
245. And what if he passes?
Copy !req
246. He won't.
Copy !req
247. Mrs. Davenport?
Copy !req
248. Renee Davenport?
Copy !req
249. Yes.
Copy !req
250. Wife of Lance Corporal Gary
Davenport of the Special Forces?
Copy !req
251. Yes. I'm sorry.
Do I know you?
Copy !req
252. No, ma'am.
Copy !req
253. I've come to act in his behalf
Copy !req
254. for the reason that Gary
remains prisoner of war.
Copy !req
255. for the reason that Gary
remains prisoner of war.
Copy !req
256. Gary's dead.
Copy !req
257. No, ma'am.
Copy !req
258. May you forgive me,
Copy !req
259. as you forgive him
as a man and a soldier,
Copy !req
260. for restoring the honor
and memory of the B-11.
Copy !req
261. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
262. Where did you get these?
Copy !req
263. Who gave you these?
Copy !req
264. Who gave you these?
Copy !req
265. Hey, where are you?
Copy !req
266. My God.
Copy !req
267. Where are you?
Where'd you go?
Copy !req
268. Is it true she made a
positive I.D. from the photo?
Copy !req
269. From a bad fax of it.
Copy !req
270. Do you have the actual
photo with you?
Copy !req
271. Yeah, and more copies
to distribute.
Copy !req
272. We have event security checking
out all vendors and workmen.
Copy !req
273. We've got it out
to local law enforcement,
Copy !req
274. but not to the exclusion
of the other suspects.
Copy !req
275. I thought she I.D.'d Teager.
Copy !req
276. She did,
but I cannot authorize
Copy !req
277. or promote a strategy here
that's going to target
Copy !req
278. a soldier who's officially dead.
Copy !req
279. a soldier who's officially dead.
Copy !req
280. Because his name's
on a wall?
Copy !req
281. No, because I just got off
the phone with
Copy !req
282. the Army forensics lab where
Copy !req
283. Sergeant Nathaniel Teager's
remains have been stored
Copy !req
284. since they were recovered
from the crash site.
Copy !req
285. They have his remains?
Copy !req
286. Markham may have staged
this whole thing—
Copy !req
287. finding somebody vulnerable
like her to pass off his lies.
Copy !req
288. Why go to all that trouble?
Copy !req
289. To create a decoy to
divert our attention,
Copy !req
290. which seems
to be working.
Copy !req
291. Well, this woman saw someone.
Copy !req
292. I want to know who.
Copy !req
293. Yes, that's him.
Copy !req
294. Yes, that's him.
Copy !req
295. Are you sure?
Copy !req
296. Everything he said
made it sound
Copy !req
297. like Gary was
still alive.
Copy !req
298. That can't be true, can it?
Copy !req
299. You say he just disappeared?
Copy !req
300. That's what's so strange.
Copy !req
301. One minute, he's standing
right in front of me,
Copy !req
302. and then he's gone.
Copy !req
303. What if he was
telling the truth?
Copy !req
304. What if Gary is alive?
Copy !req
305. What if Gary is alive?
Copy !req
306. I've tried
to get on with my life.
Copy !req
307. I've remarried.
Copy !req
308. What am I supposed
to tell my husband now?
Copy !req
309. What am I supposed to do?
Copy !req
310. Oh, your eye.
Copy !req
311. What?
Copy !req
312. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
313. What's happening to me?
Copy !req
314. I think you just burst
a capillary.
Copy !req
315. My God.
Copy !req
316. Hold a tissue there.
Copy !req
317. Can we get Mrs. Davenport
an eye exam?
Copy !req
318. An eye exam? For what?
Copy !req
319. By all accounts,
Copy !req
320. the man we're looking for—
the man she saw—
Copy !req
321. the man we're looking for—
the man she saw—
Copy !req
322. has a knack for vanishing
in plain sight.
Copy !req
323. Maybe there's a connection.
Copy !req
324. Mulder, what she has is
Copy !req
325. a simple
sub-conjunctival hemorrhage.
Copy !req
326. It's probably brought on
by her emotional state.
Copy !req
327. And how did she reach
that emotional state?
Copy !req
328. What about you?
Copy !req
329. What are you going to do?
Copy !req
330. I'm going to see if we're really
chasing a dead man.
Copy !req
331. Agent Mulder?
Copy !req
332. Yes.
Copy !req
333. Yes.
Copy !req
334. Dr. Benjamin Keyser.
Copy !req
335. I think I located
what you're looking for.
Copy !req
336. It's a small miracle
I found it, actually.
Copy !req
337. The record had been
partially destroyed.
Copy !req
338. Two bicuspids
and a molar.
Copy !req
339. This was all that was left
of Teager at the crash site?
Copy !req
340. I've seen findings
made with far less.
Copy !req
341. And these are
Sergeant Teager's teeth.
Copy !req
342. I cross-checked them
with his dental records.
Copy !req
343. Is there any way to tell how
the teeth were extracted?
Copy !req
344. Well, I would assume
they were pulled.
Copy !req
345. On each of these teeth,
Copy !req
346. there's a pronounced
scoring in the enamel.
Copy !req
347. there's a pronounced
scoring in the enamel.
Copy !req
348. Here, see for yourself.
Copy !req
349. Can you tell if
that was pre- or postmortem?
Copy !req
350. No, not really.
Copy !req
351. Well, then this is
presumptive, isn't it?
Copy !req
352. A finding of death based
on inconclusive evidence.
Copy !req
353. Actually, it was noted
right here, even underlined.
Copy !req
354. "Inconclusive."
Copy !req
355. Whoever signed off on this death
chose to ignore the facts, huh?
Copy !req
356. I couldn't tell you
who that was.
Copy !req
357. As I said, these records
were partially destroyed.
Copy !req
358. Is there any
other way to tell?
Copy !req
359. Is there any
other way to tell?
Copy !req
360. Well, based on the records
Copy !req
361. and the reports filed
at the same time,
Copy !req
362. we could make
a pretty good guess.
Copy !req
363. Yes.
Copy !req
364. Yes, just a moment.
Copy !req
365. It's for you, sir.
Copy !req
366. Hello.
Copy !req
367. General Steffan, this is
Copy !req
368. Special Agent Fox Mulder
with the FBI.
Copy !req
369. I'm calling because we have
reason to believe
Copy !req
370. that your life may be in danger.
Copy !req
371. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
372. That the person or persons
responsible for the murder
Copy !req
373. That the person or persons
responsible for the murder
Copy !req
374. of General MacDougal
this morning
Copy !req
375. may have chosen to target you.
Copy !req
376. Based on what information?
Copy !req
377. Based on a death certificate
Copy !req
378. that you may have
put your signature on—
Copy !req
379. a death certificate
for Sergeant Nathaniel Teager.
Copy !req
380. I don't know anything
about that,
Copy !req
381. but I'm on my way
to the Pentagon right now.
Copy !req
382. Listen, sir,
I'm ten minutes away.
Copy !req
383. I'm going to have to
ask you to trust
Copy !req
384. my risk assessment on this
and take every caution.
Copy !req
385. Right.
Copy !req
386. Okay, do you know
your driver, sir?
Copy !req
387. Yes. He drives me all the time.
Copy !req
388. Good. I'm going to put
two FBI agents there
Copy !req
389. Good. I'm going to put
two FBI agents there
Copy !req
390. to escort you,
just as a precaution.
Copy !req
391. They have my mobile
phone number, okay?
Copy !req
392. How many of you know
what a pentagon is?
Copy !req
393. Nobody?
Copy !req
394. A pentagon is a shape
with five sides,
Copy !req
395. and the Pentagon is just that.
Copy !req
396. We're standing right now
in section "A."
Copy !req
397. Built in 1941
through an act of Congress,
Copy !req
398. the Pentagon is virtually
a city in itself.
Copy !req
399. the Pentagon is virtually
a city in itself.
Copy !req
400. Almost 23,000 people...
Copy !req
401. General, sir?
Good afternoon.
Copy !req
402. Thanks.
Copy !req
403. All clear, General.
Copy !req
404. Thank you, gentlemen,
that'll be all.
Copy !req
405. Mulder.
Copy !req
406. Mulder, I'm at
the Georgetown Medical Center.
Copy !req
407. Did you find out what caused
her eye to hemorrhage?
Copy !req
408. No, but the ophthalmologist
discovered something—
Copy !req
409. something called
a transient scotoma.
Copy !req
410. Scotoma?
Copy !req
411. A floating blind spot.
Copy !req
412. Well, what would cause that?
Copy !req
413. Well, any number of diseases
can scar the retina:
Copy !req
414. diabetes, glaucoma,
macular degeneration.
Copy !req
415. diabetes, glaucoma,
macular degeneration.
Copy !req
416. In turn, they create
a visual field deficit.
Copy !req
417. Um...
Copy !req
418. Well, does she have
any of those diseases?
Copy !req
419. It doesn't appear so.
Copy !req
420. Well, don't you think
it's odd, Scully,
Copy !req
421. that she'd have a blind spot
Copy !req
422. that she wouldn't... that she
wouldn't have noticed before?
Copy !req
423. Thanks.
Copy !req
424. Well, not necessarily.
Copy !req
425. The processes of the brain
fill in,
Copy !req
426. and the visual cortex
compensates conceptually.
Copy !req
427. Well, that might account
for Teager's vanishing.
Copy !req
428. I asked the doctor that,
and he laughed at me.
Copy !req
429. Oh, hold on a second, Scully.
Copy !req
430. Oh, hold on a second, Scully.
Copy !req
431. It's Mulder.
Copy !req
432. Agent Mulder,
this is General Steffan.
Copy !req
433. I found something on my desk—
something very troubling.
Copy !req
434. Where are you?
Copy !req
435. In my office.
Copy !req
436. Uh, the agents I assigned
to you— are they with you?
Copy !req
437. No. No, they're just outside.
Copy !req
438. I want you to call them into
your office right now, General.
Copy !req
439. Who put this here?
Copy !req
440. Listen to me
very carefully, okay?
Copy !req
441. I'm on my way over there...
Copy !req
442. General Steffan?
General Steffan?
Copy !req
443. Call an ambulance.
Copy !req
444. The general's secretary had been
in here organizing his desk
Copy !req
445. no more than 15 minutes
before the general was shot.
Copy !req
446. He never saw this card,
Copy !req
447. and he never saw anyone go
in and out of the office,
Copy !req
448. aside from the general
and the agents assigned to him.
Copy !req
449. From my cursory exam,
nothing about the general
Copy !req
450. can explain your narrative.
Copy !req
451. I was on the phone with the man.
Copy !req
452. He was shot at close range
in the forehead.
Copy !req
453. I think he would've
seen the shooter.
Copy !req
454. I think he would've
seen the shooter.
Copy !req
455. Not necessarily.
Copy !req
456. He could have turned
and been surprised.
Copy !req
457. There's far too little forensic
evidence yet to know, Mulder.
Copy !req
458. No scotoma?
Copy !req
459. It's beyond
my capabilities here
Copy !req
460. to make that kind of analysis.
Copy !req
461. I think it's beyond
all our capabilities,
Copy !req
462. but somebody's got to explain
how a four-star general
Copy !req
463. could be shot and killed
in what is symbolically
Copy !req
464. the best-guarded military
base in the country.
Copy !req
465. Sir?
Copy !req
466. I need both of you out here
Copy !req
467. to see something... now.
Copy !req
468. That's him.
Copy !req
469. That's Teager.
Copy !req
470. Whoever it is, I want to know
Copy !req
471. how the hell this happened.
Copy !req
472. Neither of us
has a clear explanation, sir.
Copy !req
473. You were on your way here,
Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
474. You knew the general
was in danger.
Copy !req
475. I did everything I could;
I put two agents with him.
Copy !req
476. This is insanity.
This man is killing at will.
Copy !req
477. That's correct, sir.
Copy !req
478. He's unstoppable?
Copy !req
479. Is that what you're telling me?
Copy !req
480. I think that Teager has
an ability,
Copy !req
481. the ability to effectively
erase himself
Copy !req
482. from the visual field.
Copy !req
483. If he's invisible, then why is
Copy !req
484. he on this video clear as day?
Copy !req
485. he on this video clear as day?
Copy !req
486. I think that he can hide himself
from human sight
Copy !req
487. by manipulating something
that Scully has referred to
Copy !req
488. as naturally occurring:
Copy !req
489. a blind spot.
Copy !req
490. That is conjecture, sir.
Copy !req
491. You mean even if
I'm looking at him...
Copy !req
492. You might not be able
to see him.
Copy !req
493. Isn't it true
that U.S. soldiers
Copy !req
494. have reported
the unexplained appearance
Copy !req
495. and disappearance
of VC guerrillas?
Copy !req
496. I've read the dispatches myself.
Copy !req
497. Maybe Teager
learned something
Copy !req
498. from his captors
in 25 years of isolation.
Copy !req
499. I've got four miles
Copy !req
500. of crowded streets
where 31 military officers
Copy !req
501. of crowded streets
where 31 military officers
Copy !req
502. are staging for a parade
into Freedom Square.
Copy !req
503. If what you're saying
has any truth to it,
Copy !req
504. I can't protect these men.
Copy !req
505. Call it off.
Copy !req
506. Parade or no parade, those men
are going to be vulnerable.
Copy !req
507. The only way to stop this
killer is to catch him.
Copy !req
508. How do we do that?
Copy !req
509. By finding his next victim
before he does.
Copy !req
510. I am Major General
Benjamin Bloch.
Copy !req
511. He did it again, didn't he?
Copy !req
512. I told them he would.
Copy !req
513. According to the FBI,
Copy !req
514. you know the man
they're looking for.
Copy !req
515. Maybe you can tell me
why they can't seem to find him.
Copy !req
516. Maybe you can tell me
why they can't seem to find him.
Copy !req
517. Same reason you can't.
Copy !req
518. Which I imagine
Copy !req
519. is the same reason
you're here right now.
Copy !req
520. I am here
because people are dying—
Copy !req
521. soldiers who dedicated
their lives
Copy !req
522. to the defense
of this country.
Copy !req
523. I guess that's one way
of looking at it.
Copy !req
524. As it stands,
you are facing
Copy !req
525. charges of conspiracy
to commit homicide and treason.
Copy !req
526. But if both those fall through,
there is still
Copy !req
527. enough evidence to convict you
Copy !req
528. enough evidence to convict you
Copy !req
529. for possession and
transport of illegal arms.
Copy !req
530. Are you threatening me?
Copy !req
531. No.
Copy !req
532. I am offering you a deal—
Copy !req
533. for you and the people
you represent.
Copy !req
534. If you think I've got any sway
with Teager, you're mistaken.
Copy !req
535. I just need to know
what he wants.
Copy !req
536. You know what he wants,
Copy !req
537. and we both know
you can't give it to him,
Copy !req
538. not without dragging
Copy !req
539. not without dragging
Copy !req
540. that nice clean uniform
of yours through the mud.
Copy !req
541. Whatever you do to me
Copy !req
542. won't change his
mind, General.
Copy !req
543. He's sending a message
and making damn sure
Copy !req
544. everyone hears it
loud and clear.
Copy !req
545. Men!
Copy !req
546. Mark time!
Copy !req
547. You told me you
were in a rush.
Copy !req
548. You told me you
were in a rush.
Copy !req
549. Crosstown traffic's all snarled
up because of the parade.
Copy !req
550. You need information on
American prisoners of war.
Copy !req
551. A man named Teager.
Copy !req
552. I have no
information on him.
Copy !req
553. Then why did you come here?
Copy !req
554. Tell me what you know.
Copy !req
555. A P.O.W. named Teager
may be back home
Copy !req
556. carrying out death sentences
against the men
Copy !req
557. that left him in Vietnam.
Copy !req
558. Who are those men?
Copy !req
559. Generals—
Steffan and MacDougal.
Copy !req
560. They have a connection.
Copy !req
561. What is that?
Copy !req
562. A recent news story—
Copy !req
563. extremely embarrassing
to the U.S. military—
Copy !req
564. extremely embarrassing
to the U.S. military—
Copy !req
565. about the disposing of
South Vietnamese soldiers.
Copy !req
566. Men employed by our government
as spies and commandoes
Copy !req
567. and then left behind enemy lines
to certain capture and death.
Copy !req
568. The operation was disavowed,
Copy !req
569. and their lives were
erased from the records.
Copy !req
570. By a secret three-man commission
who may now be facing charges,
Copy !req
571. whose testimonies
might be used
Copy !req
572. in the calculation
of reparations.
Copy !req
573. Are you saying
that our government
Copy !req
574. wants these officers dead?
Copy !req
575. Why would they ask us
to protect them?
Copy !req
576. Because they know you can't.
Copy !req
577. Because they know you can't.
Copy !req
578. Well, who's
the third man?
Copy !req
579. I need a name.
Copy !req
580. General Bloch!
Copy !req
581. General, sir!
Stop the car!
Copy !req
582. What's going on here?
Copy !req
583. We need you to get out of the
car, sir, for your own safety.
Copy !req
584. Why?
We just
received information
Copy !req
585. your life might be in danger.
Copy !req
586. From who?
Copy !req
587. Shooter!
Copy !req
588. Get down!
Copy !req
589. Where? Where is he?
Copy !req
590. He was there.
Copy !req
591. I saw him.
Copy !req
592. It was him, sir.
Copy !req
593. It was the man in the photo.
Copy !req
594. Are you sure?
Copy !req
595. I saw him, sir.
Copy !req
596. It was him.
Copy !req
597. Are you sure?
Copy !req
598. Right, mount!
Copy !req
599. when you find out.
Copy !req
600. Scully. I heard what happened.
Copy !req
601. They told me you saved
General Bloch's life.
Copy !req
602. He's doing all right.
He's over there.
Copy !req
603. They told me you saw somebody
on the parade route?
Copy !req
604. I'm not really sure.
Copy !req
605. You saw him, didn't you?
Copy !req
606. You saw Teager.
Copy !req
607. I told you,
I'm not sure, Mulder.
Copy !req
608. Yeah, but you drew
your gun, Scully.
Copy !req
609. You must have been a little
more convinced than that.
Copy !req
610. How are you so convinced
Copy !req
611. that General Bloch
was his next target?
Copy !req
612. I found out about General Bloch
from the same person
Copy !req
613. who told me that we were never
meant to save Bloch's life,
Copy !req
614. or the other generals.
Copy !req
615. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
616. This case— why do you think
it was dumped in your lap?
Copy !req
617. Unless heading up
an anti-terrorism detail
Copy !req
618. Unless heading up
an anti-terrorism detail
Copy !req
619. is all of a sudden
part of your job description.
Copy !req
620. Well, that doesn't prove
that he was set up.
Copy !req
621. No, they knew about Teager;
they've known that
Copy !req
622. he'd be unstoppable
from the beginning.
Copy !req
623. You saying that they
wanted Skinner to fail?
Copy !req
624. And us. Given the nature
of the case,
Copy !req
625. they knew that
you'd bring us in.
Copy !req
626. Mulder, the government
is not about
Copy !req
627. to sacrifice the lives of
ranking military officers
Copy !req
628. just to discredit us.
Copy !req
629. Discrediting us in this case
is only secondary.
Copy !req
630. Secondary to what?
Copy !req
631. To maintaining
their secret policy
Copy !req
632. of denial about P.O.W.s,
Copy !req
633. which required silencing the men
who made that policy.
Copy !req
634. I think Denny Markham's story
is having its intended effect.
Copy !req
635. I think Denny Markham's story
is having its intended effect.
Copy !req
636. I think you're buying
into the lie, Mulder.
Copy !req
637. No, Denny Markham may be
the only man in this case
Copy !req
638. who's telling the truth.
Copy !req
639. But if you don't believe me,
Copy !req
640. why don't you ask
General Bloch himself?
Copy !req
641. Ask me what?
Copy !req
642. Look, I can't wait
around here any longer.
Copy !req
643. I'm delivering the keynote
address in five minutes.
Copy !req
644. You might want to reconsider.
He won't reconsider.
Copy !req
645. Not going out there would
be an admission of guilt.
Copy !req
646. We still have reason to believe
that your life is in danger.
Copy !req
647. It's your job to
protect me still, isn't it?
Copy !req
648. That's what we're
trying to do.
Copy !req
649. That's what we're
trying to do.
Copy !req
650. Then do your job.
Copy !req
651. General!
Copy !req
652. All right, people, listen up,
Copy !req
653. because we don't have
much time here.
Copy !req
654. You all know
your responsibilities.
Copy !req
655. You have your sectors
and your assignments.
Copy !req
656. It gives me great pleasure
Copy !req
657. to introduce
a very special man.
Copy !req
658. Wounded and decorated
for gallantry in Vietnam,
Copy !req
659. Wounded and decorated
for gallantry in Vietnam,
Copy !req
660. he had an idea...
Copy !req
661. Teager.
Copy !req
662. Hey, man, is that you?
Copy !req
663. Hey, where are you going?
Copy !req
664. Hey.
Copy !req
665. Hey. Hey, where are you going?
Copy !req
666. the founder of the
Vietnam Veteran Memorial Fund,
Copy !req
667. Mr. Jan Scruggs.
Copy !req
668. Teager.
Copy !req
669. MAN
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Copy !req
670. MAN
Welcome, ladies and gentlemen.
Copy !req
671. We are here to rededicate
this memorial
Copy !req
672. on this important day.
Copy !req
673. We especially remember
Copy !req
674. those who cannot share
this day with us,
Copy !req
675. the soldiers...
Copy !req
676. Hey, Teager.
Copy !req
677. It's me, Leo Danzinger.
Copy !req
678. I saw you, man.
Copy !req
679. Where are you?
Copy !req
680. Behind you.
Copy !req
681. Behind you.
Copy !req
682. I... I thought
you were dead.
Copy !req
683. That's what
they told us.
Copy !req
684. Because that's what
they wanted you to believe.
Copy !req
685. I don't understand.
Copy !req
686. You will.
Copy !req
687. After tonight.
Copy !req
688. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
689. I waited for them, Leo.
Copy !req
690. I waited for them to come.
Copy !req
691. But they never came.
Copy !req
692. Maybe they didn't know.
Copy !req
693. Maybe they didn't know.
Copy !req
694. They knew.
Copy !req
695. They just figured
let me die off.
Copy !req
696. It was easier
than admitting the truth.
Copy !req
697. It's all over, Teager.
Copy !req
698. It's been over
for a long time now.
Copy !req
699. Not for me.
Copy !req
700. And not for the others.
Copy !req
701. You're telling me there's more?
Copy !req
702. What are you doing, man?
Copy !req
703. Where are you?
Copy !req
704. MAN
It is a distinct honor
Copy !req
705. to present to you now
another great American
Copy !req
706. and a brother-in-arms,
Copy !req
707. Major General Benjamin Bloch.
Copy !req
708. Admiral Leitch,
Copy !req
709. Senator Baine,
Copy !req
710. fellow Americans,
Copy !req
711. and especially the veterans.
Copy !req
712. There is probably no audience
that understands better
Copy !req
713. There is probably no audience
that understands better
Copy !req
714. that our freedom is not free.
Copy !req
715. All right,
you're my eyes out there.
Copy !req
716. Talk to me. Positions report.
Copy !req
717. Sector three clear.
Copy !req
718. No sign of him in four.
Copy !req
719. And for that, it is our duty
to remember them.
Copy !req
720. Hold on.
Copy !req
721. I think I have him
in section four.
Copy !req
722. Can you confirm that, Scully?
Copy !req
723. Positive I.D.
He's heading towards you, three.
Copy !req
724. Positions hold. Three and four,
do you have eye contact?
Copy !req
725. I have him in three.
Copy !req
726. He's coming towards you, Scully.
Copy !req
727. Don't take your eyes
off him, Scully.
Copy !req
728. Mulder, he saw me.
Copy !req
729. He's heading towards
the sound booth.
Copy !req
730. Copy that. I'm cutting him off.
Copy !req
731. Talk to me, people.
Does anybody have him?
Copy !req
732. Talk to me, people.
Does anybody have him?
Copy !req
733. What's happening, Scully?
Copy !req
734. I'm closing on him.
Copy !req
735. You have him in three?
Copy !req
736. Negative.
Copy !req
737. Scully.
Copy !req
738. I lost him.
Copy !req
739. You got him, three?
Copy !req
740. I don't see him, Scully.
Copy !req
741. What's happening, Agent Scully?
Copy !req
742. I can't see him anywhere.
Copy !req
743. I can't see him anywhere.
Copy !req
744. He must be headed
your way.
Copy !req
745. You got him, Mulder?
Copy !req
746. Not yet.
Copy !req
747. I got him.
Copy !req
748. I lost him.
Copy !req
749. Pick him up, Mulder.
He's right in front of you.
Copy !req
750. He's got a gun!
Copy !req
751. General, get off the stage!
Copy !req
752. I can't see him.
Copy !req
753. Mulder.
Copy !req
754. Teager's here.
Copy !req
755. I saw him
out of the corner of my eye.
Copy !req
756. Mulder, he's gone.
He's gone.
Copy !req
757. MAN
There's no cause for alarm,
Copy !req
758. ladies and gentlemen.
Copy !req
759. Just a minor disturbance.
Copy !req
760. Let's try and keep some order.
Copy !req
761. Where's General Bloch?
Copy !req
762. He's with Skinner.
Copy !req
763. We got to stop him.
Copy !req
764. What's going on here?
Copy !req
765. I think he can
only hide himself
Copy !req
766. in somebody's
direct line of sight.
Copy !req
767. When you're looking
directly at him?
Copy !req
768. That's why he killed
General MacDougal
Copy !req
769. and Steffan at close quarters—
Copy !req
770. MacDougal in his car
and Steffan in his office.
Copy !req
771. Get away from the car.
Copy !req
772. He's in the car.
Teager's in the car.
Copy !req
773. Get down! Down!
Copy !req
774. Get out of the car
with your hands in the air!
Copy !req
775. It's over, Teager!
Copy !req
776. Come on out!
Copy !req
777. Get an ambulance over here!
Copy !req
778. Teager, Nathaniel J.
Copy !req
779. Sergeant, Green Beret
detachment B-11.
Copy !req
780. Service number: 82278.
Copy !req
781. Date of birth: March 7, 1952.
Copy !req
782. Teager, Nathaniel J.
Copy !req
783. Sergeant,
Copy !req
784. Sergeant,
Copy !req
785. Green Beret
detachment B-11.
Copy !req
786. Service number: 82278.
Copy !req
787. Date of birth...
Copy !req
788. March 7, 1952.
Copy !req
789. Teager, Nathaniel J.
Copy !req
790. Sergeant, Green Beret
detachment B-11.
Copy !req
791. Pentagon is claiming that
the man who was killed
Copy !req
792. was a Thomas Lynch.
Copy !req
793. He's a vet who's
been in and out
Copy !req
794. of V.A. psychiatric hospitals
for the last 15 years.
Copy !req
795. And a sometime member
of the Right Hand.
Copy !req
796. His name was on
Denny Markham's mailing list.
Copy !req
797. Markham made a positive I.D.
Copy !req
798. They must have
gotten to him.
Copy !req
799. Army forensics claims
to have multiple confirmation.
Copy !req
800. You heard him.
We both did.
Copy !req
801. It's happening
all over again.
Copy !req
802. They're covering the
lies with more lies,
Copy !req
803. trying to make
him invisible.
Copy !req
804. We've got to subpoena
Markham and General Bloch
Copy !req
805. and we've got to petition
the State Department
Copy !req
806. to release Teager's body.
Copy !req
807. I can't do that,
Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
808. Why not?
Copy !req
809. This investigation
has been
Copy !req
810. turned over to C.I.D.
Copy !req
811. It's no longer
our jurisdiction.
Copy !req
812. Don't let them do this.
Copy !req
813. Let it go, Agent Mulder.
You did your job.
Copy !req
814. So did Nathaniel Teager.
Copy !req
815. You found the man that you were
looking for, but now he's dead.
Copy !req
816. You found the man that you were
looking for, but now he's dead.
Copy !req
817. It's over.
Copy !req
818. Is that what you believe?
Copy !req
819. Is that what you
really believe?
Copy !req
820. They're not just denying
this man's life.
Copy !req
821. They're denying his death.
Copy !req
822. And with all due respect, sir...
Copy !req
823. he could be you.
Copy !req
824. I made this!
Copy !req