1. For the first time,
Copy !req
2. I feel time like a heartbeat—
Copy !req
3. the seconds pumping
in my breast like a reckoning;
Copy !req
4. the numinous mysteries
that once seemed
Copy !req
5. so distant and unreal
Copy !req
6. threatening clarity
in the presence of a truth
Copy !req
7. entertained not in youth,
but only in its passage.
Copy !req
8. I feel these words
Copy !req
9. as if their meaning were weight
being lifted from me,
Copy !req
10. as if their meaning were weight
being lifted from me,
Copy !req
11. knowing that you will read them
and share my burden,
Copy !req
12. as I have come
to trust no other.
Copy !req
13. That you should know my heart,
look into it,
Copy !req
14. finding there
the memory and experience
Copy !req
15. that belong to you,
that are you,
Copy !req
16. is a comfort to me now,
Copy !req
17. as I feel the tethers loose
and the prospects darken
Copy !req
18. for the continuance
of a journey
Copy !req
19. that began not so long ago,
Copy !req
20. that began not so long ago,
Copy !req
21. and which began again
Copy !req
22. with a faith shaken
and strengthened
Copy !req
23. by your convictions.
Copy !req
24. If not for which, I might
never have been so strong now,
Copy !req
25. as I cross to face you
and look at you incomplete,
Copy !req
26. hoping that you will forgive me
Copy !req
27. for not making the rest
of the journey with you.
Copy !req
28. Excuse me. Oncology?
Copy !req
29. Thanks.
Copy !req
30. Scully?
Copy !req
31. I, uh...
Copy !req
32. I stole these from some guy
with a broken leg down the hall.
Copy !req
33. He won't be able
to catch me.
Copy !req
34. How you doing?
Copy !req
35. I guess that's the question.
Copy !req
36. Actually, I feel fine.
Copy !req
37. Good.
Copy !req
38. What, uh...
Copy !req
39. what exactly are
we looking at here?
Copy !req
40. It's what's called
a naso-pharyngeal mass.
Copy !req
41. It's a small growth on the wall
between the superior concha
Copy !req
42. and the sphenoidal sinus.
Copy !req
43. and the sphenoidal sinus.
Copy !req
44. A growth?
Copy !req
45. A tumor.
Copy !req
46. You're the only one I've called.
Copy !req
47. Is it operable?
Copy !req
48. No.
Copy !req
49. But it's treatable.
Copy !req
50. The truth is
Copy !req
51. that the type and placement
of the tumor
Copy !req
52. make it difficult—
to the extreme.
Copy !req
53. I refuse to believe that.
Copy !req
54. I refuse to believe that.
Copy !req
55. For all the times that
I have said that to you,
Copy !req
56. I am as certain about this
as you have ever been.
Copy !req
57. I have cancer.
Copy !req
58. It is a mass on the wall
between my sinus and cerebrum.
Copy !req
59. If it pushes into my brain,
Copy !req
60. statistically, there is
about zero chance of survival.
Copy !req
61. I don't accept that.
Copy !req
62. Th-There... there
must be some people
Copy !req
63. who've received
treatment for this.
Copy !req
64. We can...
Copy !req
65. We can...
Copy !req
66. Yes, there are.
Copy !req
67. This news comes as the worst
kind of surprise, Agent Scully.
Copy !req
68. I'm sorry, very sorry.
Copy !req
69. Thank you, sir. I don't mean
for this to be awkward.
Copy !req
70. And I would appreciate it
Copy !req
71. if we could keep
this matter confidential.
Copy !req
72. I understand.
Copy !req
73. I assume you'll be taking
a leave of absence.
Copy !req
74. No, sir.
Actually, I've asked my doctors
Copy !req
75. No, sir.
Actually, I've asked my doctors
Copy !req
76. to hold on
to my medical records
Copy !req
77. until Agent Mulder
and I can exhaust
Copy !req
78. a possible avenue
of investigation.
Copy !req
79. Investigation?
Copy !req
80. Last year, Agent Scully
and I pursued a case
Copy !req
81. in which a number of women,
purported abductees,
Copy !req
82. experienced
similar symptoms
Copy !req
83. after having implants removed
from the base of their necks.
Copy !req
84. A woman
in Allentown, Pennsylvania,
Copy !req
85. named Betsy Hagopian
was undergoing
Copy !req
86. treatment for a
naso-pharyngeal tumor.
Copy !req
87. We just haven't been
able to contact her yet.
Copy !req
88. I'm sure you're aware we have
contacts with the best
Copy !req
89. physicians and medical
facilities in the country.
Copy !req
90. Yes, sir.
But for my own reasons,
Copy !req
91. I would like to pursue this
through the Justice Department
Copy !req
92. I would like to pursue this
through the Justice Department
Copy !req
93. rather than
as a personal matter.
Copy !req
94. I'm sorry—
no early birds.
Copy !req
95. I'm sorry—
no early birds.
Copy !req
96. We're not here
for the garage sale.
Copy !req
97. We're looking for
Betsy Hagopian.
Copy !req
98. No one's returning
our messages.
Copy !req
99. Sorry.
Copy !req
100. Um... Betsy's passed away,
Copy !req
101. just two and a
half weeks ago.
Copy !req
102. Are you a relation?
Copy !req
103. No. We're with the FBI.
Copy !req
104. Has there been
some kind of trouble?
Copy !req
105. Betsy was part of a MUFON group.
Copy !req
106. I don't know.
Copy !req
107. I'm just the realtor.
Copy !req
108. You mind if we come inside
and take a look?
Copy !req
109. Hey, Scully,
listen to this.
Copy !req
110. There are two lines
coming into this house.
Copy !req
111. I noticed one was lit.
Copy !req
112. Somebody's sending a fax
or a computer modem.
Copy !req
113. Somebody's sending a fax
or a computer modem.
Copy !req
114. Yeah, but who?
And to send what?
Copy !req
115. Somebody must have
remote access to the system.
Copy !req
116. They're downloading data.
Copy !req
117. Copying files.
Let's get a trace on them
Copy !req
118. before whoever
it is hangs up.
Copy !req
119. Yeah.
Copy !req
120. Yeah.
Copy !req
121. All right, 234 is listed
under Kurt Crawford.
Copy !req
122. I'm going to check around back.
Copy !req
123. Why don't you see
if you can get the manager.
Copy !req
124. Stop!
Copy !req
125. Federal agent!
Copy !req
126. Hold it!
Copy !req
127. Hold it!
Copy !req
128. Put your hands where
we can see them!
Copy !req
129. Is your name
Kurt Crawford?
Copy !req
130. Yes.
Copy !req
131. Scully...
Copy !req
132. What?
Copy !req
133. I'm fine, Mulder.
Copy !req
134. Quit staring at me. I'm fine.
Copy !req
135. You okay, Scully?
Copy !req
136. Yeah. I'm just washing up.
Copy !req
137. You took his cuffs off.
Copy !req
138. He says he's a member of
the same Mutual UFO Network
Copy !req
139. He says he's a member of
the same Mutual UFO Network
Copy !req
140. that Betsy Hagopian
belonged to,
Copy !req
141. that he was downloading
files for safekeeping
Copy !req
142. as Betsy had
instructed him to.
Copy !req
143. Then why did he run?
Copy !req
144. He thinks his life's in danger.
Copy !req
145. He thinks there's
a government conspiracy
Copy !req
146. to suppress the information
gathered in those files.
Copy !req
147. You think he's credible?
Copy !req
148. He seems to know
an awful lot
Copy !req
149. about what happened to
Betsy and the other women
Copy !req
150. in the MUFON group that
you met at her house.
Copy !req
151. Well, that will have
to be cross-checked.
Copy !req
152. We can't.
Copy !req
153. Why not?
Copy !req
154. How did they die?
Copy !req
155. Brain cancer—
all within the last year.
Copy !req
156. All of them?
Copy !req
157. From the group you met,
there's only Penny Northern,
Copy !req
158. and she's in the hospital—
it doesn't look good.
Copy !req
159. What makes you think
this is a conspiracy—
Copy !req
160. that the government's
Copy !req
161. What makes you think it isn't?
Copy !req
162. 11 women are abducted—
Copy !req
163. all with similar recollections
about the experience,
Copy !req
164. all developing
identical brain tumors,
Copy !req
165. and all refused state
or federal health care
Copy !req
166. because of their insistence
of the facts,
Copy !req
167. and all dying
within the space of a year.
Copy !req
168. Scully, can I talk
to you for a second?
Copy !req
169. I want you to listen to me.
Copy !req
170. About what?
Copy !req
171. About what you won't admit
to yourself—
Copy !req
172. what you're denying.
Copy !req
173. What am I denying?
Copy !req
174. Where your cancer came from.
Copy !req
175. Mulder, it doesn't matter.
Copy !req
176. Mulder, it doesn't matter.
Copy !req
177. It does matter.
Copy !req
178. If what you have
is a result of your abduction
Copy !req
179. and that abduction is something
the government knows about,
Copy !req
180. then those are facts
that should be brought to light.
Copy !req
181. I don't know
what happened to me.
Copy !req
182. I have no clear recollection.
Copy !req
183. And I don't think these
abductions are even abductions.
Copy !req
184. All these women are dead.
Copy !req
185. No, they are not.
Copy !req
186. One woman isn't—
this Penny Northern.
Copy !req
187. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
188. If you won't listen to me,
Copy !req
189. then I think you should
go talk to her.
Copy !req
190. About what?
Copy !req
191. About what?
Copy !req
192. What it feels like
to be dying of cancer?
Copy !req
193. What it's like
Copy !req
194. to know that there's
absolutely nothing
Copy !req
195. you can do about it?
Copy !req
196. If that's too hard for you,
Copy !req
197. then I think you should go
as an investigator.
Copy !req
198. You have one remaining witness,
Agent Scully.
Copy !req
199. I'd think you'd want to know
what her story is.
Copy !req
200. Dana.
Copy !req
201. Hello.
Copy !req
202. I'm-I'm sorry.
Copy !req
203. Did somebody tell you that I was
coming here to see you?
Copy !req
204. No.
Copy !req
205. Then how did you know it was me?
Copy !req
206. I recognized you.
Copy !req
207. I told you
when we met last year.
Copy !req
208. I held you and comforted you
in the place—
Copy !req
209. after the tests.
Copy !req
210. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
211. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
212. I don't mean
to be insensitive, but, uh...
Copy !req
213. I don't share those memories.
Copy !req
214. It's all right.
Copy !req
215. I've come to ask you
some questions.
Copy !req
216. About Dr. Scanlon?
Copy !req
217. No. Who's Dr. Scanlon?
Copy !req
218. He's treating the cancer.
Copy !req
219. He treated Betsy, too.
Copy !req
220. He thinks he might have
isolated the cause.
Copy !req
221. And that if he'd
caught it earlier,
Copy !req
222. And that if he'd
caught it earlier,
Copy !req
223. he might have been able
to do more for her.
Copy !req
224. And for me.
Copy !req
225. His name's Scanlon?
Copy !req
226. Yes.
Copy !req
227. What did you want to ask me?
Copy !req
228. Mulder.
Copy !req
229. Mulder, it's me.
Copy !req
230. Where are you, Scully?
Copy !req
231. I'm at the hospital
with Penny Northern.
Copy !req
232. Where are you?
Copy !req
233. I'm at Betsy Hagopian's
Copy !req
234. going through
some of those hard files
Copy !req
235. before stuff
starts disappearing.
Copy !req
236. And call me an early bird,
but I think I found something.
Copy !req
237. Now, some of these women
who have died, they're childless
Copy !req
238. and they've been treated
for infertility
Copy !req
239. at a clinic
about 30 miles from here—
Copy !req
240. Penny Northern
and Betsy Hagopian among them.
Copy !req
241. Mulder, that's...
Copy !req
242. I've made some phone calls,
Copy !req
243. and I've tried
to get some information,
Copy !req
244. but nobody is talking to me,
Copy !req
245. Mulder, I need you
to come up here.
Copy !req
246. Mulder, I need you
to come up here.
Copy !req
247. Why? Did you find
something there?
Copy !req
248. I need you to bring
the overnight bag
Copy !req
249. from the trunk of the car,
Copy !req
250. and I need you to call my mother
Copy !req
251. and ask her to bring up
some things to the hospital.
Copy !req
252. Is there anything I should know?
Copy !req
253. Mulder, whatever you found,
Copy !req
254. or whatever you might find,
Copy !req
255. I think that we both know that
Copy !req
256. right now
the truth is in me...
Copy !req
257. and that's
where I need to pursue it.
Copy !req
258. and that's
where I need to pursue it.
Copy !req
259. As soon as possible.
Copy !req
260. I will be right there.
Copy !req
261. Agent Mulder?
Copy !req
262. Agent Mulder?
Copy !req
263. Dana.
Copy !req
264. I'm Dr. Scanlon.
Copy !req
265. I'm Dr. Scanlon.
Copy !req
266. We spoke last night
on the phone.
Copy !req
267. Yeah.
Copy !req
268. Hi. Sorry.
Copy !req
269. I was sleeping.
Copy !req
270. I noticed.
Copy !req
271. How's your energy
level generally?
Copy !req
272. Oh, well, you know, I...
Copy !req
273. I don't...
I don't feel sick at all.
Copy !req
274. Your MRIs and your
charts aren't here yet,
Copy !req
275. but I have an idea
what to expect.
Copy !req
276. You probably do, too,
from your medical training.
Copy !req
277. You probably do, too,
from your medical training.
Copy !req
278. I know that the chemotherapy
is going to make me sick.
Copy !req
279. And the radiation.
Copy !req
280. They're both part of
a high-dose approach
Copy !req
281. to knock your system down
so that we can attempt
Copy !req
282. the gene therapy
on P53.
Copy !req
283. You're going to feel
like dying.
Copy !req
284. Dana.
Copy !req
285. Hi, Mom.
Copy !req
286. Hi.
Copy !req
287. This is, uh...
this is Dr. Scanlon.
Copy !req
288. This is, uh...
this is Dr. Scanlon.
Copy !req
289. Hi.
Copy !req
290. Hi.
Copy !req
291. I, uh... I drove.
Copy !req
292. I was going to
take the shuttle,
Copy !req
293. but it's only an
hour more by car.
Copy !req
294. Can you imagine?
Copy !req
295. Mom...
Copy !req
296. I'm fine.
Copy !req
297. I'm going to be fine.
Copy !req
298. I'm just here for treatment.
Copy !req
299. I'm going to go.
Copy !req
300. I've ordered some
additional blood work,
Copy !req
301. and I'd like to start
in this afternoon.
Copy !req
302. Thank you.
Copy !req
303. Mom, I know
what you're going to say,
Copy !req
304. Mom, I know
what you're going to say,
Copy !req
305. but I don't have
any experience being sick.
Copy !req
306. I promise you, I feel fine.
Copy !req
307. I feel...
Copy !req
308. I don't know why
you didn't tell me.
Copy !req
309. I don't know why you didn't
tell me immediately!
Copy !req
310. I wanted to get
all the answers first.
Copy !req
311. And you found them here?
Copy !req
312. I have found some clarity.
Copy !req
313. And maybe a way to fight back.
Copy !req
314. I don't want to be
kept in the dark.
Copy !req
315. You'll know, Mom.
Copy !req
316. You have always been
the strong one.
Copy !req
317. But you are my only
Copy !req
318. daughter now.
Copy !req
319. I know.
Copy !req
320. Oh, Dana.
Copy !req
321. In med school,
Copy !req
322. I learned that cancer arrives
in the body unannounced—
Copy !req
323. a dark stranger
who takes up residence,
Copy !req
324. turning its new home
against itself.
Copy !req
325. This is the evil of cancer—
Copy !req
326. that it starts as an invader,
Copy !req
327. but soon becomes one
with the invaded,
Copy !req
328. forcing you to destroy it,
Copy !req
329. but only at the risk
of destroying yourself.
Copy !req
330. but only at the risk
of destroying yourself.
Copy !req
331. It is science's
demon possession;
Copy !req
332. my treatments,
science's attempt at exorcism.
Copy !req
333. Mulder, I hope
that in these terms
Copy !req
334. you might know it
and know me
Copy !req
335. and accept this stranger
so many recognize
Copy !req
336. but cannot ever
completely cast out.
Copy !req
337. And if the darkness should have
swallowed me as you read this,
Copy !req
338. And if the darkness should have
swallowed me as you read this,
Copy !req
339. you must never think
Copy !req
340. there was the possibility
of some secret intervention,
Copy !req
341. something you might have done.
Copy !req
342. And though we've traveled
far together,
Copy !req
343. this last distance must
necessarily be traveled alone.
Copy !req
344. I've got a gun
pointed at your head.
Copy !req
345. Turn around very slowly.
Copy !req
346. Kurt Crawford. We seem
to be traveling
Copy !req
347. in the same circles
these days.
Copy !req
348. You can put the gun away.
Copy !req
349. You disappeared with those
files from Betsy Hagopian's.
Copy !req
350. I called you at least
half a dozen times.
Copy !req
351. I got to thinking you were a
liar; now tell me I'm wrong.
Copy !req
352. I'm looking for
the same thing that you are.
Copy !req
353. I've been trying to hack
my way into that system,
Copy !req
354. but I can't seem to make it
past the password protect.
Copy !req
355. You think you can
get access from here?
Copy !req
356. I need to find that password.
Copy !req
357. "Vegreville."
Copy !req
358. We're in.
Copy !req
359. We're in.
Copy !req
360. Dana... Dana, it's okay.
Copy !req
361. It's okay, Dana.
Copy !req
362. You'll be okay.
Copy !req
363. Where am I?
Copy !req
364. You're in your own
bed now, Dana.
Copy !req
365. You're safe.
Copy !req
366. I feel nauseous.
Copy !req
367. It's the chemo.
Copy !req
368. The chemo is always
the worst.
Copy !req
369. I had a bad dream.
Copy !req
370. Someone...
Copy !req
371. Someone was doing
something bad to me.
Copy !req
372. Mm. You were there.
Copy !req
373. I heard your voice.
Copy !req
374. They let me come to you
during the procedures.
Copy !req
375. I don't know why.
Copy !req
376. Human compassion is not
something that they have.
Copy !req
377. I'm sorry, Penny.
Copy !req
378. I can't...
Copy !req
379. I can't hear this
right now.
Copy !req
380. You've got to try
and make sense of it, Dana.
Copy !req
381. It'll help you
through the pain.
Copy !req
382. To understand why this is...
Copy !req
383. this is happening to you.
Copy !req
384. I need you to set up
a meeting for me.
Copy !req
385. I need you to set up
a meeting for me.
Copy !req
386. Hold all my calls.
Copy !req
387. Where's Agent Scully?
Copy !req
388. She's in a hospital in
Allentown beginning treatment.
Copy !req
389. What happened to your
investigative avenues?
Copy !req
390. They've taken a turn—
Copy !req
391. a pretty big U-turn
by the looks of it.
Copy !req
392. This is a file directory
Copy !req
393. from a federally operated
fertility clinic.
Copy !req
394. Agent Scully's name
is on this file.
Copy !req
395. Although I'm pretty sure—
pretty damn sure—
Copy !req
396. she's never undergone
treatment for infertility.
Copy !req
397. she's never undergone
treatment for infertility.
Copy !req
398. What's in the file?
Copy !req
399. I don't know.
Copy !req
400. It's just a directory
for a mainframe
Copy !req
401. housed in the Lombard
Research Facility.
Copy !req
402. So you want to set up
a meeting with whom?
Copy !req
403. Cigarette Man.
Copy !req
404. I have no doubt in my mind
he's behind this.
Copy !req
405. You've come to me before
like this, Mulder.
Copy !req
406. Yeah, well, this is different.
This is different.
Copy !req
407. I'm willing to deal now.
Copy !req
408. Find another way.
Copy !req
409. N-No. I need that meeting.
Copy !req
410. You deal with this man,
you offer him anything,
Copy !req
411. and he will own you forever.
Copy !req
412. He knows what they did
to Agent Scully!
Copy !req
413. He knows what they did
to Agent Scully!
Copy !req
414. He may very well know
how to save her!
Copy !req
415. If he knows, you can know, too,
but you can't ask the truth
Copy !req
416. of a man who trades in lies—
I won't let you.
Copy !req
417. We are talking about
Agent Scully's life.
Copy !req
418. Find another way.
Copy !req
419. The Lombard system
is a dedicated mainframe.
Copy !req
420. Impossible to hack—
so they say.
Copy !req
421. Well, how'd you
guys get in?
Copy !req
422. A modified clipper chip
we cannibalized
Copy !req
423. from a government surplus
Army field encoder.
Copy !req
424. We bought it back
from the Chinese.
Copy !req
425. We bought it back
from the Chinese.
Copy !req
426. But for all the work
Copy !req
427. it took to get in,
Copy !req
428. what we got on
Agent Scully's file—
Copy !req
429. we don't know how much
help it's going to be.
Copy !req
430. What do you mean?
It's a gene code
we've seen before.
Copy !req
431. Detected in Scully's blood
after her abduction.
Copy !req
432. Does it tell us anything at all?
Copy !req
433. Normal DNA is inactive
when in its helical form.
Copy !req
434. When it's unwound
or branched like this one,
Copy !req
435. that's when it's active,
when it can mutate.
Copy !req
436. It's probably
what made her sick.
Copy !req
437. Why store something like this
and why keep it a secret?
Copy !req
438. Scientists get funky about
having their research poached.
Copy !req
439. Scientists get funky about
having their research poached.
Copy !req
440. Somebody might be
trying to find a cause.
Copy !req
441. Or a cure.
Copy !req
442. Theoretically.
Copy !req
443. You guys ever been to
the Lombard Research Facility?
Copy !req
444. Well, pick out something
black and sexy,
Copy !req
445. and prepare to do
some funky poaching.
Copy !req
446. It's funny,
I always thought of you
Copy !req
447. It's funny,
I always thought of you
Copy !req
448. as Fox Mulder's patron.
Copy !req
449. You'd think under your aegis
Copy !req
450. that he wouldn't be consigned
to a corner of the basement.
Copy !req
451. At least he doesn't take
an elevator up to get to work.
Copy !req
452. You think I'm the Devil,
Mr. Skinner?
Copy !req
453. I'm not here to talk about
what I think about you.
Copy !req
454. Then why are you here?
Copy !req
455. Is it Mulder's partner
and her illness?
Copy !req
456. Is it terminal?
Copy !req
457. The cancer?
Copy !req
458. You tell me.
Copy !req
459. Modern medicine today—
Copy !req
460. Modern medicine today—
Copy !req
461. I hear they can
perform miracles.
Copy !req
462. I need a miracle.
Copy !req
463. Well, you think
a lot more of me
Copy !req
464. than you let on, Mr. Skinner.
Copy !req
465. What'll it take?
Copy !req
466. For Agent Scully's life?
Copy !req
467. What would you offer?
Copy !req
468. What'll it take?
Copy !req
469. Well...
Copy !req
470. I'll have to get
back to you on that.
Copy !req
471. Oh, Mr. Skinner...
Copy !req
472. which way is the elevator?
Copy !req
473. He'll double back
in 54 seconds.
Copy !req
474. Frohike, where
are you guys?
Copy !req
475. We're in the "K" section
of the storm drain
Copy !req
476. We're in the "K" section
of the storm drain
Copy !req
477. where the communication system
links up to public power.
Copy !req
478. Stand by.
Copy !req
479. Two minutes
for a system check.
Copy !req
480. We gots to go.
Copy !req
481. We're in motion.
Copy !req
482. They're in.
Copy !req
483. Security cameras off-line.
Copy !req
484. Patching in now.
Copy !req
485. Smile, Byers.
Copy !req
486. You're on Candid Camera.
Copy !req
487. Exterior security
has been breached.
Copy !req
488. Langly, are you reading this?
Copy !req
489. Redundant systems—
triple-shunt bypass.
Copy !req
490. This is a toughie.
Copy !req
491. You guys couldn't spring
for two of these?
Copy !req
492. Langly, what the
hell is going on?
Copy !req
493. Mulder, this is
going to take a moment.
Copy !req
494. Boys, we have a problem.
Copy !req
495. The doctor treating Scully's
cancer is on staff here.
Copy !req
496. More mysteries await.
Copy !req
497. Bypass is complete.
Copy !req
498. Bypass is complete.
Copy !req
499. Look, I need someone
to get to Scully,
Copy !req
500. to get her
to stop treatment.
Copy !req
501. Right now, you're the only one
who can do that.
Copy !req
502. I have not written
to you in the last 24 hours
Copy !req
503. because the treatment
has weakened my spirit
Copy !req
504. as well as my body.
Copy !req
505. Mulder, it's difficult
to describe to you
Copy !req
506. the fear of facing an enemy
Copy !req
507. which I can neither
conquer nor escape.
Copy !req
508. Penny Northern
has taken a downturn.
Copy !req
509. Penny Northern
has taken a downturn.
Copy !req
510. I now look at her
with a respect
Copy !req
511. that can only come from one
who is about to walk
Copy !req
512. the same dark path.
Copy !req
513. Seeing her, I can't help
but see myself
Copy !req
514. in a month or a year.
Copy !req
515. I pray that I have her courage
to face this journey.
Copy !req
516. Mulder, I feel you close,
Copy !req
517. though I know you are
now pursuing your own path.
Copy !req
518. For that, I am grateful,
more than I could ever express.
Copy !req
519. I need to know you're out there
Copy !req
520. if I am ever
to see through this.
Copy !req
521. if I am ever
to see through this.
Copy !req
522. Langly, where the hell
am I going?
Copy !req
523. We're losing you
on the video feed, Mulder.
Copy !req
524. Mulder?
Copy !req
525. You do anything,
Copy !req
526. Nada. I didn't touch a thing.
Copy !req
527. Langly, can you hear me?
Copy !req
528. Langly, I can't hear you.
Copy !req
529. Langly, I can't hear you.
Copy !req
530. Open the door!
Copy !req
531. Open the damn door!
Copy !req
532. Agent Mulder, come in.
Copy !req
533. You're hybrids.
Copy !req
534. Please come in so that
we might explain.
Copy !req
535. You've been using me.
Copy !req
536. Not at all.
Copy !req
537. Your arrival was
only coincident
Copy !req
538. with the execution
of our objective.
Copy !req
539. What objective?
Copy !req
540. To subvert the project.
Copy !req
541. The project that created us.
Copy !req
542. I've seen this boy before.
Copy !req
543. These boys are you.
Copy !req
544. We're among
the end results.
Copy !req
545. And you want
to destroy them?
Copy !req
546. No.
Copy !req
547. What we want is the same thing
that you want.
Copy !req
548. What are these?
Copy !req
549. Human ova.
Copy !req
550. Taken from whom?
Copy !req
551. What?
Copy !req
552. Harvested during her abduction
Copy !req
553. through a high-amplification
radiation procedure
Copy !req
554. that caused...
Copy !req
555. Why?
Copy !req
556. For fertilization.
Copy !req
557. They constitute one-half of
the necessary raw materials.
Copy !req
558. For genetic hybridization.
Copy !req
559. For reproduction.
Copy !req
560. These women...
Copy !req
561. These women...
Copy !req
562. These women
are your birth mothers.
Copy !req
563. Barren now—
Copy !req
564. from the same procedure
that caused their cancer—
Copy !req
565. and now they're
left to die.
Copy !req
566. Their conditions hastened by
the men running this project.
Copy !req
567. You're trying to save them.
Copy !req
568. They're our mothers.
Copy !req
569. Mulder, are you there? Copy.
Copy !req
570. Langly, I can't hear you.
Copy !req
571. You got a security breach
in section J-14.
Copy !req
572. You sure it's not Byers?
Copy !req
573. No. I got Byers
right here on my screen.
Copy !req
574. Langly, help me out.
I don't know where I'm going.
Copy !req
575. You're in a bio-quarantine wing
leading to an exit.
Copy !req
576. At the end of the hall,
Copy !req
577. you'll access a door
to a bio-secure room.
Copy !req
578. I'm working on the locks now.
Copy !req
579. Okay, Langly, Frohike, I'm here.
Open the door.
Copy !req
580. The doors work
on redundant systems.
Copy !req
581. We're working fast.
Copy !req
582. Work faster!
Copy !req
583. Langly, open the door now!
Copy !req
584. Get me out of here!
Copy !req
585. Get me out of here now!
Copy !req
586. Almost there.
Copy !req
587. Go!
Copy !req
588. Nurse.
Copy !req
589. Nurse.
Copy !req
590. Nurse, Dana Scully's
supposed to be in her room.
Copy !req
591. Where is she?
Copy !req
592. She's not there?
Copy !req
593. No. What happened to her?
I don't know.
Copy !req
594. Well, who the hell does know?
Copy !req
595. I...
Copy !req
596. What happened to Scully?
Copy !req
597. I got to her.
Copy !req
598. Where is she now?
Copy !req
599. Dr. Scanlon
isn't coming back?
Copy !req
600. No.
Copy !req
601. I don't think so, Penny.
Copy !req
602. Dana...
Copy !req
603. I want you to get well.
Copy !req
604. You've been such a comfort.
Copy !req
605. You've got to be the one.
Copy !req
606. You can't give up hope.
Copy !req
607. I haven't.
Copy !req
608. I haven't.
Copy !req
609. I won't.
Copy !req
610. She gone?
Copy !req
611. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
612. I know what she meant to you.
Copy !req
613. When... I came to find you,
you weren't in your room.
Copy !req
614. When... I came to find you,
you weren't in your room.
Copy !req
615. I got scared that something
had happened, and...
Copy !req
616. and I read
some of what you wrote.
Copy !req
617. I didn't want you to read that.
Copy !req
618. I had decided
to throw it out.
Copy !req
619. I decided tonight that, uh...
Copy !req
620. that I'm not going to let
this thing beat me.
Copy !req
621. that I'm not going to let
this thing beat me.
Copy !req
622. I came into this hospital
able to work,
Copy !req
623. and that's how I'm leaving.
Copy !req
624. Byers tell you
about Dr. Scanlon?
Copy !req
625. Yes.
Copy !req
626. He may very well have
killed those women.
Copy !req
627. That will have to be proven,
Copy !req
628. if we find him.
Copy !req
629. When we find him.
Copy !req
630. Scully,
Copy !req
631. something was done to you—
Copy !req
632. something was done to you—
Copy !req
633. something that you're just
beginning to remember.
Copy !req
634. You can't quite
figure it out,
Copy !req
635. but it can be explained
and it will be explained.
Copy !req
636. And no matter what you think
as a scientist or a doctor,
Copy !req
637. there is a way,
Copy !req
638. and you will find it
to save yourself.
Copy !req
639. Mulder, I can't kid myself.
Copy !req
640. People live with cancer.
Copy !req
641. They carry on.
Copy !req
642. And so will I.
Copy !req
643. And so will I.
Copy !req
644. You know, I've got
things to finish—
Copy !req
645. to prove to myself,
to my family.
Copy !req
646. But for my own reasons.
Copy !req
647. Come on back.
Copy !req
648. The truth will
save you, Scully.
Copy !req
649. I think it'll
save both of us.
Copy !req
650. Skinner.
Copy !req
651. Oh, I was leaving you
a voice mail.
Copy !req
652. Oh, I was leaving you
a voice mail.
Copy !req
653. It's 5:30. What are you...?
Copy !req
654. I'm working.
How can I help you?
Copy !req
655. I want you to know
that Scully's doing okay.
Copy !req
656. She says she's coming
back to work, actually.
Copy !req
657. Good. That's good to hear.
Copy !req
658. I was calling to thank you
for your advice—
Copy !req
659. about our chain smoking friend.
Copy !req
660. I think you were right.
Copy !req
661. We have to know what he knows.
Copy !req
662. We just have to find
another way.
Copy !req
663. There's always another way.
Copy !req
664. Yes, I believe there is.
Copy !req
665. If you're willing
to pay the price.
Copy !req
666. I made this!
Copy !req