1. Here, try this screen.
Copy !req
2. Concentrate on this area
over here.
Copy !req
3. Right there.
Copy !req
4. Mulder.
Copy !req
5. What's going on?
Copy !req
6. What's going on?
Copy !req
7. I'm not sure
I can explain, Scully.
Copy !req
8. You called for
a forensic excavation
Copy !req
9. at 5:00 a.m. on a Sunday;
what are you looking for?
Copy !req
10. Just give me a minute,
Scully, okay?
Copy !req
11. Mulder, what are you
doing out here?
Copy !req
12. I keep having this dream.
Copy !req
13. It's about a little
blond girl.
Copy !req
14. You're saying that
you're out here
Copy !req
15. because of something
you saw in a dream?
Copy !req
16. Sir?
Copy !req
17. Carefully remove that.
Copy !req
18. Okay, easy.
Copy !req
19. Tell me about this dream.
Copy !req
20. I've had... flashes of it
three nights in a row;
Copy !req
21. and last night,
it went on long enough
Copy !req
22. to lead me right to her.
Copy !req
23. I need the chest exposed.
Copy !req
24. Yes, sir. It just
takes a little time.
Copy !req
25. Sir, let us do that.
Copy !req
26. Sir, let us do that.
Copy !req
27. Sir.
Copy !req
28. Mulder,
if you destroy evidence,
Copy !req
29. we may never find out
what happened here.
Copy !req
30. I know what happened.
Copy !req
31. She was strangled.
Copy !req
32. He used an eight-gauge
electrical cord.
Copy !req
33. He took something from the
body post-mortem— a trophy—
Copy !req
34. a piece of fabric
cut from her clothes
Copy !req
35. in the shape of a heart.
Copy !req
36. You're saying you got all these
details from your dream?
Copy !req
37. No. I know this M.O.
Copy !req
38. I know it from memory.
Copy !req
39. Whose M.O.?
Copy !req
40. John Lee Roche.
Copy !req
41. He killed 13 eight-
to ten-year-old girls.
Copy !req
42. This makes 14.
Copy !req
43. This makes 14.
Copy !req
44. It was a difficult case.
Copy !req
45. He was extremely hard to catch.
Copy !req
46. By 1990, ten victims
had been found
Copy !req
47. scattered across
the Eastern seaboard.
Copy !req
48. The earliest dated
back to 1979.
Copy !req
49. ViCAP named the case
"Paper Hearts"
Copy !req
50. because of the trophies
the killer took.
Copy !req
51. All the victims were abducted
from their homes.
Copy !req
52. Reggie Purdue brought me
onto the case
Copy !req
53. because he thought I could
get inside the killer's head.
Copy !req
54. Did you?
Copy !req
55. I concluded that we were
Copy !req
56. I concluded that we were
Copy !req
57. probably looking for
a salesman—
Copy !req
58. someone who traveled
around a lot,
Copy !req
59. someone who could gain people's
confidence, someone ordinary.
Copy !req
60. Turns out, Roche was
a vacuum cleaner salesman.
Copy !req
61. His job took him
all over the Northeast.
Copy !req
62. He'd be in someone's home
Copy !req
63. demonstrating
his vacuum cleaner,
Copy !req
64. all the while,
he'd be checking out their kids.
Copy !req
65. He'd choose a victim, and then
come back for her months later.
Copy !req
66. But it was your profile
that caught him.
Copy !req
67. What about the, uh...
the trophies he took?
Copy !req
68. The cloth hearts?
Copy !req
69. We never found them,
Copy !req
70. but we didn't need them
to make the case.
Copy !req
71. We had him cold
on 13 counts of murder.
Copy !req
72. He admitted to 13.
Copy !req
73. He admitted to 13.
Copy !req
74. Polygraph said
he was telling the truth.
Copy !req
75. But that always bugged me
about this case.
Copy !req
76. I always wanted to find
those hearts and count them—
Copy !req
77. see if they really
added up to 13.
Copy !req
78. I guess they didn't.
Copy !req
79. If nothing else...
Copy !req
80. I think I can at least
help explain your dream.
Copy !req
81. I don't think you ever stopped
thinking about this case.
Copy !req
82. I believe that
Copy !req
83. you may have
solved it in your sleep.
Copy !req
84. So you think that I've somehow
had this information
Copy !req
85. about a 14th victim
all the time,
Copy !req
86. and I've been processing it
Copy !req
87. and I've been processing it
Copy !req
88. You said it yourself once.
Copy !req
89. You said that a...
Copy !req
90. a dream is an answer
to a question
Copy !req
91. we haven't learned how to ask.
Copy !req
92. You did good work,
Copy !req
93. Let's identify this girl
so we can put her to rest.
Copy !req
94. I believe her name
is Addie Sparks.
Copy !req
95. She went missing from her home
Copy !req
96. in King of Prussia,
Pennsylvania, in June of 1975.
Copy !req
97. I contacted the Center for
Missing and Exploited Children,
Copy !req
98. ran a search
through the database.
Copy !req
99. 1975's too early.
Copy !req
100. I think the match
is right, Mulder.
Copy !req
101. The height is right.
Copy !req
102. The description of the sleeper
is right.
Copy !req
103. That would mean Roche started
way before we thought he did.
Copy !req
104. Mulder, we're going to have
to verify this.
Copy !req
105. Are you up for that?
Copy !req
106. Are you up for that?
Copy !req
107. Frank Sparks?
Copy !req
108. Can I help you?
Copy !req
109. Yes. I'm Agent Scully.
Copy !req
110. This is Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
111. We're with the Federal Bureau
of Investigation.
Copy !req
112. May we speak with you?
Copy !req
113. You found Addie?
Copy !req
114. You found Addie?
Copy !req
115. This was for the tooth fairy.
Copy !req
116. When Addie was asleep at night,
Copy !req
117. I'd come and put a quarter
in this pocket.
Copy !req
118. Her mother sewed it.
Copy !req
119. Where is your wife, sir?
Copy !req
120. She passed away last summer.
Copy !req
121. So, you-you, uh...
Copy !req
122. you're saying the, uh...
Copy !req
123. you're saying the, uh...
Copy !req
124. the man that did this
is already in prison?
Copy !req
125. Yes, sir, and he won't get out.
Copy !req
126. You do this full-time—
telling people...
Copy !req
127. this kind of news?
Copy !req
128. No, sir, not full-time.
Copy !req
129. It's not a good job.
Copy !req
130. No.
Copy !req
131. I used to think...
Copy !req
132. that missing was worse
than dead because...
Copy !req
133. you never knew what happened.
Copy !req
134. But now that I know...
Copy !req
135. I'm glad my wife's
not here.
Copy !req
136. I'm glad my wife's
not here.
Copy !req
137. She got luckier.
Copy !req
138. How many more
people, uh...
Copy !req
139. like me are you going
to visit today?
Copy !req
140. Sir?
Copy !req
141. Were there other victims...
you didn't know about?
Copy !req
142. Roche's car.
Copy !req
143. Roche drove a white El Camino.
Copy !req
144. I saw it in my dream, Scully.
Copy !req
145. What are you saying that means?
Cloth hearts he collected—
Copy !req
146. he would've wanted
to keep them close to him.
Copy !req
147. For a traveling salesman, that
means inside the car, right?
Copy !req
148. Maybe. You're saying the hearts
might still be in his car?
Copy !req
149. Well, he doesn't have them
in prison.
Copy !req
150. The cell is searched regularly.
Copy !req
151. His mail is examined.
Copy !req
152. His car was sold
at auction in 1992,
Copy !req
153. put beyond his reach.
Copy !req
154. It's worth a look, Scully.
Copy !req
155. We got to find those hearts
in order to count them.
Copy !req
156. We got to find those hearts
in order to count them.
Copy !req
157. Don't you think the car
Copy !req
158. might have been searched
at least once already?
Copy !req
159. Not by me.
Copy !req
160. Here it is.
Copy !req
161. I've been, you know,
detailing it.
Copy !req
162. Dropped the bed shell
Copy !req
163. and did the decals,
stuff like that.
Copy !req
164. Thank you.
Copy !req
165. Honest-to-God serial
killer owned my car?
Copy !req
166. For real?
Copy !req
167. Helping him detail.
Copy !req
168. Something's wrong here, Scully.
Copy !req
169. Maybe it's underneath.
Copy !req
170. Maybe it's underneath.
Copy !req
171. "Mad hat."
Copy !req
172. Hey, Scully?
Copy !req
173. The camper shell.
Copy !req
174. The kid said he took
the camper shell off.
Copy !req
175. "Mad hat"-- Mad Hatter.
Copy !req
176. "Mad hat"-- Mad Hatter.
Copy !req
177. Eight... nine, ten...
Copy !req
178. eleven, twelve,
thirteen, fourteen...
Copy !req
179. Addie Sparks.
Copy !req
180. Fifteen... sixteen.
Copy !req
181. He had two more victims.
Copy !req
182. Mulder.
Copy !req
183. Long time, no see.
Copy !req
184. You got a new partner.
Copy !req
185. Agent Scully.
Copy !req
186. So, what's up?
Copy !req
187. We found
Addie Sparks, John.
Copy !req
188. Congratulations, I guess.
Copy !req
189. We also found
Copy !req
190. your cloth hearts.
Copy !req
191. All 16 of them.
Copy !req
192. Huh.
Copy !req
193. 16 victims, John.
Copy !req
194. How come you said
there were only 13?
Copy !req
195. I don't know.
Copy !req
196. 13 sounds more
magical, you know.
Copy !req
197. Why don't you tell us about
the last two victims then.
Copy !req
198. You're in here for life.
Copy !req
199. You've got nothing to lose.
Copy !req
200. I got nothing to gain.
Copy !req
201. You can gain one moment
Copy !req
202. of decency in your life.
Copy !req
203. You can finally
let those families
Copy !req
204. put their daughters
to rest.
Copy !req
205. I understand you take this
very personally, Mulder.
Copy !req
206. How about this?
Copy !req
207. Sink one from there,
and I'll tell you.
Copy !req
208. Sink one from there,
and I'll tell you.
Copy !req
209. Trust a child molester?
Copy !req
210. You bring my hearts
and give them back to me,
Copy !req
211. I'll tell you everything
you want to know.
Copy !req
212. Coming out.
Copy !req
213. erased a conversation
Copy !req
214. between President Nixon
and H.R. Haldeman
Copy !req
215. while transcribing
the subpoenaed tape.
Copy !req
216. while transcribing
the subpoenaed tape.
Copy !req
217. Woods testified that she erased
Copy !req
218. only about five minutes
of the conversation,
Copy !req
219. but the tape contained...
Copy !req
220. Fox, it's your move.
Copy !req
221. Under investigation
from Senator Howard Baker,
Copy !req
222. H.R. Haldeman reiterated the
White House explanation that...
Copy !req
223. Samantha.
Copy !req
224. Are you going
to move or not?
Copy !req
225. Do we have to watch this, Fox?
Copy !req
226. accidentally hitting
the record button.
Copy !req
227. It would be very difficult
to reach the conclusion
Copy !req
228. it was an accident...
Copy !req
229. The Magician comes on at 9:00.
Copy !req
230. Mom and dad said I could watch
Copy !req
231. Mom and dad said I could watch
Copy !req
232. the movie,
Copy !req
233. They're next door
at the Galbrands'.
Copy !req
234. They left me in charge.
Copy !req
235. No.
Copy !req
236. Not again.
Copy !req
237. Samantha, run!
Copy !req
238. Fox!
Copy !req
239. Fox!
Copy !req
240. Samantha!
Copy !req
241. Did you bring me my hearts?
Copy !req
242. Yesterday, you said something
about me taking it personally.
Copy !req
243. Why did you
say that to me?
Copy !req
244. Where were you in 1973?
Copy !req
245. What, the whole year?
Copy !req
246. November.
Copy !req
247. 27th of November.
Copy !req
248. Do you know
what I'm getting at?
Copy !req
249. I was selling vacuum cleaners
in 1973.
Copy !req
250. I made a sales trip to Martha's
Vineyard that year, and...
Copy !req
251. I made a sales trip to Martha's
Vineyard that year, and...
Copy !req
252. I sold a vacuum cleaner
to your dad.
Copy !req
253. He bought it for your mom.
Copy !req
254. I believe it was
a, um... Electrovac Duchess
Copy !req
255. or the Princess model and...
Copy !req
256. your dad and I talked about it
at great length.
Copy !req
257. He...
Copy !req
258. He had a really
hard time choosing.
Copy !req
259. What do you know
about my sister?
Copy !req
260. You bring me my hearts,
and maybe I'll tell you more.
Copy !req
261. This man...
this man hit me.
Copy !req
262. I didn't see it.
Copy !req
263. I did.
Copy !req
264. He was there, Scully.
Copy !req
265. He was in the house.
He took Samantha.
Copy !req
266. In your dream, Mulder.
It was a dream.
Copy !req
267. Your mind made it up.
Copy !req
268. A dream is an answer
to a question
Copy !req
269. we haven't yet figured out
how to ask, right?
Copy !req
270. Something buried
in your subconscious.
Copy !req
271. You heard him in there—
he knew something.
Copy !req
272. He mentioned being
on Martha's Vineyard.
Copy !req
273. Is it a state secret that you
lived in Martha's Vineyard?
Copy !req
274. Well, how would
he find out about that?
Copy !req
275. Through the
prison library.
Copy !req
276. The inmates have access to
computers and the Internet.
Copy !req
277. The inmates have access to
computers and the Internet.
Copy !req
278. I checked.
Copy !req
279. Roche logged on
just yesterday.
Copy !req
280. Looking for what?
Copy !req
281. The server records don't show,
but on the Net, Mulder,
Copy !req
282. he can find out
practically anything about you.
Copy !req
283. Look, he is playing
with you, Mulder.
Copy !req
284. He is committing
emotional blackmail,
Copy !req
285. and you are letting him.
Copy !req
286. You walked into that room
with your heart on your sleeve,
Copy !req
287. he saw vulnerability,
and he took advantage of it.
Copy !req
288. You had a dream—
Copy !req
289. a nightmare— and you had it
because of all the emotions
Copy !req
290. that this case
is stirring up for you.
Copy !req
291. But...
Copy !req
292. it was nothing
but a dream.
Copy !req
293. it was nothing
but a dream.
Copy !req
294. My last dream came true.
Copy !req
295. Scully, do you believe
Copy !req
296. that my sister Samantha
was abducted by aliens?
Copy !req
297. Have you ever believed that?
Copy !req
298. No.
Copy !req
299. So what do you think
happened to her?
Copy !req
300. What are you saying
you believe now?
Copy !req
301. I don't know.
I don't know what happened.
Copy !req
302. I don't know what to believe.
Copy !req
303. I just know
I have to find out now.
Copy !req
304. MRS.
Copy !req
305. Mom, I'm in the basement.
Copy !req
306. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
307. I didn't mean
to wake you up.
Copy !req
308. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
309. How you feeling?
Copy !req
310. Good, Fox, I'm fine.
Copy !req
311. Honey, what are you
doing down here
Copy !req
312. in the middle
of the night?
Copy !req
313. Do you recognize...
Copy !req
314. Do you recognize...
Copy !req
315. these fabrics?
Copy !req
316. Either one of them?
Copy !req
317. What am I looking at?
Copy !req
318. Just look closely.
Copy !req
319. Do they seem
familiar to you?
Copy !req
320. Familiar how?
Copy !req
321. Just familiar.
Copy !req
322. Have you seen
them before?
Copy !req
323. Fox, I don't know
what you want me to say.
Copy !req
324. You know my memory isn't
as good as it used to be.
Copy !req
325. Ever since I had the stroke,
I just don't know what...
Copy !req
326. It's all right.
Copy !req
327. Fox.
Copy !req
328. Dad never bought you
a vacuum cleaner, did he?
Copy !req
329. Yeah.
Copy !req
330. A long time ago.
Copy !req
331. I don't use it anymore.
Copy !req
332. I don't use it anymore.
Copy !req
333. Where is it?
Copy !req
334. Well, it's here
under the stairs,
Copy !req
335. in the storage.
Copy !req
336. Fox, what
is going on?
Copy !req
337. Sir...
Copy !req
338. Sir...
Copy !req
339. I've been denied further access
to John Lee Roche.
Copy !req
340. I'm told that order
comes down from you.
Copy !req
341. Could you tell me
why you saw fit
Copy !req
342. to strike a prisoner
in federal custody?
Copy !req
343. Agent Scully didn't
report that to me, Mulder,
Copy !req
344. though she should have.
Copy !req
345. The whole thing was videotaped
as per prison policy.
Copy !req
346. I saw it,
and you're lucky I don't have
Copy !req
347. your ass in a sling.
Copy !req
348. You've gotten too close
to this, Mulder.
Copy !req
349. You've let this man get to you.
Copy !req
350. I have reason to believe
he can tell us
Copy !req
351. what happened
to my sister Samantha.
Copy !req
352. It is looking
possible, sir.
Copy !req
353. John Lee Roche apparently spent
Copy !req
354. most of 1973 in Boston.
Copy !req
355. He did take
one sales trip
Copy !req
356. He did take
one sales trip
Copy !req
357. up to Martha's Vineyard
in October of that year.
Copy !req
358. The timing is right.
Copy !req
359. I need to know.
Copy !req
360. I just need to speak to him
one more time, sir.
Copy !req
361. It just makes it even less
of a good idea, Mulder.
Copy !req
362. Sir, the fact remains
Copy !req
363. that we still have
two more victims
Copy !req
364. that we need to
find and identify,
Copy !req
365. and no one has more
insight into Roche
Copy !req
366. than Agent Mulder, and this
is still Agent Mulder's case.
Copy !req
367. You tread very lightly.
Copy !req
368. You see that he does.
Copy !req
369. I'm not talking to you
if you're going to hit me again.
Copy !req
370. No. You don't get
to touch them.
Copy !req
371. They stay in the bag.
Copy !req
372. They stay in the bag.
Copy !req
373. Name them.
Copy !req
374. Well, I think you know
one of them already.
Copy !req
375. Prove it.
Copy !req
376. Watergate was on TV.
Copy !req
377. You and your sister
were sitting in front of it,
Copy !req
378. playing a board game, uh,
with little red and, uh...
Copy !req
379. blue plastic pieces.
Copy !req
380. blue plastic pieces.
Copy !req
381. And you wanted
to watch a TV show...
Copy !req
382. the one with Bill Bixby.
Copy !req
383. What the heck
was the name of that thing?
Copy !req
384. How could you know what I said?
Copy !req
385. I was watching...
Copy !req
386. from the window.
Copy !req
387. I was very careful.
Copy !req
388. If that's true,
tell me where my sister is.
Copy !req
389. Pick her out.
Copy !req
390. What?
Copy !req
391. You choose the one
that was your sister,
Copy !req
392. You choose the one
that was your sister,
Copy !req
393. and I'll tell you
where she is.
Copy !req
394. I mean, come on,
it's a fifty-fifty chance.
Copy !req
395. Either way,
I'm giving you a victim.
Copy !req
396. That one?
Copy !req
397. You sure you want that one?
Copy !req
398. No, just kidding. It's...
Copy !req
399. It's a good choice.
Copy !req
400. Mulder...
Copy !req
401. let's get a team out here.
Copy !req
402. Let somebody else do this.
Copy !req
403. Just help me, Scully.
Copy !req
404. Mulder?
Copy !req
405. It's not her, Scully.
Copy !req
406. Am I right?
Copy !req
407. Samantha broke her collarbone
when she was six.
Copy !req
408. It was her
left collarbone.
Copy !req
409. We had a rope swing
out in the backyard.
Copy !req
410. It's not broken, is it?
Copy !req
411. You're right, Mulder.
It's not a match.
Copy !req
412. It's not her.
Copy !req
413. It's somebody though.
Copy !req
414. It's somebody though.
Copy !req
415. You know, like I said,
Copy !req
416. it was a fifty-fifty chance.
Copy !req
417. Tell us the name
of that girl.
Copy !req
418. It was Karen Ann Philiponte.
Copy !req
419. She lived
in a green rancher
Copy !req
420. in East Amherst,
New York.
Copy !req
421. Mint grew outside her window.
Copy !req
422. I stood outside her window
Copy !req
423. atop sprigs of mint.
Copy !req
424. It smelled wonderful.
Copy !req
425. What year?
Copy !req
426. What year?
Copy !req
427. July 1974.
Copy !req
428. I had her mother on the hook
for an Electrovac Argosy.
Copy !req
429. But at the last minute,
she said thanks but no thanks.
Copy !req
430. Oh, well.
Copy !req
431. That's your sister.
Copy !req
432. If that's true, tell me where.
Copy !req
433. If that's true, tell me where.
Copy !req
434. You want to know a lot more
than that, don't you?
Copy !req
435. You want to know everything,
Copy !req
436. The big mystery revealed.
Copy !req
437. Drop the mind games.
Copy !req
438. I can't just tell you.
Copy !req
439. I mean, I know you
don't believe me.
Copy !req
440. You need me to show you,
you need me to lead you through,
Copy !req
441. because after all these years,
Copy !req
442. anything less than that's
not going to satisfy you, right?
Copy !req
443. You just want
to get out of here.
Copy !req
444. You're damn right I do.
Copy !req
445. If only for a day or two.
Copy !req
446. If only for a day or two.
Copy !req
447. I'm realistic.
Copy !req
448. And more than that, I...
Copy !req
449. I can't wait
to see your face.
Copy !req
450. You're going to see the inside
of your cell instead.
Copy !req
451. You're going
to rot there.
Copy !req
452. Let's go.
Copy !req
453. Are you okay?
Copy !req
454. Mulder, the last thing
we should do
Copy !req
455. is give this man
his way on this.
Copy !req
456. If we do, he could
string us along forever.
Copy !req
457. I know you appreciate that.
Copy !req
458. There has to be another way
to come to the truth.
Copy !req
459. Clerk's office.
Copy !req
460. This is Special Agent Fox Mulder
with the FBI.
Copy !req
461. Badge number JTT047101111.
Copy !req
462. Badge number JTT047101111.
Copy !req
463. I need a removal order
for a federal prisoner.
Copy !req
464. Can I use the lavatory?
Copy !req
465. Keep your hands
in your lap.
Copy !req
466. Something to drink?
Copy !req
467. Excuse me.
Copy !req
468. Excuse me.
Copy !req
469. First flight?
Excuse me,
I have to get by here.
Copy !req
470. Yeah.
Could you
just wait one second please?
Copy !req
471. She's really excited.
Copy !req
472. You having fun?
Copy !req
473. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
474. What's your name?
Copy !req
475. Caitlin.
Copy !req
476. What the hell do you mean
Copy !req
477. he checked out Roche?
Copy !req
478. Agent Mulder
convinced the judge
Copy !req
479. that it was
an emergency situation.
Copy !req
480. And where were you
while this was happening?
Copy !req
481. I had left Agent Mulder
for the day.
Copy !req
482. I suggested
that he get some sleep.
Copy !req
483. Sir, I have a clear idea
of where he might have gone,
Copy !req
484. Sir, I have a clear idea
of where he might have gone,
Copy !req
485. and I am sure that I can
catch up with him.
Copy !req
486. I'll be the one
to catch up with him.
Copy !req
487. Where's he headed?
Copy !req
488. Martha's Vineyard.
Copy !req
489. And I would hope that you'd
Copy !req
490. appreciate the uniqueness
of this situation
Copy !req
491. and its effect on Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
492. I fully understand the effect
it has on him, Agent Scully.
Copy !req
493. As I recall,
that was the sum and total
Copy !req
494. of my last words to you
on the subject.
Copy !req
495. You let me down.
Copy !req
496. Let's clean up this mess before
it gets completely out of hand.
Copy !req
497. No one home?
Copy !req
498. I sat on this couch.
Copy !req
499. When your dad bought the vacuum.
Copy !req
500. You're ready?
Copy !req
501. Go.
Copy !req
502. November 27, 1973.
Copy !req
503. I watched the house
for hours.
Copy !req
504. I watched the house
for hours.
Copy !req
505. I parked across the way,
out over there.
Copy !req
506. I was just casing.
Copy !req
507. I wasn't planning
for this to be the night.
Copy !req
508. But then all of a sudden,
your parents leave,
Copy !req
509. and I figure...
Copy !req
510. Where'd they go?
Copy !req
511. House next door.
Copy !req
512. To play pinochle,
I don't know—
Copy !req
513. whatever it was
people did back then.
Copy !req
514. Go on.
So after they're gone,
I get out of my car,
Copy !req
515. and I move closer.
Copy !req
516. And I watched you
and your sister
Copy !req
517. And I watched you
and your sister
Copy !req
518. playing that board game.
Copy !req
519. Little bit after 8:00,
Copy !req
520. I'm about ready.
Copy !req
521. So I move to the junction box.
Copy !req
522. I cut the power,
and the lights go off.
Copy !req
523. And then I moved around
to the front door.
Copy !req
524. And I was ready
to kick the door in,
Copy !req
525. and it was unlocked.
Copy !req
526. It was 1973.
Copy !req
527. It was a different world
back then.
Copy !req
528. Then what did you do?
Copy !req
529. You remember that.
Copy !req
530. I... I came in the front door,
Copy !req
531. I... I came in the front door,
Copy !req
532. and you tried to get
to your father's gun.
Copy !req
533. I give you credit
for that.
Copy !req
534. But then you sort of froze,
and then...
Copy !req
535. I took your sister
away from all this
Copy !req
536. to a happier place.
Copy !req
537. That's exactly how it happened?
Copy !req
538. Right here in this room?
Copy !req
539. Yeah.
Copy !req
540. Wrong house.
Copy !req
541. My father bought this house
Copy !req
542. after he and my mother
Copy !req
543. This house is in West Tisbury.
Copy !req
544. This house is in West Tisbury.
Copy !req
545. The house that Samantha was
abducted from is in Chilmark.
Copy !req
546. That's six miles
from here!
Copy !req
547. You screwed up.
You were never here.
Copy !req
548. You didn't take Samantha.
Copy !req
549. Wishful thinking.
Copy !req
550. No, but I think I
know what happened.
Copy !req
551. Somehow you got
inside my dreams.
Copy !req
552. Come again?
I profiled you.
Copy !req
553. I got inside your head.
Copy !req
554. Maybe you got inside mine.
Copy !req
555. Maybe some nexus or connection
was formed between us.
Copy !req
556. And through that,
Copy !req
557. you got access to my memories
of my sister Samantha
Copy !req
558. and you used them
against me for this.
Copy !req
559. You're just resisting me.
Copy !req
560. And you're in the wrong house,
you stupid son of a bitch!
Copy !req
561. You were never here, you liar!
Copy !req
562. You were never here, you liar!
Copy !req
563. It's geography, man.
It's just geography.
Copy !req
564. It was 23 years ago. That was
geography we're talking about.
Copy !req
565. Yeah, but you remember all
the other details so vividly.
Copy !req
566. That's because you watched it
through my eyes...
Copy !req
567. through my dreams.
Copy !req
568. I hear things about you, Mulder.
Copy !req
569. You know what I heard?
Copy !req
570. I heard you go after aliens...
from space.
Copy !req
571. It's like your world will be
okay as long as you can believe
Copy !req
572. in, like, flying saucers.
Copy !req
573. in, like, flying saucers.
Copy !req
574. But I'm telling you
the God's honest truth.
Copy !req
575. And I can see
you're not as open-minded
Copy !req
576. as you think you are.
Copy !req
577. You must have been
one hell of a salesman, Roche.
Copy !req
578. First flight's
at 6:00 a.m.
Copy !req
579. Why don't you enjoy
your last few hours of freedom.
Copy !req
580. Come on.
Copy !req
581. Fox!
Copy !req
582. Fox!
Copy !req
583. Fox, help!
Copy !req
584. Unlock me!
Copy !req
585. Help!
Copy !req
586. Help me!
Copy !req
587. Fox, help me!
Copy !req
588. Help me!
Copy !req
589. Unlock me! Fox!
Copy !req
590. Fox! Fox, help me!
Copy !req
591. Unlock me!
Copy !req
592. Fox!
Copy !req
593. Mulder?
Copy !req
594. Mulder, open the door!
Copy !req
595. You let Roche go?
Copy !req
596. I must have done it in my sleep.
I had another dream.
Copy !req
597. Why don't you check to see
if anybody saw him leave.
Copy !req
598. He took the last cloth heart.
Copy !req
599. He also took your badge
and your phone.
Copy !req
600. Where's your gun?
Copy !req
601. How do you explain yourself,
Agent Mulder?
Copy !req
602. I don't.
You don't.
Copy !req
603. A predator is loose
because of you.
Copy !req
604. God only knows
how many hours lead he's got.
Copy !req
605. Any idea where
he might be headed?
Copy !req
606. Yeah.
Copy !req
607. Where?
Copy !req
608. Where's your phone?
Copy !req
609. There was a small child
on the plane.
Copy !req
610. What child?
Copy !req
611. Seaboard Air.
Copy !req
612. Yeah, please put me through
to your supervisor.
Copy !req
613. Mulder, what child?
Copy !req
614. This is Special Agent Fox Mulder
Copy !req
615. with the FBI.
Copy !req
616. I'd like a passenger manifest
for Flight 1650
Copy !req
617. from Washington National
to Boston 8:50 p.m. last night.
Copy !req
618. My badge number is JTT...
Copy !req
619. Sir, an Agent Mulder
called ten minutes ago
Copy !req
620. requesting the same information.
Copy !req
621. An Agent Mulder just called
ten minutes ago.
Copy !req
622. An Agent Mulder just called
ten minutes ago.
Copy !req
623. They gave him
the same information.
Copy !req
624. He told me
he was with the FBI.
Copy !req
625. He said her mother
was in an accident.
Copy !req
626. He needed to
take Caitlin.
Copy !req
627. You said
he was a white male?
Copy !req
628. Yeah.
Copy !req
629. About how tall was he?
Copy !req
630. Um, he was about
6'5" or something.
Copy !req
631. He said his name
was Mulder.
Copy !req
632. He had a badge.
Copy !req
633. He said he
was official.
Copy !req
634. Oh, my God,
what have I done?
Copy !req
635. Oh, my God,
what have I done?
Copy !req
636. We sent a unit over
to pick up the girl's mother.
Copy !req
637. She's on
her way down.
Copy !req
638. What am I
going to tell her?
Copy !req
639. It's all my fault.
Copy !req
640. It's not your fault.
Copy !req
641. It's my fault.
Copy !req
642. Sorry, Scully,
you were right.
Copy !req
643. He was playing me
the whole time.
Copy !req
644. You don't think
he took Samantha?
Copy !req
645. None of that
really matters now, does it?
Copy !req
646. Where do you think
he'd take this girl?
Copy !req
647. Would he follow his M.O.
and drive her out of state?
Copy !req
648. Would he follow his M.O.
and drive her out of state?
Copy !req
649. There's no reason for that; he
knows we're going to catch him.
Copy !req
650. He just needs it to be later
rather than sooner.
Copy !req
651. He's going to stay
in the Boston area.
Copy !req
652. He'll be somewhere nearby.
Copy !req
653. Well, how much of a
creature of habit is he?
Copy !req
654. Do you think he'd want to
take her someplace familiar?
Copy !req
655. Try to relive some past glory?
Is that what you're thinking?
Copy !req
656. I don't know. Maybe. What?
Copy !req
657. He lived in Boston in the early
'70s, right?
Copy !req
658. What do you got?
Copy !req
659. Roche's old address
in the area.
Copy !req
660. Revere. 9809 Alice Road,
Copy !req
661. apartment number...
He's there.
Copy !req
662. How do you know?
Copy !req
663. Alice in Wonderland.
He's the Mad Hatter.
Copy !req
664. That's where he got the idea
in the first place.
Copy !req
665. That's where he got the idea
in the first place.
Copy !req
666. All right, let's go!
Copy !req
667. Check the other rooms!
Copy !req
668. I don't think
he brought her here.
Copy !req
669. He never brought anyone here.
Copy !req
670. No one, sir!
Copy !req
671. Go on! Fan out!
Copy !req
672. Find the entrance!
Copy !req
673. I'm coming
to the right side!
Copy !req
674. Take two
with you, Dave!
Copy !req
675. I'm beginning to believe
Copy !req
676. we do share that nexus
you spoke of.
Copy !req
677. You always seem
to find me.
Copy !req
678. Are you okay, Caitlin?
Copy !req
679. Good.
Copy !req
680. My name is Fox.
Copy !req
681. I'm going to take you home.
Copy !req
682. I have your gun, Fox.
Copy !req
683. Caitlin, can you do me a favor?
Copy !req
684. Can you count to 20?
Copy !req
685. Can you do that?
Copy !req
686. Will you close your eyes
Copy !req
687. and count to 20 out loud,
quietly and slowly?
Copy !req
688. One, two...
One, two,
Copy !req
689. three...
Copy !req
690. I will shoot.
Copy !req
691. Don't make this end badly.
Copy !req
692. five, six,
Copy !req
693. seven...
Copy !req
694. You're not giving me
very much choice.
Copy !req
695. I really don't want
to go back to prison.
Copy !req
696. I really don't want
to go back to prison.
Copy !req
697. Put the gun
down, Roche!
Copy !req
698. eleven, twelve...
Copy !req
699. You have one left.
Copy !req
700. I mean, how are you
going to find her without me?
Copy !req
701. How sure are you
it's not Samantha?
Copy !req
702. Huh?
Copy !req
703. sixteen,
Copy !req
704. seventeen...
Copy !req
705. How do you know?
Copy !req
706. eighteen...
Copy !req
707. nineteen...
Copy !req
708. It's okay.
I got you.
Copy !req
709. Get her out of here.
Call an ambulance!
Copy !req
710. Get her out of here.
Call an ambulance!
Copy !req
711. I got back some
lab results.
Copy !req
712. The dye analysis
Copy !req
713. that the fabric
of the last heart
Copy !req
714. was manufactured
between 1969 and 1974.
Copy !req
715. But beyond that,
Copy !req
716. there's nothing more
they can tell us.
Copy !req
717. there's nothing more
they can tell us.
Copy !req
718. Mulder, it's
not Samantha.
Copy !req
719. And whoever that
little girl really is,
Copy !req
720. we'll find her.
Copy !req
721. How?
Copy !req
722. I don't know.
Copy !req
723. But I do know you.
Copy !req
724. Why don't you go on home
and get some sleep.
Copy !req
725. I made this!
Copy !req