1. Charlie!
Copy !req
2. Come on, Charlie.
Copy !req
3. Here you go,
Copy !req
4. Charlie, hey, ice cream.
Copy !req
5. Hey, buddy, you want
some ice cream?
Copy !req
6. Huh?
Copy !req
7. Here, Charlie.
There you go.
Copy !req
8. Here, Charlie.
There you go.
Copy !req
9. Look!
Copy !req
10. There it goes!
Going to Balloon Land.
Copy !req
11. Go bye-bye.
Copy !req
12. Oh, sweetie.
Copy !req
13. Don't cry.
Copy !req
14. Hey, look, here's
some ice cream.
Copy !req
15. Here's some ice cream.
Want some ice cream?
Copy !req
16. Look. Here.
Copy !req
17. Teddy, Teddy.
Copy !req
18. Here's your balloon.
Copy !req
19. Look at that.
Copy !req
20. Oh, such a mess.
Copy !req
21. We're going
to clean you up.
Copy !req
22. Charlie and I
will wait for you.
Copy !req
23. Charlie and I
will wait for you.
Copy !req
24. That was my balloon.
Copy !req
25. Eat your ice cream
before it melts.
Copy !req
26. I don't want
any ice cream.
Copy !req
27. I want my balloon.
Copy !req
28. We'll get you a balloon, okay?
Copy !req
29. No.
Copy !req
30. I want my balloon.
Copy !req
31. Fine. We'll get you
another balloon.
Copy !req
32. That was a waste
of good money.
Copy !req
33. Ooh. There we go.
Copy !req
34. Yes.
Copy !req
35. Okay. Oh.
Copy !req
36. There we go.
Copy !req
37. That's a boy.
Copy !req
38. That's a good boy.
Copy !req
39. Okay.
Copy !req
40. Okay, Teddy,
I'll be right back, okay?
Copy !req
41. Okay.
Copy !req
42. Teddy?
Copy !req
43. Teddy?
Copy !req
44. Teddy?
Copy !req
45. Teddy!
Copy !req
46. Teddy!
Copy !req
47. Teddy!
Copy !req
48. Teddy!
Copy !req
49. Teddy!
Copy !req
50. There's a kid
on the track!
Copy !req
51. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
52. Yeah, over there!
Copy !req
53. Teddy!
Copy !req
54. Teddy!
Copy !req
55. Get away from there!
Copy !req
56. Teddy!
Copy !req
57. Teddy!
Copy !req
58. Teddy, come here!
Copy !req
59. Teddy!
Copy !req
60. Teddy, get off the tracks!
Copy !req
61. No!
Copy !req
62. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
63. Teddy?
Copy !req
64. Maggie.
Copy !req
65. Teddy.
Copy !req
66. Teddy.
Copy !req
67. This photo was
taken at an amusement park
Copy !req
68. three months ago.
Copy !req
69. The young boy in the background
is Teddy Holvey, age two.
Copy !req
70. He was killed just seconds
after this was taken.
Copy !req
71. How?
Copy !req
72. According to
the police report,
Copy !req
73. he wandered onto the tracks
of the park's miniature train.
Copy !req
74. The conductor was
unable to stop
Copy !req
75. due to a malfunction
in the braking system.
Copy !req
76. Teddy's father works
for the State Department,
Copy !req
77. so a coroner's
inquest was held
Copy !req
78. due to the unusual circumstances
surrounding the accident.
Copy !req
79. And did the inquest come up
with anything unusual?
Copy !req
80. And did the inquest come up
with anything unusual?
Copy !req
81. No, no, but the county medical
examiner called me afterwards.
Copy !req
82. He was disturbed by this case
and by this photograph,
Copy !req
83. and I think
with good reason.
Copy !req
84. See, this is
a helium balloon here.
Copy !req
85. And the one thing I did learn
Copy !req
86. in kindergarten is
when you let them go, they float
Copy !req
87. up, up and away.
But, you see,
Copy !req
88. this is moving away
from him horizontally.
Copy !req
89. Did you learn about wind
in kindergarten?
Copy !req
90. Well, I called
the National Weather Service,
Copy !req
91. and they said
on the day that Teddy died,
Copy !req
92. the wind was
blowing north.
Copy !req
93. But, you see,
the balloon is moving south,
Copy !req
94. as if it's being pulled
against the wind.
Copy !req
95. as if it's being pulled
against the wind.
Copy !req
96. Pulled? By whom?
Copy !req
97. I don't know.
That's why I came to Chuck,
Copy !req
98. the king of digital imaging.
Copy !req
99. Chuck can extract
incredibly small details
Copy !req
100. from a simple
photographic print.
Copy !req
101. Not details, information.
Copy !req
102. Watch the monitor.
Copy !req
103. We have limitations
on how much information
Copy !req
104. the eye can
perceive unaided,
Copy !req
105. but with this special software,
which I designed,
Copy !req
106. we can detect
hidden information.
Copy !req
107. We can manipulate it,
enhance it.
Copy !req
108. Now, watch right here.
Copy !req
109. There it is.
Copy !req
110. It's clearly a concentration
of electromagnetic energy.
Copy !req
111. So you're saying that, uh,
a ghost killed Teddy Holvey?
Copy !req
112. Has anyone checked the camera
that took this photo—
Copy !req
113. the lens or the pressure plate?
Copy !req
114. It all checked out, Scully.
Copy !req
115. I think,
from the information here,
Copy !req
116. this is clearly some kind
of poltergeist activity.
Copy !req
117. Mulder, this "information" is
Copy !req
118. Mulder, this "information" is
Copy !req
119. the same reason why you'll see
a newspaper photo
Copy !req
120. with Jesus' face appearing in
the foliage of an elm tree.
Copy !req
121. It's a chance occurrence
of light and shadow.
Copy !req
122. In order to get on those tracks,
Teddy Holvey
Copy !req
123. had to escape this childproof
halter that his mother had
Copy !req
124. tied to a
bathroom sink.
Copy !req
125. I've seen some pretty
slippery two-year-olds.
Copy !req
126. So the CME took it home and
put it on his own two-year-old,
Copy !req
127. and found that it was
physically impossible
Copy !req
128. for the kid to reach around
and free himself.
Copy !req
129. So unless Teddy Holvey was
the reincarnation of Houdini...
Copy !req
130. And that would be
an X File in itself.
Copy !req
131. And that would be
an X File in itself.
Copy !req
132. I don't understand.
Copy !req
133. There's already been
a formal inquest.
Copy !req
134. We're here apart from
that investigation.
Copy !req
135. We have reason to believe
Copy !req
136. something may have
been overlooked.
Copy !req
137. Like what?
Copy !req
138. The possibility
Teddy may have been helped
Copy !req
139. onto the tracks.
Copy !req
140. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
141. There were over
a hundred witnesses.
Copy !req
142. We saw Teddy ourselves.
Copy !req
143. He was chasing
a balloon.
Copy !req
144. He was chasing
a balloon.
Copy !req
145. There was no one
else around.
Copy !req
146. It was an
awful accident,
Copy !req
147. but that's all it
was— an accident.
Copy !req
148. Do you have
any reason to suspect
Copy !req
149. someone may have
wanted to hurt Teddy?
Copy !req
150. He was just a baby.
Copy !req
151. Why would
anybody hurt him?
Copy !req
152. Look, I don't know
what you're getting at.
Copy !req
153. We loved Teddy.
Copy !req
154. If you're suggesting
that this is
Copy !req
155. anything like that woman
who drowned her kids
Copy !req
156. in the lake, you're
way out of line.
Copy !req
157. Mrs. Holvey, did you hear
Copy !req
158. anything in the bathroom
right before Teddy disappeared?
Copy !req
159. anything in the bathroom
right before Teddy disappeared?
Copy !req
160. I already
told the inquest,
Copy !req
161. I heard nothing.
Copy !req
162. Mrs. Holvey,
at the time of the accident,
Copy !req
163. did you have
any hired help?
Copy !req
164. No.
Copy !req
165. My mother came to live with us
once Teddy was born.
Copy !req
166. Around the time
Copy !req
167. of Teddy's death,
had you noticed
Copy !req
168. anything strange
happening around the house—
Copy !req
169. things moved, odd objects
appearing, anything like that?
Copy !req
170. It's that
damn smoke detector.
Copy !req
171. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
172. Ah... does this happen often?
Copy !req
173. It's an old house.
Copy !req
174. We have a problem
with the wiring.
Copy !req
175. Diavol lol.
Copy !req
176. Mother...
Copy !req
177. Diavol lol.
Copy !req
178. Mother, it was just
a false alarm.
Copy !req
179. No!
Copy !req
180. Mother...
Copy !req
181. Ye dracul!
Stop it!
Copy !req
182. Ye dracul!
Stop it!
Copy !req
183. What is she saying?
Copy !req
184. Maggie?
Copy !req
185. You marry a devil...
Copy !req
186. you have devil child!
Copy !req
187. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
188. Do you recognize this?
Copy !req
189. Sure. It's a swastika.
Copy !req
190. It's also known
as a gammadion or a fylfot.
Copy !req
191. It's also known
as a gammadion or a fylfot.
Copy !req
192. It's an ancient symbol
Copy !req
193. used for protection
or good luck.
Copy !req
194. It's been used by various
cultures since the Middle Ages.
Copy !req
195. The Holvey's child had one on
the back of his hand last night.
Copy !req
196. My guess: it was drawn there by
the old lady to protect the boy.
Copy !req
197. You're right;
I saw her drawing it.
Copy !req
198. And you didn't think
that was strange?
Copy !req
199. I think this boy needs as much
protection as he can get,
Copy !req
200. but just not from ghosties
or beasties.
Copy !req
201. Take a look at this.
Copy !req
202. Have you ever heard
of Munchausen by proxy?
Copy !req
203. Yeah. My grandfather used to
take that for his stomach.
Copy !req
204. Yeah. My grandfather used to
take that for his stomach.
Copy !req
205. It's when a parent or caretaker
brings harm to a child
Copy !req
206. by inducing medical symptoms,
Copy !req
207. usually as a way of
getting attention or status.
Copy !req
208. If you take a look at
Teddy Holvey's medical history,
Copy !req
209. you'll see that he was
admitted to various hospitals
Copy !req
210. ten times during the
two years he was alive.
Copy !req
211. That's once every three months.
Copy !req
212. Projectile vomiting
at three months,
Copy !req
213. diarrhea at four months,
vomiting, diarrhea, diarrhea...
Copy !req
214. Each time,
they were unable
Copy !req
215. to determine the cause
of the illness.
Copy !req
216. And no one questioned this?
Copy !req
217. Well, the family
moved a lot
Copy !req
218. Well, the family
moved a lot
Copy !req
219. because of Steve's job.
Copy !req
220. And records take time
to transfer
Copy !req
221. from hospital to hospital.
Copy !req
222. But this kind of abuse
Copy !req
223. is not limited
to just one child,
Copy !req
224. so I checked out
Charlie's history as well.
Copy !req
225. Charlie had
medical problems, too?
Copy !req
226. Since his brother
was born,
Copy !req
227. which is right when
Holvey's mother-in-law moved in.
Copy !req
228. Often the perpetrator
of Munchausen by proxy
Copy !req
229. will view the child as evil.
Copy !req
230. The old woman
Copy !req
231. would be a likely candidate,
Copy !req
232. but it could be
any family member.
Copy !req
233. Do you feel like
taking a walk over
Copy !req
234. Do you feel like
taking a walk over
Copy !req
235. to the
State Department, Scully?
Copy !req
236. Things have been strained
since Golda—
Copy !req
237. my mother-in-law—
moved in with us.
Copy !req
238. I met Maggie in Romania in 1984.
Copy !req
239. Golda forbade
our marriage.
Copy !req
240. Said I was the devil.
Copy !req
241. After I transferred back
to the U.S.,
Copy !req
242. things got somewhat better,
Copy !req
243. until Teddy was born
and she came to live with us.
Copy !req
244. until Teddy was born
and she came to live with us.
Copy !req
245. That's when the strangeness
really started.
Copy !req
246. What kind
of strangeness?
Copy !req
247. Superstitions rule Golda's life.
Copy !req
248. She'll spit when anyone
compliments the kids.
Copy !req
249. When she moved in with us,
Copy !req
250. she started pouring hot water
over the threshold
Copy !req
251. to ward off demons,
Copy !req
252. tying red strings
around the kids' wrists.
Copy !req
253. One day, I caught her throwing
chicken guts on the roof.
Copy !req
254. Then Teddy and Charlie
started getting sick, a lot.
Copy !req
255. And you suspect Golda?
Copy !req
256. And you suspect Golda?
Copy !req
257. She'll call Charlie evil
right to his face.
Copy !req
258. But at the same time,
Copy !req
259. she dotes on him
like she's afraid of him.
Copy !req
260. Afraid of him
Copy !req
261. or for him?
Copy !req
262. I just don't know.
Copy !req
263. Are you familiar
with Munchausen by proxy?
Copy !req
264. Are you accusing us
of child abuse?
Copy !req
265. Teddy's medical records
have raised some questions.
Copy !req
266. I could never
say this to Maggie,
Copy !req
267. but I've wondered
if it wasn't Golda who snuck in
Copy !req
268. but I've wondered
if it wasn't Golda who snuck in
Copy !req
269. and let Teddy out
of the bathroom that day.
Copy !req
270. I'd like to interview
your son Charlie, Mr. Holvey,
Copy !req
271. but with
a professional counselor.
Copy !req
272. Oh, boy.
Copy !req
273. This is going to be hard.
Copy !req
274. Maggie!
Copy !req
275. What do they want,
to take Charlie away from here?
Copy !req
276. They just want him to
talk with a social worker.
Copy !req
277. She's expecting us.
Copy !req
278. Social worker?
Copy !req
279. Social worker?
Copy !req
280. They'll put lies
into Charlie's head.
Copy !req
281. You're being unreasonable.
Copy !req
282. You want to take
him away from me.
Copy !req
283. You blame me for Teddy,
Copy !req
284. and now you want to
take him away from me.
Copy !req
285. I'm not going to listen to this.
This is ridiculous.
Copy !req
286. If you want to come, you can,
but I'm taking Charlie now.
Copy !req
287. No, Steven!
He's my son, too.
Copy !req
288. What was that?
Copy !req
289. Come on, Charlie.
Copy !req
290. Let's get your coat.
Copy !req
291. You have no right
to do this.
Copy !req
292. Maggie.
Copy !req
293. Come on.
Copy !req
294. Come on.
Copy !req
295. We'll meet you
out front.
Copy !req
296. Okay, you buckled
in there?
Copy !req
297. Okay, you buckled
in there?
Copy !req
298. Yeah.
Copy !req
299. Good.
Copy !req
300. Damn it.
Copy !req
301. No! Don't!
Copy !req
302. Daddy!
Copy !req
303. No!
Copy !req
304. No! Daddy!
Copy !req
305. No!
Copy !req
306. Daddy!
Copy !req
307. Mulder.
Copy !req
308. Daddy!
Copy !req
309. No!
Copy !req
310. Daddy!
Copy !req
311. No!
Copy !req
312. Daddy! Daddy!
Copy !req
313. You see this?
Copy !req
314. Find anything?
Copy !req
315. Yeah, maybe.
Copy !req
316. Looks like ash.
Copy !req
317. Yeah.
Copy !req
318. It's everywhere.
Copy !req
319. Look at this.
Copy !req
320. Well, the Holveys said
earlier that they had
Copy !req
321. some problems with the
wiring of the house.
Copy !req
322. It could be from the
motor shorting out.
Copy !req
323. No, I checked the motor;
it's working fine.
Copy !req
324. What do you think it is?
Copy !req
325. I don't know, but
I'm going to have this analyzed.
Copy !req
326. Well, before we do
anything, I think we should
Copy !req
327. get Charlie out
of this house.
Copy !req
328. I just put a call in to a social
worker who's going to come down
Copy !req
329. and make a report.
Copy !req
330. The courts are reluctant
to intervene in these matters.
Copy !req
331. The courts are reluctant
to intervene in these matters.
Copy !req
332. Not when a child
is in danger,
Copy !req
333. and not after they
see two dead roosters
Copy !req
334. in the old
woman's bedroom.
Copy !req
335. Really?
Copy !req
336. Oh, you still think this is
Munchausen by proxy, Scully?
Copy !req
337. Without a doubt.
Copy !req
338. What did you do?
Copy !req
339. I didn't do anything.
Copy !req
340. Stay away
Copy !req
341. from our house!
Copy !req
342. Hey, you want to see
something weird?
Copy !req
343. What?
Copy !req
344. Chem-lab analysis of the
ash from the Holvey's house.
Copy !req
345. No trace of any metal,
no carbon, no oxygen,
Copy !req
346. no nothing.
Copy !req
347. What do you mean?
Copy !req
348. It contains nothing
organic or inorganic.
Copy !req
349. In fact,
according to the technicians,
Copy !req
350. this ash doesn't exist.
Copy !req
351. Come on.
Copy !req
352. Where are we going?
Copy !req
353. To get a second opinion.
Copy !req
354. Oh, wow.
Copy !req
355. Haven't seen this for awhile.
Copy !req
356. Not since India, 1979.
Copy !req
357. India?
Copy !req
358. Before Chuck succumbed
to the glamours of academia,
Copy !req
359. he did a tour of duty
on the old hippie trail.
Copy !req
360. It's called vibhuti— holy ash.
Copy !req
361. Technically,
it's known as an apport—
Copy !req
362. something that materializes
out of thin air.
Copy !req
363. Wait a second, nothing just
materializes out of thin air.
Copy !req
364. You've read the Bible?
Copy !req
365. You remember the story
about Jesus
Copy !req
366. You remember the story
about Jesus
Copy !req
367. creating the loaves
and fishes?
Copy !req
368. Yeah, but that was a parable.
Copy !req
369. In 1979, I witnessed a guru
named Sai Baba
Copy !req
370. create an entire feast
out of thin air.
Copy !req
371. Too bad you didn't
take a picture.
Copy !req
372. You could've run it
through your computer
Copy !req
373. and seen the entire Last Supper.
Copy !req
374. Vibhuti is created
Copy !req
375. during the presence
of spirit beings
Copy !req
376. or during bilocation,
which is a phenomenon
Copy !req
377. where a person's energy
is transported
Copy !req
378. to a different location.
Copy !req
379. That energy could have been
Copy !req
380. what set off
the garage door opener.
Copy !req
381. what set off
the garage door opener.
Copy !req
382. Yeah.
Yeah, that or
Copy !req
383. somebody activated
the remote control.
Copy !req
384. Well, who are you suggesting
did that?
Copy !req
385. Well, who was standing outside
Copy !req
386. when the garage door opened
unexpectedly on us yesterday?
Copy !req
387. The old lady.
Copy !req
388. And Charlie.
Copy !req
389. Mrs. Holvey?
Copy !req
390. My name is Karen Kosseff.
Copy !req
391. I'm a social worker
with the FBI.
Copy !req
392. I've been instructed
to file a report for the court.
Copy !req
393. May I come in?
Copy !req
394. No.
Copy !req
395. Please, I've already
had enough trouble.
Copy !req
396. I understand, Mrs. Holvey,
but if you won't talk to me,
Copy !req
397. I'm going to have
to put that in the report,
Copy !req
398. and it could very well
complicate your situation.
Copy !req
399. Mommy!
Copy !req
400. Charlie?
Copy !req
401. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
402. Charlie? It's okay,
Charlie. It's okay.
Copy !req
403. It's okay, Charlie.
It's okay.
Copy !req
404. He's been sick.
Copy !req
405. My mother was supposed
to be looking after him.
Copy !req
406. Mother! Mother!
Copy !req
407. Get out of my house.
Copy !req
408. Get out!
Copy !req
409. I have had enough, Mother.
Copy !req
410. I have had enough, Mother.
Copy !req
411. I want you out of my house.
Copy !req
412. No!
Copy !req
413. Mama! Mama!
Copy !req
414. Mama!
Copy !req
415. Agent Scully, the grandmother's
taken the child!
Copy !req
416. She's locked him
in the room with her!
Copy !req
417. She may have a knife!
Copy !req
418. She may have a knife!
Copy !req
419. I've called 911.
Copy !req
420. What happened?
Copy !req
421. There were three strange men.
Copy !req
422. They were performing
some kind of ritual.
Copy !req
423. No! No, Nana!
Copy !req
424. Mihai, mihai, mihai...
Copy !req
425. Mihai, mihai, mihai...
Copy !req
426. It is the only way.
Copy !req
427. Nana, no!
Copy !req
428. Mama!
Copy !req
429. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
430. Mama!
Copy !req
431. Mama! Mama!
Copy !req
432. Did you talk
to Charlie?
Copy !req
433. He says he doesn't
remember anything.
Copy !req
434. Now, the coroner's
preliminary report states
Copy !req
435. that she died of a heart attack,
but those wounds, Mulder—
Copy !req
436. I'd swear it looked like
her eyes were pecked out.
Copy !req
437. I'd swear it looked like
her eyes were pecked out.
Copy !req
438. Well, there was more ash
on the floor
Copy !req
439. beneath the old woman's body,
and look at this.
Copy !req
440. What is it?
Copy !req
441. It's mugwort.
Copy !req
442. I think it's a
ceremonial herb.
Copy !req
443. You think this was
a ritual killing?
Copy !req
444. No, the reverse swastika
on the window
Copy !req
445. and the red string
around Charlie's wrist—
Copy !req
446. those are protective devices.
Copy !req
447. Protection against what?
Copy !req
448. I don't know.
Copy !req
449. But I think the old woman
knew the family was in trouble
Copy !req
450. and those men were here
doing a ritual to help her.
Copy !req
451. I told you before,
get out of my house!
Copy !req
452. I am not interested
in your superstition.
Copy !req
453. Now get out! Now!
Copy !req
454. Mrs. Holvey?
Copy !req
455. It's all right.
Copy !req
456. Who are they?
Copy !req
457. They are the Calusari.
Copy !req
458. In Romania,
they are responsible
Copy !req
459. for the correct observance
of sacred rites.
Copy !req
460. What did he say?
Copy !req
461. He said it's not over.
Copy !req
462. The evil is still here.
Copy !req
463. Excuse me.
Copy !req
464. Sir, can I have
a word with you?
Copy !req
465. Sir, I'm with
the FBI.
Copy !req
466. I'd like to ask you
some questions.
Copy !req
467. You were trying to protect
the family, weren't you?
Copy !req
468. You said there was
still evil here.
Copy !req
469. Sir, I can arrest you
if I have to.
Copy !req
470. The evil that is here
has always been.
Copy !req
471. It has gone by different
names through history—
Copy !req
472. Cain, Lucifer, Hitler.
Copy !req
473. It does not care
Copy !req
474. if it kills one boy
or a million men.
Copy !req
475. If you try to stop us,
Copy !req
476. the blood will be
on your hands.
Copy !req
477. Mrs. Holvey?
Copy !req
478. I know this is
a difficult time,
Copy !req
479. but there are some questions
that need to be answered.
Copy !req
480. My mother used to say
that evil follows evil.
Copy !req
481. My mother used to say
that evil follows evil.
Copy !req
482. Once someone
suffers a misfortune,
Copy !req
483. they'll always
have bad luck.
Copy !req
484. I used to think that
was just a superstition.
Copy !req
485. Now I don't know
what to believe.
Copy !req
486. I blamed her, you know?
Copy !req
487. For all that's happened.
Copy !req
488. I thought maybe she was putting
a curse on us to punish me.
Copy !req
489. Punish you for what?
Copy !req
490. Punish you for what?
Copy !req
491. For abandoning the old ways.
Copy !req
492. I was raised to believe,
as she did, in spirits—
Copy !req
493. the unseen world.
Copy !req
494. When I married Steve
and came to this country,
Copy !req
495. I left all that behind.
Copy !req
496. Do you know
what kind of ceremony
Copy !req
497. she was performing upstairs?
Copy !req
498. She was trying
to cleanse the house of evil.
Copy !req
499. She was trying
to cleanse the house of evil.
Copy !req
500. She thought Charlie
was responsible somehow.
Copy !req
501. How could he be responsible
for all this horror?
Copy !req
502. He's just a little boy.
Copy !req
503. I think
we should talk to Charlie
Copy !req
504. and find out what happened
in your mother's bedroom.
Copy !req
505. Charlie? I was told
they found you
Copy !req
506. in your grandmother's
room yesterday.
Copy !req
507. Can you tell me
about it?
Copy !req
508. Do you remember
how you got there?
Copy !req
509. No.
Copy !req
510. Your mother said
you were there.
Copy !req
511. Don't you remember?
Copy !req
512. I wasn't there.
Copy !req
513. I wasn't there.
Copy !req
514. Many people saw you in the room.
Copy !req
515. It wasn't me!
Copy !req
516. I wasn't there!
Copy !req
517. It wasn't me!
Copy !req
518. Who was in the room?
Copy !req
519. No!
Copy !req
520. Was there
someone else in the room?
Copy !req
521. No!
I didn't hurt her!
Copy !req
522. Charlie, Charlie!
Copy !req
523. Who hurt your grand...?
Copy !req
524. It was him!
Copy !req
525. Who, Charlie, who?
Copy !req
526. It was Michael!
Copy !req
527. Michael!
Copy !req
528. Michael!
Copy !req
529. Mrs. Holvey?
Copy !req
530. We never told him.
Copy !req
531. We never told him.
Copy !req
532. It was agreed upon.
Copy !req
533. It was our secret.
Copy !req
534. What secret,
Mrs. Holvey?
Copy !req
535. What are you
talking about?
Copy !req
536. Michael...
Copy !req
537. he was Charlie's twin.
Copy !req
538. He was stillborn.
Copy !req
539. Steven and I agreed
never to tell Charlie about it.
Copy !req
540. My mother...
Copy !req
541. My mother...
Copy !req
542. she wanted to perform
the ritual of separation
Copy !req
543. when she heard
of Michael's death,
Copy !req
544. to divide their souls.
Copy !req
545. She said if we didn't,
Copy !req
546. the world of the dead
would follow Charlie.
Copy !req
547. But it was just
Copy !req
548. a superstition.
Copy !req
549. I need your help!
Copy !req
550. Charlie?
Copy !req
551. He's having
some kind of seizure!
Copy !req
552. Don't restrain him.
Copy !req
553. Let's turn him
on his side
Copy !req
554. so he doesn't aspirate.
Copy !req
555. so he doesn't aspirate.
Copy !req
556. Charlie, you're going
to be okay.
Copy !req
557. WOMAN
X-ray technician to ICU.
Copy !req
558. X-ray technician to ICU.
Copy !req
559. How's Charlie?
Copy !req
560. He's resting.
Copy !req
561. How's Mrs. Holvey?
Copy !req
562. I'm amazed she hasn't
broken down completely.
Copy !req
563. She's in the waiting room
trying to get some sleep.
Copy !req
564. The doctor said that Charlie
had some kind of a seizure,
Copy !req
565. but they've been unable
to determine the cause.
Copy !req
566. Oh, I'm sorry, Charlie.
Copy !req
567. I didn't mean
to scare you.
Copy !req
568. I'm Nurse Castor.
Copy !req
569. Now, I'm just going
to give you
Copy !req
570. a little something
to help you sleep.
Copy !req
571. a little something
to help you sleep.
Copy !req
572. No, I don't want a shot!
I know, but that's
what happens
Copy !req
573. when you spit out
your medicine.
Copy !req
574. We have to give it
to you some other way.
Copy !req
575. No!
Now, Charlie,
I just want you to relax.
Copy !req
576. It's not going to hurt.
Copy !req
577. And afterwards
I'll give you a sticker.
Leave me alone!
Copy !req
578. Charlie, it'll just
be a little pinch.
Copy !req
579. Now, I want you
to relax.
Copy !req
580. Stop it!
Copy !req
581. Charlie, now,
I want you to...
Copy !req
582. Leave me alone!
Copy !req
583. Charlie,
I want you to behave.
Copy !req
584. Just relax.
Copy !req
585. No! Don't do it!
Copy !req
586. Don't do it!
Copy !req
587. No, Michael!
Copy !req
588. Michael, don't!
Copy !req
589. Michael, don't!
Copy !req
590. Mommy?
Copy !req
591. I want to go home now.
Copy !req
592. Charlie?
Copy !req
593. Charlie?
Copy !req
594. What are you doing up?
Copy !req
595. Why are you dressed?
Copy !req
596. They said I could
go home now.
Copy !req
597. Who said that?
Copy !req
598. The doctors.
Copy !req
599. They said I could leave.
Copy !req
600. All right, then.
Copy !req
601. Let's just get your coat
and we'll talk to the doctors.
Copy !req
602. No, Mommy.
Copy !req
603. Let's just go home...
Copy !req
604. now.
Copy !req
605. Okay, Charlie.
Copy !req
606. We'll go straight home.
Copy !req
607. What are you looking at?
Copy !req
608. Is that Mrs. Holvey?
Copy !req
609. Where?
Copy !req
610. There.
Copy !req
611. I think she's got
Charlie with her.
Copy !req
612. Nurse!
Copy !req
613. Are you all right?
Copy !req
614. He hit me.
Copy !req
615. Who, Charlie?
Copy !req
616. No, not him,
the other one.
Copy !req
617. There were two of them—
two... two boys.
Copy !req
618. We got to get to
Mrs. Holvey's house.
Copy !req
619. Why?
That boy you saw
Copy !req
620. leaving with Mrs. Holvey,
that wasn't Charlie.
Copy !req
621. You're saying Mrs. Holvey
left here with a ghost?
Copy !req
622. A spirit, a ghost,
I'm not sure,
Copy !req
623. but it's what we saw in
the photograph, it's what
Copy !req
624. the old woman was trying
to protect the family from.
Copy !req
625. But, Mulder...
Whatever it is, it's
killed three people.
Copy !req
626. And you've got to get
to Mrs. Holvey's
Copy !req
627. before it happens again.
Copy !req
628. What are you going to do?
Copy !req
629. Get help.
Copy !req
630. There you go, Charlie.
Copy !req
631. Aren't you going
to have some?
Copy !req
632. No, dear.
I'm not hungry.
Copy !req
633. No, dear.
I'm not hungry.
Copy !req
634. Tomorrow, we can
go to the park.
Copy !req
635. Yes. Sure.
Copy !req
636. Can I have a balloon?
Copy !req
637. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
638. Can we ride the train, Mommy?
Copy !req
639. Now, you finish up,
Copy !req
640. and Mommy will be
right back, okay?
Copy !req
641. Please, God,
don't let it be true.
Copy !req
642. What are you doing,
Copy !req
643. What are you doing,
Copy !req
644. Mommy...
Copy !req
645. Guard the door.
Copy !req
646. Mrs. Holvey?
Copy !req
647. Hello?
Copy !req
648. Come, hold him down!
Copy !req
649. Don't look at him!
Copy !req
650. Look away,
or it will recognize you!
Copy !req
651. Charlie?
Copy !req
652. Mommy?
Copy !req
653. It hurts!
Copy !req
654. Do not let go!
Copy !req
655. Do not let go!
Copy !req
656. He tricks you!
Copy !req
657. Are you all right?
Copy !req
658. Charlie?
Copy !req
659. Let the boy rest.
Copy !req
660. We must find the mother.
Copy !req
661. The boy needs her.
Copy !req
662. The boy needs her.
Copy !req
663. Scully, you all right?
Copy !req
664. I'm okay.
Copy !req
665. How's Charlie?
Copy !req
666. Charlie!
Copy !req
667. Hello, sweetie.
Copy !req
668. Charlie.
Copy !req
669. Charlie.
Copy !req
670. It is over, for now.
Copy !req
671. But you must be careful.
Copy !req
672. It knows you.
Copy !req
673. The strange case
of Charlie Holvey
Copy !req
674. and the deaths that occurred
during his possession
Copy !req
675. by a dark and malevolent force
are unsolved.
Copy !req
676. by a dark and malevolent force
are unsolved.
Copy !req
677. The boy, who will celebrate
his tenth birthday next month,
Copy !req
678. remains under the watchful care
of his mother.
Copy !req
679. And though I believe him
innocent of the crimes,
Copy !req
680. I am disturbed by the warnings
of the Calusari,
Copy !req
681. that neither innocence
nor vigilance may be protection
Copy !req
682. against the howling heart
of evil.
Copy !req
683. I made this!
Copy !req