1. Oh, Daddy, cut it out.
Copy !req
2. I knew it
was you, Dad.
Copy !req
3. Quit picking
on your brother.
Copy !req
4. Remember he loves you.
Copy !req
5. No, I don't.
Copy !req
6. I'm glad you're
back home, Dad.
Copy !req
7. Ah, not as glad as I am.
Copy !req
8. Did you see a lot of
weird stuff this year?
Copy !req
9. Yup, it was
the weirdest show ever.
Copy !req
10. But right now,
your mother thinks
Copy !req
11. you guys are
getting ready for bed.
Copy !req
12. And if she comes out here
and finds you guys
Copy !req
13. still in the pool,
she's gonna kill me.
Copy !req
14. So, come on, out of the pool.
Copy !req
15. Aw, Dad.
Copy !req
16. Quit your whining.
Copy !req
17. Come on,
or no bedtime story.
Copy !req
18. Come on,
or no bedtime story.
Copy !req
19. Out you go. That's it.
Copy !req
20. We don't even
have school tomorrow.
Copy !req
21. What the hell?
Copy !req
22. What happened to him?
Copy !req
23. Nothing you can ascertain
from that photograph.
Copy !req
24. The victim suffered
from ichthyosis—
Copy !req
25. a congenital skin disease
characterized by
Copy !req
26. the shedding of the epidermis
in the form of scales.
Copy !req
27. This shows the entry wound
of the undetermined weapon.
Copy !req
28. There were no other injuries
inflicted upon the body,
Copy !req
29. no internal organs removed
and/or cannibalized,
Copy !req
30. and there's no signs of
any sexual molestation either.
Copy !req
31. That's 48 attacks
Copy !req
32. over the last 28 years,
Copy !req
33. occurring in every state in
the continental U.S. almost—
Copy !req
34. occurring in every state in
the continental U.S. almost—
Copy !req
35. the first in Oregon and
the last five in Florida.
Copy !req
36. The victims range from
all different age groups,
Copy !req
37. races, both male and female.
Copy !req
38. Mutilations appear
so motiveless
Copy !req
39. that one would suspect
some form of ritual,
Copy !req
40. yet they adhere
to no known cult.
Copy !req
41. A lone serial killer
would have been expected
Copy !req
42. to escalate the level of
violence of his attacks
Copy !req
43. over such an extended
period of time.
Copy !req
44. So what do you
think, Scully?
Copy !req
45. What are your initial thoughts?
Copy !req
46. Imagine going through
your whole life
Copy !req
47. Imagine going through
your whole life
Copy !req
48. looking like this.
Copy !req
49. "The Lord is my shepherd.
Copy !req
50. "I shall not want.
Copy !req
51. "He maketh me to lie down
in green pastures.
Copy !req
52. "He leadeth me
beside the still waters.
Copy !req
53. "He restoreth my soul.
Copy !req
54. "He leadeth me in the paths
of righteousness
Copy !req
55. "for his name's sake.
Copy !req
56. "Yea, though I walk
through the valley
Copy !req
57. "Yea, though I walk
through the valley
Copy !req
58. "of the shadow of death,
Copy !req
59. "I will fear no evil,
for thou art with me.
Copy !req
60. "Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.
Copy !req
61. "Thou preparest
a table before me
Copy !req
62. "in the presence
of mine enemies.
Copy !req
63. "Thou anointest
my head with oil.
Copy !req
64. "My cup runneth over.
Copy !req
65. "Surely, goodness and mercy
Copy !req
66. "shall follow me
all the days of my life,
Copy !req
67. and I will dwell in the house
of the Lord forever."
Copy !req
68. and I will dwell in the house
of the Lord forever."
Copy !req
69. We are gathered here today
Copy !req
70. to mourn the passing
of Jerald Glazebrook,
Copy !req
71. beloved husband, father, friend
Copy !req
72. and entertainer.
Copy !req
73. We mourn not only
the passing of a man
Copy !req
74. who overcame the obstacles
of his earthly incarnation,
Copy !req
75. but also the passing of the love
Copy !req
76. that dwelled within
his all-too-human heart.
Copy !req
77. We mourn the passing
Copy !req
78. of the admiration
and the respect
Copy !req
79. of the admiration
and the respect
Copy !req
80. he instilled in all of
his professional colleagues.
Copy !req
81. We mourn the passing of
the laughter and the enjoyment
Copy !req
82. he brought each audience
who saw him.
Copy !req
83. For although Jerry
Copy !req
84. was a world-renowned
escape artist,
Copy !req
85. there is one strongbox from
which none of us can escape.
Copy !req
86. Help.
Copy !req
87. Not having known
the deceased personally,
Copy !req
88. I'm in no position
to perform a proper eulogy.
Copy !req
89. I'm sure he was a nice guy,
et cetera, et cetera.
Copy !req
90. But as an admirer
of the man's work,
Copy !req
91. But as an admirer
of the man's work,
Copy !req
92. I am in a position
Copy !req
93. to perform an impromptu tribute
in his honor—
Copy !req
94. namely, ramming this spike
into my chest!
Copy !req
95. Are you crazy?
Copy !req
96. Don't you have any
respect at all?
Copy !req
97. I think I hit
my left ventricle!
Copy !req
98. This is a funeral!
Copy !req
99. Get back, fascist!
Copy !req
100. Get him out of here!
Copy !req
101. You're awful!
Copy !req
102. I can't wait
for the wake.
Copy !req
103. On his ViCAP form,
Copy !req
104. On his ViCAP form,
Copy !req
105. Jerald Glazebrook's occupation
was listed as "artist."
Copy !req
106. Jerry was an artist, the best
escape artist since Houdini.
Copy !req
107. He should have been
headlining Vegas,
Copy !req
108. but his skin condition
Copy !req
109. kept him on the
sideshow circuit.
Copy !req
110. I guess I didn't realize
Copy !req
111. that sideshows were still
in existence.
Copy !req
112. There are about two or
three of them still around.
Copy !req
113. I got the impression
that Glazebrook
Copy !req
114. wasn't the only sideshow
performer residing here.
Copy !req
115. The town was founded
back in the '20s
Copy !req
116. when some of Barnum
& Bailey's troupes
Copy !req
117. started coming down here
during the winter off-seasons.
Copy !req
118. You know, this town's history
Copy !req
119. might help explain
our case's history.
Copy !req
120. might help explain
our case's history.
Copy !req
121. A sideshow performer
Copy !req
122. would have toured much of
the country over the years.
Copy !req
123. And their isolation
from everyday society
Copy !req
124. caused by their
physical deformities
Copy !req
125. could have built up
pathological resentments
Copy !req
126. so intense that murder might...
Copy !req
127. Now, now, hold on a second.
Copy !req
128. Around here, we refer to them
as "very special people."
Copy !req
129. Now, some of them may be
different on the outside,
Copy !req
130. but it's what inside
that counts.
Copy !req
131. And on the inside,
they're as normal as anybody.
Copy !req
132. Until their arrests,
many serial killers
Copy !req
133. are considered by their friends
and family to be quite normal.
Copy !req
134. are considered by their friends
and family to be quite normal.
Copy !req
135. If you truly regard
these people as normal,
Copy !req
136. then you must also consider
the possibility
Copy !req
137. that they are capable
of committing these crimes.
Copy !req
138. It's just been my experience
Copy !req
139. that other people
have a harder time
Copy !req
140. accepting
these people's deformities
Copy !req
141. than they do themselves.
Copy !req
142. Sheriff, what is this?
Copy !req
143. This design here—
Copy !req
144. it's, uh, copyrighted
by Hepcat Helm.
Copy !req
145. Is that a local artist?
Copy !req
146. A bit too local.
Copy !req
147. His workplace is right
behind my station house.
Copy !req
148. Do you think
that we could meet Hepcat?
Copy !req
149. Do you think
that we could meet Hepcat?
Copy !req
150. Hepcat! Hepcat!
Copy !req
151. Who are the rubes?
Copy !req
152. These are FBI Agents
Scully and Mulder.
Copy !req
153. This is Hepcat Helm.
Copy !req
154. He operates
a carnival fun house.
Copy !req
155. Oh, man, how many times have
I told you not to call it that?
Copy !req
156. Oh, man, how many times have
I told you not to call it that?
Copy !req
157. It's not some
rinky-dink carny ride.
Copy !req
158. People go through it,
they don't have fun.
Copy !req
159. They get the hell
scared out of them.
Copy !req
160. It's not a fun house.
Copy !req
161. It's a tabernacle
of terror.
Copy !req
162. It's a fun house.
Copy !req
163. Mr. Helm, I wanted to ask you
about this menu illustration.
Copy !req
164. I recognize most of the
historical portraits
Copy !req
165. you've drawn here,
but what's this here?
Copy !req
166. It's the Feejee Mermaid.
Copy !req
167. Is that
what that thing is?
Copy !req
168. What's the Feejee Mermaid?
Copy !req
169. The Feejee Mermaid.
Copy !req
170. The Feejee Mermaid.
Copy !req
171. It's the Feejee Mermaid.
Copy !req
172. It's a bit of humbug
Barnum pulled
Copy !req
173. in the last century.
Copy !req
174. Barnum billed it
as a real live mermaid,
Copy !req
175. but when people
went in to see it,
Copy !req
176. all they saw
was a real dead monkey
Copy !req
177. sewn on the tail of a fish.
Copy !req
178. It was a monkey?
Copy !req
179. A mummified monkey.
Copy !req
180. It supposedly looked so bad,
Copy !req
181. he had to exhibit it
as a "genuine fake."
Copy !req
182. Oh, but, see,
that's why Barnum was a genius.
Copy !req
183. You never know
where the truth ends
Copy !req
184. and the humbug begins.
Copy !req
185. and the humbug begins.
Copy !req
186. He came right out
and said,
Copy !req
187. "This Feejee Mermaid thing
is just a bunch of B.S."
Copy !req
188. That just made people want
to go and see it even more.
Copy !req
189. So, I mean, who knows?
Copy !req
190. Maybe for box-office reasons,
Barnum hawked it as a hoax,
Copy !req
191. when in reality...
Copy !req
192. The Feejee Mermaid
was a reality.
Copy !req
193. Sheriff, we're gonna need to
find a place to stay tonight.
Copy !req
194. There are lodgings
right across the way,
Copy !req
195. but, uh, what's
all this about?
Copy !req
196. These tracks were found
Copy !req
197. at several of the past
few crime scenes.
Copy !req
198. at several of the past
few crime scenes.
Copy !req
199. They've defied
exact identification,
Copy !req
200. but one expert speculated
Copy !req
201. that they might be
simian in nature.
Copy !req
202. You don't mean to tell me
you think these tracks
Copy !req
203. were made by
the Feejee Mermaid?
Copy !req
204. Do you recall what Barnum
said about suckers?
Copy !req
205. Tell me, have you done much
circus work in your life?
Copy !req
206. And what makes you think
I've ever spectated a circus,
Copy !req
207. much less been
enslaved by one?
Copy !req
208. I know that many of
the citizens here
Copy !req
209. are former circus hands,
and I just thought that...
Copy !req
210. You thought that because I am
a person of short stature
Copy !req
211. that the only career
I could procure for myself
Copy !req
212. would be one confined
to the so-called big top.
Copy !req
213. You took one
quick look at me
Copy !req
214. and decided that you could
deduce my entire life.
Copy !req
215. Never would it
have occurred to you
Copy !req
216. Never would it
have occurred to you
Copy !req
217. that a person of my height
Copy !req
218. could have possibly
obtained a degree
Copy !req
219. in hotel management.
Copy !req
220. I'm sorry. I
meant no offense.
Copy !req
221. Well, then why should
I take offense?
Copy !req
222. Just because it's human nature
Copy !req
223. to make instantaneous
judgments of others
Copy !req
224. based solely upon
their physical appearances?
Copy !req
225. Why, I've done the same thing
to you, for example.
Copy !req
226. I've taken in your
all-American features,
Copy !req
227. your dour demeanor, your
unimaginative necktie design,
Copy !req
228. and concluded that you work
for the government.
Copy !req
229. and concluded that you work
for the government.
Copy !req
230. An FBI agent.
Copy !req
231. But do you see
the tragedy here?
Copy !req
232. I have mistakenly reduced you
to a stereotype— a caricature—
Copy !req
233. instead of regarding you as
a specific, unique individual.
Copy !req
234. But I am an FBI agent.
Copy !req
235. Register here, please.
Copy !req
236. Tell me, have you done
Copy !req
237. Tell me, have you done
Copy !req
238. much circus work
in your life?
Copy !req
239. I was on the stage
for most of my life.
Copy !req
240. I was a headliner.
Copy !req
241. Did it not bother you
to have people staring at you?
Copy !req
242. Best work I ever had.
Copy !req
243. All I had to do
was stand there.
Copy !req
244. Occasionally, I'd say,
"Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
245. "I'd like you to meet
my brother Leonard.
Copy !req
246. Excuse him. He's
a little shy."
Copy !req
247. Big laughs, I tell
you, big laughs.
Copy !req
248. Why'd you give it up?
Copy !req
249. Why'd you give it up?
Copy !req
250. Mr. Nutt, the kindhearted
manager here,
Copy !req
251. convinced me that
to make a living
Copy !req
252. by publicly displaying my
deformity lacked dignity.
Copy !req
253. So now I carry other
people's luggage.
Copy !req
254. I believe these
are your trailers.
Copy !req
255. If they are not,
then I am wrong.
Copy !req
256. Oh.
Copy !req
257. That's most considerate.
Copy !req
258. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
259. Thank you very much.
Copy !req
260. Good night.
Copy !req
261. Sleep tight.
Copy !req
262. Don't let the bedbugs bite.
Copy !req
263. No. No, that-that's not
what I meant.
Copy !req
264. I-I didn't mean to imply
we had bedbugs.
Copy !req
265. I-I meant to say, "Don't let...
don't let the..."
Copy !req
266. The Feejee Mermaids bite.
Copy !req
267. Yes, that's right.
Copy !req
268. The Feejee Mermaids.
Copy !req
269. That's right. That-that's...
Copy !req
270. that-that's exactly...
Copy !req
271. Mulder, what is this
Feejee Mermaid business?
Copy !req
272. Mulder, what is this
Feejee Mermaid business?
Copy !req
273. Every murder
Copy !req
274. begins with a list
of possible suspects.
Copy !req
275. You should try not to be
so exclusive, Scully.
Copy !req
276. As long as you try
Copy !req
277. not to let the atmosphere
of this town
Copy !req
278. distort your list
all out of proportion.
Copy !req
279. What the hell?
Copy !req
280. Uh, ma'am...
Copy !req
281. Sheriff, he, uh,
Copy !req
282. wants to see you.
Copy !req
283. There's been another murder.
Copy !req
284. Hey, Scully, there's some blood
on the window here
Copy !req
285. we should send to the lab.
Copy !req
286. Why run a test on
the victim's blood?
Copy !req
287. No, not this window.
Copy !req
288. No, not this window.
Copy !req
289. This window.
Copy !req
290. This seems to be
the point of entry,
Copy !req
291. and there's a...
Copy !req
292. smear of blood
on the outside of the window.
Copy !req
293. Why would there be blood
before the attack?
Copy !req
294. Why didn't the attacker
just come through the open door?
Copy !req
295. For a person to crawl
in and out of these windows,
Copy !req
296. they'd have to be
a contortionist
Copy !req
297. or just plain crazy.
Copy !req
298. Or both.
Copy !req
299. While they're
performing the autopsy,
Copy !req
300. I want to go down to the...
Copy !req
301. Yes!
Copy !req
302. How many people do you know
Copy !req
303. that can get out
of a straitjacket
Copy !req
304. in under three minutes?
Copy !req
305. Fortunately, none.
Copy !req
306. We caught your act
yesterday at the funeral.
Copy !req
307. That was some trick
with the railroad spike.
Copy !req
308. Dr. Blockhead
does not perform "tricks."
Copy !req
309. Dr. Blockhead performs
Copy !req
310. astounding acts
of body manipulation
Copy !req
311. and pain endurance.
Copy !req
312. and pain endurance.
Copy !req
313. You must be one of
those rare individuals
Copy !req
314. whose nerve endings
don't register pain.
Copy !req
315. You just keep
telling yourself that.
Copy !req
316. Have you ever performed
this, uh, act on anyone else?
Copy !req
317. What, are you sick?
Copy !req
318. I tell my audiences
that if they're stupid enough
Copy !req
319. to try this themselves,
Copy !req
320. they'll end up
with a slight lobotomy.
Copy !req
321. I am a professional.
Copy !req
322. Exactly how does one
become a professional blockhead?
Copy !req
323. Exactly how does one
become a professional blockhead?
Copy !req
324. May I?
Copy !req
325. Starting in my homeland
of Yemen,
Copy !req
326. I studied with yogis,
Copy !req
327. fakirs and swamis,
Copy !req
328. learning the ancient arts
of body manipulation.
Copy !req
329. But most men know
nothing of these arts.
Copy !req
330. For instance,
did you know that
Copy !req
331. through the protective Chinese
practice of Tiea Bu Shan,
Copy !req
332. you can train your testicles
to draw up into your abdomen?
Copy !req
333. Oh, I'm doing that as we speak.
Copy !req
334. I saw him this morning
down by the river.
Copy !req
335. He was eating a fish.
Copy !req
336. He knows
between-show snacks
Copy !req
337. will ruin his appetite.
Copy !req
338. will ruin his appetite.
Copy !req
339. I could be mistaken.
Copy !req
340. Maybe it was
another bald-headed
Copy !req
341. jigsaw puzzle-tattooed
naked guy I saw.
Copy !req
342. Is this man also
a body manipulator?
Copy !req
343. No, in the classical sense,
The Conundrum's a geek.
Copy !req
344. He eats live animals.
Copy !req
345. DR.
He eats anything—
Copy !req
346. live animals,
dead animals,
Copy !req
347. rocks, lightbulbs,
Copy !req
348. corkscrews,
battery cables, cranberries...
Copy !req
349. Human flesh?
Copy !req
350. Only The Conundrum
can answer that question,
Copy !req
351. but he doesn't answer questions.
Copy !req
352. He merely poses them.
Copy !req
353. When an audience partakes
Copy !req
354. When an audience partakes
Copy !req
355. in The Conundrum's
human piranha act,
Copy !req
356. they are left
to ask themselves...
Copy !req
357. why.
Copy !req
358. But... where are my manners?
Copy !req
359. Thank you.
Copy !req
360. It's an old
sleight of hand
Copy !req
361. my uncle once taught me.
Copy !req
362. He was only an
amateur magician,
Copy !req
363. but he was still
better than those two.
Copy !req
364. Well, I'm going over to the lab
to see if they can test
Copy !req
365. the blood on the window
against the blood
Copy !req
366. on Dr. Blockhead's nail.
Copy !req
367. Everybody's uncle is
an amateur magician.
Copy !req
368. Welcome to my museum.
Copy !req
369. May I put to rest any questions
you may have conjured?
Copy !req
370. I was just reading
Copy !req
371. about the fascinating life
of Chang and Eng,
Copy !req
372. and wondering if their death
was just as fascinating.
Copy !req
373. Oh, very much so.
Copy !req
374. On a cold January eve in 1874,
Copy !req
375. Eng awoke to find his brother
had passed away
Copy !req
376. during the course
of the night.
Copy !req
377. A few hours later,
Copy !req
378. Eng himself departed
from this world.
Copy !req
379. Now, these facts themselves
may be less than fascinating,
Copy !req
380. but imagine...
imagine being Eng
Copy !req
381. and lying there,
Copy !req
382. knowing that essentially
half your body was now dead,
Copy !req
383. that the rest
must inevitably follow,
Copy !req
384. and being able to do about it
absolutely nothing.
Copy !req
385. and being able to do about it
absolutely nothing.
Copy !req
386. At the autopsy,
it was officially concluded
Copy !req
387. that Chang died
of a cerebral hemorrhage.
Copy !req
388. What was the official cause
of Eng's death?
Copy !req
389. Fright.
Copy !req
390. Do you have any information
on Blockhead or geek acts?
Copy !req
391. This is an historical collection
on human curiosities.
Copy !req
392. Blockheads are
skilled performers.
Copy !req
393. Like magicians?
Copy !req
394. Like sword
Copy !req
395. who really do
swallow swords.
Copy !req
396. Geeks are neither skilled
nor curiosities.
Copy !req
397. Geeks are neither skilled
nor curiosities.
Copy !req
398. They're merely unseemly,
Copy !req
399. not even attaining
the level of gaffs.
Copy !req
400. Gaffs?
Copy !req
401. Observe closely
the dissimilarity
Copy !req
402. of the facial features.
Copy !req
403. Conjoined twins are
always identical.
Copy !req
404. These gentlemen are
phonies— gaffs.
Copy !req
405. Sort of like
the Feejee Mermaid?
Copy !req
406. You're investigating
Copy !req
407. the Alligator Man's
murder, yes?
Copy !req
408. I have something I believe
you might find of some interest.
Copy !req
409. I have something I believe
you might find of some interest.
Copy !req
410. What does this have to do
with the Glazebrook murders?
Copy !req
411. I've recently
come into possession
Copy !req
412. of an authentic
P.T. Barnum exhibit.
Copy !req
413. Now, I don't show this display
to all my customers—
Copy !req
414. only those with the intellectual
curiosity to appreciate it.
Copy !req
415. Barnum billed it
as "the great unknown."
Copy !req
416. I must first ask of you
two favors—
Copy !req
417. tell no soul
what you witness in here.
Copy !req
418. And the second favor?
Copy !req
419. And the second favor?
Copy !req
420. An additional donation
of five dollars.
Copy !req
421. Does Agent Scully know
Copy !req
422. that you're under
her crawl space?
Copy !req
423. that you're under
her crawl space?
Copy !req
424. I was merely repairing
the plumbing on this unit.
Copy !req
425. I know what you're thinking,
my friend,
Copy !req
426. but you are
grossly mistaken.
Copy !req
427. Just because I'm not
of so-called average height
Copy !req
428. does not mean I must receive
my thrills vicariously.
Copy !req
429. Not all women
are attracted
Copy !req
430. to overly tall, lanky men
such as yourself.
Copy !req
431. You'd be surprised
how many women
Copy !req
432. find my size
intriguingly alluring.
Copy !req
433. And you'd be surprised
how many men do as well.
Copy !req
434. Oh, it's you.
Copy !req
435. Is Mr. Nutt finished
with the plumbing?
Copy !req
436. The blood from the window
matched the blood from the nail,
Copy !req
437. but they were both O-positive.
Copy !req
438. They've been sent
for further analysis.
Copy !req
439. I ran a background check
on Dr. Blockhead.
Copy !req
440. His real name is Jeffrey Swaim,
and he wasn't born in Yemen.
Copy !req
441. He was born
in Milwaukee.
Copy !req
442. He does not hold
a doctorate.
Copy !req
443. He does not hold
a doctorate.
Copy !req
444. Well, I ended up running a bit
of a background check myself.
Copy !req
445. On who?
Copy !req
446. On an orphan
Copy !req
447. discovered in the wild forest
of Albania in 1943.
Copy !req
448. "Although physically adept
at catching his own food,
Copy !req
449. "he could not speak a word,
save for a few savage grunts.
Copy !req
450. "Brought to this country,
Copy !req
451. "he was exhibited
behind a locked cage
Copy !req
452. "necessitated
by his feral ferocity,
Copy !req
453. "where he would
terrify onlookers
Copy !req
454. by devouring
chunks of raw meat."
Copy !req
455. However, for reasons
I could not ascertain,
Copy !req
456. However, for reasons
I could not ascertain,
Copy !req
457. he ran away from the circus
and spent
Copy !req
458. a vague number of years
mysteriously roaming about,
Copy !req
459. supporting himself through
a number of nondescript jobs.
Copy !req
460. Eventually,
he wound up in Gibsonton,
Copy !req
461. where he took up a career
in law enforcement
Copy !req
462. and has spent the past
four terms serving as sheriff.
Copy !req
463. You're talking about
Sheriff Hamilton?
Copy !req
464. I'm telling you that before
becoming Sheriff Hamilton,
Copy !req
465. James Hamilton was Jim-Jim,
The Dog-Faced Boy.
Copy !req
466. You know, Scully,
Copy !req
467. hypertrichosis does not
connote lycanthropy.
Copy !req
468. What are you implying?
Copy !req
469. We're being highly
discriminatory here.
Copy !req
470. Just because a man
was once afflicted
Copy !req
471. with excessive hairiness,
we've no reason to suspect him
Copy !req
472. of aberrant behavior.
Copy !req
473. It's like assuming guilt
Copy !req
474. based solely on skin color,
isn't it?
Copy !req
475. Yeah.
Copy !req
476. May I ask
what you're doing?
Copy !req
477. We're exhuming...
Copy !req
478. your potato.
Copy !req
479. May I ask why?
Copy !req
480. May I ask why?
Copy !req
481. Sheriff, it-it's
been documented
Copy !req
482. that many serial
killers possess
Copy !req
483. a fascination
with police work—
Copy !req
484. some of them even holding
positions on their local force.
Copy !req
485. So surveillance of
investigation team members
Copy !req
486. is often utilized
as a precautionary...
Copy !req
487. We found out you used to be
a dog-faced boy.
Copy !req
488. Boy, look how skinny
I was back then.
Copy !req
489. Boy, look how skinny
I was back then.
Copy !req
490. So that is you.
Copy !req
491. Oh, sure. I spent the first half
of my life as Jim-Jim.
Copy !req
492. Then one morning, I noticed
a bald spot on top of my head,
Copy !req
493. and realized I wasn't
only losing my hair,
Copy !req
494. but my career as well.
Copy !req
495. Eventually, all the hair went.
Copy !req
496. On top of my head, anyways.
Copy !req
497. The rest of my body
is still pretty hairy,
Copy !req
498. which is why I never go
to the beach.
Copy !req
499. It doesn't quite
explain the potato.
Copy !req
500. I got, uh,
some warts on my hand.
Copy !req
501. That doesn't quite
explain the potato.
Copy !req
502. To get rid of warts,
Copy !req
503. To get rid of warts,
Copy !req
504. you rub a sliced potato
on your hand
Copy !req
505. and bury it
under a full moon.
Copy !req
506. Investigation isn't going
too well, is it?
Copy !req
507. So, tell me, Commodore,
why are the weirdos
Copy !req
508. the only ones that pay
their rent checks in advance?
Copy !req
509. I warn you, you
tattooed cretin,
Copy !req
510. I have a licensed firearm,
and I'm more than eager
Copy !req
511. for an opportunity
to use it.
Copy !req
512. I found him.
Copy !req
513. He's dead. He's dead.
Copy !req
514. Lanny says
all the doors and windows
Copy !req
515. were locked
from the inside.
Copy !req
516. Scully, come here!
Copy !req
517. Scully, come here!
Copy !req
518. He was like
a brother to me.
Copy !req
519. I don't know if
a contortionist
Copy !req
520. could get through that
doggie door, Scully,
Copy !req
521. but look at this.
Copy !req
522. Lanny! Lanny!
Copy !req
523. Take it easy.
Copy !req
524. You're gonna
hurt yourself.
Copy !req
525. So what?
Copy !req
526. So you might
hurt me in the process.
Copy !req
527. He gets this way
Copy !req
528. I'll have to toss him
in the drunk tank.
Copy !req
529. I'll have to toss him
in the drunk tank.
Copy !req
530. We'll take Jeffrey
Swaim into custody.
Copy !req
531. Come on, Lanny, let's go.
Copy !req
532. You know, Mulder,
Copy !req
533. for a while there,
I was beginning to suspect
Copy !req
534. this case involved
something a bit more, um...
Copy !req
535. Freakish?
Copy !req
536. You really shouldn't complain
about banality, Scully,
Copy !req
537. when your main suspect
is the human blockhead.
Copy !req
538. It's open!
Copy !req
539. Mr. Swaim,
federal agents.
Copy !req
540. We're here to...
Copy !req
541. We're here to...
Copy !req
542. It's a variation
Copy !req
543. of an American Indian
sun dance ritual.
Copy !req
544. I suspend myself
by these hooks,
Copy !req
545. and the pain
becomes so unbearable,
Copy !req
546. I leave my body.
Copy !req
547. If people knew
the true price of spirituality,
Copy !req
548. there'd be more atheists.
Copy !req
549. Mr. Swaim, we're here
to take you into custody
Copy !req
550. to question you about
some recent murders.
Copy !req
551. I don't answer any questions
till I talk to my lawyer.
Copy !req
552. Who's your lawyer?
Copy !req
553. I represent myself.
Copy !req
554. Sir, if you're going
to be uncooperative,
Copy !req
555. Sir, if you're going
to be uncooperative,
Copy !req
556. I'll have to
handcuff you.
Copy !req
557. What gives you fascists
the right to do that?
Copy !req
558. Did I not mention
we're federal agents?
Copy !req
559. Did I not mention
I'm an escape artist?
Copy !req
560. Whoa!
Copy !req
561. Mulder, are you okay?
Copy !req
562. It's more comfortable
than a futon.
Copy !req
563. Hey, look
what I caught.
Copy !req
564. Ouch!
Copy !req
565. What the hell?
Copy !req
566. No! No...!
Copy !req
567. No!
Copy !req
568. This has all the makings
Copy !req
569. of one of those
mistaken identity
Copy !req
570. miscarriage of
justice things
Copy !req
571. that prove so popular
on 60 minutes.
Copy !req
572. Does this
belong to you?
Copy !req
573. The Fifth Amendment
Copy !req
574. of our beloved
Constitution says...
Copy !req
575. What is that?
Copy !req
576. It's Lanny
in the drunk tank.
Copy !req
577. He'll be all right
once he sleeps it off.
Copy !req
578. No, I don't think
he's gonna sleep this one off.
Copy !req
579. There's been
another attack.
Copy !req
580. How could
anyone have gotten in there?
Copy !req
581. No one got in,
but someone got out.
Copy !req
582. What are you
talking about?
Copy !req
583. I'm not sure
myself, Mulder,
Copy !req
584. but I think we'll know more
when we find Leonard.
Copy !req
585. Leonard?
Copy !req
586. Lanny's brother.
Copy !req
587. Oh, God,
they extracted the twin.
Copy !req
588. No. The twin
extracted itself.
Copy !req
589. But it's an appendage.
Copy !req
590. Yeah. Mulder,
this wound is identical
Copy !req
591. to the other victims' wounds,
with one exception.
Copy !req
592. He's not bleeding.
Copy !req
593. If you're trying to tell me
his twin brother can
Copy !req
594. crawl out of his body and then
go gallivanting around town,
Copy !req
595. you're as drunk as he is.
Copy !req
596. You said it yourself, Sheriff.
Copy !req
597. It's what's inside that counts.
Copy !req
598. I have a feeling that Lanny
has an internal anomaly
Copy !req
599. I have a feeling that Lanny
has an internal anomaly
Copy !req
600. that allows his conjoining twin
to disjoin.
Copy !req
601. But how? H-How?
Copy !req
602. How... how
could I turn him in
Copy !req
603. without turning myself in?
Copy !req
604. Lanny, why does he attack
other people?
Copy !req
605. I don't think he knows
he's harming anyone.
Copy !req
606. He's merely seeking...
Copy !req
607. another brother.
Copy !req
608. Are you in pain, Lanny?
Copy !req
609. Are you in pain, Lanny?
Copy !req
610. It hurts.
Copy !req
611. It hurts not to be wanted.
Copy !req
612. I don't know why he hates me so.
Copy !req
613. I've taken care of him
for all of our lives.
Copy !req
614. Maybe that is the reason why.
Copy !req
615. How long can he survive
outside of your body?
Copy !req
616. Long enough...
Copy !req
617. Long enough...
Copy !req
618. to understand that you cannot
change the way you were born.
Copy !req
619. Don't worry.
Copy !req
620. He'll come back.
Copy !req
621. He always does.
Copy !req
622. I'm still his only brother.
Copy !req
623. Sheriff, we're gonna
need the paramedics.
Copy !req
624. Scully, you're the
medical expert.
Copy !req
625. If you think the twin
can disengage, I believe you,
Copy !req
626. If you think the twin
can disengage, I believe you,
Copy !req
627. but how mobile could
such a thing be?
Copy !req
628. Too mobile.
Copy !req
629. So, your twin, can, uh...
Copy !req
630. and then...
Copy !req
631. What an act!
Copy !req
632. I'll cover the back.
Copy !req
633. Freeze!
Copy !req
634. The fun house.
Copy !req
635. I thought I heard
a shot fired.
Copy !req
636. I think we better
go outside
Copy !req
637. and catch this thing
coming out.
Copy !req
638. It's the manager's dog.
Copy !req
639. The trailer park.
Copy !req
640. You all right?
Copy !req
641. Have you seen
a, uh... uh...
Copy !req
642. Check out the area
behind that trailer.
Copy !req
643. And let me know
what you find.
Copy !req
644. All right.
Copy !req
645. Now, you're sure it was the twin
you saw running around here?
Copy !req
646. I mean, maybe it was
the Feejee Mermaid,
Copy !req
647. and he jumped
back in the river
Copy !req
648. and swum his way
back to Fiji.
Copy !req
649. Now you know how I feel.
Copy !req
650. You're taking off?
Are you kidding?
Copy !req
651. With that thing
still on the loose?
Copy !req
652. They've been searching
for it all day.
Copy !req
653. It can't have sustained
itself for this long.
Copy !req
654. It'll probably try to crawl
back up into its brother.
Copy !req
655. No, his brother Lanny
died last night.
Copy !req
656. I already performed
the autopsy on him this morning.
Copy !req
657. So I guess it's true— you
can never go home again.
Copy !req
658. His body wounds were nonfatal.
Copy !req
659. He died as a result of advanced
cirrhosis of the liver.
Copy !req
660. Oh, there's a moral
to the story.
Copy !req
661. Lay off the booze.
Copy !req
662. Lay off the booze.
Copy !req
663. Well, his body possesses
some anatomical discrepancies—
Copy !req
664. some offshoots
of the esophagus and trachea—
Copy !req
665. that almost seem
umbilical in nature.
Copy !req
666. I've never seen
anything like it.
Copy !req
667. And you never
will again.
Copy !req
668. 21st century genetic engineering
will not only eradicate
Copy !req
669. the Siamese twins and the
alligator-skinned people,
Copy !req
670. but you're gonna be hard-pressed
to find a slight overbite
Copy !req
671. or a not-so-high
Copy !req
672. You see, I've
seen the future,
Copy !req
673. and the future looks
just like him.
Copy !req
674. Imagine going through your
whole life looking like that.
Copy !req
675. Imagine going through your
whole life looking like that.
Copy !req
676. That's why it's left up
to self-made freaks
Copy !req
677. like me and The Conundrum
to remind people.
Copy !req
678. Remind people of what?
Copy !req
679. Nature abhors normality.
Copy !req
680. It can't go very long
without creating a mutant.
Copy !req
681. You know why?
Copy !req
682. No. Why?
Copy !req
683. I don't either. It's a mystery.
Copy !req
684. Maybe some mysteries
are never meant to be solved.
Copy !req
685. What's the matter
with your friend?
Copy !req
686. I don't know what
his problem is.
Copy !req
687. I don't know what
his problem is.
Copy !req
688. Maybe it's the
Florida heat.
Copy !req
689. Hope it's
nothing serious.
Copy !req
690. Probably something I ate.
Copy !req
691. I made this!
Copy !req