1. Your turn.
Copy !req
2. Jack?
Copy !req
3. Honey?
Copy !req
4. Are you still feeling sick?
Copy !req
5. What's the matter with you?
Copy !req
6. Can't you hear
the baby is crying?
Copy !req
7. How about
some cereal, honey, hmm?
Copy !req
8. You were having those
awful dreams again last night.
Copy !req
9. I didn't sleep long enough
to be dreaming.
Copy !req
10. I want you to go to the doctor.
Copy !req
11. I want you to go to the doctor.
Copy !req
12. Find out
what's wrong.
Copy !req
13. Will you do that?
Copy !req
14. I'd just like
to eat my breakfast in peace!
Copy !req
15. Do you think that's possible?
Copy !req
16. Jack, what is it?
Copy !req
17. Jack, what is it?
Copy !req
18. Private John McAlpin—
Copy !req
19. one of the few, the proud...
the dead.
Copy !req
20. Last week,
Copy !req
21. he wrapped his car around
a tree, died on impact.
Copy !req
22. Drug and alcohol tests
Copy !req
23. came back negative.
Copy !req
24. And car shows no evidence
Copy !req
25. of brake, steering
or any other mechanical failure.
Copy !req
26. Military is calling it
a suicide.
Copy !req
27. They're especially
concerned because
Copy !req
28. it's the second one
in as many weeks.
Copy !req
29. Both at the same base?
Copy !req
30. Yeah, except it's not
exactly a base.
Copy !req
31. Flip to the back.
Copy !req
32. Flip to the back.
Copy !req
33. The marines were
all stationed
Copy !req
34. at the Folkstone Processing
Center in North Carolina.
Copy !req
35. More than 12,000 refugees
Copy !req
36. waiting for asylum
from Uncle Sam.
Copy !req
37. Wasn't there a riot there
about a month ago?
Copy !req
38. Yeah. A ten-year-old boy
was killed,
Copy !req
39. but the details of his death
were never released.
Copy !req
40. Why did the military contact us?
Copy !req
41. They didn't.
Copy !req
42. Mrs. McAlpin
contacted the Bureau
Copy !req
43. when the military refused
her request to investigate
Copy !req
44. her husband's
death further.
Copy !req
45. She doesn't believe
it was suicide.
Copy !req
46. There.
Copy !req
47. This is the tree
Copy !req
48. that stopped
Private McAlpin's car.
Copy !req
49. State police reported
there's graffiti on the bark.
Copy !req
50. Looks like some kind
of ritual symbol.
Copy !req
51. Most of the refugees
at Folkstone are Haitian.
Copy !req
52. Most of the refugees
at Folkstone are Haitian.
Copy !req
53. Mrs. McAlpin
believes voodoo
Copy !req
54. was behind her
husband's death?
Copy !req
55. Mrs. McAlpin
doesn't believe
Copy !req
56. her husband
killed himself.
Copy !req
57. She wants
to know who did.
Copy !req
58. MRS.
Jack used to tell these jokes.
Copy !req
59. Well, they were
pretty dumb, I guess,
Copy !req
60. but the way he told them
Copy !req
61. always made me laugh.
Copy !req
62. always made me laugh.
Copy !req
63. Then he got transferred
to the camp,
Copy !req
64. and nothing was
very funny anymore.
Copy !req
65. Did he ever discuss with you
what went on there,
Copy !req
66. what his duties included?
Copy !req
67. No. He'd just come home angry.
Copy !req
68. Mostly at himself,
Copy !req
69. though sometimes
he'd turn it on Luke and me.
Copy !req
70. Was he ever treated
for depression or stress?
Copy !req
71. No, I tried getting him
to talk to someone,
Copy !req
72. even our minister.
Copy !req
73. But Jack believed
Copy !req
74. in dealing with
his own problems.
Copy !req
75. Did he believe in voodoo?
Copy !req
76. Did he believe in voodoo?
Copy !req
77. The Marines,
his family and football—
Copy !req
78. pretty much sums up
everything Jack believed in.
Copy !req
79. So, when did you first think
that his death involved
Copy !req
80. something out of the ordinary?
Copy !req
81. One of the boys
in his squad told me
Copy !req
82. what they found at the accident,
Copy !req
83. and he said it was
some kind of voodoo curse—
Copy !req
84. the same one
they found on the stool
Copy !req
85. the same one
they found on the stool
Copy !req
86. that Puerto Rican boy used
Copy !req
87. to hang himself.
Copy !req
88. Who told you that?
Copy !req
89. Harry Dunham.
Copy !req
90. He's from New Orleans,
Copy !req
91. so he's pretty superstitious
about that type of thing.
Copy !req
92. What about you?
Copy !req
93. My husband had just died,
Copy !req
94. so I didn't give it
much thought either way.
Copy !req
95. Not until Luke dug this up
out of his sandbox.
Copy !req
96. I know it sounds crazy,
me worrying about all this.
Copy !req
97. The truth is, I'm scared.
Copy !req
98. I'm scared for my child.
Copy !req
99. And I just don't know
what to do anymore.
Copy !req
100. It's, uh, down there
on the right, sir.
Copy !req
101. It's, uh, down there
on the right, sir.
Copy !req
102. Go! Go! Get away!
Get out of here!
Copy !req
103. Go! Go! Get away!
Copy !req
104. Go! Go!
Copy !req
105. He's crazy.
Copy !req
106. Too much rum.
Copy !req
107. For such a pretty lady,
Copy !req
108. it's dangerous out here.
Copy !req
109. You need something
Copy !req
110. pour vous gardez—
Copy !req
111. for protection.
Copy !req
112. for protection.
Copy !req
113. Your lucky charm.
Copy !req
114. Come on, Mulder.
Copy !req
115. How much?
Copy !req
116. Five... I mean, ten.
Copy !req
117. I'll give you five.
Copy !req
118. Okay.
Copy !req
119. Let's go, Mulder.
Copy !req
120. No, you should always
carry protection. Hold on.
Copy !req
121. There you go.
Copy !req
122. I'm still not clear just what
it is you're investigating here.
Copy !req
123. Two of your men have died
in the past two weeks,
Copy !req
124. allegedly of
self-inflicted injuries.
Copy !req
125. allegedly of
self-inflicted injuries.
Copy !req
126. And I've taken
every measure
Copy !req
127. to see it doesn't
happen again.
Copy !req
128. I've even flown in
Copy !req
129. the 528th Combat Stress
Control Detachment
Copy !req
130. from Camp Lejeune.
Copy !req
131. But your soldiers
Copy !req
132. aren't in combat.
Copy !req
133. In some ways,
Copy !req
134. what we're dealing with
here is worse.
Copy !req
135. How so?
Copy !req
136. We're soldiers.
Copy !req
137. We're not prison guards.
Copy !req
138. And we're being asked to police
Copy !req
139. a hostile population
of foreigners
Copy !req
140. without the resources
to feed or house them.
Copy !req
141. There are bound
to be some conflicts.
Copy !req
142. So your men
are getting the brunt
Copy !req
143. of the refugees' frustration?
Copy !req
144. of the refugees' frustration?
Copy !req
145. It's hatred, plain and simple.
Copy !req
146. They hate us.
Copy !req
147. And all I can do
Copy !req
148. is see that they're processed
Copy !req
149. as efficiently as possible.
Copy !req
150. Colonel Wharton, a, uh...
Copy !req
151. a certain ritual sign
was found at the scene
Copy !req
152. of both deaths.
Copy !req
153. Is there anything you
can tell us about that?
Copy !req
154. Not much.
Copy !req
155. Apparently, it's some sort
of voodoo marking.
Copy !req
156. But you haven't investigated
it as a possibility.
Copy !req
157. Possibility of what?
Copy !req
158. Possibility of what?
Copy !req
159. All I know is voodoo
caused a riot in my camp.
Copy !req
160. One night, they held
some secret ceremony.
Copy !req
161. The next day,
all hell broke loose.
Copy !req
162. We understand a refugee
was killed— a young boy.
Copy !req
163. No one felt that tragedy
more deeply than me.
Copy !req
164. Fortunately, I was able
to isolate the one responsible
Copy !req
165. for instigating all the trouble.
Copy !req
166. Who would that be?
Copy !req
167. His name is Bauvais.
Copy !req
168. Pierre Bauvais.
Copy !req
169. Thinks he's some kind
of revolutionary.
Copy !req
170. Thinks he's some kind
of revolutionary.
Copy !req
171. You think we could
speak with him?
Copy !req
172. If you don't mind listening
Copy !req
173. to his laundry list
of complaints.
Copy !req
174. I'd also like to examine
Private McAlpin's body.
Copy !req
175. I have a signed consent
from his wife.
Copy !req
176. Private Dunham
Copy !req
177. will help you both
with whatever you need.
Copy !req
178. Cause of death
was no great mystery.
Copy !req
179. That boy was doing 60
when he hit the tree.
Copy !req
180. So they pronounced
him at the scene?
Copy !req
181. Well, his head was hanging
on his shoulders
Copy !req
182. like a broken peony,
Copy !req
183. and he had no respiratory
or cardiac functioning.
Copy !req
184. I saw no reason to conduct
an autopsy then; I still don't.
Copy !req
185. Well, you can see
for yourself.
Copy !req
186. What kind of a sick
joke is this?
Copy !req
187. Jackson?
Copy !req
188. Who the hell's
been in here?
Copy !req
189. Someone's tampered
with McAlpin's body,
Copy !req
190. Someone's tampered
with McAlpin's body,
Copy !req
191. and I want to know who!
Copy !req
192. You're Harry Dunham?
Copy !req
193. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
194. You knew
Private McAlpin?
Copy !req
195. His wife said
you were friends.
Copy !req
196. We were
in the same squad.
Copy !req
197. Any idea why he might
have killed himself?
Copy !req
198. I can't say, sir.
Copy !req
199. Can't say or
you won't say?
Copy !req
200. I'll be right here
if you need me.
Copy !req
201. My name is Mulder.
Copy !req
202. I'm with the FBI.
Copy !req
203. I was hoping
you could answer some questions
Copy !req
204. about the two U.S. Marines
who took their own lives.
Copy !req
205. It is a terrible shame.
Copy !req
206. I'm not convinced
it's as simple as that.
Copy !req
207. You do not believe
I was involved in this, do you?
Copy !req
208. How could I be...
Copy !req
209. How could I be...
Copy !req
210. when they keep me
locked up in here?
Copy !req
211. You tell me.
Copy !req
212. These photographs were taken
at the sites of both deaths.
Copy !req
213. The shell was found buried
Copy !req
214. under one of
the soldiers' homes.
Copy !req
215. Can you tell me
about the symbol?
Copy !req
216. Why?
Copy !req
217. What do you expect
to learn from this?
Copy !req
218. Just the truth.
Copy !req
219. One of the marines
left behind a wife.
Copy !req
220. She's too frightened
to even mourn.
Copy !req
221. She's too frightened
to even mourn.
Copy !req
222. She deserves some peace of mind.
Copy !req
223. It is the Loco-Miroir,
Copy !req
224. the crossroads
between the two worlds—
Copy !req
225. the mirror in which a man
must confront his true self.
Copy !req
226. These marines...
Copy !req
227. maybe they didn't like
what they saw.
Copy !req
228. Colonel Wharton says
you incited the riot last month.
Copy !req
229. Colonel Wharton says
you incited the riot last month.
Copy !req
230. My country was born
on the blood of slaves.
Copy !req
231. Freedom is
our most sacred legacy.
Copy !req
232. Does that mean you'd kill
to preserve it?
Copy !req
233. Wharton will not
let us return home...
Copy !req
234. which is all we ask.
Copy !req
235. Mulder, I need
to speak with you.
Copy !req
236. She's come
to tell you
Copy !req
237. the marine is gone.
Copy !req
238. How did you know?
Copy !req
239. How did you know?
Copy !req
240. It's the spirits.
Copy !req
241. Loa have warned you.
Copy !req
242. Somebody stole McAlpin's body
Copy !req
243. and replaced it with
what looks like a dog's corpse.
Copy !req
244. They will only
warn you once.
Copy !req
245. After that,
no magic can save you.
Copy !req
246. Come on, Scully.
Let's go.
Copy !req
247. So what do you think
happened to Private McAlpin?
Copy !req
248. Somehow, Bauvais must have
switched the bodies.
Copy !req
249. It's quite a trick,
considering he's been
Copy !req
250. confined for the last month.
Copy !req
251. Well, then he had
somebody else do it.
Copy !req
252. But you said there was
no trace evidence,
Copy !req
253. and security is practically
impossible to breach.
Copy !req
254. I was only suggesting
Copy !req
255. that whoever did it
was clever and thorough,
Copy !req
256. I wasn't suggesting that
some kind of spirit did it.
Copy !req
257. Well, just in case.
Copy !req
258. I believe
in covering my bases.
Copy !req
259. I believe
in covering my bases.
Copy !req
260. Mulder, voodoo only works
Copy !req
261. by instilling fear
in its believers.
Copy !req
262. You saw how Bauvais
tried to intimidate me.
Copy !req
263. I'll admit the power
of suggestion is considerable,
Copy !req
264. but this is no more magic
than a pair
Copy !req
265. of fuzzy dice.
Copy !req
266. Scully, look out!
Copy !req
267. Hey.
Copy !req
268. Private McAlpin?
Copy !req
269. Private McAlpin?
Copy !req
270. He's nonverbal,
Copy !req
271. nonresponsive to voice,
touch or pain.
Copy !req
272. The neurologists suspect
Copy !req
273. he suffered a severe
concussion in the crash
Copy !req
274. resulting in amnesia.
Copy !req
275. It's a
plausible diagnosis.
Copy !req
276. Only, I'm more interested
in how he came back to life.
Copy !req
277. Well, obviously he never left.
Copy !req
278. Dr. Foyle made a gross mistake
Copy !req
279. when he signed
the death certificate.
Copy !req
280. It's not the first time
something like that's happened.
Copy !req
281. Did you get a copy
of the blood test?
Copy !req
282. Yeah.
Copy !req
283. Electrolytes, white and red
counts are all normal.
Copy !req
284. Electrolytes, white and red
counts are all normal.
Copy !req
285. Except, this is strange.
Copy !req
286. The lab detected trace levels
of tetrodotoxin in his blood.
Copy !req
287. That's a poison
found in the liver
Copy !req
288. and reproductive organs
of puffer fish—
Copy !req
289. a Japanese delicacy.
Copy !req
290. Only, I get the feeling
that Private McAlpin
Copy !req
291. didn't frequent
too many sushi bars.
Copy !req
292. You have a theory
how it got into his blood?
Copy !req
293. What do you know about zombies?
Copy !req
294. I hope you don't intend
to tell Robin McAlpin
Copy !req
295. that she married one.
Copy !req
296. In 1982, a Harvard ethnobotanist
Copy !req
297. named Wade Davis did extensive
field research in Haiti
Copy !req
298. named Wade Davis did extensive
field research in Haiti
Copy !req
299. on the zombification phenomenon.
Copy !req
300. He analyzed several samples
of zombie powder
Copy !req
301. prepared by voodoo priests,
Copy !req
302. and he found tetrodotoxin
to be common to all of them.
Copy !req
303. But, Mulder,
it's a lethal poison.
Copy !req
304. No, but in small
enough doses,
Copy !req
305. it can cause paralysis
Copy !req
306. and depress cardiorespiratory
activities to such a low level
Copy !req
307. that the victim
might appear clinically dead.
Copy !req
308. Well, zombie or not,
Jack McAlpin is alive.
Copy !req
309. Exactly. Which is
what makes me wonder
Copy !req
310. about the other marine
who allegedly killed himself.
Copy !req
311. Why would they bury
Private Guttierez here?
Copy !req
312. They beat you to it.
Copy !req
313. You're the FBI,
aren't you?
Copy !req
314. Stay.
Copy !req
315. Stay.
Copy !req
316. Yeah.
Easy, Wong.
Copy !req
317. We've arranged
to exhume the body
Copy !req
318. of Manuel Guttierez.
Copy !req
319. I prepared the dig as soon as
I got the judge's order,
Copy !req
320. but it's too late.
Copy !req
321. Too late?
Copy !req
322. Yeah, the body snatchers
got there first.
Copy !req
323. I caught them more than
a few times right in the act,
Copy !req
324. but it's getting
I can't keep up anymore.
Copy !req
325. That's, uh, why I got this.
Copy !req
326. Don't the police
Copy !req
327. Oh, they got
their hands full
Copy !req
328. Oh, they got
their hands full
Copy !req
329. just trying to protect
the lives of the living.
Copy !req
330. I'm all these people have
to preserve their rest.
Copy !req
331. These body snatchers—
what do they do with the bodies?
Copy !req
332. Uh, they sell them.
Copy !req
333. To who?
Copy !req
334. Well, it varies.
Copy !req
335. When the local medical school
ran short of cadavers,
Copy !req
336. rumor had it that the snatchers
got $200 a head.
Copy !req
337. But mostly, it's the voodoo
types who do the buying.
Copy !req
338. A lot of folks in these parts
go in for that,
Copy !req
339. with the medicines
and the potions and...
Copy !req
340. with the medicines
and the potions and...
Copy !req
341. Yeah, here we are.
Copy !req
342. Look at that.
Copy !req
343. They dug him up
right under my nose.
Copy !req
344. How's he supposed
to rest in peace like this?
Copy !req
345. They can do
what they like
Copy !req
346. with the pigs
and the chickens...
Copy !req
347. but this is a desecration.
Copy !req
348. This is uncool.
Copy !req
349. Mulder.
Copy !req
350. Look at that.
Copy !req
351. See what I'm talking about?
Copy !req
352. Let us take care of this.
Copy !req
353. Let us take care of this.
Copy !req
354. Knock yourselves out.
Copy !req
355. Hey!
Copy !req
356. Let me be!
Copy !req
357. I didn't do nothing!
Copy !req
358. Hey, hey, hold on.
What did I do?
Copy !req
359. Maybe you can tell us.
Let me be!
Copy !req
360. Let go!
Copy !req
361. Maybe I should
kiss a few
Copy !req
362. and find out
if one is Guttierez.
Copy !req
363. Fresh bones.
Copy !req
364. Fresh bones.
Copy !req
365. They pay good.
Copy !req
366. But I go there
for the frogs.
Copy !req
367. You find the best
frogs at the cemetery.
Copy !req
368. How do you
get out of the camp?
Copy !req
369. I go, and then I come back.
Copy !req
370. What about your parents?
Are your parents at the camp?
Copy !req
371. What about a name?
Copy !req
372. Chester Bonaparte.
Copy !req
373. What do you do
Copy !req
374. with the frogs, Chester?
Copy !req
375. with the frogs, Chester?
Copy !req
376. For each one I catch,
I get 50 cents.
Copy !req
377. From who? Who pays you for them?
Copy !req
378. Bauvais.
His magic is the most strong.
Copy !req
379. He even made my
fries disappear!
Copy !req
380. You know, Chester,
I got magic, too.
Copy !req
381. And I bet I can make
your fries reappear.
Copy !req
382. Merci.
Copy !req
383. You know, Mulder,
certain frog species
Copy !req
384. secrete a substance
called bufotoxin.
Copy !req
385. It's chemically similar
to what we found
Copy !req
386. in Private McAlpin's blood.
Copy !req
387. I think
we should ask Bauvais
Copy !req
388. what he's doing
with those frogs.
Copy !req
389. what he's doing
with those frogs.
Copy !req
390. I didn't want to
say anything before
Copy !req
391. because I wasn't sure, but
I think we're being followed.
Copy !req
392. It's a gray four-door sedan
in the parking lot.
Copy !req
393. Keep an eye on Chester.
Copy !req
394. Out of the car,
Copy !req
395. Out of the car,
Copy !req
396. You've been following us.
Copy !req
397. Look, I had
to warn you.
Copy !req
398. You didn't seem too interested
in helping us before.
Copy !req
399. I couldn't talk then— not with
Colonel Wharton so close by.
Copy !req
400. And not with him right there.
Copy !req
401. Stay here. I'll be back.
Copy !req
402. Chester?
He's just a little boy.
Copy !req
403. No, sir, he is not.
Copy !req
404. What's going on?
Copy !req
405. Private Dunham was just about
to tell us why we're in danger.
Copy !req
406. You're putting yourselves
Copy !req
407. into the middle of something
you don't understand.
Copy !req
408. into the middle of something
you don't understand.
Copy !req
409. But you do?
Copy !req
410. Bauvais warned him.
Copy !req
411. He told the colonel
Copy !req
412. he'd take his men
one by one unless...
Copy !req
413. Unless what?
Copy !req
414. Unless the colonel
let his people go back to Haiti.
Copy !req
415. But the colonel...
Copy !req
416. he just had us turn up the heat
on all them beatings and all.
Copy !req
417. Colonel Wharton
Copy !req
418. sanctioned beatings
of the refugees?
Copy !req
419. He ordered it, and worse.
Copy !req
420. The things he is making us do
to those people.
Copy !req
421. Why hasn't anybody stepped
forward or filed a complaint?
Copy !req
422. None of us feel
too good about it, ma'am.
Copy !req
423. None of us feel
too good about it, ma'am.
Copy !req
424. But you don't join the Marines
to feel good.
Copy !req
425. You said that Bauvais
threatened the colonel's men.
Copy !req
426. He said he'd take their souls.
Copy !req
427. And you believe he can do that?
Copy !req
428. Jack McAlpin was my friend,
and look what happened to him.
Copy !req
429. Well, we don't know
what happened to him,
Copy !req
430. but there is a medical
explanation for his condition.
Copy !req
431. Back home,
an associate of my daddy's,
Copy !req
432. Clyde Jessamin,
once crossed a man
Copy !req
433. on some kind
of real estate deal.
Copy !req
434. And not two weeks passed
Copy !req
435. And not two weeks passed
Copy !req
436. before Jessamin's daughter
took ill with something
Copy !req
437. the doctors couldn't
make heads or tails of.
Copy !req
438. All they could do
was shoot her full of morphine,
Copy !req
439. the pain was so bad.
Copy !req
440. She died five minutes past
midnight on her wedding day.
Copy !req
441. And when they did an autopsy
Copy !req
442. to try and figure it out,
all they could find
Copy !req
443. was a bunch of snakes squirming
around inside her belly.
Copy !req
444. Sounds like an old wives' tale.
Copy !req
445. No, ma'am, it's not.
Copy !req
446. No, ma'am, it's not.
Copy !req
447. You see, I'm the one
who was supposed to marry her.
Copy !req
448. Think he's telling
the truth?
Copy !req
449. Till I can figure out
why he'd lie, yeah.
Copy !req
450. He's superstitious,
and superstition breeds fear.
Copy !req
451. It's what voodoo
is all about.
Copy !req
452. It's just as irrational
Copy !req
453. It's just as irrational
Copy !req
454. as avoiding a crack
in the sidewalk.
Copy !req
455. Why would he be trying
to avoid Chester?
Copy !req
456. Chester?
Copy !req
457. Chester? Chester!
Copy !req
458. Wait a second!
Copy !req
459. Chester!
Copy !req
460. Stop! I'm not going to hurt you!
Copy !req
461. Chester!
Copy !req
462. It's okay, I'll get him.
Copy !req
463. Chester.
Copy !req
464. Chester.
Copy !req
465. Chester?
Copy !req
466. Can I get you
anything else, sir?
Copy !req
467. Just get the door.
Copy !req
468. I'm sorry.
I'm having my breakfast.
Copy !req
469. That's all right.
We already ate.
Copy !req
470. I understand you obtained
a court order yesterday
Copy !req
471. I understand you obtained
a court order yesterday
Copy !req
472. to exhume Private Guttierez.
Copy !req
473. That's right.
Copy !req
474. You should know that I filed
Copy !req
475. a complaint
with the Justice Department.
Copy !req
476. His body was missing—
Copy !req
477. stolen from
his coffin apparently.
Copy !req
478. Now you see
what we're facing here.
Copy !req
479. What kind of barbaric religion
would desecrate a grave?
Copy !req
480. We suspect
Copy !req
481. it was an act of retaliation.
Copy !req
482. Retaliation?
Copy !req
483. For your mistreatment
of the detainees.
Copy !req
484. For your mistreatment
of the detainees.
Copy !req
485. What the hell
are you talking about?
Copy !req
486. Physical abuse
of political refugees
Copy !req
487. is a prosecutable crime
under international law.
Copy !req
488. It's Bauvais, isn't it?
Copy !req
489. He's the one you're getting
this garbage from.
Copy !req
490. Look, nobody ever said
this was a hotel,
Copy !req
491. but it's hardly
a concentration camp.
Copy !req
492. Then there is no official policy
of harassment?
Copy !req
493. If anything, it's my men
Copy !req
494. who are being harassed.
Copy !req
495. The U.N.,
the relief organizations—
Copy !req
496. The U.N.,
the relief organizations—
Copy !req
497. they're all so busy protecting
the rights of these refugees,
Copy !req
498. nobody's looking out for my men!
Copy !req
499. Well, we'll let you finish.
Copy !req
500. Wouldn't want your breakfast
to get cold.
Copy !req
501. Way I see it, Wharton's
left these people no choice
Copy !req
502. but to fight back with
the only weapon they have.
Copy !req
503. Sorry, Mulder,
there's a big difference
Copy !req
504. between nasty looks
and raising the dead.
Copy !req
505. Not according
to Private Dunham.
Copy !req
506. Ah!
Copy !req
507. What?
Copy !req
508. More scare tactics.
Copy !req
509. Let me see that.
Copy !req
510. No, it's nothing.
Copy !req
511. I-I don't think he's in
any condition to talk.
Copy !req
512. That's right, Private.
Copy !req
513. You don't think.
You follow orders.
Copy !req
514. But, sir...
Copy !req
515. Dismissed.
Copy !req
516. Ouvri barriere pou' moi.
Copy !req
517. Ouvri barriere pou' moi.
Copy !req
518. I want the secret.
Copy !req
519. Maybe you should tell me now,
while you can still talk.
Copy !req
520. Ma vie nan mains bon dieu.
Copy !req
521. No, papaloi.
Copy !req
522. Your life is in my hands.
Copy !req
523. I was surprised
to get your card.
Copy !req
524. I had assumed
our last contact...
Copy !req
525. would be our last.
Copy !req
526. Why are you here?
Copy !req
527. Your investigation is faltering,
Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
528. We've got a renegade marine
Copy !req
529. who may be violating
every human rights provision...
Copy !req
530. These people have no rights.
Copy !req
531. In 24 hours, all access to
Folkstone will be restricted
Copy !req
532. to military personnel.
Copy !req
533. No press,
Copy !req
534. no third-party monitoring.
Copy !req
535. no third-party monitoring.
Copy !req
536. What about Scully and me?
Copy !req
537. You'll be called
back to Washington
Copy !req
538. on a priority matter.
Copy !req
539. They're making
the camp invisible.
Copy !req
540. Why?
Copy !req
541. In case you haven't noticed,
Agent Mulder,
Copy !req
542. the Statue of Liberty
is on vacation.
Copy !req
543. The new mandate says,
if you're not a citizen,
Copy !req
544. you'd better keep out.
Copy !req
545. Well, why hold them up?
Copy !req
546. Why not just repatriate them?
Copy !req
547. During our most recent
involvement in Haiti,
Copy !req
548. three U.S. soldiers
took their own lives.
Copy !req
549. three U.S. soldiers
took their own lives.
Copy !req
550. Of those men, two were
under Colonel Wharton's command.
Copy !req
551. You saying the military is
sanctioning Wharton's revenge?
Copy !req
552. These people are
innocent civilians.
Copy !req
553. Some people in Congress might
have a real problem with that.
Copy !req
554. By the time they get
a committee together,
Copy !req
555. it'll be as if none of this
ever happened.
Copy !req
556. No, you don't understand.
Copy !req
557. I've been on hold
for half an hour.
Copy !req
558. I'm trying to locate
a Private Dunham.
Copy !req
559. I'm trying to locate
a Private Dunham.
Copy !req
560. Yeah.
Copy !req
561. Yeah.
Copy !req
562. Thanks.
Copy !req
563. Mulder, I just got through
to Dunham's barracks.
Copy !req
564. Mulder?
Copy !req
565. Your door's unlocked.
Copy !req
566. Mulder, listen to this.
Copy !req
567. Dunham's been AWOL
since last night...
Copy !req
568. Mulder?
Copy !req
569. Oh, God.
Copy !req
570. Scully?
Copy !req
571. I found him
wandering around outside.
Copy !req
572. You all right?
Copy !req
573. Yeah.
Copy !req
574. It's Dunham.
Copy !req
575. When I found him,
Copy !req
576. he had this in his hand.
Copy !req
577. Do you recall
leaving the hospital?
Copy !req
578. These past few days, I don't
recall much of anything.
Copy !req
579. Except feeling
real heavy,
Copy !req
580. like... like I'm asleep
and I can't wake up.
Copy !req
581. Do you remember
killing Private Dunham?
Copy !req
582. All I remember
Copy !req
583. is being there,
seeing him in all that blood.
Copy !req
584. Why did you sign the confession?
Copy !req
585. The private asked,
Copy !req
586. and I apprised him
Copy !req
587. of what you found
at the crime scene.
Copy !req
588. Who else might it have been?
Copy !req
589. Colonel...
Copy !req
590. can we have a word outside?
Copy !req
591. What exactly
did you tell him?
Copy !req
592. If you're suggesting
Copy !req
593. that I coerced
Private McAlpin in any way...
Copy !req
594. that I coerced
Private McAlpin in any way...
Copy !req
595. I need to know, did he sign
that confession voluntarily?
Copy !req
596. Of course he did.
Copy !req
597. Since his reappearance,
Copy !req
598. has Private McAlpin had
any contact with Bauvais?
Copy !req
599. Not to my knowledge.
Copy !req
600. Well, we'd still like
to speak with Bauvais.
Copy !req
601. I'm afraid that's impossible.
Copy !req
602. Why?
Copy !req
603. Because he's dead.
Copy !req
604. Last night, he cut his wrists
with a bedspring.
Copy !req
605. I'll have the report sent
to your motel
Copy !req
606. along with
the private's confession.
Copy !req
607. along with
the private's confession.
Copy !req
608. Since both matters
are being handled internally,
Copy !req
609. I'll assume your business here
is finished.
Copy !req
610. What's wrong?
Copy !req
611. I'm fine.
Copy !req
612. It's just a headache.
Copy !req
613. Mulder.
Copy !req
614. Okay, Mrs. McAlpin, we can
be there in 15 minutes.
Copy !req
615. MRS.
First, I thought I lost him...
Copy !req
616. as if that wasn't
hard enough to deal with.
Copy !req
617. Now they're saying
he's killed Harry.
Copy !req
618. He said it himself;
he signed a confession.
Copy !req
619. I don't care.
Copy !req
620. It doesn't make sense.
Copy !req
621. Jack and Harry were friends.
Copy !req
622. Mrs. McAlpin,
you said on the telephone
Copy !req
623. that Private Dunham
came here last night.
Copy !req
624. What did he want?
Copy !req
625. He was on his way to see you.
Copy !req
626. For what reason?
Copy !req
627. He wouldn't tell me.
Copy !req
628. He wouldn't tell me.
Copy !req
629. He said if anything
happened to him...
Copy !req
630. I should give this to you.
Copy !req
631. He told me not to open it.
Copy !req
632. Luke's been in a mood
since all this started.
Copy !req
633. It's almost like he knows
what's going on.
Copy !req
634. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
635. It's okay, honey.
I'm coming.
Copy !req
636. That's Bauvais.
Copy !req
637. And Wharton?
Copy !req
638. They must have known each other
when Wharton served in Haiti.
Copy !req
639. When in Rome.
Copy !req
640. Mulder.
Copy !req
641. Dunham and Guttierez
both filed complaints
Copy !req
642. against Colonel Wharton.
Copy !req
643. They both cited incidents
of abuse— dates, times.
Copy !req
644. Scully.
Copy !req
645. Look at this.
Copy !req
646. Check out the name
on the dog tags.
Copy !req
647. Come with me, please.
Copy !req
648. Take the light out of my eyes.
Copy !req
649. Where's Wharton?
Copy !req
650. Where's Wharton?
Copy !req
651. You'll find out soon enough.
Copy !req
652. He killed Bauvais, and if
you know anything about it,
Copy !req
653. you'll be tried
as an accessory to murder.
Copy !req
654. Shut up!
Copy !req
655. Bauvais got
what he deserved.
Copy !req
656. After what he did
to McAlpin and Guttierez.
Copy !req
657. It wasn't Bauvais.
Copy !req
658. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
659. Those men were
about to testify
Copy !req
660. against Colonel Wharton, so he
stopped them before they did.
Copy !req
661. If you don't believe us,
Copy !req
662. look in the trunk.
Copy !req
663. This is what's left
of Private Guttierez.
Copy !req
664. Now, where's Bauvais' body?
Copy !req
665. We buried him.
Copy !req
666. This afternoon.
Copy !req
667. In the municipal graveyard.
Copy !req
668. In the municipal graveyard.
Copy !req
669. Au nom de saints...
Copy !req
670. et de la lune.
Copy !req
671. Au nom de saints
Copy !req
672. et de la lune.
Copy !req
673. Au nom de saints
Copy !req
674. Au nom de saints
Copy !req
675. et des etoilles.
Copy !req
676. What is it, Scully?
Copy !req
677. I'm all right.
Copy !req
678. You don't look all right.
Copy !req
679. No, I'm-I'm fine.
Copy !req
680. I'll catch up with you.
Copy !req
681. Just go get Wharton.
Copy !req
682. Federal agent!
Copy !req
683. Drop the knife, Wharton.
Copy !req
684. Drop the knife, Wharton.
Copy !req
685. Drop the knife!
Copy !req
686. Do it!
Copy !req
687. Ca qui fait mal,
ce mal li we.
Copy !req
688. He who does evil,
evil he will see.
Copy !req
689. Mulder.
Copy !req
690. You're okay?
Copy !req
691. I feel better
than you look.
Copy !req
692. What happened?
Copy !req
693. I don't know.
Copy !req
694. He's dead.
Copy !req
695. Did you kill him?
Copy !req
696. It was Bauvais.
Copy !req
697. Here's the passenger manifest
you asked for.
Copy !req
698. Thank you.
Copy !req
699. They're petitioning to have
Bauvais returned to Haiti.
Copy !req
700. Too bad it has
to be in a box.
Copy !req
701. Is this a complete list?
Copy !req
702. As far as I know.
Copy !req
703. There was a boy.
Copy !req
704. His name was Bonaparte.
Chester Bonaparte.
Copy !req
705. Sure, Chester.
Poor kid.
Copy !req
706. He died six weeks ago
in that riot.
Copy !req
707. MAN
All returnees,
Copy !req
708. MAN
All returnees,
Copy !req
709. have your papers ready
when boarding the vehicles.
Copy !req
710. Move it, Wong.
Copy !req
711. I made this!
Copy !req