1. All in favor, aye.
Copy !req
2. Aye.
Copy !req
3. All right.
Copy !req
4. Starting Monday, the track
around the athletic field
Copy !req
5. will be closed to joggers
at 8:30 p.m. instead of 10:00.
Copy !req
6. Any other items
before we call it a night?
Copy !req
7. Yeah. Um...
Copy !req
8. I got wind that for
the spring drama production,
Copy !req
9. I got wind that for
the spring drama production,
Copy !req
10. Howard Roberts
intends to put on
Copy !req
11. Jesus Christ Superstar.
Copy !req
12. You know how he is.
Copy !req
13. Howard's just trying
to do things the kids like.
Copy !req
14. My point exactly.
Copy !req
15. Um, I don't think that play
Copy !req
16. is appropriate
for this high school.
Copy !req
17. Well, if he wants
to be young,
Copy !req
18. I have no problems
with Grease or Annie or...
Copy !req
19. Doesn't Grease
have the "F" word?
Copy !req
20. Look, I'll talk
to Howard.
Copy !req
21. Okay, let's adjourn
till next week.
Copy !req
22. Deborah, why don't you
lead us in the prayer.
Copy !req
23. Deborah, why don't you
lead us in the prayer.
Copy !req
24. Jim, the game is on.
Copy !req
25. It'll only take
a minute.
Copy !req
26. We've been letting it slip.
Copy !req
27. Paul, why don't you
get the door.
Copy !req
28. In the name
of the lords of darkness,
Copy !req
29. rulers of the earth,
kings of the underworld,
Copy !req
30. rulers of the earth,
kings of the underworld,
Copy !req
31. I command the forces of darkness
Copy !req
32. to bestow their infernal power
upon me.
Copy !req
33. May the black powers of
our forefathers make us strong.
Copy !req
34. Hail.
Hail the lords of darkness.
Copy !req
35. How much further?
Copy !req
36. It's just up
here a ways.
Copy !req
37. I heard the altar
Copy !req
38. is a hollowed stump
just up here.
Copy !req
39. Okay, when they
get freaked...
Copy !req
40. Yeah?
Copy !req
41. you get Kate,
I take Andrea.
Copy !req
42. These mittens are
giving me a Gingrich.
Copy !req
43. This is it.
Copy !req
44. Okay.
Copy !req
45. Okay.
Copy !req
46. Okay, I need a personal object
from everyone.
Copy !req
47. All right.
Copy !req
48. Now, Andrea, you're going
to stand over here
Copy !req
49. and face Jerry like this.
Copy !req
50. Closer.
Copy !req
51. Why like this?
Copy !req
52. Well, that's so, uh...
Copy !req
53. that's so that we're calling
the spirits up
Copy !req
54. of every direction.
Copy !req
55. Okay, now, Kate, you got
to stand here and face me.
Copy !req
56. Do you really think
Copy !req
57. Do you really think
Copy !req
58. someone used this place
for black magic,
Copy !req
59. or is it just a rumor?
Copy !req
60. Come on, Dave.
Copy !req
61. Shh.
Copy !req
62. "In the name of the
lords of darkness,
Copy !req
63. "rulers of the earth,
Copy !req
64. "kings of the underworld...
Copy !req
65. "rise.
Copy !req
66. Rise to this
place," uh...
Copy !req
67. "Azazel..."
Copy !req
68. "Know ye all who
dwell in the light
Copy !req
69. "of professed
Copy !req
70. "that the others who know
the keys and the angels
Copy !req
71. have opened the gate."
Copy !req
72. have opened the gate."
Copy !req
73. Come on!
Forget this!
Copy !req
74. Andrea!
Copy !req
75. the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
Copy !req
76. and blessed is the fruit
of thy womb, Jesus.
Copy !req
77. Holy Mary, mother of God,
pray for us sinners
Copy !req
78. now and at the hour
of our death...
Copy !req
79. now and at the hour
of our death...
Copy !req
80. Andrea! Wait!
Copy !req
81. Hunter found him
early this morning.
Copy !req
82. He hasn't been dead
for more than 12 hours.
Copy !req
83. They say this area is used
for witches' ceremonies.
Copy !req
84. They?
Copy !req
85. Well, everybody.
Copy !req
86. Anybody who lives around here
knows about
Copy !req
87. the things go on in this town.
Copy !req
88. They say there are people
who control things.
Copy !req
89. Any evidence to substantiate
those rumors, Sheriff Oakes?
Copy !req
90. Any evidence to substantiate
those rumors, Sheriff Oakes?
Copy !req
91. Well, Agent Scully,
look at the body.
Copy !req
92. The eyes and heart
have been cut out.
Copy !req
93. Many homicides
involve victim desecration.
Copy !req
94. I know he and his friends
listen to devil music.
Copy !req
95. "The Night Chicago Died"?
Copy !req
96. You know what I mean.
Copy !req
97. Those heavy metal bands
that influence kids.
Copy !req
98. Was Jerry Stevens
or his friends ever witnessed
Copy !req
99. participating
in witchcraft?
Copy !req
100. No.
Copy !req
101. More rumors.
Copy !req
102. This stump here is supposed
to be the ceremonial altar.
Copy !req
103. What do you think?
Copy !req
104. What do you think?
Copy !req
105. I think with a few
turquoise chips,
Copy !req
106. a picture
of John Wayne,
Copy !req
107. and three cans
of shellac,
Copy !req
108. it would make a pretty
nice coffee table.
Copy !req
109. Well, you
see all that wax?
Copy !req
110. Someone's been burning
candles in there.
Copy !req
111. Any idea who Jerry Stevens
was with out here?
Copy !req
112. Well, we assume
he was alone.
Copy !req
113. Well, most people don't set out
Copy !req
114. to drink two six-packs
by themselves.
Copy !req
115. I also found this.
Copy !req
116. It has some purple ink
on the edge,
Copy !req
117. like a library
identification stamp,
Copy !req
118. and the end of the title says
"in America."
Copy !req
119. and the end of the title says
"in America."
Copy !req
120. I'm surprised your people
overlooked it.
Copy !req
121. I'm sorry.
I got to apologize here.
Copy !req
122. You're... you're right.
Copy !req
123. I admit
we're a little rattled here.
Copy !req
124. That's why I called the FBI.
Copy !req
125. This may involve
a deeper conspiracy.
Copy !req
126. See, I grew up
around here,
Copy !req
127. and ever since I was a kid,
I heard stories.
Copy !req
128. This is a weird area.
Copy !req
129. It has a strange air
Copy !req
130. that I could chalk up
to imagination...
Copy !req
131. till today.
Copy !req
132. I'll have my staff
Copy !req
133. I'll have my staff
Copy !req
134. start checking libraries
for you, Agent Scully.
Copy !req
135. Better hide your
Megadeth albums.
Copy !req
136. Theories like that are why
I can't take him seriously.
Copy !req
137. The homicide did have
a ceremonial presentation—
Copy !req
138. the manner in which
the body was displayed.
Copy !req
139. Mulder, I got the impression
you didn't believe him either.
Copy !req
140. I didn't want to incite
Copy !req
141. his already
clearly aggravated imagination,
Copy !req
142. but there is a weird feel
to this place.
Copy !req
143. Maybe there's some truth
to those rumors.
Copy !req
144. I think he incited
your imagination.
Copy !req
145. I think this case is
nothing more than a murderer
Copy !req
146. I think this case is
nothing more than a murderer
Copy !req
147. taking advantage
of local folklore.
Copy !req
148. I mean,
there's nothing odd about...
Copy !req
149. So... lunch?
Copy !req
150. Mulder, toads just
fell from the sky.
Copy !req
151. Guess their parachutes
didn't open.
Copy !req
152. Guess their parachutes
didn't open.
Copy !req
153. You were saying
Copy !req
154. about this place
not feeling odd?
Copy !req
155. The National Weather Service
says there were tornadoes
Copy !req
156. in Northern
Copy !req
157. The wind probably picked up
the animals into the storm.
Copy !req
158. The wind probably picked up
the animals into the storm.
Copy !req
159. A History of the Occult
Copy !req
160. in America."
Copy !req
161. Last checked out
to a Dave Duran.
Copy !req
162. Okay, people.
Copy !req
163. People, may I have
your attention, please.
Copy !req
164. Mr. Kingery is out sick today,
so I'll be substituting.
Copy !req
165. Mr. Kingery is out sick today,
so I'll be substituting.
Copy !req
166. My name's Mrs. Paddock.
Copy !req
167. I'm going to take the roll...
Copy !req
168. FBI. We'd like to speak
with a Dave Duran.
Copy !req
169. Come on.
Copy !req
170. I'm not into
that stuff at all, I swear.
Copy !req
171. Jerry was my best friend.
Copy !req
172. Look, I swear, I've never done
anything like that.
Copy !req
173. What made you go to a place
you heard was a witches' altar?
Copy !req
174. We were just trying
to get some.
Copy !req
175. I told you.
Copy !req
176. Why did you take the book?
Copy !req
177. Because I don't know
a thing about witchcraft,
Copy !req
178. and we wanted to make it
sound good.
Copy !req
179. I never thought...
Copy !req
180. You never thought what?
Copy !req
181. You never thought what?
Copy !req
182. That it would work.
Copy !req
183. If you didn't kill
Jerry Stevens,
Copy !req
184. why did you run away from us
in the classroom?
Copy !req
185. I'm scared, man.
Copy !req
186. Of us?
Copy !req
187. Of it.
Copy !req
188. That ceremony.
Copy !req
189. I'm afraid we called up
some devil or something.
Copy !req
190. One of you
killed Jerry Stevens.
Copy !req
191. Who?
Copy !req
192. He was displayed according
to the rites of Azazel.
Copy !req
193. Who else would know
about the ritual?
Copy !req
194. We stopped doing this
Copy !req
195. I went out there.
Copy !req
196. We were supposed
to have a mass.
Copy !req
197. No one else showed,
so I left.
Copy !req
198. It wasn't any of us.
Copy !req
199. Something is here—
a presence amongst us.
Copy !req
200. Angry. I can feel it.
Copy !req
201. You're letting them go?
Copy !req
202. There's no evidence
to warrant an arrest.
Copy !req
203. There's no evidence
to warrant an arrest.
Copy !req
204. They never
leave evidence.
Copy !req
205. We heard how Jerry Stevens
was killed—
Copy !req
206. an occult ritual.
Copy !req
207. They've reached into our
area from the outside.
Copy !req
208. "They" again.
Copy !req
209. Those three kids are obviously
under occult influence.
Copy !req
210. They're reaching to our children
in music, television, books.
Copy !req
211. They prey on
children's innocence.
Copy !req
212. The FBI recently concluded
a seven-year study
Copy !req
213. and found little
or no evidence
Copy !req
214. of the existence
of occult conspiracies.
Copy !req
215. And J. Edgar Hoover
never admitted
Copy !req
216. to the existence
of the Mafia.
Copy !req
217. to the existence
of the Mafia.
Copy !req
218. Look, if the number
of murders
Copy !req
219. attributed to occult
conspiracies were true,
Copy !req
220. it would mean
thousands of people
Copy !req
221. killing tens of thousands
of people a year,
Copy !req
222. without evidence,
without being exposed.
Copy !req
223. It would be the greatest
criminal conspiracy
Copy !req
224. in the history
of civilization.
Copy !req
225. Finally, you people understand
what we're up against.
Copy !req
226. Our investigation
is ongoing.
Copy !req
227. Come on.
Copy !req
228. Mulder, this is
mass hysteria.
Copy !req
229. And our presence here
on a routine homicide
Copy !req
230. only gives validity to their
fears of occult murders.
Copy !req
231. The water.
Copy !req
232. What's wrong with it?
Copy !req
233. It's going down the drain
Copy !req
234. Coriolis force
in the Northern Hemisphere
Copy !req
235. dictates that it should
go down clockwise.
Copy !req
236. That isn't possible.
Copy !req
237. Something is here, Scully.
Copy !req
238. Something is making
these things possible.
Copy !req
239. Girls.
Copy !req
240. May I have a word?
Copy !req
241. I heard on the grapevine
about what happened, and...
Copy !req
242. well, I know how hard it is
to talk to adults sometimes,
Copy !req
243. even though you feel
like you want to,
Copy !req
244. well, because you're
young adults.
Copy !req
245. What I'm trying to say is,
Copy !req
246. if you feel like talking,
I'm here to listen, okay?
Copy !req
247. if you feel like talking,
I'm here to listen, okay?
Copy !req
248. Thanks, Mrs. Paddock.
Yeah, thanks, Mrs. Paddock.
Copy !req
249. Hang in there.
Copy !req
250. Your records indicate
Copy !req
251. a high incidence
of students
Copy !req
252. complaining of depression,
headaches, eating disorders.
Copy !req
253. This is high school.
Copy !req
254. It's normal for students
to display abnormal behavior.
Copy !req
255. I'm assuming
you're familiar with
Copy !req
256. the early indications
of repressed memory.
Copy !req
257. Just because a student
has a headache
Copy !req
258. Just because a student
has a headache
Copy !req
259. doesn't mean
he's repressing memory.
Copy !req
260. In your counseling,
you've found no evidence
Copy !req
261. of any past ritual abuse?
Copy !req
262. None.
Copy !req
263. Would it be possible
for me to speak
Copy !req
264. to any of the students
who have had chronic complaints?
Copy !req
265. That would be a betrayal of
the doctor-patient relationship.
Copy !req
266. Sorry.
Copy !req
267. From the volume
of student complaints,
Copy !req
268. From the volume
of student complaints,
Copy !req
269. he was pretty quick
to dismiss my concerns.
Copy !req
270. Maybe there's nothing here.
Copy !req
271. Maybe he's
hiding something.
Copy !req
272. Take a look at this.
Copy !req
273. I found this on the Internet.
Copy !req
274. "The discovery yesterday
Copy !req
275. "of a mutilated teenage boy
in the forest
Copy !req
276. "has police officials distressed
about the possibility
Copy !req
277. of a conspiratorial organization
of dark forces."
Copy !req
278. Where is that pulled from,
local paper?
Copy !req
279. "The Jew is known
to remove organs
Copy !req
280. and sacrifice teens
in their religious ceremonies."
Copy !req
281. It's taken
from Volkischer Beobachter,
Copy !req
282. It's taken
from Volkischer Beobachter,
Copy !req
283. a Nazi newspaper in 1934.
Copy !req
284. The rumors are the same,
but blanks have been filled in
Copy !req
285. with whoever must be feared
or persecuted at the time—
Copy !req
286. in this case, it's occultists.
Copy !req
287. Modern witches, known
as Wiccan, are a religion.
Copy !req
288. They have a great reverence
for all life and nature.
Copy !req
289. They do not cast
harmful spells,
Copy !req
290. they don't worship Satan.
Copy !req
291. Even the Church of Satan has
renounced murder and torture.
Copy !req
292. Their influence here
wouldn't account for the frogs
Copy !req
293. or the water draining backwards
Copy !req
294. or, most importantly,
the murder.
Copy !req
295. Well, if not witches, then what?
Copy !req
296. Well, if not witches, then what?
Copy !req
297. For your final examination,
one-half of your grade
Copy !req
298. will be based on your diagram
of a dissected pig embryo.
Copy !req
299. Of course, these are
actually hog embryos
Copy !req
300. belonging to the order
of the artiodactyl
Copy !req
301. or creatures with hooves.
Copy !req
302. Be sure to remove
the heart and lungs
Copy !req
303. and draw a diagram of each.
Copy !req
304. Be neat.
Copy !req
305. Extra credit will be given
for dissecting the heart.
Copy !req
306. You have until the end
of the period.
Copy !req
307. You have until the end
of the period.
Copy !req
308. I'll cut it open
if you do the heart.
Copy !req
309. Okay.
Copy !req
310. I've had this happen before.
Copy !req
311. Some kids just have
trouble dissecting things.
Copy !req
312. Shannon, I'm trying to reach
your father and get him
Copy !req
313. to pick you up.
Copy !req
314. No!
Copy !req
315. I'm sure he'll be here soon.
Copy !req
316. No!
Copy !req
317. Shannon?
Shannon, honey, come back!
Copy !req
318. Shannon,
you're remembering!
Copy !req
319. Tell me what
you're remembering.
Copy !req
320. You, um, know
who my step-dad is, right?
Copy !req
321. Jim Ausbury
on the PTC.
Copy !req
322. All right, well,
Copy !req
323. my mom...
Copy !req
324. she's a teacher.
Copy !req
325. she's a teacher.
Copy !req
326. Well, was a teacher.
Copy !req
327. My real dad, he, um...
Copy !req
328. he ran away.
Copy !req
329. And...
Copy !req
330. my mom met Jim
at some seminar, something.
Copy !req
331. And they, um...
Copy !req
332. they got married.
Copy !req
333. they got married.
Copy !req
334. My sister and I moved up here
when I was about, um... four.
Copy !req
335. She was about two.
Copy !req
336. Anyway, a couple
weeks ago,
Copy !req
337. my class, we took
a field trip
Copy !req
338. to what they call
the American Stonehenge.
Copy !req
339. And...
Copy !req
340. I remember
when I was four years old...
Copy !req
341. I remember
when I was four years old...
Copy !req
342. Jim took me in his car
near there,
Copy !req
343. and he, um...
Copy !req
344. he made me...
Copy !req
345. in the back seat.
Copy !req
346. He told me that
if I ever told anybody
Copy !req
347. that he would hurt me.
Copy !req
348. that he would hurt me.
Copy !req
349. As he touched me, you know,
Copy !req
350. I would pretend like
I was out of my body—
Copy !req
351. deep in the ocean,
down with the fish,
Copy !req
352. in the dark water.
Copy !req
353. Somehow— I don't know—
Copy !req
354. I managed to block out
all these things,
Copy !req
355. but lately, it's all been...
Copy !req
356. I'm remembering, you know?
Copy !req
357. I'm remembering, you know?
Copy !req
358. The others, too.
Copy !req
359. Others?
Copy !req
360. Yeah.
Copy !req
361. Men and women, they would,
um, come to the house,
Copy !req
362. you know, when my mom was away,
Copy !req
363. and they would take me
down to the basement.
Copy !req
364. It was really dark.
Copy !req
365. It was, like, painted red
with a dirt floor.
Copy !req
366. They would wear these robes,
black and red,
Copy !req
367. They would wear these robes,
black and red,
Copy !req
368. and they would sing
and they would chant,
Copy !req
369. and then they would
tie me and my sister up.
Copy !req
370. These men and women,
they would...
Copy !req
371. make us do things.
Copy !req
372. They called me a breeder.
Copy !req
373. They would get me pregnant and
then they would kill the babies.
Copy !req
374. I've had three children,
Copy !req
375. and they're all
buried in the cellar.
Copy !req
376. and they're all
buried in the cellar.
Copy !req
377. One night,
Copy !req
378. Jim murdered my sister
for a sacrifice.
Copy !req
379. She was only eight years old.
Copy !req
380. He told everybody that
she died in an accident.
Copy !req
381. Today brought it all back.
Copy !req
382. Clear, like
it happened yesterday.
Copy !req
383. Imagine if
what she said is true.
Copy !req
384. Why don't we just wait
Copy !req
385. and see what her parents
have to say.
Copy !req
386. Where's Shannon?
Copy !req
387. They told me you were
bringing her home.
Copy !req
388. She wanted to remain
with friends.
Copy !req
389. She wanted to remain
with friends.
Copy !req
390. And under the circumstances,
we thought it best.
Copy !req
391. Circumstances?
Copy !req
392. Why wouldn't she want
to come home?
Copy !req
393. Someone... or something
Copy !req
394. has obviously put these things
into her mind.
Copy !req
395. Mrs. Ausbury,
Copy !req
396. perhaps you'd like
a glass of water?
Copy !req
397. Thank you.
Copy !req
398. Mr. Ausbury?
Copy !req
399. Mrs. Ausbury, your daughter
has not accused you
Copy !req
400. of any involvement
in these activities.
Copy !req
401. Do you have any idea why Shannon
might have said these things?
Copy !req
402. Jim and I have been having
marriage problems lately.
Copy !req
403. We're committed
to working them out.
Copy !req
404. Maybe we haven't been paying
enough attention to Shannon.
Copy !req
405. Maybe we haven't been paying
enough attention to Shannon.
Copy !req
406. She and I don't...
Copy !req
407. we don't get along.
Copy !req
408. We fight.
Copy !req
409. Have you ever known
Shannon to be pregnant?
Copy !req
410. Of course not.
Copy !req
411. She's 15 years old!
Copy !req
412. And how can you
possibly believe such...?
Copy !req
413. Have you ever had
another child?
Copy !req
414. A girl.
Copy !req
415. A girl.
Copy !req
416. Teresa.
Copy !req
417. She died.
Copy !req
418. At eight years old?
Copy !req
419. Eight weeks.
Copy !req
420. It was crib death.
Copy !req
421. Did you do it?
Copy !req
422. I would kill... anyone
Copy !req
423. I would kill... anyone
Copy !req
424. who did the things
to her that she claims.
Copy !req
425. Not a very Christian tenet.
Copy !req
426. Thou God of vengeance,
Copy !req
427. shine forth.
Copy !req
428. Even the Devil
can quote scripture
Copy !req
429. to fit his needs.
Copy !req
430. How dare you?
Copy !req
431. How dare you?
Copy !req
432. Get out of our house!
Copy !req
433. As far as I know,
Copy !req
434. you put those ideas
in my daughter's head.
Copy !req
435. Now get out.
Copy !req
436. The Devil travels in many forms.
Copy !req
437. And you may be one!
Copy !req
438. Are you sure
you're up to this, Shannon?
Copy !req
439. I heard about what you said.
Copy !req
440. I heard about what you said.
Copy !req
441. I'll be okay.
Copy !req
442. I don't want
to miss the final.
Copy !req
443. I'll be in my office
if you're feeling funny.
Copy !req
444. Maybe you ought
to remove your jewelry.
Copy !req
445. You wouldn't want to lose
it in some pig's guts.
Copy !req
446. I'll hold it until
you're finished.
Copy !req
447. I heard the chair and a crash,
Copy !req
448. and I came running
out of the office.
Copy !req
449. Did you see anybody
leaving the room?
Copy !req
450. Did you hear
the door open?
Copy !req
451. I lock the doors after school
when I'm alone.
Copy !req
452. I... I get afraid.
Copy !req
453. I feel a dark angel
is amongst us.
Copy !req
454. It wants a sacrifice.
Copy !req
455. It's been years since...
since we've done that.
Copy !req
456. Exactly. Exactly.
Copy !req
457. We haven't kept
our faith.
Copy !req
458. Are any of you...
Copy !req
459. responsible for my daughter?
Copy !req
460. We all are.
Copy !req
461. We all are.
Copy !req
462. She was sacrificed
for us.
Copy !req
463. It's a portent.
Copy !req
464. Shannon's death allows us
Copy !req
465. to get rid
of the police, the FBI.
Copy !req
466. It can all be blamed on her.
Copy !req
467. Jim...
Copy !req
468. you tell them
Copy !req
469. she had a thing
for Jerry Stevens.
Copy !req
470. She killed him out of jealousy.
Copy !req
471. She cut out his eyes
because she couldn't stand
Copy !req
472. to have him look
at another girl,
Copy !req
473. and his heart
because she was heartbroken.
Copy !req
474. and his heart
because she was heartbroken.
Copy !req
475. But when they
leave and are gone,
Copy !req
476. we must rekindle our faith
Copy !req
477. rather than lose it.
Copy !req
478. I never imagined she would
hurt herself like that.
Copy !req
479. I'm old-fashioned,
Agent Scully.
Copy !req
480. I can't bring myself
to believe
Copy !req
481. that children are capable
of such things
Copy !req
482. as they are these days.
Copy !req
483. She wanted me
to hold that for her.
Copy !req
484. Excuse me.
Copy !req
485. Her office has a
faint odor of incense.
Copy !req
486. Her office has a
faint odor of incense.
Copy !req
487. She says it's to block
the smell of formaldehyde.
Copy !req
488. It's also used in
black mass rituals.
Copy !req
489. Well, I've got to admit, there
are some oddities to her story.
Copy !req
490. What do you mean, oddities?
Copy !req
491. Well, the man she replaced
has taken two sick days
Copy !req
492. in a 15-year career.
Copy !req
493. The morning
of Jerry Stevens' murder,
Copy !req
494. Mr. Kingery developed
necrotizing fasciitis.
Copy !req
495. Flesh-eating bacteria?
Copy !req
496. That's very rare.
Copy !req
497. I know.
Copy !req
498. And when I questioned
the other staff members
Copy !req
499. about Mrs. Paddock's
Copy !req
500. no one can even recall
hiring her.
Copy !req
501. no one can even recall
hiring her.
Copy !req
502. Look, I'm even getting
caught up in this.
Copy !req
503. I mean, I'm sure that
Mrs. Paddock's arrival
Copy !req
504. and the teacher's sickness
is just a coincidence.
Copy !req
505. And the fact that no one
can recall hiring her—
Copy !req
506. it's a bureaucratic
Copy !req
507. I got a feeling
this is something
Copy !req
508. we both should
get caught up in.
Copy !req
509. I'm going to get a search
warrant for the Ausbury house.
Copy !req
510. I've been told they're
staying with friends.
Copy !req
511. You check deeper
into Mrs. Paddock.
Copy !req
512. You check deeper
into Mrs. Paddock.
Copy !req
513. My religion...
Copy !req
514. my family, Agent Mulder,
Copy !req
515. goes back in this town
seven generations.
Copy !req
516. They fled persecution
from people being persecuted,
Copy !req
517. They fled persecution
from people being persecuted,
Copy !req
518. all in the name of religion.
Copy !req
519. I was raised to believe
Copy !req
520. Christianity was synonymous
with hypocrisy.
Copy !req
521. Man's natural tendency was
"to do what thou whilst,"
Copy !req
522. not "do unto others."
Copy !req
523. We believe...
Copy !req
524. man is nothing
but an animal—
Copy !req
525. man is nothing
but an animal—
Copy !req
526. no better, no worse
Copy !req
527. than those that
walk on four legs.
Copy !req
528. And although I
believed our faith
Copy !req
529. kept us powerful
in the community—
Copy !req
530. wealthy, good health— I...
Copy !req
531. I came to see hypocrisy
in the others.
Copy !req
532. In me.
Copy !req
533. When they told me
Copy !req
534. to blame my dead daughter
Copy !req
535. to blame my dead daughter
Copy !req
536. for Jerry Stevens' death,
my reaction...
Copy !req
537. I was sick that they
would vilify an innocent...
Copy !req
538. someone I loved
just to protect themselves.
Copy !req
539. And, at that moment, I knew
I am better than an animal,
Copy !req
540. that my... previous beliefs
were responsible
Copy !req
541. that my... previous beliefs
were responsible
Copy !req
542. for her no longer being
with us...
Copy !req
543. and that it was time
to talk to you.
Copy !req
544. Clean.
Copy !req
545. Did you abuse Shannon?
Copy !req
546. Never sexually.
Copy !req
547. In the rituals.
Copy !req
548. The blood of the young
is considered very powerful.
Copy !req
549. We'd include them
in the ceremonies,
Copy !req
550. We'd include them
in the ceremonies,
Copy !req
551. against their will.
Copy !req
552. They were too young
to be trusted not to talk,
Copy !req
553. but we never
physically hurt them.
Copy !req
554. We'd slip over
the ancient rituals
Copy !req
555. that we didn't want to do.
Copy !req
556. Like drinking
grape juice
Copy !req
557. instead of wine
at communion?
Copy !req
558. What about Shannon's memories?
Copy !req
559. We'd perform a sort of
posthypnotic suggestion
Copy !req
560. that repressed their memories.
Copy !req
561. that repressed their memories.
Copy !req
562. When they came of age—
18, 21—
Copy !req
563. then they were made aware
of the religion
Copy !req
564. and brought into
its practice.
Copy !req
565. When she recalled
the past events,
Copy !req
566. she must have mixed up
reality with...
Copy !req
567. with that crap that's on Geraldo
and the tabloids.
Copy !req
568. Did the others
kill Jerry Stevens?
Copy !req
569. Shannon?
Copy !req
570. No.
Copy !req
571. But you are responsible.
Copy !req
572. You knew the possibilities
contained in your beliefs,
Copy !req
573. You knew the possibilities
contained in your beliefs,
Copy !req
574. no matter how watered down.
Copy !req
575. Did you really think
you could call up the Devil
Copy !req
576. and ask him to behave?
Copy !req
577. Who are the others?
Copy !req
578. Yeah?
Copy !req
579. Mulder, the school.
Copy !req
580. I'm in trouble.
Copy !req
581. Scully?
Copy !req
582. Scully?
Copy !req
583. I've got an emergency.
Copy !req
584. I'm placing you
under arrest.
Copy !req
585. I'll be back
for you later.
Copy !req
586. Scully?
Mulder, what's wrong?
Copy !req
587. You called me;
you said you were in trouble.
Copy !req
588. No, I didn't
touch the phone.
Copy !req
589. Ausbury confessed
to conspiracy.
Copy !req
590. He's going to give up the
names of everybody involved—
Copy !req
591. parents, teachers.
Copy !req
592. I checked on
Mrs. Paddock's background.
Copy !req
593. I don't think
she's involved.
Copy !req
594. My God.
Copy !req
595. You think that's
some kind of acid?
Copy !req
596. There's no evidence
of any reaction
Copy !req
597. with the wood
from the acid.
Copy !req
598. There are tracks
in the dirt,
Copy !req
599. like from a snake.
Copy !req
600. That's impossible.
Copy !req
601. That's impossible.
Copy !req
602. It would take a large python
hours to consume
Copy !req
603. and weeks to digest
a human being.
Copy !req
604. You really do watch
The Learning Channel.
Copy !req
605. Scully.
Copy !req
606. Snakeskin.
Copy !req
607. There's a python
in Paddock's room.
Copy !req
608. Sheriff Oakes called me.
Copy !req
609. Jim Ausbury is dead.
Copy !req
610. He was talking to the FBI.
Copy !req
611. He was talking to the FBI.
Copy !req
612. Did they kill him?
Copy !req
613. You know who killed him.
Copy !req
614. Ausbury was no believer.
Copy !req
615. He had no real faith,
no devotion.
Copy !req
616. He was punished
for his doubts.
Copy !req
617. We have to act
or the same will happen to us,
Copy !req
618. if it's not already too late.
Copy !req
619. We have to assume
Jim told them who we are.
Copy !req
620. We have to assume
Jim told them who we are.
Copy !req
621. If Mulder knows,
Copy !req
622. it will make the offering
all the more meaningful.
Copy !req
623. They're here.
Copy !req
624. Lock the office.
Copy !req
625. My keys.
Copy !req
626. They were in my pocket.
Copy !req
627. They were in my pocket.
Copy !req
628. Mulder.
Copy !req
629. Mrs. Paddock?
Copy !req
630. What happened?
Copy !req
631. I-I came back.
Copy !req
632. They were taking the snake.
Copy !req
633. They— Mrs. Brown,
Mr. Vitaris—
Copy !req
634. They— Mrs. Brown,
Mr. Vitaris—
Copy !req
635. there are things about them
I learned.
Copy !req
636. I must tell you,
I think they killed that boy.
Copy !req
637. We know about that.
Copy !req
638. Conference room.
Copy !req
639. It's all there.
Copy !req
640. Paramedics must be
tied up by the storm.
Copy !req
641. You just stay there,
Mrs. Paddock.
Copy !req
642. We're going to
lock the door.
Copy !req
643. Stay still.
Copy !req
644. We'll be back.
Copy !req
645. It'll make the blood
easier to clean up.
Copy !req
646. Dominus inferus vobiscum.
Copy !req
647. Et cum tuo.
Copy !req
648. You're right.
Copy !req
649. It is already too late.
Copy !req
650. Oh, God.
Copy !req
651. Mulder, did you see
his expression?
Copy !req
652. It was as if something else
had control of him.
Copy !req
653. Paddock.
Copy !req
654. Paddock.
Copy !req
655. Mrs. Paddock?
Copy !req
656. Mulder.
Copy !req
657. I made this!
Copy !req