1. Hurry and get him out of there!
Copy !req
2. I need two men on
the left side now!
Copy !req
3. Wait a second.
Copy !req
4. Where are you going with him?
Copy !req
5. He's dead.
Copy !req
6. Well, there's a woman
over there who isn't
Copy !req
7. and she needs some oxygen.
Copy !req
8. Sir, stay back!
Copy !req
9. Get on the horn.
Copy !req
10. Let 'em know we can
release the hook and ladder
Copy !req
11. in five minutes.
Copy !req
12. I want you to rise!
Copy !req
13. Rise up and heal!
Copy !req
14. What the hell are you doing?
Copy !req
15. Boy's laying on hands.
Copy !req
16. Rise up and accept the miracle
Copy !req
17. - he's given you.
- Amen. Hallelujah.
Copy !req
18. You don't understand.
The man's dead.
Copy !req
19. Then the boy can't possibly
do any harm, now, can he?
Copy !req
20. For this
Copy !req
21. is the power of belief...
Copy !req
22. the power to separate
the light from the darkness
Copy !req
23. to create life from death.
Copy !req
24. Amen.
Copy !req
25. All right, everyone!
Show's over!
Copy !req
26. Let's clear the area!
Copy !req
27. Start getting that one
Copy !req
28. into the back of the truck!
Copy !req
29. Hallelujah, son.
Copy !req
30. Hallelujah.
Copy !req
31. Oh, hallelujah!
Copy !req
32. Oh, yes!
Copy !req
33. Hallelujah.
Copy !req
34. Yes, indeed, and praise God!
Copy !req
35. Yes!
Copy !req
36. Yes! Yes!
Copy !req
37. I want everybody
to say hallelujah!
Copy !req
38. Hallelujah!
Copy !req
39. Praise the Lord!
Copy !req
40. The woman on the table
Copy !req
41. has a malignant tumor
on her spine.
Copy !req
42. This boy here
is going to attempt
Copy !req
43. to heal her by simply laying
his hands on her.
Copy !req
44. - Where did you get this?
- It came in
Copy !req
45. from the regional office
in Tennessee.
Copy !req
46. The preacher's name is...
Copy !req
47. Reverend Calvin Hartley.
Copy !req
48. You've heard of him.
Copy !req
49. The boy
is his adopted son, Samuel.
Copy !req
50. He claims to have found him
as an infant
Copy !req
51. lying in the tall weeds
Copy !req
52. on the banks
of the muddy Mississippi.
Copy !req
53. Did you know that he also claims
Copy !req
54. the boy brought
a man back from the dead?
Copy !req
55. It's more than a claim.
Copy !req
56. The man he saved appears
as a regular attraction
Copy !req
57. in the reverend's tent ministry.
Copy !req
58. The boy's
been performing miracles
Copy !req
59. every week
for the past ten years.
Copy !req
60. Twice on Sunday.
Copy !req
61. Well, not according
to the Kenwood County Sheriff.
Copy !req
62. Local authorities think
Copy !req
63. that Reverend Hartley
and his son are a scam.
Copy !req
64. They've been trying
to shut them down
Copy !req
65. for some time now,
but without any luck,
Copy !req
66. so they've turned to the FBI
to try and get a prosecution.
Copy !req
67. - For what? Fraud?
- No.
Copy !req
68. Murder.
Copy !req
69. Watch the tape.
Copy !req
70. Lucy Kelly has the cancer.
Copy !req
71. Her doctors say
it is inoperable.
Copy !req
72. They say it is incurable.
Copy !req
73. But I say to you
Copy !req
74. that what the doctors
cannot cure,
Copy !req
75. the Lord can.
Copy !req
76. Amen!
Copy !req
77. Yes, indeed. Praise God.
Copy !req
78. Because God...
Copy !req
79. can work... miracles.
Copy !req
80. The clear light
of God's healing love...
Copy !req
81. is flowing...
Copy !req
82. through Samuel's healing hands.
Copy !req
83. 20 minutes later, Lucy Kelly
was rushed to the hospital.
Copy !req
84. She was pronounced dead
on arrival.
Copy !req
85. What was the cause death?
Copy !req
86. I don't know,
but it wasn't cancer.
Copy !req
87. They've requested someone
with a medical background
Copy !req
88. to assist local police
in the investigation.
Copy !req
89. I know this isn't an X File...
Copy !req
90. When do we leave for Tennessee?
Copy !req
91. I think I saw some of these
same people at Woodstock.
Copy !req
92. Mulder, you weren't
at Woodstock.
Copy !req
93. I saw the movie.
Copy !req
94. You all right by yourself?
Copy !req
95. I'll be fine.
Copy !req
96. I won't be long.
Copy !req
97. Most of you here today,
I know as neighbors
Copy !req
98. and as cherished members
of our Miracle Ministry.
Copy !req
99. But, uh, some of you have come
from far away...
Copy !req
100. as far away
Copy !req
101. as Pensacola, Florida...
Copy !req
102. And Uniondale, Long Island!
Copy !req
103. Wayne Ashtown and his family.
Copy !req
104. And it is especially
to those of you
Copy !req
105. who come from so far
Copy !req
106. that I must apologize
from the bottom of my heart...
Copy !req
107. because, unfortunately,
Copy !req
108. Samuel cannot be here
this afternoon.
Copy !req
109. I know... I know how very
deeply disappointed
Copy !req
110. each and every one of you
must be feeling right now,
Copy !req
111. but I say unto you,
do not be dismayed.
Copy !req
112. Do not despair!
Copy !req
113. Do not lose your hope...
Copy !req
114. because in two short days,
Samuel will be back here
Copy !req
115. at our very special
Miracle Mission!
Copy !req
116. Yes, indeed, praise God.
He will be back here...
Copy !req
117. Maybe we should head backstage
Copy !req
118. and see what the reverend
has to say.
Copy !req
119. No, wait, wait. This is the part
where they bring out Elvis.
Copy !req
120. on the faithful,
because as these
Copy !req
121. blessed people up here
are about to testify,
Copy !req
122. Samuel can heal you.
Copy !req
123. Yes, Samuel will heal you.
Copy !req
124. But...
Copy !req
125. only if you believe.
Copy !req
126. God bless you!
Copy !req
127. Reverend Hartley,
we're with the FBI.
Copy !req
128. I see Sheriff Daniels
has sent in the cavalry.
Copy !req
129. We just want to talk to Samuel
Copy !req
130. for a couple of minutes.
Copy !req
131. - That's all.
- He's not here.
Copy !req
132. Well, where is he?
Copy !req
133. I don't know.
Copy !req
134. I haven't seen him.
Copy !req
135. The boy's been
a bit troubled lately.
Copy !req
136. We're running late, Reverend.
Copy !req
137. If you'll excuse me.
Copy !req
138. Agent Mulder?
Copy !req
139. Yeah.
Copy !req
140. Sheriff Daniels.
Copy !req
141. - We spoke on the phone.
- Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
142. This is Special Agent
Dana Scully.
Copy !req
143. Right.
Copy !req
144. You requested a copy of
the coroner's report.
Copy !req
145. Right. Thank you.
Copy !req
146. I see you folks got a chance
Copy !req
147. to take in the
holy roller sideshow.
Copy !req
148. Something tells me
you're not a member
Copy !req
149. of the Reverend Hartley's flock.
Copy !req
150. Well, I remember Hartley
Copy !req
151. when he was a soapbox preacher
Copy !req
152. collecting dollar bills
in coffee cans.
Copy !req
153. Since the boy joined the act,
Copy !req
154. he's got himself a Cadillac
for every day of the week,
Copy !req
155. bought for with money
that should be used
Copy !req
156. to improve our roads
and schools.
Copy !req
157. People want to
believe, you know.
Copy !req
158. 99% of the people
in this world are fools,
Copy !req
159. and the rest of us are
in great danger of contagion.
Copy !req
160. Even if Hartley and
Samuel are fakes,
Copy !req
161. it's still a long way
Copy !req
162. from accusing the boy of murder.
Copy !req
163. I got witnesses that say
the boy was there
Copy !req
164. laying hands on those people
when they died.
Copy !req
165. You think that's how
he killed them, with a touch?
Copy !req
166. I don't claim to know
Copy !req
167. how or why he did it,
Copy !req
168. but we've been looking
for the boy since Tuesday
Copy !req
169. and he does not want
to be found.
Copy !req
170. There's nothing out of
the ordinary about these reports
Copy !req
171. except that there were
no autopsies performed.
Copy !req
172. Hartley managed to block
my autopsy request
Copy !req
173. on religious grounds.
Copy !req
174. Also doesn't help that
the county coroner
Copy !req
175. is a dues-paying member
of the Miracle Ministry.
Copy !req
176. Well, maybe we can arrange
Copy !req
177. to have the bodies exhumed.
Copy !req
178. Sheriff...
Copy !req
179. It's Reverend Hartley's group.
Copy !req
180. Damn.
Copy !req
181. I told my people to keep quiet
so this wouldn't happen.
Copy !req
182. Looks like you might
have a few believers
Copy !req
183. on the payroll.
Copy !req
184. On behalf
of the Miracle Ministry,
Copy !req
185. we demand that you stop
this sacrilege.
Copy !req
186. You're not just dealing
with me anymore, Vance.
Copy !req
187. You're dealing with the FBI.
Copy !req
188. We don't mean you
any disrespect.
Copy !req
189. We're investigating
a possible homicide.
Copy !req
190. And federal law requires
that we do
Copy !req
191. a postmortem examination
on these bodies.
Copy !req
192. Well, I'm afraid we answer
to an even higher authority
Copy !req
193. than the U.S. government...
one that considers grave digging
Copy !req
194. and defiling corpses
mortal sins.
Copy !req
195. We'll get that autopsy, Vance.
Copy !req
196. Sooner or later,
you know we will.
Copy !req
197. The deceased's family
Copy !req
198. does not want
her grave disturbed.
Copy !req
199. Carol Wallace had no family.
Copy !req
200. We were her family.
Copy !req
201. We were her family
Copy !req
202. and it was hard enough
to bury her once.
Copy !req
203. So if you insist
on going through with this,
Copy !req
204. we're prepared
to maintain a vigil
Copy !req
205. and do whatever it takes
to stop you.
Copy !req
206. Mulder,
Copy !req
207. Scully...
Copy !req
208. What?
Copy !req
209. One of my men just spotted
the boy car's downtown.
Copy !req
210. Can't do much here anyway.
Copy !req
211. Let's go.
Copy !req
212. Check the side door, okay?
Copy !req
213. Not a very likely place
to be saving souls.
Copy !req
214. Where's the boy, Zook?
Copy !req
215. He's in the can.
Copy !req
216. What happened here?
Copy !req
217. Damn fool started a fight.
Copy !req
218. Figures them Bible thumpers
Copy !req
219. wouldn't know
how to hold their liquor.
Copy !req
220. Where you been, Samuel?
Copy !req
221. We've been looking for you.
Copy !req
222. Yeah?
Copy !req
223. I've been thinking.
Copy !req
224. Well, you're going to
have plenty of time
Copy !req
225. for that now, son.
Copy !req
226. I'm putting you under arrest.
Copy !req
227. For murder?
Copy !req
228. For suspicion of murder.
Copy !req
229. Mind if I finish my beer first?
Copy !req
230. Well, you go right on ahead.
Copy !req
231. I'm going to have somebody
take a statement from you.
Copy !req
232. I'll see what I can do about
getting your Caddy towed.
Copy !req
233. Hey, Sheriff.
Copy !req
234. What evidence do you have
Copy !req
235. to charge the boy with murder?
Copy !req
236. Well, what more do you want?
Copy !req
237. The boy's practically
giving himself up.
Copy !req
238. Look at him, though.
He's drunk.
Copy !req
239. Well, then I'll add
drunk and disorderly.
Copy !req
240. Let's get this straight.
Copy !req
241. It's not a question
about the boy's guilt,
Copy !req
242. just how he did it.
Copy !req
243. Let me have a minute with him.
Copy !req
244. Suit yourself.
Copy !req
245. Samuel, I'm Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
246. This is Agent Scully.
Copy !req
247. We're from the FBI.
Copy !req
248. Looks like you took
quite a beating there.
Copy !req
249. Penance, Mr. Mulder.
Copy !req
250. Some might call it a
plain old bar brawl.
Copy !req
251. You know what they say...
Copy !req
252. "he giveth and he taketh away."
Copy !req
253. Man gets too proud,
Copy !req
254. sometimes it does him good
Copy !req
255. to get the crap
kicked out of him.
Copy !req
256. Saves God the trouble.
Copy !req
257. The trouble of what?
Copy !req
258. Humbling the guilty sinner.
Copy !req
259. Guilty of murder?
Copy !req
260. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
261. How did you do it, Samuel?
Copy !req
262. Apparently,
my pride and my weakness
Copy !req
263. were an invitation to the devil.
Copy !req
264. I muddied the river
of my own faith.
Copy !req
265. Now my gift has been corrupted.
Copy !req
266. So you're saying that you killed
those people with a touch?
Copy !req
267. I've laid my hands on the ill,
given them health.
Copy !req
268. I've healed the sick.
Copy !req
269. I've even touched the dying
and given them life.
Copy !req
270. God has given me a special gift.
Copy !req
271. Did he buy you
all that jewelry, too?
Copy !req
272. I think there's something
missing in your story, Samuel.
Copy !req
273. You doubt
the power of God, ma'am?
Copy !req
274. No, but I doubt
the veracity of your claims.
Copy !req
275. I have looked on the infirm
and seen their sickness...
Copy !req
276. their cancer.
Copy !req
277. Just as I can see the pain
Copy !req
278. on this man right here.
Copy !req
279. Really?
Copy !req
280. What pain is that?
Copy !req
281. The pain you have...
Copy !req
282. regarding a brother
Copy !req
283. or a sister.
Copy !req
284. It's an old pain.
Copy !req
285. It's never been healed.
Copy !req
286. Is this some kind of a trick?
Copy !req
287. No trick, ma'am.
Copy !req
288. I think we should
get the sheriff.
Copy !req
289. I want to hear more
about this pain.
Copy !req
290. Tell me.
Copy !req
291. I could see it, plain as day.
Copy !req
292. It was a sister.
Copy !req
293. You lost a sister quite young.
Copy !req
294. Someone took her away.
Copy !req
295. What else do you see?
Copy !req
296. Strangers...
Copy !req
297. a bright light.
Copy !req
298. Sheriff...
Copy !req
299. You should have
come here earlier.
Copy !req
300. Chance I could have
healed your pain.
Copy !req
301. All right,
let's get this over with.
Copy !req
302. Hey, I need another minute
with him.
Copy !req
303. I can't help you, not anymore.
Copy !req
304. My gift is gone.
Copy !req
305. Cuff him.
Copy !req
306. All right, let's go.
Copy !req
307. You have the right
to remain silent.
Copy !req
308. I'll tell you, Mr. Mulder...
Copy !req
309. God watches over his flock.
Copy !req
310. He gives us signs every day.
Copy !req
311. Open your heart.
Copy !req
312. He might just open your eyes.
Copy !req
313. How do you think he does it?
Copy !req
314. I don't know.
Copy !req
315. Given his exemplary record
Copy !req
316. and the highly
circumstantial nature
Copy !req
317. of this case,
Copy !req
318. I ask that my client be released
Copy !req
319. on his own recognizance
Copy !req
320. without bail...
Copy !req
321. Judge, that is not a good idea.
Copy !req
322. Samuel!
Copy !req
323. Let me go, and it will be
Copy !req
324. - on your head.
- Enough.
Copy !req
325. This is not a pulpit.
Copy !req
326. This is a court of law.
Copy !req
327. Is that understood?
Copy !req
328. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
329. Sorry.
Copy !req
330. Your Honor,
despite the defendant's
Copy !req
331. avowed guilt,
Copy !req
332. we see no reason
to burden the county
Copy !req
333. with his maintenance
until trial.
Copy !req
334. But we do request
a minimum bail of $100,000.
Copy !req
335. All right, if there
are no objections,
Copy !req
336. bail is set at $100,000
Copy !req
337. to be deposited directly
into the clerk's
Copy !req
338. probation account.
Copy !req
339. My God!
Copy !req
340. What is...
Copy !req
341. Good God!
Copy !req
342. By God!
Copy !req
343. God, what is it?
Copy !req
344. What is this?
Copy !req
345. What...
Copy !req
346. Oh, God!
Copy !req
347. How much more
Copy !req
348. will it take for you to believe?
Copy !req
349. The Lord has testified
against me.
Copy !req
350. Does the serpent
have to bite y'all
Copy !req
351. on the ass till you understand?
Copy !req
352. Everybody, clear this courtroom!
Copy !req
353. "And when it was morning,
Copy !req
354. "the east wind
brought the locusts
Copy !req
355. "and the locusts covered
the face of the whole earth
Copy !req
356. "so that the land was darkened.
Copy !req
357. And they did eat every herb
of the land..."
Copy !req
358. Come on, Mulder.
Copy !req
359. "... and all the fruit of the trees
which the hail had left..."
Copy !req
360. A few thousand grasshoppers
does not constitute a plague.
Copy !req
361. Besides which,
we're in farm country.
Copy !req
362. And this area
is an agricultural smorgasbord
Copy !req
363. for this type of infestation.
Copy !req
364. Yeah, maybe in a cornfield.
Copy !req
365. But this happened
in a courtroom.
Copy !req
366. So what's next?
Copy !req
367. The slaying of the firstborn?
Copy !req
368. Mulder, does this
have something to do
Copy !req
369. with what Samuel said
in the bar last night
Copy !req
370. about your sister?
Copy !req
371. I had these patient cases
sent over
Copy !req
372. from Kenwood County Hospital.
Copy !req
373. These are physician-
documented cases
Copy !req
374. of patients who went to Samuel
Copy !req
375. after conventional treatments
Copy !req
376. "Spontaneous remission
of metastatic cancer...
Copy !req
377. regenerated nerve growth
after post-trauma paraplegia..."
Copy !req
378. I have encountered dozens
Copy !req
379. of psychic healers in the
X Files, but none like this.
Copy !req
380. I think the kid's for real.
Copy !req
381. Mulder, I admit
this is intriguing,
Copy !req
382. but there's a whole library
of medical literature
Copy !req
383. dealing with unexplained
spontaneous cures.
Copy !req
384. Now, Western medicine
treats the human body
Copy !req
385. in biochemical terms, right?
Copy !req
386. - Mm-hmm.
- But the body could also
Copy !req
387. be treated
as an electromagnetic system.
Copy !req
388. So your theory is that if Samuel
Copy !req
389. can repair this energy field
in order to heal,
Copy !req
390. he can also destroy it
in order to kill.
Copy !req
391. - Why not?
- Okay.
Copy !req
392. Say that Samuel's touch
can kill.
Copy !req
393. Why would he want to?
Copy !req
394. Well, you heard him, Scully.
Copy !req
395. He muddied the river
of his own faith.
Copy !req
396. That means he's...
Copy !req
397. If you're available,
Copy !req
398. Reverend would like to see you.
Copy !req
399. I've been under a great deal
of stress lately,
Copy !req
400. which I know doesn't excuse
my rude behavior yesterday,
Copy !req
401. but I hope somehow you found it
in your hearts to forgive me.
Copy !req
402. Why did you want
to speak with us?
Copy !req
403. I need your help.
Copy !req
404. Samuel is being tried
for murder.
Copy !req
405. I think what you need
is a good lawyer.
Copy !req
406. Samuel is innocent.
Copy !req
407. How can you be sure of that?
Copy !req
408. Because he's my son.
Copy !req
409. Somehow I don't think
Copy !req
410. that argument
will work on a jury.
Copy !req
411. And Samuel's confession
won't help much, either.
Copy !req
412. You have to understand...
Copy !req
413. Samuel is a very complicated
young man.
Copy !req
414. He feels things
like no one else.
Copy !req
415. To him, a pinprick
becomes a gaping wound.
Copy !req
416. His power comes
Copy !req
417. from this ability to feel.
Copy !req
418. But, you see,
some people fear that power.
Copy !req
419. And out of their weakness
and their fear,
Copy !req
420. they seek to destroy it.
Copy !req
421. You mean Sheriff Daniels.
Copy !req
422. I mean, it's no secret
Copy !req
423. Sheriff Daniels
has been trying to shut me down
Copy !req
424. since I first opened
my tent ten years ago.
Copy !req
425. Well, he seems to think that
your ministry is a fraud.
Copy !req
426. He's a faithless
man, Agent Scully.
Copy !req
427. His wife, she suffers
from a most painful arthritis.
Copy !req
428. Her fingers twisted
like bitter roots.
Copy !req
429. Yet he keeps Samuel
from ministering to her.
Copy !req
430. In light of recent events,
you can't blame him.
Copy !req
431. I don't know
how those poor people died.
Copy !req
432. I can't explain that.
Copy !req
433. Which is why I'm asking you
to be there tonight
Copy !req
434. so you could see for yourselves
Copy !req
435. Samuel doing God's work.
Copy !req
436. Can I count on
you both to be there?
Copy !req
437. I think so.
Copy !req
438. Mulder, what do you think?
Copy !req
439. Excuse me.
Copy !req
440. Hey, where'd she go?
Copy !req
441. Who?
Copy !req
442. The little girl.
Copy !req
443. There's no little girl
around here.
Copy !req
444. Mulder...
Copy !req
445. What is it?
Copy !req
446. It's a girl.
Copy !req
447. Who, Jessica Hahn?
Copy !req
448. A little girl.
Copy !req
449. Well, brothers and sisters,
help yourselves.
Copy !req
450. Let the folks with
the wheelchairs through now.
Copy !req
451. That's right. Don't be shy.
Copy !req
452. Hello there.
Copy !req
453. Welcome to the Miracle Ministry.
Copy !req
454. Y'all come
to see Samuel tonight?
Copy !req
455. Yes.
Copy !req
456. Is he going to be here?
The papers said...
Copy !req
457. Oh, well, now, don't mind
what you read in the papers.
Copy !req
458. God's work will be done.
Copy !req
459. Young Samuel is here
to cast out the devil
Copy !req
460. and heal the sick.
Copy !req
461. Did you hear that, honey?
Copy !req
462. Will he be able to see me?
Copy !req
463. Well, I'll tell you what...
Copy !req
464. I'm going to put in
a special word, hmm?
Copy !req
465. What's your name, darling?
Copy !req
466. - Margaret Hohman.
- Margaret?
Copy !req
467. Well, Margaret,
you wait right here.
Copy !req
468. I'm going to see if
I can't get somebody
Copy !req
469. to put you in the front row.
How'd that be?
Copy !req
470. Huh?
Copy !req
471. I can't go out there.
Copy !req
472. Not after what's happened.
Copy !req
473. God tests the faith
in us all, son.
Copy !req
474. And because he's chosen
you to act in his likeness,
Copy !req
475. he's given you the
toughest test of all.
Copy !req
476. Do not forsake
your gift, Samuel.
Copy !req
477. Aw, man.
Copy !req
478. I'm a preacher, son.
Copy !req
479. That's my gift.
Copy !req
480. But all the preaching
in the world
Copy !req
481. could never equal
even a small miracle
Copy !req
482. in consolidating
the faith and hope
Copy !req
483. of these people.
Copy !req
484. Let this man...
whose life you saved...
Copy !req
485. give witness tonight
to the grace and goodness
Copy !req
486. of your healing power.
Copy !req
487. They're all waiting on you,
Copy !req
488. Get ready for the
Reverend Calvin Hartley!
Copy !req
489. Yes, indeedy!
Copy !req
490. Praise God!
Copy !req
491. Hallelujah!
Copy !req
492. Hallelujah!
Copy !req
493. Praise the Lord!
Copy !req
494. Praise the Lord!
Copy !req
495. God is here tonight.
Copy !req
496. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
497. Pass it down, please.
Copy !req
498. I feel his presence.
Oh, amen!
Copy !req
499. Apparently miracles
don't come cheap.
Copy !req
500. God is here,
Copy !req
501. and he...
Copy !req
502. is here...
Copy !req
503. to heal!
Copy !req
504. Yes, heal!
Copy !req
505. Hallelujah.
Copy !req
506. There's a man
Copy !req
507. I'd like to introduce to you...
Copy !req
508. a man who has seen
the face of God
Copy !req
509. but who was not satisfied to go
to that great place. Oh, no.
Copy !req
510. No, God had work for him to do
right here on earth.
Copy !req
511. As it is in Heaven, mm-hmm.
Copy !req
512. I saw this man come back
Copy !req
513. from beyond death's door.
Copy !req
514. He stands here today
as a living testament
Copy !req
515. to the ability of God
Copy !req
516. to work miracles.
Copy !req
517. Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
518. brothers and sisters...
Copy !req
519. our beloved friend,
Leonard Vance.
Copy !req
520. As it says in John,
Copy !req
521. chapter three...
Copy !req
522. "No man can do these miracles
unless God be with him."
Copy !req
523. That man to whom I owe my life
Copy !req
524. is Samuel Hartley.
Copy !req
525. And he is here tonight
to heal you.
Copy !req
526. Thank you, Leonard.
Copy !req
527. Ladies and gentlemen...
Copy !req
528. God's solider, Samuel Hartley.
Copy !req
529. Mulder!
Copy !req
530. Receive God's love.
Copy !req
531. Feel the power of God.
Copy !req
532. Pray with me.
Copy !req
533. Close your eyes.
Copy !req
534. What have you done, boy?
Copy !req
535. All right, everyone,
remain calm.
Copy !req
536. Give the young woman
some room here.
Copy !req
537. Everybody, praise God.
Copy !req
538. Say hallelujah, now!
Copy !req
539. Somebody, get an ambulance!
Copy !req
540. It's all right!
Copy !req
541. Don't panic, now.
Just praise the Lord!
Copy !req
542. She's dead.
Copy !req
543. Loving friends,
Copy !req
544. children of God,
Copy !req
545. brothers and sisters,
Copy !req
546. if you desecrate the body,
Copy !req
547. then you slay the soul.
Copy !req
548. Let's keep
this poor woman's body intact.
Copy !req
549. We know that Reverend Hartley's
Copy !req
550. been pressuring you,
Copy !req
551. but this is the
third death linked
Copy !req
552. with the Miracle Ministry.
Copy !req
553. Reverend Hartley says
Copy !req
554. an autopsy is against Scripture.
Copy !req
555. What illness did your daughter
suffer from, Mr. Hohman?
Copy !req
556. She had M.S.
Copy !req
557. And has she ever had
a seizure before this?
Copy !req
558. Not to my knowledge.
Copy !req
559. You see, I think
that the seizure she had
Copy !req
560. is indicative of some kind
of embolism or aneurysm.
Copy !req
561. But the boy only touched
her forehead.
Copy !req
562. And are you going to be content
Copy !req
563. to bury her without knowing
the true cause of death?
Copy !req
564. Without knowing
if there was foul play involved?
Copy !req
565. Give me a moment.
Copy !req
566. You think the boy really did it?
Copy !req
567. No.
Copy !req
568. Why not?
Copy !req
569. I was raised a Catholic
Copy !req
570. and I have a certain familiarity
with the Scripture
Copy !req
571. and God never lets
the devil steal the show.
Copy !req
572. You must have really liked
The Exorcist.
Copy !req
573. One of my favorite movies.
Copy !req
574. Well...
Copy !req
575. So who were you pursuing
in the crowd tonight?
Copy !req
576. I thought I saw someone I knew.
Copy !req
577. That boy really has you going,
doesn't he?
Copy !req
578. Why do you say that?
Copy !req
579. In the bar,
Samuel mentioned your sister.
Copy !req
580. Is it your sister
you keep thinking you're seeing?
Copy !req
581. I've seen her twice now.
Copy !req
582. Maybe you just want to see her.
Copy !req
583. I'm not delusional, Scully.
Copy !req
584. Mulder, don't discount
the power of suggestion.
Copy !req
585. A healer's greatest magic
Copy !req
586. lies in the patient's
willingness to believe.
Copy !req
587. Imagine a miracle
and you're halfway there.
Copy !req
588. We learned that in med school.
Copy !req
589. You think this is
what Margaret Hohman
Copy !req
590. or her parents were imagining?
Copy !req
591. We're going to go along
with your investigation.
Copy !req
592. It's 11:21 p.m., March 7.
Copy !req
593. Subject's name is
Margaret Hohman.
Copy !req
594. Female, Caucasian,
Copy !req
595. 107 pounds.
Copy !req
596. Mulder, take a look at this.
Copy !req
597. Do I have to?
Copy !req
598. Lesions on the lungs here.
Copy !req
599. I'm finding them
Copy !req
600. throughout the cardiovascular
Copy !req
601. and pulmonary systems.
Copy !req
602. There's also a lot of damage
to the mucous membranes.
Copy !req
603. I think that she must have died
from cellular hypoxia...
Copy !req
604. a lack of oxygen to the cells.
Copy !req
605. What would cause that?
Copy !req
606. My guess? Ingestion
or injection
Copy !req
607. of sodium or potassium
cyanide, maybe arsenic.
Copy !req
608. I won't know exactly
Copy !req
609. until I run a toxicology
screen on her.
Copy !req
610. How soon?
Copy !req
611. Labs won't be open till morning.
Copy !req
612. See who you can push
to get it done...
Copy !req
613. as soon as possible.
Copy !req
614. Samuel, it's Agent Mulder.
Copy !req
615. Yeah? What do you want?
Copy !req
616. I want to talk with you.
Copy !req
617. If you'd prefer your
attorney were present...
Copy !req
618. Whatever. No.
Copy !req
619. I put a call in to
Sheriff Daniels.
Copy !req
620. He's on his way down here.
Copy !req
621. I'm going to ask him
to release you.
Copy !req
622. Why are you doing this?
Copy !req
623. You were there, man.
Copy !req
624. You saw for yourself.
Copy !req
625. Did you poison Margaret Hohman?
Copy !req
626. Did I poison her?
Copy !req
627. Did you poison her
Copy !req
628. using potassium
or sodium cyanide?
Copy !req
629. Because that's what killed her.
Copy !req
630. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
631. You're innocent, Samuel.
Copy !req
632. Unless you had a hand
in administering it,
Copy !req
633. and I don't think you did.
Copy !req
634. Whatever the cause, Mr. Mulder,
I am responsible.
Copy !req
635. Well, the evidence
Copy !req
636. will be presented
at your arraignment tomorrow.
Copy !req
637. Habeas corpus law
will force them to release you,
Copy !req
638. so you might as well go home
and get some rest anyway.
Copy !req
639. Just leave me alone, okay?
Copy !req
640. Look, Samuel, if you think that
the punishment for your sins
Copy !req
641. is the deaths of those people...
Copy !req
642. The Lord has testified
against me, Mr. Mulder.
Copy !req
643. I can't stand here and argue
with your Biblical rhetoric,
Copy !req
644. but I do know that the law
will find you innocent.
Copy !req
645. You said you could see my pain.
Copy !req
646. Look at me.
Copy !req
647. What do you see now?
Copy !req
648. I see nothing.
Copy !req
649. I am blind.
Copy !req
650. I don't believe you.
Copy !req
651. I've seen her.
Copy !req
652. It was her, wasn't it?
Copy !req
653. Your sister?
Copy !req
654. You made her appear to me,
didn't you?
Copy !req
655. Look at me.
Copy !req
656. I am very tired, Mr. Mulder.
Copy !req
657. Is she alive?
Copy !req
658. Is that what I'm supposed
to believe
Copy !req
659. or is this a trick?
Copy !req
660. You mean...
Copy !req
661. a trick of the devil?
Copy !req
662. Jailer!
Copy !req
663. I see I'm a little late
for this ball.
Copy !req
664. Called you down here
to ask you to release the boy.
Copy !req
665. - On what pretense?
- His innocence.
Copy !req
666. Aren't you a little out of
your depth here, Agent Mulder?
Copy !req
667. This may be Hicksville to you,
Copy !req
668. but we do try and hew
to the legal system.
Copy !req
669. I don't want to pick a fight.
Copy !req
670. He seems determined
to stay here anyway.
Copy !req
671. What does that tell you?
Copy !req
672. It tells me you're determined
to have him charged
Copy !req
673. while your real homicide suspect
is still at large.
Copy !req
674. I got some company for you, Sam.
Copy !req
675. What are you looking at?
Copy !req
676. I'll get it.
Copy !req
677. I'll get it.
Copy !req
678. Ma'am.
Copy !req
679. Sheriff.
Copy !req
680. Hey, Dennis.
Copy !req
681. How are you?
Copy !req
682. Just fine, ma'am, just fine.
Copy !req
683. Except we had an incident
down at the jail.
Copy !req
684. What incident
would that be, Tyson?
Copy !req
685. The preacher boy.
Copy !req
686. He's dead.
Copy !req
687. He was alone in his cell
Copy !req
688. when Mulder left him
this morning.
Copy !req
689. How could this have happened?
Copy !req
690. The boy started a fight
Copy !req
691. with a couple of rowdies
we picked up on a DUI.
Copy !req
692. Took some pretty mean
blows to the head.
Copy !req
693. Died before
the ambulance got here.
Copy !req
694. His blood is spilled
Copy !req
695. and it's all over you!
Copy !req
696. Reverend...
Copy !req
697. How much longer
Copy !req
698. are you going to hide
behind that badge
Copy !req
699. before the truth is revealed?
Copy !req
700. I have work to do.
Copy !req
701. Reverend Hartley...
Copy !req
702. We're sorry for your loss.
Copy !req
703. That boy...
he was blessed.
Copy !req
704. He never hurt a soul.
Copy !req
705. Come on there, Reverend.
Copy !req
706. Our friends will be
finding out about Samuel
Copy !req
707. sooner than later, and, well...
Copy !req
708. it's probably best
if they hear from you.
Copy !req
709. Come on.
Copy !req
710. Ma'am.
Copy !req
711. You got that look on
your face, Mulder.
Copy !req
712. What look is that?
Copy !req
713. The kind when you've
forgotten your keys
Copy !req
714. and you're trying to figure out
Copy !req
715. how to get back in the house.
Copy !req
716. What exactly
are we trying to find?
Copy !req
717. Clues.
Copy !req
718. Oh.
Copy !req
719. What does it mean?
Copy !req
720. Let's find out.
Copy !req
721. Scully.
Copy !req
722. It's potato.
Copy !req
723. Someone left a trail of food
Copy !req
724. in the ventilation system
leading to the courtroom.
Copy !req
725. You dump your locusts in here...
Copy !req
726. instant plague.
Copy !req
727. Well, where did
they all come from?
Copy !req
728. Biological supply houses
usually hatch them
Copy !req
729. on order to farms
and universities.
Copy !req
730. Shouldn't be too hard
to find out who set this up.
Copy !req
731. And you think whoever did this
Copy !req
732. is responsible for the murders.
Copy !req
733. You're dead.
Copy !req
734. They killed you.
Copy !req
735. I was dead...
Copy !req
736. but here I am.
Copy !req
737. No!
Copy !req
738. Why did you betray me?
Copy !req
739. You murdered those people.
Copy !req
740. They came to me to be healed
Copy !req
741. and you murdered them.
Copy !req
742. Why?
Copy !req
743. After I gave you back your life.
Copy !req
744. You call this life?
Copy !req
745. What in tarnation do you want?
Copy !req
746. We have a warrant for the
arrest of Leonard Vance.
Copy !req
747. Where is he?
Copy !req
748. You must be mistaken.
Copy !req
749. I'm afraid not, Reverend.
Copy !req
750. We traced
a pesticide order to him
Copy !req
751. from a chemical company
in Knoxville.
Copy !req
752. Cyanogen bromide...
it's a cyanide derivative.
Copy !req
753. Leonard poisoned those people?
Copy !req
754. Get your clothes on, Vance.
Copy !req
755. You're under arrest.
Copy !req
756. I betrayed him.
Copy !req
757. Cyanide.
Copy !req
758. There's no way to tell
how much he's ingested.
Copy !req
759. I'll call an ambulance.
Copy !req
760. It's too late.
We have to
Copy !req
761. get him to the
hospital ourselves.
Copy !req
762. I thought,
"Why didn't he let me die?"
Copy !req
763. Beware of false prophets
Copy !req
764. who come to you
in sheep's clothing
Copy !req
765. but inwardly are...
are ravening wolves.
Copy !req
766. That's what I thought he was
Copy !req
767. because who else
would bring me back
Copy !req
768. looking like this?
Copy !req
769. He was here.
Copy !req
770. Who?
Copy !req
771. Samuel.
Copy !req
772. The man's delirious.
Copy !req
773. He was here, Reverend.
Copy !req
774. Right in this room...
Copy !req
775. and he forgave me.
Copy !req
776. Rather than simply
killing Samuel,
Copy !req
777. Vance contrived to kill
the ministry's faith in him.
Copy !req
778. We have conclusive evidence
Copy !req
779. connecting him both
to the courtroom infestation
Copy !req
780. and to the poisoning deaths
Copy !req
781. of three members
of the ministry.
Copy !req
782. Vance's obsession
outlived Samuel, however.
Copy !req
783. His conscience haunted him
until he became delusory
Copy !req
784. and finally took his own life,
Copy !req
785. effectively ending
our investigation.
Copy !req
786. In light of this information,
it is highly doubtful
Copy !req
787. that there have ever been
any miracles
Copy !req
788. in Kenwood, Tennessee.
Copy !req
789. Mulder.
Copy !req
790. Scully.
Copy !req
791. Sheriff Daniels just called.
Copy !req
792. Samuel's body is missing
from the morgue.
Copy !req
793. Any witnesses?
Copy !req
794. One, so far.
Copy !req
795. The night nurse who
made the report...
Copy !req
796. Beatrice Salinger.
Copy !req
797. She saw somebody take the body?
Copy !req
798. Not actually.
Copy !req
799. What do you mean,
"not actually"?
Copy !req
800. Talk sense, Deputy.
Copy !req
801. She didn't exactly see
anyone taking the body.
Copy !req
802. Well, what, then?
Copy !req
803. She, uh...
Copy !req
804. she claims she saw Samuel
walking out by himself.
Copy !req
805. Sounds crazy, I know,
but that's what she told me.
Copy !req
806. You coming, Sheriff?
Copy !req
807. I was drinking my coffee
Copy !req
808. and going over the night orders
Copy !req
809. for my ward, seven south,
Copy !req
810. when he walked right by me.
Copy !req
811. His face was all black and blue.
Copy !req
812. And you're sure it was him?
Copy !req
813. Well, at first I thought
my eyes were playing tricks,
Copy !req
814. which happens a lot
on graveyard,
Copy !req
815. so I got up to look again,
Copy !req
816. but I lost him around a corner.
Copy !req
817. He just vanished.
Copy !req
818. Then I went to check the morgue,
Copy !req
819. and his body was gone.
Copy !req
820. I don't believe this.
This is insane.
Copy !req
821. I'm not going to listen
to any more
Copy !req
822. of this woman's crazy talk.
Copy !req
823. I'm not the only one
who saw him, Sheriff,
Copy !req
824. so I know I'm not crazy.
Copy !req
825. Other people saw him, too.
Copy !req
826. I'm not crazy.
Copy !req
827. It was Samuel.
Copy !req
828. This isn't true, Maurice.
Copy !req
829. Is it?
Copy !req
830. The boy was an awful fake
Copy !req
831. just like you said,
wasn't he, Maurice?
Copy !req
832. Wasn't he, Maurice?
Copy !req
833. Sir...
Copy !req
834. going to have to ask you
Copy !req
835. to come with me.
Copy !req
836. District attorney
Copy !req
837. wants to ask you some questions
Copy !req
838. concerning the boy's death.
Copy !req
839. Sundays will probably
never be the same again
Copy !req
840. in these parts.
Copy !req
841. I have a strong sense
the Reverend Hartley
Copy !req
842. is not going to be able
to give up the pulpit.
Copy !req
843. Even without his son?
Copy !req
844. Might even strengthen his faith.
Copy !req
845. Remember, the boy did rise
from the dead.
Copy !req
846. That kind of thing happens
only once or twice
Copy !req
847. every 2,000 years or so.
Copy !req
848. Yeah, and I have a story
about a plague of locusts.
Copy !req
849. I just hope Reverend Hartley
Copy !req
850. didn't arrange
his body snatching
Copy !req
851. as his miracle of miracles.
Copy !req
852. Somehow, I don't think so.
Copy !req
853. What exactly do you think?
Copy !req
854. I think people
are looking hard for miracles.
Copy !req
855. So hard that maybe
they make themselves see
Copy !req
856. what they want to see.
Copy !req
857. You coming, Mulder?
Copy !req