1. I will take her, protect her,
Copy !req
2. and bring her back unharmed,
I promise you that.
Copy !req
3. I'll winds follow grave robbers.
Copy !req
4. If I was a robber,
I'd be taking their belongings, Butcher.
Copy !req
5. If I was a butcher,
you'd be amongst the corpses.
Copy !req
6. I was goin' home to my family
when I came upon these poor souls.
Copy !req
7. Cintran refugees. Dead at least a week.
Copy !req
8. Now they're a feast for the crows.
Copy !req
9. They're not crows.
Copy !req
10. - Wolves?
- No.
Copy !req
11. With the hands of two,
I could move quicker.
Copy !req
12. The only thing you should do quickly
is flee.
Copy !req
13. Come on, Roach,
back to Kaer Morhen.
Copy !req
14. Don't leave!
Copy !req
15. Look at these people.
Copy !req
16. Innocent people, killed for what?
Copy !req
17. So Nilfgaard can have more land?
Copy !req
18. We owe it to 'em to do better.
Copy !req
19. I'm not better.
Copy !req
20. Go home.
Copy !req
21. I can help.
Copy !req
22. - One bite will kill you.
- Or you.
Copy !req
23. Go... home!
Copy !req
24. All right...
Copy !req
25. Fuck.
Copy !req
26. Not a happy ever after, after all.
Copy !req
27. A fitting end...
Copy !req
28. huh, Roach?
Copy !req
29. Come on, girl.
Copy !req
30. Get up now.
Copy !req
31. Let's get you out of here.
Copy !req
32. What happened?
Copy !req
33. They came for me.
Copy !req
34. Well, then...
Copy !req
35. they got what they deserved.
Copy !req
36. You're safe now.
Copy !req
37. It's okay.
Copy !req
38. It's okay.
Copy !req
39. Let me take you home, girl.
Something's in the air.
Copy !req
40. There are, what, 60 of us?
And we're the saviors of the Continent?
Copy !req
41. Well, the good news is
there's only one way to move north:
Copy !req
42. through Sodden Hill.
Copy !req
43. We must get to the Elven keep
that guards it before Nilfgaard does.
Copy !req
44. When is that?
Copy !req
45. My sources say the general's moving troops
to the Yaruga Valley.
Copy !req
46. They're two days away.
Copy !req
47. If we cut them off at the choke hold,
Copy !req
48. we can still stop the Empire's progress.
Copy !req
49. We have sent word
to the Northern Kingdoms.
Copy !req
50. Temeria and Kaedwen will join us
to defend their lands.
Copy !req
51. When is that?
Copy !req
52. Within two days. Hopefully.
Copy !req
53. We will fortify the keep
until they arrive.
Copy !req
54. That's the strategy.
Copy !req
55. A military strategy.
Copy !req
56. We're mages. Damn powerful ones.
Copy !req
57. Does Nilfgaard really believe
they can take the whole Continent?
Copy !req
58. They've been collecting soldiers,
Copy !req
59. occupying territories...
Copy !req
60. letting loose their beliefs
like an epidemic.
Copy !req
61. Istredd was telling me.
Copy !req
62. You saw Is?
Copy !req
63. I saw it first hand in Nazair.
Copy !req
64. Nilfgaard take people down
to their worst,
Copy !req
65. then give them something to cling to.
Copy !req
66. Even if it's shitty ale.
Copy !req
67. That's why we're here.
Copy !req
68. Because sometimes it's not shitty ale.
Copy !req
69. Sometimes it's a bed in a pigpen.
Copy !req
70. You have to make a choice to fight back.
Copy !req
71. If Nilfgaard wanted to take the North,
Copy !req
72. why would they expose themselves
by sacking Cintra first?
Copy !req
73. Why wouldn't they just push through Sodden
and surprise everyone?
Copy !req
74. First, she shuns the military,
now she's a military expert.
Copy !req
75. First, he speaks to her
as though she's not there,
Copy !req
76. - and then he loses a limb.
Copy !req
77. You're a talented mage.
Copy !req
78. An asset, to be sure.
Copy !req
79. Despite being a...
Copy !req
80. An inconvenient arsehole?
Copy !req
81. I couldn't have said it better myself.
Copy !req
82. Why did you come?
Copy !req
83. We've been walking for hours
Copy !req
84. and you still haven't
answered my question.
Copy !req
85. If my military experience
has taught me anything,
Copy !req
86. it's that the bigger picture's left
for history,
Copy !req
87. which makes our task very clear:
Copy !req
88. hold Sodden, save the Continent.
Copy !req
89. Are you in?
Copy !req
90. Is this what we're protecting?
Copy !req
91. For hundreds of years,
Copy !req
92. this keep has guarded the narrowest parts
of the Yaruga River.
Copy !req
93. Now it's the only thing standing
between Nilfgaard and the North.
Copy !req
94. These people, they have been
pushed here from their homes.
Copy !req
95. They've seen the scorched earth,
Copy !req
96. the fields of corpses stretching
between Gemmera and this river.
Copy !req
97. Such cruelty.
Copy !req
98. It's Nilfgaard's way.
Copy !req
99. There's nothing like a higher purpose
to permit men to do the unspeakable.
Copy !req
100. But it's all any of us have left.
Copy !req
101. - We have to defend it.
- That's heroic.
Copy !req
102. And stupid.
Copy !req
103. Take the children and hide
before they get here.
Copy !req
104. There is no more hiding from Nilfgaard.
Copy !req
105. They have come from beyond the mountains
to destroy the world.
Copy !req
106. You still believe it can be saved?
Copy !req
107. I suppose I do.
Copy !req
108. With some help.
Copy !req
109. One here, on the east gate.
Copy !req
110. Is this all we have?
Copy !req
111. Aye.
Copy !req
112. I'm afraid so.
Copy !req
113. We tried to get more fletchin', but...
Copy !req
114. Nilfgaard's blocked the roads,
Copy !req
115. taken everythin' from us.
Copy !req
116. Nothin' left to do
but wait for 'em to attack.
Copy !req
117. You could be down there,
Copy !req
118. with the others.
Copy !req
119. No.
Copy !req
120. I can't.
Copy !req
121. I lost my farm not a sennight ago...
Copy !req
122. to soldiers who...
Copy !req
123. claimed it belonged to them.
Copy !req
124. Took all me sucklin's, the bastards.
Copy !req
125. I raised 'em,
Copy !req
126. all on me own after me husband died.
Copy !req
127. But now I have to fight back.
Copy !req
128. I wish I could do that.
Copy !req
129. It's magic.
Copy !req
130. It's not real.
Copy !req
131. Is Vilgefortz to be our new daddy?
Copy !req
132. You did time in Temeria.
Copy !req
133. Do you believe King Foltest
will bring the Northern armies?
Copy !req
134. I know he will.
Copy !req
135. His daughter was cursed. A striga.
Copy !req
136. I guess I was the only one
who didn't see her as a lost cause.
Copy !req
137. You saved her?
Copy !req
138. Well, we did.
Copy !req
139. I enlisted a witcher.
Copy !req
140. Geralt of Rivia.
Copy !req
141. I often wonder where fate took him.
Copy !req
142. Somewhere unpleasant, I'm sure.
Copy !req
143. You should be wary of his kind.
Copy !req
144. They're so often disappointing.
Copy !req
145. The ale won't disappoint.
Copy !req
146. We should enjoy it while we can.
Copy !req
147. It's the first thing
Nilfgaard will destroy.
Copy !req
148. Must you always be so fatalistic?
Copy !req
149. It's only appropriate,
Copy !req
150. seeing as we might die.
Copy !req
151. All the more reason to live tonight.
Copy !req
152. Mmm. Like you.
Copy !req
153. So, are you ready?
Copy !req
154. To die?
Copy !req
155. Yes.
Copy !req
156. I've lived two or three lifetimes already.
Copy !req
157. But you haven't been satisfied
in any of them.
Copy !req
158. I've tried.
Copy !req
159. But I've no legacy to leave behind.
Copy !req
160. No family.
Copy !req
161. It's time to accept
that life has no more to give.
Copy !req
162. You still have so much left to give.
Copy !req
163. Fifty thousand of our soldiers
are marching from Cintra, sir.
Copy !req
164. I know.
Copy !req
165. We wipe out the keep,
Copy !req
166. and when the General's forces arrive,
they push through to the North.
Copy !req
167. And if it's too late?
Copy !req
168. Fringilla, tell him he cannot possibly
take Temeria alone.
Copy !req
169. Tell him he cannot possibly
understand the stakes at play.
Copy !req
170. The Brotherhood... they're here.
Copy !req
171. Our scouts just spotted them,
Copy !req
172. fortifying the keep.
Copy !req
173. We must move.
Copy !req
174. How many?
Copy !req
175. We don't know.
Copy !req
176. We must wait.
Copy !req
177. It is one thing
to destroy a few peasant insurgents,
Copy !req
178. but we cannot combat unknown magic.
Copy !req
179. We have magic too.
Copy !req
180. Without rules or restrictions.
Copy !req
181. I will personally deplete them
Copy !req
182. until they are empty...
Copy !req
183. and powerless.
Copy !req
184. Cahir, if the report
from the trading post is true,
Copy !req
185. Cirilla may already be across the Yaruga.
Copy !req
186. This...
Copy !req
187. is our chance...
Copy !req
188. to honor the White Flame.
Copy !req
189. Sir, forget Princess Cirilla.
Copy !req
190. With the General,
we can take the Continent.
Copy !req
191. Enough!
Copy !req
192. We will not lose her.
Copy !req
193. Test the Brotherhood's defenses.
Copy !req
194. Where did you come from, anyway?
Copy !req
195. You tryin' to outrun the war
like the rest of them?
Copy !req
196. Refugees have been headin' this way
for weeks now.
Copy !req
197. Mum's a bleedin' heart, takin' you in.
Copy !req
198. Are you dumb or somethin'?
Copy !req
199. Why don't you talk?
Copy !req
200. Ow.
Copy !req
201. Can't you see she's been through hell?
Copy !req
202. She's not here to take chores
off your lazy hands.
Copy !req
203. If you stay, think you could
teach him some manners?
Copy !req
204. Nilfgaard.
Copy !req
205. They're here.
Copy !req
206. Again.
Copy !req
207. Get up! Everyone up!
Copy !req
208. Move!
Copy !req
209. Draw the mages out.
Copy !req
210. We will not lose to them.
Copy !req
211. Stay low. We don't know
what other tricks they may have.
Copy !req
212. Maybe it's over.
Copy !req
213. No, Fringilla's just getting started.
Copy !req
214. It hasn't been two days yet.
Copy !req
215. How is Nilfgaard's army here already?
Copy !req
216. Doesn't matter.
We can't wait for the Northern Kingdoms.
Copy !req
217. - We have to fight.
- There are only 22 of us now.
Copy !req
218. Those cowards fled after tonight's attack,
but I'm not goin' anywhere.
Copy !req
219. I've lived enough.
Copy !req
220. They're coming. We must move.
The ten of you, to the field. Go!
Copy !req
221. Sabrina, you take the villagers
to the artillery room.
Copy !req
222. Triss, come with me.
Copy !req
223. - This way! Follow me!
- Clear the battlement!
Copy !req
224. - Keep watch on the tower.
- The tower?
Copy !req
225. Reserve your chaos.
Copy !req
226. I don't like the look of this mist,
Copy !req
227. It's not natural.
Copy !req
228. - Hey, careful now.
Copy !req
229. Easy does it.
Copy !req
230. You got bit, Butcher.
Copy !req
231. You're delirious, but you're not dead.
Copy !req
232. Not on my watch!
Copy !req
233. Hey, come on now, be still, I said.
Copy !req
234. We're goin' to my farm.
Copy !req
235. Just as soon as these poor old horses
can take us there.
Copy !req
236. You must stay awake, though.
Copy !req
237. Butcher, you hear me?
Copy !req
238. Don't you go to sleep now,
whatever you do!
Copy !req
239. Ma?
Copy !req
240. Ma?
Copy !req
241. Ma?
Copy !req
242. Back, you beast.
I'll kill you and take your treasure.
Copy !req
243. Do not fear, Princess.
Copy !req
244. Dinner time.
Copy !req
245. Someday I'll make you
a necklace of dragon teeth.
Copy !req
246. The prettiest necklace ever.
Copy !req
247. No.
Copy !req
248. We must live and let live.
Copy !req
249. What's that mean?
Copy !req
250. - It's our code.
- Hey, Butcher.
Copy !req
251. We have to cling to something.
Copy !req
252. If we don't,
Copy !req
253. the world descends into chaos.
Copy !req
254. Ma...
Copy !req
255. It's magic.
Copy !req
256. It's not real.
Copy !req
257. Grab your bows. Keep your head down.
Copy !req
258. Ready yourselves!
Copy !req
259. - Let's do this.
- Right.
Copy !req
260. Bar the gate!
Copy !req
261. Let's do this!
Copy !req
262. Come on, everyone!
Copy !req
263. Can anyone hear me?
Copy !req
264. Can anyone hear me?
Copy !req
265. Can anyone hear me?
Copy !req
266. Tissaia?
Copy !req
267. I can.
Copy !req
268. They're closing in.
Copy !req
269. It's time.
Copy !req
270. It's working.
Copy !req
271. Coral, soldiers, straight ahead.
And they're moving fast.
Copy !req
272. Sabrina, prepare your shot.
Copy !req
273. Hold your fire until they're in range.
Copy !req
274. Hold!
Copy !req
275. Hold!
Copy !req
276. Now! Pull!
Copy !req
277. Who's next?
Copy !req
278. So much
for depleting them. What now?
Copy !req
279. Move to the other front.
Copy !req
280. Right turn!
Copy !req
281. March!
Copy !req
282. Vilgefortz, now!
Copy !req
283. Vilgefortz...
Copy !req
284. slow... down.
Copy !req
285. Reserve your chaos.
Copy !req
286. Huh.
Copy !req
287. Vilgefortz!
Copy !req
288. What are you after?
Copy !req
289. What do you want?
Copy !req
290. To get to the center of it all.
Copy !req
291. Break! Break.
Copy !req
292. Break, break...
Copy !req
293. They're comin' in!
Copy !req
294. Get back in!
Copy !req
295. Move out!
Copy !req
296. They've breached the gate!
Copy !req
297. Shit! Take cover!
Copy !req
298. Fire.
Copy !req
299. No!
Copy !req
300. Oh, no!
Copy !req
301. Tissaia.
Copy !req
302. Can you hear me?
Copy !req
303. Nilfgaard has broken through!
Copy !req
304. Tissaia.
Copy !req
305. We must stop Fringilla.
Copy !req
306. It's not too late.
Copy !req
307. I did tell you to stay out of this.
Copy !req
308. - You can come back.
Copy !req
309. - I can help you.
Copy !req
310. Do you know how Nilfgaard took Cintra?
Copy !req
311. Horrible storm.
Copy !req
312. Fifty Skelligen ships sunk
to the bottom of the sea,
Copy !req
313. wrecked in that horrible fog.
Copy !req
314. That was you.
Copy !req
315. I won't let you do this.
Copy !req
316. You're worth more
than Nilfgaard can ever give you.
Copy !req
317. - Dimeritium.
Copy !req
318. I don't need your help...
Copy !req
319. anymore...
Copy !req
320. - Rectoress.
Copy !req
321. Hey, don't you move.
Copy !req
322. Butcher, hey! Whoa, lads. Whoa.
Copy !req
323. What's that?
Copy !req
324. Well, from the direction, I would say
that Nilfgaard has made it to Sodden.
Copy !req
325. Shit, look.
Copy !req
326. Take Sodden, you take the North,
some say.
Copy !req
327. - Ye gods, that looks hideous.
Copy !req
328. Fuck.
Copy !req
329. My bag.
Copy !req
330. - My bag!
- This? Here.
Copy !req
331. You need a healer.
Copy !req
332. Take me to the Blue Mountains.
Copy !req
333. That's the other side of Sodden.
Copy !req
334. It's impossible, you'll die.
Copy !req
335. He'll...
Copy !req
336. save me.
Copy !req
337. Who? Who? Ah, hey!
Copy !req
338. - Wake up! Hey, wake up!
Copy !req
339. - You stay awake, you bastard!
Copy !req
340. I need...
Copy !req
341. to go home.
Copy !req
342. What's at the edge of the world?
Copy !req
343. If we go past it,
do we fall off the world?
Copy !req
344. Where do we fall?
Copy !req
345. Into another sphere?
Copy !req
346. How many spheres are there?
Copy !req
347. We're going to my farm.
Copy !req
348. - Do you have any food?
- Hey, hey, hey. Be still, I said.
Copy !req
349. Is there food on other spheres?
Copy !req
350. And after the edge of the world,
Copy !req
351. let's go to Lyria and Rivia
and Vengerberg!
Copy !req
352. - Stop.
- And never stop.
Copy !req
353. - I have to stop.
- Whoa, lads. Whoa.
Copy !req
354. - Are you okay, Ma?
- I need water.
Copy !req
355. Go! Fetch it for me.
Copy !req
356. - Ma? Ma!
- Ma!
Copy !req
357. Ma!
Copy !req
358. Visenna?
Copy !req
359. Geralt, I've been waiting for you.
Copy !req
360. - Vesemir.
- Ma!
Copy !req
361. Vesemir.
Copy !req
362. Nilfgaard is gaining on us.
Copy !req
363. Get back to the keep if you can!
Copy !req
364. Coral,
Copy !req
365. take the path back to us,
do not stop.
Copy !req
366. Get out of the way!
Copy !req
367. - No!
Copy !req
368. Atlan!
Copy !req
369. Coral!
Copy !req
370. Save yourself!
Copy !req
371. - No!
Copy !req
372. Triss! The gate! Can you buy us time?
Copy !req
373. I don't know if I can!
Copy !req
374. I'll find Tissaia and get us help.
Copy !req
375. Do not stop, Triss.
Copy !req
376. Get through that gate!
Copy !req
377. - Get in!
Copy !req
378. Come on, lads! Come on! Here!
Copy !req
379. Move, move! Quick, quick!
Copy !req
380. Tissaia, where are you?
Copy !req
381. - Shouldn't you be at—
Copy !req
382. Sabrina.
Copy !req
383. Sabrina...
Copy !req
384. - I'm sorry.
- Don't worry.
Copy !req
385. I'll find Tissaia.
Copy !req
386. No!
Copy !req
387. Can anyone hear me?
Copy !req
388. Is anyone out there?
Copy !req
389. If you can hear me,
Copy !req
390. you need to get to the front line.
Copy !req
391. More Nilfgaardians are coming
to the woods.
Copy !req
392. We can't give up.
Copy !req
393. We can still fight.
Copy !req
394. You don't need
to fight anymore.
Copy !req
395. You have never stopped searching.
Copy !req
396. For what?
Copy !req
397. It's here.
Copy !req
398. With Nilfgaard.
Copy !req
399. Nilfgaard...
Copy !req
400. In Nilfgaard, there are no limits.
Copy !req
401. Only power and potential.
Copy !req
402. That could be your legacy.
Copy !req
403. Is anyone out there?
Copy !req
404. Is anyone still alive?
Copy !req
405. Is anyone still alive?
Copy !req
406. Vilge...
Copy !req
407. Vilge...
Copy !req
408. Help...
Copy !req
409. me.
Copy !req
410. Vilgefor—
Copy !req
411. Vilgefortz, are you with us?
Copy !req
412. Tissaia? Tissaia...
Copy !req
413. I need you.
Copy !req
414. You're not dead.
Copy !req
415. You've merely woken.
Copy !req
416. Tastes like juniper with—
Copy !req
417. Burdock, yes.
Copy !req
418. Gangrene was setting in.
Copy !req
419. I needed to neutralize the toxins.
Copy !req
420. Don't move.
Copy !req
421. There's...
Copy !req
422. magic...
Copy !req
423. in the air.
Copy !req
424. Your wound
was troublesome, Geralt.
Copy !req
425. But you will be all right.
Copy !req
426. You know my name.
Copy !req
427. You're in my head.
Copy !req
428. You're listening.
Copy !req
429. I'm a sorceress.
Copy !req
430. But you knew that already.
Copy !req
431. You were saved by your pulse.
Copy !req
432. Four times slower than a normal man's.
Copy !req
433. I'm a witcher.
Copy !req
434. But you knew that already too.
Copy !req
435. Thank you.
Copy !req
436. Thank you for saving me.
Copy !req
437. Most mages are occupied
at the battle raging in Sodden,
Copy !req
438. but I heard a merchant's cry for help
Copy !req
439. it's my profession.
Copy !req
440. The only thing I've ever been good at.
Copy !req
441. I'm glad our paths crossed, then.
Copy !req
442. People linked by destiny
will always find each other.
Copy !req
443. People linked by destiny
will always find each other.
Copy !req
444. Ma?
Copy !req
445. Don't move.
Copy !req
446. Come closer.
Copy !req
447. I want you to look at me.
Copy !req
448. How do you like my eyes?
Copy !req
449. Do you know, Visenna,
Copy !req
450. what they do to a witcher
to improve his eyes?
Copy !req
451. - Stop it.
- Do you know that it doesn't always work?
Copy !req
452. Stop it, Geralt.
Copy !req
453. You don't get to use that name.
Copy !req
454. Vesemir gave me that name.
Copy !req
455. I need to know why.
Copy !req
456. No answer will give you what you want.
Copy !req
457. Three...
Copy !req
458. out of ten boys survive the trial.
Copy !req
459. Tell me...
Copy !req
460. at least...
Copy !req
461. you didn't know this
before you left me on his doorstep?
Copy !req
462. It's time to sleep.
Copy !req
463. There's valerian in the medicines.
Copy !req
464. You trusted destiny
Copy !req
465. rather than trying to find me yourself.
Copy !req
466. - Don't ask any more questions.
- Why?
Copy !req
467. The answers will only hurt us both.
Copy !req
468. It's time to move on, Geralt.
Copy !req
469. It's time for you to find
what you let go of.
Copy !req
470. Find her.
Copy !req
471. Find her...
Copy !req
472. I was just a dream.
Copy !req
473. Please don't go.
Copy !req
474. Sleep, Sir Geralt.
Copy !req
475. Visenna!
Copy !req
476. Find her!
Copy !req
477. No!
Copy !req
478. Where'd she go?
Copy !req
479. The woman.
Copy !req
480. Which one?
Copy !req
481. You called out for so many.
Copy !req
482. How far from your home
to the battlefield?
Copy !req
483. - Huh?
- To Sodden?
Copy !req
484. How far?
Copy !req
485. Well, it's an hour
with a swift enough horse.
Copy !req
486. You know, I'm, uh...
Copy !req
487. You know, I'm just a simple merchant.
Copy !req
488. I can't repay you for saving my life.
Copy !req
489. But what I can offer you...
Copy !req
490. is the Law of Surprise.
Copy !req
491. That which I have but don't know.
Copy !req
492. Just give me an ale
and consider your debt paid.
Copy !req
493. Now, can we go?
Copy !req
494. You're alive!
Copy !req
495. Yennefer.
Copy !req
496. Sabrina needs your help.
Copy !req
497. - We all do.
Copy !req
498. - No.
Copy !req
499. No! The Northern Kingdoms are close.
Copy !req
500. We can't give up.
Copy !req
501. You...
Copy !req
502. You saved me.
Copy !req
503. I won't ever forget that.
Copy !req
504. It's your turn...
Copy !req
505. to save these people,
Copy !req
506. this Continent.
Copy !req
507. This...
Copy !req
508. is your legacy.
Copy !req
509. - How? I can't!
- You can!
Copy !req
510. Everything you have ever felt,
Copy !req
511. everything you've buried...
Copy !req
512. Mm...
Copy !req
513. Forget the bottle.
Copy !req
514. Let your chaos explode.
Copy !req
515. Where you going, poppy girl?
Copy !req
516. - We can teach you.
- She's no daughter of mine.
Copy !req
517. Just because you fucked up
doesn't mean we will.
Copy !req
518. You horrible, useless bitch!
Copy !req
519. If only
Yennefer had gone to Nilfgaard.
Copy !req
520. I'm sorry you chose power.
Copy !req
521. Do you actually have
what it takes?
Copy !req
522. It's going to be okay, girl.
Copy !req
523. The battle's close,
Copy !req
524. but Nilfgaard's trying to go north.
Copy !req
525. They've no reason to come here.
Copy !req
526. I know.
Copy !req
527. It's a simple life.
Copy !req
528. But if I've gone tomorrow,
Copy !req
529. I had everything I wanted:
Copy !req
530. my health,
Copy !req
531. a roof over my head,
Copy !req
532. a headstrong boy,
Copy !req
533. his father to match.
Copy !req
534. Everything.
Copy !req
535. Except a daughter.
Copy !req
536. I can't help but think...
Copy !req
537. I was meant to find you.
Copy !req
538. Sleep, girl.
Copy !req
539. Sleep.
Copy !req
540. We'll all be better in the morning.
Copy !req
541. Yennefer?
Copy !req
542. Yennefer!
Copy !req
543. Yennefer!
Copy !req
544. - Yennefer!
- Yennefer!
Copy !req
545. Yennefer!
Copy !req
546. - Yennefer!
- Yennefer!
Copy !req
547. - Yennefer!
- Yennefer!
Copy !req
548. Yennefer!
Copy !req
549. Yennefer!
Copy !req
550. Yennefer! Yennefer!
Copy !req
551. Go.
Copy !req
552. Find Geralt of Rivia.
Copy !req
553. He is your destiny.
Copy !req
554. Whoa, lads.
Copy !req
555. Whoa, now.
Copy !req
556. Yurga.
Copy !req
557. Are you all right?
Copy !req
558. - We're okay.
Copy !req
559. Is Nadbor safe?
Copy !req
560. We're all okay.
Copy !req
561. The war is close, but we're okay.
I need to tell you something.
Copy !req
562. - Me too.
- I met a girl.
Copy !req
563. An orphan,
I found her in the woods nearby.
Copy !req
564. The girl in the woods will be
with you always.
Copy !req
565. She is your destiny.
Copy !req
566. I met a witcher.
Copy !req
567. He saved my life.
Copy !req
568. Now, fetch him an ale
before he goes to Sodden.
Copy !req
569. Hey, Butcher.
Copy !req
570. Butcher!
Copy !req
571. Where are you goin'?
Copy !req
572. People linked by destiny
will always find each other.
Copy !req
573. Who is Yennefer?
Copy !req