1. Where would you be headin',
little thief?
Copy !req
2. Skellige.
Copy !req
3. Hmm.
Copy !req
4. Do you know how long it is
to the coast?
Copy !req
5. With a fast horse,
Copy !req
6. about a week.
Copy !req
7. And what about by foot?
Copy !req
8. You need to be careful, child.
Copy !req
9. This place isn't safe if you're alone.
Copy !req
10. Then it's the same as every other place.
Copy !req
11. Out of nowhere, you send word to meet you.
Copy !req
12. All this time, I thought you were dead.
Copy !req
13. I told you last time I was in Cintra
that I wasn't coming back.
Copy !req
14. Yet here you are.
Copy !req
15. Why?
Copy !req
16. You've come for your Child of Surprise...
Copy !req
17. haven't you?
Copy !req
18. The opposite.
Copy !req
19. I want you to tell me that he's safe
and healthy so I can keep on riding.
Copy !req
20. He...
Copy !req
21. is a girl.
Copy !req
22. Yes.
Copy !req
23. Princess Cirilla has been raised
by Calanthe since her parents died.
Copy !req
24. What?
Copy !req
25. Pavetta and Duny's ship was lost at sea.
Copy !req
26. Have you been hiding your head
in the sand?
Copy !req
27. Why now?
Copy !req
28. Why do you think she's not safe?
Copy !req
29. I saw an army making camp
at the Amell Pass.
Copy !req
30. A sea of black and gold.
Copy !req
31. Nilfgaard is set
on sweeping the Continent.
Copy !req
32. But since that night at Pavetta's banquet,
Copy !req
33. the Queen's done everything she can
to keep her family safe from threats.
Copy !req
34. Shut the walls.
Copy !req
35. Fortified the gates.
Copy !req
36. Sent assassins!
Copy !req
37. What?
Copy !req
38. Were you followed?
Copy !req
39. No!
Copy !req
40. Hmm.
Copy !req
41. Hmm?
Copy !req
42. Hmm.
Copy !req
43. You want me, you kill him first!
Copy !req
44. Geralt!
Copy !req
45. Do something!
Copy !req
46. - This is on your Queen.
- We will both die.
Copy !req
47. Blame destiny.
Copy !req
48. The Nilfgaardians don't strike me
as foolish.
Copy !req
49. Coming at us now would be right stupid.
Copy !req
50. The army whose stink I can smell
on a strong breeze is one I worry about.
Copy !req
51. So we prepare, same as always.
Copy !req
52. When does the King return from Skellige,
Your Majesty?
Copy !req
53. This morning.
Be good to see that craggy face.
Copy !req
54. Be better to see the 50 ships
the Skelligens promised.
Copy !req
55. Your Majesty.
Copy !req
56. No offense taken, Danek.
Copy !req
57. You know I agree.
Copy !req
58. We've taken on every pissant pretender
for a dozen years.
Copy !req
59. If Nilfgaard need to learn the lesson
the rest of them have,
Copy !req
60. we'll be ready for them.
Copy !req
61. I want reports from the Amell Pass
every hour...
Copy !req
62. I warned you about coming back.
Copy !req
63. I've been away 12 years
and I'd planned on staying that way...
Copy !req
64. till you sent eight men to kill me.
Copy !req
65. Well, I'm asking you now.
Copy !req
66. Do not do this.
Copy !req
67. If you treated me more like a friend
than a threat...
Copy !req
68. Do you know the difference anymore?
Copy !req
69. I'm here
Copy !req
70. to protect the girl.
Copy !req
71. Who I've raised as my own.
Copy !req
72. Why would I give my only heir
Copy !req
73. to someone who never cared enough
to come back for her?
Copy !req
74. Move along, Witcher.
I'll pay whatever you want.
Copy !req
75. I can't be bought.
Copy !req
76. You should remember.
Copy !req
77. Money can't undo the Law of Surprise.
Copy !req
78. Kings who've tried to outbid destiny
Copy !req
79. end up on pikes.
Copy !req
80. And if I win the war but lose Ciri,
Copy !req
81. what victory is that?
Copy !req
82. Maybe that army won't come,
and if they do, maybe you'll be ready.
Copy !req
83. But if you have any doubt in your mind
that she's safe here,
Copy !req
84. give her to me.
Copy !req
85. Call it destiny, security,
what larger forces at work,
Copy !req
86. I don't care.
Copy !req
87. I will take her, protect her,
Copy !req
88. and bring her back unharmed,
I promise you that.
Copy !req
89. Ciri is all I have left of my daughter.
Copy !req
90. If Ciri survives,
then Pavetta lives on too.
Copy !req
91. Law of Surprise has been called.
Copy !req
92. I'll tell Cirilla myself.
Copy !req
93. Oh, sweet Cintra, you were so promising,
Copy !req
94. from your spoiled princess
to your stupid old king!
Copy !req
95. But when I arrived,
the royals were dead!
Copy !req
96. Tossed out a window or shot in the head!
Copy !req
97. So, what to do now?
Where's the devil to go?
Copy !req
98. Anywhere but here. Back in your hole!
Copy !req
99. No, don't cast me out on a whim!
Copy !req
100. Who needs you when I've got him?
Copy !req
101. Hey!
Copy !req
102. Where'd you get a piece like this?
Copy !req
103. It was my mother's.
Copy !req
104. Hey, girl!
Copy !req
105. What's so special about Skellige?
Copy !req
106. Those roads aren't safe,
Copy !req
107. and the Skelligens are a grumpy lot.
Copy !req
108. How about this?
Copy !req
109. Come with me.
Copy !req
110. I've got one more thing to buy.
Copy !req
111. and then we'll make room
on Clip and Clop
Copy !req
112. and be home by dark.
Copy !req
113. We don't have much,
but we've got a sight more than you do.
Copy !req
114. Roof,
Copy !req
115. food, space on the floor to sleep.
Copy !req
116. A lot's happening on this Continent,
but we're safer when we stick together.
Copy !req
117. Okay?
Copy !req
118. Grand.
Copy !req
119. It's what has been promised.
Copy !req
120. We must sacrifice... to fulfill destiny.
Copy !req
121. Shh...
Copy !req
122. He may take you,
Copy !req
123. but you will always be mine.
Copy !req
124. I need you to be brave now,
because who are you?
Copy !req
125. The Lion Cub of Cintra.
Copy !req
126. Pleased to meet you, Princess.
Copy !req
127. - Can I say goodbye to my friends now?
- Of course.
Copy !req
128. I'll summon you when she's ready.
Copy !req
129. Go on, Korin, do it!
Oh! Gimme.
Copy !req
130. Korin, Anton, I have to go.
Copy !req
131. - What? No!
- I know!
Copy !req
132. Take care.
Copy !req
133. Your Highness.
Copy !req
134. Throw those knuckles.
Copy !req
135. First, you try to kill me,
then you lie to me.
Copy !req
136. I'm just trying to keep Cirilla safe.
Copy !req
137. Ciri is safe, with me,
until the day she takes over my throne.
Copy !req
138. - Listen to me.
- I did listen once.
Copy !req
139. Let a hedgehog into my court.
Copy !req
140. It got me Pavetta dead.
Copy !req
141. I won't lose Ciri too.
Copy !req
142. So you and destiny
can both fuck right off.
Copy !req
143. Because if Nilfgaard comes,
will destiny carry a banner into battle?
Copy !req
144. No.
Copy !req
145. We have an army, a navy...
Copy !req
146. and me.
Copy !req
147. A dynasty can't survive
on arrogance alone.
Copy !req
148. Says a witcher.
Copy !req
149. She needs family.
Copy !req
150. You know nothing about that.
Copy !req
151. Your own mother cared so little,
she discarded you.
Copy !req
152. You lecture me on a mother's love
yet offer up someone else's daughter.
Copy !req
153. Queen to all of Cintra,
grandmother to one.
Copy !req
154. I won't orphan that girl.
Copy !req
155. You're sentencing her to death.
Copy !req
156. - What did I miss?
- Nothing.
Copy !req
157. Get him out of my sight.
Copy !req
158. I remember
when you honored the Law of Surprise.
Copy !req
159. What changed?
Copy !req
160. I had a granddaughter.
Copy !req
161. So protect her.
Copy !req
162. - Your Majesty.
- What if Calanthe's wrong?
Copy !req
163. What if they come and Ciri is trapped?
Copy !req
164. I fight side by side with my Queen.
Copy !req
165. You put too much faith in that woman.
Copy !req
166. Well, you weren't there.
Copy !req
167. After Pavetta died, Calanthe would
wake up howling in the night.
Copy !req
168. The Lioness, nearly broken.
Copy !req
169. Someone who's able to pull themselves
out of that,
Copy !req
170. they'll have my confidence
till my final day.
Copy !req
171. I need your promise you won't come back.
Copy !req
172. If I hear Ciri's in danger,
Copy !req
173. you know I can't do that.
Copy !req
174. I know.
Copy !req
175. Just move it!
Copy !req
176. Faster!
Copy !req
177. That's right!
No water till you've finished!
Copy !req
178. Move it!
Copy !req
179. That's right!
Copy !req
180. All right, ditch diggers!
Copy !req
181. Move it!
Copy !req
182. Report any findings immediately!
Copy !req
183. All visitors must declare themselves
to the officers!
Copy !req
184. Is it cleared yet?
Copy !req
185. Safe conduct?
Copy !req
186. You're coming from Caingorn?
Copy !req
187. How long will you be in Nazair?
Copy !req
188. That is yet to be determined.
Copy !req
189. Hello, Yennefer.
Copy !req
190. The... the runes described a...
Copy !req
191. a "magnalith" in Nazair,
but no one could find it till I got here.
Copy !req
192. Until Nilfgaard tore
through all the lands.
Copy !req
193. They allow my research.
Copy !req
194. That's all I care about.
Copy !req
195. Hmm. A man of principle.
Copy !req
196. You don't understand.
Every glyph has a clue
Copy !req
197. - to something across the Continent...
Copy !req
198. from a time before the Conjunction.
Copy !req
199. Most are history, but some might be more.
Copy !req
200. The prophecy, the future,
I want to explore all of it.
Copy !req
201. Wow.
Copy !req
202. That's a face. You hate it that much?
Copy !req
203. Only because I have taste buds.
Copy !req
204. Well, these people were starving
before Nilfgaard.
Copy !req
205. See, most kings only care
about their cocks and their coffers.
Copy !req
206. They look out for their people.
Everybody gets something.
Copy !req
207. The same thing,
Copy !req
208. which tastes as if someone pissed
in my cup.
Copy !req
209. Sounds to me like you bought in.
Copy !req
210. No. No, it's, uh...
Copy !req
211. It's just that...
Copy !req
212. sometimes, boring is better.
Copy !req
213. No, it's not.
Copy !req
214. Come on.
Copy !req
215. How long do you see yourself here?
Copy !req
216. There's a lot of hill left to dig. Why?
Copy !req
217. Because I may be missing you.
Copy !req
218. See, the Yennefer I remember
didn't miss anyone.
Copy !req
219. Yeah, well...
Copy !req
220. What if...
Copy !req
221. it's not too late
for what we talked about in the cave?
Copy !req
222. We could go somewhere with,
Copy !req
223. I don't know, two types of ale.
Copy !req
224. You could...
Copy !req
225. play with your rocks,
Copy !req
226. and I'll work as a mage.
Copy !req
227. You hate monoliths.
Copy !req
228. - Yes, but—
- But what?
Copy !req
229. I mean, look at you.
You could have anyone.
Copy !req
230. I have.
Copy !req
231. And it was fun to be wanted.
Copy !req
232. The object of desire.
Copy !req
233. After where I came from, I lapped it up.
Copy !req
234. But they all loved the power
that came with my position at court.
Copy !req
235. Not my power.
Copy !req
236. And no one's ever seen that but me?
Copy !req
237. You know,
Copy !req
238. I spent...
Copy !req
239. I spent years...
Copy !req
240. waiting for this moment where
you realized we're meant for each other.
Copy !req
241. You know, coming up with excuses
to study at Aedirn.
Copy !req
242. Henges, dead languages, anything
to get closer to you again, and...
Copy !req
243. every request I made was denied.
Copy !req
244. You shut them all down.
Copy !req
245. Stregobor, of all people,
snapped me out of it.
Copy !req
246. "Forget about the girl.
Get back to work." And work saved me.
Copy !req
247. Remembered why I loved it.
The beauty, the purity. No...
Copy !req
248. distractions when I'm in it.
Copy !req
249. You went after the thing you loved.
Copy !req
250. So you chose power.
Copy !req
251. At least you kept your eyes.
Copy !req
252. His loss.
Copy !req
253. Piss off.
Copy !req
254. Well, I would,
but we don't have much time.
Copy !req
255. Who the fuck are you?
Copy !req
256. I'm Vilgefortz of Roggeveen.
Copy !req
257. Why are you whispering?
Copy !req
258. Nilfgaard is conscripting mages
like us into their service.
Copy !req
259. Now, since...
Copy !req
260. Now, since I don't have a letter
of safe conduct,
Copy !req
261. and yours is probably fake, we should go,
Copy !req
262. before those lads start asking questions.
Copy !req
263. Go where?
Copy !req
264. Aretuza.
Copy !req
265. Well, the feeling's mutual.
Copy !req
266. The Chapter thinks you're rash,
Copy !req
267. unpredictable and dangerous.
Copy !req
268. But right now,
Copy !req
269. that's exactly what Tissaia and I need.
Copy !req
270. Tissaia asked for me?
Copy !req
271. She said you're the best student
she ever taught.
Copy !req
272. Let's talk.
Copy !req
273. About what?
Copy !req
274. Nilfgaard.
Copy !req
275. Their army's camped near Cintra,
and we think they're going to attack.
Copy !req
276. And they won't stop there.
Copy !req
277. We need allies
from the Northern Kingdoms.
Copy !req
278. I'll leave this to the people
who actually give a shit. Where's Tissaia?
Copy !req
279. Tissaia can wait.
Copy !req
280. Fine, I'll just follow the sound
of crying girls.
Copy !req
281. She has no idea you're here.
Copy !req
282. You said she asked for me.
Copy !req
283. No.
Copy !req
284. I told you that she said
you were her best student.
Copy !req
285. I'm the one that wants you here.
Copy !req
286. It took five minutes
for the lies to start.
Copy !req
287. Why did I expect anything else
from a place held together by bullshit?
Copy !req
288. Do you know how many
people wouldn't blink if you died?
Copy !req
289. - Let me out!
Copy !req
290. Let me out!
Copy !req
291. Sometimes, the best thing
a flower can do for us is die.
Copy !req
292. You should've let me die.
Copy !req
293. At least I had control over that.
Copy !req
294. Mm, that's adorable, piglet.
Copy !req
295. You weren't taking control,
Copy !req
296. you were losing it.
Copy !req
297. - You were losing it.
- What the hell's going on in here?
Copy !req
298. We were studying. Botany.
Copy !req
299. If I gave Rectress de Vries your pitiful
excuse about that pitiful plant,
Copy !req
300. I'd be gone by nightfall.
Copy !req
301. But fuck that old bag!
Copy !req
302. This was my room.
Copy !req
303. Before anyone you know was born.
Copy !req
304. So, you've been to court?
Copy !req
305. Aedirn.
Copy !req
306. It's very elegant.
Copy !req
307. - Very boring.
- Why are you back, then?
Copy !req
308. Why am I back?
Copy !req
309. I bet you hate botany as much as I did.
Copy !req
310. Who wants to know
what those herbs are really good for?
Copy !req
311. Rhwydwaith carthion.
Copy !req
312. They've taught you
about its healing powers
Copy !req
313. and fortifying blah, blah, blah.
Copy !req
314. But they leave out
that if you mix these two together,
Copy !req
315. you'll see colors like never...
Copy !req
316. before.
Copy !req
317. Miss tells us never to mix herbs.
Copy !req
318. They tell you that so you have to go
to them for all the answers.
Copy !req
319. A word of advice.
Copy !req
320. Think for yourselves.
Copy !req
321. It'll save you a lifetime of heartbreak.
Copy !req
322. The ceiling's melting.
Copy !req
323. No.
Copy !req
324. The herbs are working.
Copy !req
325. - Well, I don't feel...
Copy !req
326. - What was I saying?
Copy !req
327. Gods, you're pretty.
Copy !req
328. Oh, don't worry, Fola.
Copy !req
329. You'll look like that too.
Copy !req
330. Nobody starts off that way.
Copy !req
331. - You want to know a secret?
- Nobody starts off that way.
Copy !req
332. It's overrated.
Copy !req
333. Look, I'm levitating!
Copy !req
334. Levitating, I'm levitating.
Copy !req
335. Glacella, whatever you lack
in talent, you make up for in confidence.
Copy !req
336. She doesn't need confidence.
Her father owns half of Creyden.
Copy !req
337. So he could swap a hundred horses
for her spot here.
Copy !req
338. Your parents paid Aretuza?
Copy !req
339. The Chapter decided it needed students
from the best families.
Copy !req
340. But you all must have had
a conduit moment?
Copy !req
341. We shouldn't be mixing herbs.
We shouldn't even be here.
Copy !req
342. You know, if they catch us,
they really will expel us.
Copy !req
343. There are far worse things than expulsion.
Copy !req
344. Like what?
Copy !req
345. What is this place?
Copy !req
346. Aretuza's windmill.
Copy !req
347. Enough bridled chaos
to keep the curtains hung...
Copy !req
348. and the torches lit,
but that's not what we're here for.
Copy !req
349. - I think we should go.
- Wait. I've got so many questions.
Copy !req
350. You want to know more.
Copy !req
351. Yes.
Copy !req
352. Everything.
Copy !req
353. The ability to create life,
Copy !req
354. real life,
Copy !req
355. they take that from you.
Copy !req
356. And then send you out,
Copy !req
357. so the only family,
the only loyalty you have,
Copy !req
358. is to them.
Copy !req
359. And you'll trade it all for what?
Copy !req
360. Looks that never change.
Copy !req
361. A court full of idiots.
Copy !req
362. But you don't have to do it.
Copy !req
363. But what if I want to?
Copy !req
364. - We're leaving. Come on.
- Lesson's not over yet!
Copy !req
365. Just because you fucked up,
doesn't mean we will.
Copy !req
366. - You?
- Come on.
Copy !req
367. With all the magical talent
of shoe leather?
Copy !req
368. You'll have a home here forever,
Copy !req
369. Right here.
Copy !req
370. With my sisters who never ascended.
Copy !req
371. What's happening?
Copy !req
372. Anica, is that you?
Copy !req
373. You turned my friend into a slug.
Copy !req
374. An eel.
Copy !req
375. Come, push your friend into the pool.
Copy !req
376. I don't care what you do,
but remember this.
Copy !req
377. Even if you do everything right,
Copy !req
378. follow their rules,
Copy !req
379. that's still no guarantee
you'll get what you want.
Copy !req
380. Enough!
Copy !req
381. Back to your rooms, girls.
Copy !req
382. You ruined one life.
Copy !req
383. Stop there.
Copy !req
384. I never even wanted to come back here!
Copy !req
385. Then you failed at that, too.
Copy !req
386. Look at this place.
Copy !req
387. It's a joke.
Copy !req
388. Letting in girls who can't even do magic!
Copy !req
389. Sometimes, you have to compromise
in order to survive.
Copy !req
390. You say I never took responsibility
for the way my life turned out.
Copy !req
391. What about you?
Copy !req
392. But what's happening?
I don't understand...
Copy !req
393. What's going on?
Copy !req
394. It's happening.
Copy !req
395. Triss!
Copy !req
396. Yennefer.
Copy !req
397. - I tried finding you for years.
- Why are you all here?
Copy !req
398. An emergency conclave
of the Northern Mages.
Copy !req
399. - Nilfgaard took Marnadal.
- What?
Copy !req
400. They're attacking Cintra.
Copy !req
401. Going to war against Nilfgaard
is madness.
Copy !req
402. And for Cintra?
Copy !req
403. They've rejected our mages for decades,
so let's grant them their wish.
Copy !req
404. It's not just about Cintra.
Copy !req
405. Nilfgaard won't be satisfied
until they have the whole Continent.
Copy !req
406. - And how do you know this?
- Because that's the same lie I would tell.
Copy !req
407. I'm the only one here
that's led soldiers into battle.
Copy !req
408. Oh, yes, and don't we know it?
Copy !req
409. You wear your silly costume
Copy !req
410. - every chance you get.
Copy !req
411. All those years swinging his sword around
were years he wasn't serving as a mage.
Copy !req
412. Or killing babies born at an eclipse.
Copy !req
413. We can stop Nilfgaard, if we act now.
Copy !req
414. The south... well, is the south.
Copy !req
415. It is up to the north to unite.
Copy !req
416. It is time to convince our kings
to send their armies.
Copy !req
417. They could cross the Yaruga,
Copy !req
418. make it to Sodden by week's end.
Copy !req
419. They could save Cintra.
Copy !req
420. If Cintra falls, who cares?
Copy !req
421. - I care!
Copy !req
422. Because our kingdoms will be next.
Copy !req
423. Our fight is with Cintra, and only Cintra.
Copy !req
424. In Nilfgaard, we know what it's like
to have corrupt leaders.
Copy !req
425. But under our new leader,
Emperor Emhyr, we've changed.
Copy !req
426. We've strengthened trade.
Copy !req
427. We've funded research.
Copy !req
428. We have torn down walls,
Copy !req
429. whilst Queen Calanthe has done nothing
but put them up.
Copy !req
430. I am not here to defend Cintra.
Copy !req
431. But I will defend our way of life.
Copy !req
432. The Brotherhood, the Academies,
Copy !req
433. the order that we have built up
over centuries.
Copy !req
434. You've rejected it all, Fringilla.
Copy !req
435. Not true. We've modified it.
Copy !req
436. Most of us came from Aretuza
and Ban Ard.
Copy !req
437. We've simply charted a different path,
Copy !req
438. guided by the White Flame.
Copy !req
439. That makes us cousins, not enemies.
Copy !req
440. You force mages into servitude!
Copy !req
441. When in training, yes.
Like soldiers.
Copy !req
442. We believe in shared sacrifice.
Copy !req
443. You also believe
in forbidden magic.
Copy !req
444. Demonology, necromancy, fire magic!
Copy !req
445. Forbidden magic is one
of the ghost stories taught to us here.
Copy !req
446. There is no such thing as dark
or light magic.
Copy !req
447. Nothing in this world is
as simple as that.
Copy !req
448. You think
that we're destroying the Continent.
Copy !req
449. We know that if we take Cintra,
we have a chance of saving it.
Copy !req
450. If you won't take sides,
then at least stay out of our way.
Copy !req
451. Ah, enough
of this tiring debate.
Copy !req
452. Cintra's a lost cause.
Copy !req
453. Let them reap what they sow.
Copy !req
454. I say we vote.
Copy !req
455. - Yes, vote. Vote!
- Vote?
Copy !req
456. First, you install
your niece at Nilfgaard,
Copy !req
457. and now you want to ram through a vote.
Copy !req
458. To be fair,
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Copy !req
459. is the one I have to thank for my posting.
Copy !req
460. If she had taken it,
I wouldn't be where I am today.
Copy !req
461. Neither would Nilfgaard.
Copy !req
462. If only Yennefer had gone to Nilfgaard.
Copy !req
463. With her at the helm,
they'd still be a shitty backwater.
Copy !req
464. You're right.
Copy !req
465. Instead, I went to a prized kingdom
and did fuck all for decades.
Copy !req
466. Just as you taught us.
Copy !req
467. Helped murderers and rapists
keep their crown.
Copy !req
468. Maybe it is time for something different.
Copy !req
469. Pipe down. You— you don't get a vote.
Copy !req
470. If I did, I'd vote to burn it all down.
Copy !req
471. - There! There you have—
Copy !req
472. - There you have it!
- It's true.
Copy !req
473. Cintra has chosen to turn its back on us.
Copy !req
474. They are proud, and smart,
and difficult, yes.
Copy !req
475. But I'd wager above all else...
Copy !req
476. - they are scared.
- It's true.
Copy !req
477. We have called them a lost cause
for years.
Copy !req
478. But we stopped trying too.
Copy !req
479. And it is time now...
Copy !req
480. that we risk not only our lives,
but our pride,
Copy !req
481. and try again.
Copy !req
482. With your permission,
Copy !req
483. all those in favor
Copy !req
484. of letting Cintra continue
their proud tradition
Copy !req
485. of fending for themselves?
Copy !req
486. Well...
Copy !req
487. there you have it.
Copy !req
488. I know you hate this place,
but there are girls who need it.
Copy !req
489. Those who have only ever known chaos
until we teach them control.
Copy !req
490. You were right, in Rinde.
Copy !req
491. Aretuza is all I have.
Copy !req
492. If Nilfgaard wins...
Copy !req
493. That's why Vilgefortz and I
and some others are going to fight.
Copy !req
494. You should join us.
Copy !req
495. Did you hear a word I just said?
Copy !req
496. Why would I protect this?
Copy !req
497. If you will not do it for the Brotherhood,
then do it for me.
Copy !req
498. Please.
Copy !req
499. Have you ever used that word before?
Copy !req
500. Your Majesty,
Copy !req
501. the Nilfgaardians will breach
the castle gates.
Copy !req
502. Have breached.
Copy !req
503. Now what?
Copy !req
504. What do we do?
Copy !req
505. Hmm.
Copy !req
506. The Witcher...
Copy !req
507. I couldn't let him go.
Copy !req
508. I know what I've done.
Copy !req
509. He's in the gate keep.
Copy !req
510. If I can bring him here...
Copy !req
511. to Ciri...
Copy !req
512. destiny may yet side with us.
Copy !req
513. Danek.
Copy !req
514. It's time.
Copy !req
515. Wait, where are you going?
Copy !req
516. Geralt!
Copy !req
517. Your Majesty...
Copy !req
518. He's gone.
Copy !req
519. Looks like he's escaped.
Copy !req
520. If he is out there,
Copy !req
521. then there is still hope for her.
Copy !req
522. - What is it?
- Lazlo, bring her cloak.
Copy !req
523. What? No!
Copy !req
524. Continue to be brave. Promise me.
Copy !req
525. You are the Lion Cub of Cintra.
Copy !req
526. - You are destined for great things.
- I can't do this without you.
Copy !req
527. - We must go, Your Highness.
- No!
Copy !req
528. Go.
Copy !req
529. The world depends on it.
Copy !req
530. I love you.
Copy !req
531. Find Geralt of Rivia.
Copy !req
532. He is your destiny.
Copy !req
533. We must go, Your Highness.
Copy !req
534. Princess, come.
Copy !req
535. Tell me what I want to know
and you'll live.
Copy !req
536. I am already saved.
Copy !req
537. Where is Cirilla?
Copy !req
538. No one... is left.
Copy !req
539. Ah... we shall be born anew.
Copy !req
540. Thus it shall be.
Copy !req
541. Watch for the signs.
Copy !req
542. What signs these shall be I say unto—
Copy !req
543. I should've traded that ring for food.
Copy !req
544. You're right, Clop.
Copy !req
545. Or are you Clip?
Copy !req
546. Gods, what kind of crazy person
talks to a horse?
Copy !req
547. It's all right.
Copy !req
548. It's all right. We're Cintrans.
Copy !req
549. Anton!
Copy !req
550. You made it out. You're all right!
Copy !req
551. I told you it was her at the market.
Copy !req
552. Hey.
Copy !req
553. - What are you doing?
Copy !req
554. Hey, stop that!
Copy !req
555. Anton. Please, stop it!
Copy !req
556. You don't give the orders anymore,
Copy !req
557. Rumor is Nilfgaard's looking for you.
Copy !req
558. And willing to pay a barrel of orens, too.
Copy !req
559. I'm sorry for what happened.
Copy !req
560. I'm sorry if your family got hurt.
Copy !req
561. We played knucklebones together.
Copy !req
562. This isn't you. I know it.
Copy !req
563. You know fuck all.
Copy !req
564. You thought you were better than us
because we had to let you win?
Copy !req
565. The only thing special about you
was the fucking crown on your head.
Copy !req
566. No!
Copy !req
567. No!
Copy !req
568. I—
Copy !req
569. Verily, I say unto you
Copy !req
570. the era of the sword and the ax is nigh,
Copy !req
571. the era of the Wolf's Blizzard.
Copy !req
572. The Time of the White Chill
and the White Light is nigh...
Copy !req
573. the Time of Madness
and the Time of Contempt.
Copy !req