1. Love surprises.
Copy !req
2. Love visitors.
Copy !req
3. A surprise visitor all the more.
Copy !req
4. - I've had eyes on you for a while.
Copy !req
5. We're very flattered.
Copy !req
6. But who is this secret peeper
Copy !req
7. peeping all our secrets?
Copy !req
8. I know who you are.
Copy !req
9. What you are.
Copy !req
10. You're different to other dopplers.
Copy !req
11. You're not good-natured or helpful,
are you?
Copy !req
12. And yet you are here for our help.
Copy !req
13. Do you not have errand boys
where you come from?
Copy !req
14. They lacked your valuable set of skills.
Copy !req
15. - Don't worry.
Copy !req
16. It's not silver.
Copy !req
17. We fancy our freedom.
Copy !req
18. It is not money we thirst for, per se.
Copy !req
19. There is plenty that you do thirst for.
Copy !req
20. Assassination on behalf
of the Kingdom of Nilfgaard.
Copy !req
21. Or perhaps another eye or ear
to round out your artful composition.
Copy !req
22. We'd planned on wearing this one
for a while.
Copy !req
23. But we are flexible.
Copy !req
24. A cell of dimeritium made just for you.
Copy !req
25. How does it feel
to be neutered of your powers?
Copy !req
26. I know how you were schooled,
Copy !req
27. how you were shaped.
Copy !req
28. This isn't who you are.
Copy !req
29. The White Flame made me who I am...
Copy !req
30. gave me a higher purpose.
Copy !req
31. You could've had that too,
Copy !req
32. if only you realized
that Cintra had to fall.
Copy !req
33. I have found his purpose.
Copy !req
34. This one?
Copy !req
35. Do we have to?
Copy !req
36. Run.
Copy !req
37. I said run!
Copy !req
38. Everything you've ever done,
Copy !req
39. ever debated,
Copy !req
40. ever dreamed,
Copy !req
41. is in our head now.
Copy !req
42. Even this morning,
Copy !req
43. when you thought to take your life.
Copy !req
44. He didn't want to be abused.
Copy !req
45. Incorrect.
Copy !req
46. He didn't want to be used.
Copy !req
47. You can't change the world this way.
Copy !req
48. Only one of us will be alive to find out.
Copy !req
49. Yeah.
Copy !req
50. You don't know what you're doing.
Copy !req
51. You don't know what she is.
Copy !req
52. She will end up where she belongs.
Copy !req
53. Would've made a terrible noose.
Copy !req
54. You're to bring me the girl alive.
Copy !req
55. So many rules.
Copy !req
56. Fine.
Copy !req
57. But it'll cost you.
Copy !req
58. Children are our favorite.
Copy !req
59. You're a wee bit shy.
Copy !req
60. I've never been shy a day in my life.
Copy !req
61. Count it again.
Copy !req
62. Times are shifting, my dear.
Copy !req
63. My rates have gone up
since last we spoke.
Copy !req
64. I've found more demand for my services.
Copy !req
65. Then your customers will be
awfully disappointed
Copy !req
66. when they find a charred spot
where you once stood.
Copy !req
67. None more so than yourself.
Copy !req
68. You've come so far already.
Copy !req
69. Just a few more...
Copy !req
70. treatments should do the trick.
Copy !req
71. Isn't it lovely,
Copy !req
72. the life we've chosen?
Copy !req
73. Not being bound
by the rules of the Brotherhood.
Copy !req
74. Living off the grid with no resources.
Copy !req
75. Mm. It's a dream come true.
Copy !req
76. Lucky for you, you found your way
to an intolerant kingdom.
Copy !req
77. For quick coin,
head to the nearest town in any direction.
Copy !req
78. Your skills will be rewarded.
Copy !req
79. If it's as you say, then why aren't you
out there taking advantage?
Copy !req
80. As you're so inclined.
Copy !req
81. Because my customers...
Copy !req
82. come to me.
Copy !req
83. Hm.
Copy !req
84. I see a lot of myself in you.
Copy !req
85. Follow my footsteps.
Copy !req
86. You could gain some repute.
Copy !req
87. Find a whole new career
to fund what you...
Copy !req
88. so desperately want.
Copy !req
89. With mages like us,
Copy !req
90. word of mouth is paramount.
Copy !req
91. There is no "us." There's only me.
Copy !req
92. And I know a thing or two
about stirring word of mouth.
Copy !req
93. I'd given up altogether.
Copy !req
94. Love, that's nice,
but not on the cards for me.
Copy !req
95. Not in my lifetime.
Copy !req
96. It took me nearly a whole one to find him.
Copy !req
97. As you can see,
passion is not the trouble.
Copy !req
98. Our issue...
Copy !req
99. my... issue is of a mechanical nature.
Copy !req
100. Hm.
Copy !req
101. I have just the thing.
Copy !req
102. Now, be prepared.
Copy !req
103. The spell should take effect quickly,
Copy !req
104. and will endure until your lady utters
a handpicked magic word.
Copy !req
105. Anything come to mind?
Copy !req
106. Kumquat?
Copy !req
107. You arrived at that rather quickly.
Copy !req
108. Kumquat it is.
Copy !req
109. We'd better go now, schnucki.
Copy !req
110. What is this...
Copy !req
111. wretched business here?
Copy !req
112. Did you not understand the sign?
Copy !req
113. Are you familiar with who I am?
Copy !req
114. Well, won't you end this
rather melodramatic suspense and tell me?
Copy !req
115. He is Beau Berrant.
Copy !req
116. Perhaps you are not aware
of the rules here?
Copy !req
117. If you are casting spells,
Copy !req
118. I need to collect
what's due to the kingdom.
Copy !req
119. I'm afraid those terms
seem rather shite to me.
Copy !req
120. I did suspect
you possessed such a predilection.
Copy !req
121. Though I am less...
Copy !req
122. burly than your usual type.
Copy !req
123. We can't trust her.
Copy !req
124. She hid her identity, her past,
Copy !req
125. her ties to Cintra...
Copy !req
126. Shan-Kayan is the only reason
we know who she is.
Copy !req
127. Ciri was scared.
Copy !req
128. Perhaps she can't yet trust us.
Copy !req
129. We still don't know her intent.
Copy !req
130. She's a girl...
Copy !req
131. Who possesses the power of a weapon.
Copy !req
132. In Brokilon, she can be molded.
Copy !req
133. She can become one of us.
Copy !req
134. She's not one of us.
Copy !req
135. Nilfgaardian spies.
Copy !req
136. Found them searching our border.
Copy !req
137. Their whole army will arrive.
It's only a matter of time.
Copy !req
138. What if this girl...
Copy !req
139. is our only way...
Copy !req
140. to survive?
Copy !req
141. Ciri...
Copy !req
142. will be allowed to stay.
Copy !req
143. I don't think they like me.
Copy !req
144. When Queen Calanthe
closed the borders of Cintra,
Copy !req
145. it was to protect her people.
Copy !req
146. The General wants to protect us.
Copy !req
147. We all make decisions.
Copy !req
148. The sword of destiny has two edges.
Copy !req
149. What does that mean?
Copy !req
150. You must make the choice.
Copy !req
151. You can stay.
Or you can continue on your search.
Copy !req
152. What do you want to do?
Copy !req
153. Geralt!
Copy !req
154. Hello.
Copy !req
155. What's it been, months? Years?
What is time, anyway?
Copy !req
156. I heard you were in town.
Copy !req
157. Are you following me, you scamp?
Copy !req
158. I mean, I'm flattered and everything,
Copy !req
159. but you should really think
about getting a hobby one of these days.
Copy !req
160. Ugh!
Copy !req
161. Do you want some?
Copy !req
162. - "How are you doing?" I hear you ask.
- I didn't.
Copy !req
163. Well, the Countess de Stael,
Copy !req
164. my muse and beauty of this world,
Copy !req
165. has left me.
Copy !req
166. Again. Rather coldly and unexpectedly,
I might add.
Copy !req
167. I fear I shall die a brokenhearted man.
Copy !req
168. Or a hungry one, at the very least,
Copy !req
169. unless somebody fancies sharing a fish
with an old friend?
Copy !req
170. Oh, are we not using "friend"?
Copy !req
171. Yeah, sure.
Let's just give it another decade.
Copy !req
172. Geralt, you're fantastic
at a great many things,
Copy !req
173. but clearly, fishing is not one of them.
Copy !req
174. Have you caught anything today?
Copy !req
175. What are you fishing for, exactly?
Copy !req
176. Is it cod?
Copy !req
177. Carp?
Copy !req
178. Pike?
Copy !req
179. Bream?
Copy !req
180. I'm just—
I'm just listing fish that I know.
Copy !req
181. Zander? Is that a fish?
Copy !req
182. I'm not fishing.
Copy !req
183. I can't sleep.
Copy !req
184. Right. Good.
Copy !req
185. Well, that— that makes sense.
Copy !req
186. Insomuch that it sort of...
Copy !req
187. doesn't.
Copy !req
188. What's going on, Geralt? Talk to me.
Copy !req
189. - A djinn.
- A what?
Copy !req
190. I'm looking for a djinn.
Copy !req
191. For a dj— For a djinn?
A dj— Like a genie?
Copy !req
192. The floaty fellas
with the... the bad tempers
Copy !req
193. and the banned magics,
that kind of genie?
Copy !req
194. - Yes. It'll grant me wishes.
Copy !req
195. It's in this lake somewhere.
Copy !req
196. And I can't fucking sleep!
Copy !req
197. I don't mean to play priest's ear
or anything,
Copy !req
198. but has it occurred to you that maybe
we're merely rubbing salve on a tumor?
Copy !req
199. Not exactly addressing the root cause
of the problem?
Copy !req
200. Hm?
Copy !req
201. I mean, maybe, just— just maybe,
Copy !req
202. this whole sleeplessness-ness
Copy !req
203. has got something to do with what
the druid Mousesack said to you in Cintra?
Copy !req
204. You know, the Law of Surprise?
Copy !req
205. Destiny?
Copy !req
206. Being unable to escape the child
that belongs to you, et cetera, et cetera?
Copy !req
207. No! It's not that.
Copy !req
208. Yeah, you're probably right.
Copy !req
209. But what if you're not?
Copy !req
210. You know, the Countess de Stael
once said to me
Copy !req
211. that destiny is just the embodiment
of the soul's desire to grow.
Copy !req
212. - Did you sing to her before she left?
- I did, actually, and she...
Copy !req
213. Why, what are you implying?
Copy !req
214. Oh...
Copy !req
215. We are so having this conversation.
Come on, Geralt. Tell me. Be honest.
Copy !req
216. How's my singing?
Copy !req
217. It's like ordering a pie
and finding it has no filling.
Copy !req
218. You need a nap!
Copy !req
219. I mean, are you trying
to hurt my feelings, Geralt? It's...
Copy !req
220. It's down— downright indecorous of you,
if I'm completely honest, and—
Copy !req
221. Wow. Wow.
What is— what is that?
Copy !req
222. It's a wizard's seal.
Copy !req
223. - The djinn.
- Do you mind if I—
Copy !req
224. - Jaskier.
- Take it back about my fillingless pie.
Copy !req
225. Take it back, you get
your djinny-djinn-djinn.
Copy !req
226. - Let go.
- No! No, let go, you horse's arse!
Copy !req
227. Hm.
Copy !req
228. That's a bit of an anticlimax.
Copy !req
229. - Or is it?
Copy !req
230. Djinn, I have freed thee,
and as of this day, I am thy lord.
Copy !req
231. Firstly, may Valdo Marx,
the troubadour of Cidaris,
Copy !req
232. be struck down with apoplexy
and die.
Copy !req
233. Secondly, the Countess de Stael
must welcome me back with glee,
Copy !req
234. open arms and very little clothing.
Copy !req
235. - Thirdly—
- Jaskier!
Copy !req
236. - Wha—
- Stop!
Copy !req
237. - There are only three wishes.
Copy !req
238. Oh, come on, you always say
you want nothing from life.
Copy !req
239. How was I to know
you wanted three wishes all to yourself?
Copy !req
240. - I just want some damn peace!
- Well, here's your peace!
Copy !req
241. Geralt...
Copy !req
242. Geralt... it's the djinn!
Copy !req
243. Jaskier.
Copy !req
244. Is there a doctor here?
Copy !req
245. Yes, yes. Chireadan, the elf healer.
Copy !req
246. Over there.
Copy !req
247. A djinn in a bottle?
It's like a fairy tale.
Copy !req
248. Without the happy ending.
Can you help him?
Copy !req
249. Oh, dear.
Copy !req
250. What?
Copy !req
251. I assure you I have received
the best medical education
Copy !req
252. right here in Rinde, but...
Copy !req
253. these injuries are of a magical nature.
Copy !req
254. I can help with the pain,
but it's a bit like...
Copy !req
255. Putting salve on a tumor?
Copy !req
256. No!
Copy !req
257. His throat was attacked.
Copy !req
258. If the spell's action isn't halted
as soon as possible,
Copy !req
259. that damage might be irreversible.
Copy !req
260. Wha—
Copy !req
261. And the longer he goes untreated,
Copy !req
262. the more likely it is to spread.
Copy !req
263. - He could die.
Copy !req
264. Fuck! Geralt.
Copy !req
265. Uh...
Copy !req
266. Yeah, we won't let that happen.
Copy !req
267. The medicine should buy him a few hours,
but he needs a magical remedy.
Copy !req
268. You'll have to take him to another town.
Copy !req
269. There isn't a mage here?
Copy !req
270. Uh...
Copy !req
271. The mayor says they are dangerous.
Copy !req
272. What aren't you saying?
Copy !req
273. Tell me.
Copy !req
274. Well...
Copy !req
275. there...
Copy !req
276. there is one mage.
Copy !req
277. I...
Copy !req
278. was tasked
with bringing this mage to justice.
Copy !req
279. But I was unable
to penetrate certain defenses.
Copy !req
280. The mayor himself has made the catch
and has imprisoned the mage in his house.
Copy !req
281. That wasn't so fucking hard, was it?
Copy !req
282. - Be careful.
Copy !req
283. The mage is powerful and malicious.
Copy !req
284. And quite cunning.
Copy !req
285. - I'll go find him.
Copy !req
286. You like pain.
Copy !req
287. We get it.
Copy !req
288. I inflict pain.
Copy !req
289. My dear,
you still think there's a difference.
Copy !req
290. It's been too long.
Copy !req
291. I haven't seen you for years.
Copy !req
292. Not since you maneuvered your way
onto Aedirn's court.
Copy !req
293. - Mm.
- I heard that went well.
Copy !req
294. King Virfuril is fine, I'm sure.
Copy !req
295. He's dead now.
Copy !req
296. King Demavend reigns now.
Copy !req
297. Down south, Fringilla's thrived
in the post that should've been yours.
Copy !req
298. The rightful heir returned to Nilfgaard
and she's helped him restore peace.
Copy !req
299. Why are you here?
Copy !req
300. You remained hidden for a while,
Copy !req
301. but now,
Copy !req
302. you're making noise.
Copy !req
303. You're looking for something.
Copy !req
304. You're wasting your time.
Copy !req
305. The so-called mages you're enlisting
will not help you with your problem.
Copy !req
306. And if you're not careful, you will become
just like them... irrelevant.
Copy !req
307. You are pure chaos right now.
Copy !req
308. You want a cure,
and it's making you sloppy.
Copy !req
309. The Brotherhood left you
to your own devices
Copy !req
310. once you abandoned Aedirn.
Copy !req
311. But this behavior,
Copy !req
312. flaunted in direct conflict
with their agenda,
Copy !req
313. will not be tolerated.
Copy !req
314. - They will come after you.
- That's why you're here.
Copy !req
315. To warn me.
Copy !req
316. How can I ever repay you?
Copy !req
317. Don't be petty.
Copy !req
318. This is on you.
Copy !req
319. You knew the cost of enchantment.
Copy !req
320. But I didn't know
what it would mean to me.
Copy !req
321. What does it mean to you?
Copy !req
322. Why?
Copy !req
323. Why do you want a baby?
Copy !req
324. The Continent is vast.
Copy !req
325. Just because you don't know of a cure
doesn't mean there isn't one.
Copy !req
326. It's simply beyond your scope.
Copy !req
327. It is time to move on.
Copy !req
328. Return to Aretuza.
Copy !req
329. No, thank you.
Copy !req
330. Aretuza might be everything to you,
but I'd rather forget it.
Copy !req
331. Aretuza is everything to the Continent,
Copy !req
332. to world order.
Copy !req
333. I am here
Copy !req
334. to offer you a chance for redemption.
Copy !req
335. Aedirn, all of this nonsense,
will be forgiven and forgotten.
Copy !req
336. You can use your talents
to shape a new generation.
Copy !req
337. Am I hearing this right?
Copy !req
338. The great Tissaia wants my help?
Copy !req
339. What's the matter?
Copy !req
340. Have you lost your touch?
Copy !req
341. Only you can be thrown a lifeline
and think that you are saving me.
Copy !req
342. You're afraid
I'll be everything you could never be...
Copy !req
343. without you.
Copy !req
344. Which is the rub.
Copy !req
345. You only want me to do well
so long as you had your hand in it.
Copy !req
346. How did we get this way?
Copy !req
347. I gave you all I could give.
Copy !req
348. What more do you want?
Copy !req
349. Everything.
Copy !req
350. You may go, Rectoress.
Copy !req
351. I have business to attend to.
Copy !req
352. - Whoa!
Copy !req
353. A fee for entrance.
Copy !req
354. A fee to see the mayor?
This is urgent.
Copy !req
355. I don't make the rules,
Copy !req
356. - but money opens all doors.
Copy !req
357. Hm.
Copy !req
358. - So it does.
Copy !req
359. - Whoa!
Copy !req
360. - Whoa.
Copy !req
361. Welcome...
Copy !req
362. to my home.
Copy !req
363. You're the Mayor of Rinde?
Copy !req
364. Not exactly what I was expecting.
Copy !req
365. May— May—
Copy !req
366. Sorry, he's in a bad way.
Copy !req
367. Is there a mage that lives here?
Copy !req
368. Ah. The apple juice!
Copy !req
369. She wants some.
Copy !req
370. And she always gets...
Copy !req
371. what she wants.
Copy !req
372. I don't understand. Does he want me
to get him the apple juice?
Copy !req
373. I don't know.
Copy !req
374. Oh...
Copy !req
375. - Good.
Copy !req
376. The fuck?
Copy !req
377. Hm.
Copy !req
378. - Stay.
Copy !req
379. I, uh...
Copy !req
380. brought you apple juice.
Copy !req
381. And quite a bit more.
Copy !req
382. You're immune.
Copy !req
383. You must be the mage.
Copy !req
384. Yennefer of Vengerberg.
Copy !req
385. Hm.
Copy !req
386. Chireadan didn't mention that, uh...
Copy !req
387. What did he fail to mention?
Copy !req
388. We need your help.
Copy !req
389. "We"?
Copy !req
390. Just a friend, I hope?
Copy !req
391. Your heartbeat, it's extraordinarily slow.
Copy !req
392. You're...
Copy !req
393. a mutant.
Copy !req
394. A witcher.
Copy !req
395. Geralt of Rivia.
Copy !req
396. The famous White Wolf!
Copy !req
397. I thought you'd have fangs
or horns or something.
Copy !req
398. I had them filed down.
Copy !req
399. First time I've seen a witcher up close.
Copy !req
400. What little spells can you cast
with your hands?
Copy !req
401. Call it professional curiosity.
Copy !req
402. Please,
Copy !req
403. Jaskier here needs immediate attention.
Copy !req
404. And then, if you'd like,
Copy !req
405. I'll indulge your curiosity
all night long.
Copy !req
406. It won't take all night.
Copy !req
407. But I'm sure we can find a way
to fill the time.
Copy !req
408. He was attacked by a djinn.
Copy !req
409. A djinn?
Copy !req
410. Whatever's wrong with him,
Copy !req
411. it's spreading.
Copy !req
412. Fix it,
Copy !req
413. and I'll pay you.
Copy !req
414. Whatever the price.
Copy !req
415. You'll have to do better than juice.
Copy !req
416. Ragamuffin!
Copy !req
417. He's in a deep healing sleep.
Copy !req
418. How long will he sleep for?
Copy !req
419. Long enough for you to bathe.
Copy !req
420. How did you...
Copy !req
421. Oh, right.
Copy !req
422. Magic.
Copy !req
423. And I hardly think bathing in this house
is going to leave me any cleaner.
Copy !req
424. I insist.
Copy !req
425. I can not only guess the age and breed
of your horse,
Copy !req
426. but also its color...
Copy !req
427. by the smell.
Copy !req
428. Hm.
Copy !req
429. Fishing for a djinn
seems an extreme measure
Copy !req
430. to remedy sleeplessness.
Copy !req
431. When extreme measures seem reasonable,
Copy !req
432. yes,
Copy !req
433. - I'm desperate.
Copy !req
434. And yet you didn't ask me
to help with that.
Copy !req
435. Looming death kind of jumped the queue.
Copy !req
436. Now I'm wondering if I can afford you.
Copy !req
437. Have I accidentally agreed
to indentured servitude?
Copy !req
438. Go ahead,
Copy !req
439. ask about them.
Copy !req
440. Everyone does.
Copy !req
441. Everyone else is boring.
Copy !req
442. Turn around.
Copy !req
443. Hm.
Copy !req
444. That's cheating.
Copy !req
445. Nobody smart plays fair.
Copy !req
446. Tell me,
Copy !req
447. are all witchers similarly blessed?
Copy !req
448. Come now,
Copy !req
449. - you promised.
- Hm.
Copy !req
450. I haven't conducted a survey,
Copy !req
451. but I'd hardly say we're blessed.
Copy !req
452. Oh, don't be so grim.
Copy !req
453. You were created by magic.
Copy !req
454. Our magic.
Copy !req
455. Thank you.
Made for a magical childhood.
Copy !req
456. Happy childhoods make for dull company.
Copy !req
457. Judging by your wrists and your wits,
Copy !req
458. your childhood was very happy.
Copy !req
459. But Aretuza fixed you up nicely.
Copy !req
460. What was your ailment before?
Copy !req
461. Clubbed foot?
Copy !req
462. Split ends?
Copy !req
463. Tell me, are there women
who find this coarseness charming?
Copy !req
464. Maybe some place where
they find your coin very charming indeed.
Copy !req
465. Hm. You seem to find coin
pretty charming yourself.
Copy !req
466. Clearly capitalizing
on the political situation here.
Copy !req
467. I'm serving the stifled people
of this town.
Copy !req
468. Filling a need.
Copy !req
469. - Ever heard of it?
- Hm.
Copy !req
470. It's fine to fly in the face
of overzealous authority,
Copy !req
471. but to pretend it's anything other
than making a profit...
Copy !req
472. And to pretend you're after a djinn
to cure insomnia?
Copy !req
473. Hmm...
Copy !req
474. Fortunately for you,
Copy !req
475. once I've paid for your kind services,
Copy !req
476. it'll be none of your concern.
Copy !req
477. Fortunately for you,
Copy !req
478. I've determined your company
and conversation payment enough.
Copy !req
479. What's the matter?
Copy !req
480. Water not suit?
Copy !req
481. This is a little tight.
Copy !req
482. I believe I sized you up quite right.
Copy !req
483. Do you doubt my capabilities?
Copy !req
484. No.
Copy !req
485. Just your intentions.
Copy !req
486. I said some things to him.
Copy !req
487. He's a...
Copy !req
488. A friend?
Copy !req
489. I'd like it not to be
the last thing he remembers.
Copy !req
490. He won't remember much if he's dead.
Copy !req
491. It's a joke.
Copy !req
492. He will survive.
Copy !req
493. And recover his vocal talents.
Copy !req
494. Does that satisfy you?
Copy !req
495. Not in the slightest.
Copy !req
496. But don't reproach yourself for it,
Copy !req
497. I'm not easily satisfied.
Copy !req
498. It's the sign from the seal.
Copy !req
499. I'll be taking Jaskier now.
Copy !req
500. If you wake him before he's healed,
Copy !req
501. the spell won't take.
Copy !req
502. That's no way to treat a friend,
Copy !req
503. Geralt.
Copy !req
504. You want the djinn,
Copy !req
505. but the amphora's broken.
Copy !req
506. The djinn's already long gone.
Copy !req
507. Do go on.
Copy !req
508. Tell me how stuff works.
Copy !req
509. The djinn is tied to this plane
and its master.
Copy !req
510. How many wishes did the bard express
before he lost his voice?
Copy !req
511. You need Jaskier to make his last wish
so you can capture it.
Copy !req
512. So that's...
Copy !req
513. two... then.
Copy !req
514. The djinn will fight you.
Copy !req
515. If you try and bend it—
Copy !req
516. Ah...
Copy !req
517. That scent...
Copy !req
518. Lilac and...
Copy !req
519. Gooseberries.
Copy !req
520. Tough to get in your head.
Copy !req
521. - You have a strong will,
Copy !req
522. but you can't contend with me.
Copy !req
523. Sorry I couldn't be direct,
I knew you'd fight it.
Copy !req
524. And I do love a good old-fashioned trap.
Copy !req
525. A good old-fashioned...
Copy !req
526. nap.
Copy !req
527. Wake up.
Copy !req
528. - Wake up!
Copy !req
529. Chireadan.
Copy !req
530. At long last.
Copy !req
531. Where are we?
Copy !req
532. At the spa.
Where do you think we are?
Copy !req
533. - I hope your rampage was well worth it.
Copy !req
534. "Rampage"?
Copy !req
535. What did I do?
Copy !req
536. Where to begin?
Copy !req
537. You...
Copy !req
538. attacked a pawnbroker in his shop,
Copy !req
539. kicking him in the delicate places.
Copy !req
540. Hm.
Copy !req
541. You also dragged the apothecary
into the street,
Copy !req
542. pulled down his pants
and thrashed his arse with a belt.
Copy !req
543. Both are on the town council,
Copy !req
544. who are voting to usurp the mayor
and kick Yennefer out.
Copy !req
545. Any of this ring a bell?
Copy !req
546. Like a faded dream.
Copy !req
547. She had you enact revenge
on her behalf.
Copy !req
548. I tried to stop you,
Copy !req
549. but the guards assumed
I was there to abet.
Copy !req
550. The sentence will be passed
by the very council members you attacked.
Copy !req
551. It is sure to be death.
Copy !req
552. I suppose that's one way
of getting some rest.
Copy !req
553. Why on earth would you enlist
the mage's help after my warning?
Copy !req
554. It's like you thought the scorpion
were prettier than a spider
Copy !req
555. - because of its lovely tail.
- You weren't exactly forthcoming.
Copy !req
556. I admit I could've better prepared you
for Yennefer.
Copy !req
557. You're under her spell, aren't you?
Copy !req
558. I wish I was, but no.
Copy !req
559. It's a simple issue of body chemistry.
Copy !req
560. You're in love with her?
Copy !req
561. And I think perhaps
you may understand me.
Copy !req
562. I thought it would take longer
to build the scaffold.
Copy !req
563. Ah, fuck.
Copy !req
564. Here you are.
Copy !req
565. Remember me?
Copy !req
566. Did not know you were a witcher.
Copy !req
567. I've always wanted to play with one.
Copy !req
568. Oh! Where am I?
Copy !req
569. Whew! Um...
Copy !req
570. Right. Good.
Copy !req
571. Good. Um...
Copy !req
572. Not to be...
Copy !req
573. untoward or anything...
Copy !req
574. but... ... did we...
Copy !req
575. you know...
Copy !req
576. do the, uh...
Copy !req
577. Ooh, Go— Oh, no! No!
Copy !req
578. Definitely did not butter that biscuit.
Copy !req
579. Look, I am so sorry,
Copy !req
580. but I've just remembered
I left my... cat
Copy !req
581. on the...
Copy !req
582. stove.
Copy !req
583. I— I really must be going.
Copy !req
584. Express your deepest desires
and you can be on your way.
Copy !req
585. Well, my deepest desires are
currently satisfied, thank you so much.
Copy !req
586. - How's your throat?
- Uh...
Copy !req
587. - Perhaps you should try some scales.
- Uh...
Copy !req
588. - Oh, God.
- If you want to keep all you have...
Copy !req
589. - ... make a damn wish.
Copy !req
590. What's the difference
between a witcher and a tub of dung?
Copy !req
591. Ah, I know that one.
Copy !req
592. What is repulsive,
Copy !req
593. deviant...
Copy !req
594. and cannot smell?
Copy !req
595. A witcher without a nose.
Copy !req
596. - Last words, Witcher.
Copy !req
597. Make them good.
Copy !req
598. I want you to burst,
you son of a whore.
Copy !req
599. You are the one with the wishes.
Copy !req
600. - Make your wish!
Copy !req
601. Do it now!
Copy !req
602. I don't— I don't know! I...
Copy !req
603. I wish very badly
to leave this place forever.
Copy !req
604. Oh, Geralt. Thank the gods.
I might live to see another day.
Copy !req
605. We need to go.
Copy !req
606. Jaskier, you're okay.
Copy !req
607. I'm glad to hear
that you give a monkey's about it.
Copy !req
608. Let's not jump to conclusions.
Copy !req
609. What happened?
Copy !req
610. Well, I was having a rather lovely dream
which then turned into a nightmare.
Copy !req
611. There were naked women in both parts.
Copy !req
612. The first one was loving,
tender, very generous.
Copy !req
613. The second, significantly more terrifying.
Copy !req
614. Tell me about the second one.
Copy !req
615. Well, black hair, devilish eyes,
was painting an amphora on her abdomen.
Copy !req
616. You know, the usual.
Copy !req
617. She wants to be the vessel.
Copy !req
618. What, you know this woman?
Of course you know this woman.
Copy !req
619. She wants to become more powerful.
Copy !req
620. But she'll die.
Copy !req
621. Well, let's pray for her
on our way out of town.
Copy !req
622. Oh...
Copy !req
623. Are you perhaps short of a marble?
Copy !req
624. You have to go in there, don't you?
Copy !req
625. I recognize the look.
I know how you feel.
Copy !req
626. You're making me uncomfortable.
Copy !req
627. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Do not tell me
that this is finally the moment
Copy !req
628. you've decided to actually care
about someone other than yourself?
Copy !req
629. Leave the very sexy but insane witch
to her inevitable demise!
Copy !req
630. She saved your life, Jaskier.
I can't let her die.
Copy !req
631. Don't!
Copy !req
632. I'm here to help you.
Copy !req
633. I don't need your help.
Copy !req
634. You're free.
Copy !req
635. No longer under my spell.
Copy !req
636. And yet,
Copy !req
637. here I am.
Copy !req
638. You seem to want to meet your end.
Copy !req
639. As do you.
Copy !req
640. The djinn isn't weakening.
Copy !req
641. The bard expressed his last wish,
Copy !req
642. - but it's...
Copy !req
643. It's getting stronger!
Copy !req
644. Go!
Copy !req
645. That's because I'm the one
with the wishes.
Copy !req
646. You?
Copy !req
647. You're the djinn's master?
Copy !req
648. Yeah.
Copy !req
649. - Well, what are you waiting for?
Copy !req
650. Make your wishes!
Copy !req
651. Becoming the vessel for the djinn
will have you lose control,
Copy !req
652. - not gain it!
Copy !req
653. Can't you see what this is doing to you?
Copy !req
654. True transformation is painful.
Copy !req
655. Release the djinn!
Copy !req
656. I'll give you my last wish!
Copy !req
657. You heroic protector...
Copy !req
658. noble dog,
Copy !req
659. permitting my success
so long as you command it yourself.
Copy !req
660. Fuck off!
Copy !req
661. - I'll do this myself!
Copy !req
662. Damn it, Yennefer!
Tell me what you want!
Copy !req
663. I want everything!
Copy !req
664. - Sir, what's going on in that house?
- My house. And...
Copy !req
665. I have no idea!
Copy !req
666. Make your wish!
You can have anything you want!
Copy !req
667. You could choose not to be a witcher.
Copy !req
668. What do you desire?
Copy !req
669. Immortality?
Copy !req
670. Riches?
Copy !req
671. Fame?
Copy !req
672. Power?
Copy !req
673. I wish...
Copy !req
674. The djinn...
Copy !req
675. - Wh—
Copy !req
676. - Where did it go?
Copy !req
677. Are you sure they were up there?
Copy !req
678. This can't be happening.
Copy !req
679. This can't be happening.
Copy !req
680. She could not have survived it.
Copy !req
681. Why did Geralt go in there?
It doesn't make any sense.
Copy !req
682. What, to save a mad fucking witch? Why?
Copy !req
683. Because she was magnificent.
Copy !req
684. Yennefer?
Copy !req
685. Yennefer.
Copy !req
686. It's me... Geralt.
Copy !req
687. - I know who you are.
Copy !req
688. What did you do?
Copy !req
689. You stopped me, didn't you?
Copy !req
690. I nearly had it.
Copy !req
691. You had shit all.
Copy !req
692. I saved your life!
Copy !req
693. And I saved yours!
Copy !req
694. You let the djinn escape.
Copy !req
695. Who knows what havoc it'll wreak
now that it has no vessel at all?
Copy !req
696. No more havoc than you.
Copy !req
697. Djinns are only dark creatures
when held captive.
Copy !req
698. How can you be so sure?
Copy !req
699. When did you last feel happy
when you felt trapped?
Copy !req
700. And if you were going
to portal us to safety,
Copy !req
701. you could've taken us
out of this shit town!
Copy !req
702. A fine critique
if you could make a portal yourself.
Copy !req
703. It wasn't a shit town,
it was fine till you came along.
Copy !req
704. I had a plan!
Copy !req
705. And that was going swimmingly!
Copy !req
706. It was.
Copy !req
707. Like a drowning fish.
Copy !req
708. What am I supposed to do now, hm?
Copy !req
709. It wasn't supposed to go this way.
Copy !req
710. I'm gonna write you...
Copy !req
711. the best song...
Copy !req
712. so that everyone remembers
who you were,
Copy !req
713. what we did,
Copy !req
714. everything we saw.
Copy !req
715. And I will sing it...
Copy !req
716. for the rest of my days.
Copy !req
717. He always said
I had the most wonderful singing voice.
Copy !req
718. They're alive.
Copy !req
719. Bollocks.
Copy !req
720. Geralt?
Copy !req
721. Oh, they're alive.
Copy !req
722. They're really alive! Whoo!
Copy !req
723. - I mean, he...
- Come on.
Copy !req
724. Whoa, hang on!
Copy !req
725. I was right about you.
Copy !req
726. You do know something of pleasure.
Copy !req
727. Fleeting,
Copy !req
728. but highly effective, I'll admit.
Copy !req
729. I was right about you too.
Copy !req
730. Which part?
Copy !req
731. There was a number of things.
Which part?
Copy !req
732. Doesn't matter.
Copy !req
733. My plan worked.
Copy !req
734. There was no plan.
Copy !req
735. You were making it up
as you went along.
Copy !req
736. Any fool could see.
Copy !req
737. What did you wish for?
Copy !req
738. Tell me.
Copy !req
739. Geralt?
Copy !req
740. Weapons, weapons...
Copy !req
741. Someone's coming.
Copy !req
742. Stop, please!
Copy !req
743. I've come for the girl.
Copy !req
744. You try.
Copy !req
745. Who enters our forest?
Copy !req
746. He claims he knows the child.
Copy !req
747. - Mousesack!
- Your Highness.
Copy !req
748. What are you doing, silly?
Copy !req
749. Dara, this is Mousesack. He's known me
since I was born. He's like...
Copy !req
750. Like family.
Copy !req
751. What happened to you?
Copy !req
752. Where did you go on that street?
Copy !req
753. What matters is
I've found my way back to you.
Copy !req
754. I've come to take you
to your rightful place.
Copy !req
755. Ciri has chosen to stay with us.
Copy !req
756. It was her grandmother's dying wish
Copy !req
757. that she should go to Geralt of Rivia.
Copy !req
758. I know where to find him.
Copy !req
759. She's been promised to him
through the Law of Surprise.
Copy !req
760. You've been so kind to me,
Copy !req
761. but Mousesack is all I have left of home.
Copy !req
762. - Maybe...
Copy !req
763. he's the other edge of my destiny.
Copy !req
764. And you can come with us.
Copy !req
765. Are you sure about leaving?
Copy !req
766. I need answers.
Copy !req
767. And I need you.
Copy !req
768. You're my family too now, remember?
Copy !req
769. The burden of power...
Copy !req
770. can be painful.
Copy !req
771. Be vigilant.
Copy !req
772. Always ask the right questions.
Copy !req
773. Your destiny is...
Copy !req
774. in your own hands and no one else's.
Copy !req
775. Farewell,
Copy !req
776. special one.
Copy !req
777. Thank you.
Copy !req
778. For everything.
Copy !req
779. Bye.
Copy !req