1. Ciri. Ciri...
Copy !req
2. - Dara?
Copy !req
3. Please...
Copy !req
4. don't hurt me.
Copy !req
5. Keep your aim true.
Copy !req
6. I'm lost.
Copy !req
7. I don't know... how I got here.
Copy !req
8. Please.
Copy !req
9. If she runs, kill her.
Copy !req
10. Where are you taking me?
Copy !req
11. I need to find Dara. Please!
Copy !req
12. What is your name?
Copy !req
13. Fiona.
Copy !req
14. - Where am I? How did I get—
- You are in Brokilon Forest.
Copy !req
15. Follow me.
Copy !req
16. I tell you no lie,
Copy !req
17. it swallowed the whole village, it did.
Copy !req
18. - Not a bone to be found!
Copy !req
19. Oh, don't give me that look, shitling.
Copy !req
20. That's why we had to call him...
Copy !req
21. The White Wolf!
Copy !req
22. And he stood in the middle
of that frozen lake
Copy !req
23. like he knew it was coming for him.
Copy !req
24. The ice cracked open
Copy !req
25. and a selkiemore shot out!
Copy !req
26. Oh, you've never seen one,
Copy !req
27. but it'd take down a ship
with its cavernous mouth
Copy !req
28. full of devil's teeth!
Copy !req
29. And it... swallowed...
Copy !req
30. that witcher...
Copy !req
31. whole!
Copy !req
32. Oh, this is brilliant!
Copy !req
33. Oh, sorry. It's just Geralt's usually
so stingy with the details.
Copy !req
34. Uh... and then what happened?
Copy !req
35. He died.
Copy !req
36. Eh... He's fine.
Copy !req
37. Look, I was there.
Copy !req
38. - I saw it with my own—
Copy !req
39. - See?
Copy !req
40. - Oh...
Copy !req
41. What's that stench?
Copy !req
42. - Selkiemore guts.
- Ugh!
Copy !req
43. Had to get it from the inside.
I'll take what I'm owed.
Copy !req
44. - Thank you!
Copy !req
45. You're welcome.
Copy !req
46. And now, Witcher,
it's time to repay your debt.
Copy !req
47. "What debt?" you're probably asking
yourself in your head right now.
Copy !req
48. Well, I'll tell you.
Copy !req
49. I've made you famous, Witcher.
Copy !req
50. By rights, I should be claiming
ten percent of all your coin,
Copy !req
51. but instead,
what I'm asking for is a teeny,
Copy !req
52. teeny-weeny little favor.
Copy !req
53. Fuck off, bard.
Copy !req
54. For one measly night of service,
Copy !req
55. you will gain a cornucopia
of earthly delights.
Copy !req
56. The greatest masters
of the culinary arts
Copy !req
57. crafting morsels worthy of the gods.
Copy !req
58. Maidens
that would make the sun itself blush
Copy !req
59. with a single comely smile.
Copy !req
60. And rivers of the sweetest of drinks
from the rarest of—
Copy !req
61. Fuck!
Copy !req
62. Food, women and wine, Geralt!
Copy !req
63. Now, now,
stop your boorish grunts of protest.
Copy !req
64. It is one night bodyguarding your very
best friend in the whole wide world.
Copy !req
65. How hard could it be?
Copy !req
66. I'm not your friend.
Copy !req
67. Oh. Oh, really?
Copy !req
68. Oh, you usually just let strangers
rub chamomile onto your lovely bottom?
Copy !req
69. Yeah, well, yeah, exactly.
That's what I thought.
Copy !req
70. Every lord, knight
and twopenny king worth his salt
Copy !req
71. will be at this betrothal.
Copy !req
72. The Lioness of Cintra herself
will sing the praises
Copy !req
73. of Jaskier's triumphant performance!
Copy !req
74. How many of these lords want to kill you?
Copy !req
75. Hard to say.
One stops keeping count after a while.
Copy !req
76. Wives, concubines, mothers sometimes.
Copy !req
77. Ooh, yeah, that face!
Copy !req
78. Ooh!
Copy !req
79. Scary face!
Copy !req
80. No lord in his right mind will come close
Copy !req
81. if you're standing next to me
with a puss like that.
Copy !req
82. Ooh, on second thoughts...
Copy !req
83. - might want to lay off the Cintran ale.
Copy !req
84. A clear head would be best.
Copy !req
85. I will not suffer tonight sober
Copy !req
86. just because you hid your sausage
in the wrong royal pantry.
Copy !req
87. I'm not killing anyone.
Not over the petty squabbles of men.
Copy !req
88. Yes, yes, yes.
Copy !req
89. You never get involved.
Except you actually do,
Copy !req
90. all of the time.
Copy !req
91. Ugh. Is this what happens
when you get old?
Copy !req
92. You get unbearably crochety
and cantankerous?
Copy !req
93. Actually, I've always wanted to know,
do witchers ever retire?
Copy !req
94. Yeah. When they slow and get killed.
Copy !req
95. Come on,
you must want something for yourself
Copy !req
96. once all this...
monster hunting nonsense is over with.
Copy !req
97. I want nothing.
Copy !req
98. Well, who knows?
Copy !req
99. Maybe someone out there will want you.
Copy !req
100. I need no one.
Copy !req
101. And the last thing I want is
someone needing me.
Copy !req
102. And yet...
Copy !req
103. here we are.
Copy !req
104. Hm.
Copy !req
105. Where the fuck are my clothes, Jaskier?
Copy !req
106. Ah. Well, uh, they were sort of covered
in selkiemore guts,
Copy !req
107. so I sent them away to be washed.
Copy !req
108. Anyway, you're not going tonight
as a witcher.
Copy !req
109. Right, so stick close to me, look mean
and pretend you're a mute.
Copy !req
110. Can't have anyone finding out
who you are.
Copy !req
111. Geralt of Rivia, the mighty Witcher!
Copy !req
112. Oh, shit.
Copy !req
113. I haven't seen you since the plague.
Copy !req
114. Good times, Mousesack.
Copy !req
115. I've missed your sour complexion.
Copy !req
116. I feared this would be a dull affair,
Copy !req
117. but now the White Wolf is here,
perhaps all is not lost.
Copy !req
118. Why are you dressed
like a sad silk trader?
Copy !req
119. - What?
- Walk with me.
Copy !req
120. To Mousesack!
Copy !req
121. - Yeah!
- To Mousesack!
Copy !req
122. - Prince Windhalm of Attre!
Copy !req
123. I've been advising the Skelligen crown
for years.
Copy !req
124. A tad rough around the edges,
but they're of the earth. Like me.
Copy !req
125. - Castellan Haxo.
- Old and crusty.
Copy !req
126. How long
before this horse trading is done?
Copy !req
127. I find royalty best taken in...
Copy !req
128. small doses.
Copy !req
129. I wouldn't count on leaving before dawn.
Copy !req
130. These suitors will vie all night
for Princess Pavetta's hand.
Copy !req
131. Marrying into this monarchy
is a mighty prize.
Copy !req
132. Who wouldn't want to be king
of the most powerful force in the land?
Copy !req
133. Hm.
Copy !req
134. So, which one of these little shits
is your coin on?
Copy !req
135. Come with me, there's much for you to see.
Copy !req
136. It's not a fair bet.
Copy !req
137. That red-headed scanderlout over there,
Crach an Craite, will marry Pavetta.
Copy !req
138. The Lioness has already arranged it
with the boy's uncle,
Copy !req
139. Eist Tuirseach.
Copy !req
140. No one would dare make a move
on an alliance that powerful.
Copy !req
141. Handy with a blade.
Copy !req
142. - Handy with women, too.
- All an act.
Copy !req
143. Queen Calanthe refused his proposal
three times after King Roegner died,
Copy !req
144. despite the two of them
gliding around each other
Copy !req
145. like courting swans.
Copy !req
146. No, no, no.
Copy !req
147. She was not for living
in her husband's shadow again.
Copy !req
148. Something about you reminds me
Copy !req
149. of a scoundrel I once saw
fleeing my wife's chambers!
Copy !req
150. Um, well...
Copy !req
151. - Drop your trousers.
- What?
Copy !req
152. I didn't get a proper look
at the little shit's face,
Copy !req
153. but that pimply arse
I'd remember anywhere.
Copy !req
154. Well... uh, uh... Ah, Geralt.
Copy !req
155. Forgive me, my lord.
Copy !req
156. This... happens all the time.
Copy !req
157. It's true, he has the face
of a cad and a coward.
Copy !req
158. - Mm.
- But, truth be known,
Copy !req
159. he was kicked in the balls by an ox
as a child.
Copy !req
160. Well, that's...
Copy !req
161. tr— true.
Copy !req
162. Apologies.
Copy !req
163. Here, drown your...
Copy !req
164. sorrows on me, eunuch.
Copy !req
165. Oh, wow. Thank you. Thank you so much.
Copy !req
166. First of all, you hog all the fanfare,
Copy !req
167. then you go
and ruin my courtly reputation.
Copy !req
168. I saved your life.
You're on your own from here on.
Copy !req
169. Try not to get any daggers in your back
before dawn.
Copy !req
170. All rise for
Her Majesty, the Lioness,
Copy !req
171. Queen Calanthe of Cintra!
Copy !req
172. Beer!
Copy !req
173. Apologies, noble sirs.
Copy !req
174. A few upstart townships in the south
needed reminding who was Queen.
Copy !req
175. I find it's good
for one's blood and humors.
Copy !req
176. Ready your suitor's tales of glory,
good lords.
Copy !req
177. My daughter is eager
to have this over with.
Copy !req
178. As am I.
Copy !req
179. Bard, music!
Copy !req
180. No, no, no! A jig!
Copy !req
181. You can save your bloody maudlin nonsense
for my funeral.
Copy !req
182. Three, four...
Copy !req
183. It will be done soon.
Copy !req
184. You think I wanted to marry your father?
Copy !req
185. I'll have none of your waterworks here.
Copy !req
186. You're the daughter of the Lioness,
behave like it!
Copy !req
187. Perhaps I should have some starving serfs
brought in to slaughter, then.
Copy !req
188. Or I could decapitate some elves
Copy !req
189. and have their heads hung about
as a lesson to those who would defy me.
Copy !req
190. I will not have your hysteria
turn this night upside down.
Copy !req
191. Besides, that boorish lout is the key
Copy !req
192. to Cintra holding power
after I taste clay.
Copy !req
193. He's from good stock.
Copy !req
194. You could do worse.
Copy !req
195. I could do better!
Copy !req
196. You can have who you want
when you're married.
Copy !req
197. You have your mother's blood.
You'll be fine.
Copy !req
198. Where were you headed, Fiona,
to end up so lost?
Copy !req
199. I was running...
Copy !req
200. from the war.
Copy !req
201. You...
Copy !req
202. really don't remember
how you came to be in Brokilon Forest?
Copy !req
203. Yet you heard it call to you.
Copy !req
204. There were many forests like it...
Copy !req
205. before the Conjunction of the Spheres.
Copy !req
206. We adapted, fought off the mutants
and men who sought our end.
Copy !req
207. Now only we remain.
Copy !req
208. Dryads.
Copy !req
209. Dara!
Copy !req
210. I'm so glad you're alive!
Copy !req
211. Is he going to be all right?
Copy !req
212. Bite down on this.
Copy !req
213. The waters of Brokilon are potent.
Copy !req
214. All newcomers to the forest
must drink the waters.
Copy !req
215. If they bear ill intent towards Brokilon,
Copy !req
216. they die.
Copy !req
217. If they're pure in heart, they survive...
Copy !req
218. and may stay here.
Copy !req
219. And over time, the waters of Brokilon
Copy !req
220. will lessen the suffering
they have endured
Copy !req
221. and make them forget.
Copy !req
222. I think you'd like that. Am I right...
Copy !req
223. Fiona?
Copy !req
224. Because you're scared
of more than just war,
Copy !req
225. aren't you?
Copy !req
226. You will both drink the waters,
Copy !req
227. and all will be revealed.
Copy !req
228. You lie, you little shite!
Copy !req
229. You've never faced so much
as a bad meal in your life,
Copy !req
230. never mind a manticore.
Copy !req
231. I've had manticores thrice as fat
and ugly as you perish under my steel!
Copy !req
232. Under your bullshit, more like.
Copy !req
233. - How many stings has it got, then?
- Two.
Copy !req
234. Hah! Go away and shite!
Copy !req
235. - It's five. I know.
- Your Majesty, that's Geralt of Rivia.
Copy !req
236. I've actually killed one.
Copy !req
237. - You—
Copy !req
238. Enough!
Copy !req
239. We have a renowned guest here tonight.
Copy !req
240. Perhaps he can declare
which esteemed lord is telling the truth.
Copy !req
241. Neither.
Copy !req
242. Are you calling me a liar, old man?
Copy !req
243. Aah!
Copy !req
244. The Butcher of Blaviken
bleats utter nonsense.
Copy !req
245. Perhaps the lords encountered...
Copy !req
246. rare subspecies of manticore.
Copy !req
247. Aye.
Copy !req
248. Perhaps our esteemed guest would like
to entertain us
Copy !req
249. with how he slayed the elves
at the edge of the world?
Copy !req
250. There was no slaying.
Copy !req
251. I had my arse kicked
by a ragged band of elves.
Copy !req
252. I was about to have my throat cut
Copy !req
253. when Filavandrel let me go.
Copy !req
254. But the song!
Copy !req
255. Yeah, the song.
Copy !req
256. At least when Filavandrel's blade
kissed my throat, I didn't shit myself.
Copy !req
257. Which is all I can hope for you,
good lords.
Copy !req
258. At your final breath,
Copy !req
259. a shitless death.
Copy !req
260. Not going to shit meself...
Copy !req
261. But I doubt it.
Copy !req
262. It would have been your blade
at Filavandrel's throat
Copy !req
263. had you been there, Your Majesty.
Copy !req
264. Not that any elven bastard would crawl
from their lair to meet you on the field.
Copy !req
265. Any man willing to paint himself
in the shadow of his failures
Copy !req
266. will make for far more interesting
conversation this night.
Copy !req
267. Come, Witcher.
Copy !req
268. Take a seat by my side while I change.
Copy !req
269. Hm.
Copy !req
270. Why did she call you Fiona?
Copy !req
271. Mousesack, he... helped raise me and...
Copy !req
272. he warned me not to let anyone know
who I was outside the castle.
Copy !req
273. - And now, the Black Knight is after me.
- Castle?
Copy !req
274. I'm Princess Cirilla...
Copy !req
275. - of Cintra.
Copy !req
276. What's the matter?
Copy !req
277. Your grandmother slaughtered my family!
Copy !req
278. No, that's not true.
Copy !req
279. She ordered it.
Copy !req
280. - After Filavandrel's uprising—
- She wouldn't do that.
Copy !req
281. Her soldiers...
Copy !req
282. they laughed when they did it.
Copy !req
283. Killing, raping...
Copy !req
284. They laughed the hardest
Copy !req
285. when they were swinging babies
from their legs,
Copy !req
286. smashing their heads in.
Copy !req
287. I was the only one left.
Copy !req
288. Because I hid.
Copy !req
289. I should've saved them.
Copy !req
290. Or fought and died.
Copy !req
291. Uh...
Copy !req
292. - I don't know what to say.
- Say nothing.
Copy !req
293. They're gone now.
Copy !req
294. I would do anything to forget who I was.
Copy !req
295. I can't.
Copy !req
296. I have to find my destiny.
Copy !req
297. Why? Because your grandmother said
you should?
Copy !req
298. Maybe you should start thinking
for yourself.
Copy !req
299. Because she is dead.
Copy !req
300. And you are here.
Copy !req
301. Damn this cursed thing.
Copy !req
302. I'd as soon see this night out in armor.
Copy !req
303. As would I.
Copy !req
304. Indeed.
Copy !req
305. Tell me, how does a witcher find himself
at my daughter's wedding feast
Copy !req
306. dressed like a...
Copy !req
307. I'm protecting the bard
from vengeful royal cuckolds.
Copy !req
308. Hm!
Copy !req
309. Idiots, the lot of them.
Copy !req
310. Still, I'm glad of your company,
which could prove handy.
Copy !req
311. I have no doubt
blood will spill here tonight.
Copy !req
312. Ah, save the good Queen's breath.
Copy !req
313. I'm not for hire as a bodyguard.
Copy !req
314. You were hired just so by the bard.
Copy !req
315. I'm helping the idiot free of his coin.
Copy !req
316. And he's the idiot?
Copy !req
317. I'm simply saying,
surely if all goes to hell here tonight,
Copy !req
318. I can count on you
to strategically remove certain irritants
Copy !req
319. that may present themselves?
Copy !req
320. I'd do so myself,
Copy !req
321. only I'm bound to uphold an artifice
of decorum and... fairness.
Copy !req
322. Hey.
Copy !req
323. I can't help you.
Copy !req
324. So perilously direct.
Copy !req
325. As Queen, I could command it.
Copy !req
326. If I were one of your subjects.
Copy !req
327. I could torture you so very slowly
into compliance.
Copy !req
328. Her Majesty will do as she wishes.
I'm not for turning.
Copy !req
329. Oh, come now.
Copy !req
330. Everyone has their price.
Copy !req
331. Lord Peregrine of Nilfgaard.
Copy !req
332. Good chance, Peregrine, aah!
Copy !req
333. Go on, Lord Peregrine!
Copy !req
334. Make another sound, Draig Bon-Dhu,
Copy !req
335. and I'll have your guts sewn into pipes
and sent to your mother.
Copy !req
336. Queen Calanthe,
Copy !req
337. my marriage to your daughter will unite
the jewels of the north and south,
Copy !req
338. forging an unbreakable alliance
that none would dare cross.
Copy !req
339. And...
Copy !req
340. I am one of five brothers with no sisters.
Copy !req
341. My potent seed inside Pavetta will produce
the strongest of male heirs.
Copy !req
342. Cintra is indeed the jewel of the north,
Copy !req
343. yet Nilfgaard remains the shit rag
of the south, and that's saying something!
Copy !req
344. Tell me, is it true you drink piss water
and feast on your own young?
Copy !req
345. Nilfgaardian kings don't remain kings
for long.
Copy !req
346. Who will take the Usurper's crown? You?
Copy !req
347. How long will you last?
Copy !req
348. A year? A month? A day?
Copy !req
349. Lord Steergart of Kaedwen.
Copy !req
350. I know what they say,
"Poor Queen Kalis, another girl."
Copy !req
351. - I mean, I'm just a womb to him.
Copy !req
352. No more than a fleshy contraption
for squeezing out heirs.
Copy !req
353. Bastard cares more about his hounds
than he does me.
Copy !req
354. Take her.
Copy !req
355. - Shh.
Copy !req
356. Why don't you stay in Lyria?
Keep me company.
Copy !req
357. As soon as I've delivered Your Majesty
safely back to court,
Copy !req
358. I'm afraid I must return to Aedirn.
Copy !req
359. I envy you. Truly.
Copy !req
360. A king's mage.
Copy !req
361. - How splendid!
Copy !req
362. Oh!
Copy !req
363. Oh, come, now. We've been traveling
together for days. Speak freely.
Copy !req
364. I love...
Copy !req
365. that I traded everything
to get my seat at court.
Copy !req
366. I love that I believed
that it would all be worth it,
Copy !req
367. that this would be my legacy.
Copy !req
368. The greatest mage
to have ever graced a court.
Copy !req
369. And I really, really love...
Copy !req
370. that instead,
I've gotten to spend the last...
Copy !req
371. three decades
Copy !req
372. cleaning up stupid political messes.
Copy !req
373. Glorified royal arse wiper.
Copy !req
374. I have it far worse.
Copy !req
375. People look at you for who you are,
not for what you can give them.
Copy !req
376. You made the right choice,
giving all that nonsense up.
Copy !req
377. To this baby, I am the whole world.
Copy !req
378. If only it weren't so boring.
Copy !req
379. Who is that—
Copy !req
380. - Run!
Copy !req
381. Go!
Copy !req
382. - Run!
Copy !req
383. I'll have that brigand's head on a pike
Copy !req
384. outside the King's castle
before nightfall.
Copy !req
385. How dare he?
Copy !req
386. That was an assassin,
Copy !req
387. not a brigand.
Copy !req
388. What are you saying?
Copy !req
389. He was paid to kill you.
Copy !req
390. What?
Copy !req
391. Why?
Copy !req
392. It appears you've run out of chances
to provide your King a male heir.
Copy !req
393. No, he wouldn't.
Copy !req
394. - Oh, that prick!
Copy !req
395. - Go!
Copy !req
396. - Go!
Copy !req
397. We're being tracked!
Copy !req
398. Think! What did the King give you
that could be traced?
Copy !req
399. - Come on!
Copy !req
400. I can't hold it!
Copy !req
401. Hurry!
Copy !req
402. They're still tracking us.
Copy !req
403. Get up, you useless witch.
Copy !req
404. How could you not foresee this?
You were supposed to protect me.
Copy !req
405. Oh, you horrible, useless bitch!
Copy !req
406. How much more of this peacocking
must I endure?
Copy !req
407. This...
Copy !req
408. All this
because male tradition demands it.
Copy !req
409. If I were a man,
Copy !req
410. I could simply tell the whole lot of them
to fuck off,
Copy !req
411. declare outright who Pavetta should marry
and have done with it.
Copy !req
412. Or, better yet,
let the poor girl decide her own fate.
Copy !req
413. Something tells me
this isn't the first time
Copy !req
414. you've navigated the vagaries
of male tradition.
Copy !req
415. In fact,
Copy !req
416. I'd wager you thrive on it.
Copy !req
417. Spoken as one
who has navigated his own share of fools.
Copy !req
418. Hm.
Copy !req
419. Tell me, Witcher,
Copy !req
420. why are there so few of you left?
Copy !req
421. Hm.
Copy !req
422. It is no longer possible
to create more of us,
Copy !req
423. since the sacking of Kaer Morhen.
Copy !req
424. Tell me, Your Majesty...
Copy !req
425. why do you risk your life
on the battlefield
Copy !req
426. when you can rest on your throne?
Copy !req
427. Because there is a simplicity
in killing monsters, is there not?
Copy !req
428. Seems we are quite the pair,
Geralt of Rivia.
Copy !req
429. Hmm.
Copy !req
430. Crach! It's time.
Copy !req
431. Get your hairy ass up here.
Copy !req
432. Forgive my late intrusion,
Your Majesty,
Copy !req
433. and for the misunderstanding
with your guards.
Copy !req
434. Please! I come in peace.
Copy !req
435. I need but one moment of your time.
Copy !req
436. I am Lord Urcheon of Erlenwald,
Copy !req
437. and I have come to claim
your daughter's hand in marriage.
Copy !req
438. A knight...
Copy !req
439. of no renown...
Copy !req
440. from a backwater hamlet...
Copy !req
441. who dares to enter my court
Copy !req
442. without revealing his face?
Copy !req
443. I apologize, Your Majesty.
Copy !req
444. A knight's oath prevents me
from revealing my face
Copy !req
445. - until the sounding of the twelfth bell.
- Bollocks to that.
Copy !req
446. Witcher...
Copy !req
447. - kill it.
- No.
Copy !req
448. - Whatever the price.
- This is no monster.
Copy !req
449. I order you.
Copy !req
450. This knight has been cursed.
Copy !req
451. You're as useless as the rest of them.
Copy !req
452. Slay this beast!
Copy !req
453. Lioness of Cintra,
Copy !req
454. I come to claim what is rightfully mine!
Copy !req
455. Pavetta.
Copy !req
456. By the Law of Surprise.
Copy !req
457. - Oh...
- No!
Copy !req
458. Kill them both!
Copy !req
459. The Law of Surprise has been called.
Copy !req
460. You kill them...
Copy !req
461. kill me.
Copy !req
462. My Queen...
Copy !req
463. Stop!
Copy !req
464. Stop!
Copy !req
465. Please.
Copy !req
466. - I can give him a boy.
Copy !req
467. Take her instead.
Copy !req
468. As a sacrifice.
Copy !req
469. Duny!
Copy !req
470. Oh!
Copy !req
471. Oh.
Copy !req
472. I told you to stay away.
Copy !req
473. Your Majesty...
Copy !req
474. the witcher speaks the truth.
Copy !req
475. I was cursed as a young boy.
Copy !req
476. My whole life a living misery
Copy !req
477. until the day that I saved your husband,
King Roegner, from a certain death.
Copy !req
478. By tradition,
Copy !req
479. I chose the Law of Surprise as payment.
Copy !req
480. Whatever windfall he came home to find...
Copy !req
481. - would be mine.
- Oh, the stupid bastard.
Copy !req
482. Better you had let him die!
Copy !req
483. You knew he'd come,
Copy !req
484. and you pushed me to kill him.
Copy !req
485. And you...
Copy !req
486. carousing with the beast
that swindled your stupid father!
Copy !req
487. 'Tis no swindle.
Copy !req
488. Asking for payment
with the Law of Surprise
Copy !req
489. is as old as mankind itself.
Copy !req
490. - Don't lecture me, Eist.
- It's an honest gamble.
Copy !req
491. As likely to be rewarded
with a bumper crop
Copy !req
492. as a newborn pup.
Copy !req
493. Or...
Copy !req
494. a child of surprise.
Copy !req
495. He could not know.
Copy !req
496. Destiny has determined
the surprise be Pavetta.
Copy !req
497. When I heard that King Roegner
had returned to find a child on the way...
Copy !req
498. I abandoned all thought
of claiming the Law of Surprise.
Copy !req
499. I knew...
Copy !req
500. I knew no woman would ever accept me
like this.
Copy !req
501. And so I waited.
Copy !req
502. I waited until the twelfth bell
when the curse breaks.
Copy !req
503. I never intended to meet her.
Copy !req
504. Just to watch from afar.
Copy !req
505. Until destiny intervened...
Copy !req
506. and our hearts collided.
Copy !req
507. And at dawn,
I awoke with her in my arms and me...
Copy !req
508. like this.
Copy !req
509. Who are we to challenge destiny?
Copy !req
510. Life was saved, debt must be paid,
Copy !req
511. or the whole order
of the world falls apart.
Copy !req
512. Honor destiny's wish,
Copy !req
513. or unleash its wrath upon us.
Copy !req
514. There is no us!
Copy !req
515. I bow to no law made by men
who never bore a child!
Copy !req
516. Is there not a man amongst you
who does not cower before destiny?
Copy !req
517. You, Witcher...
Copy !req
518. who has known monsters
of every fang and claw...
Copy !req
519. are you afraid too?
Copy !req
520. No.
Copy !req
521. I've seen mothers lash themselves raw
over the death of a child,
Copy !req
522. believing they crossed destiny,
Copy !req
523. ignoring the stench
Copy !req
524. of the 50 other children
in the plague cart outside.
Copy !req
525. Destiny...
Copy !req
526. helps people believe there's an order
to this horseshit.
Copy !req
527. There isn't.
Copy !req
528. But a promise made must be honored.
Copy !req
529. As true for a commoner...
Copy !req
530. as it is for a queen.
Copy !req
531. I love Duny, Mother.
Copy !req
532. I will marry him.
Copy !req
533. I will finally be free.
Copy !req
534. Here is your destiny.
Copy !req
535. No!
Copy !req
536. My Queen, are you hurt?
Copy !req
537. Do you believe in destiny now?
Copy !req
538. I thought
your grandmother's gift had skipped you...
Copy !req
539. as it did me.
Copy !req
540. It seems I was wrong.
Copy !req
541. About so many things.
Copy !req
542. Destiny has spoken!
Copy !req
543. And I have listened.
Copy !req
544. The Law of Surprise will be honored.
Copy !req
545. Pavetta will marry...
Copy !req
546. Lord Urcheon.
Copy !req
547. React poorly,
Copy !req
548. and you won't just face the Lioness,
Copy !req
549. you will be facing
the sea hounds of Skellige.
Copy !req
550. Because Queen Calanthe...
Copy !req
551. has agreed to my proposal of marriage.
Copy !req
552. There will be two vows here tonight!
Copy !req
553. I assume that's agreeable.
Copy !req
554. Delightful.
Copy !req
555. No!
Copy !req
556. Dara?
Copy !req
557. Dara?
Copy !req
558. I drank the waters.
Copy !req
559. It's gonna be okay.
Copy !req
560. What's going to be okay?
Copy !req
561. Everything.
Copy !req
562. Leave your past behind.
Copy !req
563. Join us.
Copy !req
564. Drink and forget.
Copy !req
565. Why isn't it working?
Copy !req
566. Come.
Copy !req
567. Shan-Kayan calls to you.
Copy !req
568. Which one of us are you here for?
Copy !req
569. I'm sorry you didn't have a life.
Copy !req
570. But if truth be told,
you're not missing much.
Copy !req
571. I know it's easy for me to say
with warm breath in my lungs,
Copy !req
572. and you with nothing.
Copy !req
573. Still... what would you have had?
Copy !req
574. Parents?
Copy !req
575. Well, they're the ones
who wrote your last act,
Copy !req
576. so not much lost there.
Copy !req
577. Friends?
Copy !req
578. Most likely fair weather.
Copy !req
579. Lovers?
Copy !req
580. Fun for a bit, I'll admit,
but all eventually disappoint.
Copy !req
581. And let's face it,
Copy !req
582. you're a girl.
Copy !req
583. Your mother was right about one thing.
Copy !req
584. We're just vessels.
Copy !req
585. And even when we're told we're special,
Copy !req
586. as I was,
Copy !req
587. as you would've been,
Copy !req
588. we're still just vessels...
Copy !req
589. for them to take...
Copy !req
590. and take...
Copy !req
591. until we're empty...
Copy !req
592. and alone.
Copy !req
593. So, count yourself lucky.
Copy !req
594. You've cheated the game and won
without even knowing it.
Copy !req
595. Sleep well.
Copy !req
596. Pavetta.
Copy !req
597. Duny.
Copy !req
598. With my blessing...
Copy !req
599. I thee bind.
Copy !req
600. The twelfth bell has not yet rung.
Copy !req
601. What has happened?
Copy !req
602. I think your blessing of this marriage...
Copy !req
603. has fulfilled a destiny.
Copy !req
604. The curse has been lifted.
Copy !req
605. Whew!
Copy !req
606. I think this has the makings
of my greatest ballad yet.
Copy !req
607. If you're alive in the morning. Don't...
Copy !req
608. grope for trout in any peculiar rivers
until dawn.
Copy !req
609. No, wait! Wait.
Copy !req
610. You saved my life.
Copy !req
611. I must repay you.
Copy !req
612. You've proven yourself to be
the kind of man who would do the same.
Copy !req
613. - I want nothing.
- No, please.
Copy !req
614. Please, Geralt of Rivia, do not feel
like you're doing me a service.
Copy !req
615. I cannot start a new life
in the shadow of a life debt.
Copy !req
616. Fine.
Copy !req
617. I...
Copy !req
618. claim the tradition as you have,
Copy !req
619. the Law of Surprise.
Copy !req
620. Give me that which you already have
but do not know.
Copy !req
621. No!
Copy !req
622. What have you done, Witcher?
Copy !req
623. Fear not, Your Majesty,
Copy !req
624. if I am seen in your kingdom again,
it'll be to kill a real monster,
Copy !req
625. not lay claim to a crop or a new pup.
Copy !req
626. Destiny can go fu—
Copy !req
627. Pavetta?
Copy !req
628. Are you...
Copy !req
629. Oh...
Copy !req
630. Fuck.
Copy !req
631. Clearly the girl has access
to immense primal power.
Copy !req
632. Yeah, and with no idea how to control it.
Copy !req
633. I'm gonna stay.
Copy !req
634. Guide her.
Copy !req
635. - You're a good man, Mousesack.
- You should stay too.
Copy !req
636. This has been enough partying for me.
Copy !req
637. I'm getting out of here.
Copy !req
638. Alone.
Copy !req
639. You're bound to this now, Geralt.
Copy !req
640. Whether you like it or not.
Copy !req
641. I'm not for changing.
Copy !req
642. You know me better than that.
Copy !req
643. Yes, I do, but you can't outrun destiny
just because you're terrified of it.
Copy !req
644. It's coming, Geralt.
Copy !req
645. Not believing won't change that.
Copy !req
646. Bullshit.
Copy !req
647. This was just a girl using her magic
to stop her mother from gutting her lover.
Copy !req
648. - Nothing more.
- So you say.
Copy !req
649. But the bond that will come into being
between you
Copy !req
650. and this child...
Copy !req
651. when it is born, will be extraordinary.
Copy !req
652. If you dismiss it,
leave without claiming this...
Copy !req
653. child surprise,
Copy !req
654. you will surely unleash true calamity
upon us all.
Copy !req
655. I'll take that chance.
Copy !req
656. Mind yourself.
Copy !req
657. True words are rare birds
in courts like this.
Copy !req
658. Watch for daggers in your back.
Copy !req
659. Or, more likely, poison.
Copy !req
660. Be careful, old friend.
Copy !req
661. Queen Calanthe.
Copy !req
662. Mistress, I've found her!
Copy !req
663. Is it working?
Copy !req
664. Calanthe's progeny is in Brokilon Forest.
Copy !req
665. We can spare ten thousand men
to take it, sir.
Copy !req
666. - Maybe 12.
- Shut up!
Copy !req
667. Armies are not the way
into Brokilon Forest.
Copy !req
668. Damn it!
Copy !req
669. - Come on, get moving!
Copy !req
670. You must drink from the source.
Copy !req
671. What are you, child?
Copy !req