1. It comes on a full moon...
Copy !req
2. to feed.
Copy !req
3. That's what Ma used to say.
Copy !req
4. When a wolf...
Copy !req
5. crosses a maiden's grave.
Copy !req
6. A pregnant girl who died before her time.
Copy !req
7. That babe...
Copy !req
8. starts growing...
Copy !req
9. right in her belly.
Copy !req
10. When it's big enough...
Copy !req
11. that babe rips out.
Copy !req
12. Only it ain't a babe no more.
Copy !req
13. It's a monster.
Copy !req
14. A vukodlak.
Copy !req
15. I swear, Witcher, that's what got me.
Copy !req
16. I swear I saw it.
Copy !req
17. - I swear on my ma's grave, I saw it—
- Shh. Shh, shh.
Copy !req
18. Three thousand orens. Up front.
Copy !req
19. No!
Copy !req
20. This... I definitely know.
Copy !req
21. The kikimora?
Copy !req
22. Mm.
Copy !req
23. Hmm.
Copy !req
24. I don't recall the bard
singing of this one.
Copy !req
25. Who would dare
try and rob you of your treasure?
Copy !req
26. A woman?
Copy !req
27. Princess.
Copy !req
28. Were you in love?
Copy !req
29. What's her name?
Copy !req
30. When you live as long as I do,
all the names start to sound the same.
Copy !req
31. Were destiny a kinder bitch,
a whore like me
Copy !req
32. wouldn't have to settle for
her client's telltales.
Copy !req
33. A friend of yours came through here
last month headed for Temeria.
Copy !req
34. Friend?
Copy !req
35. Another witcher.
Copy !req
36. Mm. Blessed that prick
with my fullest efforts, too,
Copy !req
37. - and he—
- What's in Temeria?
Copy !req
38. - Do you not just hear me talking?
- Shouldn't you know
Copy !req
39. - when someone's pretending?
Copy !req
40. - It's been three nights.
Copy !req
41. Pay up or get out!
Copy !req
42. Temeria?
Copy !req
43. It's got a pest problem.
Copy !req
44. A few miners rounded up 3,000 orens
to have it killed.
Copy !req
45. Your boy took the coin and ran.
Copy !req
46. - You hear me?
Copy !req
47. Thank you... for...
Copy !req
48. everything.
Copy !req
49. - Witcher!
Copy !req
50. Hmm.
Copy !req
51. - What about the room?
Copy !req
52. Don't judge me.
Copy !req
53. I'll be back with payment in a few days.
Copy !req
54. Anything happens to my horse...
Copy !req
55. You don't scare me.
Copy !req
56. Point me to Temeria.
Copy !req
57. Years of attacks by this creature,
and the king does nothing.
Copy !req
58. We must force his hand.
Lay down our picks...
Copy !req
59. and refuse to work.
Copy !req
60. Yeah.
Copy !req
61. And a half-measure ain't gonna do!
We've got to move on.
Copy !req
62. Plenty of work south of Sodden.
Copy !req
63. My son...
Copy !req
64. rest his soul...
Copy !req
65. told me...
Copy !req
66. in Nilfgaard...
Copy !req
67. the king diddled whores
while his subjects starved.
Copy !req
68. Then someone came.
Copy !req
69. The Usurper.
Copy !req
70. And he rallied the people,
and they took back what was theirs!
Copy !req
71. Yeah!
Copy !req
72. I say we follow their lead!
Copy !req
73. You can't kill the vukodlak...
Copy !req
74. so you decide to kill your king?
Copy !req
75. Great plan.
Copy !req
76. Another fuckin' witcher.
Copy !req
77. Your kind already swindled us once.
Copy !req
78. I take payment after the job is done
and for a third of the price.
Copy !req
79. An apology...
Copy !req
80. from my guild...
Copy !req
81. to yours.
Copy !req
82. And if you can't kill it?
Copy !req
83. Then I die.
Copy !req
84. Please.
Copy !req
85. Everyone remain calm.
Copy !req
86. Lower your weapons
and return to your homes.
Copy !req
87. Do so quickly
and without further theatrics...
Copy !req
88. and you have my word that our king
will not hear of this treason.
Copy !req
89. Foltest commits treason.
Copy !req
90. He hides in his winter castle
as we are eaten.
Copy !req
91. Yeah!
Copy !req
92. Mikal was a good boy.
Copy !req
93. Revenge will not ease your pain.
Copy !req
94. You know nothing...
Copy !req
95. of my pain.
Copy !req
96. Does Foltest have a plan?
Copy !req
97. See this one to our borders.
Copy !req
98. Temeria's had their fill... of witchers.
Copy !req
99. Witcher.
Copy !req
100. You can put down your sword.
I'm not here to hurt you.
Copy !req
101. Says the witch hiding in the woods.
Copy !req
102. Sorceress.
Copy !req
103. Witch.
Copy !req
104. Triss Merigold. I serve King Foltest.
Copy !req
105. So he makes a show
of kicking me out...
Copy !req
106. then sends his errand girl
to slip me some coin
Copy !req
107. so I kill his monster.
Copy !req
108. Not a very original plan for a king.
Copy !req
109. It's my plan.
Copy !req
110. My coin.
Copy !req
111. And I don't want you to kill the beast.
Copy !req
112. I want you to help me save it.
Copy !req
113. Six years ago,
Copy !req
114. stable hands started vanishing
at the castle above the city.
Copy !req
115. Before long, citizens were disappearing
throughout all Temeria.
Copy !req
116. Foltest's royal guards soon realized
the creature was coming from the crypt
Copy !req
117. where the king's sister Adda is buried.
Copy !req
118. Rumor has it she was having an affair
with a young man in town when she died.
Copy !req
119. Was she pregnant?
Copy !req
120. If she were, that would make her child
the sole heir to the throne
Copy !req
121. as Foltest never married.
Copy !req
122. The king fled the castle,
ignoring the rising death toll.
Copy !req
123. After Nilfgaard overthrew their king,
Copy !req
124. the Brotherhood
couldn't risk it happening again,
Copy !req
125. so they sent me here three months ago
to cure the creature.
Copy !req
126. Vukodlaks are freak mutations.
Copy !req
127. - They can't be cured.
- Good thing it's not a vukodlak.
Copy !req
128. Two thousand orens if you can tell me
what exactly killed these people.
Copy !req
129. You didn't want the people to know
that it bested a witcher.
Copy !req
130. And you let them believe
that he fled with their coin.
Copy !req
131. You two clearly weren't acquainted.
Copy !req
132. His heart's missing along with his liver.
Copy !req
133. Only one creature I know
is that picky an eater.
Copy !req
134. A striga.
Copy !req
135. - Strigas are old wives' tales.
- They're very rare.
Copy !req
136. The only way to make one
is through a curse.
Copy !req
137. - Someone wanted Adda dead.
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
138. But the curse didn't stop with Adda.
It turned her daughter into a monster.
Copy !req
139. Her daughter?
Copy !req
140. Strigas are female.
Copy !req
141. This striga's a princess.
Copy !req
142. Uh... can... can...
Copy !req
143. Uh, can they do something?
Copy !req
144. Uh, they— they're just watching.
Copy !req
145. It was a nice touch with the applause.
Copy !req
146. So how many more times
do you think we get to do this?
Copy !req
147. I don't know.
Copy !req
148. Soon you'll be off to your ruins,
dashing explorer.
Copy !req
149. Part-time dashing explorer.
Copy !req
150. Stregebor says
Temeria leans heavily on its mages.
Copy !req
151. So maybe you'll be too busy for me.
Copy !req
152. Or maybe you'll be too busy for me
once you get a taste of Aedirn revelry.
Copy !req
153. King Virfuril is handsome. Allegedly.
Copy !req
154. If I do a good job...
Copy !req
155. I can persuade him
to give you access to our ruins.
Copy !req
156. - Maybe we'll do this forever.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
157. Well, after the initiation today,
we're in charge.
Copy !req
158. We get to make the decisions,
be who we want to be.
Copy !req
159. What's wrong?
Copy !req
160. Fringilla and the others
see their ideal selves so clearly.
Copy !req
161. They know exactly what they want
for their enchantments.
Copy !req
162. Stop worrying so much.
Copy !req
163. Easy for a Ban Ard boy.
Copy !req
164. You dolts needn't change a single wrinkle
before heading to court.
Copy !req
165. What do you want?
Copy !req
166. Remember that scared girl
who tumbled at your feet in this cave...
Copy !req
167. totally unaware of her power?
Copy !req
168. I want to go back home to Aedirn
and never be her again.
Copy !req
169. - You're bound for Aedirn?
- Yes.
Copy !req
170. Let me be candid. You are a...
first draft of what nature intended, yes?
Copy !req
171. Lucky for you, I'm the final artist.
Copy !req
172. Every girl I enchant
leaves Aretuza a living work of art.
Copy !req
173. Hmm?
Copy !req
174. No matter how challenging the clay.
Copy !req
175. Perfect for Aedirn.
Copy !req
176. A gray dress assumes importance
without bald ambition.
Copy !req
177. Ah. Not the final look. More a preview.
Copy !req
178. There is not a person alive
Copy !req
179. that does not look into the mirror
and see some deformity.
Copy !req
180. Except for us.
Copy !req
181. We remake ourselves on our terms.
The world has no say in it.
Copy !req
182. Look.
Copy !req
183. You can free the victim
in the mirror forever.
Copy !req
184. I don't know where to begin.
Copy !req
185. Close your eyes.
Copy !req
186. I said close them.
Copy !req
187. Imagine the most powerful woman
in the world.
Copy !req
188. Her hair, the color of her eyes, yes...
Copy !req
189. but also the strength of her posture.
Copy !req
190. The poise of her entire being.
Copy !req
191. Do you see her?
Copy !req
192. Yes.
Copy !req
193. Open your eyes.
Copy !req
194. She is stunning.
Copy !req
195. Miss Merigold, you were dispatched
to settle a family affair,
Copy !req
196. not to enlist a mutant mercenary
for a game of sleuthing.
Copy !req
197. This is no game, Captain.
Tonight is a full moon,
Copy !req
198. and Geralt has already proved himself
to be invaluable.
Copy !req
199. We believe we can cure the creature.
Copy !req
200. You say she's a girl.
Copy !req
201. Then you will refer to her
as Her Royal Highness.
Copy !req
202. Segelin, I believe urgency
Copy !req
203. warrants flexibility in court decorum.
Copy !req
204. The witcher's theory is nonsense.
Princess Adda was the people's angel.
Copy !req
205. - Who'd wish to murder her?
- What about her lover?
Copy !req
206. Seditious rumors. Idle courtesans
trading out boredom for jealousy.
Copy !req
207. Perhaps if you called off your guards,
Copy !req
208. if we were able
to search the abandoned castle,
Copy !req
209. we could find clues as to who cursed her.
Copy !req
210. Except this witcher
would kill the princess as she sleeps,
Copy !req
211. - and collect the miners' coin.
- Call her a princess.
Copy !req
212. Call her a unicorn if you'd like to.
Copy !req
213. She grew inside Adda,
feeding on her petrified womb.
Copy !req
214. - Have you no respect?
- Mutating.
Copy !req
215. Growing for years
till she got so hungry...
Copy !req
216. she was forced to slither out.
Copy !req
217. Rotten muscle, bent bones,
two spidery legs,
Copy !req
218. claws dragging in the dirt.
An overgrown abortion.
Copy !req
219. Enough.
Copy !req
220. - Your Highness?
- Leave.
Copy !req
221. Hey!
Copy !req
222. - Open the door!
Copy !req
223. - Open this door! Protect the king!
Copy !req
224. Witcher!
Copy !req
225. - Who's the princess' father?
- My men will kill you, Witcher.
Copy !req
226. Hmm. It's funny.
Copy !req
227. You learn that your sister was murdered,
and you didn't even flinch.
Copy !req
228. But the moment
I mention the girl's father...
Copy !req
229. Why were you never married?
Copy !req
230. You are speaking to a king.
Copy !req
231. That is exactly my point.
Copy !req
232. Why not produce your own heir?
Copy !req
233. Why not kill the striga
and avoid this revolt?
Copy !req
234. Why drag this all out?
Copy !req
235. Between you and me...
Copy !req
236. who is the striga's father?
Copy !req
237. I remember hearing stories
about witchers when I was a child.
Copy !req
238. Is it true what they say?
Copy !req
239. That the mutations
that grant you your... abilities
Copy !req
240. also erase your emotions?
Copy !req
241. Must be.
Copy !req
242. 'Cause only a man devoid of all heart
Copy !req
243. could accuse a brother
of bedding his murdered sister
Copy !req
244. while urging him to kill her.
Copy !req
245. Leave Temeria.
Copy !req
246. Never return.
Copy !req
247. Cintra continues their animosity
towards our organization.
Copy !req
248. Don't tell me
they're employing druids
Copy !req
249. or worse—fortune tellers.
Copy !req
250. King Dagorad has banned mages from Cintra,
God knows why.
Copy !req
251. I've heard rumors he's taken ill.
Copy !req
252. Now, if the king dies, perhaps his heiress
will be more pliable. Princess...
Copy !req
253. Calanthe? Good luck with that.
Copy !req
254. Word is she's even more stubborn
than her father is.
Copy !req
255. How fares Nilfgaard?
Copy !req
256. King Fergus is proving to be
an effective and excitable young king.
Copy !req
257. Horny, she means.
Copy !req
258. Spending the kingdom's money on women
as his people starve to death.
Copy !req
259. Fringilla will be in Nilfgaard
by week's end.
Copy !req
260. She will bring sanity and bread
to the people.
Copy !req
261. Your girl is— With all due respect,
Copy !req
262. your niece is only capable
of doing what she's told.
Copy !req
263. No ambitious mage wants to be assigned
anywhere south of Sodden.
Copy !req
264. But Nilfgaard needs correcting.
Copy !req
265. Perhaps we consider sending someone there
with a bit more... spine.
Copy !req
266. Stregobor, did you have anyone in mind?
Copy !req
267. What about your hunchback protégé?
Copy !req
268. How's her... spine?
Copy !req
269. We agreed
Yennefer would thrive in Aedirn.
Copy !req
270. King Virfuril
prefers mages from his kingdom,
Copy !req
271. - and Yennefer was born in Vengerberg.
- Oh, we'd be spitting in Dagorad's face
Copy !req
272. if we send Yennefer
to their biggest trade partner.
Copy !req
273. The only thing Cintra hates
more than mages is... elves.
Copy !req
274. Yennefer's of elven blood?
Copy !req
275. Quarter elf.
Copy !req
276. Watch a Cintran do that math.
Copy !req
277. Let's not model our wisdom
on prejudice and paranoia.
Copy !req
278. Prejudiced or not, you can't deny
Copy !req
279. Cintra has operated
outside our influence far too long.
Copy !req
280. Unchecked kings and queens
lead to rebellions. Massacres.
Copy !req
281. It's the reason this chapter was formed.
Copy !req
282. Still afraid of Falka, are you?
Copy !req
283. And you, you spare your niece her duties?
Copy !req
284. Not enough fragrance in Toussaint
to take the stench off that nepotism.
Copy !req
285. Let the Chapter vote, then.
I'll even recuse myself.
Copy !req
286. All in favor of Yennefer to Nilfgaard
instead of Fringilla?
Copy !req
287. Your Excellence, it's an honor.
Copy !req
288. - The honor is mine.
Copy !req
289. King Fergus chose this.
Copy !req
290. - Not me.
- King Fergus of Nilfgaard?
Copy !req
291. - What are you talking about?
Copy !req
292. Uh...
Copy !req
293. I demand an audience with the Chapter.
Copy !req
294. I handle court assignments, Yennefer.
Copy !req
295. - Not the Chapter.
- You promised me Aedirn.
Copy !req
296. New items came to light
which led me to believe
Copy !req
297. that you would be a better fit
for Nilfgaard.
Copy !req
298. There's no power in puppeting fools,
Copy !req
299. especially one who'd sooner
fondle his sorceress than listen to her!
Copy !req
300. I don't think new items came to light.
Copy !req
301. I think the Chapter overruled you.
Copy !req
302. Is that it? Yeah?
Copy !req
303. The all-powerful sorceress
Tissaia de Vriess
Copy !req
304. knocked down from her glass pedestal.
Copy !req
305. 'Twas your blood.
Copy !req
306. Efforts in Cintra prevent the Brotherhood
Copy !req
307. from placing a mage with elven blood
in Aedirn's court.
Copy !req
308. How could you tell them?
Copy !req
309. I did not.
Copy !req
310. Stregobor did.
Copy !req
311. Divine the rest.
Copy !req
312. How many more hours?
Copy !req
313. Too many.
Copy !req
314. You were told to leave Temeria.
Copy !req
315. But come on.
Copy !req
316. These views.
Copy !req
317. Are you going to kill her?
Copy !req
318. I don't want the miners' coin.
Copy !req
319. Or mine, apparently.
Copy !req
320. What is this girl to you?
Copy !req
321. Why do you care?
Copy !req
322. You first.
Copy !req
323. I saw how Foltest and his boy
spoke to you.
Copy !req
324. Why help those who won't listen?
Copy !req
325. I'm sure someone as legendary as you
Copy !req
326. has already figured out several ways
to get past Segelin's guards.
Copy !req
327. Move away.
Copy !req
328. Temeria reeks of secrets.
I could sense them.
Copy !req
329. Just like I could these bodies
before we entered.
Copy !req
330. I imagine you sense them, too.
Copy !req
331. Foltest and Adda. What happened to them?
Copy !req
332. Not answering questions
is a pillar of your brooding charm.
Copy !req
333. Pretty sure Foltest is the father.
Copy !req
334. Adda's bedroom.
Copy !req
335. Do you think he cursed her?
Copy !req
336. Foltest?
Copy !req
337. Maybe.
Copy !req
338. Geralt.
Copy !req
339. Letters.
Copy !req
340. From Queen Sancia,
Foltest and Adda's mother.
Copy !req
341. A Queen Mother
cursing her own children for their affair.
Copy !req
342. This could destroy the throne.
Copy !req
343. Sancia wanted Adda
to get rid of the child.
Copy !req
344. It seems she refused. Repeatedly.
Copy !req
345. And now she's taken that curse with her
to the grave.
Copy !req
346. You've served the family for decades.
Copy !req
347. Was Sancia involved in
dark sorcery of any kind?
Copy !req
348. No. Of course not.
Copy !req
349. What was your relationship to Adda?
Copy !req
350. Well, I like to think that she saw me
as a confidant.
Copy !req
351. And protector, even.
Copy !req
352. We used to talk at great length
about her troubles.
Copy !req
353. She could be very naive.
Copy !req
354. She ever mention her brother?
Copy !req
355. Certainly not like this.
Copy !req
356. She was ashamed.
Copy !req
357. Or she was frightened.
Copy !req
358. What if the relationship was not...
Copy !req
359. consensual?
Copy !req
360. Hmm.
Copy !req
361. You think he raped Adda,
then cursed the child to cover it up?
Copy !req
362. Well, kings have done more for less.
Copy !req
363. True.
Copy !req
364. There's only one wrinkle, though.
Copy !req
365. - Your scent was on her sheets.
- Geralt.
Copy !req
366. Old ones...
Copy !req
367. and new ones.
Copy !req
368. What would I be doing
in a dead girl's bed?
Copy !req
369. I smelled what you were doing.
Copy !req
370. Foltest had no right!
Copy !req
371. He seduced Adda. Abused his position.
Copy !req
372. He was always nagging her
for attention.
Copy !req
373. Always nagging!
Copy !req
374. But he didn't love her.
Copy !req
375. - I did.
- You cursed the woman you loved?
Copy !req
376. I cursed Foltest, not her.
Copy !req
377. Countless are dead
because of your jealousy.
Copy !req
378. Countless are dead because of Foltest!
Copy !req
379. He spoiled Adda with his seed.
Copy !req
380. He refuses to kill this striga.
Copy !req
381. He lies to his people.
And yet you wag your finger in my face.
Copy !req
382. If you wanted him to suffer,
you could have just exposed the affair.
Copy !req
383. And hurt Adda?
Copy !req
384. Never.
Copy !req
385. Her memory will not be sullied,
not while I'm alive to protect it.
Copy !req
386. Tell us how to lift the curse.
Copy !req
387. No.
Copy !req
388. Foltest will watch
as Temeria turns against him.
Copy !req
389. Just as he turned Adda against me.
Copy !req
390. Hmm.
Copy !req
391. Unh.
Copy !req
392. I, Sabrina Glevissig,
offer myself to the Brotherhood
Copy !req
393. to make good on the promise
of the Spheres.
Copy !req
394. - To not place power before virtue.
Copy !req
395. - To respect...
- Where is she?
Copy !req
396. You didn't hear?
Copy !req
397. for as long
as my flesh endures.
Copy !req
398. Welcome to the Brotherhood of Sorcerers.
You may perform your enchantment.
Copy !req
399. Yenna.
Copy !req
400. Yenna, what are you doing?
Copy !req
401. Undoing what you've done.
Copy !req
402. I'll have my father sign this deed
declaring me his natural-born daughter
Copy !req
403. and not an elven bastard.
Copy !req
404. Do you really think this slip of paper
will fool the Chapter? Yenna—
Copy !req
405. Get your hands away from me!
Copy !req
406. It was a test.
Copy !req
407. It was, uh, an idiotic manipulation.
Forgive me.
Copy !req
408. Can your apology save me from Nilfgaard?
Copy !req
409. Take me to Aedirn?
Copy !req
410. - Do they make me more than my blood?
- And you think this will?
Copy !req
411. Fine.
Copy !req
412. Tell them you lied.
Copy !req
413. Say you concocted this slander
to gain the favor of your precious rector.
Copy !req
414. It's too late. You missed initiation.
Copy !req
415. The enchantments are done.
Think clearly.
Copy !req
416. You're so smart, aren't you?
You know everything.
Copy !req
417. I'm sorry. I had no way of knowing
how the information would be used.
Copy !req
418. - But neither did you.
- Do not turn this on me.
Copy !req
419. We're pretending your precious rectoress
never ordered you to spy on me?
Copy !req
420. Look, I-I can fix this.
Copy !req
421. The Brotherhood—they've offered me a seat
on the Research Chapter. Me.
Copy !req
422. Okay? Neither of us have to go to court.
Copy !req
423. - You can't be serious?
- We can travel the continent together.
Copy !req
424. We can be together.
We can forge a whole new destiny.
Copy !req
425. Ah.
Copy !req
426. A life holding dustpans
while you brush off forgotten bones?
Copy !req
427. That's not destiny.
Copy !req
428. It's slow suicide.
Copy !req
429. You don't mean that.
Copy !req
430. Would it frighten you to know you're
not privy to every one of my thoughts?
Copy !req
431. You are patronizing me.
Copy !req
432. I was going to Temeria for you.
Copy !req
433. That was your decision.
Copy !req
434. You really think I wish to waste my days
gossiping at court?
Copy !req
435. That's your fetish, not mine.
Copy !req
436. A true man would state his desires.
Copy !req
437. Well, how would I recognize them? Huh?
Copy !req
438. You get off on disguising yours
as my own. Oh.
Copy !req
439. Stregobor was right.
Copy !req
440. That's exactly why you're here,
exactly what she taught you.
Copy !req
441. Everyone's a pawn.
Copy !req
442. I will not be schooled by a man
Copy !req
443. who pimps the world
as some romantic adventure.
Copy !req
444. My world is cruel.
Copy !req
445. - Unpredictable.
Copy !req
446. You enter, you survive, you die.
Copy !req
447. - You know, victimhood is not your color.
- Nor heroism yours.
Copy !req
448. You're just angry because
you lost your chance to be beautiful!
Copy !req
449. I want to be powerful.
Copy !req
450. Seen and adored with everyone watching.
Copy !req
451. It is what I'm owed.
Copy !req
452. No amount of power or beauty
will ever make you feel worthy of either.
Copy !req
453. Let's take a rest, dear.
Copy !req
454. Foltest, leave your sister be.
Copy !req
455. Show Madame de Vriess some respect.
Copy !req
456. What wonderful children, Your Highness.
Copy !req
457. Thank you.
Copy !req
458. Your Excellence.
Copy !req
459. An Aedirnian would surely
have had better footing.
Copy !req
460. You claim to be
quite the artist. Prove it.
Copy !req
461. - The Chapter would have my head.
- Do they already have your cock?
Copy !req
462. - I'll need time to prepare the herbs.
- That won't be necessary.
Copy !req
463. Don't be foolish.
You can't be awake during the procedure.
Copy !req
464. I can.
Copy !req
465. Oh so quick to violence.
Copy !req
466. Strange, considering what Miss Merigold
told me about you.
Copy !req
467. - And what's that?
- She told me...
Copy !req
468. to trust you.
Copy !req
469. Will this work?
Copy !req
470. Answer honestly.
Copy !req
471. I don't know.
Copy !req
472. Will my...
Copy !req
473. will my daughter...
Copy !req
474. be normal?
Copy !req
475. She'll need special care.
Copy !req
476. She's lived as an animal.
Copy !req
477. All she's ever known is...
Copy !req
478. rage and hunger.
Copy !req
479. What is this?
Copy !req
480. For the princess.
Copy !req
481. If I can lift the curse.
Copy !req
482. A gift.
Copy !req
483. You're giving me this
because you do not expect to see morning.
Copy !req
484. This isn't my first time
trying to save a princess
Copy !req
485. who others see as a monster.
Copy !req
486. What happened to that princess?
Copy !req
487. I killed her.
Copy !req
488. I did try to resist, at first, with Adda.
We both did.
Copy !req
489. For all it brightens,
love casts long shadows.
Copy !req
490. I envy you.
Copy !req
491. To live...
Copy !req
492. and never have to fall in love.
Copy !req
493. Witcher.
Copy !req
494. This is madness!
Copy !req
495. What are we doing here? What's happening?
Copy !req
496. How can I lift the curse?
Copy !req
497. No.
Copy !req
498. This is not right.
Copy !req
499. Foltest must pay for what he did.
Copy !req
500. Explain that to her.
Copy !req
501. Carry me out. I order you.
Copy !req
502. Tell me how to lift the curse.
Copy !req
503. Sh-She was hiding from the Brotherhood.
Copy !req
504. She sold me a lamb.
Copy !req
505. Sh-She told me
to wait until a full moon,
Copy !req
506. to wait and then to kill it.
Copy !req
507. And then I recited some silly chant.
Copy !req
508. And then I bathed in the lamb's blood
until sunrise.
Copy !req
509. Until the rooster crowed three times.
And that is all.
Copy !req
510. I swear. I swear.
Now please let us leave.
Copy !req
511. What was the chant?
Copy !req
512. It was years ago.
Copy !req
513. It was Elven. Um...
Copy !req
514. Wh— what is it? The—
I— I've done what you've asked.
Copy !req
515. What more can I do?
Copy !req
516. Nothing, unless you can
keep a striga out of her crypt
Copy !req
517. until a fucking rooster
crows three times.
Copy !req
518. You're gonna have to fight her till dawn.
Copy !req
519. Leave my eyes. These as well.
Copy !req
520. There is a cost to all creation.
Copy !req
521. A sacrifice that is always made.
Copy !req
522. To be reborn...
Copy !req
523. you will bear no more.
Copy !req
524. Do you understand?
Copy !req
525. Good.
Copy !req
526. No. No. Come back here.
Copy !req
527. Please. Please!
Copy !req
528. You'd leave a man
bound to die in such indignity?
Copy !req
529. You're not a man.
Copy !req
530. Please forgive me.
Copy !req
531. It was Foltest.
Copy !req
532. It was his fault.
Copy !req
533. - I loved your mother.
Copy !req
534. Fuck.
Copy !req
535. Yennefer of Vengerberg.
Copy !req
536. My apologies, Your Excellence.
Copy !req
537. Please allow me to remove
this misguided girl.
Copy !req
538. Now, what sort of a king refuses a dance
with one of his subjects?
Copy !req
539. Vengerberg?
Copy !req
540. Are you aware that I'm in the market
for just such a mage?
Copy !req
541. On your lead, Your Excellence.
Copy !req
542. Geralt...
Copy !req
543. Geralt.
Copy !req
544. Renfri.
Copy !req
545. The girl in the woods
will be with you always.
Copy !req
546. People call you a monster too.
Copy !req
547. Renfri.
Copy !req
548. You choose...
Copy !req
549. - You choose...
Copy !req
550. Your scars. You heal quite nicely.
Copy !req
551. Your will to live is strong.
Copy !req
552. The princess?
Copy !req
553. I've arranged for her to stay a while
with the Sisters of Melitele.
Copy !req
554. But...
Copy !req
555. I...
Copy !req
556. - Her neck?
- She'll heal, too.
Copy !req
557. You should know
Foltest issued a statement.
Copy !req
558. The honorable Lord Ostrit
gave his life to slay the vukodlak.
Copy !req
559. Miners are gathering ore for a statue.
Copy !req
560. - Anyone else would've killed the princess.
Copy !req
561. You chose not to.
Copy !req
562. I'll take my coin now.
Copy !req
563. I need to get back to my horse.
Copy !req
564. Who's Renfri?
Copy !req
565. Hers was the only name you uttered
over and over in your sleep.
Copy !req
566. My coin.
Copy !req
567. So that's all life is to you?
Copy !req
568. Monsters and money?
Copy !req
569. It's all it needs to be.
Copy !req
570. You say this is all life is to you,
Copy !req
571. but there is a vortex of fate
around all of us, Geralt,
Copy !req
572. growing with each and every one
of our choices...
Copy !req
573. drawing our destinies in closer.
Copy !req
574. I feel something out there waits for you.
Copy !req
575. Something more.
Copy !req
576. Ciri.
Copy !req
577. Ciri.
Copy !req
578. Ciri!
Copy !req
579. Ciri! Ciri!
Copy !req
580. Ciri! Ciri!
Copy !req
581. Wha—
Copy !req
582. Ciri!
Copy !req
583. Ciri! Ciri!
Copy !req
584. Ciri.
Copy !req
585. Ciri.
Copy !req
586. Ciri. Ciri.
Copy !req
587. Ciri.
Copy !req