1. Today isn't your day, is it?
Copy !req
2. What will it be?
Copy !req
3. Point me to the alderman's house.
Copy !req
4. - It's down the alley to the left—
- Isadora.
Copy !req
5. We don't want your kind here, Witcher.
Copy !req
6. The alderman,
Copy !req
7. tell me where he is
and I'll be on my way.
Copy !req
8. You don't give the orders around here...
Copy !req
9. you mutant son of a bitch.
Copy !req
10. - Hear that?
Copy !req
11. Go.
Copy !req
12. On your own or at the end of a rope,
your choice.
Copy !req
13. Not a hard choice.
Copy !req
14. Yeah, fuck that. Kill him
with your bare hands if you have to.
Copy !req
15. C'mon, Witcher.
You're not scared of us, are ya?
Copy !req
16. - Show us what you've got.
- Can you not leave it alone for a moment?
Copy !req
17. - Witchers can't be trusted.
- I'm not speaking to you.
Copy !req
18. I apologize
for my man's interference in your day.
Copy !req
19. Hopefully he can improve his behavior
by tomorrow's market.
Copy !req
20. Sorry, Renfri.
Copy !req
21. Come on, lads.
Copy !req
22. Beer for my friend here and one for me.
Copy !req
23. I am speaking to you now, good sir.
Copy !req
24. Want some breakfast?
Copy !req
25. I'm full.
Copy !req
26. Venison.
Copy !req
27. My mother, God rest her,
would be mortified.
Copy !req
28. Our secret, then.
Copy !req
29. So, what brings you to Blaviken,
White Hair?
Copy !req
30. You came for a monster?
Copy !req
31. I was traveling by the swamp.
Copy !req
32. That would be your mistake, then.
Why wouldn't you travel by main roads?
Copy !req
33. It's hard to make a living on main roads.
Copy !req
34. And you desperately need money
for new clothes.
Copy !req
35. Two more beers.
Copy !req
36. More and more,
I find monsters wherever I go.
Copy !req
37. How much coin for your kikimora, then?
Copy !req
38. I killed a rat this morning
with my breakfast fork.
Copy !req
39. Stabbed it in its fat little gut.
Copy !req
40. My mother nearly fainted,
but what was I supposed to do?
Copy !req
41. It had been shitting in our pantry
for days.
Copy !req
42. - You mentioned coin.
- Yes.
Copy !req
43. Isadora said you were looking
for my father.
Copy !req
44. She's a gossip, you see.
Copy !req
45. Probably went two steps
into the Lord's Inn
Copy !req
46. before she was running off telling
everyone an evil witcher had arrived.
Copy !req
47. You don't scare me.
Copy !req
48. That's too bad.
Copy !req
49. And I can also tell you
Copy !req
50. that my father will have no use
for this beast.
Copy !req
51. Your father,
Copy !req
52. the alderman?
Copy !req
53. He posted a flyer.
Copy !req
54. For a graveir.
Copy !req
55. kikimoras are useful.
Copy !req
56. Population control.
Copy !req
57. Hm.
Copy !req
58. You should speak to Master Irion,
our wizard.
Copy !req
59. He's willing to pay for odds and ends
he needs for elixirs.
Copy !req
60. I sold him our dog when it died.
Copy !req
61. Mysteriously.
Copy !req
62. Fine.
Copy !req
63. Take me to him.
Copy !req
64. I got 15 crowns for the yappy mutt.
Copy !req
65. That's enough to buy some new clothes.
Just saying.
Copy !req
66. Hm.
Copy !req
67. Come on, Roach.
Copy !req
68. Have you ever killed a succubus?
Copy !req
69. A striga?
Copy !req
70. Werewolf?
Copy !req
71. She-wolf?
Copy !req
72. That's not a thing.
Copy !req
73. So you've killed the rest?
Copy !req
74. I think that makes you a hero.
Copy !req
75. My mother says
you're the offspring of foul sorcery,
Copy !req
76. a diabolic creation,
a filthy degenerate born of Hell.
Copy !req
77. Have you ever been to Hell?
Copy !req
78. I've never even left Blaviken.
Copy !req
79. Because my mother's never left Blaviken,
Copy !req
80. and if it's good enough for Libushe,
then it's good enough for Marilka.
Copy !req
81. - That's my name.
Copy !req
82. Marilka.
Copy !req
83. Like milk.
Copy !req
84. What's your name?
Copy !req
85. Geralt.
Copy !req
86. Like garroter?
Copy !req
87. Nice.
Copy !req
88. Where are you from, Geralt?
Copy !req
89. Rivia.
Copy !req
90. I don't know where that is,
but I could learn, if you'd let me.
Copy !req
91. No.
Copy !req
92. Because I'm a girl
and girls can't be witchers.
Copy !req
93. Which I think is probably
the stupidest thing I've ever heard.
Copy !req
94. Hm.
Copy !req
95. I want more.
Copy !req
96. I have to be more,
Copy !req
97. because I don't know what to do
in Blaviken for the rest of my life,
Copy !req
98. except go to the boring old market.
Copy !req
99. And kill rats.
Copy !req
100. And dogs.
Copy !req
101. Here we are.
Copy !req
102. Hold Roach.
Copy !req
103. - Be nice.
Copy !req
104. Hey, Roach.
Copy !req
105. Greetings.
Copy !req
106. I am Stregobor.
Copy !req
107. Master Stregobor.
Copy !req
108. Sorcerer.
Copy !req
109. I have a kikimora for Master Irion.
Copy !req
110. Yes, well, forgive the confusion.
Copy !req
111. Irion created this tower,
but he's been dead 200 years.
Copy !req
112. So, in order to honor him,
I've taken his name as my...
Copy !req
113. personal sobriquet.
Copy !req
114. Hm.
Copy !req
115. He create this illusion, too?
Copy !req
116. No, this is, uh... this is...
Copy !req
117. my own creation.
Copy !req
118. Helps pass time more delightfully.
Copy !req
119. Because you're in hiding, Stregobor.
Copy !req
120. How very clever of you...
Copy !req
121. Witcher.
Copy !req
122. Not often do we see your likeness
here in Blaviken.
Copy !req
123. Not many of my likeness left.
Copy !req
124. Hm.
Copy !req
125. I'd offer you my condolences, but...
Copy !req
126. I seem to remember
that witchers don't feel...
Copy !req
127. anything.
Copy !req
128. I'm grateful destiny brought you to me.
Copy !req
129. Marilka brought me to you.
Copy !req
130. Oh, Marilka. Marilka works for me.
Copy !req
131. Now and then.
Copy !req
132. On matters of great import.
Copy !req
133. A reclusive sorcerer who uses an alias
Copy !req
134. and hires a young girl
to procure him a witcher.
Copy !req
135. You don't want my monster.
Copy !req
136. You want me to kill yours.
Copy !req
137. Very clever.
Copy !req
138. Indeed.
Copy !req
139. - What kind?
- The worst kind.
Copy !req
140. The human kind.
Copy !req
141. Its name is Renfri.
Copy !req
142. Hm.
Copy !req
143. - Damn it.
Copy !req
144. - Go on, Martin.
Copy !req
145. - Ah! Five.
- Yeah!
Copy !req
146. - Not yet.
- There's no way you can get five.
Copy !req
147. You're not taking a bite of that bread
before I try.
Copy !req
148. - Better throw those knuckles.
- Go on, then.
Copy !req
149. - Told ya.
Copy !req
150. I didn't steal the bread. Korin did!
Copy !req
151. - Quick! Quick!
- Hey, shut up, you twat!
Copy !req
152. You need to come with us.
Copy !req
153. As your Queen,
I grant you this commendation,
Copy !req
154. which will symbolize your duty
and bond as liegemen
Copy !req
155. in fealty to the crown of Cintra.
Copy !req
156. Could use with a bit of feel-ty myself
right now.
Copy !req
157. Gross.
Copy !req
158. Do you promise to defend
to your utmost the weak, the orphaned...
Copy !req
159. - Late wee pups don't get to bark.
- I was playing in the square.
Copy !req
160. speak only the truth...
Copy !req
161. - Knucklebones?
- ... loyal and brave...
Copy !req
162. Did you win this time?
Like I showed you.
Copy !req
163. - ... at any cost...
- I would have,
Copy !req
164. if the horsemen of doom hadn't
ridden up like that.
Copy !req
165. - I grant you this...
- If you can't win a game of knucklebones
Copy !req
166. - for fear of a few horses...
- ... duty and bond...
Copy !req
167. what'll you do when you go into battle?
Copy !req
168. - ... in fealty to the crown of Cintra.
Copy !req
169. At least you didn't shit your kecks.
Copy !req
170. As members of the Royal Family,
Copy !req
171. is it too much to ask
that you exercise a modicum of respect?
Copy !req
172. Especially you.
Copy !req
173. This is your duty
as king and grandfather.
Copy !req
174. Grant me leave, my Queen.
I am worn from my trip to the Isles.
Copy !req
175. And my bedchamber duties before that.
Copy !req
176. Gross.
Copy !req
177. - As your Queen,
Copy !req
178. I grant you this commendation,
Copy !req
179. which will symbolize
your duty and bond...
Copy !req
180. Destiny has many faces, Witcher.
Copy !req
181. Mine, for example,
is beautiful on the outside, but...
Copy !req
182. hideous on the inside.
Copy !req
183. She has stretched her bloody talons
towards me.
Copy !req
184. Wizards are all the same.
Copy !req
185. You talk nonsense
while making wise and meaningful faces.
Copy !req
186. Speak normally.
Copy !req
187. Have you ever heard of the...
Copy !req
188. Curse of the Black Sun?
Copy !req
189. First full eclipse in 1,200 years.
Copy !req
190. It marked the imminent return
of Lilit,
Copy !req
191. demon goddess of the night
sent to exterminate the human race.
Copy !req
192. According to the wise mage Eltibald,
Copy !req
193. Lilit's path was to be prepared
by 60 women wearing gold crowns
Copy !req
194. who'd fill the river valleys with blood.
Copy !req
195. Hm.
Copy !req
196. Doesn't rhyme.
Copy !req
197. All good predictions rhyme.
Copy !req
198. I studied the girls born
around the Black Sun,
Copy !req
199. and I found horrendous
internal mutations among them.
Copy !req
200. I tried to cure them,
Copy !req
201. locked them in towers for safekeeping,
Copy !req
202. but the girls always died.
Copy !req
203. Internal mutations?
Copy !req
204. They were autopsied, of course,
to confirm my suspicions.
Copy !req
205. But eliminating these women was
the lesser evil.
Copy !req
206. They could've drowned entire kingdoms
in blood.
Copy !req
207. If you'd been alive during
Falka's Rebellion, seen what I saw—
Copy !req
208. Innocent women are dead.
Copy !req
209. Hm.
Copy !req
210. But not Renfri, the beautiful one.
Copy !req
211. She's after you.
Copy !req
212. Daughter of King Fredefalk of Creyden.
Copy !req
213. I delivered the princess myself
in the middle of the afternoon
Copy !req
214. in pitch black.
Copy !req
215. Under the Black Sun, so... she's cursed.
Copy !req
216. Do you consider me a fool, Witcher?
Copy !req
217. Do you think I did not conduct research?
Renfri was acutely affected.
Copy !req
218. Her stepmother, Aridea,
told me she tortured a canary,
Copy !req
219. strangled two puppies,
Copy !req
220. even gouged out her maid's eye
with a comb.
Copy !req
221. I admit what happened next was not ideal,
Copy !req
222. with the lives of Aridea's own children
on the line, we had to act.
Copy !req
223. So I dispatched someone
to follow Renfri into the woods.
Copy !req
224. We found him in the brush,
Copy !req
225. Renfri's antique brooch
jammed into his ear.
Copy !req
226. After that, I organized a manhunt
to find the princess, but... eh...
Copy !req
227. she was gone.
Copy !req
228. Two years.
Copy !req
229. Until she reappeared,
Copy !req
230. robbing and murdering merchants
on the roads of Mahakam.
Copy !req
231. Impaled them on sticks at first,
but soon,
Copy !req
232. she picked up sword skills.
Copy !req
233. And now no man can defy her, it's said.
Copy !req
234. You're not a man. You're a magician.
Copy !req
235. - She's resistant to magic.
- That's impossible in humans.
Copy !req
236. Not...
Copy !req
237. mutated ones.
Copy !req
238. She's chased me for years,
bent on revenge.
Copy !req
239. And now she's tracked me here,
just as you arrived.
Copy !req
240. Destiny.
Copy !req
241. Kill her.
Copy !req
242. I'll pay you anything.
Copy !req
243. I kill monsters.
Copy !req
244. The kikimora kills because it's hungry,
Renfri kills for pleasure.
Copy !req
245. She is a monster.
She is the last of Lilit's women.
Copy !req
246. And she possesses the power
to destroy us all.
Copy !req
247. I don't believe anyone has that power.
Copy !req
248. With the fate of the Continent at stake,
is that a chance you're willing to take?
Copy !req
249. There's your rhyme.
Copy !req
250. Killing Renfri is...
Copy !req
251. the lesser evil.
Copy !req
252. Evil is evil, Stregobor.
Copy !req
253. Lesser, greater,
Copy !req
254. middling...
Copy !req
255. it's all the same.
Copy !req
256. I'm not judging you.
Copy !req
257. I haven't only done good
in my life either.
Copy !req
258. But now,
Copy !req
259. if I have to choose
between one evil and another,
Copy !req
260. then I prefer not to choose at all.
Copy !req
261. These shindigs need a touch
of the old abracadabra.
Copy !req
262. At your service, Your Majesty.
Copy !req
263. Tricks and illusions to delight.
Copy !req
264. He means to pull a disappearing act.
don't you?
Copy !req
265. - No.
- Hm.
Copy !req
266. I saw the Wraiths of Mörhogg
over the channel this morning.
Copy !req
267. Yes, you mentioned.
Copy !req
268. - Who?
- No good will come of it.
Copy !req
269. They're an omen of war.
Copy !req
270. The North has been at war
since Nilfgaard took Ebbing.
Copy !req
271. If legend is true,
the Wild Hunt's years behind the curve.
Copy !req
272. The Nilfgaardian force
crossed the Amell Pass.
Copy !req
273. Headed to Sodden, if they're smart.
Copy !req
274. And if not, 50 of your Skelligen ships
are on the way.
Copy !req
275. We have more knights.
We are prepared in case—
Copy !req
276. Prepared for what?
Copy !req
277. Nothing for you to be concerned about.
Copy !req
278. Your dismissive tone says it is.
Copy !req
279. We're talking of war, girl.
Copy !req
280. With Nilfgaard?
Copy !req
281. - Why?
- Eist!
Copy !req
282. Should we fall to Nilfgaard,
your granddaughter will rule.
Copy !req
283. She needs to understand the way of things.
Copy !req
284. We will not fall,
because we are not under attack!
Copy !req
285. She's a child.
Copy !req
286. You won your first battle in Hochebuz
when you were my age.
Copy !req
287. I've heard the ballad.
Copy !req
288. Pretty ballads hide bastard truths.
Copy !req
289. It's a catchy song.
Copy !req
290. Three thousand of my men died.
Copy !req
291. If we must do this now,
Copy !req
292. here is your first lesson.
Copy !req
293. As in life, it is impossible always
to be fully prepared for battle.
Copy !req
294. Keep your sword close...
Copy !req
295. and keep moving.
Copy !req
296. Your Majesty... Your Majesty.
Copy !req
297. Thank you for allowing our company
at this splendid affair.
Copy !req
298. Your Majesties. Your Highness.
Copy !req
299. Would you honor me with a dance?
Copy !req
300. Uh... Martin—
Copy !req
301. She'd love to.
Copy !req
302. Reminds me
of your daughter's betrothal feast.
Copy !req
303. The night you finally saw sense, said yes.
Copy !req
304. Made me the happiest man
on the Continent.
Copy !req
305. I did it to save my kingdom.
Copy !req
306. And, no,
Copy !req
307. you may not leave this shindig.
Copy !req
308. Your Majesty, my scouts have returned.
Copy !req
309. Nilfgaard is on its way to Cintra.
Copy !req
310. I stand corrected.
Copy !req
311. They're here.
Copy !req
312. They're already here.
Copy !req
313. So much for being smart.
Copy !req
314. You should tell the girl.
Copy !req
315. Let her enjoy this night in peace.
Copy !req
316. It may be her last for a while.
Copy !req
317. The girl this morning,
Copy !req
318. she took you to see Stregobor,
didn't she?
Copy !req
319. I know who you are, Renfri.
Copy !req
320. You know that I want
to kill Stregobor, then.
Copy !req
321. I used to be a princess.
Did he tell you that?
Copy !req
322. Until he sent a thug into the woods
to kill me.
Copy !req
323. You killed him.
Copy !req
324. With my mother's brooch.
Copy !req
325. Stregobor's man raped me...
Copy !req
326. robbed me and let me go.
Copy !req
327. No more princess.
Copy !req
328. I had to survive.
Copy !req
329. I stole rather than starve.
Copy !req
330. I killed rather than be killed.
Copy !req
331. Nohorn and the others saved me.
Copy !req
332. And they'll be by my side at the market
as I get my revenge.
Copy !req
333. Lilit help me,
I will take down anyone in my way.
Copy !req
334. Unless...
Copy !req
335. destiny intervenes.
Copy !req
336. You want me to kill Stregobor for you.
Copy !req
337. It's the lesser evil.
Copy !req
338. So I keep getting told.
Copy !req
339. Stregobor asked you to kill me too.
Copy !req
340. 'Cause I was a girl born
during an eclipse?
Copy !req
341. I could've become so many things.
Copy !req
342. Queen Calanthe of Cintra,
Copy !req
343. she just won her first battle at Hochebuz.
Copy !req
344. But here I am trying
to convince you I'm not—
Copy !req
345. A monster.
Copy !req
346. Are you?
Copy !req
347. How am I to know?
Copy !req
348. When I cut my finger, I bleed.
That's human, right?
Copy !req
349. When I overeat, my stomach aches.
Copy !req
350. When I'm happy, I laugh.
Copy !req
351. When I'm upset, I swear.
And when I hate someone...
Copy !req
352. for stealing my whole life from me,
I kill him.
Copy !req
353. Hm.
Copy !req
354. People call you a monster too.
Copy !req
355. A mutant.
Copy !req
356. What if they come after you?
Copy !req
357. Attack you?
Copy !req
358. They have.
Copy !req
359. Why not kill them?
Copy !req
360. Because then...
Copy !req
361. I am what they say I am.
Copy !req
362. If I tell you, Witcher,
Copy !req
363. that I can neither forgive Stregobor
nor renounce my revenge,
Copy !req
364. is that it?
Copy !req
365. I admit I'm a monster?
Copy !req
366. Yes.
Copy !req
367. Or...
Copy !req
368. you can leave Blaviken...
Copy !req
369. and finally live.
Copy !req
370. You choose, Princess.
Copy !req
371. Keep it steady!
Copy !req
372. Steady!
Copy !req
373. Stand by!
Copy !req
374. Hold...
Copy !req
375. Charge!
Copy !req
376. Not fair that I'm trapped here.
Copy !req
377. I could magically put you to sleep,
Copy !req
378. Just an idea.
Copy !req
379. - It's been two days.
- For you and everyone else in the castle.
Copy !req
380. The King and Queen ordered us
to remain here,
Copy !req
381. and that's what we shall do.
Copy !req
382. And why are you not there?
Copy !req
383. Wherever they are.
Copy !req
384. My duty is to protect you.
Copy !req
385. You're resentful of that burden.
Copy !req
386. It's the greatest honor of my life.
Copy !req
387. You are both incredibly boring.
Copy !req
388. Many, many years ago,
Copy !req
389. sorcerers were known
to lock little girls in towers.
Copy !req
390. I'm beginning to understand why.
Copy !req
391. You know cautionary tales don't work
on me.
Copy !req
392. The girls were said to be cursed.
Copy !req
393. They were said to announce
the end of the human race.
Copy !req
394. Ooh.
Copy !req
395. So they were systematically killed.
Copy !req
396. The end.
Copy !req
397. Will my grandmother be all right?
Copy !req
398. You will be all right, Princess.
Copy !req
399. You are her blood.
Copy !req
400. And the apple never falls far
from the tree.
Copy !req
401. We're losing!
Copy !req
402. The ships from Skellige?
Copy !req
403. There's been a storm, Your Majesty.
Copy !req
404. No one's coming!
Copy !req
405. Then we fight alone.
We cannot surrender Cintra!
Copy !req
406. Nor will we!
Copy !req
407. Eist!
Copy !req
408. Move!
Copy !req
409. No!
Copy !req
410. Guide us to the safety
of your arms, hold us in your light,
Copy !req
411. protect us from the imperial darkness
that threatens our souls.
Copy !req
412. Princess Cirilla...
Copy !req
413. Hm.
Copy !req
414. - Are we going to be okay?
Copy !req
415. Don't worry, Martin.
The Queen will defeat Nilfgaard.
Copy !req
416. We will go home soon.
Copy !req
417. Your Highness.
Copy !req
418. won't stop
until they get what they want!
Copy !req
419. a hundred arrows
on my body first!
Copy !req
420. Your Majesty, what must...
Copy !req
421. My sweet child.
Copy !req
422. Careful.
Copy !req
423. Careful.
Copy !req
424. - Cintra is under attack.
Copy !req
425. Eist is dead.
Copy !req
426. Nilfgaard have made their way
into the city.
Copy !req
427. Why?
Copy !req
428. The citizens...
Copy !req
429. how many of them are safe
within our walls?
Copy !req
430. A hundred or so, Your Majesty.
The guests from the banquet.
Copy !req
431. The supplies...
Copy !req
432. check we have enough.
Copy !req
433. Aye.
Copy !req
434. You've been brave, my child,
Copy !req
435. while I've been gone?
Copy !req
436. I haven't. Ask Mousesack.
I've been impatient.
Copy !req
437. You will rule this land someday.
Copy !req
438. You know that, don't you?
Copy !req
439. Why are you saying all this?
Copy !req
440. Are you dying?
Copy !req
441. My sweet child,
Copy !req
442. when I go,
it will be far more dramatic than this.
Copy !req
443. Now, child...
Copy !req
444. let me rest.
Copy !req
445. Hm?
Copy !req
446. They've reached the gate.
Copy !req
447. What are you doing?
Copy !req
448. How long will it hold?
Copy !req
449. As long as I hold.
Copy !req
450. You know what Vesemir would say.
Copy !req
451. "Witchers shouldn't play
at being white knights.
Copy !req
452. We shouldn't try and uphold the law.
Copy !req
453. We don't show off.
Copy !req
454. We get paid in coin."
Copy !req
455. And he's right.
Copy !req
456. Hm.
Copy !req
457. Want to hear about my first monster?
Copy !req
458. Wasn't 50 miles outside of Kaer Morhen.
Copy !req
459. He was huge.
Copy !req
460. - Stinking.
Copy !req
461. - Bald head.
Copy !req
462. - Rotten teeth.
Copy !req
463. He pulled that girl from the cart,
Copy !req
464. tore her dress off
in front of her father and said,
Copy !req
465. "It's time you met a real man."
Copy !req
466. I told him it was time he met one too.
Copy !req
467. It took two strikes to kill him.
Copy !req
468. They weren't clean.
Copy !req
469. But they were spectacular.
Copy !req
470. I turned to that girl afterwards.
Copy !req
471. She was drenched in the man's blood.
Copy !req
472. She took one look at me,
Copy !req
473. screamed, vomited,
Copy !req
474. and passed out.
Copy !req
475. Yeah.
Copy !req
476. - I thought the world needed me too.
Copy !req
477. Who were you talking to?
Copy !req
478. I talk to my horse.
Copy !req
479. - That's sad.
- Is it?
Copy !req
480. Tell me, Witcher.
Copy !req
481. You don't believe in destiny
Copy !req
482. or the lesser evil.
Copy !req
483. What do you believe in?
Copy !req
484. You mean...
Copy !req
485. who do I believe.
Copy !req
486. I don't pick sides.
Copy !req
487. You just kill monsters.
Copy !req
488. I've made my decision.
Copy !req
489. You gave me an ultimatum
and I find they work.
Copy !req
490. Tomorrow, I'll leave Blaviken.
Copy !req
491. For good.
Copy !req
492. My men, they love me
and I love them.
Copy !req
493. But it's been a long time
since someone saw me.
Copy !req
494. When I was a girl,
Copy !req
495. my mother used to run her fingers...
Copy !req
496. over my forehead.
Copy !req
497. She'd say...
Copy !req
498. she'd give a lovely lintar...
Copy !req
499. to know the thoughts
going around in there.
Copy !req
500. Fire at will! Fire!
Copy !req
501. Bring more fire!
Copy !req
502. Your Majesty, the Nilfgaardians
will breach the castle gates.
Copy !req
503. Have breached.
Copy !req
504. My powers could not hold them any longer,
Your Majesty.
Copy !req
505. Now what? What do we do?
Copy !req
506. Mousesack.
Copy !req
507. He's in the gatekeep.
Copy !req
508. Destiny may yet side with us.
Copy !req
509. Danek.
Copy !req
510. It's time.
Copy !req
511. What?
Copy !req
512. Wait, where are you going?
Copy !req
513. Come here, child.
Copy !req
514. The gates are down!
Copy !req
515. Lesson number two.
Copy !req
516. Know when it's time to stop moving.
Copy !req
517. You're conceding.
Copy !req
518. Nilfgaard takes no prisoners.
Copy !req
519. Which means that right now,
my citizens are being tortured.
Copy !req
520. Their insides are being pulled
to their outsides while they watch.
Copy !req
521. Their legs lit on fire.
Copy !req
522. Their tongues fed to the dogs.
Copy !req
523. Your Majesty.
Copy !req
524. - He's gone.
- What?
Copy !req
525. In the face of the inevitable, Cirilla,
Copy !req
526. good leaders should always choose mercy.
Copy !req
527. In the future,
you will be wise to do the same.
Copy !req
528. Lazlo,
Copy !req
529. bring her cloak.
Copy !req
530. What? No.
Copy !req
531. Continue to be brave. Promise me.
Copy !req
532. You are the Lion Cub of Cintra.
Copy !req
533. - You are destined for great things.
- I can't do this without you.
Copy !req
534. We must go, Your Highness.
Copy !req
535. - No!
Copy !req
536. Go.
Copy !req
537. The world depends on it.
Copy !req
538. I love you.
Copy !req
539. Find Geralt of Rivia.
Copy !req
540. He is your destiny.
Copy !req
541. Your Majesty.
Copy !req
542. I saw it too.
Copy !req
543. It is why they came.
Copy !req
544. I will deliver her.
Copy !req
545. I give you my word.
Copy !req
546. Mousesack.
Copy !req
547. Your service...
Copy !req
548. has been an honor to us all.
Copy !req
549. As has yours.
Copy !req
550. Your Majesty.
Copy !req
551. I'm sorry to disturb, my lady.
It is time.
Copy !req
552. Nilfgaard is nigh.
Copy !req
553. It is time.
Copy !req
554. We can leave.
Copy !req
555. We can find a way out.
Copy !req
556. This...
Copy !req
557. This is our way out.
Copy !req
558. - What are you doing?
- It's me, my son.
Copy !req
559. - What is this?
- It's okay.
Copy !req
560. Horses.
Copy !req
561. Princess, come.
Copy !req
562. Hey!
Copy !req
563. - Keep going.
- No!
Copy !req
564. Princess, I gave your grandmother my word.
Copy !req
565. Allow me to keep it.
Copy !req
566. Go.
Copy !req
567. My grandmother said I had to leave.
Copy !req
568. Why? Why is Nilfgaard here?
Copy !req
569. - Why does the world depend on it?
- Hold on, Your Highness.
Copy !req
570. - Hyah!
Copy !req
571. We're getting close to the gate.
Copy !req
572. I've been protected my whole life,
Copy !req
573. Why?
Copy !req
574. You were in the market.
Covered in blood.
Copy !req
575. You say you can't choose,
but you had to.
Copy !req
576. And you'll never know
if you were right.
Copy !req
577. Your reward will be a stoning.
Copy !req
578. And you will run.
Copy !req
579. You will try to outrun the girl
in the woods, but you cannot.
Copy !req
580. - She is your destiny.
- Renfri!
Copy !req
581. The market.
Copy !req
582. She knew you'd come.
Copy !req
583. Where's Renfri?
Copy !req
584. She's at the tower
with your little friend,
Copy !req
585. Marilka.
Copy !req
586. She gave us a message
to pass on to you.
Copy !req
587. You have to choose the lesser evil.
Copy !req
588. It's an ultimatum.
Copy !req
589. Get it?
Copy !req
590. Fuck.
Copy !req
591. Hm.
Copy !req
592. Witcher!
Copy !req
593. Geralt!
Copy !req
594. Geralt!
Copy !req
595. No!
Copy !req
596. - You chose.
- Let the girl go.
Copy !req
597. I will kill her.
Copy !req
598. I will kill everyone here
until Stregobor comes down.
Copy !req
599. Leave Blaviken.
Copy !req
600. It's not too late.
Copy !req
601. Magic doesn't work on me.
Copy !req
602. Silver does, though.
Copy !req
603. Silver is for monsters.
Copy !req
604. - If we cross swords...
- I won't be able to stop.
Copy !req
605. They created me just as they created you.
Copy !req
606. We're not so different.
Copy !req
607. The girl in the woods will be
with you always.
Copy !req
608. She is your destiny.
Copy !req
609. Get— get back here, you little—
Copy !req
610. No. No!
Copy !req
611. Incredible.
Copy !req
612. Marilka.
Copy !req
613. Marilka? Marilka!
Copy !req
614. Get me a cart.
Copy !req
615. We'll take her to the tower
for an autopsy.
Copy !req
616. If you touch a single hair on her head...
Copy !req
617. yours will be on the ground next.
Copy !req
618. Have you gone mad?
Copy !req
619. Her mutation,
Copy !req
620. it influences people.
Copy !req
621. That's how she got these men
to follow her.
Copy !req
622. We need to take it.
Copy !req
623. She got to you too, didn't she?
Copy !req
624. Do not...
Copy !req
625. touch her.
Copy !req
626. Witcher.
Copy !req
627. You butchered bodies
in the streets of Blaviken.
Copy !req
628. - You're a beast!
- You endangered the girl.
Copy !req
629. - Beast!
- He's killed every single...
Copy !req
630. - You took the law into your own hands.
- Bastard!
Copy !req
631. - He's a bad one!
Copy !req
632. - Get out of here!
- Get out and don't...
Copy !req
633. Go on! Butcher!
Copy !req
634. You made a choice.
Copy !req
635. And you'll never know
if it was the right one.
Copy !req
636. - Die, Witcher!
Copy !req
637. Die, Witcher!
Copy !req
638. - Go, Witcher!
- Die!
Copy !req
639. Get out of Blaviken, Geralt.
Copy !req
640. Don't ever come back.
Copy !req
641. Bastard!
Copy !req
642. The girl in the woods will be
with you always.
Copy !req
643. She is your destiny.
Copy !req