1. - Little girl?
Copy !req
2. I'm a policeman.
Copy !req
3. Little girl?
Copy !req
4. Don't be afraid.
Copy !req
5. OK?
Copy !req
6. Little girl?
Copy !req
7. What's the difference
between men and women?
Copy !req
8. This a joke?
Copy !req
9. No.
Copy !req
10. Serious.
Copy !req
11. Never met a woman who knew
how to turn off a light.
Copy !req
12. They're born thinking in a
switch, it only goes one way.
Copy !req
13. On.
Copy !req
14. They're struck blind the
second they leave the room.
Copy !req
15. I mean every woman I let ever
have a key I swear to God.
Copy !req
16. I come home, house all
lit up, and my job,
Copy !req
17. apparently because my
chromosomes have to be
Copy !req
18. different, is I then got
to walk through that house,
Copy !req
19. turn off every single
light this chick left on.
Copy !req
20. - Is that right?
Copy !req
21. - Yeah, baby.
Copy !req
22. Mmm.
Copy !req
23. Oh, Reverend Shane's
preaching to you now, boy.
Copy !req
24. And then this same
chick, mind you,
Copy !req
25. she'll bitch about,
uh, global warming.
Copy !req
26. See?
Copy !req
27. This is when
Reverend Shane wants
Copy !req
28. to quote from the Guy
Gospel and say, um, darling?
Copy !req
29. Maybe you, and every other
pair of boobs on this planet,
Copy !req
30. just figure out that the light
switch, see, goes both ways
Copy !req
31. maybe we wouldn't have
so much global warming.
Copy !req
32. - You say that?
Copy !req
33. - Anyway, uh, Polite version?
Copy !req
34. Still, man, that earns me this.
Copy !req
35. This look of loathing
you would not believe.
Copy !req
36. And that's when the
"Exorcist" voice pops out.
Copy !req
37. You sound just like
my damn father!
Copy !req
38. Always— always yelling about
the power bill, telling me
Copy !req
39. turn off the damn lights.
Copy !req
40. - And what do you say to that?
Copy !req
41. - I know what I want to say.
Copy !req
42. I want to say, bitch
you mean tell me
Copy !req
43. you've been hearing
this your entire life
Copy !req
44. and you were still too
damn stupid to learn
Copy !req
45. how to turn off a switch?
Copy !req
46. I don't actually
say that, though.
Copy !req
47. That would be bad.
Copy !req
48. - Right?
Copy !req
49. Right?
Copy !req
50. - Yeah, I go with
the, uh, go with the,
Copy !req
51. uh— go with the polite
version there, let me tell you
Copy !req
52. something.
Copy !req
53. - Very wise.
Copy !req
54. - Very—
Copy !req
55. So how's it with Lori, man?
Copy !req
56. - She's good.
Copy !req
57. She's going at
turning off lights.
Copy !req
58. Really good.
Copy !req
59. I don't know why I
sometimes forget.
Copy !req
60. - Not what I meant.
Copy !req
61. - We didn't have a great night.
Copy !req
62. - Hey look man, I may have, uh,
failed to amuse with my sermon
Copy !req
63. but I did try.
Copy !req
64. Least you could
do is— is speak.
Copy !req
65. - That's— that's
what she always says.
Copy !req
66. Speak.
Copy !req
67. Speak.
Copy !req
68. You'd think I was the
most close-mouthed son
Copy !req
69. of a bitch to hear her tell it.
Copy !req
70. - Can you express your thoughts?
Copy !req
71. Do you share your feelings?
Copy !req
72. That kind of stuff?
Copy !req
73. Thing is, lately
whenever I try everything
Copy !req
74. I say makes her impatient.
Copy !req
75. Like she didn't want
to hear it after all.
Copy !req
76. It's like she's pissed at me all
the time and I don't know why.
Copy !req
77. - Hey look man, that's just
shit couples go through.
Copy !req
78. Yeah, it's— it's a phase.
Copy !req
79. - The last thing she
said this morning,
Copy !req
80. sometimes I wonder if you
even care about us at all.
Copy !req
81. She said that in
front of our kid.
Copy !req
82. Imagine going to school
with that in your head.
Copy !req
83. Difference between
men and women?
Copy !req
84. I would never say something
that cruel to her,
Copy !req
85. and certainly not
in front of Carl.
Copy !req
86. All
available units, high speed
Copy !req
87. pursuit in progress
Lincoln county east.
Copy !req
88. Request local assistance.
Copy !req
89. Highway 18 eastbound,
Copy !req
90. Advise extreme caution.
Copy !req
91. Suspects
are two male Caucasians.
Copy !req
92. Be advised, they have
fired on police officers.
Copy !req
93. One Lincoln county
officer is wounded.
Copy !req
94. Unit One, Unit Three.
Copy !req
95. 18, two miles west
of Interstate 85.
Copy !req
96. We'll patch him into
county sheriff radio.
Copy !req
97. Roger that, we're
Copy !req
98. five minutes south
Copy !req
99. - Dispatch One to Unit Three,
we are 1097 and code 100.
Copy !req
100. Highway 18,
of interstate.
Copy !req
101. Please advise.
Copy !req
102. We just
got word from Lincoln
Copy !req
103. county that they're
off 18, southbound—
Copy !req
104. headed back down to 18.
Copy !req
105. - Sounds like they chasin'
those idiots up and down
Copy !req
106. every back road we got.
Copy !req
107. - Maybe we'll get in one of
them video shows, you know,
Copy !req
108. like world's craziest
police chases.
Copy !req
109. What do you think?
Copy !req
110. What I think, Leo, is
that we need to stay focused.
Copy !req
111. Make sure you've got a round
in the chamber and your safety
Copy !req
112. off.
Copy !req
113. - Would be kind of getting
on one of them shows.
Copy !req
114. Holy shit.
Copy !req
115. - Gun, gun, gun!
Copy !req
116. - Put it down!
Copy !req
117. Put the gun down!
Copy !req
118. Rick!
Copy !req
119. - I'm all right!
Copy !req
120. - I saw you get tagged, man.
Copy !req
121. That scared the hell out of me.
Copy !req
122. - Me, too.
Copy !req
123. Son of a bitch shot me.
Copy !req
124. You believe that?
Copy !req
125. Put a catcher
in your vest?
Copy !req
126. - Yeah.
Copy !req
127. Shane, you do not tell
Lori that happened.
Copy !req
128. Ever.
Copy !req
129. You understand?
Copy !req
130. Ah!
Copy !req
131. - Maurice, move in!
Copy !req
132. - No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
133. Shh, shh, shh, shh.
Copy !req
134. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
135. He's hit!
Copy !req
136. Leon!
Copy !req
137. You get that ambulance
down here, you
Copy !req
138. tell them there's an
officer down, you do it now!
Copy !req
139. OK.
Copy !req
140. Shh, shh, shh.
Copy !req
141. Now you look at me and you
stay with me, you hear me?
Copy !req
142. Shh, shh, shh.
Copy !req
143. OK.
Copy !req
144. Oh, Rick, you stay with me.
Copy !req
145. That's it.
Copy !req
146. You hear me?
Copy !req
147. Shh, shh, shh.
Copy !req
148. OK.
Copy !req
149. Oh my God, Rick,
you stay with me.
Copy !req
150. Shh, shh.
Copy !req
151. That's it.
Copy !req
152. That's it, no more tears.
Copy !req
153. Officer down.
Copy !req
154. Request paramedics.
Copy !req
155. Two miles west of I-85.
Copy !req
156. - Hey, bud.
Copy !req
157. We're still here.
Copy !req
158. We're still hanging in.
Copy !req
159. I'm sorry, man.
Copy !req
160. They always say the same crap
every time I come in here.
Copy !req
161. Everybody
pitched in on these.
Copy !req
162. They, uh, wanted me
to bring them down.
Copy !req
163. They said they just— they
hope you come back real soon.
Copy !req
164. Linda and Diane from dispatch,
they picked these out.
Copy !req
165. You probably can't tell.
Copy !req
166. I'm just going to set these
on your side table, OK?
Copy !req
167. - That vase has
something special.
Copy !req
168. Fess up.
Copy !req
169. You steal it from your
Grandma Jean's house?
Copy !req
170. I hope you left her
that spoon collection.
Copy !req
171. Shane?
Copy !req
172. Shane?
Copy !req
173. You in the john?
Copy !req
174. Nurse.
Copy !req
175. Help!
Copy !req
176. Nurse.
Copy !req
177. Help.
Copy !req
178. - Lori?
Copy !req
179. Lori?
Copy !req
180. Carl?
Copy !req
181. Carl!
Copy !req
182. Lori!
Copy !req
183. Carl!
Copy !req
184. Lori!
Copy !req
185. Carl.
Copy !req
186. Is this real?
Copy !req
187. Am I here?
Copy !req
188. Wake— wake up.
Copy !req
189. - Daddy!
Copy !req
190. Daddy!
Copy !req
191. - Carl?
Copy !req
192. Carl.
Copy !req
193. I found you.
Copy !req
194. - Daddy, I got the
son of a bitch.
Copy !req
195. I'm gonna smack him dead!
Copy !req
196. - He say something?
Copy !req
197. I thought I heard
him say something.
Copy !req
198. He called me Carl.
Copy !req
199. - Son, you know they don't talk.
Copy !req
200. Hey, mister.
Copy !req
201. What's the bandage for?
Copy !req
202. - What?
Copy !req
203. - What kind of wound?
Copy !req
204. Now you answer me, damn you!
Copy !req
205. What's your wound?
Copy !req
206. You tell me, or I will kill you.
Copy !req
207. Got that bandage changed now.
Copy !req
208. It was pretty rank.
Copy !req
209. What was the wound?
Copy !req
210. - Gunshot.
Copy !req
211. - Gunshot?
Copy !req
212. What else?
Copy !req
213. Anything?
Copy !req
214. - Gunshot ain't enough?
Copy !req
215. - Look I ask and you answer.
Copy !req
216. It's common courtesy, right?
Copy !req
217. Did you get bit?
Copy !req
218. - Bit?
Copy !req
219. Bit, chewed,
maybe scratched?
Copy !req
220. Anything like that.
Copy !req
221. - No, I got shot.
Copy !req
222. Just shot as far as I know.
Copy !req
223. - Hey.
Copy !req
224. Just let me.
Copy !req
225. Feels cool enough.
Copy !req
226. The fever would have
killed you by now.
Copy !req
227. - I don't think I have one.
Copy !req
228. - Be hard to miss.
Copy !req
229. Take a moment to
look how sharp it is.
Copy !req
230. You try anything,
I will kill you
Copy !req
231. with it and don't
you think I won't.
Copy !req
232. Come on out when you're able.
Copy !req
233. Come on.
Copy !req
234. This place Fred
and Cindy Drake's?
Copy !req
235. - Never met them.
Copy !req
236. - I've been here.
Copy !req
237. This is their place.
Copy !req
238. - It was empty when we got here.
Copy !req
239. Don't do that.
Copy !req
240. They'll see the light.
Copy !req
241. There's more of them
out there than usual.
Copy !req
242. Hell, I never should have
fired that gun today.
Copy !req
243. Sound draws them, now
they're all over the street.
Copy !req
244. Stupid.
Copy !req
245. Using a gun.
Copy !req
246. It all happened so
fast, I didn't think.
Copy !req
247. - You shot that man today.
Copy !req
248. - Man?
Copy !req
249. Weren't no man.
Copy !req
250. - The hell was that out
your mouth just now?
Copy !req
251. - It wasn't a man.
Copy !req
252. - You shot him in the
street out front.
Copy !req
253. A man.
Copy !req
254. Friend,
you need glasses.
Copy !req
255. It was a walker.
Copy !req
256. Come on.
Copy !req
257. Sit down before you fall down.
Copy !req
258. Here.
Copy !req
259. - Daddy.
Copy !req
260. Blessing.
Copy !req
261. - Yeah.
Copy !req
262. Oh Lord we thank these for
this food, Thy blessings,
Copy !req
263. and we ask You to watch
over us in these crazy days.
Copy !req
264. Amen.
Copy !req
265. - Amen.
Copy !req
266. - Hey mister.
Copy !req
267. Do you even know
what's going on?
Copy !req
268. - I woke up today
in the hospital.
Copy !req
269. Came home, that's all I know.
Copy !req
270. - But you know about
the dead people, right?
Copy !req
271. - Yeah I saw a lot of that.
Copy !req
272. Out on the loading
dock, piled in trucks.
Copy !req
273. - No.
Copy !req
274. Not the ones they put down.
Copy !req
275. The ones they didn't.
Copy !req
276. The walkers.
Copy !req
277. Like the one I shot today.
Copy !req
278. Cause he'd have ripped into you.
Copy !req
279. Tried to eat you, taken
some flesh at least.
Copy !req
280. Well I guess if this is the
first you're hearing it,
Copy !req
281. I know how it must sound.
Copy !req
282. - They're out there now?
Copy !req
283. In the street?
Copy !req
284. - Yeah.
Copy !req
285. They get more active
after dark sometimes.
Copy !req
286. Maybe it's the cool air,
or— hell, maybe it's
Copy !req
287. just me firing off
that gun today.
Copy !req
288. But we'll be fine as
long as we stay quiet.
Copy !req
289. Probably wander off by morning.
Copy !req
290. Well, listen.
Copy !req
291. One thing I do know,
don't you get bit.
Copy !req
292. I saw your bandage and that's
what we were afraid of.
Copy !req
293. Bites kill ya.
Copy !req
294. The fever burns you out.
Copy !req
295. But then after a while?
Copy !req
296. You come back.
Copy !req
297. - Seen it happen.
Copy !req
298. - Carl.
Copy !req
299. He your son?
Copy !req
300. Well you— you said
his name today.
Copy !req
301. - He's a little
younger than your boy.
Copy !req
302. And he's
with his mother?
Copy !req
303. - I hope so.
Copy !req
304. - Dad?
Copy !req
305. - Hey.
Copy !req
306. - Did you ask him?
Copy !req
307. - Your gunshot?
Copy !req
308. We got a little bet going and my
boy said you're a bank robber.
Copy !req
309. - Yeah.
Copy !req
310. That's me.
Copy !req
311. Deadly as Dillinger.
Copy !req
312. Kapow.
Copy !req
313. Sheriff's deputy.
Copy !req
314. - Uh-huh.
Copy !req
315. Hey, it's OK.
Copy !req
316. Daddy's here.
Copy !req
317. It's nothing.
Copy !req
318. One of them must
have bumped a car.
Copy !req
319. - You sure?
Copy !req
320. - Happened once before.
Copy !req
321. Went on for a few minutes.
Copy !req
322. Get the light, Duane.
Copy !req
323. It's the blue one
down the street.
Copy !req
324. Same one as last time.
Copy !req
325. I think we're OK.
Copy !req
326. - That noise.
Copy !req
327. Won't it bring more of them?
Copy !req
328. Nothing we
can do about it now.
Copy !req
329. Just have to wait them
out until morning.
Copy !req
330. - She's here.
Copy !req
331. - Don't look.
Copy !req
332. Get away from the windows.
Copy !req
333. I said go!
Copy !req
334. Come on!
Copy !req
335. - Quiet.
Copy !req
336. Come on.
Copy !req
337. Quiet.
Copy !req
338. Shh.
Copy !req
339. Shh.
Copy !req
340. It's OK.
Copy !req
341. Here.
Copy !req
342. Cry into the pillow.
Copy !req
343. You remember?
Copy !req
344. Shh.
Copy !req
345. She, uh— she died in her other
room on that bed in there.
Copy !req
346. There was nothing I
could do about it.
Copy !req
347. That fever, man.
Copy !req
348. Her skin gave off a
heat like a furnace.
Copy !req
349. I should have— I should
have put her down, man.
Copy !req
350. I should have put her down.
Copy !req
351. I know that, but, you know,
I just didn't have it in me.
Copy !req
352. She's the mother of my child.
Copy !req
353. We're sure they're dead?
Copy !req
354. I have to ask at
least one more time.
Copy !req
355. They dead.
Copy !req
356. Except for something
in the brain.
Copy !req
357. That's why it's
got to be the head.
Copy !req
358. You all right?
Copy !req
359. - Need a moment.
Copy !req
360. They're alive.
Copy !req
361. My wife and son.
Copy !req
362. At least they were
when they left.
Copy !req
363. - How can you know?
Copy !req
364. By the look of this place—
Copy !req
365. - I found empty drawers
in the bedroom.
Copy !req
366. They packed some clothes.
Copy !req
367. Not a lot, but enough to travel.
Copy !req
368. - You know anybody
could have broken
Copy !req
369. in here and stolen
clothes, right?
Copy !req
370. - You see the framed
photos on the walls?
Copy !req
371. Neither do I. Some random thief
take those, too, you think?
Copy !req
372. Our photo albums, family
pictures, all gone.
Copy !req
373. - Photo albums.
Copy !req
374. My wife same thing.
Copy !req
375. There I am packing survival
gear, she's grabbing photo al—
Copy !req
376. - They're in Atlanta, I bet.
Copy !req
377. - That's right.
Copy !req
378. - Why there?
Copy !req
379. Refugee centre.
Copy !req
380. Huge one, they said, before
the broadcast stopped.
Copy !req
381. Military protection,
food, shelter.
Copy !req
382. They told people to go there.
Copy !req
383. Said it'd be safest.
Copy !req
384. Plus they get
that disease place.
Copy !req
385. - Centre for Disease Control.
Copy !req
386. Said they were working out
how to solve this thing.
Copy !req
387. Gas line's been
down maybe a month.
Copy !req
388. - Station's got it's
own propane system.
Copy !req
389. Pilot's still on.
Copy !req
390. - Oh my lord!
Copy !req
391. Hot water!
Copy !req
392. - Oh that feels good, right?
Copy !req
393. - Uh, uh.
Copy !req
394. Yeah.
Copy !req
395. Mm.
Copy !req
396. What?
Take that.
Copy !req
397. What?
Copy !req
398. - Duane.
Copy !req
399. Dressing room back there.
Copy !req
400. - What you say, Duane?
Copy !req
401. - Thank you.
Copy !req
402. Mmhmm.
Copy !req
403. - Atlanta sounds
like a good deal.
Copy !req
404. Safer, anyway.
Copy !req
405. People.
Copy !req
406. - That's where we were heading.
Copy !req
407. Things got crazy.
Copy !req
408. Man you wouldn't
believe the panic.
Copy !req
409. Streets weren't fit to be on.
Copy !req
410. And then m— my wife
couldn't travel.
Copy !req
411. No.
Copy !req
412. Not with her hurt, so we had
to find a place to lay low.
Copy !req
413. And then after she died, we
just stayed hunkered down.
Copy !req
414. I guess we just froze in place.
Copy !req
415. - Plan to move on?
Copy !req
416. - Haven't worked up to it, yet.
Copy !req
417. - A lot of it's gone missing.
Copy !req
418. - Daddy, can I learn to shoot?
Copy !req
419. I'm old enough.
Copy !req
420. - Hell yes you're going to learn.
Copy !req
421. We got do it carefully, teach
you to respect the weapon.
Copy !req
422. - That's right, it's not a toy.
Copy !req
423. You pull the trigger,
you have to mean it.
Copy !req
424. Always remember that, Duane.
Copy !req
425. - Yes, sir.
Copy !req
426. - Here.
Copy !req
427. Go look.
Copy !req
428. - Take that one.
Copy !req
429. Nothing fancy, scope's accurate.
Copy !req
430. Conserve your ammo.
Copy !req
431. Goes faster than you think,
especially at target practise.
Copy !req
432. - Duane?
Copy !req
433. DUANE; Huh?
Copy !req
434. - Take this to the car.
Copy !req
435. - You sure you won't come along?
Copy !req
436. - Few more days.
Copy !req
437. By then, Duane will know how to
shoot and I won't be so rusty.
Copy !req
438. - You got one battery.
Copy !req
439. I'll turn mine on a few
minutes every day at dawn.
Copy !req
440. You get up there,
that's how you find me.
Copy !req
441. - You think ahead.
Copy !req
442. Can't afford not to.
Copy !req
443. Not anymore.
Copy !req
444. Listen, one thing.
Copy !req
445. They may not seem like much
one at a time, but in a group,
Copy !req
446. all riled up and hungry?
Copy !req
447. Man, you watch your ass.
Copy !req
448. - You, too.
Copy !req
449. - You a good man, Rick.
Copy !req
450. I hope you find
your wife and son.
Copy !req
451. - Be seeing you, Duane.
Copy !req
452. Take care of your old man.
Copy !req
453. - Yes, sir.
Copy !req
454. - Leon Basset?
Copy !req
455. Didn't think much of him.
Copy !req
456. Careless and dumb, but
can't leave him like this.
Copy !req
457. - You know they'll hear the shot.
Copy !req
458. - Let's not be here
when they show up.
Copy !req
459. - Let's go, son.
Copy !req
460. Come on.
Copy !req
461. - Read your comic books a while.
Copy !req
462. Daddy'll be upstairs.
Copy !req
463. Daddy?
Copy !req
464. Sorry, Duane!
Copy !req
465. You still there, son.
Copy !req
466. Don't you come up here.
Copy !req
467. Come on, baby.
Copy !req
468. - I'm sorry this happened to you.
Copy !req
469. - Come on!
Copy !req
470. Come on.
Copy !req
471. Broadcasting
on emergency channel,
Copy !req
472. will be approaching
Atlanta on Highway 85.
Copy !req
473. Anybody reads, please respond.
Copy !req
474. Hello?
Copy !req
475. Hello?
Copy !req
476. Can anybody hear my voice?
Copy !req
477. Anybody out there?
Copy !req
478. Anybody hears me,
please respond.
Copy !req
479. Hello?
Copy !req
480. Can you hear my voice?
Copy !req
481. Hello?
Copy !req
482. Hello?
Copy !req
483. Can anybody hear my voice?
Copy !req
484. - Hey, hello?
Copy !req
485. Can
you hear my voice?
Copy !req
486. - Yes, I can hear you, you're—
you're coming through, over.
Copy !req
487. Anybody
reads, please respond.
Copy !req
488. Broadcasting on
emergency channel.
Copy !req
489. Will be approaching
Atlanta on Highway 85.
Copy !req
490. If anybody reads,
please respond.
Copy !req
491. - We're just outside the city.
Copy !req
492. Damn it.
Copy !req
493. Hello?
Copy !req
494. Hello?
Copy !req
495. He couldn't hear me,
I couldn't warn him.
Copy !req
496. - Try to raise him again.
Copy !req
497. Come on, son, you know best
how to work this thing.
Copy !req
498. - Hello, hello?
Copy !req
499. Is the person who
called still on the air?
Copy !req
500. This is Officer Shane Wallace
broadcasting to person unknown,
Copy !req
501. please respond.
Copy !req
502. He's gone.
Copy !req
503. - There are others.
Copy !req
504. It's not just us.
Copy !req
505. - Well we knew there
would be, right?
Copy !req
506. That's why we left the CB on?
Copy !req
507. - Lot of good it's been doing.
Copy !req
508. And I've been saying for a week,
we ought to put signs on 85
Copy !req
509. and warn people
away from the city.
Copy !req
510. - Folks got no idea what
they're getting into.
Copy !req
511. - Well, we haven't had time.
Copy !req
512. - I think we need to make time.
Copy !req
513. - And that, uh— that's a
luxury we can't afford.
Copy !req
514. We are surviving here,
we are day to day.
Copy !req
515. - And who the hell would
you propose we send?
Copy !req
516. - I'll go.
Copy !req
517. Give me a vehicle.
Copy !req
518. - Nobody goes anywhere
alone and you know that.
Copy !req
519. - Yes, sir.
Copy !req
520. - Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
Copy !req
521. Go on and take a seat bud.
Copy !req
522. You're all right.
Copy !req
523. Go on, you're all right.
Copy !req
524. What, you pissed at me?
Copy !req
525. You can be pissed
at me all you want,
Copy !req
526. it's not gonna change anything.
Copy !req
527. I'm not putting
you in danger, OK?
Copy !req
528. I'm not doing it for anything.
Copy !req
529. That make you feel like
sometimes you slap me
Copy !req
530. upside the head,
tell you what, girl.
Copy !req
531. You feel that, you go right.
Copy !req
532. I'm right here.
Copy !req
533. Come on.
Copy !req
534. You cannot walk off like that.
Copy !req
535. All half cocked.
Copy !req
536. Look, if you do not
want to do for my sake
Copy !req
537. and for your sake, that's fine.
Copy !req
538. But just— you do it for him.
Copy !req
539. The boy's been through too much
and he's not losing his mother,
Copy !req
540. too.
Copy !req
541. OK?
Copy !req
542. OK.
Copy !req
543. - OK.
Copy !req
544. - You tell me OK.
Copy !req
545. It's not hard.
Copy !req
546. Hey.
Copy !req
547. Mom?
Copy !req
548. What's up, buddy?
Copy !req
549. She's in there.
Copy !req
550. Go on.
Copy !req
551. - Hey.
Copy !req
552. I don't want you to worry.
Copy !req
553. Your mamma's not going anywhere.
Copy !req
554. OK?
Copy !req
555. Yeah?
Copy !req
556. Yeah?
Copy !req
557. Go finish your chores.
Copy !req
558. - OK.
Copy !req
559. - Hello?
Copy !req
560. Police officer out here!
Copy !req
561. Can I borrow some gas?
Copy !req
562. Hello?
Copy !req
563. Hello?
Copy !req
564. Anybody home?
Copy !req
565. Easy now.
Copy !req
566. Easy.
Copy !req
567. Not going to hurt you.
Copy !req
568. Nothing like that.
Copy !req
569. More like a proposal.
Copy !req
570. Atlanta's just down
the road a ways.
Copy !req
571. Safe there.
Copy !req
572. Food, shelter, people.
Copy !req
573. Other horses, too, I bet.
Copy !req
574. How's that sound?
Copy !req
575. There we go.
Copy !req
576. Good boy.
Copy !req
577. Good boy.
Copy !req
578. Good boy.
Copy !req
579. Here, come with me.
Copy !req
580. Come on.
Copy !req
581. Come on.
Copy !req
582. Let's go easy, OK?
Copy !req
583. I haven't done this for years.
Copy !req
584. Woah.
Copy !req
585. Woah.
Copy !req
586. Easy.
Copy !req
587. Aw.
Copy !req
588. Easy, boy.
Copy !req
589. Easy.
Copy !req
590. Easy.
Copy !req
591. Easy.
Copy !req
592. Easy.
Copy !req
593. Woah.
Copy !req
594. Let's go.
Copy !req
595. Steady.
Copy !req
596. It's just few.
Copy !req
597. Nothing we can't out run.
Copy !req
598. OK.
Copy !req
599. Woah, woah, woah.
Copy !req
600. Hyah!
Copy !req
601. Lori.
Copy !req
602. Carl.
Copy !req
603. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
604. Hey you.
Copy !req
605. Dumbass.
Copy !req
606. Yeah, you in the tank.
Copy !req
607. Cosy in there?
Copy !req