1. I know you're still
settling in here and all,
Copy !req
2. but I figure if you're gonna
be my new bodyguard,
Copy !req
3. you might as well see what you're in for.
Copy !req
4. Yes sir...
Copy !req
5. when you're riding shotgun
with a Rusty Venture,
Copy !req
6. the road can get a little bit bumpy.
Copy !req
7. Pays to keep a few spares in the trunk.
Copy !req
8. Oh, don't be so squeamish.
Copy !req
9. Kinda takes a little of the pressure
off your job, doesn't it?
Copy !req
10. Don't talk much, do you? Well, good.
Copy !req
11. Because mum's the word about
my little cabbage patch here.
Copy !req
12. These tadpoles aren't exactly street legal,
Copy !req
13. if you get my drift.
Copy !req
14. You know, you really shouldn't
smoke when we're pregnant.
Copy !req
15. Seriously... no smoking in the lab areas.
Copy !req
16. Oooooh!
Copy !req
17. Oh, what is this?
Copy !req
18. No no no, this won't do at all.
Copy !req
19. Specimen D-19.
Copy !req
20. Yeah, I had a feeling about this one.
Copy !req
21. Autosomes always did look a bit sloppy,
Copy !req
22. just between you and me.
Copy !req
23. God!
Copy !req
24. Is that a face only a
mother could love or what?
Copy !req
25. Good thing she's not here then, huh?
Copy !req
26. So... what are we gonna do for lunch?
Copy !req
27. Dean? Dean?
Copy !req
28. What'd ya fall in?
Copy !req
29. Come on now, Lil Mister,
the head is for everyone!
Copy !req
30. You've had your ten, now
give your brother his shift!
Copy !req
31. Wha—? Oh, come on!
Copy !req
32. Hey! Hey! I'm in here!
Copy !req
33. Well, you should be in your room, mister!
Copy !req
34. You are grounded!
Copy !req
35. I'm not even allowed to make a pee now?
Copy !req
36. Not in here you aren't!
Copy !req
37. It's our only bathroom!
Copy !req
38. You should have thought of that
before you called your father
Copy !req
39. "the President of the
United States of Boogers"
Copy !req
40. in front of company.
Copy !req
41. Now get out!
Copy !req
42. You get out! I'm peeing!
Copy !req
43. Oh, no you aren't— Hank!
Copy !req
44. Attica! Attica! Attica!
Copy !req
45. Daddy? You're the—
Copy !req
46. Dean. We need to talk.
Copy !req
47. There is no hair fairy, is there?
Copy !req
48. Not even close.
Copy !req
49. The time has come for you to leave
Copy !req
50. the magic and folly
of childhood behind, Dean.
Copy !req
51. Because I'm losing all my baby hair,
Copy !req
52. and my grown-up hair's
gonna start coming in soon?
Copy !req
53. No, because you need to start taking
Copy !req
54. your future career in science
more seriously, Dean.
Copy !req
55. Your biological time bomb is ticking!
Copy !req
56. But I have been practicing my science
Copy !req
57. just like you told me, Pop.
Copy !req
58. Look, I made these.
Copy !req
59. Shrinky dinks don't count, son.
Copy !req
60. I'm not even going to ask you
why you sleep with those things.
Copy !req
61. 'Cause I can't find Mr. Reachy.
Copy !req
62. Don't blame yourself, Dean.
It's my fault.
Copy !req
63. I should have given you this years ago.
Copy !req
64. Ta-daaaaa!
Copy !req
65. The... panic room?
Copy !req
66. Your very own junior laboratory!
Copy !req
67. No more working on the
kitchen table for you!
Copy !req
68. In here, you'll be able to
really focus on your science
Copy !req
69. with no distractions!
Copy !req
70. How come Baby Einstein gets his own lab
Copy !req
71. and I'm stuck pushing boxes around, huh?
Copy !req
72. When do I get to train
for my future career?
Copy !req
73. Who says you're not right now?
Copy !req
74. Those go up in the attic, boy.
Copy !req
75. Well, I'm sure your brain's already buzzing
Copy !req
76. with a million ideas
you want to get cracking on.
Copy !req
77. Can I get you anything else?
Copy !req
78. A window?
Copy !req
79. Like I said — no distractions!
Copy !req
80. Now go get into your speed suit.
Copy !req
81. I have another surprise for you.
Copy !req
82. "Get into your speed suit.
I have a surprise for you."
Copy !req
83. Good gravy!
Copy !req
84. Never gave me my own lab.
Copy !req
85. Never gave me nothin'!
Copy !req
86. Why do you they get to have everything?
Copy !req
87. I'm as smart as they are!
Copy !req
88. I'm smarter, even!
Copy !req
89. They keep going to sleep with the angels,
Copy !req
90. but I'm still here!
Copy !req
91. Aren't you a little old
for stuffed animals?
Copy !req
92. Don't you think you should
give that back to the real Dean?
Copy !req
93. I am a real Dean!
Copy !req
94. No, you were rejected.
You weren't good enough.
Copy !req
95. You mean I wasn't pretty enough...
Copy !req
96. My God, but you are hideous.
Copy !req
97. I can't believe you even came from me.
Copy !req
98. I try to be like the ones you love so much.
Copy !req
99. I watch them.
Copy !req
100. I learn from them...
Copy !req
101. Yeah, but then there's still the whole...
Copy !req
102. face issue.
Copy !req
103. Not after tonight!
Copy !req
104. Just you wait and see!
Copy !req
105. It's almost finished!
Copy !req
106. I just need one more and then...
Copy !req
107. and then I'm gonna be
just like the rest of them...
Copy !req
108. Oh, yessirree bob!
Copy !req
109. Hard to...
Copy !req
110. leather...
Copy !req
111. Great.
Copy !req
112. On top of everything else,
you're getting fat now, too.
Copy !req
113. Was that you?
Copy !req
114. I'm not even here, crazy.
Copy !req
115. It's all about Dean, isn't it?
Copy !req
116. Tonight! Tonight!
Copy !req
117. Whoa-hoooo Nelly!
Copy !req
118. And that's just at "N scale!"
Copy !req
119. It's a fresh new twist on
the classic decoy tactic.
Copy !req
120. We place 'em in key locations
around the compound,
Copy !req
121. and the next time your Monarch
Copy !req
122. or your Baron What's-His-Bheit
comes a-knockin',
Copy !req
123. he gets spanked in the face
Copy !req
124. with 5'7" of screamin' hot stop it!
Copy !req
125. I'm five ten.
Copy !req
126. Yeah, maybe with them fancy
elevator beatle boots of yours.
Copy !req
127. Got a delivery here
for a "Sergeant Hatred"?
Copy !req
128. Are either of you...?
Copy !req
129. Oh, take a guess.
Copy !req
130. Sign here, please.
Copy !req
131. Whoa! Easy!
Copy !req
132. Let's just be real careful with those.
Copy !req
133. Kid gloves.
Copy !req
134. Sir, do these crates contain
any hazardous materials
Copy !req
135. I should know about?
Copy !req
136. I'm required by law to—
Copy !req
137. Hey, Nosey McPeeks-A-Lot.
Copy !req
138. You know what brown can do for me?
Copy !req
139. He can mind his own business.
Copy !req
140. Oh, sorry.
Copy !req
141. Well, hey there, slugger!
Copy !req
142. You look like you're buckin' for my job!
Copy !req
143. Did my dad tell you to say that?
Copy !req
144. Uh, no...
Copy !req
145. Then... are you psychic?
Copy !req
146. Hank, leave the man alone.
Copy !req
147. Just because he's black
doesn't mean he has "the shining."
Copy !req
148. Save me, dude.
Copy !req
149. Done.
Copy !req
150. Now am I ungrounded?
Copy !req
151. Why, have you finished
washing the car already?
Copy !req
152. - What?
- It was on the list.
Copy !req
153. What "list?"
Copy !req
154. The "things Hank has to do for his father
Copy !req
155. before I can even think
of un-grounding him" list.
Copy !req
156. Oh, didn't I c.c. you on that?
Copy !req
157. Aww! What—?
Copy !req
158. Aw, there's like 20—
Copy !req
159. Hold on a sec, Hank.
Copy !req
160. Number four.
Copy !req
161. Like mirrors, Hank.
Copy !req
162. I don't wanna tell ya how to
do your daddy duty or nothing,
Copy !req
163. but don'tcha think maybe you're bein'
Copy !req
164. just a little too hard
on the ol' Hankinator?
Copy !req
165. "Hankinator?"
Copy !req
166. You're sleeping with him, aren't you?
Copy !req
167. Hey.
Copy !req
168. Hey. How'd you get in?
Copy !req
169. Security's a joke in this dump.
So, what're you in for?
Copy !req
170. 12 counts of "sass in the first degree."
Copy !req
171. Gay.
Copy !req
172. And I peed in the tub?
Copy !req
173. - S'pretty badass.
- Right?
Copy !req
174. Yeah, I'm grounded, too.
I snuck out, though.
Copy !req
175. Ninjutsu.
Copy !req
176. Hey, where's your dorky brother?
Copy !req
177. Probably busy getting his
heiney shined by my dad.
Copy !req
178. He gets to do whatever he wants
Copy !req
179. and I'm stuck with a list of
dumb chores. Look at that.
Copy !req
180. Pfft. He's lucky he's not here.
Copy !req
181. Still owe him a beatdown.
Copy !req
182. Didn't he kinda... beat you up?
Copy !req
183. What is that supposed to be, a joke?
Copy !req
184. He cheap shotted me when I wasn't ready.
Copy !req
185. Plus I had, like,
a massive stomach flu that day.
Copy !req
186. Sor-ry.
Copy !req
187. Check it — number five,
you do that one yet?
Copy !req
188. - No.
- Sweet.
Copy !req
189. If your dad needs his car washed,
Copy !req
190. let's give him a good reason to wash it.
Copy !req
191. The egg.
Copy !req
192. It is the symbol of creation.
Copy !req
193. And since I was your age,
Copy !req
194. it has hatched all my
greatest super-science ideas...
Copy !req
195. - No windows...
- Pay attention, Dean.
Copy !req
196. Now sit down.
Copy !req
197. You're about to meet my muse.
Copy !req
198. Mommy?
Copy !req
199. Progressive rock!
Copy !req
200. Now normally, I'd start you off with Asia
Copy !req
201. or something more accessible.
Copy !req
202. But I think you're ready
for the primo shit.
Copy !req
203. Just take a gander at that cover art
Copy !req
204. and try to pretend
you're not already inspired.
Copy !req
205. It's like something out of a dream.
Copy !req
206. Painted by our greatest living artist...
Copy !req
207. Mr. Roger Dean.
Copy !req
208. - Hey, that's my name!
- That's no accident, boy.
Copy !req
209. Maybe now you have
some sense of the gravity—
Copy !req
210. Nay, the destiny— of this moment.
Copy !req
211. This is your birthright.
Copy !req
212. Golly, I don't know what to say...
Copy !req
213. Just say... yes!
Copy !req
214. Hey, what's this one with the face?
Copy !req
215. That? Oh no no no no...
Copy !req
216. you are not ready to step into
The Court of the Crimson King.
Copy !req
217. At this stage in your training,
Copy !req
218. album like that could turn
you into an evil scientist.
Copy !req
219. Buckle your mind, Dean.
Copy !req
220. Because it's about to get blown.
Copy !req
221. - Agh!
- Sorry!
Copy !req
222. What?
Copy !req
223. I said "What do you think?"
Copy !req
224. I-I'm not sure, but...
Copy !req
225. I think I'm starting to feel it.
Copy !req
226. That's called inspiration, Dean.
Copy !req
227. More. More!
Copy !req
228. You got it, son!
Copy !req
229. But no air drumming this time.
Copy !req
230. Bruford can change the timing up so fast
Copy !req
231. you could snap your wrist.
Copy !req
232. Now can we do this?
Copy !req
233. Yeah!
Copy !req
234. Time to make the donuts!
Copy !req
235. Put that on your list, Rusty!
Copy !req
236. You call that a donut?
Copy !req
237. Dude, you drive like my grandfather pees.
Copy !req
238. Give her some gas!
Copy !req
239. Quit it! Why don't you drive, then?
Copy !req
240. Um, 'cuz I don't have a vagina.
Copy !req
241. I told you, I only drive stick.
Copy !req
242. Now c'mon,
let's take this thing to the quarry
Copy !req
243. for some off-road action.
Copy !req
244. Umm... I don't think I should
take it off the compound.
Copy !req
245. Yeah, well you didn't think
I should hot wire it either.
Copy !req
246. 'Cause I had the keys!
Copy !req
247. Yes! Yes!
Copy !req
248. Perfect-a-mundo!
Copy !req
249. Whatever, whatever.
Copy !req
250. Just admit that I coulda hot-wired it.
Copy !req
251. - Yes, fine! I believe you!
- Super runaway!
Copy !req
252. What was that?
Copy !req
253. Hello, sheriff?
Copy !req
254. I think something terrible
is about to go down
Copy !req
255. at the Venture compound.
Copy !req
256. Hell, looks like your basic
garden-variety advanced research
Copy !req
257. super-scientific-industrial complex to me.
Copy !req
258. "The Compound."
Copy !req
259. That's what they call it.
Copy !req
260. I delivered a dozen army
surplus crates to that place today.
Copy !req
261. I think they're stocking up
for something big, man.
Copy !req
262. I got a real bad feeling...
Copy !req
263. All right, there, Holloway.
Copy !req
264. This wouldn't be the first time
one of your famous premonitions
Copy !req
265. sent me on a wild goose chase.
Copy !req
266. Their leader —
Copy !req
267. he's a real militia type.
Copy !req
268. 'Got a big tattoo on his face.
Copy !req
269. And don't even get me started
Copy !req
270. on those weird-ass kids
they got up in there,
Copy !req
271. all walkin' around talkin' crazy.
Copy !req
272. I'm telling you...
Copy !req
273. something strange is going on
in that compound.
Copy !req
274. Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!
Copy !req
275. Dermott...
Copy !req
276. I killed Dean!
Copy !req
277. We gotta tell my dad—
Copy !req
278. What're you, high?
Copy !req
279. We can't tell anybody about this!
Copy !req
280. What? But we gotta—
Copy !req
281. Two words, dude —
Copy !req
282. Vehicular. Manslaughter.
Copy !req
283. You think being grounded is bad?
Copy !req
284. Try prison.
Copy !req
285. That's like being grounded for life.
Copy !req
286. Plus, instead of chores...
Copy !req
287. Butt sex!
Copy !req
288. Oh my God, Dermott!
Copy !req
289. What are we gonna do?
Copy !req
290. Just don't panic, Hank!
Copy !req
291. I've handled this kind of mess before.
Copy !req
292. Why do you think they
used to call me "the wolf?"
Copy !req
293. Nobody calls you that.
Copy !req
294. They did back in my old neighborhood
Copy !req
295. when they weren't calling me "Psycho."
Copy !req
296. There was actually a war
between two rival gangs
Copy !req
297. over which nickname to call me—
Copy !req
298. What do we do?
Copy !req
299. All right, first we gotta
destroy all the evidence.
Copy !req
300. Wipe the car clean of all your DNA.
Copy !req
301. And while we're at it,
gimme your driver's license...
Copy !req
302. But it's only a learner's permit.
Copy !req
303. Dude, give!
Copy !req
304. Hey! What're you doing?
Copy !req
305. You gotta go off the grid!
Copy !req
306. Gotta disappear and lay low
in Mexico for a few years
Copy !req
307. until this all blows over.
Copy !req
308. You're a shadow, Hank!
Copy !req
309. W-What about...
Copy !req
310. D-Dean?
Copy !req
311. I've been buried alive five,
maybe six times in my life.
Copy !req
312. This was worse.
Copy !req
313. Oh my God! I forgot about Dean!
Copy !req
314. Dean!
Copy !req
315. No!
Copy !req
316. Oh, my God!
Copy !req
317. It's side two of Dark Side of the Moon!
Copy !req
318. He's in a Floyd hole!
Copy !req
319. Fill the tub with ice! Now!
Copy !req
320. It's all my fault, I pushed you too hard.
Copy !req
321. It was too much, too soon!
Copy !req
322. Damn you, boy! You weren't ready!
Copy !req
323. Eureka!
Copy !req
324. No, Dean. Sit back. Breathe.
Copy !req
325. You've been through a lot,
you need to rest.
Copy !req
326. No, Dad...
Copy !req
327. I need to science!
Copy !req
328. Well, looks like my work here...
Copy !req
329. is done.
Copy !req
330. Nooooooo!
Copy !req
331. No no no no no!
Copy !req
332. Noo! I was so doggone close!
Copy !req
333. Darn it!
Copy !req
334. Is that a crybaby I hear?
Copy !req
335. It wasn't my fault!
Copy !req
336. Dumb old Hank ruined everything.
Copy !req
337. As usual.
Copy !req
338. "Dumb old Hank ruined everything!"
Copy !req
339. It takes more than a whiffle
and a sweater vest
Copy !req
340. to be Dean, boy.
Copy !req
341. He doesn't even wear those anymore.
Copy !req
342. What— What else? Tell me!
Copy !req
343. I'll do anything!
Copy !req
344. It takes heart. It takes devotion.
Copy !req
345. You think you have what it takes?
Copy !req
346. Y-Yes! Yes, yes!
Copy !req
347. Well, a real Dean wouldn't give up so easy.
Copy !req
348. He'd pick himself up and
get right back on that horse.
Copy !req
349. But I can't finish my
super special project now.
Copy !req
350. There's no more left!
Copy !req
351. Really?
Copy !req
352. Pretty sure I left another
Dean around here somewhere.
Copy !req
353. No... that was the last one
with a good face.
Copy !req
354. You sure? Have you looked everywhere?
Copy !req
355. Like, say... in the panic room?
Copy !req
356. They never put them in the panic r— Oh!
Copy !req
357. N-No! You don't mean—?
Copy !req
358. Don't I?
Copy !req
359. Do you really wanna be Dean
Copy !req
360. or just Dean's uglier,
unhygienic older brother?
Copy !req
361. D-Dean.
Copy !req
362. And I can only have one favorite son,
Copy !req
363. so it wouldn't very well do
Copy !req
364. to have two Deans walking around,
now, would it?
Copy !req
365. But I can't!
Copy !req
366. That would be... wrong.
Copy !req
367. What's wrong is that 14th stringer getting
Copy !req
368. everything you were always meant to have.
Copy !req
369. And Dean — may I call you Dean?
Copy !req
370. Ohh... yes!
Copy !req
371. This one's even a little bigger
than the others were.
Copy !req
372. Dude, don't be a puss!
Copy !req
373. We gotta burn your fingerprints off
so Interpol can't track you.
Copy !req
374. Own your pain, dude!
Copy !req
375. Go into your cave, like in Fight Club.
Copy !req
376. I didn't see Fight Club!
Copy !req
377. I saw it in the theater twice.
Copy !req
378. Totally snuck in, too.
Copy !req
379. My mom dropped me off at the mall to see
Copy !req
380. some Elmo in Grouchland bullcrap.
Copy !req
381. Ditched that noise.
Copy !req
382. What the f—?
Copy !req
383. This is like papier mache goo.
Copy !req
384. Doesn't your dad have any
hydrochloric acid lying around?
Copy !req
385. Who am I, Bill Nye the Science Guy?
Copy !req
386. I don't know what any of this stuff is—
Copy !req
387. That's Dean's bag...
Copy !req
388. was Dean's bag.
Copy !req
389. I wish Dean was here!
Copy !req
390. Oh, mother of mercy, what have I done?
Copy !req
391. Keep it together!
Copy !req
392. All right, we're gonna have
to do this commando style.
Copy !req
393. You want me to...
take off my underwear?
Copy !req
394. Coolness.
Copy !req
395. It slipped!
Copy !req
396. Stupid hands are all sweaty.
Copy !req
397. Oh, what is this?
Copy !req
398. Aw, all over my nice floors.
Hank— Oh!
Copy !req
399. Ow!
Copy !req
400. What the—? Wh-Who are you?
Copy !req
401. Deeeeeaannn!
Copy !req
402. Oh no, I-I've created a monster!
Copy !req
403. Sergeant Hatred! Help!
Copy !req
404. Come quick! I-I—
Copy !req
405. Weird.
Copy !req
406. Weird, weird, weird.
Copy !req
407. They're all just standing
there like the living dead.
Copy !req
408. All with shaved heads,
all wearin' the same outfits...
Copy !req
409. Brainwashed, probably.
Copy !req
410. Yeah, you were right.
Copy !req
411. This is definitely some strango
cult stuff goin' on right here.
Copy !req
412. Bodies... dozens of them.
Copy !req
413. In an open grave out back.
Copy !req
414. Most of 'em look like—
They look like kids, sir!
Copy !req
415. Those sick bastards.
Copy !req
416. Okay, hit 'em with the lights.
Copy !req
417. Attention, you inside the compound!
Copy !req
418. 'The hell?
Copy !req
419. This is the police.
Copy !req
420. Dude, your dad called the cops!
Copy !req
421. We gotta bolt right now!
Copy !req
422. - H-How?
- Don't you guys have a plane?
Copy !req
423. I don't know how to fly it.
Copy !req
424. And my pilot's license is only
rated for single engine craft.
Copy !req
425. So we're gonna need wheels.
Copy !req
426. My dad's car! We just washed it!
Copy !req
427. That's the murder weapon, dingus!
Copy !req
428. Why don't we just hop
on your brother's corpse
Copy !req
429. and toboggan down to the
county jail while we're at it?
Copy !req
430. Dean.
Copy !req
431. Dean?
Copy !req
432. I'm sorry I tried to play God!
Copy !req
433. Please go away!
Copy !req
434. Ah-ha!
Copy !req
435. Fire bad! You fear fire!
Copy !req
436. What are you talking about?
Copy !req
437. Whoa!
Copy !req
438. Fire!
Copy !req
439. Fire!
Copy !req
440. We've got a fire inside the compound.
Copy !req
441. They're goin' full Waco on us.
Copy !req
442. This is it people!
Copy !req
443. We gotta save those kids in there!
Copy !req
444. Move in! Move in!
Copy !req
445. Freeze!
Copy !req
446. Down on the ground, baldy!
Copy !req
447. Doc! Doc!
Copy !req
448. Code orange! Fire in the compound!
Copy !req
449. Yeah, no duh.
Copy !req
450. You gotta get to—
Oh, hey! It's the police!
Copy !req
451. Man, you guys got here qui-
Copy !req
452. This is your last warning, Churchy.
Copy !req
453. If you do not drop down
and spread 'em in 3... 2...
Copy !req
454. Hey, c'mon now, fellas!
Copy !req
455. Don't you know who I work for?
Copy !req
456. Yeah. Me. They're not impressed.
Copy !req
457. That my hard drive?
Copy !req
458. Hey, listen, uh, any questionable images
Copy !req
459. you may or may not find on there
Copy !req
460. are 100% computer-generated.
Copy !req
461. Uh, sheriff?
Copy !req
462. You'd better get out here...
Copy !req
463. Freedom!
Copy !req
464. Not again!
Copy !req
465. - You think they saw us?
- Look, dude! Look out!
Copy !req
466. Hey, that's where that is.
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467. Dean!
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468. All I wanted was to grow my hair back!
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469. W-What do you want from me?
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470. I want your pretty little life!
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471. And your smooth, pretty little face!
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472. I don't even want to be a scientist!
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473. I'm only doing this because
my dad made me do it!
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474. Me too!
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475. What in the hell is that?
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476. Probably the comet these poor fools think
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477. they're gonna fly away to heaven on.
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478. Dude! Hold up!
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479. - Stop here!
- Did we miss a turn?
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480. This is my house. I gotta go.
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481. Dermott, sweety? Is that you?
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482. Coming...
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483. - W-What about Mexico?
- I got curfew.
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484. Besides, someone has to stay here
and disseminate the cover story.
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485. - Dermott...
- I'm coming! Jeez!
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486. Take a chill pill, why don't ya?
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487. Vaya con Dios, dude.
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488. Take this. You're gonna need it.
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489. Get me, like, fireworks and Spanish fly.
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490. Son?
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491. That's enough.
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492. D-Daddy?
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493. You don't need to hurt
that other poor Dean
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494. to get what you want.
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495. - I don't?
- No, son.
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496. Because all you ever really
wanted was a father's love.
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497. And you don't need
to look like him to get it.
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498. - I don't?
- Of course not.
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499. Aside from some basic hygiene issues,
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500. you're perfect just the way you are.
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501. Now come here.
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502. Give your old man a hug.
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503. That's it.
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504. Let it all out.
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505. Don't be shy, now. Hug away!
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506. Daddy!
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507. Who the hell was that?
Copy !req
508. Mexico.
Copy !req
509. Hank! What the hell
do you think you're doing?
Copy !req
510. Are you kidding? Are you kidding?
Copy !req
511. You set fire to your brother's lab,
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512. you try to run away in my people mover,
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513. you call the police on me?
Copy !req
514. And you think that entitles
you to listen to records?
Copy !req
515. What world are you living in,
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516. where you think there's even a chance
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517. that you won't be grounded
for the rest of the year?
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518. And you don't take a man's
Jimmy Buffet records
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519. without askin' either!
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