1. Zoology — a cat has
over 100 vocal cords,
Copy !req
2. while the giraffe has none.
Copy !req
3. Astronomy — the temperature
of the sun can reach
Copy !req
4. 50 million degrees fahrenheit.
Copy !req
5. Anatomy —
there are 9,000 taste buds
Copy !req
6. on your tongue.
Copy !req
7. And the answer to today's
trigonometry problem is —
Copy !req
8. Well, would you look at that?
Copy !req
9. It would appear that's all
the time we have...
Copy !req
10. Hank and Dean.
Copy !req
11. Today marks the completion of
our progressive, electronic,
Copy !req
12. cross-disciplinary educational
journey together.
Copy !req
13. You're now fully prepared
to embark
Copy !req
14. on your first
solo adventure —
Copy !req
15. to college and the fulfilling
life of super-science
Copy !req
16. that awaits beyond.
Copy !req
17. So I suppose the only thing
I have left to say is...
Copy !req
18. Congratulations.
Copy !req
19. Hank and Dean.
Copy !req
20. Hey, what you got there?
Copy !req
21. It's a diploma.
Copy !req
22. Weren't you listening?
Copy !req
23. - Uh, what?
- I think we just graduated.
Copy !req
24. We did? Cool!
Copy !req
25. Does that mean we can finally
ditch these nerd pods
Copy !req
26. and get bunk beds?
Copy !req
27. I don't know.
Copy !req
28. Where's yours?
Copy !req
29. Gentlemen! Gentlemen!
Come to order.
Copy !req
30. We have a movement on the floor.
Copy !req
31. Councilman 2?
Copy !req
32. In the interest of preserving
the sanctity
Copy !req
33. of this esteemed council,
Copy !req
34. I propose that we immediately
Copy !req
35. the vetting
of candidates
Copy !req
36. to replace
Councilman 8.
Copy !req
37. - Yes!
- Yeah.
Copy !req
38. Whoa! Why?
What did I do?
Copy !req
39. We are the council of 13,
not the council of 12.
Copy !req
40. And since your merger
with Councilman 3,
Copy !req
41. your screen
has remained vacant.
Copy !req
42. Well, I'm still here!
Copy !req
43. It's not as if
we're only one guy now
Copy !req
44. just because of this —
this head business.
Copy !req
45. Well, now, I-I sort of see
their point.
Copy !req
46. See?
We don't even vote the same.
Copy !req
47. I said to her —
Copy !req
48. I said, I said,
"that's not a ceiling."
Copy !req
49. Time's up, Limb.
Visiting hours are over.
Copy !req
50. Tell the others, Wisdom.
It's time.
Copy !req
51. All right,
hands where I can see them.
Copy !req
52. Oh, aren't you cute?
Copy !req
53. You know the drill.
Copy !req
54. Guy's batshit crazy.
Copy !req
55. Sad.
Copy !req
56. You're lucky
you weren't on duty
Copy !req
57. when he had his conjugal
visit with a freakin' shoe.
Copy !req
58. Hear me,
my special friends.
Copy !req
59. Come to me.
Copy !req
60. Avenge me.
Copy !req
61. Yes, just like we planned.
Copy !req
62. Uh! Oh!
Copy !req
63. What the — what?
Copy !req
64. Armando.
Copy !req
65. Leftenant Shankly.
Copy !req
66. Good to have you back.
Copy !req
67. - Oh, my god!
- What?
Copy !req
68. Don't move.
There is a bug on you.
Copy !req
69. There is? Where?
Oh, God! Get it off!
Copy !req
70. It's one of those ones
that fly!
Copy !req
71. I hate those!
Copy !req
72. Yes, it's
Copy !req
73. they had to be
sacrificed, Wisdom,
Copy !req
74. but don't
blame yourself.
Copy !req
75. Your plan was brilliant.
Copy !req
76. A work of art.
Copy !req
77. All it needs now
is a signature.
Copy !req
78. It is quite simple.
Copy !req
79. On days with T's in them,
we sit in my screen.
Copy !req
80. On all others, we're in
Copy !req
81. Yes, yes.
I like this.
Copy !req
82. Gentlemen! It seems there is
another movement on the floor.
Copy !req
83. I heard nothing!
Copy !req
84. And it is a doozy.
Copy !req
85. What is the point of
all this?
Copy !req
86. State law mandates
Copy !req
87. each student gets a minimum
of two hours face time
Copy !req
88. with a certified
guidance counselor
Copy !req
89. or, in this case,
a friend of your dad's.
Copy !req
90. What's a guidance
Copy !req
91. Usually it's a guy
you barely know
Copy !req
92. who gives you
career advice,
Copy !req
93. even though his career
is guidance counselor,
Copy !req
94. and sometimes he helps you get
into college.
Copy !req
95. But I don't want to go
to college.
Copy !req
96. Well, it's not
for everybody.
Copy !req
97. That's why we're doing this —
Copy !req
98. to determine what individual
path is right for you.
Copy !req
99. So, uh, what did you put down?
Copy !req
100. Ahem!
Copy !req
101. Number one —"drifter."
Copy !req
102. All right. Okay.
Copy !req
103. That's not really a career,
Copy !req
104. It's like the opposite
of a career.
Copy !req
105. Ah, but you don't need to go to
college to be one, right?
Copy !req
106. Plus, you get paid to just
walk around all day
Copy !req
107. reading sexy
Copy !req
108. like the guy in
"Red Shoe Diaries."
Copy !req
109. He wasn't a drifter.
Copy !req
110. The guy's getting
all his mail.
Copy !req
111. That implies a fixed address.
Copy !req
112. Okay, fine.
Copy !req
113. Then, like,
David "The Hulk" Banner.
Copy !req
114. Well, David Banner's
real name is actually
Copy !req
115. Dr. David Bruce Banner.
Copy !req
116. So he's a scientist.
Copy !req
117. Oh, then I don't want
to be that.
Copy !req
118. Well, what's your
second choice?
Copy !req
119. "Owner and operator of
The Chimp Eden."
Copy !req
120. Okay, well, that's
barely saner,
Copy !req
121. but for that
we're talking
Copy !req
122. three, four years of
veterinary school, minimum,
Copy !req
123. and that's on top
of a bachelor's degree.
Copy !req
124. Scratch that one, too.
Copy !req
125. Man, way to ruin Chimp Eden.
Copy !req
126. Okay, you, uh, made
a mistake here.
Copy !req
127. You wrote "Batman" twice.
Copy !req
128. That's intentional.
Copy !req
129. Number three is
golden age Batman,
Copy !req
130. and number four is
post-crisis Batman.
Copy !req
131. They're, like, two completely
different Batmen.
Copy !req
132. Okay.
Copy !req
133. So that just leaves
Copy !req
134. Were you trying to spell
Copy !req
135. Duh, a "secutor" is
a kind of gladiator.
Copy !req
136. They've got the coolest helmets,
Copy !req
137. and they get to beat up
on those gay lord gladiators
Copy !req
138. with the nets and tridents.
Copy !req
139. Retiarius —
my favorite gladiator.
Copy !req
140. - Gay lord.
- Okay.
Copy !req
141. Dean, how about you?
Copy !req
142. What did you put down for your
top-five dream jobs?
Copy !req
143. Well, I-I only got four...
Copy !req
144. Oh, well, that's
because you forgot
Copy !req
145. super-scientist, boy.
Copy !req
146. No, I didn't.
Copy !req
147. Looks like you
already have
Copy !req
148. the "absent-minded"
part down, eh, Professor?
Copy !req
149. Okay.
Copy !req
150. Now go upstairs and get dressed,
both of you.
Copy !req
151. We're looking at college
this afternoon.
Copy !req
152. I don't want to go
to college!
Copy !req
153. Hank, don't
Copy !req
154. Okay, kids.
Copy !req
155. Uh, you think I could have
a moment alone with your dad?
Copy !req
156. Well, did you push State
like I asked you?
Copy !req
157. I hate to be the one
to break this to you, Rust,
Copy !req
158. but your boys
are pathetically underprepared
Copy !req
159. for adulthood.
Copy !req
160. Well, sure,
Hank's a bit of a late bloomer,
Copy !req
161. but did you catch
Dean's little mustache?
Copy !req
162. Really starting to come in.
Copy !req
163. Yeah, regardless
of the 'stache,
Copy !req
164. neither of them knows a thing
about the real world.
Copy !req
165. What are you
talking about?
Copy !req
166. Those kids have been
around the globe
Copy !req
167. more times than
Gaetan Dugas.
Copy !req
168. But the stuff those beds have
been teaching them
Copy !req
169. is more dated
than Funk & Wagnalls.
Copy !req
170. I mean, what college do you
think is gonna accept
Copy !req
171. transcripts from a talking bed,
Copy !req
172. Especially since, uh, if I'm
even reading them right,
Copy !req
173. Hank didn't graduate.
Copy !req
174. Hank!
Copy !req
175. I'm not going
to college.
Copy !req
176. Darn tootin',
you're not,
Copy !req
177. because you're
getting right back in that bed
Copy !req
178. until you graduate, mister!
Copy !req
179. No, father,
I'm going to a place
Copy !req
180. where you and your
crummy bed
Copy !req
181. can't tell me
what to do anymore.
Copy !req
182. What is this?
Copy !req
183. What, are you
fake running away again?
Copy !req
184. Well, don't expect your brother
to sneak food out
Copy !req
185. to your tent
in the backyard this time,
Copy !req
186. because he's going
to college!
Copy !req
187. Well, bully for him,
Copy !req
188. because I'm joining the army.
Copy !req
189. Hot dog!
Copy !req
190. Best decision
you'll ever make, son.
Copy !req
191. Why, I look back
on my time with —
Copy !req
192. Not that army,
Sergeant Butt-kiss.
Copy !req
193. Dean!
Are you dressed yet?
Copy !req
194. - Yeah.
- Oh.
Copy !req
195. Uh, well, then —
then get in the car.
Copy !req
196. Wait.
Copy !req
197. Is that what you're wearing?
Copy !req
198. Ah, manservant.
Copy !req
199. What has become of us?
Copy !req
200. A kingdom had I.
Copy !req
201. You got something
for a veteran?
Copy !req
202. Don't forget the veterans!
Copy !req
203. Do you have any change?
Copy !req
204. All right, you bums.
Move it along.
Copy !req
205. Aw, man.
Copy !req
206. Same old shit.
Copy !req
207. It's like Kent State
all over again, man!
Copy !req
208. Yeah, stick it to the man,
my brother!
Copy !req
209. Hey, can I have his coat?
Copy !req
210. Oh, get a job.
Copy !req
211. Richard. Richard.
Copy !req
212. Hello.
Copy !req
213. S-Sally?
Copy !req
214. Afraid not,
old boy.
Copy !req
215. Ah! Oh!
Copy !req
216. I'd heard you'd lost your mind
and stopped working,
Copy !req
217. but it looks like
you've been... busy.
Copy !req
218. D-D-Do you work for me?
Copy !req
219. I had something
more along the lines
Copy !req
220. of a partnership in mind.
Copy !req
221. It's me, Richard.
Copy !req
222. It's Hamilton.
Copy !req
223. Don't come any further!
You're in the germ-free zone!
Copy !req
224. Oh, pull
yourself together, man!
Copy !req
225. Hey!
Copy !req
226. I'm a hunted man, Richard,
Copy !req
227. and you're in a unique position
to help me.
Copy !req
228. No. No.
Copy !req
229. I-I can't help anybody.
Copy !req
230. I can't even help myself.
Copy !req
231. Then we'll help each other,
Copy !req
232. like we did back in our
Boys' Brigade days.
Copy !req
233. You want to get the
Boys' Brigade back together?
Copy !req
234. Not exactly.
Copy !req
235. I need you to make
another one of these.
Copy !req
236. You're — you're not —
you're not holding —
Copy !req
237. there's —
there's nothing there.
Copy !req
238. I don't — oh.
Copy !req
239. Oh, you've
got an invisible —
Copy !req
240. That's neat.
Copy !req
241. You know,
Sally could turn...
Copy !req
242. invisible.
Copy !req
243. Oh, yes, yes.
Copy !req
244. I share your pain,
old friend.
Copy !req
245. I, too, have suffered
terrible losses this year.
Copy !req
246. It nearly broke me,
Copy !req
247. but instead,
it only strengthened my resolve.
Copy !req
248. Join me, and I can do
the same for you.
Copy !req
249. But — but you're all evil,
Copy !req
250. I-I can't be a bad guy.
Copy !req
251. Is it really
such a stretch?
Copy !req
252. Thought you could hide from me,
eh, Professor Impossible?
Copy !req
253. Who's this ass?
Copy !req
254. Well, the nucleotide has
turned, my elastic antagonist,
Copy !req
255. for no one can escape
the infectious grip
Copy !req
256. of the fiendish
Dr. Phineas Phage!
Copy !req
257. Leave me alone!
Copy !req
258. Oh, come on!
Copy !req
259. You've been sulking in there
for months.
Copy !req
260. Enough is enough.
Copy !req
261. The man said
leave him be!
Copy !req
262. Phantom Limb?
Copy !req
263. Hey, you — you can't arch
Copy !req
264. I'm his —
wait a minute.
Copy !req
265. You're supposed to be in —
Copy !req
266. I'm gonna tell the Guild!
Copy !req
267. If he gets away,
I'm done for, Richard.
Copy !req
268. You must help me!
Copy !req
269. How? W-What can I do?
Copy !req
270. Just hold on tight.
Copy !req
271. Aah! No! No!
Copy !req
272. Pro-teens, help me!
Copy !req
273. Uhh!
Copy !req
274. All right, Hamilton.
Copy !req
275. You've got yourself a partner.
Copy !req
276. Okay, fellas.
Copy !req
277. I'm all yours.
Copy !req
278. Where do I sign up?
Copy !req
279. Um, excuse me.
Copy !req
280. Uh, who — who do I talk to
about enlisting?
Copy !req
281. Samson — Samson, you're
breaking up!
Copy !req
282. Repeat —
what is your 10-20?
Copy !req
283. Sorry, I'm only getting
one bar down here.
Copy !req
284. We made it to the catacombs,
Copy !req
285. but rookie here
tripped the alarm.
Copy !req
286. Would you get out of
there, man?
Copy !req
287. You don't know what the hell
you're doing!
Copy !req
288. Where'd you recruit this clown,
Copy !req
289. The Albert Merrill
Copy !req
290. He came highly recommended.
Copy !req
291. Supposed to be
some kind of expert.
Copy !req
292. In what? Poopy?
Copy !req
293. Oh, crap.
The Swiss guard is here.
Copy !req
294. I need an exit — quick!
Copy !req
295. I'm on it.
Copy !req
296. Uploading security pass-code
override now.
Copy !req
297. New recruit here.
Copy !req
298. Hello!
Copy !req
299. Samson? Samson!
Copy !req
300. What's happening?
Copy !req
301. Talk to me! Samson!
Copy !req
302. Way to go, Heidi!
Copy !req
303. Samson's down by 3 with
a minute to left in the game,
Copy !req
304. and you
just cut the feed!
Copy !req
305. What in God's name
do you want?
Copy !req
306. I want to join up
with you guys.
Copy !req
307. Well, my boot wants
to join up with your ass,
Copy !req
308. and I'm about
to throw 'em a shotgun wedding.
Copy !req
309. Now beat it!
Copy !req
310. This ain't the honeycomb
fucking hideout,
Copy !req
311. and we ain't hiring
Junior G-Men!
Copy !req
312. But I dare you to find
someone more qualified than me.
Copy !req
313. I've been training under Brock
my entire life.
Copy !req
314. I've traveled to every
continent on the globe,
Copy !req
315. including Atlantis, Outer Space,
and Brigadoon.
Copy !req
316. I've been shot at,
poisoned, stabbed,
Copy !req
317. cudgeled, crocodiled,
Copy !req
318. king cobra-ed, red-anted,
you name it.
Copy !req
319. I'm still standing.
Copy !req
320. Now, if that's not the résumé
Copy !req
321. of a top-notch, super-killer
secret agent,
Copy !req
322. then I don't know
what is.
Copy !req
323. All right. You win, kid.
Copy !req
324. Shoreleave!
Copy !req
325. Yo, ass— Oh, sorry.
It's an old habit.
Copy !req
326. Get Chachi here suited up.
Copy !req
327. Oh, this brings back memories.
Copy !req
328. Can I take this off
Copy !req
329. After the interview.
Copy !req
330. They're gonna love
your school spirit.
Copy !req
331. God, it's all just like
I remember it.
Copy !req
332. Ew. Except that thing.
Copy !req
333. That's new.
Copy !req
334. What's going on
over there?
Copy !req
335. It must be one of those "take
back the night" rallies.
Copy !req
336. Great place to meet chicks,
by the way.
Copy !req
337. Meow.
Copy !req
338. Yeah, a little college tip
there for you
Copy !req
339. from the old man.
Copy !req
340. So, in closing,
"Bizzybee, Volume 6"
Copy !req
341. on Blu-ray and DVD,
June 7th.
Copy !req
342. Thank you.
Copy !req
343. Yeah.
Copy !req
344. So let's hear it
for Roy Brisby
Copy !req
345. and, uh, all of our
corporate benefactors,
Copy !req
346. uh, The General
Consolidated Insurance Company,
Copy !req
347. and, of course,
Professor Richard Impossible,
Copy !req
348. who, unfortunately, couldn't be
with us here today.
Copy !req
349. Ah, Professor Impossible.
Copy !req
350. Hello!
Copy !req
351. What — what an unexpected
Copy !req
352. When you didn't R.S.V.P.,
we assumed —
Copy !req
353. Oh.
Copy !req
354. Oh, is —
is it just you?
Copy !req
355. Your — your lovely wife
won't be joining us?
Copy !req
356. Keep it together, Richard.
Copy !req
357. We've got work to do.
Copy !req
358. S-Sally and I are —
Copy !req
359. Say,
could I get a mo'?
Copy !req
360. Long Impossi-Car ride
from the city.
Copy !req
361. Oh, yes, yes. Yes, of course.
The restrooms are —
Copy !req
362. That's okay. I remember.
Copy !req
363. Right there. Just...
Copy !req
364. It's all clear. I'm in.
Copy !req
365. Yes, I can see
Copy !req
366. Ham gravy, what did you do
to my head?
Copy !req
367. You try cutting hair
made of living rubber
Copy !req
368. with
only one good arm,
Copy !req
369. and an invisible one at that.
Copy !req
370. Okay.
Copy !req
371. You go deliver your speech,
Copy !req
372. and we'll rendezvous
back here in —
Copy !req
373. Are you coming?
What's wrong now?
Copy !req
374. Nothing.
Copy !req
375. Thought I needed to poop,
but it was just you in there.
Copy !req
376. All right.
Copy !req
377. You like it all squared off
in the back or au natural?
Copy !req
378. Ooh, can you shave
a Batman logo back there?
Copy !req
379. Well, as long as we're going
all 1989 with it,
Copy !req
380. how 'bout a nice high-top fade,
like Kid and/or Play?
Copy !req
381. Knock it off,
Vidal Buffoon.
Copy !req
382. He's ready.
Copy !req
383. I'm so ready.
For what?
Copy !req
384. Well, uh, for, uh,
your first test.
Copy !req
385. Yeah. This is it.
Copy !req
386. Good luck, son.
Copy !req
387. Now maybe we can get some
goddamn work done around here.
Copy !req
388. Anyone heard from Samson yet?
Copy !req
389. And pass.
Piece of cake.
Copy !req
390. Like I haven't been tied up
a million times.
Copy !req
391. Come on.
Give me a hard one.
Copy !req
392. Yes, yes,
I see your confusion.
Copy !req
393. But, no, I'm afraid
it's my title, not my name.
Copy !req
394. Oh.
Copy !req
395. You'll have to excuse me.
Copy !req
396. As you can see, it gets crazy
this time of year,
Copy !req
397. and I can't seem to find
your application.
Copy !req
398. Yeah, we didn't
see the need
Copy !req
399. to burden you
with more paperwork.
Copy !req
400. You — you have
no application?
Copy !req
401. Well, the boy's
a legacy admission,
Copy !req
402. so this is
just a formality, no?
Copy !req
403. It doesn't work that way.
Copy !req
404. He still has to —
Copy !req
405. Well, go ahead.
Copy !req
406. Ask him anything
you need to know.
Copy !req
407. So, uh, where'd you go
to high school, young Dean?
Copy !req
408. - Oh, I was —
- The boy is homeschooled.
Copy !req
409. I have an electric
grandpa bed
Copy !req
410. that talks to me
while I sleep.
Copy !req
411. Ha ha.
Copy !req
412. Did I mention he's a legacy?
Copy !req
413. I was here in the '80s.
Copy !req
414. You might want to look it up.
Copy !req
415. Did you graduate?
Copy !req
416. Well, not right away,
Copy !req
417. but I did receive
an honorary degree.
Copy !req
418. Not from here.
Copy !req
419. Well, no.
Copy !req
420. From a small, uh,
rather exclusive,
Copy !req
421. uh, uh, Tijuana —
Copy !req
422. Look, you and I both know
how this really works.
Copy !req
423. My father pumped a fortune into
this place back in the day,
Copy !req
424. so why don't you
let the boy in,
Copy !req
425. and we can call it squaresies?
Copy !req
426. Dr. Venture, while it's true
your father
Copy !req
427. was rather generous
to the university —
Copy !req
428. Generous?
He donated an entire wing!
Copy !req
429. Which you blew up,
if I recall.
Copy !req
430. Allegedly.
Copy !req
431. And his estate paid for it
out of my inheritance.
Copy !req
432. So, really, it's like
I gave you the money.
Copy !req
433. Right.
Copy !req
434. Well, it was a pleasure
to meet you, Dean.
Copy !req
435. I wish you much success with
your future academic career —
Copy !req
436. wherever it may be.
- That's it?
Copy !req
437. If you were gonna jerk us around
like this,
Copy !req
438. then why the hell did you even
agree to see us?
Copy !req
439. Honestly?
Copy !req
440. That would be
a nice change of pace.
Copy !req
441. Because when my secretary
told me
Copy !req
442. a "Dr. Venture" was here
to see me,
Copy !req
443. I thought she meant
your brother.
Copy !req
444. Hello.
Copy !req
445. Uh, you'll have to,
uh, excuse me.
Copy !req
446. I haven't done any public
speaking in a while,
Copy !req
447. and I...
Copy !req
448. don't have
anything prepared.
Copy !req
449. Richard, wrap it up and bring
the Impossi-Car around.
Copy !req
450. I found it.
Copy !req
451. Huh?
Copy !req
452. Phantom Limb,
this has gone far enough.
Copy !req
453. Screw you!
Copy !req
454. Who died and made you
the high-and-mighty
Copy !req
455. floating head of
Copy !req
456. Actually, that would be
my predecessor, Force Majeure.
Copy !req
457. Well, you won't have
Phantom Limb
Copy !req
458. to kick around
Copy !req
459. I'm starting
my own damn guild.
Copy !req
460. With whom? A coffee cup?
Copy !req
461. You're not well, Hamilton.
Copy !req
462. Give yourself up now, and I'll
call off my diamond dogs.
Copy !req
463. Never!
Copy !req
464. Uhh!
Copy !req
465. And, uh, that's pretty much
when she walked out on me,
Copy !req
466. for good this time, and —
Copy !req
467. Richard! Richard!
Copy !req
468. Stop glad-handing and help me,
damn you!
Copy !req
469. Oh, that's the last time
Copy !req
470. I let you partner me up
with this clown.
Copy !req
471. Never again, you.
Copy !req
472. Don't worry.
Copy !req
473. We're — we're just just
training your new partner.
Copy !req
474. Oh, come on.
Not another rookie.
Copy !req
475. Nah, you'll like this one.
Copy !req
476. In fact, you've — you've worked
with him before.
Copy !req
477. Who? Where is he?
Copy !req
478. What, in there?
That's the mind-erasing machine.
Copy !req
479. What he don't know
won't hurt him.
Copy !req
480. And what he don't know
Copy !req
481. is gonna be a whole hell of a
lot in a minute.
Copy !req
482. Oh, Hank, Hank.
Buddy? You okay?
Copy !req
483. Oh, hey, Brock.
Copy !req
484. What'd you jackasses
do to him?
Copy !req
485. No, no.
It's okay, Brock.
Copy !req
486. It was all just part
of my secret-agent test.
Copy !req
487. What?
Copy !req
488. The old "mind-eraser
switcheroo" trap.
Copy !req
489. Easily evaded with the old
"tinfoil on the head" ruse.
Copy !req
490. So I passed, right?
Copy !req
491. Oh!
Copy !req
492. Uh, that must be the, uh,
Copy !req
493. fireworks I arranged
over, uh, there.
Copy !req
494. It wasn't me
this time.
Copy !req
495. "You can't be a spy with us."
Copy !req
496. Ah, back to the high
and tight huh?
Copy !req
497. I feel like that Jewish guy
who lost all his powers
Copy !req
498. when they
cut his hair off.
Copy !req
499. Uh, Samson?
Copy !req
500. Lenny Kravitz.
Copy !req
501. It's not all about you,
you know?
Copy !req
502. Yeah, well, uh, you look good,
like your old Hank self again,
Copy !req
503. instead of always trying to be
like, uh, well, me.
Copy !req
504. Geez. Conceited much?
Copy !req
505. Look, you don't want
my life, Hank.
Copy !req
506. This job's not all
it's cracked up to be.
Copy !req
507. I've been at this
for over 20 years,
Copy !req
508. and what do I have to
show for it?
Copy !req
509. A metal plate in my chest,
Copy !req
510. Vatican karate gorilla blood
on my hands,
Copy !req
511. and a footlocker full
of "Manboro" miles.
Copy !req
512. You got enough
for the canoe?
Copy !req
513. What?
Copy !req
514. Well, yeah, but will I ever live
to see that canoe?
Copy !req
515. Can I have 'em?
Copy !req
516. Look, you're missing
the point, Hank!
Copy !req
517. What I'm trying to tell you is
Copy !req
518. even though you passed
that test down there —
Copy !req
519. Wait. Whoa. Wait.
I did?
Copy !req
520. Well, then, why did you —
why did they reject me?
Copy !req
521. Because if you want to
join Sphinx,
Copy !req
522. you need
a high-school diploma.
Copy !req
523. Oh!
You know about that?
Copy !req
524. Well, I wouldn't be
a very good spy
Copy !req
525. if I didn't, now,
would I?
Copy !req
526. Hey!
Copy !req
527. Did — did I mention
that you also have to be 18?
Copy !req
528. You've done it, Richard!
Copy !req
529. You've replicated my original
machine to a tee.
Copy !req
530. I'm whole again.
Copy !req
531. The name's not "Richard"
anymore, Hamilton.
Copy !req
532. From now on, I'm...
Copy !req
533. Professor Incorrigible!
Copy !req
534. Professor Indolent?
Copy !req
535. Professor Infamous?
Copy !req
536. Professor Indochina?
Copy !req
537. No?
Copy !req
538. They're all a bit...
Copy !req
539. Professor Inscrutable?
Copy !req
540. Excuse me.
Copy !req
541. I want to join up
with you guys.
Copy !req