1. Do you remember that, uh,
Copy !req
2. little mansion
just outside the city limits?
Copy !req
3. Where we—
Copy !req
4. Yeah, well, it turns out the wine cellar
was untouched.
Copy !req
5. Picked up a few cases
of your favorite Bordeaux.
Copy !req
6. Hm.
Copy !req
7. Ah, that's an exaggeration.
I don't drink too much.
Copy !req
8. You know, I work hard all day.
Copy !req
9. I—
Copy !req
10. - Why would you even say that?
Copy !req
11. When's it supposed to happen?
Copy !req
12. This... apocalypse.
Copy !req
13. I can't give you the exact hour, but...
Copy !req
14. from what I could gather,
we have four days left.
Copy !req
15. Why didn't you say something sooner?
Copy !req
16. It wouldn't have mattered.
- Of course it would.
Copy !req
17. We could've banded together
and helped you try to stop this thing.
Copy !req
18. For the record, you already tried.
Copy !req
19. What do you mean?
Copy !req
20. I found all of you.
Copy !req
21. Your bodies.
Copy !req
22. We die?
Copy !req
23. Horribly.
Copy !req
24. You were together,
Copy !req
25. trying to stop whoever it was
that ends the world.
Copy !req
26. Wait, how do you know that?
Copy !req
27. This was clutched in your dead hand
when I found you.
Copy !req
28. Must've ripped it out of their head
right before you went down.
Copy !req
29. Whose head?
Copy !req
30. Like I said, I don't know.
Copy !req
31. Well, there's a serial number on the back.
Copy !req
32. - Think maybe you could try—
No, that's a dead end.
Copy !req
33. It's just another hunk of glass.
Copy !req
34. Piece of shit.
Copy !req
35. - Do you have any idea what you just did?
Copy !req
36. Nope, let me—
Get your ape hands off of me!
Copy !req
37. I can do this as long
as it takes you to calm down.
Copy !req
38. Fine.
Copy !req
39. Now, wanna tell us
what you're talkin' about?
Copy !req
40. Our brother's been pretty busy
since he got back.
Copy !req
41. He was in the middle of that shootout
at Griddy's,
Copy !req
42. and then at Gimble Brothers,
Copy !req
43. after the guys in masks
attacked the Academy,
Copy !req
44. looking for him.
Copy !req
45. None of which is any of your concern.
Copy !req
46. It is now.
They just killed my friend.
Copy !req
47. Who are they, Five?
Copy !req
48. They work for my former employer.
Copy !req
49. A woman called The Handler.
Copy !req
50. She sent them...
to stop me.
Copy !req
51. Then, soon as Diego's friend
got in their way,
Copy !req
52. well, fair game.
Copy !req
53. And now they're my fair game.
Copy !req
54. And I'm gonna see to it they pay.
Copy !req
55. That would be a mistake, Diego.
Copy !req
56. They've killed people
far more dangerous than you.
Copy !req
57. Yeah, we'll see about that.
Copy !req
58. Former employer?
What's this really about?
Copy !req
59. And don't give me any of this "It's none
of your business" crap, all right?
Copy !req
60. Well, it's a long story.
Copy !req
61. Who the hell are you?
I'm here to help.
Copy !req
62. Tell me why I shouldn't put
a bullet through your head right now!
Copy !req
63. Because...
Copy !req
64. if you did,
Copy !req
65. you wouldn't hear the offer
I'm about to make you.
Copy !req
66. Which would be rather tragic,
given your...
Copy !req
67. current circumstances.
Copy !req
68. I work
for an organization called the Commission.
Copy !req
69. We are tasked with the preservation
of the time continuum
Copy !req
70. through manipulation and removals.
Copy !req
71. I don't understand.
Copy !req
72. Sometimes, people...
make choices that alter time.
Copy !req
73. Free will, don't get me started.
Copy !req
74. When that happens,
we dispatch one of our agents to...
Copy !req
75. eliminate the threat.
Copy !req
76. No, no, no, no.
Copy !req
77. You misunderstand me.
Copy !req
78. You're not a target.
Copy !req
79. You're a recruit.
Copy !req
80. I've come to offer you a job, Number Five.
Copy !req
81. We've had our eye on you
for quite some time.
Copy !req
82. And we think you have a lot of potential.
Copy !req
83. Your survival skills have made you
quite a celebrity back at headquarters.
Copy !req
84. That and your ability
to jump through time.
Copy !req
85. You saying that I...
Copy !req
86. I could actually leave here?
Copy !req
87. Go... Go back?
Copy !req
88. In return for five years of service.
Copy !req
89. Once your contract is done,
Copy !req
90. you can retire to the time and place
of your choosing
Copy !req
91. with a pension plan to boot.
Copy !req
92. If you can alter time,
Copy !req
93. why not just stop all of this
from ever happening?
Copy !req
94. That's quite impossible,
I'm afraid.
Copy !req
95. You see...
Copy !req
96. all of this,
Copy !req
97. it was supposed to happen.
Copy !req
98. That's insane. The end of everything?
Copy !req
99. Not everything.
Copy !req
100. Just the end of...
Copy !req
101. something.
Copy !req
102. do we have an agreement?
Copy !req
103. They turned me into
the perfect instrument
Copy !req
104. for rehabilitation of the time continuum.
Copy !req
105. Or "corrections,"
as they called them.
Copy !req
106. I wasn't the only one.
There are others like me.
Copy !req
107. Beings out of time, fractured,
Copy !req
108. extracted from the lives that they knew.
Copy !req
109. I don't know how they got there.
Copy !req
110. But I do know
that none of them were as good as me.
Copy !req
111. Dallas Love Field,
the Dallas-Fort Worth area broadcasters
Copy !req
112. bring you a special description
Copy !req
113. of the arrival
of President John F. Kennedy.
Copy !req
114. And the crowd yells,
and the president of the United States...
Copy !req
115. to get
another view of the president
Copy !req
116. as he and his First Lady
depart Love Field.
Copy !req
117. The presidential car moving out.
Copy !req
118. The president and First Lady...
head out for downtown Dallas,
Copy !req
119. where thousands should already be
on the street right now...
Copy !req
120. They didn't realize it,
but I was biding my time,
Copy !req
121. trying to figure out the right equation
so I could get back.
Copy !req
122. If I could just get back,
I knew I could stop the apocalypse.
Copy !req
123. Save the world.
Copy !req
124. Dallas police
Copy !req
125. out here in force today,
Copy !req
126. doing a beautiful job
of handling the crowd
Copy !req
127. along with a contingent of Texas Rangers.
Copy !req
128. So I broke my contract.
Copy !req
129. it'll turn on Houston Street...
and go past...
Copy !req
130. Oh...
Copy !req
131. - What...
Copy !req
132. What is it?
Copy !req
133. Looks like some sort
of temporal anomaly.
Copy !req
134. - Out of the way!
What are you doing?
Copy !req
135. Wait!
Copy !req
136. no coincidence
Copy !req
137. that remarkable security measures
are in effect,
Copy !req
138. checking the routes of travel
of the people with the president.
Copy !req
139. Everything and anything involving...
Copy !req
140. has been checked,
rechecked, and then checked again.
Copy !req
141. Wait!
Whoa, whoa, wait!
Copy !req
142. Everyone, behind me.
Copy !req
143. without exhaustive
security investigation.
Copy !req
144. The presidential suite
has been examined, and...
Copy !req
145. until the president's
security and safety are confirmed...
Copy !req
146. The shot appears to have come
from a grassy knoll...
Copy !req
147. near the street
where the motorcade was moving.
Copy !req
148. They shot the president!
He is dead.
Copy !req
149. The president is dead.
Copy !req
150. So...
Copy !req
151. you were a hit man?
Copy !req
152. Yes.
Copy !req
153. Uh... I mean, you had a code, right?
Copy !req
154. You didn't kill just anybody.
Copy !req
155. No code.
Copy !req
156. We took out anyone
who messed with the time line.
Copy !req
157. What about innocent people?
Copy !req
158. It was the only way I could get back here.
Copy !req
159. - But that's murder.
- Jesus, Luther, grow up.
Copy !req
160. We're not kids anymore.
Copy !req
161. There's no such thing as good guys
or bad guys.
Copy !req
162. There's just people,
goin' about their lives.
Copy !req
163. But when the world ends,
all those people die,
Copy !req
164. including our family.
Copy !req
165. Time changes everything.
Copy !req
166. It's not here.
Copy !req
167. Maybe the junkie took it.
Copy !req
168. No shit. Any other brilliant insights
you wanna throw at me?
Copy !req
169. - Yeah, I got a couple.
Copy !req
170. "Violation code 6870-4A,
unauthorized round-trip travel to 1968.
Copy !req
171. Explanation required."
Copy !req
172. Shit, the junkie.
Copy !req
173. What the hell does he think this is?
Copy !req
174. - A travel agency?
Copy !req
175. Damn it, Hazel.
Copy !req
176. I know. If we don't get that case back
soon, we're screwed.
Copy !req
177. We wouldn't be if you stuck to protocol
and carried the briefcase with you.
Copy !req
178. Well,
maybe if you carried it once in a while,
Copy !req
179. we wouldn't have this problem!
Copy !req
180. My physical therapist isn't even covered
Copy !req
181. by insurance.
You don't hear me complaining!
Copy !req
182. Oh, so this is you suffering in silence.
Copy !req
183. - Can we not do this now?
Copy !req
184. We need to get back
Copy !req
185. to that family compound
and find that junkie.
Copy !req
186. Are you serious?
We barely got out alive last time.
Copy !req
187. We can't go back until we know
what we're dealing with.
Copy !req
188. I'll do some digging on the family
while you look for that junkie.
Copy !req
189. - Let's get our briefcase.
- Fine.
Copy !req
190. - Hey.
Copy !req
191. Hey, nice scarf.
Copy !req
192. - Are you wearing makeup?
Just a little.
Copy !req
193. Damn.
Copy !req
194. What's wrong?
I ran out of my meds yesterday.
Copy !req
195. I usually keep my refill
in my butter container,
Copy !req
196. - but all I seem to have is butter, so...
Well, I brought you a surprise.
Copy !req
197. Bomboloni, from Petrola's bakery.
Copy !req
198. - Just like when we were kids.
- That is so sweet, but...
Copy !req
199. I'm gonna save it,
'cause I'm meeting Leonard for breakfast.
Copy !req
200. Flowers yesterday, brunch this morning.
Copy !req
201. You're really jumpin' in with both feet.
Copy !req
202. What's wrong with that?
- Well, how well do you know him?
Copy !req
203. I have a bad feeling.
Copy !req
204. Allison.
Copy !req
205. I haven't seen you in 12 years,
Copy !req
206. and all of a sudden
you're giving me dating advice?
Copy !req
207. I'm still your sister, and I am concerned
about you... and him.
Copy !req
208. What are you concerned about?
Copy !req
209. Leonard seems perfectly charming,
perfectly thoughtful.
Copy !req
210. Perfect, really.
Copy !req
211. But I've been around long enough to know
that when something seems too perfect,
Copy !req
212. it's usually anything but.
Copy !req
213. Like a woman who's based her whole life
on rumors.
Copy !req
214. Some people actually mean what they say.
Copy !req
215. Uh... Vanya!
Copy !req
216. Hey. Whew.
Copy !req
217. What?
Copy !req
218. Nothing. You just seem happy.
Copy !req
219. Well, honestly, I feel the best
I have felt in a long time.
Copy !req
220. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
221. I mean, it's crazy.
I've been on this medication since...
Copy !req
222. I can't even remember.
Copy !req
223. And I ran out yesterday, and I feel great.
Copy !req
224. If you feel better without it,
then why bother even taking it?
Copy !req
225. Oh, speaking of drugs,
I got you a cup of coffee.
Copy !req
226. Oh, thanks. Allison came by earlier
and brought me one.
Copy !req
227. Think I'm good.
Copy !req
228. Well, you two are spending
a lot of quality time together, huh?
Copy !req
229. Hmm, sort of.
Copy !req
230. We haven't seen each other in years.
Copy !req
231. Ever since she's been back,
she's been...
Copy !req
232. - trying to be a big sister.
Copy !req
233. Even though we're the same age.
You are?
Copy !req
234. We were all born the same day.
- Oh, right. Right.
Copy !req
235. The, uh... uh, whole umbrella thing.
Copy !req
236. I forgot that.
Copy !req
237. - That must've been weird.
You have no idea.
Copy !req
238. I mean, no birthday boy,
no birthday girl, just birthday kids.
Copy !req
239. I mean,
can you imagine sharing your birthday
Copy !req
240. with six world-famous assholes
Copy !req
241. - who all know they're better than you?
I can't.
Copy !req
242. Maybe I will have some coffee.
Copy !req
243. You know,
Copy !req
244. I don't think your sister
likes me very much.
Copy !req
245. No. No, it's...
Copy !req
246. She just doesn't think I'm capable
of making my own decisions.
Copy !req
247. She may have a point.
Copy !req
248. You did just put salt in your coffee.
Copy !req
249. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
250. - I just have a lot on my mind.
Copy !req
251. I got a call earlier that...
Copy !req
252. Hm. They're holding auditions
for first chair in my orchestra.
Copy !req
253. Wait a second, what happened to the...
What happened to the other girl?
Copy !req
254. I don't know, she just stopped showing up.
Copy !req
255. Well, good. That's great news.
Copy !req
256. - You get a chance to audition.
- No.
Copy !req
257. - No, I'm— I'm not ready for that.
Copy !req
258. You are an amazing violinist.
Copy !req
259. You already taught me how to play
"Frère Jacques" in under an hour.
Copy !req
260. That's pretty impressive.
Copy !req
261. I'm telling you, if you...
believe in yourself for once, just once,
Copy !req
262. great things are gonna happen for you.
Copy !req
263. Dave!
Copy !req
264. Dave!
Copy !req
265. Dave!
Copy !req
266. Dave!
Copy !req
267. Oh, boy...
Copy !req
268. You okay?
Copy !req
269. Hey.
Copy !req
270. Yeah, I just...
Copy !req
271. Long night.
Copy !req
272. More than one, from the looks of it.
Copy !req
273. Yeah.
Don't remember the dog tags.
Copy !req
274. Yeah, they belonged to a friend.
Copy !req
275. - How about that new tattoo?
Copy !req
276. You know,
I don't totally remember even getting it.
Copy !req
277. Like I said, it was a long night.
Copy !req
278. - You did it, didn't you?
What are you talkin' about?
Copy !req
279. You know, I can recognize the symptoms,
Copy !req
280. Symptoms of what?
Copy !req
281. The jet lag.
Copy !req
282. - Full body itch.
Copy !req
283. Headache that feels
like someone shoved a box of cotton
Copy !req
284. up into your nose and through your brain.
Copy !req
285. You gonna tell me about it?
Copy !req
286. Your pals, when they broke into the house
and they couldn't find you,
Copy !req
287. they took me hostage instead.
Copy !req
288. - And in return, you stole their briefcase.
Copy !req
289. I thought there was money in it,
or I could pawn it, you know, whatever.
Copy !req
290. And then I opened it.
Copy !req
291. And the next thing you knew,
you were... where?
Copy !req
292. Or should I say when?
Copy !req
293. What difference does it make?
What diff— Uh—
Copy !req
294. Okay, how long were you gone?
Copy !req
295. - Almost a year.
- A year?
Copy !req
296. - Do you know what this means?
- Yeah, I'm ten months older now.
Copy !req
297. No, this isn't any sort of joke,
Copy !req
298. Hazel and Cha-Cha will do
whatever they can to get the briefcase.
Copy !req
299. - Where is it now?
Gone. I destroyed it.
Copy !req
300. Poof.
Copy !req
301. What the hell were you thinking?
Copy !req
302. What do you care?
Copy !req
303. What do I care? I needed it, you moron,
so I could get back.
Copy !req
304. - I could start over.
- Just... Just...
Copy !req
305. - Where you going?
- Interrogation's over, just...
Copy !req
306. leave.
Copy !req
307. Diego, you need to let me handle this.
Copy !req
308. You're not equipped—
Copy !req
309. You always loved telling me
what I can and can't do.
Copy !req
310. You know, maybe for once,
just try things my way.
Copy !req
311. What happened here?
You look like shit.
Copy !req
312. Why, thank you. Hey,
where you going?
Copy !req
313. - Nope.
- What?
Copy !req
314. - I'm not giving you a ride.
- Oh, come on, man.
Copy !req
315. - You know I can't drive.
- I don't c—
Copy !req
316. Okay, great. I'll just get my things.
Two minutes.
Copy !req
317. Bless you.
Copy !req
318. Oh. Thanks.
Copy !req
319. Long time, no see.
Copy !req
320. Well...
Copy !req
321. busy today, huh?
Copy !req
322. Oh. Tuesday specials.
Copy !req
323. Cream-filleds are half off.
Copy !req
324. If we don't sell them by midnight,
Copy !req
325. they get as hard
as hockey pucks.
Copy !req
326. - Yes.
Copy !req
327. What can I get ya?
That's a good question.
Copy !req
328. Glazed. Reliable, simple.
Copy !req
329. - Chocolate's rich and sensual.
Copy !req
330. Cherry-filled. Big upside,
greatest potential for disappointment.
Copy !req
331. I don't know what to do.
Copy !req
332. I think I'll just sit here and...
think about it.
Copy !req
333. Well, you better...
Copy !req
334. figure it out in a hurry,
because I'm about to go on my lunch break.
Copy !req
335. Well, I could eat.
Copy !req
336. Ah.
Copy !req
337. You okay?
Copy !req
338. Wow. This is a first.
Copy !req
339. My brother Klaus is silent.
Copy !req
340. Last time you were this quiet, we were 12.
Copy !req
341. Ran down the stairs wearing Grace's heels,
tripped over, and broke your jaw.
Copy !req
342. How long was it wired shut again?
Copy !req
343. Eight weeks.
Copy !req
344. Eight glorious weeks of bliss.
Copy !req
345. Hey, just... just drop me off here.
Copy !req
346. Hey, Dave.
Copy !req
347. Dave!
Copy !req
348. Dave!
Copy !req
349. Dave!
Copy !req
350. - Your shot.
Copy !req
351. Is that a threat?
Copy !req
352. You threatening me?
Copy !req
353. Hey, guys.
Copy !req
354. This bar? It's for vets only.
Copy !req
355. I am a vet.
Copy !req
356. Really?
Where'd you serve?
Copy !req
357. None of your business.
Copy !req
358. You got balls comin' in here,
pretendin' you're one of us.
Copy !req
359. Oh, I have every right to be here,
just like you.
Copy !req
360. Asshole.
Copy !req
361. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Hey. Slow down, Marine.
Copy !req
362. All right?
My brother's just had a few too many.
Copy !req
363. Let's just call it a day,
all go our own way.
Copy !req
364. - Sure thing.
Thank you.
Copy !req
365. - Klaus—
- As long as you apologize.
Copy !req
366. Fine.
Copy !req
367. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
368. He's sorry. We're all sorry.
Copy !req
369. So... are we good?
Copy !req
370. I wanna hear him say it.
Copy !req
371. Hey, man, I'm just trying to—
- No, no. He's right, Diego.
Copy !req
372. He's right. He's right.
Copy !req
373. I'd like to apologize...
Copy !req
374. that you...
Copy !req
375. are depriving some village of their idiot!
Copy !req
376. - This is nice.
Copy !req
377. Mm.
Copy !req
378. My friends live here.
Copy !req
379. I'm a twitcher.
Copy !req
380. - What's that, like a drug thing?
Copy !req
381. No!
Copy !req
382. No, that's what we bird-watchers
call each other.
Copy !req
383. Oh! Well...
Copy !req
384. Oh, you see, now, there's...
Copy !req
385. a red-bellied sapsucker.
Copy !req
386. Looks like he's a little shy
with the ladies.
Copy !req
387. Wow, look over there.
Copy !req
388. That is...
Copy !req
389. a jack pine warbler, also known
as a Kirtland... warbler, very rare.
Copy !req
390. - Hm.
Copy !req
391. So, you just...
Copy !req
392. - sit here and... watch 'em?
- Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
393. - You don't shoot at 'em or anything?
- Never.
Copy !req
394. I just...
Copy !req
395. I like how free they are,
just completely in the moment.
Copy !req
396. You know, when they're hungry, they eat,
Copy !req
397. when they're tired, they nest,
when they're horny, they...
Copy !req
398. - Oh.
Copy !req
399. Secret of life, huh?
Copy !req
400. Keep things simple.
Copy !req
401. We just complicate everything.
Copy !req
402. Oh, isn't that the truth?
Copy !req
403. - I used to enjoy my life.
- Mm-hmm?
Copy !req
404. It was all about work, really.
Copy !req
405. Lately, I just...
Copy !req
406. - find myself goin' through the motions.
- Oh.
Copy !req
407. I'm on the road 52 weeks a year,
no place to call home.
Copy !req
408. Oh. Well, that must be so hard,
Copy !req
409. not being in one place long enough
to get comfortable.
Copy !req
410. - I mean, I would miss my bed.
- Well, I don't even own a bed.
Copy !req
411. That is so sad.
Copy !req
412. I mean, everybody should have...
Copy !req
413. a nest to fly to when they're tired.
Copy !req
414. - What about you?
- Mm?
Copy !req
415. My guess is you don't wanna spend
the rest your life
Copy !req
416. sellin' doughnuts to people like me.
Copy !req
417. Well, I've been saving a nest egg
to, uh... to move to the country.
Copy !req
418. I'm gonna have a vegetable garden
and maybe even open up my own bakery,
Copy !req
419. and experiment with vegan doughnuts.
Copy !req
420. Hm?
Copy !req
421. - That's a nice plan.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
422. Another year or so,
I will have saved enough to go.
Copy !req
423. Hey, you might wanna...
fast-track your timeline.
Copy !req
424. Really? Why?
Copy !req
425. Life is short.
Copy !req
426. Hm.
Copy !req
427. Future doesn't come with any guarantees.
Copy !req
428. You want somethin' in life,
you gotta go for it.
Copy !req
429. Yeah.
Copy !req
430. You got a big mouth, you know that?
Copy !req
431. Oh, wow.
What a truly shocking revelation, Diego.
Copy !req
432. Everything's a big joke to you, right?
Would you stop it?
Copy !req
433. Why are you putting this shit
in your body?
Copy !req
434. - Check this out. Hm?
Copy !req
435. My body is a temple.
Copy !req
436. - All that shit you do, it's just weakness.
- Oh, wow, beautiful.
Copy !req
437. Well, weakness feels so good.
Copy !req
438. - What's goin' on with you? Huh?
- Don't hit me, asshole!
Copy !req
439. Don't tell me everything is all right,
because I saw you in there.
Copy !req
440. - You were crying like a baby!
- Because I lost someone!
Copy !req
441. I lost someone. The only...
Copy !req
442. The only person I've ever truly loved
more than myself.
Copy !req
443. Cheers.
Copy !req
444. - Well, you're luckier than most.
Copy !req
445. When you lose someone,
Copy !req
446. at least you can...
Copy !req
447. see them whenever you want.
Copy !req
448. That's our man.
Copy !req
449. Hey, I know that guy.
Copy !req
450. - How could you possibly know that—
- He and a really angry lady tortured me.
Copy !req
451. I barely got out with my life.
Copy !req
452. - We gotta get this guy.
Copy !req
453. Oh.
Okay, I think I've got something, Delores.
Copy !req
454. It's tenuous, but promising.
Copy !req
455. Who you talkin' to? What is all this?
Copy !req
456. It's a probability map.
Probability of what?
Copy !req
457. Of whose death could save the world.
Copy !req
458. I've narrowed it down to four.
Copy !req
459. Are you saying one of these four people
causes the apocalypse?
Copy !req
460. No, I'm saying that their death
might prevent it.
Copy !req
461. Oh.
Copy !req
462. I'm not following.
Copy !req
463. Time is fickle, Luther.
The slightest alteration in events
Copy !req
464. can lead to massively different outcomes
in the time continuum.
Copy !req
465. The butterfly effect.
Copy !req
466. So all I have to do is find the people
with the greatest probability
Copy !req
467. of impacting the time line,
wherever they may be, and kill them.
Copy !req
468. Oh, yeah...
Copy !req
469. Milton Greene. So who's he,
a terrorist or something?
Copy !req
470. I believe he is a gardener.
Copy !req
471. You can't be serious.
Copy !req
472. Wait, this is madness, Five. You—
Copy !req
473. - Wh— Where'd you get that?
- In Dad's room.
Copy !req
474. I think he used it to shoot a rhinoceros.
Copy !req
475. It's similar to the model I used at work.
Copy !req
476. Nice shoulder fit and highly reliable.
Copy !req
477. But you can't—
This guy Milton is just an innocent man.
Copy !req
478. It's basic math.
Copy !req
479. His death could potentially save
the lives of billions.
Copy !req
480. If I did nothing,
he'd be dead in four days anyway.
Copy !req
481. The apocalypse won't spare anyone.
Copy !req
482. We don't do this kind of thing.
Copy !req
483. We are not doing anything.
Copy !req
484. I am.
Copy !req
485. I can't let you go
and kill innocent people.
Copy !req
486. - No matter how many lives you'll save.
- Well, good luck stopping me.
Copy !req
487. - You're not going anywhere.
Copy !req
488. Put... her... down.
Copy !req
489. Put the gun down.
You're not killing anyone.
Copy !req
490. I know she's important to you,
so don't make me do this.
Copy !req
491. It's either her or the gun.
Copy !req
492. You decide.
Copy !req
493. I can keep doin' this all day.
Copy !req
494. I know you're still a good person, Five.
Copy !req
495. Otherwise,
you wouldn't have risked everything
coming back here to save us all.
Copy !req
496. But you're not on your own anymore.
Copy !req
497. There is one way.
Copy !req
498. But it's just about impossible.
Copy !req
499. More impossible
than what brought you back here?
Copy !req
500. - Oh, hey.
Hey. Can I come in?
Copy !req
501. Well—
Sorry, I really need to rehearse.
Copy !req
502. Uh... Look, I know
you're not gonna want to hear this,
Copy !req
503. but I was just in the library
looking up Leonard.
Copy !req
504. What?
- And—
Copy !req
505. Why would you do that?
Copy !req
506. Vanya, there are records
of literally everything.
Copy !req
507. I mean, you look me up, there are miles—
Copy !req
508. You're one of the most famous people
in the world.
Copy !req
509. Okay. Bad example.
Copy !req
510. My point is that there should be
some kind of record of him,
Copy !req
511. but all I could find is a photo
and his name in the phone book.
Copy !req
512. - It's like he didn't exist—
You are unbelievable.
Copy !req
513. You're trying to dig up dirt
on a guy that I like. Who does that?
Copy !req
514. Look, I've had my fair share
of stalkers and creeps. I don't trust him.
Copy !req
515. You mean you don't trust me.
Copy !req
516. What? No. That's—
- This is not about you.
Copy !req
517. And for the first time,
someone thinks I'm special.
Copy !req
518. I'm just worried about you.
Copy !req
519. Well, you're not my mother.
Copy !req
520. Worry about your own daughter.
Copy !req
521. That's not fair.
Copy !req
522. I want you to leave.
Copy !req
523. Singles instead of doubles.
What's next, futons on the floor?
Copy !req
524. What difference does it make?
We're only here another night.
Copy !req
525. Well, that's easy for you to say.
Copy !req
526. I've been in every pawn shop
all over town, lookin' for our briefcase.
Copy !req
527. You've been relaxing in the library.
Copy !req
528. Well, at least we know somethin'
on the family that can help.
Copy !req
529. It's like a Hargreeves family handbook.
Copy !req
530. Let me tell you,
they're a real freakin' mess.
Copy !req
531. Number Five can time travel
without a briefcase, but not that well.
Copy !req
532. The big oaf lived on the moon
for a few years.
Copy !req
533. The junkie can conjure
Copy !req
534. the dead, which explains why he knew
about the dead Russian yesterday.
Copy !req
535. And the idiot in the mask can curve
anything he throws,
Copy !req
536. - usually knives.
Copy !req
537. Well, he's the one
we need to worry about now.
Copy !req
538. - Why?
- 'Cause he's in the parking lot,
Copy !req
539. hiding behind an ice-cream truck.
Copy !req
540. Bingo.
Copy !req
541. You do know that killing these people
is not gonna make you feel any better.
Copy !req
542. Yeah, but when it's done...
Copy !req
543. - ... I'm gonna sleep like a baby.
Copy !req
544. Sure you will.
Copy !req
545. Motel clerk.
Copy !req
546. It's from Five.
Copy !req
547. How'd he find us?
Copy !req
548. Well, he was us.
He knows all the protocols.
Copy !req
549. He says he has the briefcase.
Wants to set up a meeting.
Copy !req
550. Come on, we're late already.
Copy !req
551. What about our friends outside?
Last thing we need's a tail.
Copy !req
552. - Manila, 1902?
- Let's just go with the ice bucket.
Copy !req
553. - Stay in the car.
- What are you talkin' about?
Copy !req
554. This guy tortured me.
Copy !req
555. I have a plan.
Copy !req
556. So, what exactly is the plan here,
big guy?
Copy !req
557. I told you to wait in the car.
Copy !req
558. Yeah, but you also told me that licking
a nine-volt battery would give me pubes.
Copy !req
559. We were eight.
Copy !req
560. Uh-uh, uh-uh...
Copy !req
561. What? Come on.
- For once,
Copy !req
562. I need you to listen to me, okay?
Copy !req
563. Now, go back to the car.
Copy !req
564. If I don't come out in two minutes,
that means I'm probably dead.
Copy !req
565. - So...
- That happens, go get help.
Copy !req
566. - Okay?
Copy !req
567. Yeah, okay, okay, okay, okay.
Copy !req
568. Okay.
Copy !req
569. Oh, man. See?
You used to think I was an idiot.
Copy !req
570. - I still think you're an idiot.
Copy !req
571. - They're getting away.
- You're welcome.
Copy !req
572. - Shit.
- Get in the car. Oh...
Copy !req
573. - Was this all part of your master plan?
- Shut up.
Copy !req
574. Hm?
Copy !req
575. What is your name again?
Copy !req
576. Vanya.
Copy !req
577. Louder, please.
Copy !req
578. Vanya Hargreeves.
Copy !req
579. Right.
Copy !req
580. You know, I never enjoyed it.
Copy !req
581. What?
Copy !req
582. The killing.
Copy !req
583. I mean, I was... I was good at my work,
and I...
Copy !req
584. I took pride in it.
Copy !req
585. But it never gave me pleasure.
Copy !req
586. I think it was all those years alone.
Copy !req
587. Solitude can do funny things to the mind.
Copy !req
588. Yeah, well, you were gone
for such a long time.
Copy !req
589. I only spent four years on the moon,
but that was more than enough.
Copy !req
590. It's the being alone that breaks you.
Copy !req
591. You think they'll buy it?
Copy !req
592. Well, what I do know
is that they're desperate.
Copy !req
593. It's like a cop losing his gun.
If the Commission finds out,
Copy !req
594. they'll be in deep shit.
Copy !req
595. Oh, not to mention the fact
that they'll be stuck here
Copy !req
596. until they get it back.
Copy !req
597. - Well, I should hold onto it.
Copy !req
598. In case they make a move on you.
Copy !req
599. Okay, Luther, but be careful.
Copy !req
600. I mean, I've...
I've lived a long life, but...
Copy !req
601. you're still a young man.
You got your whole life ahead of you.
Copy !req
602. Don't waste it.
Copy !req
603. Hmm...
Copy !req
604. Here we go.
Copy !req
605. If this all goes sideways,
Copy !req
606. do me a favor and tell Delores I'm sorry.
Copy !req
607. The masks really necessary?
Copy !req
608. - So where is it, kid?
- Wow, that's how you're gonna start.
Copy !req
609. You know, we can get right back in our car
and call it a day.
Copy !req
610. You won't even make it halfway there.
Copy !req
611. Maybe.
Copy !req
612. But as I'm sure you found out
in your previous foray,
Copy !req
613. - my brother is not your average giant.
He's right.
Copy !req
614. You dropped a chandelier on him,
got right back up.
Copy !req
615. By the time you took him out,
Copy !req
616. he'd smash your precious briefcase
to a pulp.
Copy !req
617. Probably us too, right?
Copy !req
618. So, how do we help each other?
Copy !req
619. I need you to get in contact
with your superior
Copy !req
620. so I can have a chat with her.
Copy !req
621. - Face-to-face.
- About what?
Copy !req
622. Well, I don't believe
that's any of your concern.
Copy !req
623. Just don't tell her about the briefcase.
Copy !req
624. Fair enough.
Copy !req
625. What happens now?
Copy !req
626. Now we wait.
Copy !req
627. Is that her?
Copy !req
628. What the hell is he doing here?
Copy !req
629. - Go faster!
- Whee!
Copy !req
630. It's a setup!
Copy !req
631. Neat trick, isn't it?
Copy !req
632. Hello, Five.
Copy !req
633. You look good,
Copy !req
634. all things considered.
Copy !req
635. It's good to see you again.
Copy !req
636. Feels like we met just yesterday.
Copy !req
637. Course, you were a little bit older then.
Copy !req
638. Congratulations
Copy !req
639. on the age regression, by the way.
Copy !req
640. Very clever.
Copy !req
641. - Threw us all off the scent.
- Ah, well, I wish I could take credit.
Copy !req
642. I just miscalculated
the time dilation projections, and...
Copy !req
643. Well, you know. Here I am.
Copy !req
644. You realize your efforts are futile.
Copy !req
645. So why don't you tell me
what you really want?
Copy !req
646. I want you to put a stop to it.
Copy !req
647. You realize what you're asking
for is next to impossible, even for me.
Copy !req
648. What's meant to be is meant to be.
Copy !req
649. That's our raison d'être.
Copy !req
650. Yeah? Well how about survival as a raison?
Copy !req
651. I'll just be replaced.
Copy !req
652. I'm but a... small cog in a machine.
Copy !req
653. This fantasy you've been nurturing
Copy !req
654. about summoning up your family
to stop the apocalypse...
Copy !req
655. is just that.
Copy !req
656. A fantasy.
Copy !req
657. I must say, though,
Copy !req
658. we're all quite impressed
with your initiative, your...
Copy !req
659. stick-to-itiveness, really quite...
Copy !req
660. quite something.
Copy !req
661. Which is why we want to offer you
Copy !req
662. a new position back at the Commission,
Copy !req
663. in management.
Copy !req
664. Sorry, what's that now?
Copy !req
665. Come back to work for us again.
You know it's where you belong.
Copy !req
666. Well, it didn't work out too well
the last time.
Copy !req
667. But you wouldn't be
in the correction division any longer.
Copy !req
668. I'm talking about...
Copy !req
669. the home office.
Copy !req
670. You'd have the best health and pension,
Copy !req
671. and an end to this ceaseless travel.
Copy !req
672. You're a distinguished professional in...
Copy !req
673. schoolboy shorts.
Copy !req
674. We have the technology
to reverse the process.
Copy !req
675. I mean, you...
you can't be happy like this.
Copy !req
676. I'm not looking for happy.
Copy !req
677. We're all looking for happy.
We can make that happen.
Copy !req
678. We can make you...
Copy !req
679. yourself again.
Copy !req
680. And what about my family?
Copy !req
681. What about them?
Copy !req
682. I want them to survive.
Copy !req
683. All of them?
Copy !req
684. Yes, all of them.
Copy !req
685. Well...
Copy !req
686. I'll see what I can do.
Copy !req
687. Do we have a deal?
Copy !req
688. One thing.
Copy !req
689. Ah.
Copy !req
690. Good God!
- Five?
Copy !req
691. Oh! Ow!
- Five!
Copy !req
692. Come get it!
Copy !req
693. Come on. Come on.
Copy !req
694. What the hell are you guys doing here?
Copy !req
695. Let's go!
Copy !req
696. Hey. How'd it go?
Copy !req
697. - Honestly?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
698. It was amazing!
Copy !req
699. You know, I've never played
without my medication before,
Copy !req
700. so I was so nervous.
Copy !req
701. But, I don't know, it was like...
I was carried along by, um...
Copy !req
702. like, an invisible force.
Copy !req
703. - Like an out-of-body experience.
- Yeah, sort of. It's just like I...
Copy !req
704. I felt everything more fully, more deeply.
Copy !req
705. - And I got it.
- What?
Copy !req
706. - I got first chair!
- You did?
Copy !req
707. Oh, my God, congratulations!
Copy !req
708. Oh, I'm so happy for you.
After everything you've been through.
Copy !req
709. You deserve this.
Copy !req
710. No one's ever believed in me like this.
Copy !req
711. Vanya.
Copy !req
712. Vanya.
Copy !req
713. This is your time.
Copy !req
714. How are you feeling?
Copy !req
715. Fine.
Copy !req
716. Do you remember what happened?
Copy !req
717. I do.
Copy !req
718. And do you understand
that the children can never know?
Copy !req
719. I understand.
Copy !req
720. Good.
Copy !req