1. Shared by http://DJJ.HOME.SAPO.PT/
Copy !req
2. You unlock this door
with the key of imagination.
Copy !req
3. Beyond it is another dimension-
Copy !req
4. a dimension of sound,
Copy !req
5. a dimension of sight,
Copy !req
6. a dimension of mind.
Copy !req
7. You're moving into a land
of both shadow and substance,
Copy !req
8. of things and ideas.
Copy !req
9. You've just crossed over
into the twilight zone.
Copy !req
10. Oh, jeffrey,
Copy !req
11. put those in the study.
Copy !req
12. All right.
Copy !req
13. Crowded downtown?
Copy !req
14. The greatest
mardi gras ever.
Copy !req
15. Least that's what
they're saying.
Copy !req
16. How is he?
Copy !req
17. Not good, not
good at all.
Copy !req
18. Doctor's with him now,
Copy !req
19. but he wants to be advised
when the relatives arrive.
Copy !req
20. Those relatives of his.
Copy !req
21. I'm quite sure
they'll make themselves known.
Copy !req
22. Well, sawbones?
Copy !req
23. Well, it's too fast,
Copy !req
24. it's too weak,
and it's too uneven.
Copy !req
25. Where were you
Copy !req
26. when they taught bedside manner
at medical school?
Copy !req
27. Trying out for soccer?
Copy !req
28. Jason, I have been
your physician for 25 years,
Copy !req
29. and the first time
I treated you for a head cold
Copy !req
30. and I allowed myself
one compassionate cluck,
Copy !req
31. you threw a lamp at me.
Copy !req
32. That established the pattern
then and there.
Copy !req
33. I have put up with your
inept ministrations
Copy !req
34. all these years
Copy !req
35. because your candor is
a refreshing departure
Copy !req
36. from the modern
medical norm.
Copy !req
37. I ask you a straight,
simple question,
Copy !req
38. I get a straight,
simple response.
Copy !req
39. Sam...
Copy !req
40. yes, jason, what is it?
Copy !req
41. The oft-asked question
how long?
Copy !req
42. Oh, jason,
you can't exactly say...
Copy !req
43. tell me, sam,
Copy !req
44. do I have a week?
Copy !req
45. Do I have a day and a half?
Copy !req
46. Or is there no need
to wind my watch to cover
Copy !req
47. the possibilities of
the next four hours?
Copy !req
48. Jason... my guess is
Copy !req
49. you can measure your life
in moments.
Copy !req
50. It can come
at any time now.
Copy !req
51. But that fact
you're still here
Copy !req
52. is a tribute to...
to inner strength
Copy !req
53. most of us
don't even possess.
Copy !req
54. Nonsense. It's attributable
to a cross-grained orneriness.
Copy !req
55. And the fact that there are one
or two things left to do
Copy !req
56. before I leave this earth.
Copy !req
57. That's why I must stay alive
at least until midnight.
Copy !req
58. All right, jason,
all right.
Copy !req
59. Doctor?
Copy !req
60. Yes?
Copy !req
61. I'll see you tomorrow.
Copy !req
62. Yes, jason,
I believe you will...
Copy !req
63. god willing.
Copy !req
64. Mr. Jason foster,
a tired ancient
Copy !req
65. who on this particular
mardi gras evening
Copy !req
66. will leave the earth.
Copy !req
67. But before departing,
he has some things to do,
Copy !req
68. some services to perform,
some debts to pay
Copy !req
69. and some justice to mete out.
Copy !req
70. This is new orleans,
mardi gras time.
Copy !req
71. It is also the twilight zone.
Copy !req
72. Oh, what a ghastly trip.
Copy !req
73. I'm absolutely
Copy !req
74. Here, take this,
Copy !req
75. And these, too.
Copy !req
76. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
77. Jeffrey, are
our rooms ready?
Copy !req
78. Yes, ma'am,
all prepared.
Copy !req
79. Oh, fine.
Thank you.
Copy !req
80. Good afternoon.
Copy !req
81. Dr. Thorn!
Copy !req
82. How nice to see you!
Copy !req
83. Well, emily,
how are you?
Copy !req
84. Oh... I'm bearing up,
Copy !req
85. under the circumstances.
Copy !req
86. You remember
my husband, wilfred?
Copy !req
87. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
88. Hello, doctor.
We met some time ago.
Copy !req
89. And this is my son,
Copy !req
90. wilfred jr.
Copy !req
91. Hi.
Copy !req
92. And my daughter,
Copy !req
93. paula.
Copy !req
94. Hello.
Copy !req
95. Your father has been
expecting you, emily.
Copy !req
96. I'm awfully glad
you can be here.
Copy !req
97. Oh, that silly mardi gras.
Copy !req
98. Oh, really, the traffic
was just unspeakable.
Copy !req
99. All the shouting,
screaming, rude people.
Copy !req
100. It's a wonder
father's chauffeur
Copy !req
101. was ever able
to get us...
Copy !req
102. emily...
Copy !req
103. your father is extremely ill.
Copy !req
104. In my opinion,
Copy !req
105. it is only a matter
of days, even hours.
Copy !req
106. Oh, how perfectly awful.
Copy !req
107. But, of course,
we've been expecting it.
Copy !req
108. Haven't we?
Copy !req
109. Oh, incidentally,
Copy !req
110. I've been getting
Copy !req
111. these absolutely horrible
muscle spasms in my arm.
Copy !req
112. Sometimes they're
just unbearable.
Copy !req
113. Perhaps you might
prescribe something...
Copy !req
114. emily...
Copy !req
115. I'm sorry,
but I have
Copy !req
116. other patients
to visit today.
Copy !req
117. Oh, yes, of course.
Copy !req
118. If you'll all excuse me.
Copy !req
119. Oh, doctor?
Copy !req
120. Yes?
Copy !req
121. I'll see you
to the door.
Copy !req
122. You two take
your mother upstairs.
Copy !req
123. Tell me, uh...
Copy !req
124. the old boy's
in bad shape, huh?
Copy !req
125. "The old boy" is dying.
Copy !req
126. Good afternoon.
Copy !req
127. Well, father.
Copy !req
128. Father.
Copy !req
129. Oh! Father, you're awake.
Copy !req
130. How are you, emily?
Copy !req
131. Oh...
Copy !req
132. I'm bearing up.
Copy !req
133. Bearing up?
Copy !req
134. You sound like job
itemizing his calamities.
Copy !req
135. What's your illness
this month, emily?
Copy !req
136. It doesn't matter, father.
I'll muddle through.
Copy !req
137. You are the four most changeless
people on this earth.
Copy !req
138. I don't like being ill, father,
if that's what you mean.
Copy !req
139. Don't you?
Copy !req
140. Well, I find that
hard to believe...
Copy !req
141. considering
in the past 25 years,
Copy !req
142. you've been at death's door
so often,
Copy !req
143. it's a wonder you haven't worn
a hole in the mat.
Copy !req
144. Well!
Copy !req
145. Father!
Copy !req
146. And wilfred...
Copy !req
147. how's business?
Copy !req
148. Oh, making a little,
losing a little, father,
Copy !req
149. but I manage
to keep my head above water.
Copy !req
150. You know, wilfred,
I think the only book
Copy !req
151. you ever read was a ledger.
Copy !req
152. I think if someone cut you open,
they would find a cash register.
Copy !req
153. Oh, really, father?
Copy !req
154. Really.
Copy !req
155. And you, paula.
Copy !req
156. Delighted to see
you, grandfather.
Copy !req
157. Now, that's friendly of you
to tell me that...
Copy !req
158. considering
that you haven't seen me yet.
Copy !req
159. All you've seen
is your mirror image.
Copy !req
160. Oh, grandfather,
you're very naughty,
Copy !req
161. really, you are.
Copy !req
162. We've had the most miserable,
long trip,
Copy !req
163. and mother hasn't stopped
complaining one instant.
Copy !req
164. Well!
Copy !req
165. Do you hear that, father?
Copy !req
166. The younger
Copy !req
167. "He jests at scars
that never felt a wound."
Copy !req
168. Oh, emily, my dear.
Copy !req
169. I believe that my trouble
is hardening of the arteries
Copy !req
170. in a very sick heart.
Copy !req
171. But if you don't stop playing
sarah bernhardt,
Copy !req
172. I think I
shall succumb
Copy !req
173. to an intestinal
Copy !req
174. And... there's wilfred jr.,
Copy !req
175. looking as
aware as ever.
Copy !req
176. Wilfred, dear,
Copy !req
177. tell grandfather
how nice it is to see him.
Copy !req
178. It's nice to see you
again, grandfather.
Copy !req
179. It was very nice and gracious
of you all to come see me.
Copy !req
180. Why, father dear, wild horses
Copy !req
181. couldn't have kept us away,
even my own agony.
Copy !req
182. Oh, I hope you
survive, emily.
Copy !req
183. Now, I've planned
that you all have
Copy !req
184. an excellent dinner
this evening,
Copy !req
185. and then we're going
to have a surprise.
Copy !req
186. Oh, grandfather,
it's mardi gras,
Copy !req
187. and I was rather hoping
you'd know of some...
Copy !req
188. nice young man.
Copy !req
189. But we're going to have
a partyhere, paula.
Copy !req
190. We're going to have
a marvelous time.
Copy !req
191. And I've arranged
for all of us to...
Copy !req
192. to wear masks.
Copy !req
193. What?
Copy !req
194. Masks?
Copy !req
195. How droll, father.
Copy !req
196. Masks!
Copy !req
197. I swear, you people
don't just celebrate
Copy !req
198. the mardi gras,
you succumb to it.
Copy !req
199. Masks, indeed.
Copy !req
200. That might be fun.
Copy !req
201. Oh, it shall be,
junior, my boy.
Copy !req
202. It shall be.
Copy !req
203. Oh, perhaps not
the same degree
Copy !req
204. of excitement
that you get
Copy !req
205. from torturing
small animals
Copy !req
206. as I've seen you
do in the past.
Copy !req
207. Lay off, grandfather.
Copy !req
208. Besides, that was
a long time ago.
Copy !req
209. Wilfred's getting along
very well
Copy !req
210. in school now, father.
Copy !req
211. He made
the football team.
Copy !req
212. Chip off the old block,
right, son?
Copy !req
213. Chip off the old
block, grandfather.
Copy !req
214. Oh, I'm sure of it.
Copy !req
215. Now, why don't
you all go
Copy !req
216. and prepare for dinner?
Copy !req
217. We're going to have
Copy !req
218. a very interesting
Copy !req
219. As a matter of fact,
I'll guarantee it.
Copy !req
220. Anything you say,
Copy !req
221. Come along, darlings.
Copy !req
222. Excuse me, sir.
Copy !req
223. Your milk, mr. Foster.
Copy !req
224. Oh, thank
you, jeffrey.
Copy !req
225. Anything else
I can do for you?
Copy !req
226. Yes. You may
get the masks
Copy !req
227. and put them in the
study, if you will.
Copy !req
228. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
229. Oh, really.
Copy !req
230. I think this whole thing
is too ridiculous.
Copy !req
231. It's the most exciting night
of the whole year,
Copy !req
232. and we... we sit here in this...
this mausoleum.
Copy !req
233. The whole city
of new orleans is dancing,
Copy !req
234. and what do we do?
Copy !req
235. We have a death watch
for a crazy old man.
Copy !req
236. Did you have a swinging time
in new orleans, baby?
Copy !req
237. Oh, indeed.
Copy !req
238. We wore funny masks
Copy !req
239. and all sat around
and looked at each other.
Copy !req
240. Oh, I'm so bored.
Copy !req
241. Ah, that'll be all,
Copy !req
242. Thank you.
Copy !req
243. Yes, sir.
Copy !req
244. Well, tell me, my loved ones,
Copy !req
245. did you have a
satisfactory dinner?
Copy !req
246. Oh, yes, yes, yes,
we did, father.
Copy !req
247. Sumptuous, father.
Really excellent.
Copy !req
248. Do you think it wise
to be up like this?
Copy !req
249. Wise?
Copy !req
250. No, no, but
necessary, assuredly.
Copy !req
251. Tell me, have you
examined your masks?
Copy !req
252. Ourmasks?
Copy !req
253. They're-they're,
uh, unique, father.
Copy !req
254. They are very unique.
Copy !req
255. You know, they are made
by an old cajun.
Copy !req
256. "Made" is inaccurate.
Copy !req
257. They are created.
Copy !req
258. I am told that in addition
to their artistic value,
Copy !req
259. they have certain, uh...
Copy !req
260. certain properties.
Copy !req
261. They're worn
only during the mardi gras,
Copy !req
262. and there's a ritual
to the wearing.
Copy !req
263. One tries to select a mask
that is the antithesis
Copy !req
264. of what the wearer is.
Copy !req
265. Oh, sure.
Copy !req
266. Well, that's, uh,
very interesting.
Copy !req
267. Um, very interesting.
Copy !req
268. Yes, it is.
Copy !req
269. Now, shall we select
our masks?
Copy !req
270. Tell me, wilfred,
Copy !req
271. how do you fancy
Copy !req
272. Oh, uh, I don't
understand, father.
Copy !req
273. Oh, come now,
be candid.
Copy !req
274. When you shave
in the morning,
Copy !req
275. what looks back at you
from the mirror?
Copy !req
276. Really, father,
Copy !req
277. I think we're a little
old for parlor games...
Copy !req
278. let me be the judge of that.
Copy !req
279. Now, I want an honest
Copy !req
280. You're serious,
aren't you?
Copy !req
281. I was never more serious.
Copy !req
282. Well, I'm an
affable man.
Copy !req
283. I've always been
an affable man.
Copy !req
284. Oh, you're
an affable man.
Copy !req
285. Well, then,
you're, uh, friendly?
Copy !req
286. You're outgoing?
You're, uh, extrovertish?
Copy !req
287. I think so.
Copy !req
288. Yes, then, along
with this affability,
Copy !req
289. you have a certain rapport
with your fellow man.
Copy !req
290. Uh, yes, indeed.
Copy !req
291. Uh-huh. Now, the opposite
of all this...
Copy !req
292. amiability would be, uh...
Copy !req
293. this face here.
Copy !req
294. Look at it.
Copy !req
295. Charming.
Copy !req
296. Wear it!
Copy !req
297. Live with it
a while, wilfred.
Copy !req
298. It has great subtlety, wilfred.
Copy !req
299. There's greed,
avarice, cruelty...
Copy !req
300. all of the character traits
that you don't have.
Copy !req
301. Ah, and my dear, brave emily.
Copy !req
302. I'm really not
up to this, father.
Copy !req
303. Of course you are, my dear.
You're up to anything.
Copy !req
304. Your courage
Copy !req
305. this brief period
of sacrifice.
Copy !req
306. Now...
Copy !req
307. look at this
face, my dear.
Copy !req
308. The face of a
self-centered coward,
Copy !req
309. a gutless flab...
Copy !req
310. in contrast to your
intrepid valor.
Copy !req
311. Here, emily.
Copy !req
312. And the one who walks
in beauty like the night.
Copy !req
313. Frankly, grandfather, I think
this whole thing is a bore.
Copy !req
314. Oh, but, paula,
look at that beauty,
Copy !req
315. that insolent
Copy !req
316. that skin-deep
Copy !req
317. It has none
of your heart,
Copy !req
318. none of your
Copy !req
319. Wear it, paula,
Copy !req
320. just for a few hours.
Copy !req
321. And the timid,
gentle wilfred jr. Over there.
Copy !req
322. Ah, come on, grandfather.
Copy !req
323. Now, this would be your mask,
wilfred, my boy.
Copy !req
324. It's a face
of a dull, stupid clown-
Copy !req
325. in contrast to your
gentle refinement, your...
Copy !req
326. courteous civility.
Copy !req
327. Here.
Copy !req
328. Uh... what about
your mask, father?
Copy !req
329. Oh, this is mine.
Copy !req
330. The face of death,
because I'm alive, understand?
Copy !req
331. I shall wear
the thing
Copy !req
332. stalking me
at this moment.
Copy !req
333. Father, you
don't mean...
Copy !req
334. we have towear
these ugly things?
Copy !req
335. Only for a few hours.
Copy !req
336. Only till the unmasking
at midnight.
Copy !req
337. Well, I won't wear mine.
Copy !req
338. Me neither.
It's stupid.
Copy !req
339. Well, father,
Copy !req
340. it seems we're
somewhat at odds here.
Copy !req
341. Notreally, wilfred.
Copy !req
342. You all came here
for one purpose:
Copy !req
343. To watch me go
and cry "bon voyage."
Copy !req
344. To put coins
on my closed eyes
Copy !req
345. and with your
free hands,
Copy !req
346. start grabbing things
from my shelves.
Copy !req
347. Father, that's cruel.
Copy !req
348. That's truth!
Copy !req
349. You came to reap
everything I've sown,
Copy !req
350. to collect everything
I've built.
Copy !req
351. Well, I shall not
disappoint you.
Copy !req
352. Everything is yours.
Copy !req
353. Everything
is prepared.
Copy !req
354. The will is made.
Copy !req
355. The four of you inherit
everything I own.
Copy !req
356. Everything.
Copy !req
357. Money, house, property holdings,
stocks, bonds- everything.
Copy !req
358. Father, you're breaking
our hearts.
Copy !req
359. That's the most touching thing
you ever dredged up
Copy !req
360. by way of conversation, wilfred.
Copy !req
361. But I must include
this addendum,
Copy !req
362. this small proviso.
Copy !req
363. You shall wear your masks
until midnight.
Copy !req
364. If any one of you
should take them off,
Copy !req
365. from my estate,
you shall each receive
Copy !req
366. train fare
back to boston,
Copy !req
367. and that's it!
Copy !req
368. Well, we won't be
Copy !req
369. If this is your pleasure,
father, we'll indulge you.
Copy !req
370. And now, my dear ones,
we will wait until midnight.
Copy !req
371. Oh... oh,
this is horrible.
Copy !req
372. Oh, this is horrible,
Copy !req
373. I'm suffocating.
Copy !req
374. I really am
Copy !req
375. I've had dull times before,
Copy !req
376. but this is the worst.
Copy !req
377. This takes it.
Copy !req
378. I don't know about the rest
of you, but I've had it.
Copy !req
379. I can't stand this thing
on my face another minute!
Copy !req
380. I'm taking it off!
Copy !req
381. I don't care!
Copy !req
382. Stop it!
You stop it!
Copy !req
383. I don't blame her.
Copy !req
384. I don't blame
her a bit!
Copy !req
385. This is cruel,
Copy !req
386. I have to agree,
Copy !req
387. Really, this has gone
far enough.
Copy !req
388. We've been here
for hours
Copy !req
389. staring at these
grotesque masks.
Copy !req
390. I think
there is a limit.
Copy !req
391. Please, father,
Copy !req
392. please let us
take them off now.
Copy !req
393. Have you all had your say?
Copy !req
394. Paula?
Copy !req
395. Wilfred jr.?
Copy !req
396. You, emily?
Copy !req
397. And that captain
of industry
Copy !req
398. you're married to?
Copy !req
399. Is there nothing else
you have to say to me?
Copy !req
400. Only that I'm-I'm
feeling buried alive.
Copy !req
401. Me, too! I think
you're out of your mind.
Copy !req
402. Come on, let us
take them off!
Copy !req
403. Father, I appeal to you.
Copy !req
404. It's more
than just discomfort.
Copy !req
405. It's becoming unbearable.
Copy !req
406. What is it, father?
Copy !req
407. It's, uh, what
you've all been waiting for,
Copy !req
408. I believe, wilfred.
Copy !req
409. Now you can dig deep
in the treasury.
Copy !req
410. Are you feeling
weaker, father?
Copy !req
411. At last, a note of hope
in your voice, emily.
Copy !req
412. Why must you
always say
Copy !req
413. miserable, cruel
things to me?
Copy !req
414. I quite agree, father.
Copy !req
415. Why, indeed, emily.
Copy !req
416. Because you're cruel
and miserable people.
Copy !req
417. Because none of you respond
to love.
Copy !req
418. Emily responds only to what
her petty hungers dictate.
Copy !req
419. Wilfred responds only to things
Copy !req
420. that have weight
and bulk and value.
Copy !req
421. Hefeelsbooks;
he doesn't read them.
Copy !req
422. He appraises paintings;
Copy !req
423. he doesn't seek out
their truth or their beauty.
Copy !req
424. And paula there
lives in a mirror.
Copy !req
425. The world is
nothing to her
Copy !req
426. but a reflection
of herself.
Copy !req
427. And her brother.
Copy !req
428. Humanity to him
is a small animal
Copy !req
429. caught in a trap
to be tormented.
Copy !req
430. His pleasure
is the giving of pain,
Copy !req
431. and from this,
he feels
Copy !req
432. the same sense
of fulfillment
Copy !req
433. most human
beings get
Copy !req
434. from a kiss
or an embrace!
Copy !req
435. You're caricatures!
Copy !req
436. All of you.
Copy !req
437. Without your
Copy !req
438. you're caricatures.
Copy !req
439. And now...
Copy !req
440. you're all very rich.
Copy !req
441. Now you own everything
that I have owned.
Copy !req
442. You kept your bargain.
You wore the masks.
Copy !req
443. Enjoy yourselves, dear ones.
Copy !req
444. I've lived a full life.
Copy !req
445. May god pity you.
Copy !req
446. He's dead.
Copy !req
447. At long last, he's dead.
Copy !req
448. Good.
Copy !req
449. Now, let's celebrate!
Copy !req
450. Wha... what's the matter?
Copy !req
451. What's the matter
with you all?
Copy !req
452. Oh!
Copy !req
453. Oh...
Copy !req
454. oh... oh.
Copy !req
455. I called you
just as soon as I
found out, doctor.
Copy !req
456. This must be death.
Copy !req
457. No horror, no fear.
Copy !req
458. Nothing but peace.
Copy !req
459. Mardi gras incident.
Copy !req
460. Thedramatis personae
being four people
Copy !req
461. who came to celebrate
Copy !req
462. and, in a sense,
let themselves go.
Copy !req
463. This they did with a vengeance.
Copy !req
464. They now wear the faces
of all that was inside them,
Copy !req
465. and they'll wear them
for the rest of their lives-
Copy !req
466. said lives now to be spent
in shadow.
Copy !req
467. Tonight's tale of men,
the macabre and masks
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468. on the twilight zone.
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469. And now, mr. Serling.
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470. Next time
out in the twilight zone,
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471. we do a probe in depth into a
current cancer known as hatred
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472. and we tell you the story
of a little midwestern village
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473. which wakes up
on a violent morning
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474. to discover that there is
no morning, no light, no sun.
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475. Only a frightening
and pervading darkness.
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476. It stars michael constantine
and paul fix,
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477. and it's called, "I am
the night- color me black."
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