1. You unlock this door
with the key of imagination.
Copy !req
2. Beyond it is another
dimension a dimension of sound,
Copy !req
3. a dimension of sight,
a dimension of mind.
Copy !req
4. You're moving into a land
of both shadow and substance,
Copy !req
5. of things and ideas.
Copy !req
6. You've just crossed over
into the Twilight Zone.
Copy !req
7. Hello?
Copy !req
8. Anybody home?
Copy !req
9. Yeah.
Copy !req
10. Mr. Fenton?
Copy !req
11. Yeah, that's right.
Copy !req
12. Mrs. Boles down the street sent me over.
Copy !req
13. She said you wanted someone
to take care of your lawn?
Copy !req
14. I rang the doorbell,
but nobody answered.
Copy !req
15. Then I heard your radio.
Copy !req
16. The front door was wide open.
Copy !req
17. Oh, yeah, yeah, that's right. Come on up.
Copy !req
18. If it's just the front
you want taken care of,
Copy !req
19. I can handle it for,
oh, seven bucks a month.
Copy !req
20. That sounds fair enough.
Copy !req
21. I'll come every Wednesday
if it's convenient.
Copy !req
22. Sold.
Copy !req
23. Great, well, thanks a lot, Mr. Fenton.
Copy !req
24. So long. No, wait a minute.
Copy !req
25. Come on up.
Copy !req
26. We'll sit down and have a beer on it.
Copy !req
27. No, thanks just the same.
Copy !req
28. No, I mean it. I've got plenty on ice.
Copy !req
29. Anyway, you can make
a small fortune up here
Copy !req
30. helping me clean out some of this junk.
Copy !req
31. How about it?
Copy !req
32. Well, ten minutes.
Copy !req
33. What did you say your name is, boy?
Copy !req
34. Arthur. Arthur Takamuri.
Copy !req
35. Arthur? That's right.
Copy !req
36. Well, that's funny.
Copy !req
37. What is?
Copy !req
38. Why Arthur?
Copy !req
39. Why not?
Copy !req
40. I was born in this country.
Copy !req
41. Sure. I didn't mean anything.
Copy !req
42. I'm just as much American
as anybody, you know.
Copy !req
43. Well, now, who said you're not?
Copy !req
44. You're too darn sensitive.
Copy !req
45. Yeah, I guess I am.
Copy !req
46. Truth is, my name is Taro.
Copy !req
47. I changed it.
Copy !req
48. A rose is a rose, you get what I mean?
Copy !req
49. No.
Copy !req
50. Oh, what a mess.
Copy !req
51. This attic's been like this for 20 years.
Copy !req
52. Knee-deep in junk.
Copy !req
53. I found some stuff I haven't
even seen since the war.
Copy !req
54. Hey, get a load of this, will you?
Copy !req
55. Can you imagine I once got into it?
Copy !req
56. Sure, why not?
Copy !req
57. Yeah, you're just being polite.
Copy !req
58. I'm a tub of rancid lard now,
Copy !req
59. but I was pretty tough once.
Copy !req
60. I went all through Saipan and Okinawa.
Copy !req
61. Yeah.
Copy !req
62. Check my fruit salad. Crazy, huh?
Copy !req
63. You ever see one of these?
Copy !req
64. Yeah.
Copy !req
65. It's a genuine samurai sword.
Copy !req
66. Not a fake like most you see around.
Copy !req
67. I took it off a jap officer
who tried to cut off my noggin.
Copy !req
68. There's something engraved on it.
Copy !req
69. Maybe you can translate it for me.
Copy !req
70. Sorry, I can't speak any
language but English.
Copy !req
71. Oh, come on, boy.
Copy !req
72. My mother spoke Japanese,
but me, I never learned.
Copy !req
73. You said you wanted me to help
you clean up this junk.
Copy !req
74. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
75. Yeah, that's right.
Copy !req
76. But first I've got to
get a couple of beers.
Copy !req
77. My throat's full of dust.
Copy !req
78. Throw anything you want
on the floor and sit down.
Copy !req
79. Be back in a jiffy.
Copy !req
80. I'm going to kill him.
Copy !req
81. I'm going to kill him.
Copy !req
82. Why?
Copy !req
83. Two men alone in an attic;
Copy !req
84. a young Japanese-American
Copy !req
85. and a seasoned veteran
of yesterday's war.
Copy !req
86. It's 20 odd years since pearl harbor,
Copy !req
87. but two ancient opponents
are moving into position
Copy !req
88. for a battle in an attic
crammed with skeletons
Copy !req
89. souvenirs, mementos,
old uniforms and rusted metals
Copy !req
90. ghosts from the dim reaches of the past
Copy !req
91. that will lead us into the Twilight Zone.
Copy !req
92. Well, here we are, nice and cold.
Copy !req
93. You partial to beer, Carl?
Copy !req
94. The name's Arthur.
Copy !req
95. Oh, yeah, yeah, I forgot.
Copy !req
96. It's just that, uh
Copy !req
97. well, you don't look like an Arthur to me.
Copy !req
98. You don't look like a soldier, either.
Copy !req
99. Well, you got me there, boy.
Copy !req
100. And while we're at it, Mr. Fenton,
Copy !req
101. I get bugged by "boy."
Copy !req
102. Europeans are always
calling the natives "boy,"
Copy !req
103. and moaning about the
white man's burden.
Copy !req
104. Well, the facts are,
Copy !req
105. I'm a full-grown man. I work for a living,
Copy !req
106. and I answer to Arthur, Takamuri,
Copy !req
107. and believe it or not,
sometimes to Mr. Takamuri.
Copy !req
108. Oh, brother, are you wound up.
Copy !req
109. You do this every time a
guy offers you a beer?
Copy !req
110. Now here, take it. Go on.
Copy !req
111. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
112. I guess I got a headache from the sun.
Copy !req
113. Ah, forget it, forget it.
Copy !req
114. The war's over.
Copy !req
115. But in case you don't know it,
Copy !req
116. there ain't a service man
who saw combat in the pacific
Copy !req
117. who doesn't respect the Japanese.
Copy !req
118. They fought like tigers,
Copy !req
119. and it was rare you could
take them without killing 'em.
Copy !req
120. Bonzai.
Copy !req
121. Okay.
Copy !req
122. Bonzai.
Copy !req
123. Say, uh where'd I leave that pig sticker?
Copy !req
124. What?
Copy !req
125. You know, the sword.
Copy !req
126. Oh, didn't you leave it on this table here?
Copy !req
127. Well, that's where I thought I left it.
Copy !req
128. But it's not there now.
Copy !req
129. Boy, that thing gives me the willies.
Copy !req
130. It's funny if I lost it.
Copy !req
131. I've been trying to lose it for years.
Copy !req
132. Never could make it though.
Copy !req
133. I should have left it,
Copy !req
134. instead of picking it up as a souvenir.
Copy !req
135. You know what I mean?
Copy !req
136. You know, I've I've tried to give it away,
Copy !req
137. sell it, hock it, throw it
out with the garbage.
Copy !req
138. But it always comes back.
Copy !req
139. Oh, nothing supernatural.
Copy !req
140. I don't believe in that jazz.
Copy !req
141. But when people refuse it,
even wrapped as a gift,
Copy !req
142. when the men on the garbage
truck bring it in,
Copy !req
143. well, you give up after a while.
Copy !req
144. Say you wouldn't like
to have it, would you?
Copy !req
145. No.
Copy !req
146. What would I do with it?
Copy !req
147. Why, give it back to me,
of course, point first.
Copy !req
148. I don't know what you're talking about.
Copy !req
149. I was just kidding.
Copy !req
150. Don't let it bother you.
Copy !req
151. I don't blame you for not wanting it.
Copy !req
152. It's a pretty ugly thing.
Copy !req
153. Especially with
what's engraved on the blade.
Copy !req
154. Oh, sure, I know what it says.
Copy !req
155. I had one of our interpreters
translate it for me
Copy !req
156. right after I got it.
Copy !req
157. It says "the sword will avenge me."
Copy !req
158. Isn't that it, Arthur?
Copy !req
159. I wouldn't know.
Copy !req
160. Oh, come off it, Arthur.
Copy !req
161. Look, Mr. Fenton, I work for a living,
Copy !req
162. and I'm kind of in a hurry.
Copy !req
163. Listen, taro.
Copy !req
164. What's all this stuff
about working for a living?
Copy !req
165. Now you mentioned that twice.
Copy !req
166. Don't you think I work for a living?
Copy !req
167. I didn't say
Copy !req
168. I've been working for a living
ever since I was a kid
Copy !req
169. and at a job a lot
tougher than mowing lawns,
Copy !req
170. I'll tell you that.
Copy !req
171. Right up until last week when
I got laid off, I drove a cat.
Copy !req
172. You know what a cat is, Arthur?
Copy !req
173. Well, I can tell you this,
it ain't no sports car.
Copy !req
174. It's a big earth mover.
Copy !req
175. You ever move the earth, Arthur?
Copy !req
176. Nah, of course not.
Copy !req
177. You manicure it.
Copy !req
178. I've got to get going.
Copy !req
179. Oh, what's the rush?
Copy !req
180. Sit down, drink your beer.
Copy !req
181. Just tell me where you hid the sword.
Copy !req
182. Where I did what?
Copy !req
183. You buried it somewhere
to get it out of the way.
Copy !req
184. You're crazy.
Copy !req
185. Look, I left that sword
right there on the table.
Copy !req
186. I remember it distinctly.
Copy !req
187. Listen, taro excuse me, Arthur
Copy !req
188. are you by any chance afraid of me?
Copy !req
189. Why should I be?
Copy !req
190. Well, I can think of a couple reasons,
Copy !req
191. one being my background.
Copy !req
192. I was in a fighting outfit.
Copy !req
193. You know what that means?
Copy !req
194. Well, it's not like the recruiting posters,
Copy !req
195. I can tell you that.
Copy !req
196. A nice, clean-cut lad,
Copy !req
197. who helps old ladies across the street.
Copy !req
198. He has to be a highly-trained
combat machine,
Copy !req
199. with split-second reactions
in place of emotions.
Copy !req
200. He's on wires, on his toes.
Copy !req
201. His nerve ends are dead,
Copy !req
202. and he's as cold and as hard
and rigid as his helmet.
Copy !req
203. In fact, there's nothing...
nothing more terrible
Copy !req
204. to meet on a dark night
than a fighting man
Copy !req
205. with an M1, a Thompson, a grenade,
Copy !req
206. or even his bare hands.
Copy !req
207. Over here!
Copy !req
208. Come out and die
Copy !req
209. some dirty son of heaven,
Copy !req
210. out in the jungle just asking for it.
Copy !req
211. So I... I thought I'd oblige.
Copy !req
212. Started circling out behind him,
Copy !req
213. a simple exercise for somebody
Copy !req
214. with more luck than brains.
Copy !req
215. Wait a minute, wait a minute.
Copy !req
216. I was only telling you how it was.
Copy !req
217. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
218. Boy, for a minute there,
I thought you were gonna
Copy !req
219. I don't know what got into me.
Copy !req
220. I really don't.
Copy !req
221. You used that sword
like you were mowing a lawn.
Copy !req
222. You didn't get that sword
the way you said you did.
Copy !req
223. No? No.
Copy !req
224. You shot that officer
after he surrendered.
Copy !req
225. You're crazy.
Copy !req
226. The Japanese officer dropped
the sword and surrendered.
Copy !req
227. You killed him in cold blood.
Copy !req
228. All right, so what if I did?
Copy !req
229. So what if I did?
Copy !req
230. I don't know.
Copy !req
231. That's your problem.
Copy !req
232. I
Copy !req
233. I don't feel well.
Copy !req
234. What am I doing here?
Copy !req
235. I've got to get out of here.
Copy !req
236. Mr. Fenton, the door's stuck!
Copy !req
237. Well, you must be weak.
Copy !req
238. Pull on it.
Copy !req
239. It won't move.
Copy !req
240. Did you lock it?
Copy !req
241. Now, how could I do a thing like that?
Copy !req
242. It hasn't got a lock.
Copy !req
243. Here, let me try.
Copy !req
244. Well... it looks like
Copy !req
245. you're not supposed to leave just yet.
Copy !req
246. What do you mean?
Copy !req
247. I don't know.
Copy !req
248. I don't know what I mean.
Copy !req
249. Well I don't know what's making it stick.
Copy !req
250. It never did that before.
Copy !req
251. But never mind, boy.
Copy !req
252. There must be some tools up here.
Copy !req
253. We'll take it off the hinges.
Copy !req
254. Nah, forget the window.
Copy !req
255. It's too high.
Copy !req
256. Well, we could break a pane of glass
Copy !req
257. and yell for help, but
let's save that for last.
Copy !req
258. See if you can find a screwdriver.
Copy !req
259. Well look at the boy.
Copy !req
260. Becoming a samurai?
Copy !req
261. Well, forget it, boy.
Copy !req
262. You couldn't make it.
Copy !req
263. Now, if you ever try to come at me
Copy !req
264. with that thing again, I'll
chop you up like hamburger.
Copy !req
265. I don't like that kind of talk, Mr. Fenton.
Copy !req
266. No? No.
Copy !req
267. I got a short fuse,
so don't strike matches.
Copy !req
268. I grew up in Honolulu.
Copy !req
269. I was at pearl harbor
when it was bombed.
Copy !req
270. Were you one of the pilots?
Copy !req
271. I was four years old.
Copy !req
272. My father and mother lived
in Hawaii all their lives.
Copy !req
273. My father worked for the navy
as a civilian.
Copy !req
274. Oh, yeah? Doing what?
Copy !req
275. He helped build the docks at pearl.
Copy !req
276. He was foreman of a construction gang.
Copy !req
277. He was a war hero.
Copy !req
278. He was on the docks when
they came that Sunday morning.
Copy !req
279. He was there when the first wave
of bombers came over
Copy !req
280. standing there, watching men
of his own race destroy
Copy !req
281. what he'd built with his own hands.
Copy !req
282. The bombers flew overhead.
Copy !req
283. I stood on the hillside where we lived,
Copy !req
284. looked up at the sky and saw them.
Copy !req
285. And my mother held my hand
Copy !req
286. and tried to make me run
inside the house,
Copy !req
287. but I stood.
Copy !req
288. And I watched the planes
Copy !req
289. while down below at the harbor,
Copy !req
290. my father was trying to warn the sailors,
Copy !req
291. trying to tell the men
on the ships what was happening.
Copy !req
292. But the bombers came anyway,
Copy !req
293. and I could hear
the boom, boom, boom, boom
Copy !req
294. as the bombs exploded.
Copy !req
295. And I could see the smoke.
Copy !req
296. And my mother was crying,
Copy !req
297. and my father was yelling
to warn the sailors,
Copy !req
298. yelling for them to fire back.
Copy !req
299. Boom! Boom! Boom!
Copy !req
300. Planes circled overhead.
Copy !req
301. They dropped their bombs.
Copy !req
302. That's not the way it happened.
Copy !req
303. He was a traitor.
Copy !req
304. He signaled the planes.
Copy !req
305. He showed them
where to drop the bombs.
Copy !req
306. He was a traitor.
Copy !req
307. My old man was a traitor.
Copy !req
308. I got to get out of here.
Copy !req
309. Arthur! Arthur!
Copy !req
310. Now, you'd better sit down
and have a fresh beer.
Copy !req
311. You need it.
Copy !req
312. Aw, that's stupid.
Copy !req
313. Y-y-you come up here to
make a few bucks mowing lawns.
Copy !req
314. I ask you to have a beer
Copy !req
315. because, well, if you must know,
Copy !req
316. I was kind of lonesome.
Copy !req
317. My old lady got... got teed off last night
Copy !req
318. and went to sleep over at her sister's.
Copy !req
319. But she'll be back.
Copy !req
320. I... I guess I drink too much.
Copy !req
321. You know, Arthur, you're
a you're a pretty nice Joe.
Copy !req
322. You know, I knew that right
away when I first saw you.
Copy !req
323. That's why well, that's
why I asked you up
Copy !req
324. to have a beer.
Copy !req
325. So I can... I can tell you,
Copy !req
326. man to man, it's been pretty rough lately.
Copy !req
327. I... well, they canned me from my job,
Copy !req
328. put somebody else on the cat.
Copy !req
329. Can you imagine?
Copy !req
330. Just-just-just because I had
Copy !req
331. a few lousy drinks one day.
Copy !req
332. Ah, no no, it wasn't the booze.
Copy !req
333. That was just an excuse.
Copy !req
334. It's all that cheap labor
they're bringing over here.
Copy !req
335. Yeah, they're letting
them in from everywhere
Copy !req
336. Mexico, Puerto Rico,
china, japan-foreigners.
Copy !req
337. We make Hawaii a state;
look what we get.
Copy !req
338. Ah, I'm I'm getting off the subject.
Copy !req
339. My wife.
Copy !req
340. Well, like I said, she
Copy !req
341. went over to sleep at
her sister's last night.
Copy !req
342. Said she was all washed up with me.
Copy !req
343. Can you tie that?
Copy !req
344. Now, that's gratitude for you.
Copy !req
345. But she's going to come back.
Copy !req
346. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
347. She knows what side her
bread's buttered on.
Copy !req
348. And if she doesn't, well, who needs her?
Copy !req
349. Who needs her?
Copy !req
350. A man can make it alone, huh, Arthur?
Copy !req
351. I mean, well, women are a dime a dozen.
Copy !req
352. Anybody that's been to
the orient knows that.
Copy !req
353. What's the matter, Arthur?
Copy !req
354. Or do you want me to call you taro now?
Copy !req
355. Listen, kid, don't take it so hard.
Copy !req
356. I mean, you know,
just because your old man
Copy !req
357. was a sneaky little double-dealing traitor,
Copy !req
358. that doesn't mean you are.
Copy !req
359. I mean, what the devil?
Copy !req
360. You don't have to go and
change your name and all
Copy !req
361. and-and forget you know
how to speak Japanese.
Copy !req
362. There was sneaks and
double-crossers on both sides.
Copy !req
363. Like you.
Copy !req
364. Now wait a minute.
Copy !req
365. Wait a minute, buddy.
Copy !req
366. You're no better.
Copy !req
367. You're a murderer.
Copy !req
368. You killed a defenseless man.
Copy !req
369. Now take it easy.
Copy !req
370. What happened on Okinawa-
you can't blame that on me.
Copy !req
371. Now, we were told not to take prisoners.
Copy !req
372. That's right.
Copy !req
373. "No prisoners," they said.
Copy !req
374. Well, you you can't
hold a man responsible
Copy !req
375. for obeying orders, now, can you?
Copy !req
376. In the pacific, we were told
Copy !req
377. that you guys weren't even human
Copy !req
378. you were... you were
some species of an ape,
Copy !req
379. and not to worry about
burning you out of the caves.
Copy !req
380. Now all of a sudden, you're
fine people, highly cultured.
Copy !req
381. And it's propaganda about
your lousy transistor radios.
Copy !req
382. Put that sword down, Arthur,
and let's have a beer together.
Copy !req
383. I don't like to drink alone.
Copy !req
384. Arthur?
Copy !req
385. Arthur?
Copy !req
386. Well, Arthur, didn't I tell you?
Copy !req
387. I'm all alone now.
Copy !req
388. My wife up and left me.
Copy !req
389. I called the foreman on the job yesterday,
Copy !req
390. and he hung up the phone.
Copy !req
391. I'm not such a bad guy, Arthur.
Copy !req
392. Why is all this happening?
Copy !req
393. Why?
Copy !req
394. All right.
Copy !req
395. Don't answer.
Copy !req
396. If that's what you're here for, kill me.
Copy !req
397. Go on, I dare you.
Copy !req
398. Come on, Taro, I'm waiting for you.
Copy !req
399. Oh... so that's it.
Copy !req
400. You're just trying to scare me.
Copy !req
401. Well, all right.
Copy !req
402. I'm scared, but not of dying.
Copy !req
403. Of living.
Copy !req
404. I can't make it, Arthur,
Copy !req
405. or taro, or whatever your name is.
Copy !req
406. There's nothing left. Nothing!
Copy !req
407. I've got a box
full of decorations over there.
Copy !req
408. Decorations!
Copy !req
409. First, you're an ape,
and now all of a sudden,
Copy !req
410. you're-you're some kind
of highly-cultured people.
Copy !req
411. I've been pushed and pulled
this way and that way
Copy !req
412. until I hate everybody,
you dirty little jap!
Copy !req
413. Bonzai!
Copy !req
414. Two men in an attic,
locked in mortal embrace.
Copy !req
415. Their common bond guilt
Copy !req
416. a disease all too prevalent amongst men
Copy !req
417. both in and out of the Twilight Zone.
Copy !req
418. And now, Mr. Serling.
Copy !req
419. Next time out, we move into the area
Copy !req
420. of graveyards and the dear departed
Copy !req
421. and we tell you a story
Copy !req
422. about a most distinctive type of fella
Copy !req
423. who happily enough has an
equally distinctive profession
Copy !req
424. he raises the dead.
Copy !req
425. On the Twilight Zone next time,
John Dehner, Stanley Adams
Copy !req
426. and J. Pat O'Malley lend selective talents
Copy !req
427. to a little item called
"Mr. Garrity and the graves."
Copy !req