1. Shared by http://DJJ.HOME.SAPO.PT/
Copy !req
2. You're traveling
through another dimension-
Copy !req
3. a dimension not only of sight
and sound, but of mind,
Copy !req
4. a journey into a wondrous land
Copy !req
5. whose boundaries
are that of imagination.
Copy !req
6. Your next stop,
the twilight zone.
Copy !req
7. The time is 1863,
the place the state of virginia.
Copy !req
8. The event is a bloodletting
known as the civil war
Copy !req
9. a tragic moment in time
Copy !req
10. when a nation was split
into two fragments,
Copy !req
11. each fragment
deeming itself a nation.
Copy !req
12. What is it?
Copy !req
13. I thought
I heard something.
Copy !req
14. Yanks?
Copy !req
15. I don't hear 'em no more.
Copy !req
16. Dauger, you figure
this would fire
Copy !req
17. if you was to press
the trigger?
Copy !req
18. I reckon.
Copy !req
19. What's the idea,
Copy !req
20. The idea is, dauger,
Copy !req
21. you ain't a right arm to me
or a left arm.
Copy !req
22. You're just
some extra baggage
Copy !req
23. that breathes hard
and splits my rations.
Copy !req
24. You figure you'll shape up
by the end of the war?
Copy !req
25. I can't help it!
Copy !req
26. It used to...
Copy !req
27. it used to be I never
give it any thought.
Copy !req
28. It used to be like
Copy !req
29. it was some kind of game
we was playing like kids.
Copy !req
30. King of
the mountain.
Copy !req
31. Hide and go seek.
Copy !req
32. Blind man's bluff.
Copy !req
33. But it ain't that way
anymore, paradine.
Copy !req
34. I seen too much
of this business.
Copy !req
35. I was at the second manassas.
Copy !req
36. You haven't got
Copy !req
37. a nerve in your body,
have you?
Copy !req
38. Just as many as you, son.
Copy !req
39. From head to boot.
Copy !req
40. Only I don't concern myself
as much as you.
Copy !req
41. You're worrying about dead men
Copy !req
42. and lost battles.
Copy !req
43. That's just too much area
to fret in.
Copy !req
44. I'm worrying about two scouts
on a mission,
Copy !req
45. and a dirty piece
of brown paper.
Copy !req
46. It says the yanks are going
to take up a position
Copy !req
47. in the chano valley.
Copy !req
48. We got to scout them
and report back
Copy !req
49. as soon as they get
into that town
Copy !req
50. down there below.
Copy !req
51. Yanks?
Copy !req
52. Yanks, probably.
Copy !req
53. Horses, positive.
Copy !req
54. How many?
Copy !req
55. It's a patrol,
I figure.
Copy !req
56. 20, 30 men.
Copy !req
57. That's funny.
Copy !req
58. What is?
Copy !req
59. Well, I know
I heard horses,
Copy !req
60. and it's coming
from down there.
Copy !req
61. They're yanks.
Copy !req
62. Ain't no question
about that.
Copy !req
63. Listen, joe,
we're exposing ourselves here.
Copy !req
64. This is no place
to stand out in the open.
Copy !req
65. If they are yanks,
Copy !req
66. they'd be in that town
down there by now.
Copy !req
67. Be as noisy as
a county fair.
Copy !req
68. There ain't a
sound anymore.
Copy !req
69. Reckon I better
get down there
Copy !req
70. and take a close look.
Copy !req
71. Listen, joe...
let's pull out.
Copy !req
72. I don't like it.
Copy !req
73. You heard 'em.
Copy !req
74. We found out
what we had to find out-
Copy !req
75. the yankees are
in the valley.
Copy !req
76. So we go back
and report.
Copy !req
77. What's the point
in going down there?
Copy !req
78. The point is we got
to count their heads,
Copy !req
79. their horses
and their guns.
Copy !req
80. We got to get a look at
their regimental number.
Copy !req
81. That enough point
for you, mr. Dauger?
Copy !req
82. I don't care.
Copy !req
83. I just don't care
Copy !req
84. I only got
one big mission left
Copy !req
85. and that's to stay alive.
Copy !req
86. All right, I say
we go down in that valley.
Copy !req
87. And we wave a shirt
and throw down our carbines.
Copy !req
88. Mr. Dauger, I
extend my sympathy
Copy !req
89. so long as your yellow
eats at your insides.
Copy !req
90. But when it crawls
into my bivouac
Copy !req
91. and tries to climb
up on my horse,
Copy !req
92. I withdraw my sympathy
Copy !req
93. and give you the
back of my hand.
Copy !req
94. So far, you and me pledge
nothing to the confederacy
Copy !req
95. except a lack of sleep
and empty bellies.
Copy !req
96. But there's a couple
of hundred thousand others
Copy !req
97. pledged
a lot more.
Copy !req
98. You're making
it appear
Copy !req
99. like they did it
for nothing.
Copy !req
100. Now you stay here.
Copy !req
101. If you hear a shot,
Copy !req
102. you get back to the lieutenant
at a fast gallop
Copy !req
103. 'cause that will mean
they're down there in force.
Copy !req
104. And you tell him what happened.
Copy !req
105. If you haven't heard from me
in 15 minutes,
Copy !req
106. you get back
there anyway.
Copy !req
107. Listen, you going
down there alone?
Copy !req
108. Just me and this brave horse.
Copy !req
109. For want of anything else.
Copy !req
110. This is Joseph paradine,
Copy !req
111. confederate cavalry,
Copy !req
112. as he heads down
toward a small town
Copy !req
113. in the middle of a valley.
Copy !req
114. But very shortly,
Copy !req
115. Joseph paradine will
make contact with the enemy.
Copy !req
116. He will also make contact
with an outpost
Copy !req
117. not found on a military map-
Copy !req
118. an outpost called
the twilight zone.
Copy !req
119. Hey!
Copy !req
120. Hey, yank!
Copy !req
121. Sleeping.
Copy !req
122. Must be sleeping
or are you dead?
Copy !req
123. Are you dead?
Copy !req
124. Plague maybe.
Copy !req
125. Some kind of sickness.
Copy !req
126. But that would take hours.
Copy !req
127. You wouldn't all be like this.
Copy !req
128. Not all at the same time.
Copy !req
129. Must be asleep.
Copy !req
130. No wounds.
Copy !req
131. Not a sign of blood.
Copy !req
132. Wake up.
Copy !req
133. Wake up.
Copy !req
134. Go on.
Copy !req
135. Wake up, go ahead.
Copy !req
136. You aren't dead.
Copy !req
137. None of you are dead.
Copy !req
138. Wake up, yanks!
Copy !req
139. None of you are dead!
Copy !req
140. All right, yanks,
you're all my prisoners!
Copy !req
141. Come on, yanks!
Copy !req
142. You're all my prisoners!
Copy !req
143. Well, you come
to the right place.
Copy !req
144. You sure come
to the right place, boys.
Copy !req
145. Food, clothing.
Copy !req
146. Ammunition.
Copy !req
147. What you got
is what we need.
Copy !req
148. You hear me, yank?
Copy !req
149. You come
to the right valley.
Copy !req
150. Nothing around here
but hungry confederates.
Copy !req
151. I don't understand.
Copy !req
152. I just don't understand.
Copy !req
153. What's happened to you?
Copy !req
154. Why are you...
Copy !req
155. why are you all quiet like this?
Copy !req
156. None of you can speak?
Copy !req
157. None of you can move.
Copy !req
158. First meat I've had
in a couple of months, you hear?
Copy !req
159. Wind... must be the wind.
Copy !req
160. It has to be the wind.
Copy !req
161. All right, in there,
you'd best come out now.
Copy !req
162. You hear?
Copy !req
163. You'd better come out now
or I'm coming in.
Copy !req
164. Oh, well, old man.
Copy !req
165. You don't know how close
you come to dying just then.
Copy !req
166. Now, you'd better tell me
Copy !req
167. just who you are
and what you're doing here.
Copy !req
168. I was just about
Copy !req
169. to ask you for the
same information, son.
Copy !req
170. When I first seen you
Copy !req
171. coming up the street,
Copy !req
172. I thought you
was a yank.
Copy !req
173. You don't know how close
youcome to dying.
Copy !req
174. What was you going to use,
grandpa, that book?
Copy !req
175. That's a pretty heavy thing
to be throwing.
Copy !req
176. This book,
Copy !req
177. but I wasn't aiming
to throw it...
Copy !req
178. just use it...
Copy !req
179. like I used it on them.
Copy !req
180. I done that, you know.
Copy !req
181. Put them all to sleep.
Copy !req
182. You don't believe
me, do you?
Copy !req
183. You think I'm lying.
Copy !req
184. I ain't
called you no liar.
Copy !req
185. Something happened
to 'em,
Copy !req
186. but there must be
some natural explanation.
Copy !req
187. They just couldn't...
Copy !req
188. "natural explanation."
Copy !req
189. Now, don't that take all.
Copy !req
190. This here's
what done it.
Copy !req
191. This here book.
Copy !req
192. That wasn't
bright of you.
Copy !req
193. That wasn't
bright of you at all.
Copy !req
194. Listen, old man.
Copy !req
195. You may be
harmless enough,
Copy !req
196. but I got no time
to fiddle around
Copy !req
197. with black magic
Copy !req
198. or any other
old men's games.
Copy !req
199. Games?
Copy !req
200. Games, you call it?
Copy !req
201. When there in front of you
stands the enemy?
Copy !req
202. Not even a twitch?
Copy !req
203. Not even a move
in the eyeball?
Copy !req
204. Well!
Copy !req
205. "Ye soldier, conjured here
Copy !req
206. "in the name
of the prince of darkness,
Copy !req
207. ye shall remain
silent and..."
Copy !req
208. now, listen, old man...!
Copy !req
209. How 'bout it now, johnny reb?
Copy !req
210. You believe me?
Copy !req
211. I reckon you
believe me now
Copy !req
212. being as you can't
move a muscle.
Copy !req
213. Being as you
Copy !req
214. can't speak even
a word out loud
Copy !req
215. you're just going to have to
stand there and listen to...
Copy !req
216. listen to me speak at you.
Copy !req
217. Oh, I know you
can still hear me
Copy !req
218. 'cause I only used
half the power.
Copy !req
219. My name's teague.
Copy !req
220. I lived down yon by the creek.
Copy !req
221. I'm a witchman,
like my pappy 'fore me.
Copy !req
222. He was the seventh son
of a seventh son,
Copy !req
223. and I was his seventh son.
Copy !req
224. I know conjure stuff
forward and backward
Copy !req
225. and up and down.
Copy !req
226. It's my living.
Copy !req
227. And then the yanks come
Copy !req
228. and all the people
run afore 'em... 'cept me.
Copy !req
229. Invaders!
Copy !req
230. Tyrants!
Copy !req
231. Thieving skunks to boot!
Copy !req
232. But I fixed them.
Copy !req
233. I didn't do no la-dl-da.
Copy !req
234. I opened the book,
and I read the words,
Copy !req
235. and you can see
what happened to them.
Copy !req
236. Now... now, you listen
to me, johnny reb.
Copy !req
237. Your... your secession-
Copy !req
238. you fight the yanks.
Copy !req
239. Now, you be good and
don't give me no argument-
Copy !req
240. blink your right eye.
Copy !req
241. Now you'll be able
to move again
Copy !req
242. as soon as I
read the words.
Copy !req
243. "Ye soldier,
conjured here
Copy !req
244. "in the name of the
prince of darkness,
Copy !req
245. ye can now move and speak."
Copy !req
246. Hypnotism.
Copy !req
247. Hypnotism?
Copy !req
248. Hypnotism?
Copy !req
249. This is conjure stuff.
Copy !req
250. And what I done
to them yanks,
Copy !req
251. I can do to the
whole union army-
Copy !req
252. freeze 'em all
in their tracks.
Copy !req
253. I can open up a
path to washington
Copy !req
254. so that bobby lee
could ride in there
Copy !req
255. with three confederate
troopers and take over
Copy !req
256. the whole country.
Copy !req
257. Magic.
Copy !req
258. You claim it's magic.
Copy !req
259. I don't claim it.
Copy !req
260. I say it.
Copy !req
261. Itismagic.
Copy !req
262. It's what I read in the book
Copy !req
263. and now... you seen it.
Copy !req
264. You felt it.
Copy !req
265. You mean you could...
you could do this
Copy !req
266. to the whole
union army?
Copy !req
267. Could and would.
Copy !req
268. Why don't you, old man?
Copy !req
269. Why don't you?
Copy !req
270. For one good reason,
one good reason only.
Copy !req
271. I'm goin' to die.
Copy !req
272. Mm. I'm goin' to die
afore the sun goes down.
Copy !req
273. I got a feelin' in my bones.
Copy !req
274. I can smell death,
and hear it comin'
Copy !req
275. on a white horse
galloping straight at me,
Copy !req
276. galloping, galloping
straight at me.
Copy !req
277. Old mr. Death
Copy !req
278. come to pluck me
out of the livin'.
Copy !req
279. So I ain't goin'
to be around
Copy !req
280. to do what's got to be done.
Copy !req
281. I'm leaving it
up to you.
Copy !req
282. Me?
Copy !req
283. I can tell about a man's looks,
his eyes, his head,
Copy !req
284. hold on his weapon.
Copy !req
285. I can tell all about that man...
Copy !req
286. and I'm choosing you.
Copy !req
287. You can find everything
you need in this book-
Copy !req
288. spells, talisman,
curses, everything.
Copy !req
289. Here.
Copy !req
290. Take it.
Copy !req
291. Don't seem right.
Copy !req
292. Don't seem right at all.
Copy !req
293. There's something...
Copy !req
294. something unclean,
Copy !req
295. like being in league with the...
Copy !req
296. that's it.
Copy !req
297. You got it right, johnny reb.
Copy !req
298. You said it like it's got
the devil.
Copy !req
299. That's who you're
in league with,
Copy !req
300. the devil himself.
Copy !req
301. That's who we'll have fighting
the devil.
Copy !req
302. The devil.
Copy !req
303. The devil.
Copy !req
304. The devil.
Copy !req
305. Halt. Who goes there?
Copy !req
306. Paradine,
troop scout.
Copy !req
307. Advance and be recognized.
Copy !req
308. You've been gone a
long time, paradine.
Copy !req
309. We give you up,
Copy !req
310. dead or prisoner
by this time.
Copy !req
311. Neither, lieutenant.
Copy !req
312. Not time for either
of it, it appears.
Copy !req
313. Well, a man's got to do
his reading, don't he.
Copy !req
314. Well, out with it, man.
Copy !req
315. What'd you see?
Copy !req
316. More'n you'd believe,
Copy !req
317. Where was their advance party?
Copy !req
318. We haven't heard a sound
from that valley all day.
Copy !req
319. Their advance party's
in that town,
Copy !req
320. and the main body's
spread out behind.
Copy !req
321. Are you drunk or something?
Copy !req
322. Now, there hasn't been a sound
from down there all day,
Copy !req
323. not a sound.
Copy !req
324. Lieutenant, you got
every right to call me mad,
Copy !req
325. but the reason
you didn't hear 'em is...
Copy !req
326. is they're all asleep.
Copy !req
327. Put to sleep by magic-
black magic.
Copy !req
328. It's right here
in this book.
Copy !req
329. A little old man by the name
of teague- he done it.
Copy !req
330. Paradine, the
order's out.
Copy !req
331. You're to take
yourself to bed.
Copy !req
332. You're to sleep
the night.
Copy !req
333. Make your report to
me in the morning.
Copy !req
334. This is my report, lieutenant.
Copy !req
335. Where's mallory's troop?
Copy !req
336. They went up the north ridge
late this morning.
Copy !req
337. Yeah, there's a group of yankees
camped up there, wasn't there?
Copy !req
338. Company strength at least,
wasn't there?
Copy !req
339. That's what we figured?
Copy !req
340. But what's that got to do
with all this?
Copy !req
341. On the way back here,
lieutenant, I...
Copy !req
342. I... I opened the book,
Copy !req
343. and I read from a page of it.
Copy !req
344. Halt. Who goes there?
Copy !req
345. I conjured up a spell, and I...
Copy !req
346. and I turned it in the direction
of that ridge.
Copy !req
347. Mallory, paradine says...
Copy !req
348. l-I just seen something
l-I can't explain
Copy !req
349. no more'n any of my men
can explain it,
Copy !req
350. but they seen it too.
Copy !req
351. We was walking up that ridge
in the scrimmage line
Copy !req
352. scared out of our boots,
'cause it was so quiet.
Copy !req
353. We thought them yankees
Copy !req
354. was waiting for us
just beyond the parapet.
Copy !req
355. Yeah, they was waiting,
all right-
Copy !req
356. standing straight and tall,
guns to port,
Copy !req
357. frozen like statues.
Copy !req
358. Dead?
Copy !req
359. Not dead.
Copy !req
360. Not dead
and not alive.
Copy !req
361. Just frozen stock-still
like rocks.
Copy !req
362. Lieutenant, this done it.
Copy !req
363. Paradine, this is
the devil's work.
Copy !req
364. Well, what's this
all about?
Copy !req
365. This book- an old man
give it to me in town.
Copy !req
366. It is the devil's work.
Copy !req
367. I know that.
Copy !req
368. But maybe it's time
we called muster on the devil.
Copy !req
369. Maybe it's the only
thing left for us.
Copy !req
370. We ain't got enough guns.
Copy !req
371. We ain't got enough food.
Copy !req
372. We ain't got enough of anything.
Copy !req
373. We're losing, lieutenant.
Copy !req
374. The confederacy's
cracking up into little pieces
Copy !req
375. right in front of our eyes.
Copy !req
376. It's bleeding to death
every day.
Copy !req
377. We ain't got enough blood left
to make a change.
Copy !req
378. I don't know much about satan,
Copy !req
379. but this cause of ours is...
is dying right in front of us.
Copy !req
380. Paradine, open up the book
and read from it out loud.
Copy !req
381. Make it good for every
union soldier in the field.
Copy !req
382. Freeze 'em. Put 'em
into the earth or something,
Copy !req
383. but make it good.
Copy !req
384. "Satan... satan,
I call upon you,
Copy !req
385. "and in so doing
Copy !req
386. I revoke the name of..."
Copy !req
387. go on, joe, read it.
Copy !req
388. He calls upon us to
revoke the name of god.
Copy !req
389. Leave it be, dauger.
Copy !req
390. You said yourself
Copy !req
391. it's the only thing
we got left.
Copy !req
392. He's right, paradine.
Copy !req
393. God help us,
thatisall we have left.
Copy !req
394. What do we call 'em?
Copy !req
395. Damn yankees,
don't we, lieutenant?
Copy !req
396. That's the phrase,
ain't it- "damn yanks"?
Copy !req
397. If I read aloud
from this book,
Copy !req
398. it'll be the confederacy
that's damned.
Copy !req
399. It's that book
or it's the end.
Copy !req
400. Then let it be the end!
Copy !req
401. If it must come,
let it come.
Copy !req
402. If this cause is to be buried
Copy !req
403. let it be put
in hallowed ground.
Copy !req
404. Let it be put
in hallowed ground.
Copy !req
405. On the following morning,
sergeant paradine
Copy !req
406. and the rest of these men
were moved up north
Copy !req
407. to a little town
in pennsylvania,
Copy !req
408. an obscure little place
Copy !req
409. where a battle was brewing,
a town called gettysburg,
Copy !req
410. and this one was fought
Copy !req
411. without the help of the devil-
small historical note
Copy !req
412. not to be found
in any known books
Copy !req
413. but part of the records
in the twilight zone.
Copy !req
414. Rod serling,
creator of the twilight zone,
Copy !req
415. will tell you
about next week's story
Copy !req
416. after this message.
Copy !req
417. And now, mr. Serling.
Copy !req
418. Next week onthe twilight zone
Copy !req
419. we once again borrow the talents
of mr. Charles beaumont
Copy !req
420. who's written a script
especially for us
Copy !req
421. called "the jungle."
Copy !req
422. Now this is designed
Copy !req
423. for the reasonably
impressionable amongst you
Copy !req
424. who find nothing to laugh about
Copy !req
425. when somebody mentions
the words "black magic."
Copy !req
426. Mr. John dehner stars
in another small excursion
Copy !req
427. into the darker regions
of the imagination.
Copy !req
428. Next week, "the jungle."
Copy !req
429. This is james arness.
Copy !req
430. You know, it's only a short hop
Copy !req
431. fromthe twilight zone
to dodge city ingunsmoke.
Copy !req
432. Saturday nights
over most of these stations.
Copy !req