1. There is a fifth dimension
Copy !req
2. Beyond that
Which is known to man.
Copy !req
3. It is a dimension
As vast as space
Copy !req
4. And as timeless as infinity.
Copy !req
5. It is the middle ground
Between light and shadow.
Copy !req
6. Between science
And superstition.
Copy !req
7. It lies between the pit
Of man's fears,
Copy !req
8. And the summit
Of his knowledge.
Copy !req
9. This is the dimension
Of imagination
Copy !req
10. It is an area
Which we call
The twilight zone.
Copy !req
11. The time is the day
After tomorrow,
Copy !req
12. The place, a far
Corner of the universe.
Copy !req
13. The cast of characters, three
Men lost amongst the stars,
Copy !req
14. Three men sharing the common
Urgency of all men lost.
Copy !req
15. They're looking for home.
Copy !req
16. And in a moment
They'll find home.
Copy !req
17. Not a home that is
A place to be seen
Copy !req
18. But a strange, unexplainable
Experience to be felt.
Copy !req
19. I hear
The atmosphere.
Copy !req
20. Keep your fingers
Crossed, Pete.
This may be it.
Copy !req
21. It better be;
We're about
Out of fuel.
Copy !req
22. 20.95 parts oxygen
Copy !req
23. 78.09 nitrogen.
Copy !req
24. I don't get it,
That's air.
Copy !req
25. Gravity, unit one.
Copy !req
26. That's incredible.
Conditions identical
To Earth
Copy !req
27. And yet we're
655 million miles
Copy !req
28. Away from Earth.
Copy !req
29. Wait a minute, Pete.
Copy !req
30. These instruments
Could be wrong.
Copy !req
31. What's
The difference?
Copy !req
32. We're not going
Anywhere now.
Copy !req
33. Yeah, I guess
You're right.
Copy !req
34. How far did you say
We were from Earth?
Copy !req
35. 655 million miles.
Copy !req
36. We're back
On Earth.
Copy !req
37. No.
Copy !req
38. No? What do
You call that,
A Martian?
Copy !req
39. Here, boy,
Come on.
Copy !req
40. Well, anyway, look
At those trees.
Copy !req
41. It's got
To be Earth.
Copy !req
42. Well, what do
You call that?
Copy !req
43. It's called
A tractor.
Copy !req
44. They were in
Use on Earth
Copy !req
45. During the 20th century
Before the total war.
Copy !req
46. You mean,
We're on Earth
200 years ago.
Copy !req
47. It's an
Theory, Pete
Copy !req
48. And as possible
As any other
Copy !req
49. Except that
To my knowledge
Copy !req
50. Earth has never had
More than one sun.
Copy !req
51. All right.
You explain it.
Copy !req
52. The only thing
I'm certain of
Copy !req
53. Is that we're
Not on Earth.
Copy !req
54. We're
Not alone.
Copy !req
55. Excuse me,
Copy !req
56. My name
Is Webber,
Copy !req
57. We hate to
Bother you—
Copy !req
58. What's the matter
With him?
Copy !req
59. Seems to be
In some sort
Copy !req
60. Of a trance or—
Copy !req
61. Let's get
Out of here.
Copy !req
62. Hey, look,
There's somebody!
Copy !req
63. Hey, mister!
Copy !req
64. Mister!
Copy !req
65. How are they biting?
Copy !req
66. Mister?
Copy !req
67. Hey, wake up.
Copy !req
68. Do you hear that?
Copy !req
69. The music, a band,
Do you hear it?
Copy !req
70. There's somebody here.
Copy !req
71. It seems
To be coming
From over there.
Copy !req
72. The music's coming
From that loudspeaker.
Copy !req
73. It's being piped
In from somewhere.
Copy !req
74. Look!
Copy !req
75. Concert's
Copy !req
76. Well, any ideas,
Copy !req
77. Well, I suppose
Copy !req
78. It could be some
Sort of illusion.
Copy !req
79. Yes, maybe
We're being made
To see and hear
Copy !req
80. What we hope
To find
Copy !req
81. The sights and
Sounds of home.
Copy !req
82. No, no, that's
All wrong.
Copy !req
83. This is more
Than 200 years
Copy !req
84. Ahead of our time.
Copy !req
85. Or it could be
Copy !req
86. That time itself
Is suspended here.
Copy !req
87. Or time may have,
In a sense
Copy !req
88. Have speeded up
For us
Copy !req
89. Or slowed down
For them.
Copy !req
90. You mean, they might
Actually be moving?
Copy !req
91. It's possible.
Copy !req
92. Then why can't
We see it?
Copy !req
93. Well, you don't
See the movements
Copy !req
94. Of a clock's hands
Copy !req
95. Nevertheless
They do move.
Copy !req
96. Well, this clock
Has no hands.
Copy !req
97. Carl, do you
Really believe
Copy !req
98. What you're
Copy !req
99. No, of
Course not.
Copy !req
100. But they're not
Just statues.
Copy !req
101. They're flesh
And blood
Copy !req
102. Or something that feels
Like flesh and blood.
Copy !req
103. It's
Something real.
Copy !req
104. It's got
To be here.
Copy !req
105. Now, I say
Copy !req
106. And meet back
Here in one hour.
Copy !req
107. Well,
It's better
Copy !req
108. Than huddling
Together like
Frightened children.
Copy !req
109. Remember, we
Meet back here
Copy !req
110. In one hour.
Copy !req
111. Hello.
Copy !req
112. Anybody there?
Copy !req
113. Oh, I'm terribly sorry.
Copy !req
114. Your majesty.
Copy !req
115. I don't blame
The judges.
Copy !req
116. You're the prettiest
Of them all.
Copy !req
117. But tell
Me something,
Your majesty,
Copy !req
118. What's wrong
With you?
Copy !req
119. What's wrong
With everybody
In this crazy place?
Copy !req
120. Answer me!
Copy !req
121. Can't you talk?
Copy !req
122. Can't you move?
Copy !req
123. Answer me!
Copy !req
124. This is the way
It was on Earth
Not so long ago.
Copy !req
125. My great
Grandfather showed
Me pictures of it.
Copy !req
126. Quiet and peaceful.
Copy !req
127. You mean
You like
It here?
Copy !req
128. I would if it
Were real,
Copy !req
129. If I could be sure it
Wasn't going to vanish
In a puff of pink smoke.
Copy !req
130. Well, as for me, it's
A nice place to visit
Copy !req
131. But I wouldn't want
To live here.
Copy !req
132. Like it or not,
This is home
From now on.
Copy !req
133. Charming.
Copy !req
134. Lovely, isn't it?
Copy !req
135. If you want it,
It's yours.
Copy !req
136. Yes, that's true
Isn't it?
Copy !req
137. You don't mind
Copy !req
138. If we have
A look around
Copy !req
139. Do you, sir?
Copy !req
140. Not at all.
Copy !req
141. You're most welcome.
Copy !req
142. My name's Wickwire,
Jeremy Wickwire.
Copy !req
143. Gentlemen, there's
Nothing to be
Afraid of.
Copy !req
144. Truly, there isn't.
Copy !req
145. But, y-y-you're real.
Copy !req
146. But, of course, I am.
Copy !req
147. Isn't everybody?
Copy !req
148. I used to
Think so.
Copy !req
149. Oh, you mean,
Copy !req
150. Do come inside.
Copy !req
151. Come on,
Won't you?
Copy !req
152. Come on,
Come inside.
Copy !req
153. There's nothing
To be afraid of
Copy !req
154. I assure you.
Copy !req
155. Eh, do you
Like it?
Copy !req
156. We built it
For a Mr., uh,
Copy !req
157. Mr. Jenkinson.
Copy !req
158. But at the last
Moment he decided
Copy !req
159. That the one thing he wanted
To be was a knight in armor
Copy !req
160. So he's out there
In the medieval section
Copy !req
161. Slaying a dragon.
Copy !req
162. You mean there
Are other sections?
Copy !req
163. Hm?
Copy !req
164. Oh, yes,
Of course,
Copy !req
165. We have
Many sections.
Copy !req
166. There's
The Roman,
Copy !req
167. The Egyptian,
Copy !req
168. The Wild
Copy !req
169. But this is
The most popular
Copy !req
170. Because it
A period
Copy !req
171. In American culture
Copy !req
172. When creature
Comforts were
Most abundant
Copy !req
173. And before peace on Earth
Became impossible.
Copy !req
174. Now, look,
Mr., uh,
Copy !req
175. Wickwire.
Copy !req
176. Wickwire, we
Are from Earth.
Copy !req
177. Oh?
Copy !req
178. We were on a routine
Geological mission.
Copy !req
179. We ran into
A meteorite storm.
Copy !req
180. Some of our equipment
Was knocked out.
Copy !req
181. We got lost.
Copy !req
182. Now, that was
Six months ago.
Copy !req
183. We saw
This asteroid
And we landed.
Copy !req
184. Our fuel
Is gone.
Copy !req
185. We've got
To stay here.
Copy !req
186. I see.
Copy !req
187. I see, then you're
Not from the glades.
Copy !req
188. The what?
Copy !req
189. But you are from the Earth.
Copy !req
190. Tell me, did they ever
Have that atomic war?
Copy !req
191. Yes, in 1985.
Copy !req
192. Most of the Earth's
Surface was destroyed
Copy !req
193. And it's taken
Us 200 years
Copy !req
194. To pick up
The pieces.
Copy !req
195. Oh, how sad.
Copy !req
196. Mr. Wickwire
Copy !req
197. Now, you've
Got to explain
Some things
Copy !req
198. Before we
Go out of
Our minds.
Copy !req
199. Yes, but you look hungry.
Copy !req
200. Let me fix you lunch,
Then we'll talk.
Copy !req
201. Wait a second.
Copy !req
202. Now, you tell us
One thing right now.
Copy !req
203. Where are we?
Copy !req
204. Why, you're in a cemetery.
Copy !req
205. Didn't you know?
Copy !req
206. Please, make
Yourselves comfortable.
Copy !req
207. I'll be back
In a few moments.
Copy !req
208. Cemetery?
Copy !req
209. Coffee will
Be served
Copy !req
210. In a few minutes,
Copy !req
211. May I propose
A toast?
Copy !req
212. To peace,
My friends
Copy !req
213. To everlasting
Eternal peace.
Copy !req
214. Excellent!
Copy !req
215. Liebfraumilch,
Isn't it?
Copy !req
216. Yes.
Copy !req
217. Mister—
Copy !req
218. Wickwire.
Copy !req
219. We're very
Copy !req
220. We need help.
Copy !req
221. Well, sit down,
My boys, sit down.
Copy !req
222. Come on,
Sit down.
Copy !req
223. What is it?
Copy !req
224. Now, you said
Copy !req
225. That we were
In a cemetery.
Copy !req
226. What did
You mean?
Copy !req
227. Just
Exactly that.
Copy !req
228. But before
I explain
Copy !req
229. You must give me
Some information.
Copy !req
230. If you were granted
Your dearest wish
Copy !req
231. What would
Your wish be?
Copy !req
232. I'm not sure I know
What you mean.
Copy !req
233. I mean, where
Would you rather be
Copy !req
234. Right now?
Copy !req
235. I'd like to be on the ship
Headed for home.
Copy !req
236. And you, captain.
Copy !req
237. I'll go along
With that.
Copy !req
238. Splendid, and just
One thing more.
Copy !req
239. When you left Earth,
What was the date?
Copy !req
240. September.
Copy !req
241. No, no, the year.
Copy !req
242. 2185.
Copy !req
243. 2185?
Copy !req
244. Now I understand.
Copy !req
245. Well, that's nice.
Copy !req
246. We don't!
Copy !req
247. When you arrived
Copy !req
248. I thought you were
From Happy Glades.
Copy !req
249. But by your behavior
Copy !req
250. Of course, I see
You couldn't be.
Copy !req
251. We're still
Not following you.
Copy !req
252. What's Happy Glades?
Copy !req
253. The world's
Greatest mortuary.
Copy !req
254. At least, that's
What it used to be.
Copy !req
255. You see,
The management
Hit upon this scheme
Copy !req
256. As a service
To those who
Could afford it.
Copy !req
257. "This scheme"
Copy !req
258. This little
Copy !req
259. Where we would recreate
The exact conditions
Copy !req
260. Under which
The dear departed
Could be most happy.
Copy !req
261. For an example,
Copy !req
262. If the deceased always
Wanted to be elected mayor
Copy !req
263. He would achieve
His ambition here
Copy !req
264. For all eternity.
Copy !req
265. You mean those people
Are all dead?
Copy !req
266. No, no, not all of them.
Just a select few.
Copy !req
267. The others are imitations.
Copy !req
268. In other words,
This is the place
Copy !req
269. Where your
Dreams come true after
You've stopped dreaming.
Copy !req
270. Yes, that might
Be one way of
Putting it.
Copy !req
271. Yes, that's
Very good.
Copy !req
272. You expect
Us to believe
That explanation?
Copy !req
273. I hadn't thought of that.
Copy !req
274. Don't you?
Copy !req
275. It's true, you know.
Copy !req
276. Well, I'll admit
Copy !req
277. We haven't come up
With anything better.
Copy !req
278. But a cemetery
Out in space.
Copy !req
279. Millions of miles
From Earth.
Copy !req
280. Why?
Copy !req
281. Yes, why?
Copy !req
282. Now, your boss
Could have bought
A piece of desert.
Copy !req
283. Oh, no, no
Copy !req
284. You don't
Understand at all.
Copy !req
285. Happy Glades promises
Eternal peace
Copy !req
286. Everlasting peace.
Copy !req
287. You couldn't
Have that on Earth
Copy !req
288. Now, could you?
Copy !req
289. He has a point.
Copy !req
290. Uh, what
About you?
Copy !req
291. Me?
Copy !req
292. Yes, you, how
Do you figure
In all this?
Copy !req
293. Why, I'm
The caretaker.
Copy !req
294. It's my job
To make sure
Copy !req
295. That our guests
Are not,
Copy !req
296. Disturbed.
Copy !req
297. Well, when did
This mortuary— or
Whatever it is— begin?
Copy !req
298. 1973, I believe.
Copy !req
299. Yes, yes.
Copy !req
300. That'd make
You a bit
Copy !req
301. On the
Elderly side
Copy !req
302. Wouldn't it,
Mr. Wirewick?
Copy !req
303. Wickwire.
Copy !req
304. Now, I'm afraid
You're forcing me
Copy !req
305. Into a rather
Embarrassing admission.
Copy !req
306. You see, I'm not
Actually human,
Copy !req
307. Oh, I am now
Copy !req
308. But when you've gone
Copy !req
309. I shall go back
To sleep again
Until I'm needed.
Copy !req
310. You see, I'm— I'm merely
A scientific device.
Copy !req
311. I go on and off again
Like a machine.
Copy !req
312. You understand.
Copy !req
313. Yes, it's not
Very complicated
Copy !req
314. Is it, really?
Copy !req
315. He goes
On and off.
Copy !req
316. Yes, I think I must have been
Off for about 200 years.
Copy !req
317. Look, mister,
You think—
Copy !req
318. All right,
All right, Pete.
Copy !req
319. Mr. Wickwire
Copy !req
320. We're
Staying here.
Copy !req
321. Yes, I know.
Copy !req
322. Yes, but you
Said something
Copy !req
323. About our
Being gone.
Copy !req
324. Oh, that's a figure
Of speech, captain.
Copy !req
325. I meant "Departed."
Copy !req
326. "Gone on" as it were.
Copy !req
327. Well, you know
What he's saying
Copy !req
328. Don't you?
Copy !req
329. I told you not
To trust him.
Copy !req
330. I told you!
Copy !req
331. We meant you
No harm.
Copy !req
332. I realize that and I'm sorry.
Copy !req
333. Truly I am.
Copy !req
334. The antidote—
Copy !req
335. Give us the antidote.
Copy !req
336. There is no
Antidote, captain.
Copy !req
337. Even now the
Eternifying fluid
Copy !req
338. Is coursing
Through your veins
Copy !req
339. But it— it won't
Be painful, I assure you.
Copy !req
340. But why?
Copy !req
341. Why us?
Copy !req
342. Because you are here
Copy !req
343. And you are men
Copy !req
344. And while there are men
Copy !req
345. There can be no peace.
Copy !req
346. Kirby, Webber and Meyers,
Three men lost.
Copy !req
347. They shared a common wish,
A simple one really,
Copy !req
348. They wanted to be aboard
Their ship headed for home.
Copy !req
349. And fate, a laughing fate,
A practical jokester
Copy !req
350. With a smile that stretched
Across the stars
Copy !req
351. Saw to it that
They got their wish
Copy !req
352. With just one reservation,
Copy !req
353. The wish came true
Copy !req
354. But only
In the twilight zone.
Copy !req
355. Rod Serling, creator
Of twilight zone
Copy !req
356. Will tell you about next
Week's story after this word
From our alternate sponsor.
Copy !req
357. And now, Mr. Serling.
Copy !req
358. Next week, I try
To settle an argument
Copy !req
359. To the effect that I'm not
At my best when writing
Scripts for women
Copy !req
360. Miss Vera Miles
Takes my side
Copy !req
361. In a most un usual and unique
Story we called
"Mirror Image."
Copy !req
362. I hope to see you next week,
You in your living room
Copy !req
363. And Miss Vera Miles
And the rest of us
In the twilight zone.
Copy !req
364. Can we have dynamic
Growth, low unemployment,
Copy !req
365. And reasonably stable prices?
Write for this free booklet
Copy !req
366. To American Assembly,
Columbia University
New York City.
Copy !req