1. Junior, hey.
Copy !req
2. Jimmy, how you doing, kid?
Copy !req
3. How many of these things
we gotta go to?
Copy !req
4. Filone's mom at the kid's
funeral, the way she carried on.
Copy !req
5. Fucking manners.
Copy !req
6. I want you to know I always thought
you had that right too. You know?
Copy !req
7. Jimmy, let me tell you something.
Don't worry about what I know.
Copy !req
8. I was just over to Tony's house.
Copy !req
9. Oh, yeah? How was he?
Copy !req
10. He looked...
Copy !req
11. tired.
Copy !req
12. Maybe he's got hypoglycemia.
Copy !req
13. - Maybe he's depressed.
- What's he depressed about?
Copy !req
14. He talked to me about it.
Copy !req
15. - Depression?
- Well...
Copy !req
16. What do you know about
Copy !req
17. Nothing, but he sleeps all the time,
he's not taking care of himself—
Copy !req
18. Top guys have dark moods.
Copy !req
19. Winston Churchill drank a quart of
brandy before breakfast.
Copy !req
20. And Napoleon,
he was a moody fuck too.
Copy !req
21. Am I nuts?
Copy !req
22. A day at the mall in mules
and I'll be crippled for life.
Copy !req
23. I told Lilliana to put some
giambotto in the microwave for you.
Copy !req
24. How are you fixed for sweat socks?
We'll be by the Sports Authority.
Copy !req
25. Tony?
Copy !req
26. I know you're in there!
I know you hear me!
Copy !req
27. Will you let me sleep?
Copy !req
28. Does your therapist know about this?
Maybe you need more medication.
Copy !req
29. She's got me on lithium
and Prozac. What else?
Copy !req
30. Aromatherapy, something.
Copy !req
31. This is not normal...
Copy !req
32. for a healthy adult male to take
to bed like this.
Copy !req
33. I got a lot on my mind.
Copy !req
34. Oh, really? Well, move over, then.
Copy !req
35. Those indictments are hanging over
my head too.
Copy !req
36. Plus I got the roots in
the pipe to the street.
Copy !req
37. My best friend, Pussy, has disappeared.
He's probably fucking dead, okay?
Copy !req
38. This downturn started long before
Pussy Bompensiero disappeared.
Copy !req
39. If you want me, I will be at
the Paramus Mall...
Copy !req
40. getting your son a suit to wear
to his first formal.
Copy !req
41. Carmela, come on!
Copy !req
42. Sorry, Junior.
Copy !req
43. The Jackson Street Bridge was up.
Copy !req
44. If you say you'll be someplace...
Copy !req
45. - ... be someplace!
- Sorry.
Copy !req
46. Junior, you all right?
Copy !req
47. Pork-chop boy was here.
That fucking Altieri!
Copy !req
48. Running his mouth about
the Brendan Filone hit.
Copy !req
49. Is that what him and my capos
talk about behind my back?
Copy !req
50. The meeting's adjourned at
the Green Grove.
Copy !req
51. Chucky and I spoke to Donnie P.,
and the thing...
Copy !req
52. it's happening tomorrow.
Copy !req
53. That quick? Good.
Copy !req
54. Yeah. Black guys.
Copy !req
55. It'll never lead back.
Copy !req
56. They got a pisciatoio in this place?
Copy !req
57. Look at her like that.
Copy !req
58. Mariolina gave me my first hand job.
Me and Vincent Miniscalco...
Copy !req
59. in the alley behind
the chicken market.
Copy !req
60. What am I saying
at this poor woman's wake?
Copy !req
61. I wanted to let you know
so you don't worry.
Copy !req
62. Everything's taken care of about Tony.
Copy !req
63. When I was a little kid
like that...
Copy !req
64. I always used to wonder why nobody
collected prayer cards...
Copy !req
65. like they collect baseball cards.
Copy !req
66. Thousands of bucks for Honus Wagner...
Copy !req
67. and jack shit for Jesus.
Copy !req
68. It's going down at a newsstand
by the medical center.
Copy !req
69. Where he spills his guts on some
fucking shrink's carpet.
Copy !req
70. Junior, these guys are very, very good.
Copy !req
71. Donnie Paduana did time with them at
Rahway. And I was very specific.
Copy !req
72. He's not gonna suffer. He'll have
an open casket, I promise.
Copy !req
73. Enough! I don't want
to hear anymore!
Copy !req
74. Jesus, Michael,
if I delegate, I delegate.
Copy !req
75. Is that what time it is?
Copy !req
76. There is absolutely nothing on the
street about the big guy, anywhere.
Copy !req
77. I went to see his family.
Copy !req
78. Angela doesn't know shit, or she
deserves an Academy fucking Award.
Copy !req
79. His goomar either.
Copy !req
80. I don't wanna hear no more talking
about Pussy.
Copy !req
81. Mr. Tony, let me take that robe
and wash it for you.
Copy !req
82. Did I ask you to take the robe?
Copy !req
83. Jimmy Altieri was in the Bing.
Copy !req
84. Can't even look him
in the face anymore.
Copy !req
85. If he's wired, it's doing jack shit...
Copy !req
86. because all we feed him is
deliberate bullshit...
Copy !req
87. till we can, you know...
Copy !req
88. Don't do nothing about Jimmy.
Copy !req
89. I don't even know if he's
the guy that flipped.
Copy !req
90. I don't know nothing no more.
Copy !req
91. Pussy probably freaked out and he's
lamming it, that's all.
Copy !req
92. How many times do I gotta say it?
Copy !req
93. - You want me to drive you somewhere?
- No.
Copy !req
94. I usually drive you.
Copy !req
95. - I'm going downstairs.
- What are you gonna do?
Copy !req
96. I'm gonna get my pants out of
the fucking drier, okay?
Copy !req
97. - Hello.
- Hi.
Copy !req
98. Is this yours?
I found it in the yard.
Copy !req
99. Oh, no. Really?
Copy !req
100. Thought the Cusamanos were away.
Copy !req
101. Yeah, they went in Bermuda
to play golf.
Copy !req
102. You're from Italy, aren't you?
Copy !req
103. - My English is pitiful.
- No.
Copy !req
104. You speak very good.
Copy !req
105. Your English is better than
my Italian.
Copy !req
106. Principles of Oral Surgery?
Copy !req
107. I'm a student.
Copy !req
108. I'm here as part of a exchange program
between our two countries.
Copy !req
109. Boy, if my dentist looked like you
I'd stay awake during a root canal.
Copy !req
110. All right...
Copy !req
111. I'll let you study.
Copy !req
112. Thank you for bring me—
Come si dice "biancheria"?
Copy !req
113. I don't know how to say in English.
Copy !req
114. Well, that makes two of us.
Copy !req
115. Bye.
Copy !req
116. That's him.
Copy !req
117. Remember, they don't want
nothing above the neck.
Copy !req
118. Let's do it.
Copy !req
119. Whoa.
Copy !req
120. Doughnuts?
No wonder he can't lose weight.
Copy !req
121. Where's he going now?
Copy !req
122. Yo, sir?
Copy !req
123. - Excuse me.
- What?
Copy !req
124. Could you pull forward?
Copy !req
125. - Give me a minute.
- Police department.
Copy !req
126. Where's your badge?
Copy !req
127. I said move this piece of shit, now!
Copy !req
128. Get the fuck out of my face.
Copy !req
129. We'll have to waste this
motherfucker too?
Copy !req
130. Let him get his doughnuts.
We'll pop him when he gets out.
Copy !req
131. Where's he going?
Copy !req
132. See if he left his motherfucking keys
in the car.
Copy !req
133. This is fucked up.
Copy !req
134. No. No.
Copy !req
135. Jesus, you make a left
at the stop sign.
Copy !req
136. You must be looking at us.
What are you, Ray Charles?
Copy !req
137. Jesus Christ! How could it
not have gone down?
Copy !req
138. I know, Junior. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
139. Some civilian got in the way.
Donnie will explain it to us.
Copy !req
140. I wanted it to be over.
Copy !req
141. I know.
Copy !req
142. Junior, mints?
Copy !req
143. We've been fucking
standing around here forever.
Copy !req
144. You don't think we got
better things to do?
Copy !req
145. What the fuck, man?
Copy !req
146. They'll do it tomorrow.
My personal guarantee.
Copy !req
147. Let me tell you something, Donnie.
If they don't...
Copy !req
148. some hikers are gonna find your
personal guarantee rolled up...
Copy !req
149. and shoved up your ass.
Copy !req
150. Mike, they got blocked in.
There were witnesses.
Copy !req
151. - Tomorrow.
- What did I just say?
Copy !req
152. I already talked to them.
I realize it's urgent.
Copy !req
153. I heard Tony's own mother
wants him popped.
Copy !req
154. Who the fuck told you that?
Copy !req
155. I don't know. It's just a joke.
Copy !req
156. You think that's funny,
a guy's own mother?
Copy !req
157. Tomorrow!
Copy !req
158. Fucking A!
Copy !req
159. All right.
Copy !req
160. I don't like it.
This fucking guy's big mouth.
Copy !req
161. - No, he's okay.
- I don't like it!
Copy !req
162. Next they'll be making jokes
about me.
Copy !req
163. Chucky! Tell him to wait a minute.
Copy !req
164. Yo, Donnie! Hold on a minute.
Copy !req
165. Hey, Donnie.
Copy !req
166. Sorry!
Copy !req
167. Are you still taking the lithium?
Copy !req
168. Lithium. Prozac.
When's it gonna end?
Copy !req
169. We're trying to give a jolt
to your system.
Copy !req
170. Give it...
Copy !req
171. a little kick start.
Copy !req
172. Why not kick me in the head?
Copy !req
173. What you're going through is very
painful, I know that.
Copy !req
174. You get stabbed in the ribs,
that's painful.
Copy !req
175. This shit, I don't feel nothing.
Copy !req
176. Nothing.
Copy !req
177. Dead. Empty.
Copy !req
178. What else?
Copy !req
179. - What?
- What were you just thinking about?
Copy !req
180. This gorgeous piece of cooz...
Copy !req
181. next door to Cusamano's. She's
staying there while they're away.
Copy !req
182. You do feel something?
Copy !req
183. Don't split hairs with me
because I've had it with you.
Copy !req
184. Like King Midas in reverse,
everything I touch turns to shit.
Copy !req
185. I'm not a husband to my wife.
I'm not a father to my kids.
Copy !req
186. I'm not a friend to my friends.
I'm nothing.
Copy !req
187. I don't even know why I come here.
Copy !req
188. Nothing else to do.
Copy !req
189. Do you think it would help if you went
someplace to rest up a while?
Copy !req
190. - You mean like Vegas?
- No, not Vegas.
Copy !req
191. - A place where you'd be looked after.
- Like a hospital?
Copy !req
192. - With padded rooms and straitjackets?
- No. No straitjackets.
Copy !req
193. A residential treatment center.
Copy !req
194. Any idea what my life
would be worth...
Copy !req
195. if people knew I was
in a laughing academy?
Copy !req
196. Your life is boxing us in.
Copy !req
197. I'll take a gun and blow my head off.
Copy !req
198. If that's what you're saying,
you should be hospitalized.
Copy !req
199. Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
200. You get a couple of guys,
come to my house, try it.
Copy !req
201. All right.
Copy !req
202. I'm gonna push the Prozac
to 60 milligrams.
Copy !req
203. Sure, why not?
Copy !req
204. Hey, is that you?
Copy !req
205. Ciao!
Copy !req
206. Look who's here.
Copy !req
207. I was just talking about you.
No kidding.
Copy !req
208. What are you doing here?
Copy !req
209. Have the class in gum grafting
alla scuola. I just finish.
Copy !req
210. Let me ask you. This sandwich,
it says it's a "hero."
Copy !req
211. Why do they call a sandwich "hero"?
Copy !req
212. - You don't want to eat that.
- No?
Copy !req
213. Come on.
Copy !req
214. - What's your name?
- Isabella.
Copy !req
215. I'm Tony.
Copy !req
216. - You never went in Italy.
- No.
Copy !req
217. Why no? You don't want to go?
Copy !req
218. I guess I just never got off my ass.
Excuse my French.
Copy !req
219. Your French?
Copy !req
220. It's an expression.
Copy !req
221. And where are your people from?
Copy !req
222. Wait a minute, don't tell me.
Copy !req
223. - Avellino?
- How'd you know that?
Copy !req
224. I didn't. I guessed it.
Copy !req
225. You look like this guy from there.
Copy !req
226. He came after the earthquake...
Copy !req
227. to repair—
Copy !req
228. How do you say the seat
of the house?
Copy !req
229. I love how you say that.
Copy !req
230. "Hearthquake."
Copy !req
231. You are making a joke.
Copy !req
232. No. No, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
233. Go ahead.
Copy !req
234. Fondamenta. Do you understand?
Copy !req
235. Foundation.
Copy !req
236. Foundation, si. Foundation was
cracked, and he repaired the stone.
Copy !req
237. My grandfather was a stonemason. He
was Avellinese, him and his brother.
Copy !req
238. You should visit Avellino if
your family come from there.
Copy !req
239. There isn't too much left
because of the many earthquake.
Copy !req
240. But from the 17th century, is
still there a beautiful palazzo.
Copy !req
241. Palazzo della Dogana.
Copy !req
242. And there is a place in
the corner of the piazza...
Copy !req
243. a wine bar. You can sit.
You can see the hills.
Copy !req
244. And when is spring...
Copy !req
245. you can smell the blossom
from the lemon trees.
Copy !req
246. And there is a church with a bell.
Copy !req
247. And they say when it rings,
that means that a baby...
Copy !req
248. was conceived in the town.
Copy !req
249. Tony?
Copy !req
250. Tony?
Copy !req
251. - Are you on medication?
- No.
Copy !req
252. No.
Copy !req
253. Tell me more about your...
Copy !req
254. dental studies.
Copy !req
255. I was interested mainly...
Copy !req
256. in tumors of the gum
and the soft tissue of the mouth.
Copy !req
257. Yeah?
Copy !req
258. Tumors of the gum, huh?
Copy !req
259. Dad, we're eating!
Copy !req
260. Hold it, Ma. Anthony?
Copy !req
261. What does a gentleman do?
Copy !req
262. In his own house?
Copy !req
263. A young lady's invited Anthony
to his first formal.
Copy !req
264. Well, then?
Copy !req
265. Okay?
Copy !req
266. Thank you, young man.
Copy !req
267. Okay.
Copy !req
268. Tony!
Copy !req
269. Honey, I told you your mother
was coming for dinner.
Copy !req
270. - Hi, Mom.
- Well, look who's decided to join us.
Copy !req
271. And with that breath!
Copy !req
272. You know, I really don't need
that right now, Ma.
Copy !req
273. Aren't we being sensitive!
Copy !req
274. Meadow, can you take some chicken
and pass it, please?
Copy !req
275. - Where's Uncle Jun?
- He said he wasn't feeling well.
Copy !req
276. Did you know the average
chicken's feet never touch the ground?
Copy !req
277. That's dicked up.
Copy !req
278. If I was that young lady...
Copy !req
279. and you came and took me
to that dance...
Copy !req
280. and used that kind of talk...
Copy !req
281. I'd slap your face!
Copy !req
282. That's right, Ma. Thank you.
Copy !req
283. Well, the whole world's gone crazy.
Copy !req
284. Some woman in Pennsylvania shot her
children and set her house on fire.
Copy !req
285. Here we go.
Copy !req
286. How come my son's in a bathrobe?
Is he sick?
Copy !req
287. - He's fine.
- Dad, you're depressed.
Copy !req
288. Depressed?
Copy !req
289. My father came to this country
with 17 cents in his pocket...
Copy !req
290. - ... and he never made a peep.
- Ma?
Copy !req
291. What's he got to be depressed about?
Copy !req
292. Nobody threw him into
the glue factory...
Copy !req
293. and sold his house out from
underneath him.
Copy !req
294. We all agreed to sell your home.
Copy !req
295. I'm going back upstairs.
Copy !req
296. I was making a joke!
Copy !req
297. I suppose it would be better if I
never opened my mouth.
Copy !req
298. How can it be a joke
if you're crying?
Copy !req
299. This is really the last time.
Copy !req
300. I am never coming back to this house.
Copy !req
301. What a day! With this wind, huh?
Copy !req
302. What you looking at?
Copy !req
303. Nothing.
Copy !req
304. Who's she?
Copy !req
305. Dental student, from Italy.
Copy !req
306. You know her?
Copy !req
307. We had lunch.
Copy !req
308. Lunch?
Copy !req
309. You fucking piece of shit.
Copy !req
310. Going to dinner with you is
a distant memory for me...
Copy !req
311. but you have time to
take her to lunch?
Copy !req
312. You're sinking this whole family into
your misery with your complaining...
Copy !req
313. while I spoon-feed you
and bathe you!
Copy !req
314. A half-inch of another woman's
thigh gets you out of bed?
Copy !req
315. What am I, a fucking idiot?
Copy !req
316. If I had an ounce of self-respect,
I would cut your dick off!
Copy !req
317. I was there last night for dinner.
Copy !req
318. I couldn't go.
Copy !req
319. Those poor freaking kids.
Copy !req
320. They barely have a father now. You
should see him at the dinner table.
Copy !req
321. - I don't want to know.
- In his bathrobe at 7 p.m.
Copy !req
322. Some bargain.
That's all anyone should pay.
Copy !req
323. My cousin, Cakey, after his lobotomy,
looked exactly like my son.
Copy !req
324. - Livia.
- Empty. A shell.
Copy !req
325. Better Cakey die than live like that.
That's what his mother used to say.
Copy !req
326. Don't talk about it anymore.
Don't talk about Tony. It's done.
Copy !req
327. Mr. Tony, Miss Carmela said to tell
you she went to buy a suit for A.J.
Copy !req
328. Go away.
Copy !req
329. Okay, mister. Miss Carmela told me to
remind you of your appointment.
Copy !req
330. How's you doing, Tony?
Pick Six today?
Copy !req
331. No, just an orange juice
and a racing form today.
Copy !req
332. - This wind, huh?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
333. Dead now, motherfucker!
Copy !req
334. Oh, shit!
Copy !req
335. Daddy! Where is he?
Please let him be all right!
Copy !req
336. - They didn't say anything?
- They didn't.
Copy !req
337. Look who's here.
Copy !req
338. Is he all right? Jesus Christ, Tony!
Copy !req
339. Your ear's all bloody!
What'd they do to your ear?
Copy !req
340. I'm putting in stitches
to create a nice closure.
Copy !req
341. We were so scared.
Copy !req
342. They almost killed you
for a car!
Copy !req
343. Guess nobody told them about
the gas mileage it gets.
Copy !req
344. It's not funny, Dad.
Copy !req
345. What's the matter? Forget how
to talk because I got banged up?
Copy !req
346. - No.
- He's just frightened, that's all.
Copy !req
347. Doctor needs to
finish up here, ma'am.
Copy !req
348. All right. Let's give
the doctor some room.
Copy !req
349. See you later.
Copy !req
350. - Poor Dad.
- He'll be all right.
Copy !req
351. Christ!
Copy !req
352. You can't wait until they
finish sewing my ear back on?
Copy !req
353. One inch to the left and you're
in a drawer instead of talking to me.
Copy !req
354. Who's talking to you?
Copy !req
355. What's he doing here?
Copy !req
356. Agent Harris is just leaving.
Copy !req
357. We're offering your husband
full immunity...
Copy !req
358. in return for his testimony.
Copy !req
359. Relocate you and your family,
you'll be completely safe.
Copy !req
360. Don't talk to my wife.
Copy !req
361. He wouldn't have to go to jail?
Copy !req
362. Carmela, ask this prick if
I'm even indicted.
Copy !req
363. This assassination problem is
not going to go away.
Copy !req
364. I told you to stop talking to my wife!
Copy !req
365. Carmela, will you wait outside?
Copy !req
366. Kiss my ass, Tony!
Copy !req
367. We're your only option, Tony.
It's not safe for you anymore.
Copy !req
368. - This conversation's over.
- What do you know?
Copy !req
369. He knows nothing.
It was a carjacking!
Copy !req
370. Now get out of here!
You're upsetting my wife!
Copy !req
371. In case you change your mind.
Copy !req
372. - You know he's right.
- Nothing will happen.
Copy !req
373. Wake up, Tony! It already did!
Copy !req
374. I took an oath, Carmela.
Copy !req
375. Are you a kid in a tree house?
Copy !req
376. Did you tell anybody about me
seeing Melfi?
Copy !req
377. That's why they tried to kill you,
because you see a psychiatrist?
Copy !req
378. It was a carjacking!
Copy !req
379. Have the decency not to lie to me.
Copy !req
380. What do you want to do, Carmela?
Move to Utah?
Copy !req
381. Be Mr. and Mrs. Mike Smith?
Copy !req
382. We could sell Indian relics.
Maybe start a rattlesnake ranch.
Copy !req
383. This is our chance to get out, Tony.
We could start a whole new life.
Copy !req
384. Have some Mormons over to dinner.
Eat some tomatoes with no taste.
Copy !req
385. I want those kids to have a father.
Copy !req
386. They got one. This one.
Copy !req
387. Me. Tony Soprano.
And all that comes with it.
Copy !req
388. Oh, you prick!
Copy !req
389. Good.
Copy !req
390. I can't go to that dance now either.
Copy !req
391. God, self-involved much?
Copy !req
392. - It's Uncle Silvio and Uncle Paulie.
- Hey, squirt!
Copy !req
393. - They shot my dad.
- He's all right, though, isn't he?
Copy !req
394. Take more than a Jamaican bobsled team
with cap guns to stop him.
Copy !req
395. - Where is he?
- With Mom.
Copy !req
396. All right.
Copy !req
397. They look kind of weird.
Copy !req
398. I don't believe it was a carjacking.
Copy !req
399. Today in Montclair,
Anthony Soprano...
Copy !req
400. who allegedly is a captain
in the northern New Jersey Mafia...
Copy !req
401. was wounded in what he claims
was an attempted carjack.
Copy !req
402. But sources in the FBI say it was
a gangland execution gone awry.
Copy !req
403. Soprano escaped with minor wounds and
was taken to an undisclosed hospital.
Copy !req
404. One of his assailants,
William "Petite" Clayborn...
Copy !req
405. was killed in the attack.
Copy !req
406. Continuing now with—
Copy !req
407. Is this true?
Copy !req
408. Do you think they made it up?
Copy !req
409. But how could this happen?
Copy !req
410. I don't know. I don't frigging know.
Copy !req
411. I feel like I'm floating in space.
He'll look for who did this.
Copy !req
412. Anthony? Of course he is!
Copy !req
413. - You understand what's going on?
- My son got shot and he got away!
Copy !req
414. What do we do now? What the fuck
do we do now, Livia?
Copy !req
415. - We go see him.
- Tony?
Copy !req
416. Of course!
Copy !req
417. He's my only son.
Copy !req
418. Thanks, sweetheart.
Copy !req
419. We could use some peppers out here.
Copy !req
420. I'll get them.
Copy !req
421. Don't you have homework to do?
Copy !req
422. I can't help too?
Copy !req
423. Some fucking shit, huh?
Copy !req
424. Tony! Jesus fucking Christ!
Copy !req
425. Who do we blame for the hat?
Copy !req
426. I was on Denny Najarian's boat.
Copy !req
427. Two shooters, and his piece
was under the seat.
Copy !req
428. - You believe it?
- Two girls from the 'hood, that's all.
Copy !req
429. - Do we know who they are?
- The live one took off in a Taurus.
Copy !req
430. - Taurus?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
431. Moolies in a new Taurus.
Doesn't exactly fit the profile.
Copy !req
432. Motherfuck! These guys I had
a beef with at the newsstand.
Copy !req
433. - You were there?
- The day before yesterday.
Copy !req
434. The newsstand? The one in Montclair?
Copy !req
435. Yeah, I was in the neighborhood.
Copy !req
436. What were you doing there?
Copy !req
437. Taking my mother to the doctor.
Copy !req
438. Hey, put it right there, baby.
Copy !req
439. Thank you.
Copy !req
440. This husband of yours, Carmela.
How much we love him.
Copy !req
441. - He's the best.
- Come on.
Copy !req
442. He's like a father to me.
Copy !req
443. Just make sure nothing happens to him.
Copy !req
444. I'll get it.
Copy !req
445. Come on.
Copy !req
446. All due respect, Tone...
Copy !req
447. it had to be your uncle, right?
Copy !req
448. Well, why fucking now?
Copy !req
449. Maybe he found out.
Copy !req
450. Found out what?
Copy !req
451. That he's Joe Jerk-off, not the boss.
That you run things behind his back.
Copy !req
452. Anthony!
Copy !req
453. Uncle Jun!
Copy !req
454. Don't get up. I heard your knee
was fucked up.
Copy !req
455. Don't worry, I'm all right.
Copy !req
456. - Your ear's disfigured.
- It's all right.
Copy !req
457. Hi.
Copy !req
458. Mikey and my crew are cracking
heads to find out who did this.
Copy !req
459. When we're done with them they're
gonna wish they were never born.
Copy !req
460. Look who it is. Father Intintola!
Copy !req
461. I came as a friend.
Copy !req
462. - How are you, Tony?
- All right.
Copy !req
463. If you'd like to speak privately
we could kneel in prayer or—
Copy !req
464. Not right now.
Copy !req
465. Why don't you grab a sandwich
and we'll talk later?
Copy !req
466. - You're sleeping over, right?
- Can I get you anything?
Copy !req
467. - Another sambuca?
- I'll get it.
Copy !req
468. I'll take a curaçao, if you got it.
I'll buy him one too.
Copy !req
469. No, that's all right.
No alcohol for me.
Copy !req
470. Can he hear through that ear?
Copy !req
471. Ma, sit down. Here you go.
Have something to eat.
Copy !req
472. Want some?
Copy !req
473. Fuck, I thought it was him.
Copy !req
474. But there he is, glasses and all.
Copy !req
475. Don't eat gabagool, Grandma.
Copy !req
476. It's nothing but fat and nitrates.
Copy !req
477. Gabagool?
Copy !req
478. Over here!
Copy !req
479. Right there.
Copy !req
480. Who is that?
Copy !req
481. Who?
Copy !req
482. - That girl.
- Who, Meadow?
Copy !req
483. Is that Concetta?
Copy !req
484. It's your granddaughter.
Copy !req
485. All right, don't get impatient.
I'm your mother!
Copy !req
486. Did you hear? Dad fought off
two black guys. One got shot.
Copy !req
487. Why aren't you dressed for the dance?
Copy !req
488. - I can't go.
- Why not?
Copy !req
489. Don't you need me here?
Copy !req
490. And disappoint the future
Miss New Jersey?
Copy !req
491. Mom was gonna drive.
She can't now.
Copy !req
492. You're gonna go.
Copy !req
493. I gotta know something.
Copy !req
494. And I want the truth.
Copy !req
495. Did you ever tell anybody
about you and me?
Copy !req
496. I may have mentioned
to my family...
Copy !req
497. that I had a patient who was
in trouble with something...
Copy !req
498. we were hearing about in the news.
Copy !req
499. I never mentioned a name
or any other specifics...
Copy !req
500. that could identify you
as that person.
Copy !req
501. My son's.
Copy !req
502. Does your family know?
Copy !req
503. My mother's made a few comments.
But I don't see how she knows.
Copy !req
504. And even if she did...
Copy !req
505. Don't even go there about
the old lady.
Copy !req
506. You should've seen her at my house.
She was losing her mind.
Copy !req
507. How are you doing with all of this?
Copy !req
508. I feel pretty good.
Copy !req
509. - Really?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
510. Well, that's good.
Copy !req
511. Talk about a jolt to the system.
Copy !req
512. Try getting shot at.
Copy !req
513. It'll give you a nice kick start.
Copy !req
514. You know, when I was depressed...
Copy !req
515. I said I didn't want to live.
Copy !req
516. Well, I tell you something.
Copy !req
517. I didn't want to die.
Copy !req
518. Every fucking particle of my being
was fighting to live.
Copy !req
519. I had lunch with that girl next door.
Copy !req
520. You did?
Copy !req
521. Isabella.
Copy !req
522. She was telling me about...
Copy !req
523. Avellino, where my people are from.
Copy !req
524. It sounded nice.
Copy !req
525. Anyway, she was talking...
Copy !req
526. and then all of a sudden...
Copy !req
527. we went to another place, like...
Copy !req
528. in my mind's eye.
Copy !req
529. I don't know, we went back in time
to, like, 1907 or something.
Copy !req
530. And we were in this room, me and her.
Copy !req
531. And she was holding a baby on her
breast. She was nursing it.
Copy !req
532. She was whispering to it, like,
"It's okay, little baby.
Copy !req
533. Don't cry. It's gonna be okay.
Copy !req
534. I love you."
Copy !req
535. Did the baby have a name?
Copy !req
536. She was calling it Antonio.
Copy !req
537. Anthony, your fantasy...
Copy !req
538. that's you, that little baby.
Copy !req
539. And Isabella, that she was nursing you.
Copy !req
540. Fuck me.
Copy !req
541. You think this is a stretch?
Copy !req
542. Can we get some of that whiskey?
Copy !req
543. Livia.
Copy !req
544. You don't knock?
I could've been in the nude!
Copy !req
545. What the hell is going on?
Copy !req
546. - See if my slipper is over there.
- Fuck your slipper!
Copy !req
547. I don't like that talk!
Copy !req
548. What was that bullshit yesterday?
Copy !req
549. You don't even recognize
your granddaughter?
Copy !req
550. I've been forgetting things lately.
Copy !req
551. You'll find that it'll happen
to you soon too.
Copy !req
552. Terrific timing, after the
move on your son is in the toilet!
Copy !req
553. I don't know
what you're talking about!
Copy !req
554. Hey, Cuse!
Copy !req
555. Cuse!
Copy !req
556. How was Bermuda?
Copy !req
557. Jeanie wrecked up a motorbike.
Hurt her ankle bad.
Copy !req
558. - Oh, yeah? I'm sorry.
- Thanks.
Copy !req
559. So where's your dental student?
Copy !req
560. My what?
Copy !req
561. Isabella. Haven't seen her
in a couple days.
Copy !req
562. Your houseguest, Isabella.
Dark hair, beautiful.
Copy !req
563. You don't know what I'm saying?
Copy !req
564. Tony, I got no idea
what you're saying.
Copy !req
565. You didn't have an Italian girl?
She's here studying...?
Copy !req
566. We had Skippy Palumbo from down
the street take care of the dog.
Copy !req
567. Never mind.
Copy !req
568. Forget it. Joke.
Copy !req
569. - I'll talk to you later.
- All right.
Copy !req
570. You sure about this? You're not
pulling my leg?
Copy !req
571. What am I, an idiot?
Of course I'm sure!
Copy !req
572. - You never—?
- No!
Copy !req
573. I think I've said enough about it.
I never threatened to cut your dick off.
Copy !req
574. - Hello?
- Yeah, it's your patient.
Copy !req
575. The one who's been involved
in the news lately?
Copy !req
576. - I gotta talk to you.
- What's wrong?
Copy !req
577. - There was no Isabella.
- What?
Copy !req
578. There was no Isabella.
I just talked to Cusamano...
Copy !req
579. he just got back from Bermuda.
Copy !req
580. I asked, "Where's the dental student?"
He looked at me like I was pazzo.
Copy !req
581. But you said that your wife saw her,
that you argued about it.
Copy !req
582. Yeah, I asked her about that.
Copy !req
583. - And?
- You thought she was pissed then?
Copy !req
584. You should see her now that I said
it was a fantasy.
Copy !req
585. Discontinue the lithium.
Copy !req
586. I already flushed it.
Copy !req
587. Even if it was the medicine,
this fantasy of yours has meaning.
Copy !req
588. You know, the issue of mother
and child. The Madonna.
Copy !req
589. You didn't see this broad.
Copy !req
590. Did you ever flirt or come on
sexually with Isabella?
Copy !req
591. - No.
- Why not?
Copy !req
592. You said she was very
beautiful and voluptuous.
Copy !req
593. Another question:
Copy !req
594. Why now?
Copy !req
595. - What?
- Why the need...
Copy !req
596. for the fantasy of
a loving woman now?
Copy !req
597. - I don't know.
- Come in.
Copy !req
598. We can talk face to face.
Copy !req
599. I can't right now.
Copy !req
600. Your mother is always
talking about infanticide.
Copy !req
601. It's a sad situation in the world.
Copy !req
602. - Do you still feel okay?
- I feel pretty good, actually.
Copy !req
603. When I find out who shot at me,
I'll feel even better.
Copy !req