1. D'
Copy !req
2. Run, Daddy, run!
Copy !req
3. Open the door, Maude!
Copy !req
4. I don't have time
for the secret knock!
Copy !req
5. I'm panicking, Neddy.
Copy !req
6. I can't work the knob!
Copy !req
7. This is Kent Brockman
Copy !req
8. with a special report from
the Channel 6 news copter.
Copy !req
9. A large bear-like animal,
most likely a bear,
Copy !req
10. has wandered down from the hills
in search of food
Copy !req
11. or perhaps employment.
Copy !req
12. Please, remain calm.
Copy !req
13. Stay in your homes.
Copy !req
14. Looks like bad news for the...
Copy !req
15. Impson family.
Copy !req
16. Let's all calm down.
Copy !req
17. Everyone's going to be just fine
Copy !req
18. as long as I've got enough beer.
Copy !req
19. All right, that does it.
Copy !req
20. If I'm going to be trapped
inside the house
Copy !req
21. I got to go out
and buy some beer.
Copy !req
22. Now to drop gracefully
through the windshield.
Copy !req
23. I got you, Dad!
Copy !req
24. Sweet dreams, Smokey.
Copy !req
25. Animal tranquilizer!
Copy !req
26. Smooth.
Copy !req
27. Book 'em, Lou.
Copy !req
28. One count of being a bear.
Copy !req
29. And one count
Copy !req
30. of being an accessory
to being a bear.
Copy !req
31. Marge, it was horrible.
Copy !req
32. We were trapped
in the house all afternoon
Copy !req
33. and... well...
Copy !req
34. we had to drink toilet water.
Copy !req
35. Well, things were
bad everywhere.
Copy !req
36. I'm sick of these
constant bear attacks!
Copy !req
37. It's like a freakin' country
bear jamboroo around here.
Copy !req
38. Well, now, realistically, Homer,
Copy !req
39. I've lived here
some 30-odd years.
Copy !req
40. This is the first
and only bear I've ever seen.
Copy !req
41. Hey,
Copy !req
42. if you want wild bears
eating your children
Copy !req
43. and scaring away your salmon,
Copy !req
44. that's your business.
Copy !req
45. But I'm not gonna take it!
Copy !req
46. Who's with me?
Copy !req
47. I am!
Copy !req
48. We're here! We're queer!
Copy !req
49. We don't want any more bears!
Copy !req
50. We're here! We're queer!
Copy !req
51. We don't want any more bears!
Copy !req
52. Hey Homer,
that's a pretty catchy chant.
Copy !req
53. Where'd you learn it?
Copy !req
54. I heard it
Copy !req
55. at the mustache parade
they have every year.
Copy !req
56. We don't want any more bears!
Copy !req
57. Sir, there's an unruly
mob to see you.
Copy !req
58. Does it have an appointment?
Copy !req
59. Yes it does.
Copy !req
60. I phoned ahead.
Copy !req
61. Mr. Mayor, I hate
to break it to you
Copy !req
62. but your city
is infested with bears.
Copy !req
63. And these ones are smarter
than the average bear.
Copy !req
64. They swiped my pic-a-nic basket.
Copy !req
65. Think of the children.
Copy !req
66. Very well.
Copy !req
67. I promise swift
and decisive action
Copy !req
68. against these
hibernating hucksters.
Copy !req
69. Not a bear in sight.
Copy !req
70. The bear patrol must
be working like a charm.
Copy !req
71. That's specious reasoning, Dad.
Copy !req
72. Thank you, honey.
Copy !req
73. By your logic, I could claim
Copy !req
74. that this rock
keeps tigers away.
Copy !req
75. How does it work?
Copy !req
76. It doesn't work.
Copy !req
77. It's just a stupid rock.
Copy !req
78. But I don't see
Copy !req
79. any tigers around here.
Do you?
Copy !req
80. Lisa, I want to buy your rock.
Copy !req
81. Woo-hoo!
Copy !req
82. A perfect day... Zero bears
Copy !req
83. and one big fat hairy paycheck!
Copy !req
84. Hey!
How come my pay is so low?
Copy !req
85. "Bear Patrol Tax: $5..."
Copy !req
86. What?
This is an outrage!
Copy !req
87. It's the biggest tax increase
in history!
Copy !req
88. Actually, Dad, it's the smallest
tax increase in history.
Copy !req
89. Let the bears pay the Bear Tax!
Copy !req
90. I pay the Homer tax!
Copy !req
91. That's the Home-owner Tax.
Copy !req
92. Well, anyway,
I'm still outraged.
Copy !req
93. Down with taxes!
Copy !req
94. Down with taxes!
Down with taxes!
Copy !req
95. Won't you think of the children?
Copy !req
96. Are these morons
getting dumber or just louder?
Copy !req
97. Dumber, sir.
Copy !req
98. They won't give up
the bear patrol
Copy !req
99. but they won't pay taxes
for it either.
Copy !req
100. Ducking this issue
calls for real leadership.
Copy !req
101. People, your taxes are high
because of illegal immigrants!
Copy !req
102. That's right...
Illegal immigrants!
Copy !req
103. We need to get rid of them!
Copy !req
104. Immiggants!
I knew it was them!
Copy !req
105. Even when it was the bears
Copy !req
106. I knew it was them!
Copy !req
107. Won't somebody
please think of the children?
Copy !req
108. In one week, the town will vote
on a special referendum...
Copy !req
109. Whether or not to deport
Copy !req
110. all illegal immigrants
from Springfield.
Copy !req
111. It shall be known
as Proposition 24.
Copy !req
112. Hey, German boy,
Copy !req
113. go back to Germania!
Copy !req
114. I do not deserve this.
Copy !req
115. I have come here legally
as an exchange student.
Copy !req
116. Young man, the only thing
we exchanged for you
Copy !req
117. was our national dignity.
Copy !req
118. You want to pick on immigrants?
Copy !req
119. - Then pick on Willie!
- Willie, please.
Copy !req
120. The children want to pick on
someone their own size.
Copy !req
121. Ach...
Copy !req
122. I don't see how you can support
Proposition 24, Dad.
Copy !req
123. Open your eyes, Lisa.
Copy !req
124. Our schools are so
jam-packed with immigrants,
Copy !req
125. kids like Bart have
lost the will to learn.
Copy !req
126. There's no denying it, sis.
Copy !req
127. But immigration is
what America is all about.
Copy !req
128. Even the Simpson family
immigrated to America.
Copy !req
129. Right, Grampa?
Copy !req
130. Okay, you twisted my arm.
Copy !req
131. The Simpson story begins
back in the old country.
Copy !req
132. I forget which one exactly.
Copy !req
133. My father would drone
on and on about America.
Copy !req
134. He thought it was
Copy !req
135. the greatest thing
since sliced bread...
Copy !req
136. Sliced bread having been invented
the previous winter.
Copy !req
137. See this, son?
Copy !req
138. That's where we're
going to live.
Copy !req
139. Maybe not today,
maybe not tomorrow...
Copy !req
140. but someday.
Copy !req
141. Later that day,
we set sail for America.
Copy !req
142. There it is.
Copy !req
143. Our new home.
Copy !req
144. Whee!
I love America!
Copy !req
145. Abe! Supper's on!
Copy !req
146. We had to move out once we'd
filled the head with garbage.
Copy !req
147. The end.
Copy !req
148. Yeah, when those immigrants
get deported
Copy !req
149. there'll be
a lot more elbow room
Copy !req
150. for regular Joes
like you and me, Apu.
Copy !req
151. Mr. Simpson,
Copy !req
152. it may astonish you to learn
Copy !req
153. that I am an immigrant.
Copy !req
154. You? Pfft.
Copy !req
155. I don't believe it.
Copy !req
156. No, in truth
an illegal immigrant, sir.
Copy !req
157. If Proposition 24 passes,
Copy !req
158. I shall be forced
to leave this country.
Copy !req
159. I wish...
Copy !req
160. I wish I could have stayed
just one more year or two.
Copy !req
161. There was so much
I wanted to see
Copy !req
162. and to do
and to have done to me.
Copy !req
163. My God.
Copy !req
164. I got so swept up
Copy !req
165. in the scapegoating
and fun of Proposition 24,
Copy !req
166. I never stopped to think
Copy !req
167. it might affect
someone I cared about.
Copy !req
168. You know what, Apu...
Copy !req
169. I am really,
really gonna miss you.
Copy !req
170. You know what really
aggravazes me?
Copy !req
171. Is them immiggants...
Copy !req
172. They want all the benefits
Copy !req
173. of living in Springfield,
Copy !req
174. but they ain't even bothered
Copy !req
175. to learn themself the language.
Copy !req
176. Yeah. Those are exactly
my sentimonies.
Copy !req
177. Yeah, you said it, Barn.
Copy !req
178. Make the protesters go away
Copy !req
179. and I'll give you
the entire bottle.
Copy !req
180. Thank you goodness.
Copy !req
181. My first customers in a week.
Copy !req
182. It's hard to believe someone
so close to our family
Copy !req
183. could be an illegal alien.
Copy !req
184. Alas, it is true.
Copy !req
185. I came here shortly
after my graduation
Copy !req
186. from Cal Tech...
Copy !req
187. Calcutta Technical Institute.
Copy !req
188. As the top student
Copy !req
189. in my graduating class
of seven million,
Copy !req
190. I was accepted for
graduate study
Copy !req
191. in the United States.
Copy !req
192. Wherever you go
and whatever you do,
Copy !req
193. we will always love you.
Copy !req
194. Make us proud, son.
Copy !req
195. Never forget who you are.
Copy !req
196. I won't, Mother,
Copy !req
197. and I won't forget you, Manjula.
Copy !req
198. I'm so sorry
our arranged marriage
Copy !req
199. will not come to pass.
Copy !req
200. Farewell, my beloved.
Copy !req
201. I enrolled at
Springfield Heights
Copy !req
202. Institute of Technology
Copy !req
203. under the tutelage
of the brilliant
Copy !req
204. Professor John Frink.
Copy !req
205. Well, sure, the Frinkiac 7
looks impressive...
Copy !req
206. Don't touch it.
Copy !req
207. But I predict
that within 100 years
Copy !req
208. computers will be
twice as powerful
Copy !req
209. 10,000 times larger
and so expensive
Copy !req
210. that only the five richest kings
of Europe will own them.
Copy !req
211. Could it be used for dating?
Copy !req
212. Well, theoretically, yes,
Copy !req
213. but the computer matches
would be so perfect
Copy !req
214. as to eliminate the thrill
of romantic conquest.
Copy !req
215. Nine glorious years later
Copy !req
216. I completed
my Ph.D. thesis.
Copy !req
217. 200,000 precisely
ordered punch cards
Copy !req
218. comprising the world's
very first
Copy !req
219. tic-tac-toe program.
Copy !req
220. Only the top human
players could beat it.
Copy !req
221. Hey, what's this one for?
Copy !req
222. So, Apu, why didn't you
go back to India
Copy !req
223. when your Student Visa expired?
Copy !req
224. I did not feel right leaving
Copy !req
225. without paying off
my student loans.
Copy !req
226. So I took a job
at the Kwik-E-Mart.
Copy !req
227. When my debts were wiped clean,
I was all set to go,
Copy !req
228. but by then, I had made
so many friends here.
Copy !req
229. What you're saying
is so understandable
Copy !req
230. and really, your only crime
was violating U.S. law.
Copy !req
231. You are one of the good ones.
Copy !req
232. You know what?
Copy !req
233. I'm going to vote "no" on 24.
Copy !req
234. Mom, you're the greatest.
Copy !req
235. Can I have this licorice?
Copy !req
236. Good evening, young man.
Copy !req
237. My name is Charles Norwood.
Copy !req
238. Furthermore, to this beer,
Copy !req
239. I would also like three
of your finest, cheapest cigars.
Copy !req
240. Here's my I.D.,
which confirms my adultivity.
Copy !req
241. Hey, Kearney, this fake I.D.,
it is truly excellent.
Copy !req
242. Say, if you tell me
where you obtained it,
Copy !req
243. I will overlook
the ice cream sandwiches
Copy !req
244. concealed in your armpits?
Copy !req
245. Deal.
Copy !req
246. Okay, here are
your fraudulent documents
Copy !req
247. Mr.
Copy !req
248. your U.S. Passport,
Social Security card
Copy !req
249. birth certificate
and your death certificate.
Copy !req
250. Just hold on to that one
in your safe-deposit box.
Copy !req
251. Most humble and grateful
thanks to you.
Copy !req
252. Whoa, whoa, whoa,
whoa, whoa, whoa.
Copy !req
253. Can the courtesy.
Copy !req
254. You're an American now.
Copy !req
255. you were born
in Green Bay, Wisconsin,
Copy !req
256. your parents were Herb
and Judy Nahasapeemapetilan,
Copy !req
257. and if you do not wish
to arouse suspicion,
Copy !req
258. I strongly urge you
to act American.
Copy !req
259. Hey there, Homer.
Copy !req
260. How's it hanging?
Copy !req
261. Low and lazy.
Copy !req
262. So...
Copy !req
263. Hey, say something again.
Copy !req
264. You're just noticing
Copy !req
265. the way I'm talking to you now.
Copy !req
266. You see, it turns out
Copy !req
267. I am an American citizen
after all.
Copy !req
268. Apparently, I just
plumb forgot about it.
Copy !req
269. Say, let's take a relaxed
attitude toward work
Copy !req
270. and watch the baseball match.
Copy !req
271. The NY Mets are my
favorite squadron.
Copy !req
272. Hey, you got rid of that goofy
sacred elephant statue.
Copy !req
273. Yeah.
Copy !req
274. What was I thinking with that?
Copy !req
275. Who needs the infinite
compassion of Ganesha
Copy !req
276. when I've got Tom Cruise
and Nicole Kidman
Copy !req
277. staring at me
from Entertainment Weekly
Copy !req
278. with their dead eyes?
Copy !req
279. Look at me!
Copy !req
280. I've betrayed my Indian
heritage, sir.
Copy !req
281. What would my parents
think of me now?
Copy !req
282. Make us proud, son.
Copy !req
283. Never forget who you are.
Copy !req
284. Don't make
the same mistake I did.
Copy !req
285. Forgive me, Mother, Father.
Copy !req
286. I failed you.
Copy !req
287. Who am I kidding?
Copy !req
288. I am no citizen.
Copy !req
289. Th-This passport
is a cheap forgery.
Copy !req
290. A cheap $2,000 forgery.
Copy !req
291. I have brought shame
to my parents,
Copy !req
292. to my homeland and to myself.
Copy !req
293. Don't forget Ganesha.
Copy !req
294. I cannot deny my roots
Copy !req
295. and I cannot keep up
this charade.
Copy !req
296. I only did it
because I love this land
Copy !req
297. where I have the freedom
to say and to think
Copy !req
298. and to charge whatever I want.
Copy !req
299. I want to stay,
but as the real me,
Copy !req
300. not as some yahoo
from Green Bay.
Copy !req
301. Wow. You must
love this country
Copy !req
302. more than I love a cold beer
Copy !req
303. on a hot Christmas morning.
Copy !req
304. Darn it, Apu.
Copy !req
305. I'm not gonna let them
kick you out.
Copy !req
306. I never should have
bought this button.
Copy !req
307. Can I have
my three dollars back?
Copy !req
308. Store credit only.
Copy !req
309. Hey, Marge.
Look who I brought home.
Copy !req
310. Homer. Are you
rounding up immigrants?
Copy !req
311. No, Marge.
Copy !req
312. Apu convinced me
that Proposition 24
Copy !req
313. is a big mistake.
Copy !req
314. All right!
Copy !req
315. Now you've got
Copy !req
316. all the Simpsons
behind you, Apu.
Copy !req
317. That's nice...
Although three of you
Copy !req
318. are below voting age.
Copy !req
319. And I'm not registered.
Copy !req
320. I do appreciate
your concern, really,
Copy !req
321. but it is hopeless.
Copy !req
322. The latest poll shows
Copy !req
323. a whooping 85% support
for Proposition 24.
Copy !req
324. Hey, Apu, why don't you just
Copy !req
325. marry some American broad
Copy !req
326. then dump her after you
get your citizenship?
Copy !req
327. Hello, Selma?
Copy !req
328. Selma, my dear, how are you?
Copy !req
329. Listen, shut up for a second.
Copy !req
330. How would you like to marry Apu
Copy !req
331. so he doesn't get deported?
Copy !req
332. I'd rather eat poison.
Copy !req
333. My name's already Selma Bouvier
Terwilliger Hutz McClure.
Copy !req
334. God knows it's long enough
with Nahasapeemapet-whatever.
Copy !req
335. From now on,
I'm only marrying for love...
Copy !req
336. and possibly
once more for money.
Copy !req
337. It's hopeless.
Poor Apu.
Copy !req
338. Hey! The government
don't control the sky.
Copy !req
339. What if you lived in a balloon?
Copy !req
340. - That's it!
- Did you hear that, Mom?
Copy !req
341. She's as dumb as me.
Copy !req
342. No, not what he said,
what he is!
Copy !req
343. Grandfather,
Copy !req
344. as in "grandfather clause."
Copy !req
345. Apu, how long ago
did your Visa expire?
Copy !req
346. Seven years, but I don't...
Copy !req
347. There was an amnesty declared
Copy !req
348. for people who've been here
as long as you.
Copy !req
349. That means you can take
the citizenship test!
Copy !req
350. But Apu, the vote
on Proposition 24
Copy !req
351. is on Tuesday.
Copy !req
352. You'll have to pass
the test before then.
Copy !req
353. No! That is not
nearly enough time
Copy !req
354. to learn over 200 years
of American history.
Copy !req
355. It can't be that many!
Copy !req
356. Come on, Apu!
Copy !req
357. I'll be your tutor.
Copy !req
358. Please identify this object.
Copy !req
359. It appears to be the flag
Copy !req
360. which disappeared from
the public library last year.
Copy !req
361. Correct.
Copy !req
362. Now, we all know the 13 stripes
are for good luck,
Copy !req
363. but why does the American flag
have precisely 47 stars?
Copy !req
364. Because this particular flag
is ridiculously out of date.
Copy !req
365. The library
must have purchased it
Copy !req
366. during the brief period in 1912
Copy !req
367. after New Mexico became a state
Copy !req
368. but before Arizona did.
Copy !req
369. Partial credit.
Copy !req
370. Now, they may ask you
to locate your town
Copy !req
371. on a map of the U.S.,
so let's do that.
Copy !req
372. Springfield,
Springfield... um...
Copy !req
373. - right here.
- Dad!
Copy !req
374. You're not pointing
anywhere near Springfield.
Copy !req
375. It's over here, Apu.
Copy !req
376. Hey, whatcha doin'?
Copy !req
377. I'm so confused.
I don't even know where
Copy !req
378. I'm getting
kicked out of anymore.
Copy !req
379. Whoa!
Copy !req
380. Sign's floating away, Chief.
Copy !req
381. Executive, legislative,
and, judicial.
Copy !req
382. No, no, and no.
Copy !req
383. Maybe we should start all over
with the electrical college.
Copy !req
384. Please, Mr. Simpson,
my brain needs sleep.
Copy !req
385. The test is in six hours
Copy !req
386. and many of these facts
you speak of
Copy !req
387. are completely new to me.
Copy !req
388. Sleep is for the weak, Apu!
Copy !req
389. Now I'm gonna go to bed
while you look over
Copy !req
390. my notes from
ninth grade history.
Copy !req
391. Okay, Apu.
Copy !req
392. Stay awake and stay focused.
Copy !req
393. Cotton Mather...
Copy !req
394. No! I fell asleep!
Copy !req
395. I have forgotten everything
that Mr. Homer taught me!
Copy !req
396. Perfect.
Let's roll.
Copy !req
397. All right, men.
Copy !req
398. Here's the order
of deportations.
Copy !req
399. First, you'll be
rounding up your tired,
Copy !req
400. then your poor,
Copy !req
401. then your huddled masses
yearning to breathe free.
Copy !req
402. Breathers. Got it.
Copy !req
403. All right. Here's
your last question.
Copy !req
404. What was the cause
of the Civil War?
Copy !req
405. Actually,
there were numerous causes.
Copy !req
406. Aside from the obvious schism
Copy !req
407. between abolitionists
and anti-abolitionists,
Copy !req
408. economic factors, both domestic
and international, played a significant...
Copy !req
409. - Hey, hey.
- Yeah?
Copy !req
410. Just... Just say "slavery."
Copy !req
411. Slavery it is, sir.
Copy !req
412. Yes! I am a citizen!
Copy !req
413. Now which way to
the Welfare office?
Copy !req
414. - What?
- I'm kidding,
Copy !req
415. I'm kidding!
I work, I work.
Copy !req
416. Thank you.
Copy !req
417. I want to say "thank you"
to everyone.
Copy !req
418. From this day forth
Copy !req
419. I am no longer an Indian
living in America.
Copy !req
420. I am an Indian-American.
Copy !req
421. Here, here, here.
Copy !req
422. You know, Apu, in a way,
Copy !req
423. all Americans are immigrants,
Copy !req
424. except Native Americans.
Copy !req
425. Yeah. Native Americans
like us.
Copy !req
426. No, I mean American Indians.
Copy !req
427. - Like me.
- No, I mean...
Copy !req
428. Hi, everyone!
Copy !req
429. If I could just say
a few words...
Copy !req
430. I'd be a better public speaker.
Copy !req
431. Now that you're all relaxed...
Copy !req
432. Most of us here
were born in America.
Copy !req
433. We take this country
for granted;
Copy !req
434. but not immigrants like Apu.
Copy !req
435. While the rest of us are
drinking ourselves stupid,
Copy !req
436. they're driving the cabs
that get us home safely.
Copy !req
437. They're writing the operas
that entertain us every day.
Copy !req
438. They're training our tigers
and kicking our extra points.
Copy !req
439. These people are the glue
Copy !req
440. that holds together the gears
of our society.
Copy !req
441. If we pass Proposition 24,
we'll be losing
Copy !req
442. some of the truest
Americans of all.
Copy !req
443. You said it, Homer!
Copy !req
444. When you go
to the polls tomorrow,
Copy !req
445. please, vote no
on Proposition 24.
Copy !req
446. No on 24.
Copy !req
447. No on 24.
Copy !req
448. No on 24.
Copy !req
449. No on 24.
Copy !req
450. No on 24.
Copy !req
451. No on 24.
Copy !req
452. No on 24.
Copy !req
453. It's a landslide!
Yes on 24.
Copy !req
454. The Proposition passed
with a record 95%...
Copy !req
455. When are people going to learn...
Copy !req
456. Democracy doesn't work.
Copy !req
457. Please don't knock
the land that I love.
Copy !req
458. Jury duty!
Copy !req
459. Today I am truly
an American citizen.
Copy !req
460. Just thank heaven
everything worked out
Copy !req
461. for the people we care about.
Copy !req
462. Ach. Ingrates.
Copy !req
463. Shh.
Copy !req
Copy !req