1. D'
Copy !req
2. Aah!
Copy !req
3. Ai! Que agonia!
Copy !req
4. He wants that corn so much.
Copy !req
5. Ai! Dios no me ama.
Copy !req
6. So good.
Copy !req
7. I want to see what's
on the other broadcasts.
Copy !req
8. Where's the oscillator
on this thing?
Copy !req
9. - No, Grampa, don't!
- No, Grampa, don't!
Copy !req
10. - Dad, sit down!
- Gosh darn it!
Copy !req
11. What does this do?
Copy !req
12. I'll make my adjustments
here and...
Copy !req
13. Yay! We're getting a new TV!
Copy !req
14. Let's go to The Sharper Image.
Copy !req
15. They've got a TV shaped
like a '50s diner.
Copy !req
16. No, let's go
to The Nature Company.
Copy !req
17. They've got a TV
assembled by Hopi Indians.
Copy !req
18. We can't afford to shop at
any store that has a philosophy.
Copy !req
19. We just need a TV.
Copy !req
20. We're going to go
to the outlet mall in Ogdenville.
Copy !req
21. Look at these low, low prices
Copy !req
22. on famous brand-name
Copy !req
23. Don't be a sap, Dad.
These are just crappy knock-offs.
Copy !req
24. I know a genuine
Panaphonics when I see it.
Copy !req
25. And look, there's
Magnetbox and Sorny.
Copy !req
26. Listen, I'm not going
to lie to you.
Copy !req
27. Those are all superior machines,
Copy !req
28. but if you like
to watch your TV...
Copy !req
29. And I mean, really watch it...
Copy !req
30. You want the Carnivale.
Copy !req
31. It features
two-pronged wall plug,
Copy !req
32. pre-molded hand-grip well,
Copy !req
33. durable outer casing
to prevent fall-apart...
Copy !req
34. Sold. You wrap it up,
I'll start bringing in the pennies.
Copy !req
35. Honey, I don't think
these clothes are us.
Copy !req
36. Who are they?
Copy !req
37. Hey, Brandine
Copy !req
38. you can wear this shirt to work.
Copy !req
39. Cletus, you know I got to wear
the shirt what Dairy Queen give me.
Copy !req
40. Hey, Mom, there's
something in here.
Copy !req
41. Ooh.
Copy !req
42. It's beautiful.
Copy !req
43. Can it be a real Chanel?
Copy !req
44. It is!
Copy !req
45. 90 dollars?
Copy !req
46. But it's marked down from 2,800.
Copy !req
47. You look so sophisticated.
Copy !req
48. Just like Mary Hart.
Copy !req
49. It fits like a dream too.
Copy !req
50. But we can't afford $90
Copy !req
51. even if it is a bargain.
Copy !req
52. It wouldn't be right to
buy something just for me.
Copy !req
53. If it were a suit we could
all wear, maybe, then...
Copy !req
54. Come on Mom, you never treat
yourself to anything.
Copy !req
55. Sure, I do.
Copy !req
56. I treated myself to a Sanka
not three days ago.
Copy !req
57. But this is a real find.
Copy !req
58. Just buy it.
Copy !req
59. You don't have to
rationalize everything.
Copy !req
60. All right, I will buy it.
Copy !req
61. It will be good for the economy.
Copy !req
62. You look great.
Copy !req
63. Really?
You like it?
Copy !req
64. I'd love to wear this
someplace special.
Copy !req
65. Spurlock's Cafeteria, it is.
Copy !req
66. What about
the symphony or the theater?
Copy !req
67. Geez.
Copy !req
68. What's the point of going out?
Copy !req
69. We're just going to
wind up back here, anyway.
Copy !req
70. Mrs. Simpson, you are
looking very prosperous today.
Copy !req
71. Might I interest you
in some of our impulse items
Copy !req
72. here by the cash register?
Copy !req
73. Perhaps a crazy motorized
wiggle pen?
Copy !req
74. Look at... the craziness.
Copy !req
75. Attendant, I'd like some gas.
Copy !req
76. Yes, I'm sorry,
I do not speak English okay.
Copy !req
77. But you were just talking to...
Copy !req
78. Yes, hot dog, hot dog,
yes, sir, no sir, maybe, okay.
Copy !req
79. Well, I can't pump it myself.
Copy !req
80. I'm calling triple "A."
Copy !req
81. I used to be a little
overwhelmed too
Copy !req
82. but it's not that hard.
Copy !req
83. I can show you.
Copy !req
84. Marge? Is that you?
Copy !req
85. Marge Bouvier, from high school?
Copy !req
86. Um... yeah.
Copy !req
87. Hi. Hi, Evelyn.
Copy !req
88. How about that.
Copy !req
89. Marge, you look wonderful.
Copy !req
90. And to think I heard
you married Homer Simpson.
Copy !req
91. I did marry Homer.
Copy !req
92. Come, you must
show me the pumps.
Copy !req
93. 90% of the time,
if the gas isn't pumping,
Copy !req
94. this is your problem.
Copy !req
95. Automotive skills
and fashion sense.
Copy !req
96. Well, you've come a long way
Copy !req
97. from the girl I knew
nothing about in high school.
Copy !req
98. We ran with different crowds.
Copy !req
99. You had your debutante balls
Copy !req
100. and skinny-dipping,
Copy !req
101. and I had my...
Copy !req
102. home shoe repair course.
Copy !req
103. Marge, you haven't changed a bit
Copy !req
104. as far as I know.
Copy !req
105. Say, why don't you drop by
the country club tomorrow?
Copy !req
106. And bring the family.
Copy !req
107. You there, fill it up
with petroleum distillate
Copy !req
108. and re-vulcanize my tires,
post haste.
Copy !req
109. Bart, comb your hair.
Copy !req
110. Homer, I don't think you should
wear a short-sleeved shirt
Copy !req
111. with a tie.
Copy !req
112. But Sipowicz does it.
Copy !req
113. If Detective Sipowicz
jumped off a cliff,
Copy !req
114. would you do that too?
Copy !req
115. Aw, I wish I was Sipowicz.
Copy !req
116. Do I have to go?
Copy !req
117. That country club is a hotbed
of exclusionist snobs
Copy !req
118. and status-seeking
Copy !req
119. I've told you, I don't like
you using the word "hotbed."
Copy !req
120. Please, Lisa, we so rarely
get to do things like this.
Copy !req
121. And everybody, everybody please,
be on your best behavior.
Copy !req
122. Bart, no grifting.
Copy !req
123. Raspberries.
Copy !req
124. Name, please?
Copy !req
125. Simpson family.
Copy !req
126. We're not poor.
Copy !req
127. Well, we're not.
Copy !req
128. Go on in.
They're expecting you at the clubhouse.
Copy !req
129. Wow. Living large.
Copy !req
130. My.
Copy !req
131. I've always dreamed
of coming here.
Copy !req
132. Everybody, keep smiling
Copy !req
133. and I know we're going
to fit right in.
Copy !req
134. Marge. You made it.
Copy !req
135. And you wore that lovely suit.
Copy !req
136. Kar-rin, Gill-ian, Elyza-beth
Copy !req
137. Pa-tree-sia,
Rowber-tah, Seuss-in
Copy !req
138. Meet Marge.
Copy !req
139. - Hello.
- How you doing?
Copy !req
140. Pleased to meet you.
Copy !req
141. You look like such a
happy bunch... of people.
Copy !req
142. That's the trouble
with first impressions.
Copy !req
143. You only get to make one.
Copy !req
144. That reminds me of
a funny apron I saw.
Copy !req
145. You know Marge, your family
Copy !req
146. doesn't have to stand
in the alcove.
Copy !req
147. They're free to enjoy the club.
Copy !req
148. Come on kids,
let's go sit in the car
Copy !req
149. till your Mom's done fitting in.
Copy !req
150. Elyza-beth is right.
Copy !req
151. Why shout yourself hoarse
at incompetent sales clerks
Copy !req
152. when you can get nearly
everything mail order?
Copy !req
153. Um hum, I won't eat anything
Copy !req
154. unless it's shipped overnight
Copy !req
155. from Vermont or
Washington state.
Copy !req
156. We order our steaks
through the "New Yorker."
Copy !req
157. I have a sneaking suspicion that
Copy !req
158. L.L. Bean and Eddie Bauer
are selling me the same honey.
Copy !req
159. I get food through the mail,
Copy !req
160. but in a different way.
Copy !req
161. Every month, "Good Housekeeping"
Copy !req
162. arrives in my mailbox,
bursting with recipes.
Copy !req
163. Sometimes, the most
satisfying meal
Copy !req
164. is the one you cook yourself.
Copy !req
165. That's very true, Marge.
Copy !req
166. One night, Wif and I
came home late,
Copy !req
167. and we decided not to wake Iris
Copy !req
168. and instead,
we microwaved our own soup.
Copy !req
169. Of course,
it was a horrible mess,
Copy !req
170. but Iris didn't mind
cleaning it up.
Copy !req
171. Why can't my Thurston
be more like Wif?
Copy !req
172. That Iris is a gem.
Copy !req
173. Didn't everybody have
a wonderful time?
Copy !req
174. I thought it was so opulent
Copy !req
175. like the Playboy mansion,
but nonsexual.
Copy !req
176. That place is weird.
Copy !req
177. A man in the bathroom
Copy !req
178. kept handing me towels
till I paid him to stop.
Copy !req
179. Should have held out
longer, boy.
Copy !req
180. The rich are different
from you and me.
Copy !req
181. Yes, they're better.
Copy !req
182. Socially better,
and if we fit in
Copy !req
183. we can be better too.
Copy !req
184. So today, while the rest of you
were out being different,
Copy !req
185. I did a very good job of
fitting in...
Copy !req
186. So good that Evelyn
gave us a guest pass.
Copy !req
187. They might even ask us to join.
Copy !req
188. Boy, Marge!
Copy !req
189. You must have really done
a number on those rich suckers.
Copy !req
190. Don't thank me.
Copy !req
191. Thank my beautiful new suit.
Copy !req
192. Fritz, you idiot.
Copy !req
193. I didn't order
a bologna sandwich.
Copy !req
194. I ordered an abalone sandwich.
Copy !req
195. I don't know
what Mom's thinking.
Copy !req
196. This whole country club scene
is so decadent.
Copy !req
197. All these... spoiled... brats...
and... their... smug
Copy !req
198. complacent parents.
Copy !req
199. It just reinforces
the unspoken class... system...
Copy !req
200. of horses... sitting...
on... their... high... horses.
Copy !req
201. I'm sorry. I got to go!
Copy !req
202. We've got a winning hand.
Copy !req
203. We can take
the rest of the tricks.
Copy !req
204. You better be careful.
Copy !req
205. The purpose of this game
is to make friends.
Copy !req
206. You don't make friends
by winning.
Copy !req
207. Still, there's nothing
more popular
Copy !req
208. than a gracious winner.
Copy !req
209. Don't ask me.
I'm just hair.
Copy !req
210. Your head stopped 18 inches ago.
Copy !req
211. Queen of hearts.
Copy !req
212. I believe all the rest are ours.
Copy !req
213. Well played.
Copy !req
214. We could have stopped them
Copy !req
215. if you had changed
to a different suit.
Copy !req
216. I thought, perhaps,
changing suits
Copy !req
217. had gone out of fashion.
Copy !req
218. Marge?
Copy !req
219. D'
Copy !req
220. You know, Homer,
Copy !req
221. the traditional way
to cheat in golf
Copy !req
222. is to lower your score.
Copy !req
223. That's one way.
Copy !req
224. I'm P.G.A. Tour
Pro Tom Kite.
Copy !req
225. How about I give you a
few pointers on your game?
Copy !req
226. Now, you don't want
to overthink.
Copy !req
227. Not an issue.
Copy !req
228. Keep your head down.
Copy !req
229. Pretend there's
no one else here.
Copy !req
230. And just go at your own pace.
Copy !req
231. Wow, very impressive.
Copy !req
232. You're a natural,
Mr. Simpson.
Copy !req
233. Really?
Copy !req
234. All you need is
your own set of clubs
Copy !req
235. and stay the hell
out of my locker.
Copy !req
236. You can keep the shoes.
Copy !req
237. Marge, did you know that
Copy !req
238. Kennedy and Lincoln
had the same handicap?
Copy !req
239. Homer, please,
I have to alter this suit
Copy !req
240. so it looks different
for tomorrow.
Copy !req
241. Just slap some
bumper stickers on it
Copy !req
242. and come to bed,
will you, Marge?
Copy !req
243. Love your outfit, Marge.
Copy !req
244. The vest says,
"let's have lunch"
Copy !req
245. but the culottes say,
"you're paying."
Copy !req
246. Why, thank you, Rowber-ta.
Copy !req
247. Mom, look!
Copy !req
248. I found something
more fun than complaining.
Copy !req
249. Marge, your family
Copy !req
250. is fitting in perfectly here.
Copy !req
251. If all goes well
at Saturday's ball,
Copy !req
252. I'd love to sponsor
you for membership.
Copy !req
253. That would be a dream come true.
Copy !req
254. I'll be there with bells on.
Copy !req
255. Bells?
Copy !req
256. Where exactly
will you be attaching them
Copy !req
257. to that mangled Chanel suit?
Copy !req
258. Don't worry, Marge.
Copy !req
259. Her idea of wit is nothing more
Copy !req
260. than an incisive observation
humorously phrased
Copy !req
261. and delivered
with impeccable timing.
Copy !req
262. I'm sure you'll be
a smash at the ball,
Copy !req
263. and I just know you'll have
a lovely new outfit.
Copy !req
264. Hey, that's some mighty fine
chipping, Homer.
Copy !req
265. Yeah, can you bank it into
the handicapped stall?
Copy !req
266. Seat... down.
Copy !req
267. Who is that lavatory
linksman, Smithers?
Copy !req
268. Homer Simpson, sir...
Copy !req
269. One of the fork and spoon
operators from Sector 7G.
Copy !req
270. Well, he's certainly got
a loose waggle.
Copy !req
271. Perhaps I've finally
found a golfer
Copy !req
272. worthy of a match
with Monty Burns?
Copy !req
273. His waggle is no match
for yours, sir.
Copy !req
274. I've never seen you lose a game
Copy !req
275. except for that one in '74,
when you let Richard Nixon win.
Copy !req
276. That was very kind of you, sir.
Copy !req
277. He just looked
so forlorn, Smithers
Copy !req
278. with his, "I can't
go to prison, Monty.
Copy !req
279. They'll eat me alive."
Copy !req
280. Say, I wonder if this
Homer Nixon
Copy !req
281. is any relation.
Copy !req
282. Unlikely, sir. They...
Copy !req
283. They spell and pronounce
their name differently.
Copy !req
284. Bah. Schedule a game
and I'll ask him myself.
Copy !req
285. This game could mean
big things for me, Marge.
Copy !req
286. If I beat Mr. Burns..
I mean really wallop him bad,
Copy !req
287. I'm sure to get that big raise
I've been gunning for.
Copy !req
288. Alright, alright, but if you
win, don't make a scene
Copy !req
289. and dance around
with your "whoo-hoos," please.
Copy !req
290. We can't afford
a single slip-up.
Copy !req
291. They're judging us.
Copy !req
292. Mwah!
Copy !req
293. Mwah!
Copy !req
294. Mom, did you like horses
when you were my age? 'Cause I...
Copy !req
295. I don't know.
Copy !req
296. Lisa, tonight is very important.
Copy !req
297. Mommy has to alter her suit
so it looks a totally new one.
Copy !req
298. Mom, do you want to know the 15 reasons
I like horses better than cars?
Copy !req
299. One, a horse never has to...
Copy !req
300. I really need to concentrate
on this, Lisa.
Copy !req
301. Would you mind just..?
Copy !req
302. You know how a horse
goes like this?
Copy !req
303. Mom! Like this!
Copy !req
304. I've already altered
this so many times,
Copy !req
305. - it's not even possible...
- Whinny! Mom! Mom! Mom!
Copy !req
306. Mom! Mom! Mom!
Mom! Mom! Mom!
Copy !req
307. Lisa, please!
Copy !req
308. No.
Copy !req
309. No, no, no, no!
Copy !req
310. At times like this, I guess
all you can do is laugh.
Copy !req
311. I need a formal dress
for tonight.
Copy !req
312. You've come to the right place.
Copy !req
313. We've got classy duds
up the ying-yang.
Copy !req
314. I call this one
"fantasy in maroon."
Copy !req
315. It's got some cigarette burns
Copy !req
316. but we can patch them
up with Nu-Vinyl.
Copy !req
317. It's a bit peppery for me.
Copy !req
318. Why don't we put this
in the "maybe" pile?
Copy !req
319. This was originally
a Halloween costume,
Copy !req
320. but it found its way
into my regular rotation.
Copy !req
321. Good morning,
Mr. Burns.
Copy !req
322. Beautiful day to be
outside, isn't it?
Copy !req
323. Rant on, Simpson,
Copy !req
324. but your vainglorious boasting
Copy !req
325. will only add savor
to my inevitable triumph.
Copy !req
326. Yes.
Copy !req
327. Woo-hoo!
Copy !req
328. D'
Copy !req
329. Yes. You're
in deep "D'" now.
Copy !req
330. Perfect as always, sir.
Copy !req
331. Right on the green.
Copy !req
332. Quit cogitating, Steinmetz,
Copy !req
333. and use an open-faced club.
Copy !req
334. The sand wedge.
Copy !req
335. Open-faced club sand wedge.
Copy !req
336. You're four strokes
behind, Simpson.
Copy !req
337. A cunning stratagem, sir.
Copy !req
338. It's curving right
toward the green,
Copy !req
339. and it's... there.
Copy !req
340. He got to the green in one shot?
Copy !req
341. How can that old man hit so...
Copy !req
342. far?
Copy !req
343. Now, keep your head down.
Copy !req
344. Ignore all distractions.
Copy !req
345. Miss?
Copy !req
346. Miss? Do you have
a Chanel suit
Copy !req
347. or any other
high-quality clothes?
Copy !req
348. No, ma'am, but we do have
Copy !req
349. a shipment of slightly burnt
Sears activewear
Copy !req
350. coming in this afternoon.
Copy !req
351. I give up.
Copy !req
352. What time and how burnt?
Copy !req
353. Cripes man, can't you ever
get to the green
Copy !req
354. in less than two shots?
Copy !req
355. Aagh!
Copy !req
356. Smithers, what
are you doing up here?
Copy !req
357. What are you doing
with this ball?
Copy !req
358. And all those other balls?
Copy !req
359. There are no other balls.
Copy !req
360. Just these, reptile eggs.
Copy !req
361. Ooh, step away.
They're endangered.
Copy !req
362. These aren't reptile eggs.
Copy !req
363. You've been cheating.
Copy !req
364. No matter where
Mr. Burns hit the ball,
Copy !req
365. you put a fresh one
on the green.
Copy !req
366. Cheating? For me?
Copy !req
367. Good Lord, Smithers,
that's patently unnecessary.
Copy !req
368. I'm one of the world's
finest golfers.
Copy !req
369. In all the years
you've caddied for me,
Copy !req
370. I've never lost a...
Copy !req
371. So...
Copy !req
372. Homer, Mr. Burns holds
a lot of sway at this club.
Copy !req
373. If you would keep quiet
about the alleged
Copy !req
374. decades of cheating,
Copy !req
375. I'm sure he'd support
your application
Copy !req
376. for membership tonight.
Copy !req
377. Bull honkey!
I don't care
Copy !req
378. about joining this stupid club.
Copy !req
379. But does your wife?
Copy !req
380. I knew my kind
wasn't welcome here.
Copy !req
381. - Ooh.
- Ooh.
Copy !req
382. Mom, you are looking fabulous.
Copy !req
383. Yeah. You look great.
Copy !req
384. You can do anything
with that sewing machine.
Copy !req
385. No, I can't.
Copy !req
386. Come on, let's go.
Copy !req
387. You mean it's a new dress?
Where did you get it?
Copy !req
388. The outlet store.
Copy !req
389. Wow. Two finds in one store.
What are the odds?
Copy !req
390. - Call it fate, let's go!
- How much did it cost?
Copy !req
391. - A dollar. Let's go.
- With tax or without?
Copy !req
392. Without. Let me go.
Copy !req
393. So with tax, how much was it?
Copy !req
394. Why do you always
have to question
Copy !req
395. everything I do?
Copy !req
396. You look nice, is all.
Copy !req
397. Homer, what are you doing?
Copy !req
398. I'm driving up
to the main building.
Copy !req
399. They've got
valet parking tonight.
Copy !req
400. We can't drive this up there.
Copy !req
401. They'll see the dent.
They'll see the coat hanger antenna.
Copy !req
402. Stop the car. We're walking.
Copy !req
403. But Marge, valets.
Copy !req
404. For once, maybe someone
will call me "sir"
Copy !req
405. without adding,
"you're making a scene."
Copy !req
406. I'm going to regale everyone
with my anecdote.
Copy !req
407. You know, the one I tried
to say on the radio?
Copy !req
408. Who's going to bleep me
this time?
Copy !req
409. I'm going to pose
as an Italian count
Copy !req
410. and get some old lady
to leave me all her money.
Copy !req
411. I'm going to ask people
Copy !req
412. if they know
their servants' last names
Copy !req
413. or, in the case of butlers,
their first.
Copy !req
414. No! No! No!
Not tonight!
Copy !req
415. No vulgarity.
No mischief.
Copy !req
416. No politics.
Just be good.
Copy !req
417. I'm sorry, Mom.
I'll behave.
Copy !req
418. I won't say anything controversial.
Copy !req
419. I just won't say
anything, okay, honey?
Copy !req
420. You kids
should thank your mother.
Copy !req
421. Now that she's a better person,
Copy !req
422. we can see how
awful we really are.
Copy !req
423. Come here, Maggie.
Copy !req
424. Homie,
Copy !req
425. I like your
in-your-face humanity.
Copy !req
426. I like the way
Lisa speaks her mind.
Copy !req
427. I like Bart's...
Copy !req
428. I like Bart.
Copy !req
429. And I like my old green dress.
Copy !req
430. I didn't have to spend our
savings on this stupid gown.
Copy !req
431. Our savings?
Copy !req
432. Don't worry.
I saved the receipt.
Copy !req
433. We'll have
a $3,300 credit at Chanel.
Copy !req
434. They have beer and gum, right?
Copy !req
435. Come on, let's go.
Copy !req
436. I wouldn't want to join any club
Copy !req
437. that would have
this me as a member.
Copy !req
438. It's okay.
Copy !req
439. Those snobs never would have
made us members, anyway.
Copy !req
440. Well, I wonder
where Marge could be.
Copy !req
441. She's missing
her own initiation.
Copy !req
442. I hope she didn't take
Copy !req
443. my attempt to destroy her
too seriously.
Copy !req
444. Where's Homer?
Copy !req
445. And to think
I spent all afternoon
Copy !req
446. baking him this cake.
Copy !req
447. Grr...
Copy !req
448. I pickled the figs myself.
Copy !req
449. Hey, did you guys
just come from the prom?
Copy !req
450. Sort of.
Copy !req
451. But, you know, we realized
we're more comfortable
Copy !req
452. in a place like this.
Copy !req
453. Man, you're crazy.
This place is a dump.
Copy !req
454. Man, I'd be anywhere
except this place, that's for sure.
Copy !req
455. Shh!
Copy !req
Copy !req