1. - Cute and cuddly, boys.
Copy !req
2. - I've locked in
on the frequency.
Copy !req
3. - You know
what that sound means.
Copy !req
4. The lucky caller wins dinner
at Señor Pete's Fish Hut.
Copy !req
5. - Inputting code now.
Copy !req
6. - Sorry, you're
the 19th caller.
Copy !req
7. Not a winner.
Copy !req
8. - Oh, but 19's a prime number.
Copy !req
9. - Again!
Copy !req
10. - Sorry, we already
have a winner.
Copy !req
11. - Oh! Whoa, ah!
Copy !req
12. - Private!
Copy !req
13. Private, where are you?
Sound off.
Copy !req
14. Here, Skipper.
Copy !req
15. - Easy, Private.
Copy !req
16. You took a nasty
knock to the cranium.
Copy !req
17. - Sorry.
Copy !req
18. - What's your name, solider?
- Private.
Copy !req
19. - What's your rank?
- Private.
Copy !req
20. - What's your secret
hidden shame?
Copy !req
21. - Private!
Copy !req
22. - He's fine.
Copy !req
23. But we've got tracks to cover.
Copy !req
24. Private, get rid
of the evidence.
Copy !req
25. - Aye, Skipper.
Copy !req
26. - Ow!
Copy !req
27. Ow! Ow! Ow! Ow!
Copy !req
28. This gum ball is too ouchy.
Copy !req
29. - Mort, that isn't a gum ball.
It's a penny.
Copy !req
30. - Oh!
Copy !req
31. Ow!
Copy !req
32. This penny is too ouchy!
Copy !req
33. - Oh, you know
what you could do?
Copy !req
34. You could toss it in
the fountain and make a wish.
Copy !req
35. - Oh, could I wish
for gum balls?
Copy !req
36. - Oh, sure, Mort.
Copy !req
37. Then someday,
maybe your wish will come true.
Copy !req
38. - Okay, I wish for...
Copy !req
39. um...
Copy !req
40. gum balls!
Copy !req
41. Where's my gum ball?
Copy !req
42. When do I get my gum ball?
Copy !req
43. I want my gum ball!
Copy !req
44. - Silly Mort.
Copy !req
45. It doesn't happen right away.
Copy !req
46. - So these are not
my gum balls?
Copy !req
47. Skipper, Kowalski, Rico!
Copy !req
48. You won't believe this.
Copy !req
49. The fountain's magic,
and it's granting wishes.
Copy !req
50. - Birthday candles.
Copy !req
51. Falling stars.
Copy !req
52. Coins in a fountain.
Copy !req
53. Can wishes come true?
Copy !req
54. Do our hopes and dreams
materialize if we just believe?
Copy !req
55. Is there true magic
in this mundane world of ours?
Copy !req
56. - Yes, yes. Oh, yes!
Copy !req
57. - No.
Copy !req
58. Science does not allow
for the existence of magic.
Copy !req
59. This is a chart of lies.
Copy !req
60. - Oh, Kowalski,
if you'd just toss a penny in
Copy !req
61. and make a wish, you'd see.
Copy !req
62. - Oh, humor the Private,
Copy !req
63. - Utter frivolity.
Copy !req
64. I wish for a—
Copy !req
65. oh, I don't know,
a full-phase plasma blaster
Copy !req
66. with repeating action
and laser sights.
Copy !req
67. There, okay?
Copy !req
68. I gave up every scientific
principle I hold dear
Copy !req
69. and engaged in your ridiculous
little flight of fancy.
Copy !req
70. And did I get a full-phase
plasma blaster?
Copy !req
71. Yes! Yes, I did!
Copy !req
72. Ah! It's magic!
Copy !req
73. Magic, magic, magic, magic!
Copy !req
74. - I told you!
I told you!
Copy !req
75. It's enchanted.
Copy !req
76. - Get a hold of yourself, men.
Copy !req
77. Yes, this is a wonderful
magical thing we've discovered.
Copy !req
78. But it could also be
the worst thing
Copy !req
79. that ever happened to us.
Copy !req
80. One careless wish could lead
to horrific disaster.
Copy !req
81. - Like?
Copy !req
82. - Like, I don't know,
Copy !req
83. tidal waves, or earthquakes,
Copy !req
84. or exposing our entire
operation to the world.
Copy !req
85. Seems a little far-fetched.
Copy !req
86. - Says the penguin
holding a plasma blaster
Copy !req
87. that the magical fountain
just gave him.
Copy !req
88. - Ooh. Fair point.
Copy !req
89. - The risks are too great, men.
Copy !req
90. So I'm limiting you all
to one small wish.
Copy !req
91. Rico?
Copy !req
92. Let's see.
Copy !req
93. I'll wish for—
oh, I don't know.
Copy !req
94. How about a fake mustache?
Something for going incognito.
Copy !req
95. - Are day-boat scallops
Copy !req
96. too much to ask, Skipper?
Copy !req
97. - Ah, knock yourself out,
Copy !req
98. - Ah! Who are you?
Copy !req
99. - What have you done
with Skipper?
Copy !req
100. - Easy, boys, it's just me.
Copy !req
101. Oh!
Copy !req
102. - Scallops, please.
Copy !req
103. - Rico, you're up.
Copy !req
104. - Huh...
Copy !req
105. Yoo-hoo-hoo!
Copy !req
106. - Delicious.
Copy !req
107. - Yes!
Copy !req
108. And that was only
the medium setting.
Copy !req
109. Imagine what this baby could do
when I jack it up to turbo.
Copy !req
110. - How do, stranger? You
wouldn't happen to know
Copy !req
111. where a fella could
score a sarsaparilla?
Copy !req
112. - Uh, no, I don't, stranger,
but perhaps I could whip up a—
Copy !req
113. - Kowalski,
you fell for it again.
Copy !req
114. It's just me.
- Ah!
Copy !req
115. - Maurice, the mustachioed one
was the bossy one all along.
Copy !req
116. - Really? Huh.
Copy !req
117. Never would've guessed that.
Copy !req
118. - I wonder where the penguin
Copy !req
119. got such a wonderful
disguise accessory.
Copy !req
120. - Mm, maybe the fountain.
Copy !req
121. Always, Mort,
you say the stupidesty things.
Copy !req
122. How can a mustache
come from a fountain?
Copy !req
123. - It's a magic fountain.
Copy !req
124. If you make a wish,
it comes true.
Copy !req
125. - Say what, now?
Copy !req
126. - Uh-huh.
I wisheded for gum balls.
Copy !req
127. - Hmm.
Copy !req
128. Okay, okay, okay.
Copy !req
129. I wish for, um...
Copy !req
130. in-line roller skates.
Copy !req
131. Hey, I am waiting,
Mr. Fountain.
Copy !req
132. Where are my roller skates
that are in a line?
Copy !req
133. Eh, this is a bust.
Copy !req
134. Let's go make fun
of the chimpanz-
Copy !req
135. Ah! Maurice, look!
Copy !req
136. It is truthiness.
Copy !req
137. The fountain
has granted my wish.
Copy !req
138. - See? I told you.
Copy !req
139. - The fountain!
Copy !req
140. You throw in a penny,
and it gives you things.
Copy !req
141. It's magic!
Copy !req
142. - Phil, did he say
what I think he said?
Copy !req
143. - This is a magicness
unlike any have ever seen.
Copy !req
144. - Uh, magic?
Copy !req
145. This we gotta try.
Copy !req
146. - All you need is a penny.
You can't say no to that price.
Copy !req
147. - Look out, baby!
I'm making wishes!
Copy !req
148. - Uh, I wish
for a new tire swing.
Copy !req
149. - And five tons of bananas.
Copy !req
150. - Um... ooh, I want
to go to Paris.
Copy !req
151. - A Spanish guitar...
ooh, that plays itself.
Copy !req
152. Noise-cancelling headphones,
Copy !req
153. - I want a new boomy box,
a secret admirer,
Copy !req
154. silky pajamas,
Copy !req
155. a straw hat
so I can play hillybilly,
Copy !req
156. a coffee mug that says,
"World's Greatest King,"
Copy !req
157. and a new Maurice.
Copy !req
158. Hey!
Copy !req
159. - Oh, dear.
Copy !req
160. - Oh, yeah,
that's pretty macho.
Copy !req
161. But that's muy, muy macho.
Copy !req
162. - Skipper. Skipper!
Copy !req
163. Skipper—ooh, who are you?
Copy !req
164. Ooh, that is a smashing good
mustache, innit?
Copy !req
165. - Oh, I know.
Copy !req
166. So why are you interrupting
my mirror time?
Copy !req
167. - Everyone knows
about the fountain.
Copy !req
168. - Churros y chocolate!
Move out, men!
Copy !req
169. - Aw, do we gotta?
Copy !req
170. Rico and I
were about to conduct
Copy !req
171. an important experiment!
- Fine.
Copy !req
172. Private and I will handle this.
Copy !req
173. It's worse than I thought.
Copy !req
174. Who could have let
our secret slip?
Copy !req
175. - Be checking it out, y'all.
Copy !req
176. I am the world's greatest
hillybilly king
Copy !req
177. in silky pajamas on skates.
Copy !req
178. See?
Copy !req
179. - Now, listen, folks.
Copy !req
180. I know everyone's jazzed
to get their heart's desire,
Copy !req
181. but we gotta talk about
the elephant in the room...
Copy !req
182. or, should I say,
the elephant not in the room.
Copy !req
183. I'm telling you, keep wishing
for all this stuff,
Copy !req
184. and sooner or later,
someone's gonna notice.
Copy !req
185. - Egads! Alice is coming.
Copy !req
186. - Exactly my point.
Copy !req
187. Scatter, hide, move!
Copy !req
188. - Run, run!
Copy !req
189. - Hey, what are you doing
out of your habitat?
Copy !req
190. - Serpentine slide.
Copy !req
191. - Come back here, you!
Copy !req
192. - Aces, Private.
Copy !req
193. - Whatever.
Copy !req
194. Huh, penny.
Copy !req
195. Wish I knew what the story was
with those penguins.
Copy !req
196. Ah!
Copy !req
197. - That, uh, turbo setting
Copy !req
198. really packs a punch,
huh, Rico?
Copy !req
199. Rico?
Copy !req
200. - The penguins!
Copy !req
201. They've got a whole
secret lair down there.
Copy !req
202. With weapons.
Copy !req
203. I knew those penguins
were up to something.
Copy !req
204. - We've been compromised, men.
Copy !req
205. Maneuver delta tango victor.
Copy !req
206. Blast. Should have gone
with delta tango foxtrot.
Copy !req
207. - A startling discovery
that rocks
Copy !req
208. the very understanding
of human-animal relations.
Copy !req
209. - I always knew
something was off
Copy !req
210. about those penguins.
Copy !req
211. - The penguins will be taken
to a government lab,
Copy !req
212. where they will be studied
and painfully dissected.
Copy !req
213. That means cut into.
Copy !req
214. - Well, men,
all I can say is...
Copy !req
215. you had to try
the turbo setting.
Copy !req
216. - You know
I can't resist overkill.
Copy !req
217. - Don't blame Kowalski,
Copy !req
218. This is my fault,
Copy !req
219. what with all
the wishing business.
Copy !req
220. A wish!
Copy !req
221. Quickly, Rico, get me a penny.
Copy !req
222. - Only one shot, Private.
Copy !req
223. Make it count.
Copy !req
224. I wish none of this
had ever happened.
Copy !req
225. Yes!
Copy !req
226. - Easy, Private.
Copy !req
227. You took a nasty knock
to the cranium.
Copy !req
228. - Sorry.
Copy !req
229. - What's your name, soldier?
Copy !req
230. - Pri—wait. But—but—
I'm—I'm back.
Copy !req
231. My wish came true.
Copy !req
232. I'm back
to where it all started.
Copy !req
233. None of it ever happened.
Copy !req
234. - Uh... what?
Copy !req
235. - No, no, Private,
what really happened was,
Copy !req
236. the concussive force
to your brain
Copy !req
237. triggered an elaborate
deluded fantasy.
Copy !req
238. - So it was all a dream?
Copy !req
239. - Absolutely.
Copy !req
240. As I said, wishes aren't real.
Copy !req
241. - You're probably right.
Copy !req
242. - What?
Copy !req
243. - Ah!
Copy !req
244. Who ate my fudgy pops?
Copy !req
245. - Not me.
Copy !req
246. - Not me neither.
Copy !req
247. - You're a stinky liar, Mort.
Copy !req
248. It is written
all over your face
Copy !req
249. in delicious milky chocolate.
Copy !req
250. Why, Mort?
Why did you eat my fudgy pops?
Copy !req
251. - Um... April Fools?
Copy !req
252. - It's August, Mort.
April Fools ain't gonna fly.
Copy !req
253. - Uh, Maurice,
Copy !req
254. what is this
"April fuels" you speak of?
Copy !req
255. - You never heard
of April Fools?
Copy !req
256. - Well, have you ever heard
of, um, January jacks?
Copy !req
257. No, you have not.
Copy !req
258. - Maybe because
you just made that up.
Copy !req
259. - What? That is so—
okay, you got me there.
Copy !req
260. But Christmas Steve,
he is real. Really.
Copy !req
261. - Steve knows
if I've been bad or good.
Copy !req
262. And that's creepy.
Copy !req
263. - April Fools is when
you pull pranks on people
Copy !req
264. and they don't get mad,
because you say, "April Fools."
Copy !req
265. - Ooh!
I like this concept.
Copy !req
266. I will try it.
Copy !req
267. - Sorry,
it only works on April 1st.
Copy !req
268. - What? Come on.
Copy !req
269. I didn't know
about April foolings
Copy !req
270. until just now, you know,
Copy !req
271. so I get to make up for all
of the foolings I've missed.
Copy !req
272. - Peanuts. For me?
Copy !req
273. Ah!
Copy !req
274. - Did I mention
they are jalapeño peanuts?
Copy !req
275. Also, did I mention...
April Fools!
Copy !req
276. Come on, Maurice,
stand on the "X."
Copy !req
277. Something might happen,
maybe a nice surprise.
Copy !req
278. You don't know. Try it.
Copy !req
279. - No, I'm not standing
on the "X."
Copy !req
280. - I'll do it!
Copy !req
281. - Oh, no. Mort!
Copy !req
282. I'm coming for you, buddy.
Copy !req
283. April Fools.
Copy !req
284. - Men, our intel
says a two-ton shipment
Copy !req
285. of battery-fresh Atlantic cod
Copy !req
286. will pass by the zoo gates
at precisely 1400 hours.
Copy !req
287. Kowalski.
- Operation snare the cod
Copy !req
288. will require steady flippers,
laser-like focus,
Copy !req
289. and of course, a sober resolve.
Copy !req
290. - Help! Help!
Copy !req
291. An alligator is having me
for lunch!
Copy !req
292. - That's Julien!
- Roger's gone carnivore.
Copy !req
293. Roll out, men.
Copy !req
294. What the—
- Please help!
Copy !req
295. - Ringtail!
Copy !req
296. - Ah!
Copy !req
297. - Actually, I'm having
this alligator for lunch.
Copy !req
298. April Fools.
Copy !req
299. - Wait a second here.
Copy !req
300. You just invited me over
Copy !req
301. so that you could prank
the penguins.
Copy !req
302. - But of course, Roger.
Copy !req
303. You didn't think
I'd actually want to dine
Copy !req
304. with reptile riffraff, did you?
Copy !req
305. - I ought to eat you,
that's what I ought to do.
Copy !req
306. - Oh, that was like
a double April Fools.
Copy !req
307. I'm in the zone, baby.
Copy !req
308. - Ringtail, it's not April 1st.
Copy !req
309. - Silly penguin.
Copy !req
310. It's always
April 1st somewhere.
Copy !req
311. - You have no idea
how a calendar works, do you?
Copy !req
312. - The Julien Calendar:
Copy !req
313. pictures of me
looking adorable on top,
Copy !req
314. random numbers on the bottom.
Copy !req
315. - My favorite month
is Julienuary.
Copy !req
316. - Pack it in, boys.
Copy !req
317. - Where was I?
- Um, laser-like focus.
Copy !req
318. - Right, right.
Copy !req
319. As I was saying,
operation snare the cod
Copy !req
320. will require steady flippers,
laser-like focus,
Copy !req
321. and a sober—
- Help me!
Copy !req
322. Penguins, I am in desperate
need of some genuine helping!
Copy !req
323. - Ringtail!
Copy !req
324. - Eh, April Fools!
Copy !req
325. Bam! Gotcha!
Copy !req
326. - So help me,
you prank us again,
Copy !req
327. and you won't see next April.
Copy !req
328. - Okay, okay.
Copy !req
329. I won't call for you again
unless I absolutely have to.
Copy !req
330. - Steady flippers,
laser-like focus,
Copy !req
331. and a sober—
- Ah! Penguins, please!
Copy !req
332. I am on fire!
Copy !req
333. - I can't take it!
Copy !req
334. - It's a prank. Ignore it.
Copy !req
335. - But what if it
really is an emergency.
Copy !req
336. - It's not. I'm certain.
Copy !req
337. - Help! This is no joke!
- 90% positive.
Copy !req
338. - Come quickly!
- Okay, maybe 85.
Copy !req
339. - I cannot last much longer!
- 70.
Copy !req
340. - Help!
Copy !req
341. - Let's go.
Copy !req
342. Ringtail?
Copy !req
343. Yes, I am on fire...
Copy !req
344. with these awesome
April Fools pranks.
Copy !req
345. Ha-ha! You should see
your face right now.
Copy !req
346. Oh! It's all mean and stuff,
like this.
Copy !req
347. That's it, no more!
Copy !req
348. - I have prepared
a counter-prank plan
Copy !req
349. featuring crank calls,
itching powder, and faux vomit.
Copy !req
350. - Escalation, Kowalski?
Copy !req
351. That'll play right into
Ringtail's sick plan.
Copy !req
352. - But, Skipper,
he keeps exploiting
Copy !req
353. our altruistic instincts.
Copy !req
354. - I don't think
I can help helping.
Copy !req
355. - Right you are, men.
Copy !req
356. That's why we need to begin
prank resistance training.
Copy !req
357. - Ooh!
Copy !req
358. - Ugh!
Copy !req
359. - Ah!
Copy !req
360. - Ah.
Copy !req
361. - Ah!
Copy !req
362. - Hey! What are you doing?
Copy !req
363. - Hey, hey, you moved.
Copy !req
364. You ruined the picture.
- The picture?
Copy !req
365. - Yeah, I tagged you
with a rude drawing
Copy !req
366. in permanent marker.
Copy !req
367. It's great.
Copy !req
368. - You—you what?
Copy !req
369. - Yeah, I call it butt-ffiti.
Copy !req
370. - You are going
to pay for this, lemur.
Copy !req
371. - Oh, please, Roy.
Copy !req
372. It's April Fools.
I have diplomatic immunity.
Copy !req
373. - Ugh! And it's not April!
Copy !req
374. - Men, I threw every gag
in the book at you:
Copy !req
375. whoopee cushions, joy buzzers,
and wet willies.
Copy !req
376. That was my least favorite.
Copy !req
377. - But you persevered.
Copy !req
378. You've completed
your prank resistance training.
Copy !req
379. - I'm proud of you boys.
Copy !req
380. Got a little schmutz there,
Copy !req
381. Just a friendly reminder—
Copy !req
382. pranks can happen
any time, any place.
Copy !req
383. Stay frosty.
Copy !req
384. - Sorry, Skipper.
It won't happen again.
Copy !req
385. - Don't sweat it,
young Private.
Copy !req
386. Seriously, though,
you got a little something.
Copy !req
387. Come on, Private,
we just went over this.
Copy !req
388. - Sorry, Skipper.
Sorry, sorry.
Copy !req
389. - Head in the game, man.
Copy !req
390. Now, all joking aside,
a little stain right there.
Copy !req
391. Private, a little stain?
Copy !req
392. - Did you see the color
those chameleons turned
Copy !req
393. when I tied
their tongues together?
Copy !req
394. Oh, it was the best
April foolishness ever.
Copy !req
395. - Okay, but maybe it's time
to give it a rest.
Copy !req
396. - Uh, Maurice,
I know this is hard for you
Copy !req
397. because of your
bounteous bottom,
Copy !req
398. but lighten up, dude.
Copy !req
399. Ah!
Copy !req
400. - Your majesty,
are you all right?
Copy !req
401. - The bouncy
is lacking the bounce.
Copy !req
402. - Someone poked a hole in it.
Copy !req
403. - But who would do such a thing
to someone as beloved as me?
Copy !req
404. - Next hole I punch
is through you.
Copy !req
405. - Do you suppose it was him?
Copy !req
406. - Yup, I think it was him.
Copy !req
407. - Private, I said little stain!
Copy !req
408. Right there!
Copy !req
409. - Ah, penguins!
Copy !req
410. - Phew.
Copy !req
411. - Help me!
Copy !req
412. The rhino, he wants
to skewer my fleshy parts.
Copy !req
413. - Why, that sounds
like a prank.
Copy !req
414. - What's your game this time,
Copy !req
415. "Kick me" sign? The hotfoot?
Copy !req
416. - Or is our refrigerator
Copy !req
417. - Well, if it is,
you better catch it.
Copy !req
418. No, no, no.
Copy !req
419. I am not being the April Fool.
Copy !req
420. - Do we look stupid to you?
Copy !req
421. - Eh, well, your brow
is a bit, eh, heavy.
Copy !req
422. Oof! What?
Copy !req
423. I didn't even mention
your ridiculous "wings."
Copy !req
424. - Roy's out to get you.
Yeah, right.
Copy !req
425. You're just pulling
another mean prank on me.
Copy !req
426. - Actually, if I was pulling
another prank on you,
Copy !req
427. I'd do this. Eee! A mouse!
Copy !req
428. Where? Where's the mouse?
Copy !req
429. Good thing I didn't do that.
Copy !req
430. Ah!
Copy !req
431. Oof.
Copy !req
432. Ah!
Copy !req
433. - I know you're there, lemur.
Copy !req
434. - Oh, hello.
Copy !req
435. Just as an aside,
I'm all done with the pranks.
Copy !req
436. unless, of course,
it's really hilarious.
Copy !req
437. Or done-done. That works too.
Copy !req
438. - You'll never play
another prank again, buddy boy.
Copy !req
439. Friendly observation.
Copy !req
440. You're letting anger
dominate your life.
Copy !req
441. You cannot reach me.
Copy !req
442. All I need to do is
keep running up here forever,
Copy !req
443. and you will never—
Copy !req
444. - I'm begging you.
Copy !req
445. Please do not give me
the sharp end of your—
Copy !req
446. Skipper!
Copy !req
447. - Sleep grenades, fire!
Copy !req
448. - Sweet dreams, friend.
Copy !req
449. - Well, Ringtail, I hope
you've learned your lesson.
Copy !req
450. - Yes, I've learned that
Copy !req
451. you will rescue me no matter
how jerky I am to you.
Copy !req
452. - That's not the lesson.
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453. - Really? Thought I had it.
Copy !req
454. Uh, then it must be
a stitch in time saves nine.
Copy !req
455. - No, that's not it either.
Copy !req
456. - Okay. Saves eight?
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457. Or ten, perhaps.
Maybe an even number.
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458. - You're not even close!
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459. - Um, always—
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460. no, wait. Never—
Copy !req
461. no, wait. Sometimes—
Copy !req
462. look, if you want this to be
a growing experience for me—
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463. - Ringtail!
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464. - Why?
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465. Why did this happen to someone
who was so young,
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466. and fluffy...
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467. and... plush?
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468. - April Fools, Ringtail!
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469. Sweet switcheroo, Kowalski.
- In your lemury face.
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470. - Ooh! Ah!
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471. - Oh, we got you.
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472. - I'm telling Christmas Steve
on all of you.
Copy !req
473. - Creepy.
Copy !req
474. - Ah, felt good
to turn the tables,
Copy !req
475. didn't it, Private?
- Sure did.
Copy !req
476. Oh, you got a little stuffing
there, Skipper.
Copy !req
477. - Hm?
- Ha-ha! I got you, Skipper!
Copy !req
478. I totally got you!
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479. Whoo-hoo! In your face.
Copy !req
480. Ow!
Copy !req