1. - Hit it.
Copy !req
2. Yeah.
Copy !req
3. - Cute and cuddly, boys.
Copy !req
4. - Okay, boys, I got a fresh
scarlet snapper here,
Copy !req
5. and it's yours for the taking.
Copy !req
6. All you got to do
is come and get it.
Copy !req
7. - But, Skipper, the floor
is covered in mouse traps.
Copy !req
8. - Razor-sharp observation there,
young private.
Copy !req
9. - This would complicate
fish acquisition.
Copy !req
10. - This magnificent catch goes
to the man who has the wit,
Copy !req
11. ingenuity, and cunning...
Copy !req
12. Or Rico.
Copy !req
13. It goes to Rico.
Copy !req
14. - Shh, do you hear the cry
of an innocent child?
Copy !req
15. Move out, men.
Copy !req
16. - I wasn't doing nothing,
just petting the sheep,
Copy !req
17. and then he bit me!
Copy !req
18. - On behalf
of the Central Park Zoo,
Copy !req
19. I'm legally required
to tell you I'm sorry.
Copy !req
20. Okay?
Copy !req
21. - A biter in the petting zoo?
Copy !req
22. Just when you think you've seen
Copy !req
23. all the sick
the world can throw at you.
Copy !req
24. - Come on, you.
Copy !req
25. - Someone's got to take
that fluffy punk down.
Copy !req
26. - You think so, Skipper?
Copy !req
27. I mean, it looks like
Alice is taking charge.
Copy !req
28. - With this zoo's revolving-door
justice system?
Copy !req
29. He'll be back to chewing
on children in no time.
Copy !req
30. - And now
that he's tasted human blood,
Copy !req
31. there'll be no satisfying
his depraved thirst.
Copy !req
32. - So it's up to patriots like us
Copy !req
33. to take the law
into our own hands.
Copy !req
34. Oh, dear.
Copy !req
35. - Huh? Wha?
Somebody there?
Copy !req
36. - Yeah, someone's here...
Copy !req
37. your worst nightmare.
Copy !req
38. - A flying coyote
with laser beam eyes?
Copy !req
39. - Um... no,
Copy !req
40. four angry penguins.
Copy !req
41. - Oh, whew, 'cause when coyotes
Copy !req
42. develop flight
and laser technology,
Copy !req
43. it's game over, you know?
Copy !req
44. - Can the lip flap, sicko.
Copy !req
45. This ain't our first time
at the rodeo.
Copy !req
46. We know what you did
to that kid.
Copy !req
47. Kowalski, options?
Copy !req
48. - Let's see.
Copy !req
49. We could go
with the Norwegian noogie
Copy !req
50. or the West Indies wedgie.
Copy !req
51. - Why don't we just pin
a corsage on him
Copy !req
52. and take him to the prom?
Come on, man.
Copy !req
53. - In that case,
I feel there's only one choice,
Copy !req
54. the Conquistador's sunburn.
Copy !req
55. - Oh, great.
Great. Fantastic.
Copy !req
56. Well, I don't suppose anyone
Copy !req
57. wants to hear
my side of the story?
Copy !req
58. - I would actually.
Copy !req
59. I just think we should hear
both sides of the story.
Copy !req
60. Is that so wrong?
Copy !req
61. - I'm going to put that in
my naive question file, private.
Copy !req
62. Kowalski?
Copy !req
63. - Please, Skipper?
Copy !req
64. - Ah, fine.
Copy !req
65. Go ahead, cotton ball.
Copy !req
66. Explain to us what
possible reason you could have
Copy !req
67. for attacking an innocent child.
Copy !req
68. - Innocent?
Copy !req
69. Okay, let's start there.
Copy !req
70. That kid was no innocent.
Copy !req
71. His type is the scourge
of the children's zoo.
Copy !req
72. - Is this loud?
Copy !req
73. - All hopped up on churros
and juice boxes.
Copy !req
74. - Well, after all that, I can
understand why you snapped.
Copy !req
75. - That?
Copy !req
76. No, that was nothing.
Copy !req
77. You know what we call that
in the petting zoo?
Copy !req
78. Tuesday.
Copy !req
79. It's what the little jerk
did next that crossed the line.
Copy !req
80. For the love of—
Copy !req
81. he ruined my beautiful,
beautiful fleece and left me...
Copy !req
82. exposed.
Copy !req
83. So, yeah, it was self-defense.
Copy !req
84. - Oh, come on.
Copy !req
85. It's the petting zoo.
Copy !req
86. - It's thunderdome.
Copy !req
87. It's a nonstop parade of grubby,
grimy, grabby hands.
Copy !req
88. I mean, do you know
what it takes
Copy !req
89. to get candy apple
out of this coat?
Copy !req
90. Do you?
- Uh, club soda?
Copy !req
91. - Oh, hey, that might work.
Copy !req
92. But still, it's the principle.
Copy !req
93. - Look men, we pegged—
- Randy.
Copy !req
94. - Randy here all wrong.
Copy !req
95. - Um, I didn't, actually.
Copy !req
96. - Sure you did.
Copy !req
97. You were acting
like judge and jury.
Copy !req
98. Well, anyway, that's the past.
He needs our help.
Copy !req
99. - Skipper, I've been
working on a compound
Copy !req
100. to protect us during combat.
Copy !req
101. It may be just
what the doctor ordered.
Copy !req
102. Ah, there.
Copy !req
103. I've coated Randy's wool
Copy !req
104. with a
kinetic-energy-repelling polymer
Copy !req
105. that will protect him
Copy !req
106. from the sticky hands
of churroed-up children.
Copy !req
107. - Outstanding.
Copy !req
108. You are home free, amigo.
Copy !req
109. - Kowalski?
- What, Skipper?
Copy !req
110. - The bouncing?
- Yes, he is.
Copy !req
111. - Men, I need options,
Copy !req
112. and not our normal options,
Copy !req
113. the options we bust out
for special guests.
Copy !req
114. - Ah, Rico,
I admire your cocky swagger,
Copy !req
115. but we should save the party
Copy !req
116. until after
we've achieved victory.
Copy !req
117. - Skipper, I believe Rico
is proposing to rub the balloon
Copy !req
118. against Randy's woolly coat,
thus creating a static charge
Copy !req
119. that should prove most shocking.
Copy !req
120. - Yep-a-doodle.
- Oh, sure.
Copy !req
121. That ought to keep him
out of the kiddies' clutches.
Copy !req
122. Go to it, Rico.
Copy !req
123. - And three hours.
Copy !req
124. All right, Randy,
you are all charged up.
Copy !req
125. - You really think this'll work?
Copy !req
126. - Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
127. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
128. - Okay, Randy,
we're changing tactics.
Copy !req
129. We can't keep the kids'
paws off you.
Copy !req
130. - But maybe we can make it
so you don't mind.
Copy !req
131. - Hypnosis.
Copy !req
132. - Should I be freaked by this?
Copy !req
133. - No, no, no, Randy,
Copy !req
134. I assure you,
I am a hypnosis expert.
Copy !req
135. I saw it on the telly.
Copy !req
136. - Whatever.
Just give it a whirl.
Copy !req
137. - Okay, then.
Copy !req
138. Stare at the watch and relax...
Copy !req
139. It didn't go like this
on the telly.
Copy !req
140. Ow.
Copy !req
141. - Might as well just accept it,
Copy !req
142. my future is nothing
but chocolate,
Copy !req
143. cotton candy, and lollipops.
Copy !req
144. Yum.
Copy !req
145. - Stuck on my woolly butt!
Copy !req
146. - Oh. Yuck.
Copy !req
147. - Uh... yum.
Copy !req
148. - Some new facts
have come to light.
Copy !req
149. Like, did you know
a petting zoo
Copy !req
150. is not a sheep's
natural habitat?
Copy !req
151. - I had no idea.
Copy !req
152. I've lived my whole life
in petting zoos.
Copy !req
153. - We found this
in the zoovenier shop.
Copy !req
154. Apparently it's called a "farm."
Copy !req
155. Kowalski, voice analysis.
Copy !req
156. - Home to horsies...
Copy !req
157. - Piggies...
Copy !req
158. - And sheep.
Copy !req
159. - I don't sound like that, do I?
- Yup.
Copy !req
160. - The point is, won't this be
a smashing place to live, Randy?
Copy !req
161. - To live? Really?
Copy !req
162. Well, it's a little snug, but—
Copy !req
163. ah, it's good to be home.
Copy !req
164. - Yeah, uh, Randy, you know,
that's just a toy.
Copy !req
165. Actual farms are much larger.
Copy !req
166. - Ha. Yeah. Huh.
Copy !req
167. Do I look like an idiot?
Copy !req
168. - Yup.
- Ooh, one thing,
Copy !req
169. if we take Randy to a farm,
won't Alice notice he's missing?
Copy !req
170. - Not a problem.
Copy !req
171. - Wait, wait, wait,
let me be standing under this.
Copy !req
172. You want to borrow Mort
so you can help some guy
Copy !req
173. I care nothing about get
to a "fa-arm"?
Copy !req
174. - That is the plan.
Copy !req
175. - Eh... no.
- Yay, King Julien loves me.
Copy !req
176. - You cannot borrow Mort,
Copy !req
177. because "borrow" says that
you will bring him back.
Copy !req
178. Bye-bye, Mort.
Copy !req
179. - See?
That's a love shove.
Copy !req
180. I'm a sheep.
Copy !req
181. Cock-a-doodle-doo!
Copy !req
182. - Do you think Alice
will buy it?
Copy !req
183. - Are you kidding?
Copy !req
184. The resemblance is uncanny.
Copy !req
185. - Hey, fluffy stuff,
how's it going?
Copy !req
186. - All right, men.
Commence phase two
Copy !req
187. of operation steal wool.
Copy !req
188. S-T-E-A-L.
Copy !req
189. You got to read it to get it.
Copy !req
190. Private's idea.
Copy !req
191. - Hey, I thought you were taking
the truck upstate to that farm.
Copy !req
192. - Ah, the new guy
said he'd do it.
Copy !req
193. - New guy?
Copy !req
194. Adios, amigos.
Copy !req
195. - Is it safe?
- All clear.
Copy !req
196. - Let's see.
Estimated travel time
Copy !req
197. at approximately
three inches per hour...
Copy !req
198. one hour and 45 minutes.
Copy !req
199. - Are you sure this is
the right map, Kowalski?
Copy !req
200. - Pretty sure.
Copy !req
201. - Ooh, we don't have
Oklahoma yet.
Copy !req
202. - Ow.
- Punch buggy!
Copy !req
203. - Giant lemonade on your left,
Copy !req
204. - Are you sure about his map?
Copy !req
205. Why didn't you go
at the last rest stop?
Copy !req
206. - We didn't have to then.
Copy !req
207. - It is a map of New York?
Copy !req
208. - Um, it is a map.
Copy !req
209. - I can't see a blasted thing.
Copy !req
210. - The combination of grease,
mud, and dead bugs
Copy !req
211. have completely
obscured the road.
Copy !req
212. - If only we had some sort
of absorbent cloth
Copy !req
213. or chamois with which
to clean the windshield.
Copy !req
214. - Just hurry up, okay?
Copy !req
215. - If my calculations
are correct,
Copy !req
216. and they usually are,
Copy !req
217. we should be able
to see the farm any—
Copy !req
218. - There it is.
Copy !req
219. I saw it first.
I did.
Copy !req
220. - Ooh, rustic.
Copy !req
221. - And much bigger than the toy.
Copy !req
222. - Here, at the farm,
you will find your bliss.
Copy !req
223. Ah, and so begins
my beautiful farm life.
Copy !req
224. Hey, know where
I can find the sheep?
Copy !req
225. - Take off your coat.
Stay awhile.
Copy !req
226. - Wait, you're sheep?
Copy !req
227. No, but you're—
- Sheared?
Copy !req
228. Yes.
Copy !req
229. - You will love the shears.
Copy !req
230. - The shears?
Copy !req
231. - Be a brand new ewe.
Copy !req
232. Shears.
Copy !req
233. Shears. Shears. Shears.
Copy !req
234. - Help!
Copy !req
235. Wait!
Copy !req
236. - Ah, so Randy's right back
where he started.
Copy !req
237. Poor guy.
- Actually, private,
Copy !req
238. I don't think you need to worry.
Copy !req
239. - Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
240. I'm gonna get me a sheep.
Copy !req
241. - Rico and I showed him
a few moves.
Copy !req
242. - Eh, you can't join 'em,
beat 'em.
Copy !req
243. - All right, we do this smart,
and we do this—
Copy !req
244. - Right now! Oh, golly!
Copy !req
245. - Exercise complete.
Copy !req
246. - As I suspected,
a stuffed bunny.
Copy !req
247. - Fine, but why didn't you
hit it with the stick?
Copy !req
248. - What? But—
- We thought this was a test
Copy !req
249. of when to apply force, Skipper.
Copy !req
250. - Oh, it was.
Copy !req
251. - Uh, how did you get
the crossbow inside the—
Copy !req
252. - I know a guy in Havana.
Copy !req
253. He doesn't ask questions,
and neither do I.
Copy !req
254. - Perimeter breach.
Rico, man the bunny-bow.
Copy !req
255. - Sirs.
Copy !req
256. Private Eggy
reporting for duty, sirs.
Copy !req
257. Ah.
Copy !req
258. - Of course not.
Copy !req
259. It's Eggy.
You remember little Eggy.
Copy !req
260. - He's the adorable duckling
we took care of
Copy !req
261. when he was just an egg.
Copy !req
262. I got a bit nervous when
you all trained him so hard,
Copy !req
263. but in the end, he hatched,
and everything was just—
Copy !req
264. - No unauthorized flashbacks.
Copy !req
265. He's cute. We have a history.
End of story.
Copy !req
266. - Oh, and what brings you
back to our lair,
Copy !req
267. you kitchy-koochy—
oh, I just want to eat you up.
Copy !req
268. - Sweetie?
Are you down there?
Copy !req
269. - Too late.
Blend and confuse, boys.
Copy !req
270. - Excuse me, did my son—
there you are.
Copy !req
271. - Gah, my cover's blown,
but they'll never break me.
Copy !req
272. - So, how've you been?
Copy !req
273. - You see this?
- Burmese cobra escape.
Copy !req
274. Enemies sighted, Skipper.
Copy !req
275. - This is what he's been like
Copy !req
276. ever since
your egg-sitting adventure.
Copy !req
277. - There does seem to be a slight
uptick in zesty exuberance.
Copy !req
278. - "zesty exuberance"?
Copy !req
279. My son is going to get hurt.
Copy !req
280. - Your mama's right, Eggy.
Copy !req
281. We've had years of training
for what we do.
Copy !req
282. A boy your age isn't ready
for field work.
Copy !req
283. - I told him that, but he says
my intel is compromised.
Copy !req
284. - Who's pulling your strings,
Copy !req
285. - Give us till sundown.
Copy !req
286. We'll get little danger britches
set straight.
Copy !req
287. - Thank you so much.
Copy !req
288. Now listen to the penguins,
Copy !req
289. - All right, Eggy,
school's in session.
Copy !req
290. - And that was just to adjust
Copy !req
291. our drinking fountain
Copy !req
292. - Yeah, the private
has a sensitive beak.
Copy !req
293. - Oh, I can't believe
you told him that.
Copy !req
294. - And a sensitive
everything else.
Copy !req
295. - Wow.
That was amazing, sirs.
Copy !req
296. - Yes, the kind of amazing
you only get
Copy !req
297. with discipline, practice,
being a penguin.
Copy !req
298. Now I hope you've learned
a valuable something-or-other.
Copy !req
299. - One question,
wouldn't a direct assault
Copy !req
300. take the enemy down faster?
Copy !req
301. - Oh.
- Eggy, no.
Copy !req
302. Sirs, mission accomplished
Copy !req
303. and faster.
- How did you—
Copy !req
304. - I learned everything
from you, sirs.
Copy !req
305. Oh.
Copy !req
306. - No, not "oh."
Copy !req
307. This is dangerous business,
Copy !req
308. - I know.
Isn't it great?
Copy !req
309. Can I have some dynamite?
Copy !req
310. - Okay.
- Rico, no.
Copy !req
311. Hey.
Copy !req
312. - I meant this is dangerous
penguin business,
Copy !req
313. and you are not ready,
Copy !req
314. or possibly exclamation point.
Copy !req
315. Kowalski, punctuation options.
Copy !req
316. - I suggest
the Spanish inverted.
Copy !req
317. Muy fuerte.
Copy !req
318. - But you saw
my commando skills.
Copy !req
319. How can you say
I'm not ready, sir?
Copy !req
320. - Well, because...
Copy !req
321. because you don't have this.
Copy !req
322. - A subway fare card?
Copy !req
323. - A license.
Copy !req
324. An official
penguin commando license.
Copy !req
325. - No, no, I'm quite sure
that's a metro card.
Copy !req
326. I can see the logo right—
Copy !req
327. - I didn't know
I needed a license.
Copy !req
328. - Of course.
We've all got ours.
Copy !req
329. - Oh, absolutely.
Copy !req
330. - Really?
Copy !req
331. I don't have a—
Copy !req
332. Oh, yes.
Copy !req
333. Penguin commando license.
Copy !req
334. Very important.
Copy !req
335. And I'm winking
to indicate that.
Copy !req
336. - And they don't
come easy either.
Copy !req
337. You've got to prove
you can tackle everything
Copy !req
338. this zoo throws at you.
Copy !req
339. Have you proven that, Eggy?
Copy !req
340. Uh-uh.
Copy !req
341. - Then I really don't think
you're ready for this.
Copy !req
342. - But—
Copy !req
343. You're right, sir.
Copy !req
344. Private Eggy
requesting permission
Copy !req
345. to reapply when I'm ready.
Copy !req
346. - Permission granted,
you precocious ragamuffin.
Copy !req
347. - Well, I'd call that
mission accomplished.
Copy !req
348. So what do we do
with the rest of our day?
Copy !req
349. - Ooh, we could get
temporary tattoos
Copy !req
350. with motorcycle club nicknames.
Copy !req
351. - I'll be "Bobby Thunderskull."
Copy !req
352. All in favor of private's
Copy !req
353. tattoos and nicknames plan,
Copy !req
354. Oh, we should probably
do something about that.
Copy !req
355. - Fallen lemur, what happened?
Copy !req
356. - I don't know.
Copy !req
357. Something came flying
out of nowhere, and wham.
Copy !req
358. I'm flat on my butt.
Copy !req
359. - And I am left to apply
my own eye vegetables,
Copy !req
360. which is the real tragedy.
Copy !req
361. Mort, weep for me.
Copy !req
362. My eyes are exhausted
from all the cucumbering.
Copy !req
363. My eye vegetables are burny.
Copy !req
364. - Can you give us any details
on your attacker?
Copy !req
365. - I didn't see him,
but it sounded kind of like...
Copy !req
366. a kid.
Copy !req
367. - Ouchies.
Copy !req
368. - Victory from above.
Copy !req
369. - Whoa there.
- Got ya.
Copy !req
370. - Eggy, what are you doing?
Copy !req
371. - Huh, Eggy?
Copy !req
372. You mean this is my J.J.,
Copy !req
373. who I raised
as a little lemur egg
Copy !req
374. to be a mighty lemur prince?
Copy !req
375. - Great, now that's in my head
all day.
Copy !req
376. - Sirs, you said
I had to prove
Copy !req
377. I could tackle everything
in the zoo.
Copy !req
378. By my count, that's two animals
tackled already.
Copy !req
379. I could get my license
by sundown.
Copy !req
380. - Yeah, looks like—
Copy !req
381. - We live by a code of honor,
Copy !req
382. And you promised.
Copy !req
383. Hooah.
- Don't, Eggy.
Copy !req
384. This won't prove anything.
Copy !req
385. - Of course it will.
Copy !req
386. Go, J.J.
Do it.
Copy !req
387. - Hold on.
This may be perfect.
Copy !req
388. - But that's
the elephant habitat.
Copy !req
389. - Exactamente.
Copy !req
390. One-on-one with the world's
largest land mammal.
Copy !req
391. Why I'd have trouble
taking big grey down myself.
Copy !req
392. Probably have to pull out
my signature moves.
Copy !req
393. Start with the tangiers
trunk swing,
Copy !req
394. then a kyoto tail whip
Copy !req
395. into a pair
of marrakesh kneecappers.
Copy !req
396. Ha-sha.
Copy !req
397. Wait a minute, why are you all
staring behind me
Copy !req
398. as if fixated on something
I'm heretofore oblivious to?
Copy !req
399. But those were
my signature moves.
Copy !req
400. My signature.
- Oh, dear golly.
Copy !req
401. Eggy said he learned
everything from us.
Copy !req
402. That may be more true
than we realized.
Copy !req
403. The egg state is a time
of intense knowledge absorption.
Copy !req
404. If each of us gave him
our best training,
Copy !req
405. then Eggy must possess
all of our strengths combined.
Copy !req
406. - Uh, what?
Copy !req
407. - He's an unstoppable
commando machine.
Copy !req
408. - See?
Now, that's a helpful flashback.
Copy !req
409. Follow that duckling.
Copy !req
410. All right. Banana.
Copy !req
411. - Yo, I'm totally gonna
grab that.
Copy !req
412. - He's got my knowledge
of physics.
Copy !req
413. - Ah, a bad boy, eh?
Copy !req
414. Maybe joey needs to give you
a proper spanking.
Copy !req
415. - He's got Rico's
psychotic instinct.
Copy !req
416. Beg your pardon, miss.
Copy !req
417. Might I trouble you
to lean down a spot?
Copy !req
418. - Of course, you adorable—
Copy !req
419. - Cheerio.
Copy !req
420. - He's putting on an adorably
phony British accent.
Copy !req
421. - Just like the private.
Copy !req
422. - Phony?
Copy !req
423. This is how I really talk.
Copy !req
424. Sure it is, gov'na.
Copy !req
425. - Chameleons.
Copy !req
426. Rhino.
Copy !req
427. - Flamingo.
Copy !req
428. Over 92.7% of the zoo
has already gone down.
Copy !req
429. - Don't give me statistics, man.
Copy !req
430. Tell me who isn't down.
Copy !req
431. - Well, there's
the four of us.
Copy !req
432. - Three of us.
Copy !req
433. - Two of us.
Copy !req
434. - Okay, that leaves just—
Copy !req
435. Right.
Copy !req
436. Then the only zoo animal
left is...
Copy !req
437. oh, boy.
Copy !req
438. - Hey Maurice, check out
my new shirt.
Copy !req
439. I don't usually wear one,
I know,
Copy !req
440. but these circles
are pretty sweet, eh?
Copy !req
441. - Ringtail, focus.
Copy !req
442. We need your help.
Copy !req
443. - And why would I help you
to not prove
Copy !req
444. that my J.J. is
the bestest tackler?
Copy !req
445. - If Eggy thinks
he has a commando license,
Copy !req
446. who knows what kind of danger
he'll throw himself into?
Copy !req
447. Plus, we'll have
to actually make licenses.
Copy !req
448. - This isn't just
about tackling.
Copy !req
449. - Excelante.
Copy !req
450. Come on, commando license.
Copy !req
451. I want to fight some ninjas
in a chainsaw factory.
Copy !req
452. - You know, that does sound
slightly unsafe.
Copy !req
453. - Ringtail, run.
Copy !req
454. - It's too late.
Copy !req
455. Eggy's locked on.
Copy !req
456. - Well, at least this proves
our training is effective.
Copy !req
457. That duck is going to make
one heck of a penguin.
Copy !req
458. - What?
Copy !req
459. My J.J. wants to be a penguin?
Copy !req
460. Have you not seen
what this kingly booty can do?
Copy !req
461. Five, six, seven, eight.
Copy !req
462. How do you like that low there?
Copy !req
463. - Wow.
Copy !req
464. - Julien's actually doing it.
Copy !req
465. - Eggy can't tackle everything
in this zoo after all.
Copy !req
466. - Can't... tackle...
Copy !req
467. You, sir, are the greatest...
Copy !req
468. of all animals.
Copy !req
469. - But you can
be the second-greatest.
Copy !req
470. Come, let us begin
your booty shaking training.
Copy !req
471. - Ooh, dancing.
Copy !req
472. Why, that's not dangerous
at all.
Copy !req
473. You cured my baby.
Copy !req
474. - Yes, we can definitely state
that your child
Copy !req
475. no longer wants to be a penguin,
Copy !req
476. and may the world forgive us.
Copy !req
477. Okay, little dancer,
time to go home.
Copy !req
478. Say thank you
to the nice penguins.
Copy !req
479. Thanking you very muchly,
Copy !req
480. silly penguins.
Copy !req
481. Yes, that is my J.J.!
Copy !req
482. - Rico, cover our shame.
Copy !req