1. - Cute and cuddly, boys.
Copy !req
2. - Status report.
Copy !req
3. - Emergency evacuation system
will be operational
Copy !req
4. after one more delicate
Copy !req
5. - Steady, Private.
Copy !req
6. - All the way
to the koala habitat?
Copy !req
7. That's clear across the zoo.
Copy !req
8. - Oh, he shouldn't be
in the zoo at all.
Copy !req
9. Ugh! Needs more tension.
Copy !req
10. Oh, I'm sorry.
Copy !req
11. Are you all right?
Copy !req
12. Who's there?
Copy !req
13. You? You're one of those
Copy !req
14. - Those penguins?
- Yes!
Copy !req
15. The dangerously psychotic ones,
Copy !req
16. Am I right?
- Oh, um, well—
Copy !req
17. - Don't blow me up!
Or teleport me.
Copy !req
18. Or send me back in time.
Copy !req
19. - I wouldn't.
Copy !req
20. Look, we haven't even
properly met.
Copy !req
21. - It's Leonard.
Like to know your victims
Copy !req
22. by name, do you?
I get it.
Copy !req
23. - Um, I'm Private,
Copy !req
24. and I'm not going
to hurt you, Leonard.
Copy !req
25. - This is not hurting?
Copy !req
26. What's your idea of hurting?
Copy !req
27. Wait! I don't want to know.
Copy !req
28. - It was an accident. Look.
Copy !req
29. - No hitting!
Not with the branch.
Copy !req
30. Ooh! Now you're jumping?
Copy !req
31. - Um, okay.
I'm just going to go.
Copy !req
32. - I suppose you're going to get
the rest of your goon friends
Copy !req
33. so they can pick on me too.
Copy !req
34. Why are you doing this?
Copy !req
35. What did I ever to do you?
Copy !req
36. - He's daft...
and so cuddly!
Copy !req
37. Skipper, have we ever done
anything goony to any koalas?
Copy !req
38. - Koalas?
Copy !req
39. Uh, nothing overt.
Copy !req
40. - Well, this one named Leonard
was scared silly. Of me!
Copy !req
41. I guess he'd heard some things
about us.
Copy !req
42. - Now, what could he have
possibly heard about us
Copy !req
43. that would make him afraid?
Copy !req
44. - Well, no time to worry
about that now.
Copy !req
45. Here goes.
Copy !req
46. Um, listen.
We got off on the wrong track,
Copy !req
47. and I thought if you got
to know us better,
Copy !req
48. you'd see
that we were not, um...
Copy !req
49. hey, are you all right?
Copy !req
50. I scared him to—oh, dear.
Copy !req
51. - All right.
That should do it.
Copy !req
52. - Good work, Kowalski.
Copy !req
53. - Ooh!
Copy !req
54. - That koala
is unauthorized personnel,
Copy !req
55. not to mention unconscious.
Copy !req
56. - I know, Skipper,
Copy !req
57. but I'm afraid I might
have given him
Copy !req
58. a fright attack or something.
Copy !req
59. - You do know about koalas,
don't you, Private?
Copy !req
60. - Beyond their fuzzy cuteness?
Copy !req
61. - Me neither.
Kowalski, enlighten us.
Copy !req
62. - Koala: a herbivorous nocturnal
Copy !req
63. - In Americano, please.
Copy !req
64. - Uh, they eat nothing
but leaves,
Copy !req
65. the ladies carry their babies
in pouches,
Copy !req
66. and they sleep all day.
Copy !req
67. - Oh. A hippie.
Copy !req
68. - Wait.
So our day is his night?
Copy !req
69. - Precisely.
- That's just sleeping?
Copy !req
70. Uh-oh. I better take him back
before it gets dark.
Copy !req
71. He's already frightened of us.
Copy !req
72. If he wakes up here, ooh—
Copy !req
73. - Uh, hi, there.
Copy !req
74. Penguins!
Copy !req
75. I've been kidnapped
by penguins!
Copy !req
76. They're going to send me
to the moon.
Copy !req
77. They're going to turn me
into a cyborg!
Copy !req
78. Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
79. - Um, I just wanted to help.
Copy !req
80. - You call this helping?
Copy !req
81. What's your idea of not helping?
Copy !req
82. - You don't want to know.
Copy !req
83. - Oh! Ugh! Ah!
Copy !req
84. - Ooh!
Copy !req
85. Leonard, Leonard.
Copy !req
86. I promise you,
we're not going to hurt you.
Copy !req
87. - Bye-bye.
- Oh, it worked.
Copy !req
88. - That hippie's clear
to downtown.
Copy !req
89. - I'm a promise-breaker.
Copy !req
90. It's slimy.
Copy !req
91. - And cold.
Copy !req
92. - I just wanted to show Leonard
he was wrong about us.
Copy !req
93. He needn't be afraid.
Copy !req
94. - Well, fail.
Copy !req
95. Ah, from a purely technical
standpoint, I mean.
Copy !req
96. - I'm going to bring him back.
Copy !req
97. - You don't even know
where he is.
Copy !req
98. He could be in Tribeca.
Copy !req
99. - But I know how he got there.
- Nolita.
Copy !req
100. - This should put me
in the same area.
Copy !req
101. - Soho.
- Private.
Copy !req
102. - Noho?
- That koala was under our roof.
Copy !req
103. Authorized or not, we go.
Copy !req
104. - Wego? I'm not familiar
with that neighbor—
Copy !req
105. - Stand by.
On my mark.
Copy !req
106. Now.
Copy !req
107. - Deploy.
Copy !req
108. - Scanning for our
boreal marsupial.
Copy !req
109. That way.
Due north.
Copy !req
110. - Let's move.
Copy !req
111. - He should be right here.
Copy !req
112. - Leonard? How did you—
Copy !req
113. - Shh! He's trying to tell us
Copy !req
114. - Fortunately,
I am a skilled lip reader.
Copy !req
115. "I'm claustrophobic."
- Ooh, it's too bad
Copy !req
116. he's all squeezed in there then,
isn't it?
Copy !req
117. - "Lungs constricted.
Copy !req
118. Breathing labored.
Copy !req
119. Running out of socks and pens."
Copy !req
120. - I've heard enough. Private,
hit the good ware store.
Copy !req
121. Kowalski, office supplies.
Copy !req
122. Rico, get the man
out of that box
Copy !req
123. so we can give him
his socks and pens.
Copy !req
124. - Hey, ha, oh, whoa, whoa!
Copy !req
125. What about the socks?
Copy !req
126. - We want to help you, Leonard.
Copy !req
127. - Your helping isn't helpful,
so don't help.
Copy !req
128. - We don't take orders;
we give orders.
Copy !req
129. - Yes, that is the traditional
rescuer/rescuee relationship.
Copy !req
130. - Car!
Copy !req
131. Leonard,
get out of sight before—
Copy !req
132. - Huh!
- Let's go, men.
Copy !req
133. It's clear Leonard does not
want or need our help.
Copy !req
134. Not with cars, not with dogs,
not with people.
Copy !req
135. Oh, he'll like people.
Copy !req
136. They'll think
he's a cuddly play toy.
Copy !req
137. They'll want to pick him up
and hug him real tight.
Copy !req
138. - Wait! Don't leave me!
Copy !req
139. - Run!
Copy !req
140. - We can't outrun the sun.
Copy !req
141. - Can we slow down, then?
Copy !req
142. I have motion sickness issues.
Copy !req
143. I think I'm going to be—
Copy !req
144. - Oh, great.
That's just what we need.
Copy !req
145. Rico, comatose koala transport,
if you please.
Copy !req
146. - That'll work.
Copy !req
147. - Get out of the street,
you dumb birds!
Copy !req
148. - Next time.
Copy !req
149. - Leonard!
Copy !req
150. - So that didn't work.
Copy !req
151. - I might have an idea.
Copy !req
152. - Good call, Private.
Copy !req
153. - Thanks, Skipper.
Copy !req
154. - Doorway.
Copy !req
155. - So what's the downside
to leaving him?
Copy !req
156. - Ah, let's go.
Copy !req
157. - We're running out
of options here.
Copy !req
158. - Never.
- Kowalski, what are you doing?
Copy !req
159. - What would Leonardo da Vinci
Copy !req
160. - Paint a haunting portrait
of a woman smiling
Copy !req
161. enigmatically?
- Couldn't hurt, I guess.
Copy !req
162. - Create and innovate!
Copy !req
163. - We're almost home.
Copy !req
164. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
165. - Based on prevailing
wind currents—
Copy !req
166. ah!
Copy !req
167. - Kowalski's down.
- Thorns!
Copy !req
168. - Eyes on the prize, men.
- Ow! Ow!
Copy !req
169. - Rico, no!
Copy !req
170. - You know, Rico,
there is such a thing
Copy !req
171. as too much dynamite.
Copy !req
172. - Dive, dive, dive.
Copy !req
173. - Ah!
Copy !req
174. - Ugh!
Copy !req
175. - What did I miss?
Copy !req
176. - Hey, guys.
Where you been all day?
Copy !req
177. And what's with the teddy bear?
Copy !req
178. - That's classified information,
Copy !req
179. 'cause I don't want to talk
about it.
Copy !req
180. - Hi, there, little fellow.
Copy !req
181. - Oh, no. You?
You're the otter.
Copy !req
182. Back off, lady!
Back off!
Copy !req
183. - Uh, what just happened?
Copy !req
184. - Sounds like you got
a bad reputation, Marlene.
Copy !req
185. - Okay. You're good.
Copy !req
186. Little more.
Little less.
Copy !req
187. - Appears to be
a Hoboken surprise.
Copy !req
188. - Ooh!
Perhaps it's a unicorn.
Copy !req
189. - Private, the transfer's
from New Jersey,
Copy !req
190. not rainbow pixie land.
Copy !req
191. - Alice, what's in the box
Copy !req
192. - You don't want to know.
- Yeah, I probably do not.
Copy !req
193. - I see increased security.
Copy !req
194. - Intriguing.
Go on.
Copy !req
195. - It's... it's...
it's a boa.
Copy !req
196. - Ooh.
Boas are very festive.
Copy !req
197. They frame the face
in fabulousness.
Copy !req
198. - Not that kind of boa,
Copy !req
199. - Member of the genus constricus
realtighten eatus.
Copy !req
200. I've worked up a rendering
of the actual size
Copy !req
201. of our new arrival.
Copy !req
202. - Well, well.
Copy !req
203. Rather puny, yes?
Copy !req
204. - Now, that's a lot of snake.
Copy !req
205. - Especially
when the crushing begins.
Copy !req
206. - Precisely. As much my scratch
and sniff guide
Copy !req
207. to rain forest animals
clearly indicates,
Copy !req
208. a boa will coil around its prey,
Copy !req
209. squeeze into unconsciousness,
Copy !req
210. then swallow it... whole.
Copy !req
211. - Take a good whiff.
That's the smell of fear.
Copy !req
212. - Mm.
- Eh!
Copy !req
213. - Technically it's snake bile
but point taken.
Copy !req
214. - Hey, hey, look.
I'm sure boas
Copy !req
215. are mean in the wild,
but this is the zoo.
Copy !req
216. Guys, you know,
we're neighbors.
Copy !req
217. - Right, and neighbors
don't eat neighbors.
Copy !req
218. - I do!
If my neighbor is a mango.
Copy !req
219. - If this snake tries
anything cute,
Copy !req
220. we'll be on him
like stink on a chimp.
Copy !req
221. - I beg your pardon, sir.
Copy !req
222. I believe you're smelling
my partner.
Copy !req
223. - Thank you.
You're too kind.
Copy !req
224. - Skipper! Intercepting
an inter-zoo transmission.
Copy !req
225. - Keep dancing.
It confuses the lookee lous.
Copy !req
226. - It's the lemurs;
we lost one.
Copy !req
227. - Take a bow, Private.
Show's over.
Copy !req
228. Okay. From the beginning.
Copy !req
229. - Yes.
I noticed a chill in my feet.
Copy !req
230. Then it hit me:
"Where's Mort? "
Copy !req
231. - Mort, from the Latin root
Copy !req
232. as in "dead."
Copy !req
233. - Let's not jump to conclusions
Copy !req
234. until we rule out
all other possibilities.
Copy !req
235. Or find a body.
Copy !req
236. - Who will bring to me
my fruity smoothie
Copy !req
237. with the teeny umbrella
and twisty straw?
Copy !req
238. - The smoothies!
Copy !req
239. Julien did send mort
to get some pineapple
Copy !req
240. from over by reptile house.
Copy !req
241. - Yeah, the geckos
get all the good stuff.
Copy !req
242. - Reptile house, eh?
Copy !req
243. Gentlemen, I smell a rat,
Copy !req
244. and it's inside a snake.
Copy !req
245. Ah, the neighbors.
Copy !req
246. I was hoping I would get
a chance to eat you.
Copy !req
247. - What did he say?
Copy !req
248. - I mean, "meet" you.
Copy !req
249. Slip of the tongue.
Copy !req
250. - Oh, I know.
Copy !req
251. I've put my foot in my mouth
a time or two.
Copy !req
252. - Mmm, good dark-meat ratio.
Copy !req
253. How rude.
I am Savio, and you are?
Copy !req
254. - Suspicious.
Copy !req
255. We've got a disappeared
tiny, little lemur.
Copy !req
256. - I trust nothing tragic
Copy !req
257. - Tragic?
Who said anything about tragic?
Copy !req
258. Private, did you?
Kowalski? No.
Copy !req
259. No one mentioned tragic.
- Go figure.
Copy !req
260. - This should be easy enough
to clear up.
Copy !req
261. If you could just tell us,
Copy !req
262. where were you
between the hours of, uh, now
Copy !req
263. and, uh, sometime before now?
Copy !req
264. - Where would I be?
Where could I be?
Copy !req
265. As you can see,
I've no possible means
Copy !req
266. of escaping this glass prison.
Copy !req
267. - Kowalski?
Copy !req
268. - Hmm. Seems to be an encrypted
keypad to control...
Copy !req
269. ah, state of the art
electronic magnalocks.
Copy !req
270. His alibi would appear
to be solid.
Copy !req
271. - There you see,
not a guilty bone in my body.
Copy !req
272. Ah, now let's say we put this
unpleasantness behind us.
Copy !req
273. You come inside for a bite...
Copy !req
274. - Oh...
- I wasn't born yesterday.
Copy !req
275. If I was, I'd be in diapers,
Copy !req
276. which apparently I am not.
Copy !req
277. - Let's go through this
one more time, Kowalski.
Copy !req
278. As we've already established,
Copy !req
279. our boa could not have escaped.
Copy !req
280. His habitat
is locked down tight.
Copy !req
281. - Lockdown.
Let's look at those locks
Copy !req
282. one more time, shall we?
Copy !req
283. - Double-forged titanium
interlocking tumblers
Copy !req
284. openable only
from the outside keypad.
Copy !req
285. - Blah!
- Hello.
Copy !req
286. What do we have here?
Copy !req
287. - Ventilation shaft.
Copy !req
288. Oh, I suppose it's possible.
Copy !req
289. Ugh. Sorry, Skipper.
Copy !req
290. Too narrow. He might be able
to squeeze his body,
Copy !req
291. but with a belly full
of indigested prey,
Copy !req
292. it would be all put impossible.
Copy !req
293. Somebody stole Maurice
in my sleep!
Copy !req
294. - I'm sensing a pattern
here, boys.
Copy !req
295. It starts with a scream and ends
with a lemur biting the dust.
Copy !req
296. - It's Marlene! She's no lemur.
Copy !req
297. - Well,
it's a complicated pattern.
Copy !req
298. We're too late.
Copy !req
299. - Kowalski, what's this look
like to you?
Copy !req
300. - Ah, inconclusive.
Copy !req
301. A fragment of shoe leather,
perhaps synthetic.
Copy !req
302. - Eh! Wrong.
Copy !req
303. Try snakeskin.
Copy !req
304. Boys, I'll bet my left flipper
we find that snake out
Copy !req
305. slithering for a snack.
Copy !req
306. - It's a good thing
you're right-flippered, Skipper.
Copy !req
307. - Rico, check structural
Copy !req
308. - Oh.
- Check.
Copy !req
309. - Believe me, there are much
more difficult things to swallow
Copy !req
310. than my obvious innocence.
Copy !req
311. - My, my, my.
Someone looks plump.
Copy !req
312. - As do you, but do I make
wild accusations?
Copy !req
313. No. I find that distasteful.
Copy !req
314. - Sorry, Savio.
Copy !req
315. I keep telling them not to judge
a book by its cover.
Copy !req
316. - Indeed. Words to live by.
Copy !req
317. Now if you'll excuse me, I need
to go and digest your meaty—
Copy !req
318. allegations.
Copy !req
319. - Perhaps it's all just
a coincidence
Copy !req
320. that mammals began disappearing
when Savio arrived.
Copy !req
321. - Sure, Private.
Maybe all the little mammals
Copy !req
322. got pulled in to a top secret
little mammal meeting.
Copy !req
323. - In that snake's
digestive tract!
Copy !req
324. - Ooh!
- Whew.
Copy !req
325. Thanks be to the food spirits,
I am not a mammal.
Copy !req
326. - But you are a mammal.
- No, I am not!
Copy !req
327. - Ah, warm-blooded, furry,
belly button.
Copy !req
328. No question. Mammal.
Copy !req
329. - A taste for mammals, eh?
Copy !req
330. - Excelente snake bait,
young Private.
Copy !req
331. - Why do I always have to be
the bait, Skipper?
Copy !req
332. - Because you're gullible
and expendable.
Copy !req
333. That's a twofer.
Copy !req
334. - Monkey it up a little.
Come on, Private.
Copy !req
335. - Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!
Copy !req
336. I could go for some
ripe bananas, I could.
Copy !req
337. Perhaps I'll go
on my tire swing.
Copy !req
338. - It's working.
Copy !req
339. Oh, and whatever you do,
don't look behind you.
Copy !req
340. - Please hurry.
Copy !req
341. - Private, we're on the move.
Copy !req
342. - We've been hosed!
Copy !req
343. Private, come in.
Copy !req
344. Come in!
Copy !req
345. - Ah-ha!
Copy !req
346. - What will you accuse me
of now?
Copy !req
347. Eating a penguin
in a monkey suit?
Copy !req
348. - Yeah, that's a pretty good
guess there.
Copy !req
349. I wonder how he does that.
Copy !req
350. - Yes, that would be
a neat trick.
Copy !req
351. - The air vent.
Copy !req
352. - But, Skipper,
I told you it's too small
Copy !req
353. for him to slip through.
- But he's a long,
Copy !req
354. long snake,
isn't that right, Savio?
Copy !req
355. Why, I'll bet he could make it
clear to—
Copy !req
356. - Hey, what is that "beep, beep,
beep" I am hearing?
Copy !req
357. - Make it clear to the—
- I hear it too.
Copy !req
358. - Make it—
Copy !req
359. Yeah, that was my theory.
Copy !req
360. - Sometimes only
a real mammal will do.
Copy !req
361. - Oh, so this is what being
paralyzed by fear feels like.
Copy !req
362. Ha ha. Good to know.
Copy !req
363. - Rico!
Copy !req
364. - Ah!
Copy !req
365. Ooh!
Copy !req
366. - Kowalski, options?
Copy !req
367. - Yes!
The pen is mightier than—
Copy !req
368. of course that was a pencil.
Pen would have been better.
Copy !req
369. - He's slowing you down.
Copy !req
370. Ah!
Copy !req
371. - Ringtail.
Copy !req
372. - Yay!
Copy !req
373. King Julien got eaten up too!
Copy !req
374. - Oh, I suppose some books
can be judged
Copy !req
375. by their cover after all.
Copy !req
376. - When the cover is snakeskin.
Copy !req
377. - It's disgusting and smelly
and slimy.
Copy !req
378. - And snaky.
Copy !req
379. - Get us out of here!
Copy !req
380. - Skipper!
Oh, he'll have a plan.
Copy !req
381. He's always got a plan.
Copy !req
382. - Got a plan?
- No.
Copy !req
383. - Help!
Copy !req
384. - You know, I think my eyes
Copy !req
385. were bigger than my stomach
on that one.
Copy !req
386. - Okay, got something.
Copy !req
387. It's a multistage plan.
Copy !req
388. Phase one, run!
Copy !req
389. Diversion!
Copy !req
390. Obstacle.
Copy !req
391. Serpentine.
- We can't defeat a serpent
Copy !req
392. with serpentine!
Copy !req
393. - Jump!
Copy !req
394. - You like mammals, right?
Copy !req
395. Meet Burt...
Copy !req
396. - The world's largest
land mammal, FYI.
Copy !req
397. - No, really, I could not eat
another thing.
Copy !req
398. - Got that right.
Copy !req
399. - Huh!
Copy !req
400. Hmm!
Copy !req
401. - Ooh, I'll give such a pinch.
Copy !req
402. - Tell me we came out
of the mouth.
Copy !req
403. - This isn't New Jersey,
tough guy.
Copy !req