1. - Cute and cuddly, boys.
Copy !req
2. - I'm smiling, Private.
Copy !req
3. And you know how I hate that.
Copy !req
4. - Coming, Skipper.
Copy !req
5. - And that's a wrap.
Copy !req
6. Men, we are in complete
Copy !req
7. for commissioner McSlade's
Copy !req
8. Pose with the Penguins
photo opportunity.
Copy !req
9. - And with three days to spare.
Copy !req
10. - Still cute, still cuddly.
Copy !req
11. - Excelente.
Copy !req
12. - 100% rested and ready
for the paparazzi.
Copy !req
13. In fact, I slept
like a rock last night.
Copy !req
14. - Uh-huh, me too.
Copy !req
15. - Mmm, I did note
that the lemurs
Copy !req
16. were unusually quiet
during the nocturnal hours.
Copy !req
17. - Perhaps it's because
they're not there.
Copy !req
18. - A frond from Julien's crown.
Copy !req
19. A partially eaten mango
Copy !req
20. and the bouncy!
Copy !req
21. It hasn't been slept in.
Copy !req
22. I suspect foul play.
Copy !req
23. - The lemurs were just AWOL.
Copy !req
24. - Ahh, Alice at 12:00!
Copy !req
25. - Oof.
Copy !req
26. - Distraction maneuvers, go!
Copy !req
27. - What the—
Copy !req
28. - Oof!
Copy !req
29. - Ringtail, you can't just
wander off like that.
Copy !req
30. - If Alice were to take
notice of your absence,
Copy !req
31. the zoo would be put
into total lockdown.
Copy !req
32. - We were just out in the park
hanging in the treetops.
Copy !req
33. - Just like we used to do
in Madagascar.
Copy !req
34. Sleeping in the branches
and under the stars.
Copy !req
35. - Whoa!
Copy !req
36. - Lookie-lookie!
Copy !req
37. I brought back an ear
of pine-corn.
Copy !req
38. Ow.
Copy !req
39. Ow. Ugh, ah, Mort.
Copy !req
40. Start this for me.
- Ow!
Copy !req
41. - But you're supposed
to be in the zoo.
Copy !req
42. - Oh, don't be such
a worry wart-hog.
Copy !req
43. We'll be back every morning
before the zoo is even opening.
Copy !req
44. - Eh?
Copy !req
45. The pinecone ated my tooth!
Copy !req
46. Also, ow!
Copy !req
47. - You can't move to the park.
Copy !req
48. - It will upset the balance
of everything.
Copy !req
49. - Stand down, men.
Copy !req
50. I'll handle this. Ringtail.
Copy !req
51. This is a bang-up idea.
- Uh?
Copy !req
52. - Skipper,
you can't be serious.
Copy !req
53. - Lemurless silent nights,
Copy !req
54. - But one mistake and our whole
operation could be compromised.
Copy !req
55. - Nah, I got a way for them
to fly under the radar.
Copy !req
56. This tunnel's your ticket
in and out of the zoo.
Copy !req
57. - Skipper, this tunnel
is only to be used
Copy !req
58. by authorized penguin
Copy !req
59. - While on official
penguin business.
Copy !req
60. - Oh, really, who says?
Copy !req
61. - You do.
Copy !req
62. - This penguin tunnel
is only to be used
Copy !req
63. by authorized penguin
Copy !req
64. while on official
penguin business.
Copy !req
65. Well, that's really
more of a guideline.
Copy !req
66. Ringtail, the tunnel is yours.
Just make sure
Copy !req
67. you're back in the zoo
first thing in the A.M.
Copy !req
68. - Well, I like to wake up
Copy !req
69. Ease into the morning
with a smoothie...
Copy !req
70. - First thing.
Copy !req
71. Don't tell anyone about
this arrangement, hmm?
Copy !req
72. - Okay, my lips are sealed.
Copy !req
73. See?
- The park, you say?
Copy !req
74. - It's upscale
and very spacious.
Copy !req
75. - Right, Phil. We could use
a classier environment.
Copy !req
76. Plus, new things
to throw poo at.
Copy !req
77. - And the crime rate
is surprisingly low.
Copy !req
78. - Untapped territories!
Copy !req
79. - All in all,
there are not so much
Copy !req
80. undesirable peoples there.
Copy !req
81. If you know what I mean.
- You're there, aren't you?
Copy !req
82. - Yes, but I don't see—
Copy !req
83. ah, right!
Copy !req
84. You're poking fun at me.
Copy !req
85. That's a good one.
Copy !req
86. - Ah, another night of blissful
lemur-free sleep.
Copy !req
87. - I have to admit,
it is peaceful.
Copy !req
88. No more late-night
refrigerator raids.
Copy !req
89. - No loud parties.
Copy !req
90. - My sentiments exactly, Rico.
Copy !req
91. Nighty-night, boys.
Copy !req
92. - Goodnight Skipper.
- Sweet dreams.
Copy !req
93. - Something's not right.
- It's the quiet, it's—
Copy !req
94. - Too quiet.
Copy !req
95. - Nope, it's fine, goodnight.
Copy !req
96. - But Skipper, the ambient
noise levels are too low
Copy !req
97. even when accounting
for the absence of—
Copy !req
98. Go to sleep.
Copy !req
99. That's an order!
Copy !req
100. You made the silence
too loud, happy?
Copy !req
101. - There's no sign of Joey...
Copy !req
102. Mason, Phil!
Copy !req
103. - Everyone's gone!
Copy !req
104. - Oh, I knew this would get
out of hand.
Copy !req
105. - Go away.
- Oof!
Copy !req
106. - Go away.
- Oof!
Copy !req
107. - Ringtail, you were supposed
to keep this a secret!
Copy !req
108. - Go away.
- Oof!
Copy !req
109. - I did keep it a secret.
And then I shared it.
Copy !req
110. Besides, this is party central
and who wants to party alone?
Copy !req
111. - Go away.
- Oof!
Copy !req
112. - You got that right, baby.
Copy !req
113. I just signed a lease
on a high-rise Sycamore.
Copy !req
114. - Signed a what?
- I know,
Copy !req
115. a young urban professional
like yourself wants to own.
Copy !req
116. Now, I got a hot deal
on a one-room stump.
Copy !req
117. - Ooh! I've always wanted
my own stump.
Copy !req
118. - Oh, yeah,
it's the American dream, right?
Copy !req
119. - Ooh!
- Now you,
Copy !req
120. ooh, I'd like to put you
in a flowering shrub.
Copy !req
121. Maybe something—
are you ready—
Copy !req
122. pond-adjacent.
- Oh, adjacent?
Copy !req
123. - Skipper, the potential
for disaster here is—
Copy !req
124. - Worth the risk.
Besides, it's just the little
Copy !req
125. tiny animals
who have moved out.
Copy !req
126. - Ah!
Copy !req
127. - We're in the market
for a duplex.
Copy !req
128. - Can you help us out?
- Can I?
Copy !req
129. Hey, do geese fly south
for the winter?
Copy !req
130. Well not anymore.
'cause Archie found them
Copy !req
131. a ranch-style hedge.
Copy !req
132. - Uh, it'll be fine.
Copy !req
133. Glad you blokes could make it.
Copy !req
134. Got lemonade with
plenty of kick to it.
Copy !req
135. Just like Joey.
Copy !req
136. - Oh, it's so nice to finally
meet the neighbors.
Copy !req
137. - But we've always
been your neighbors.
Copy !req
138. - But in this neighborhood,
you feel like new,
Copy !req
139. better neighbors.
Copy !req
140. - Yeah,
you should have been there,
Copy !req
141. I'm telling you.
Copy !req
142. It was totally
off the chizzain.
Copy !req
143. - Hey, pay attention!
Copy !req
144. - And I am saying
the same thing to you, pal.
Copy !req
145. You know, I've seen
beautiful days before.
Copy !req
146. But mama nature, you knocked
this one out of the park.
Copy !req
147. - Skipper, we have a situation.
Copy !req
148. - Aw, Kowalski, you ruined my
mama nature baseball analogy.
Copy !req
149. - Burt has jackknifed
and is blocking the tunnel.
Copy !req
150. I thought I saw a mouse.
Copy !req
151. - What is the holdup?
- Don't know.
Copy !req
152. Everything just stopped.
- No, what is the holdup
Copy !req
153. with my super berry,
Copy !req
154. extra sweet mango-kiwi
Copy !req
155. - Gimme, gimme!
- Wee... oof!
Copy !req
156. - Ah, life is once again
fruity and delicious.
Copy !req
157. - Okay, this isn't ideal.
But we can manage this.
Copy !req
158. After all, the zoo doesn't
open for another hour.
Copy !req
159. - Um, Skipper,
Copy !req
160. Commissioner McSlade
will be here any minute.
Copy !req
161. - Whoa, wait, what?
McSlade's photo op is today?
Copy !req
162. - If Alice and the commissioner
see an empty zoo—
Copy !req
163. - There will be questions.
- Investigations.
Copy !req
164. - They'll find our secret
Copy !req
165. We'll be found out.
Copy !req
166. Our whole operation,
everything we've worked for!
Copy !req
167. Will be destroyed!
Copy !req
168. Didn't I tell you
this was a bad idea?
Copy !req
169. - Me? You're the one who—
- Save your weak excuses
Copy !req
170. for the formal inquiry,
Copy !req
171. We've gotta fix this.
Copy !req
172. Kowalski,
you unpack the pachyderm
Copy !req
173. while we delay McSlade.
Copy !req
174. - A perfect day for a photo op.
Copy !req
175. I'm going to look fantastic
in this light.
Copy !req
176. - Let's get this over with.
I got a crazy mommy group
Copy !req
177. in the petting zoo, and we're
low on hand sanitizer.
Copy !req
178. Oof, pardon me, jerk!
Copy !req
179. Hey, where are my keys?
Copy !req
180. - Kowalski, report.
Copy !req
181. - I'll have the tunnel
cleared in no time
Copy !req
182. thanks to my
shrinky-shrinker ray.
Copy !req
183. Oh, crud.
Copy !req
184. - Oh, old locks
can be most tricky.
Copy !req
185. But Gus is trickierest.
Copy !req
186. - Let me grab toolbox.
Copy !req
187. - Hey, come back here!
Copy !req
188. - Burt, I've set
the shrinky-shrinker ray
Copy !req
189. on reverse.
Copy !req
190. - Wouldn't that make it
a biggy-bigger ray?
Copy !req
191. - Don't confuse the situation
with semantics.
Copy !req
192. Just zap me back to full size.
Copy !req
193. - Is that what you meant to do?
Copy !req
194. - Does it look like
this is what I meant to do?
Copy !req
195. - Kowalski,
give me some good news.
Copy !req
196. - Too small. Too big.
Too fat. Too thin.
Copy !req
197. Too—oh.
Why am I polka-dotted?
Copy !req
198. Honk, honk, honk!
Copy !req
199. - Ah. Why are we not moving?
Copy !req
200. - I told you,
everything stopped.
Copy !req
201. - Bah, I need to freshen
my smoothie!
Copy !req
202. Here, you keep honking the Mort
while I get another smoothie.
Copy !req
203. Now, uh, where do smoothies
come from?
Copy !req
204. Ah, this pipeline runs
into the zoo.
Copy !req
205. It must be
the smoothie pipeline
Copy !req
206. filled with yummy smoothiness.
Copy !req
207. - There's no such thing
as a smoothie pipeline.
Copy !req
208. - How are you so sure,
little man?
Copy !req
209. - That's a water main.
Copy !req
210. B—n-no, I wouldn't do that.
Copy !req
211. There's a lot of pressure
in those things.
Copy !req
212. - Puh, and no smoothies?
- Just water.
Copy !req
213. So leave it alone.
- Okay, take it easy.
Copy !req
214. Don't have to tell me twice.
Copy !req
215. - Apparently I do.
Copy !req
216. - Wha—
Copy !req
217. - Yaa!
Copy !req
218. I'll get the spare key.
Copy !req
219. - Kowalski,
I need results now.
Copy !req
220. - Skipper, I am not
having the best day,
Copy !req
221. and your abrasive,
results-driven management style
Copy !req
222. is not helping!
Copy !req
223. - Um, I feel something funny.
Copy !req
224. - Come on.
- We're out of options.
Copy !req
225. - Finished. Ruined.
Copy !req
226. - Oy!
Copy !req
227. - Whoa!
Copy !req
228. - Beautiful.
Let's get some snaps.
Copy !req
229. - Or maybe that'll happen.
Copy !req
230. - Ugh, I can be standing
no more of this commuting!
Copy !req
231. From now on,
this king will only live
Copy !req
232. in my kingly kingdom.
Copy !req
233. - Well, Private,
you got lucky this time.
Copy !req
234. Really dodged a bullet.
- What, me again?
Copy !req
235. - Yep, but you learned
an important lesson
Copy !req
236. about sticking to the rules,
and that's what counts.
Copy !req
237. All's well that ends well.
Am I right?
Copy !req
238. - No, Skipper, not really.
Copy !req
239. - Hello?
Copy !req
240. - Uh, New Zealand
laughing owls?
Copy !req
241. Huh, okay.
Copy !req
242. - It worked.
Copy !req
243. We didn't even have
to judo him.
Copy !req
244. - Boo.
Copy !req
245. - Focus, men.
This chamber of doom
Copy !req
246. leaves a sour taste
in my beak.
Copy !req
247. - It's just
the museum, Skipper.
Copy !req
248. We've been before.
Copy !req
249. - But not to the Hall
of Avian Extinction.
Copy !req
250. Long-dead birds.
Copy !req
251. - Oh, that sour doomy taste.
Copy !req
252. - Target sighted.
Copy !req
253. - We need one
of those feathers. Go!
Copy !req
254. - Grab a feather!
Copy !req
255. - Which one?
Copy !req
256. - Just grab one.
Copy !req
257. Rico, starlight retreat.
Copy !req
258. - Well, we've secured feather
from the extinctive wa-wa—
Copy !req
259. Kowalski,
pronunciation options.
Copy !req
260. - Waitaha.
- Phase one is complete.
Copy !req
261. - Commencing phase two.
Copy !req
262. We clone said feather and bring
the bird back to life.
Copy !req
263. - And phase three?
- Well, we gloat, Private.
Copy !req
264. We've lost too many good birds
Copy !req
265. to the cruel will
of extinction.
Copy !req
266. I say no more.
Copy !req
267. It's time we stopped
nurturing nature.
Copy !req
268. Men, commence Operation
War on Extinction.
Copy !req
269. - All right!
- Almost ready, Skipper.
Copy !req
270. All I need to do is add
the clonotron's fuel.
Copy !req
271. The rare Higgs boson particle.
Copy !req
272. There's only one
of these babies
Copy !req
273. in the known universe,
Copy !req
274. and you will never guess
where I found it.
Copy !req
275. - In the belly.
Copy !req
276. - Is it safe, Skipper?
Copy !req
277. Not even close.
Copy !req
278. And that's why I like it.
Hit it!
Copy !req
279. - Oof!
Copy !req
280. - That display wasn't
very accurate.
Copy !req
281. - Kowalski, what happened?
Copy !req
282. - The feather we took
must have belonged
Copy !req
283. to another extinct bird.
Copy !req
284. - It was chaos—
feathers everywhere!
Copy !req
285. Anybody could have
made that mistake.
Copy !req
286. - Easy, Skipper,
no one is blaming you.
Copy !req
287. Except me.
Copy !req
288. - So which extinct bird
is this?
Copy !req
289. - Raphus cucullatus,
AKA the dodo bird.
Copy !req
290. - My buds call me "Dode."
if I had any buds.
Copy !req
291. Hey, what happened
to all my buds, anyway?
Copy !req
292. - Dode?
- That's right,
Copy !req
293. daredevil dodo extraordinaire.
Copy !req
294. Aire-aire-aire.
Copy !req
295. - Daredevil?
- All dodos are, chief.
Copy !req
296. Top-to-bountiful-bottomful
Copy !req
297. - Sounds like you'd make
a good penguin.
Copy !req
298. Danger's our 9 to 5.
Copy !req
299. - With knitting
from 5:00 to 5:15.
Copy !req
300. - Ignore him.
- Boom, we're friends!
Copy !req
301. And that's round trip
from my chest-pumper to yours.
Copy !req
302. Dodo truth.
- He's so snuggly.
Copy !req
303. Skipper, we have to help him.
He's endangered.
Copy !req
304. - Agreed, young Private.
Whenever I see a fellow bird
Copy !req
305. deprived of the gift of flight,
much like us,
Copy !req
306. well I can't help
but fell a certain measure of—
Copy !req
307. - You can clone up another one,
Copy !req
308. - Certain measure of what now?
- Uh, never mind.
Copy !req
309. We need to find you
a home, pronto.
Copy !req
310. Away from our explosives.
Copy !req
311. - You're a bit
of a loose cannon
Copy !req
312. around our, uh, loose cannons.
Copy !req
313. - He's a nice guy,
good conversationalist.
Copy !req
314. - Yeah, I've had some not great
Copy !req
315. roommate experiences
in the past
Copy !req
316. but, I don't know, maybe—
- Look at me!
Copy !req
317. I'm a firework cowboy!
Copy !req
318. I'm blazing—
Copy !req
319. - I, uh...
I may have forgotten
Copy !req
320. to lock the ammo vault.
Copy !req
321. - ... to awesomeville in—
whoa! Scene change.
Copy !req
322. Where'd the otter go?
- A real intellectual.
Copy !req
323. You sophisticates
will love him.
Copy !req
324. - I'm making like the monkeys!
Copy !req
325. - You will hose that off, yes?
Copy !req
326. - He's clean,
he's quiet, he's—
Copy !req
327. - Taste the rush, baby!
Copy !req
328. - I thought I said
hold him down!
Copy !req
329. - He's quite wiggly.
Copy !req
330. - Hey, what's this thing do?
Copy !req
331. - And what happens
Copy !req
332. if I shake it?
Copy !req
333. - Real hard like this?
Copy !req
334. - There isn't anywhere
in the zoo safe for him.
Copy !req
335. He's completely mad.
Copy !req
336. - But on a positive note,
all these feathers
Copy !req
337. make for a brilliantly
fluffy pillow.
Copy !req
338. - It seems centuries of living
without natural predators
Copy !req
339. has caused the dodo's DNA
to evolve without fear genes.
Copy !req
340. - So they're
literally fearless?
Copy !req
341. - In the most
stupid way possible.
Copy !req
342. - Defective DNA?
Copy !req
343. Oh, you're playing dirty
on this one, huh, nature?
Copy !req
344. - But then it's impossible
to keep Dode
Copy !req
345. from going extinct.
Copy !req
346. - Unacceptable, Private.
What if nature suddenly decides
Copy !req
347. to do a little spring cleaning
in the penguin gene pool?
Copy !req
348. - I don't wanna be extinct.
Copy !req
349. - We've gotta show nature
Copy !req
350. we're in charge
of our survival.
Copy !req
351. - Right you are, Skipper.
- I just want to clone things.
Copy !req
352. - No more defense.
Time we get offensive.
Copy !req
353. - You got it!
Copy !req
354. - Kowalski,
anti-extinction options.
Copy !req
355. - Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req
356. Where's the action, Jackson?
Copy !req
357. - Ah-ba-ba,
pump your brakes, amigo.
Copy !req
358. We've got a gift for you.
- Ta-daa!
Copy !req
359. - Safety pads, safety goggles,
and safety helmet.
Copy !req
360. Customized.
Copy !req
361. - See, it has a lunacorn on it.
Copy !req
362. This is queen please
and thank you.
Copy !req
363. She's the good-mannered one.
Copy !req
364. - Oh, sorry, man.
The Dode do not roll that way.
Copy !req
365. - Well, the Dode
is gonna roll into extinction.
Copy !req
366. Again.
- Extinct again?
Copy !req
367. If I went extinct,
then how am I here to do this?
Copy !req
368. You've done been molly-whopped
by your own logic.
Copy !req
369. One for the Dode. Yes!
Copy !req
370. - Wear it, wear it! Wear it!
- Nuh-uh. Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req
371. He's making a break for it.
Copy !req
372. - Get that dodo.
Copy !req
373. - Oh, poor Dode.
I don't think I'll ever forget
Copy !req
374. that horrible, horrible sound.
Copy !req
375. - And that is why you never
bobsled on a cheese-grater.
Copy !req
376. Well, maybe we rushed
into this operation.
Copy !req
377. I hereby order a halt
to all recloning
Copy !req
378. until we have a new strategy.
Copy !req
379. I repeat, no more clones.
Copy !req
380. - Sweet blueberry buckle!
Copy !req
381. - Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req
382. Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req
383. - Kowalski, what happened?
Copy !req
384. - Judging by the vibration
of my voice,
Copy !req
385. I'd say the cloning machine
Copy !req
386. and is about to explode
beneath us.
Copy !req
387. - The Higgs Boson particle!
Copy !req
388. Skipper, that was the only one
in the known universe!
Copy !req
389. Wait, Rico, have another?
Copy !req
390. Uh-uh.
Copy !req
391. - I can't reclone Dode
without it.
Copy !req
392. - Well, but that means...
Copy !req
393. - These are
the last dodos ever.
Copy !req
394. - Gentlemen,
the final battle of bird
Copy !req
395. versus nature ends now.
- Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req
396. At stake is the survival
Copy !req
397. of an entire species.
Copy !req
398. Some of us probably
won't make it through.
Copy !req
399. - But this mission
Copy !req
400. is bigger than us
and our tolerance
Copy !req
401. for excruciating pain.
Copy !req
402. It's bigger than—
- Skipper,
Copy !req
403. while you were talking,
three dodos
Copy !req
404. blew themselves up.
Copy !req
405. - Four, five...
Copy !req
406. - ... six.
- Right, move, move, move.
Copy !req
407. - Dodo bowling!
Copy !req
408. - Dodo high five!
Copy !req
409. - My car!
Copy !req
410. - We failed.
Copy !req
411. A moment of silence
for our fallen friend.
Copy !req
412. - So young. Too young.
Copy !req
413. - Dode knew you cared,
Copy !req
414. - Hmm? Dode?
Copy !req
415. - His lives may
have been short.
Copy !req
416. But his legacy remains.
Copy !req
417. Carried on by an angry
Copy !req
418. wait, what?
- Julien, you saved one.
Copy !req
419. - Is this doo-doo
belonging to you?
Copy !req
420. He was showering me
with the wacky bird tribute.
Copy !req
421. Which involves kabooming.
Copy !req
422. And is so not cool
with the king!
Copy !req
423. - Y'all seen a buzzsaw
tied to a rhino around here?
Copy !req
424. Why don't you get it?
Extinction bad, living good!
Copy !req
425. Open your eyes!
- Anyone ever tell you
Copy !req
426. you have a really flat head?
Copy !req
427. - It's no use, Skipper.
Copy !req
428. It seems he's destined
to end up
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429. with the extinct birds
at the museum.
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430. - You know what, Kowalski?
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431. Maybe that's the best thing
for him.
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432. Hey, uh, Dode?
You up for a challenge?
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433. - Anywhere, anytime.
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434. - So, where's this ultimate
stunt-master at?
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435. Better not be taking me
on a mama goose chase.
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436. - Right here.
- Hey, he's kinda dorky looking
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437. for a daredevil.
- Oh, he's the real deal.
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438. In fact,
he's challenging you right now.
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439. - Whoa, really? What?
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440. - Ultimate staring contest!
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441. - Pfft. Too easy.
- Did I mention it's extreme
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442. and, uh, uh, rad?
- Tubular, try tubular.
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443. - Eh, low risk, low interest.
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444. - Well, if you ain't
got the chops, dude.
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445. - Oh, oh, oh,
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446. you talking smack, son?
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447. All right, Mr. Blank eyes.
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448. I don't care if it takes
all day every day,
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449. you're not getting rid of me
till I beat you.
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450. And that's the dodo truth.
Copy !req
451. Oh, oh, I'm sorry,
have we started already?
Copy !req
452. Okay, okay.
He's good.
Copy !req
453. - Um, is this really
gonna work, Kowalski?
Copy !req
454. - He's a dodo.
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