1. - And now, DreamWorks'
"The Penguins Of Madagascar."
Copy !req
2. - Cute and cuddly, boys.
Copy !req
3. Ooh, rested and ready.
Copy !req
4. Time to greet the ni-ahh!
Copy !req
5. Oof!
Copy !req
6. Whew! Oh, thank goodness.
Copy !req
7. That was a close one.
Copy !req
8. Ahh! Gah!
Stinky! Very stinky!
Copy !req
9. Who would do such a—
Copy !req
10. Penguins.
Copy !req
11. - Private, pillow report.
Copy !req
12. - Fully fluffed
and ready, Skipper.
Copy !req
13. - Kowalski, Rico,
snack status.
Copy !req
14. - Mmm. Hot, fresh,
Copy !req
15. and with curious hints
of the briny sea.
Copy !req
16. - Nothing will stand
in our way tonight.
Copy !req
17. Except that foul stench.
Copy !req
18. Whoo, what is that?
Copy !req
19. - I presume this is yours.
Copy !req
20. - Affirmative.
Copy !req
21. That's our anti-mammal
defense missile.
Copy !req
22. - Could've sworn
I set it to lemur.
Copy !req
23. - Nice.
- Yum.
Copy !req
24. - Sorry about that, Leonard.
You fancy sticking around
Copy !req
25. for tonight's mission?
- Fancy hearing me scream
Copy !req
26. "No"?
Copy !req
27. Ugh!
Copy !req
28. - Did I mention it will take
a minimum of eight hours
Copy !req
29. for the odor to dissipate
from your home?
Copy !req
30. - Did I mention that
you fill me with blind rage?
Copy !req
31. - Cage that rage, mister.
Copy !req
32. You're just in time for—
Copy !req
33. - Movie night!
Copy !req
34. - And just what exactly
are we watching?
Copy !req
35. - "Shirtless Ninja
Action Theater!"
Copy !req
36. - Ahh! Whoo!
Copy !req
37. - We begin our all-night
movie marathon
Copy !req
38. with "Kick Fist:
the Man with Foot Hands."
Copy !req
39. - What, you guys don't get
enough violence during the day?
Copy !req
40. Need to watch it
at night too? Hmm?
Copy !req
41. - Yah-ha!
Copy !req
42. - How can he do that?
How can you break a wall with—
Copy !req
43. with your face?
Copy !req
44. - Just doesn't seem plausible.
Copy !req
45. That's all I was trying to say.
Copy !req
46. - TV on, you off.
Copy !req
47. - You have shamed my family,
friends, and local grocer.
Copy !req
48. Now prepare for...
the chiro-cracker!
Copy !req
49. Wha-chaa!
- Ooh.
Copy !req
50. I didn't know a spine
could bend like that.
Copy !req
51. Fascinating.
Copy !req
52. - And that concludes
our all-night
Copy !req
53. action movie marathon.
Copy !req
54. - No. Action. Action!
I need more action!
Copy !req
55. - Stay tuned for traffic,
weather, and playful banter
Copy !req
56. amongst people who can't
really stand each other on...
Copy !req
57. "Good Morning, Five Boroughs!"
Copy !req
58. - Morning? Whoa.
Better vamoose.
Copy !req
59. - "Shirtless Ninja
Action Theater!"
Copy !req
60. Wha-chaa!
Copy !req
61. - Wha-chaa!
Copy !req
62. - Phil, really.
Copy !req
63. You've been behind
there forever. Come on.
Copy !req
64. There are two of us
in this habitat,
Copy !req
65. and only one tree.
Copy !req
66. Try being
a little more considerate.
Copy !req
67. Hey! If you're here
to use the tree,
Copy !req
68. get in line.
Copy !req
69. - Ugh!
Copy !req
70. - I should've let him go first.
Copy !req
71. - Oy, fuzzy.
Get out of my habitat.
Copy !req
72. - Can't you hear? I said—
Copy !req
73. - Ahh! Crikey!
Copy !req
74. - Getting kind of sick now.
Copy !req
75. - Ow, ow, ow.
Copy !req
76. Hard being cute and cuddly
on so little sleep.
Copy !req
77. - Mm.
Copy !req
78. - I want my binky!
Copy !req
79. I mean, uh,
something science-y.
Copy !req
80. - Guys, guys, emergency!
Copy !req
81. - Ahh!
Copy !req
82. - Whoa!
Copy !req
83. - Stand down, man.
Though I do love your hustle.
Copy !req
84. - Look, you guys can play
your little
Copy !req
85. explode-y games later.
Copy !req
86. Leonard's lost it!
Copy !req
87. - Whaa!
Copy !req
88. - The hippie's flipped!
- Told ya.
Copy !req
89. - He's got nunchucks!
Copy !req
90. - Sort of.
- I break faces! Yay!
Copy !req
91. - I am so firing
my bodyguard!
Copy !req
92. - I am not your bodyguard.
Copy !req
93. - Not with that attitude.
Copy !req
94. - Leonard's nocturnal.
Copy !req
95. What's he doing up
in the daytime?
Copy !req
96. - Yes, Kowalski.
Explain the inexplicable.
Copy !req
97. - Leonard's uncharacteristic
increase in aggression
Copy !req
98. during his slumber cycle
can only mean one thing...
Copy !req
99. - Really?
That's possible?
Copy !req
100. - Yes. It's like sleepwalking,
but more violent.
Copy !req
101. - So he thinks
he's a ninja?
Copy !req
102. - Hey, Rico, real quick,
that's not so much dramatic,
Copy !req
103. um, as it is—
what's the word—annoying.
Copy !req
104. - Ahh!
Copy !req
105. - What? Don't start nothing,
won't be nothing.
Copy !req
106. - Ugh! Oh, man.
My mouth was open.
Copy !req
107. - Hey, who invited
the butterball?
Copy !req
108. I break the face.
Copy !req
109. I break the face.
- What's all the racket?
Copy !req
110. Whoa, whoa, wait.
Copy !req
111. Aw, you wost, widdle man?
Copy !req
112. - Oof! Oof!
Copy !req
113. It is so on!
Copy !req
114. Hi.
Copy !req
115. - Ah, ah, ah.
You cannot be touching me,
Copy !req
116. because as a king,
I have the...
Copy !req
117. diplomatic immunity.
Copy !req
118. See, Mort? He can't touch—
Copy !req
119. - Where's the koala?
- Boss?
Copy !req
120. - Aww.
Copy !req
121. - Yes! It is funny
Copy !req
122. because he is
seriously injured!
Copy !req
123. - Yah!
Copy !req
124. - Excelante, Kowalski.
Copy !req
125. Boys, let's get
this package home.
Copy !req
126. - I can't stop laughing!
Copy !req
127. - Hmm? Ahh!
Copy !req
128. What is this?
What's happening?
Copy !req
129. Don't touch my spleen!
Copy !req
130. - Relax. No one's gonna touch
your spleen.
Copy !req
131. Sorry, boys.
Maybe next time.
Copy !req
132. Aww.
- Apologies, Leonard,
Copy !req
133. but we think
you've got a problem.
Copy !req
134. - You've been flying
off the handle
Copy !req
135. with temporary fits
of violent lunacy.
Copy !req
136. - Cuckoo!
- Um...
Copy !req
137. that sounds
more like you than me.
Copy !req
138. - It does.
But we're fully awake
Copy !req
139. for our violent lunacy.
Copy !req
140. - You, on the other hand,
Copy !req
141. are throwing punches
while catching Z's.
Copy !req
142. We can't have that.
- But good news.
Copy !req
143. I've got a plan to cure you
that's both
Copy !req
144. untested and dangerous.
Copy !req
145. - Lay it on him, Kowalski.
Copy !req
146. - Rehabilitation via Lunacorn!
Copy !req
147. - Sweet!
Copy !req
148. - Gosh,
Princess Selfrespectra,
Copy !req
149. you'll be my best friend
forever and ever and ever.
Copy !req
150. - Yay!
Copy !req
151. - Eight hours
of pacifist mush.
Copy !req
152. - Star kisses,
moon hugs.
Copy !req
153. Use your happy words.
Copy !req
154. - The Lunacorn cure worked!
Copy !req
155. - That mean we can turn it off?
Copy !req
156. Like, right now?
Copy !req
157. - Ahh!
Copy !req
158. - Uh, later.
Copy !req
159. - Ha, those guys are crazy.
Copy !req
160. I wouldn't hurt a fly.
Copy !req
161. - Buzz, buzz.
Copy !req
162. - Do I know you?
- Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
163. And I got the bruises
to prove it.
Copy !req
164. - Look, I kind of don't
remember doing that,
Copy !req
165. but I'm sure if somehow I did,
Copy !req
166. I'd be really, really sorry.
Copy !req
167. So if it's all right with you,
Copy !req
168. I'll just be going.
Copy !req
169. - Oh, oh, that's cool.
Copy !req
170. Let me just punch
your ticket.
Copy !req
171. - Ticket?
- For the pain train!
Copy !req
172. - Help!
Copy !req
173. - It appears the rats
are out for koala blood.
Copy !req
174. Wimpy, non-fighty,
nighttime koala blood.
Copy !req
175. - That royal rodent
won't be satisfied
Copy !req
176. until he's settled the score.
Copy !req
177. Boys, time to initiate
Copy !req
178. - Ahh!
Copy !req
179. - Where'd he go?
Copy !req
180. - He's gotta be here somewhere.
Copy !req
181. - Fluffy bears can't just
disappear into thin air, right?
Copy !req
182. - Hey, rat.
Copy !req
183. Let's do this.
Copy !req
184. Uh, I mean, uh... I'm Leonard.
Copy !req
185. I'm all, uh, weak
and whiney-weenie.
Copy !req
186. Please don't hurt me,
Mr. Strong Mouse Man.
Copy !req
187. - Uh, boss, I don't
actually think that's—
Copy !req
188. - Go time!
Copy !req
189. - Oof!
Copy !req
190. Oof!
- Oh, yeah!
Copy !req
191. Who da man?
- Oh, please, no more.
Copy !req
192. I surrender like the peacenik
hippie I am.
Copy !req
193. - Don't you forget it, punk.
Boys, we're out of here.
Copy !req
194. - Wow.
- Hmm?
Copy !req
195. - He's as dumb as he looks.
Copy !req
196. - I mean, I wouldn't
have thought it—
Copy !req
197. - Leonard.
- To look at him—
Copy !req
198. - Leonard!
- I look down and the proof—
Copy !req
199. - Shh!
- Attack!
Copy !req
200. - Ha, ha, ha, ha.
Copy !req
201. - Wait, listen.
Before you pound me into paste,
Copy !req
202. I have just one thing to say.
Copy !req
203. - Aw, come on.
Copy !req
204. There's no fun in beating up
a sleeping guy.
Copy !req
205. I mean, not that I won't
or anything.
Copy !req
206. - Skipper, look.
Copy !req
207. - Gosh,
Princess Selfrespectra,
Copy !req
208. you'll be my best friend
forever and ever and ever.
Copy !req
209. - Mmm!
- Ugh!
Copy !req
210. - It's better to befriend
than offend.
Copy !req
211. - What are you doing? Uh?
Copy !req
212. - Hugs are happiness circles
we make with our arms.
Copy !req
213. - Ahh!
Copy !req
214. - Peek-a-boo.
- Ahh!
Copy !req
215. - Kowalski? Analysis?
Copy !req
216. - I think Leonard's
Lunacorn conditioning
Copy !req
217. may have worked
a little too well.
Copy !req
218. - Me and you?
We're gonna be besties,
Copy !req
219. forever and ever—
- Retreat!
Copy !req
220. Ahh!
- Forever and ever and ever...
Copy !req
221. and ever and ever
and ever and ever...
Copy !req
222. - So I guess we won, then.
Copy !req
223. - Um, technically Leonard's
no longer a threat,
Copy !req
224. so mission accomplished,
right, Skipper?
Copy !req
225. - What do you think?
Copy !req
226. - Sunday, Sunday, Sunday!
One night only!
Copy !req
227. At the Metro War
Memorial Arena.
Copy !req
228. The mechanized mayhem
of... King Krush!
Copy !req
229. - King Krush.
Copy !req
230. Monarch of the monster trucks.
Copy !req
231. 10 feet tall,
572 cubic-inch engine,
Copy !req
232. 1,500 horsepower,
Copy !req
233. weighing in at a lean
10,000 pounds.
Copy !req
234. - Oh, baby.
Copy !req
235. - Oh, I am dying to see
the King mangle
Copy !req
236. some sub-compact,
fuel-efficient dweeb-mobile!
Copy !req
237. How 'bout you, Private?
Excited, right?
Copy !req
238. - What? Oh, yes.
Over the moon.
Copy !req
239. - I can't wait!
Copy !req
240. To the Metro War
Memorial Arena!
Copy !req
241. Last one topside
is a rotten—Eggy?
Copy !req
242. - Hello, Mr. Skipper,
silly penguin.
Copy !req
243. - Hi, guys. Thanks for watching
the kids today.
Copy !req
244. - Today? As in today, today?
- Well, yes.
Copy !req
245. I made arrangements
with Private just yesterday.
Copy !req
246. - Oh, fiddlesticks,
I forgot.
Copy !req
247. Well, you guys just go
to the festival of dirt
Copy !req
248. and fumes without me,
Copy !req
249. and I'll stay here and watch
these adorable ducklings.
Copy !req
250. - That's a noble
sacrifice, soldier.
Copy !req
251. But, you know,
can you handle
Copy !req
252. all those ducklings
by yourself?
Copy !req
253. - Ahem. Honestly...
Copy !req
254. I'd be more comfortable
if it was just Private.
Copy !req
255. Now, kids, what should we do?
Copy !req
256. Macaroni art, or—what?
Copy !req
257. - "Shirtless Ninja
Action Theater!"
Copy !req
258. Yay, ninjas!
Copy !req
259. - Today's feature,
"Zombie Ninja Master II,
Copy !req
260. The Nightmare Maker."
- No!
Copy !req
261. That show is way too violent
and noneducational
Copy !req
262. for your impressionable
little minds.
Copy !req
263. Aww.
- But instead,
Copy !req
264. I've got something I know
you'll really love.
Copy !req
265. A big picture book of bunnies!
Copy !req
266. See how cute they are,
hopping about
Copy !req
267. on their furry little feet?
Copy !req
268. - Lame.
- Excuse me,
Copy !req
269. Mr. Private penguin,
we are not hatchlings anymore.
Copy !req
270. We want to do something.
Copy !req
271. - Jump off a skyscraper
and learn to fly.
Copy !req
272. - Well, that's not very safe.
Copy !req
273. - Ride the Rhodesian Slasher!
Copy !req
274. - No, no, that won't—
- Sucker punch each other
Copy !req
275. and see who cries first.
Copy !req
276. - That's a horrible idea,
Copy !req
277. - I'm Bradley.
He's Samuel.
Copy !req
278. - What if we just
went swimming?
Copy !req
279. - Mm... when did you last eat?
Copy !req
280. - Don't swim too fast,
Copy !req
281. or too close together,
or too far apart,
Copy !req
282. and no splashing, Samuel.
- I'm Ramona.
Copy !req
283. - Sorry.
But you do have to admit,
Copy !req
284. you look an awful lot alike.
Copy !req
285. I mean, who can tell you apart?
Copy !req
286. - J.J.!
Copy !req
287. Sup, Samuel?
Looking good, Ramona.
Copy !req
288. Awesome as always, Bradley.
Copy !req
289. What happenings
are you up to today?
Copy !req
290. - Not sucker punching,
that's for sure.
Copy !req
291. - Mr. Private penguin
does not believe
Copy !req
292. in having the fun.
Copy !req
293. - Yeah, he won't even let me
Copy !req
294. kickbox my brother
in the solar plexus.
Copy !req
295. - Ugh. Uncool.
Copy !req
296. Hey, know what you guys
should do?
Copy !req
297. Have a boss pool party!
Copy !req
298. Yay!
- No, no, no.
Copy !req
299. I'm watching these kids
for mama duck.
Copy !req
300. Great. You can watch them...
Copy !req
301. have a boss pool party!
Copy !req
302. Maurice, whip up a guest list.
Copy !req
303. - The arena's defenses
are slipshod at best.
Copy !req
304. Infiltration will be a cinch.
Copy !req
305. - Then it's the madness
of King Krush.
Copy !req
306. Heads up.
Novelty hat at 6:00.
Copy !req
307. - Sorry. No outside beverages.
Copy !req
308. - Aw, man. This hat is
a total babe magnet.
Copy !req
309. - I don't make the rules, sir.
I just beat up the people
Copy !req
310. who don't follow 'em.
Copy !req
311. - Color me frustrated.
- Wow! Corndog! Yum!
Copy !req
312. Want some?
Copy !req
313. - You might get dizzy
and fall off.
Copy !req
314. - The trick is keeping
the outside crispy
Copy !req
315. and the inside gooey.
Copy !req
316. - Ducklings shouldn't be
near hot grills.
Copy !req
317. - Ugh.
Copy !req
318. - What is it
that I am smelling?
Copy !req
319. Could it be barbeques?
- Yay!
Copy !req
320. We should invite ourselves.
Copy !req
321. They say no,
we sting their face.
Copy !req
322. - More punch?
Copy !req
323. - Sucker! Ha, ha!
Copy !req
324. - Those are empty calories,
Copy !req
325. - I'm Samuel.
- Well, I thought
Copy !req
326. sucker punching
was Bradley's thing.
Copy !req
327. - Who do you think
taught him?
Copy !req
328. - The point is, a growing
duckling shouldn't—wait!
Copy !req
329. Where's Eggy? Ahh!
Copy !req
330. - Somebody better call
a doctor,
Copy !req
331. 'cause I'm burning up
with dance fever.
Copy !req
332. Whoo!
- Ahh!
Copy !req
333. - How are we supposed
to spread pestilence
Copy !req
334. with all this noise?
Copy !req
335. - Gah! Oof!
Copy !req
336. - Hey, how long have you
been under there?
Copy !req
337. Listen up, everyone.
This party is over.
Copy !req
338. Sorry. You don't have
to go home,
Copy !req
339. but you can't stay here.
- Good.
Copy !req
340. Then we get foods.
Copy !req
341. Ahh, hornets!
Copy !req
342. - The ducklings! Ooh, ooh,
where are the ducklings?
Copy !req
343. - Mmm, the inside is gooey.
Copy !req
344. - No!
- Hey! Come back with foods!
Copy !req
345. - Oh, dear.
- Hey!
Copy !req
346. Can you keep it down up here?
Copy !req
347. We're trying to—ooh.
Copy !req
348. - That's a lot of chow.
Copy !req
349. - Lock down! Lock down!
Copy !req
350. - Hey! Ow!
- Hey, let us in, bird!
Copy !req
351. Let us in!
Copy !req
352. - Open up,
or I sting your face.
Copy !req
353. - If I open up,
then you will sting my face.
Copy !req
354. - Who told?
- Um, Mr. Private penguin, sir,
Copy !req
355. how long will those doors
be holding?
Copy !req
356. - Oh, not to worry.
We should be safe in here
Copy !req
357. for several—
Copy !req
358. Minutes.
- You open up now!
Copy !req
359. - Open up! We want the food!
Copy !req
360. Give us the food!
Copy !req
361. - Deploy toilet plunger.
Copy !req
362. Coat hangers, go!
Copy !req
363. - Deja pee-u.
Copy !req
364. - Another corn dog?
Copy !req
365. Oh, I can't believe it.
This is great!
Copy !req
366. - Okay, okay, okay.
Don't panic.
Copy !req
367. That's the most important
thing, okay?
Copy !req
368. Everything is okay.
Copy !req
369. You got that...
Copy !req
370. Ramona?
- I'm Samuel.
Copy !req
371. - Whatever!
Copy !req
372. - Who's panicking?
- Open up!
Copy !req
373. Oh, come on.
We won't do nothing bad.
Copy !req
374. We will, I'm just getting
all up in his head.
Copy !req
375. - Go away!
Copy !req
376. - Cute.
Copy !req
377. Send out another one.
How 'bout some gouda?
Copy !req
378. Ooh, not to worry.
Still okay.
Copy !req
379. - I sting your hatch!
Sting! Sting! Sting!
Copy !req
380. Sting! Sting! Sting!
Copy !req
381. - Leave now,
or things will get...
Copy !req
382. inconvenient.
Copy !req
383. - Yes, things will get
Copy !req
384. for your face!
Copy !req
385. - Wait! Stop!
Copy !req
386. What are you—
Copy !req
387. No! No! No!
Copy !req
388. - And now, for my next act...
Copy !req
389. we sting your face!
Copy !req
390. - Ow! Ow! No!
Copy !req
391. - Kids, I'm gonna level
with you.
Copy !req
392. Things may not at this moment
be entirely okay.
Copy !req
393. - I spy a hatch.
Copy !req
394. Bingo.
Copy !req
395. - And release!
Copy !req
396. Whoo!
Copy !req
397. This is gonna be—
Copy !req
398. Oof!
Copy !req
399. Oof!
Copy !req
400. - At least we didn't land
in the garbage.
Copy !req
401. - No corndog.
Copy !req
402. - It's opening!
Copy !req
403. - Oh, no, it's not.
Copy !req
404. - Help!
Copy !req
405. - Ahh!
Copy !req
406. - That tape won't hold
forever, bird.
Copy !req
407. - He's right.
I give up.
Copy !req
408. No matter what I do,
sooner or later,
Copy !req
409. those rats and hornets
will get in here.
Copy !req
410. So why fight it?
Copy !req
411. - What are we doing?
Copy !req
412. - Giving up. Now hide.
Copy !req
413. - Lockdown released.
Copy !req
414. - Hey, what are
you doing here?
Copy !req
415. - We're taking over lair
Copy !req
416. to enjoy delicious foodstuffs.
Copy !req
417. - Wait a minute.
Copy !req
418. That's what we're doing.
Copy !req
419. - Oh, yeah?
Here is witty retort—
Copy !req
420. I sting your face!
Copy !req
421. - Yeah? I break yours!
Copy !req
422. - Whoa.
That looks painful.
Copy !req
423. - This is better
than "Shirtless Ninjas."
Copy !req
424. - If I'm not watching
total vehicular mayhem
Copy !req
425. in the next five minutes,
my head'll explode!
Copy !req
426. Rico, door knocker, please.
Copy !req
427. Knock, knock,
Copy !req
428. King Krush!
Copy !req
429. - Yeah, just let me
empty the—ahh!
Copy !req
430. - Skipper? Run.
Copy !req
431. - I sting...
Copy !req
432. your...
Copy !req
433. oof.
Copy !req
434. - Yay. I won.
Copy !req
435. - Oh, no, you didn't.
Now shoo!
Copy !req
436. - Can I at least snag
a banana?
Copy !req
437. Okay, okay.
Copy !req
438. - Ooh!
Copy !req
439. - Thank you, Private,
for taking such good care
Copy !req
440. of my babies.
Copy !req
441. - Yes, thank you, Mr. Private.
Copy !req
442. - You're very welcome...
Copy !req
443. Rama... Brad... uel... gy?
Copy !req
444. - Close enough.
Copy !req
445. - Bye!
- Adios!
Copy !req
446. - Thanks!
- See you later!
Copy !req
447. - So how was King Krush?
Copy !req
448. - Well, oh, it was a...
none of your business.
Copy !req
449. Brought you a souvenir.
Copy !req
450. - Should've stayed here
with you!
Copy !req