1. - Oh, Brick?
- Yeah, Cecil?
Copy !req
2. Oof!
Copy !req
3. - Well, well!
Copy !req
4. Looks like our old two-bit
thieves have hit the high seas.
Copy !req
5. Kowalski,
what's the catch of the day?
Copy !req
6. - Over 12 tons of—
Copy !req
7. Patagonian toothfish!
Copy !req
8. - I don't understand
either one of those words.
Copy !req
9. - These felonious chumps
have been pirate-fishing
Copy !req
10. in Antarctic waters.
- Also over my head.
Copy !req
11. - That's the
penguins' motherland!
Copy !req
12. Boys, those deep-water deadbeats
just stole from our mama.
Copy !req
13. - Mama!
Copy !req
14. - All right,
you shanty-singing salt dogs,
Copy !req
15. you want to play pirate?
Who am I to arr-gue?
Copy !req
16. - Oh, that I got.
Copy !req
17. - Hmm?
Copy !req
18. - Arr!
Copy !req
19. - Hey.
Copy !req
20. Isn't that the—
Copy !req
21. - Oof!
Copy !req
22. - Cecil?
- Avast!
Copy !req
23. - Ahoy!
Copy !req
24. - I'm going to kick you
in the face now!
Copy !req
25. - You!
Copy !req
26. En garde.
Copy !req
27. - Oh, that's
a bad move, bird.
Copy !req
28. I was captain
of the fencing team.
Copy !req
29. - Ow!
Copy !req
30. Bird.
Copy !req
31. - Oof!
Copy !req
32. - Arr.
Copy !req
33. - Thank you, loading area,
good night.
Copy !req
34. - Hey, is somebody out there?
Copy !req
35. - Hello?
Copy !req
36. - Please, I'm about
to get fish sticked!
Copy !req
37. - Where are you?
- Up here, inside the tank.
Copy !req
38. What happened?
Copy !req
39. - Some jerk snagged me in one
of their stupid fishing nets.
Copy !req
40. - You're all the way
from Antarctica, then?
Copy !req
41. - Are we really having
a conversation right now?
Copy !req
42. - Sorry, hang on.
Copy !req
43. - Hang on to what?
Copy !req
44. Everything's either slicy
or smashy or fish!
Copy !req
45. - Just, just give me your hand.
Trust me.
Copy !req
46. Why didn't you tell me
Copy !req
47. there was a leopard seal
in here with you?
Copy !req
48. - Ow!
I am the leopard seal, dummy.
Copy !req
49. - Predator!
Copy !req
50. Carnivorous charlatan!
Copy !req
51. You—you saved me.
Copy !req
52. - Yeah, and I kind of expected
some rescue payback.
Copy !req
53. - There you are.
Copy !req
54. Come on, Johnny Law just
spotted our pirate round-up.
Copy !req
55. - Go on, I'll catch up.
Copy !req
56. - Nipping the old processed
fish sticks, eh?
Copy !req
57. All right.
Just don't ruin your supper.
Copy !req
58. We're having fish.
Copy !req
59. - Well, yes, of course.
Copy !req
60. - Hey!
Copy !req
61. Oof!
Copy !req
62. - Yes!
You rock, little penguin.
Copy !req
63. - Please don't eat me.
- Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
64. I don't even like penguin.
It smells like orca poop.
Copy !req
65. Um... hello?
- Okay, so I believe you.
Copy !req
66. I'm just going to keep
believing you from up here.
Copy !req
67. - You know what?
Believe what you want.
Copy !req
68. I'm going home.
Copy !req
69. Now, which way would that be?
Copy !req
70. - Curiously,
officers found the duo
Copy !req
71. tied up and ready for arrest.
Copy !req
72. And in
an even curiouser twist,
Copy !req
73. one of the men
had a live fish
Copy !req
74. shoved down
the back of his slacks.
Copy !req
75. - Eh, what are you
going to do?
Copy !req
76. - Okay, so, um,
who likes surprises?
Copy !req
77. - Shh.
We're watching our press.
Copy !req
78. - Along with depleting
endangered fishing stocks,
Copy !req
79. pirate boats often snare
Copy !req
80. other helpless wildlife
in their nets,
Copy !req
81. like albatrosses
and leopard seals.
Copy !req
82. - What is this
hippie media spin?
Copy !req
83. Since when is removing
leopard seals
Copy !req
84. from the predator chain
a crime?
Copy !req
85. - Leopard seals—
Copy !req
86. Nature's whiskeriest
killing machine.
Copy !req
87. - Right, so, um,
Copy !req
88. if hypothetically
one of us rescued
Copy !req
89. a whiskery killing machine—
Copy !req
90. mind you,
a very pleasant one—
Copy !req
91. - Hypothetical denied,
Copy !req
92. There's no such thing
as a pleasant killing-machine.
Copy !req
93. - Hi, I'm—
- Killing machine!
Copy !req
94. - Wait.
Copy !req
95. Everyone, it's okay.
I brought her here.
Copy !req
96. - Say what?
Copy !req
97. - It was Brick
and Cecil's fault.
Copy !req
98. They accidentally caught—
Copy !req
99. actually,
I didn't catch your name.
Copy !req
100. - Hunter.
Copy !req
101. - Honestly,
how was that helpful?
Copy !req
102. Please, all she wants to do
is go home to Antarctica.
Copy !req
103. She's not going
to eat any of us.
Copy !req
104. - Don't fall for her
blubbery lies, Private.
Copy !req
105. Leopard seals eat penguins.
Copy !req
106. - Not me.
I am a strict fishatarian.
Copy !req
107. See?
Bird meat is gross.
Copy !req
108. Has anybody here
actually tasted penguin?
Copy !req
109. - Great, right?
Copy !req
110. I mean how lucky was I
running across
Copy !req
111. the one leopard seal
who doesn't eat penguins?
Copy !req
112. - Oh, you poor,
naive half-wits.
Copy !req
113. All leopard seals start out
on a non-penguin diet.
Copy !req
114. Fish, krill,
your basic smaller squids...
Copy !req
115. - I love squid.
It's like gummy seafood.
Copy !req
116. - But once they grow
out of the pup years,
Copy !req
117. even the most strict
"fishatarian" seal
Copy !req
118. turns into a—
well, I'll just let
Copy !req
119. the hand puppet
illustrate this one.
Copy !req
120. Oh, hello, Miss Leopard Seal.
Copy !req
121. I hear you only eat fish.
Copy !req
122. No more, sucker!
Copy !req
123. - What?
That's just silly talk.
Copy !req
124. - Hey, don't know me,
can't judge me.
Copy !req
125. Mmm... lean.
Copy !req
126. - I don't even
sound like that.
Copy !req
127. Oh, oh, please don't.
Copy !req
128. - Would you get that puppet
out of my face?
Copy !req
129. - Yikes.
Copy !req
130. So... that was weird, right?
Copy !req
131. - Well, we'll just have
to get her home
Copy !req
132. while she's still young.
- What?
Copy !req
133. - Have you gone
completely mad?
Copy !req
134. - She's in trouble, Skipper,
and as penguins of honor,
Copy !req
135. it's our duty to help.
Copy !req
136. - You should splash down
somewhere in the East River.
Copy !req
137. Then... go south.
Copy !req
138. - Hunter's only a pup.
Copy !req
139. She'll never make it
to Antarctica on her own.
Copy !req
140. - Sure she will.
Copy !req
141. Leopard seals
are a crafty breed.
Copy !req
142. Rico, count us down.
Copy !req
143. - Private!
Copy !req
144. - Gah, why didn't I install
an undo button?
Copy !req
145. - Boys,
Private just hitched a ride
Copy !req
146. on the pinniped express
to New Deadburg.
Copy !req
147. We don't let a man swim into
seal-infested waters alone,
Copy !req
148. even our most
naively stupid man.
Copy !req
149. - Orders, Skipper?
Copy !req
150. - Fire up the submarine,
Mr. Kowalski.
Copy !req
151. We're going to—
dramatic pause...
Copy !req
152. Antarctica.
Copy !req
153. - Rico, weapons check.
Test fire the torpedo tubes.
Copy !req
154. - Pow! Blam!
Copy !req
155. - What in the name of
Aaron Burr's slapping glove?
Copy !req
156. - Bleh, hello.
Copy !req
157. Do you like
my secret royal nappity tube?
Copy !req
158. It's dark.
It's quiet.
Copy !req
159. It makes me feel like
a handsome vampire.
Copy !req
160. Bleh!
Copy !req
161. - Shall we reverse course
to dump
Copy !req
162. our unwanted cargo, Skipper?
- Negative.
Copy !req
163. Private needs us ASAP.
Copy !req
164. - Hey, a little respect
for the undead.
Copy !req
165. - Ringtail, prepare yourself
for an epic journey
Copy !req
166. of carnivorous peril
from which we may not return.
Copy !req
167. - Whoa, will there be the
possibility of forbidden love
Copy !req
168. with a beguiling
lady werewolf?
Copy !req
169. - Mmm... nope.
Copy !req
170. - Oh, man.
Copy !req
171. But I'm going to do
my handsome vampire mopey-face.
Copy !req
172. Bleh.
Copy !req
173. - Are you sure about this?
- Let's get you home.
Copy !req
174. - Oh, thank you,
thank you, thank you,
Copy !req
175. thank you, thank you!
Oh, sorry.
Copy !req
176. That's all right.
Copy !req
177. We're all friends here.
Copy !req
178. - So we're friends now?
- Well, maybe not quite yet.
Copy !req
179. But you know just
the thing for that.
Copy !req
180. Road trip!
Copy !req
181. - Do a barrel roll!
Copy !req
182. We're in the barrel!
Copy !req
183. - Oh, my gosh.
We're totally close!
Copy !req
184. - Great.
You recognize this place then?
Copy !req
185. - No, I can just tell because
of all the leopard seals.
Copy !req
186. - Hey.
- Seals.
Copy !req
187. So many.
So mouthy!
Copy !req
188. - Would you—cut it—
you're okay, Private.
Copy !req
189. They haven't caught
your scent yet.
Copy !req
190. - How can you be sure?
Copy !req
191. - Because all of
your tasty parts
Copy !req
192. are still attached
to your other parts.
Copy !req
193. - I do know this place!
Copy !req
194. There's a tunnel down there
that leads to my village.
Copy !req
195. - What, down there
with the seals?
Copy !req
196. - Uh... kind of?
Copy !req
197. Right.
Copy !req
198. Stay calm and carry on.
Copy !req
199. - Food?
Copy !req
200. Food?
Copy !req
201. Food?
Copy !req
202. Food!
Copy !req
203. Food!
Copy !req
204. - Custom horn.
This is so boss.
Copy !req
205. - Yes, it's the little details
that make a war machine.
Copy !req
206. - Private in extreme peril.
- Uh, right.
Copy !req
207. - Wow!
Copy !req
208. - Fire all torpedoes!
Copy !req
209. - No, it's okay
because I also put
Copy !req
210. the torpedoes
in the fruit place.
Copy !req
211. - Hello, banana.
Copy !req
212. Would you like
to be a smoothie now?
Copy !req
213. Why, banana?
Copy !req
214. - Nice try, psycho killers.
Copy !req
215. No tiny-brained seal skull
Copy !req
216. can pound through
six inches of steel.
Copy !req
217. - Tell me, where did you find
the invisible see-through steel?
Copy !req
218. - Oh, crud.
Copy !req
219. Now I just feel fat.
Copy !req
220. - Did you see how brilliant
we were down there?
Copy !req
221. With the thrashy,
throwy maneuver?
Copy !req
222. - I know.
That's, like, our thing now.
Copy !req
223. We totally have a thing.
Copy !req
224. We're here!
Copy !req
225. Private, you did it.
You got me home!
Copy !req
226. - No, you did it.
You proved you wouldn't eat me.
Copy !req
227. - I know.
Yay me!
Copy !req
228. - All right, off you go then,
you savage penguin devourer.
Copy !req
229. Right.
Copy !req
230. - You made me
spill my lemonade.
Copy !req
231. - Sorry.
Anyway, thanks, bye!
Copy !req
232. I'll always remember you.
- You too.
Copy !req
233. You take care.
Copy !req
234. Don't eat anyone
I wouldn't eat.
Copy !req
235. Oh, she's a good kid.
Copy !req
236. - Food.
Copy !req
237. - Well, the good news is
Copy !req
238. the seals
have left us for dead.
Copy !req
239. I should mention
this is also the bad news.
Copy !req
240. - Options?
Copy !req
241. - With our
streamlined penguin bodies
Copy !req
242. and outstanding
lung capacity,
Copy !req
243. we should be able
to swim to the surface,
Copy !req
244. but how long can Julien
hold his breath?
Copy !req
245. - Hold it in what?
Copy !req
246. - Let's see, carry the—
oh, it's impossible!
Copy !req
247. He'd have to be able
to swim at 45 knots,
Copy !req
248. roughly the speed
of a fired torpedo.
Copy !req
249. - Really?
Deploy handsome vampire.
Copy !req
250. Let me go, you big bully!
Copy !req
251. - One?
We got one penguin?
Copy !req
252. What was everybody else
doing with the afternoon?
Copy !req
253. - I was watching cable.
I love cable.
Copy !req
254. - You, do the math.
Copy !req
255. What's one penguin work out
to on a per-seal basis?
Copy !req
256. - Uh... food?
Copy !req
257. - Good work.
Okay, food.
Copy !req
258. Me?
Copy !req
259. - Hop in the jaws.
Copy !req
260. I've got to divvy up
the goods with my teeth.
Copy !req
261. These things are useless
with a knife and fork.
Copy !req
262. Look at them.
- Hey!
Copy !req
263. Move it!
Copy !req
264. - That's your father?
Copy !req
265. - Fuzzy face!
Where have you been hiding?
Copy !req
266. - I was captured by pirates
and dragged to New York City.
Copy !req
267. - Wow, I am looking like
Copy !req
268. a very mediocre parent
right now.
Copy !req
269. - And this penguin
is the one who rescued me.
Copy !req
270. - Really?
Food saved my kid?
Copy !req
271. - Prepare
the celebratory feast.
Copy !req
272. Let's hear it for food!
Copy !req
273. Food!
Copy !req
274. - What?
Well, this was unexpected.
Copy !req
275. - Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
276. I totally thought
they were going to eat you.
Copy !req
277. - What, after food
rescued my little girl?
Copy !req
278. What am I, a monster?
Copy !req
279. Proclamation,
food here is off-limits.
Copy !req
280. And I mean to everybody.
Copy !req
281. Looking at you right now,
Copy !req
282. - I can't believe
how well this turned out.
Copy !req
283. I got a new friend,
we took a fantastic trip,
Copy !req
284. and nobody's going to eat me!
Copy !req
285. - I blame you.
Copy !req
286. - Dad, these are
Private's friends.
Copy !req
287. - They rescued you too?
Copy !req
288. - Technically,
they were against it.
Copy !req
289. - Soup's on!
Copy !req
290. - Wait!
- No!
Copy !req
291. - What is this, a joke?
Copy !req
292. Because if it's the one about
Copy !req
293. making penguin intestine
balloon animals,
Copy !req
294. I've heard it,
and it's hilarious.
Copy !req
295. Oh, balloon animals,
you say?
Copy !req
296. So was this a potluck?
Copy !req
297. Because I brought some ice.
Copy !req
298. - Why are we eating
any of these penguins?
Copy !req
299. - Cookieburger,
we are leopard seals.
Copy !req
300. Fish got to swim,
penguins got to be eaten.
Copy !req
301. It is what it is.
Copy !req
302. - That's what
I've been saying.
Copy !req
303. Yes, I understand
the implications.
Copy !req
304. I just like to be right.
Copy !req
305. - But you're
not right, Skipper.
Copy !req
306. You all thought
Hunter would eat me.
Copy !req
307. But look—
- Still in one piece.
Copy !req
308. - We're living proof
that seals and penguins
Copy !req
309. don't have to be
predator and prey.
Copy !req
310. We can even be friends.
Copy !req
311. - Check it out,
we even have our own thing.
Copy !req
312. Hop in, friend.
Copy !req
313. Ta-da!
Copy !req
314. - What?
Copy !req
315. - Good technique,
Copy !req
316. - Uh... wha?
Copy !req
317. - Your friend thing
is decidedly unfriendly.
Copy !req
318. Thrashing a penguin
from side to side
Copy !req
319. is how leopard seals
tenderize the meat before...
Copy !req
320. well, you remember
the hand puppet.
Copy !req
321. - What?
No, I wasn't—
Copy !req
322. - I am afraid
all you've proven
Copy !req
323. is that you
are a born carnivore.
Copy !req
324. - You make that
sound like a bad thing.
Copy !req
325. Come on, smart guy,
admit you're delicious.
Copy !req
326. - I... I'm sorry, Private.
Copy !req
327. - We'll save
you a wing, pumpkin.
Copy !req
328. Did you want any or...
Copy !req
329. would that just be weird?
- Wait!
Copy !req
330. May I ask you what sort
of penguin recipe you're using?
Copy !req
331. - Eat.
- All right.
Copy !req
332. Ah, yes,
that one's a classic,
Copy !req
333. but you know
what's even more yummy?
Copy !req
334. The taste of penguin meat
after a good, long marinating.
Copy !req
335. - Snow touching the feet!
Copy !req
336. But seriously, I miss him.
Copy !req
337. - Oh, I thought everybody
was at the feast.
Copy !req
338. - Yeah, the penguin
sounded tasty,
Copy !req
339. but the side dishes
were just meh.
Copy !req
340. - Maybe I'll just
go somewhere else.
Copy !req
341. - Uh, you are confused
and upset.
Copy !req
342. You should talk to me.
Copy !req
343. I am excellent
at telling people what to do.
Copy !req
344. - I don't want to be
a penguin-eating predator.
Copy !req
345. - So don't be.
There, fixed.
Copy !req
346. - Right,
I wish it was that easy.
Copy !req
347. - Of course it is,
Copy !req
348. you ridiculously
sausage-shaped animal, you.
Copy !req
349. You know what I did today?
Copy !req
350. I nailed the play-acting
of a handsome vampire—bleh!
Copy !req
351. Did a crazy awesome
barrel roll,
Copy !req
352. and I totally kicked
a Snow Mort
Copy !req
353. halfway to Anti-Antarctica.
Copy !req
354. - What does that have
to do with anything?
Copy !req
355. - You think anybody else
wanted me to do those things?
Copy !req
356. Go ahead, answer.
Copy !req
357. - No—
- Who cares?
Copy !req
358. Who else can be telling you
what you have to do,
Copy !req
359. or to be,
or to not do or be?
Copy !req
360. Nobody!
Copy !req
361. - So you're saying
it doesn't matter
Copy !req
362. what everybody thinks
I'm supposed to be.
Copy !req
363. I mean, who says I have to be
like everyone else, right?
Copy !req
364. - No, I am saying
it's awesome to be king!
Copy !req
365. I don't know where
you got that other stuff.
Copy !req
366. - Come on!
Copy !req
367. - Marinating?
Copy !req
368. You picked marinating?
Copy !req
369. - Well, I had to do something
to buy time for a jailbreak.
Copy !req
370. - Mission half-accomplished.
Now, what's the escape plan?
Copy !req
371. - Big moment!
- Hunter!
Copy !req
372. - Oh, out for blood,
huh, predator?
Copy !req
373. - Out to save my friend.
Copy !req
374. And you three, I guess.
But only on principle.
Copy !req
375. food?
Copy !req
376. Food!
Copy !req
377. - They're coming!
Copy !req
378. - Everybody surrender!
Edible ones first.
Copy !req
379. - Down the mountain.
Copy !req
380. It's the quickest way
to the ocean.
Copy !req
381. - Yes, and technically,
falling off a building
Copy !req
382. is the quickest way
to the sidewalk.
Copy !req
383. - They're coming up
too fast!
Copy !req
384. - Hang on.
I'll run a diversion.
Copy !req
385. - Oof!
Copy !req
386. - That's my girl!
Go Hunter!
Copy !req
387. - In your toothy face!
Copy !req
388. - Bleh!
Copy !req
389. - Up ahead.
Aim for the ramp.
Copy !req
390. You can launch
to a safe distance.
Copy !req
391. - You're not coming?
Copy !req
392. - I can't.
I belong here with my—
Copy !req
393. - No, Daddy!
Copy !req
394. - Whoa!
Copy !req
395. - Dad!
Copy !req
396. - Private, don't be a hero.
Copy !req
397. Don't be a fool
with your life!
Copy !req
398. - Food?
You saved me.
Copy !req
399. - Yes, well,
my instinct said to run,
Copy !req
400. but we can't always listen
to those silly things, can we?
Copy !req
401. - Instincts.
I get you.
Copy !req
402. - Everybody okay?
Copy !req
403. Food! Food!
Food! Food!
Copy !req
404. - Go on.
Get him out of here.
Copy !req
405. - You trust me?
Copy !req
406. - I'll miss you.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
407. Shut up and hop in.
Copy !req
408. food.
Copy !req
409. - Dang, slippery little
tasty nuggets, aren't they?
Copy !req
410. - Love you, Dad.
Copy !req
411. - Come on, I think I've got
some squid in the freezer.
Copy !req
412. And by the freezer,
I mean our front porch.
Copy !req
413. Oh, I hate Antarctica.
Copy !req
414. - Private, I may have misjudged
that she-predator and you.
Copy !req
415. If a penguin and a leopard seal
can learn to get along
Copy !req
416. in this crazy, mixed-up world,
Copy !req
417. then maybe there's hope
for all of us.
Copy !req
418. - Bleh!
Copy !req
419. - Gah!
Copy !req
420. What?
I was curious.
Copy !req
421. - All of us, minus one.
Copy !req