1. - And now, part two...
Copy !req
2. of my plan.
- So Doc,
Copy !req
3. you're saying trapping skipper,
jacking his brain,
Copy !req
4. and getting
the top secret scoop
Copy !req
5. on how to attack the other
penguins was all part one?
Copy !req
6. - Yes.
What's your point, red one?
Copy !req
7. - Well, it's just that
that sounds like, uh,
Copy !req
8. three parts right there.
Copy !req
9. - Those were phases.
Copy !req
10. Trust me, it will all make sense
in the end.
Copy !req
11. - Well,
you're the mastermind.
Copy !req
12. - Indeed.
And now, activate...
Copy !req
13. deep voice:
Mind Jack—Jack—Jack—
Copy !req
14. subterranean attack pod!
Copy !req
15. - I didn't even know
we had one of those.
Copy !req
16. - Part two, phase one. Did you
even read the action plan?
Copy !req
17. - Yeah,
can't hear you, Doc.
Copy !req
18. deep voice:
Who built this?
Copy !req
19. - It's not my fault, he never
sat still for a fittin'.
Copy !req
20. - Yeah, we better launch him,
before he gets really cranky.
Copy !req
21. I must have
that brainy penguin's
Copy !req
22. super-special energy thing!
Copy !req
23. - Stealin' is bad,
and stealin' from the penguins
Copy !req
24. is a pile of extra bad
on top.
Copy !req
25. - Like hot fudge
on ice cream.
Copy !req
26. - Mort makes a lucid point.
Copy !req
27. - Yummy!
- Your majesty,
Copy !req
28. please listen to me—
go back to sleep.
Copy !req
29. - Fine. Even though
your warning of badness
Copy !req
30. did not mention
hot fudge at all.
Copy !req
31. I will listen to you
this one time, Maurice.
Copy !req
32. Sleep decree starting...
Copy !req
33. Hmm.
Copy !req
34. - Is there something
in your eye—
Copy !req
35. is there something
in your face, Mort?
Copy !req
36. Something like
my "Shut up" hand?
Copy !req
37. - I mean, of all the hysterical,
strange agents, I get you?
Copy !req
38. Why not a dame?
Maybe one of those
Copy !req
39. flirtatious chinstrap sisters
from Punta Mita.
Copy !req
40. - Skipper, you have got
to listen to me!
Copy !req
41. - Ah, that is where
you're wrong.
Copy !req
42. I have to hear you,
because you won't shut up.
Copy !req
43. But I do not
have to listen.
Copy !req
44. - Well, if you appreciated
my guidance, I might tell you
Copy !req
45. you're going
the wrong way.
Copy !req
46. Which, by the way,
you are.
Copy !req
47. - Bah! I know New York
like the back of my, um, uh—
Copy !req
48. this thing, uh,
what do you call it?
Copy !req
49. This—
what is this?
Copy !req
50. - Mm? Mm?
Copy !req
51. You know what? I'll bet
I can make you disappear.
Copy !req
52. Mind over blather.
Copy !req
53. - Yeah?
Okay, okay, sure.
Copy !req
54. I can take a subtle hint.
Copy !req
55. - I don't do subtle.
- You'll be sorry.
Copy !req
56. - Hoo-ah!
What do you know, it worked!
Copy !req
57. Good on me.
High five myself.
Copy !req
58. Oof!
Copy !req
59. recorded voice:
There is only one way in.
Copy !req
60. Tunnel 13b, but let's just say,
it's full of nasty surprises.
Copy !req
61. - As am I.
Deploy decoys!
Copy !req
62. recorded voice: No foe could
survive that tunnel of doom.
Copy !req
63. - Ow.
Copy !req
64. - Skipper.
Copy !req
65. Uh, I'm the bossy penguin,
Copy !req
66. so y'all
need to be snoozin',
Copy !req
67. or there's gonna be
some bruisin'!
Copy !req
68. - Aye-aye.
Copy !req
69. - Nailed it.
Copy !req
70. - I will hit the buttons in the
order that I love them the most.
Copy !req
71. Blue... red... green..
Bacon... lady bug...
Copy !req
72. and... gumball.
Copy !req
73. - What is it, Rico?
Copy !req
74. - I don't know.
- I'm sure it's nothing.
Copy !req
75. You're probably just on edge
because Skipper isn't here.
Copy !req
76. Still.
Copy !req
77. - He's never been gone
this long.
Copy !req
78. Maybe we should be worried.
Copy !req
79. - Told ya.
- Very well,
Copy !req
80. if it will
make everyone feel better,
Copy !req
81. then we'll set aside some time
for worrying.
Copy !req
82. How's noonish?
Copy !req
83. - Works for me.
Copy !req
84. - Well, I should think
you could reschedule that.
Copy !req
85. - Well, that's true.
We could start worrying now.
Copy !req
86. - Yeah, now's good.
Copy !req
87. - Sounds like
a giant rolling... attack pod?
Copy !req
88. There's no such thing.
Copy !req
89. - Guess who, pen-go-ins!
Copy !req
90. Blowhole!
Copy !req
91. - Okay, we must guess
Copy !req
92. the brainy penguin's secrety
unlock-the-lock code.
Copy !req
93. - Mort!
How did you do that?
Copy !req
94. - With my fingers.
Copy !req
95. - No, I mean, what did you
punchety-punch in there?
Copy !req
96. - Doris.
Copy !req
97. - Oh, the dolphin lady
who broke him?
Copy !req
98. Yes, he does go on and on
about her.
Copy !req
99. - About who?
Copy !req
100. - Doris.
Copy !req
101. - Who's Doris?
- She—
Copy !req
102. never mind.
Copy !req
103. Oh-ho!
I did it!
Copy !req
104. Look how it glows!
Copy !req
105. Ooh, and hums!
Copy !req
106. And vibrates.
Copy !req
107. In you go.
Copy !req
108. - The evil energy readings
are immense!
Copy !req
109. We're looking at
some sort of diabologizer.
Copy !req
110. Diabologizer?
Copy !req
111. - It makes things evil.
Copy !req
112. - I don't like
the sound of that at all.
Copy !req
113. - Embrace the awesome,
Copy !req
114. You'll make
a terrific monster.
Copy !req
115. - Oh! This would be an excellent
time for Skipper to come home.
Copy !req
116. - Sadly, young private, Skipper
is not racing to the rescue.
Copy !req
117. Ever again.
Copy !req
118. - Wrong, Blowhole!
Skipper's out there, I know it!
Copy !req
119. - And as long as there is
a breath in his body, he will...
Copy !req
120. thwart you.
- Yeah!
Copy !req
121. Oof! Oh!
Copy !req
122. - That blowjoe guy just blasted
my player. Not cool, man!
Copy !req
123. - On the bright side,
we're not evil.
Copy !req
124. - True.
- On the dark side, there's...
Copy !req
125. that.
- True.
Copy !req
126. - It has
that explodey look about it.
Copy !req
127. - I made it.
My team needs me, and I am here.
Copy !req
128. - Yeah, you're here...
Copy !req
129. at the Bronx Zoo.
Copy !req
130. That's the Central Park Zoo!
- What?
Copy !req
131. - So that's
the Central Park Zoo?
Copy !req
132. - Yeah. Not exactly
how I remember it.
Copy !req
133. - It seems...
a little disco.
Copy !req
134. - Um, excuse me, could I ask,
who are you talking to?
Copy !req
135. - Do I know you?
Copy !req
136. Wait, don't tell me.
Copy !req
137. - I can tell you
that he's not one of your men.
Copy !req
138. - Obviously.
But I feel like I know the guy.
Copy !req
139. - Ju—just stop,
because you're freakin' me out.
Copy !req
140. - Okay, fine, let's go.
Bye, Fred.
Copy !req
141. Fred! Ha ha!
I do remember him!
Copy !req
142. - Told ya.
Copy !req
143. - You're not singing.
Neither am I!
Copy !req
144. - If you can even
call that singing.
Copy !req
145. Say what you will
about the crazy dolphin,
Copy !req
146. he can sell a tune!
Copy !req
147. - And some guys
were not meant to sing.
Copy !req
148. - Yeah, Roy.
Copy !req
149. - Guys,
what are we gonna do?
Copy !req
150. Blowhole's gonna take over
the whole city with that thing.
Copy !req
151. - We need Skipper.
Copy !req
152. - Now, private, I'm sure
if we all put our heads together
Copy !req
153. on this,
we can come up with a plan.
Copy !req
154. And that plan is,
we need Skipper!
Copy !req
155. - Gentlemen!
Copy !req
156. I am home.
Copy !req
157. Skipper!
Copy !req
158. Uh, you are my team,
aren't you?
Copy !req
159. - Yes, sir!
- Indeed!
Copy !req
160. - Hippie, I get it now.
My subconscious picked you,
Copy !req
161. because you know your way
around this town.
Copy !req
162. Your cross-town shortcut
was genius.
Copy !req
163. - I'm sensing
there's more to it than that.
Copy !req
164. - Not seeing it. It's now time
to fight the bad guy.
Copy !req
165. You said it yourself,
that's my thing, right?
Copy !req
166. - Cuckoo.
- Oh, I get it.
Copy !req
167. This must look kinda crazy.
Copy !req
168. Don't worry, I'm talkin' to
an invisible lion.
Copy !req
169. No, no!
He's my—my spirit guide.
Copy !req
170. - Wow.
I really thought the night
Copy !req
171. couldn't get any weirder
after the singing,
Copy !req
172. and yet—
- Singing?
Copy !req
173. What about the bad guy?
Copy !req
174. - He was the one singing.
Copy !req
175. Well, actually,
we were all singing.
Copy !req
176. - You, tall guy, it's, uh,
Kowalski, right?
Copy !req
177. Is your last name analysis?
I want to say Kowalski analysis.
Copy !req
178. - Through a series
of improbable events,
Copy !req
179. a giant mp3 player with the
power of musical mind control
Copy !req
180. is currently
flying over midtown.
Copy !req
181. - Is that it?
- And...
Copy !req
182. Doctor Blowhole's
at the helm.
Copy !req
183. - Villainous scum!
How'd he tame that beast?
Copy !req
184. - Power ballad.
Copy !req
185. - He has
a surprisingly lovely voice...
Copy !req
186. for villainous scum.
Copy !req
187. - All right, team. I may
or may not be 100%, sanity-wise,
Copy !req
188. but who ever said you
have to be sane to be a leader?
Copy !req
189. - Skipper, even if you are
a complete nutter, I'm with you!
Copy !req
190. - As am I,
Copy !req
191. but promise me,
after we save the city,
Copy !req
192. that you'll let me
run a few tests.
Copy !req
193. - Dig it.
Copy !req
194. - We need our best singer
out there.
Copy !req
195. And yes,
Copy !req
196. I'm lookin' at you,
Copy !req
197. I'm goin' to Broadway.
Copy !req
198. That's how you do it,
Copy !req
199. - Ooh,
so that didn't work.
Copy !req
200. Let's rethink your strategy.
Copy !req
201. - I think it doesn't impact me,
because I'm not real.
Copy !req
202. Not sure, just,
you know, a theory.
Copy !req
203. - Nobody has to
force me to sing.
Copy !req
204. If you need me,
I am ready to cut loose!
Copy !req
205. - Oh, come on,
you can do it, Skipper!
Copy !req
206. Skipper, that's great!
- Yeah!
Copy !req
207. Farewell, pen-go-ins!
Copy !req
208. - Yes, sea mammal.
Copy !req
209. - No! Not the—
Copy !req
210. deep voice:
Copy !req
211. - Ai-ee, oh.
Copy !req
212. Uh, where am I?
Copy !req
213. - And we are thrilled to welcome
back our old friend...
Copy !req
214. - Who am I?
Copy !req
215. - Flippy the dolphin!
Copy !req
216. - Really?
My name is Flippy.
Copy !req
217. - Prepare yourselves for...
Copy !req
218. The Ring of Fire!
Copy !req
219. - You know, peaches—
- Alex.
Copy !req
220. - Right, Alex.
I have to be honest.
Copy !req
221. - Please don't...
Copy !req
222. unless it's an unexpectedly
gracious compliment,
Copy !req
223. in which case,
you know, play through.
Copy !req
224. - Whenever I heard
the real you
Copy !req
225. claim to be
the King of New York,
Copy !req
226. I wanted to puke.
Copy !req
227. - Okay, honesty...
bad call.
Copy !req
228. - But for a hippie,
you're a good man in a jam.
Copy !req
229. - Oh. Go on.
Copy !req
230. - I mean,
my noggin had choices,
Copy !req
231. and deep down,
something said you.
Copy !req
232. - Well,
yeah, I guess so.
Copy !req
233. - And I think that was
one heck of a smart choice.
Copy !req
234. Up high!
- Seriously? Wow!
Copy !req
235. - Aw, high-five hi-jinks
with his imaginary friend.
Copy !req
236. - Down low.
Too slow!
Copy !req
237. - Yeah, I'm done here.
Copy !req