1. - Cute and cuddly, boys.
Copy !req
2. G-g-g...
- Wha—?
Copy !req
3. - G-g-g...
Copy !req
4. - What the—?
Your majesty?
Copy !req
5. - Gold!
Copy !req
6. Ah, Maurice, look!
Copy !req
7. I have been visited
by the gold fairy.
Copy !req
8. - The gold fairy?
Copy !req
9. - The winged pixie
Copy !req
10. who leaves the shiny yellow
while you sleep.
Copy !req
11. - I got the yellow visit too!
Copy !req
12. But my present melted.
Copy !req
13. - It's not just us, Skipper.
Copy !req
14. They showed up everywhere
last night.
Copy !req
15. - Kowalski,
shiny rectangle analysis.
Copy !req
16. - Best guess,
Copy !req
17. targeting marks
for a space laser superweapon.
Copy !req
18. Zap!
Copy !req
19. Bo-ding, yow!
- Space laser countermeasures!
Copy !req
20. Rico, bend that death mirror
away from the HQ.
Copy !req
21. Perhaps a skosh towards
the you-know-who habitat.
Copy !req
22. - Uh, guys,
what are you doing?
Copy !req
23. - Clear the line
of fire, Marlene.
Copy !req
24. Unless you want
a piping hot breakfast
Copy !req
25. of golden laser cakes.
- Golden laser—?
Copy !req
26. No, guys, those are
adopt-a-critter signs.
Copy !req
27. - Adopt-a-critter?
Copy !req
28. - Well, now you're
just making up words.
Copy !req
29. - No, no, they did this
back at my old aquarium.
Copy !req
30. Rich people
give money to the zoo,
Copy !req
31. and they get to put their names
up on the habitats.
Copy !req
32. - So it's
indentured servitude, eh?
Copy !req
33. Well played, zoo overlords.
Copy !req
34. - Wait, what?
It's inden—
Copy !req
35. - Hmm, yes.
Disturbing indeed.
Copy !req
36. - Explain
your ominous tone, primate.
Copy !req
37. - It seems over 70%
of the zoo's habitats
Copy !req
38. have been adopted
by the Vesuvius family.
Copy !req
39. - The Vesuvius twins.
Copy !req
40. Poster punks for park place
pre-pubescent pandemonium.
Copy !req
41. - No rules.
No limits.
Copy !req
42. No sense of decency.
Copy !req
43. I'm a camouflage.
Copy !req
44. I'm lactose intolerant!
Copy !req
45. - I shudder to contemplate
Copy !req
46. what that mad duo
is scheming now.
Copy !req
47. - I believe you'll find
our proposal quite fair.
Copy !req
48. - Crayon?
I don't read crayon.
Copy !req
49. Give me the short version.
Copy !req
50. - Being that our family
just adopted
Copy !req
51. over 70% of this zoo,
Copy !req
52. my colleague and I
believe we should be allowed
Copy !req
53. to take selected animals
home with us.
Copy !req
54. - To play.
- Right.
Copy !req
55. I got a rhino
to hose down, kiddies,
Copy !req
56. so why don't you—
Copy !req
57. Lawyer team, activate!
Copy !req
58. - Oh!
Copy !req
59. Lawsuit,
financial ruin,
Copy !req
60. I lose my job?
Copy !req
61. Fine.
Copy !req
62. Two animals.
Small ones.
Copy !req
63. And you pay for my ceiling.
Copy !req
64. Huh?
- Skipper!
Copy !req
65. - Cage comes down!
What now?
Copy !req
66. - Boys, avenge me!
Copy !req
67. Avenge me!
Copy !req
68. - I love you!
- No!
Copy !req
69. - Skipper!
- Don't touch my stuff.
Copy !req
70. Don't touch my stuff!
Copy !req
71. Seriously, I cannot believe
they make a TV that big.
Copy !req
72. - Focus, ringtail.
Vesuviuses can smell weakness.
Copy !req
73. Just stay strong and never
let them take your dignity.
Copy !req
74. - Please.
I am a king.
Copy !req
75. I eat dignity for brunch.
Copy !req
76. Right between
a healthy breakfast of awesome
Copy !req
77. and a lunch-sized
portion of...
Copy !req
78. Gladiators.
Copy !req
79. - Today you fight for honor.
Copy !req
80. - For glory!
- I don't think so.
Copy !req
81. - And for
the right to grab
Copy !req
82. Sergeant Saturn's
intergalactic zap band!
Copy !req
83. Ooh, sparkly!
Copy !req
84. Fight, fight, fight!
Copy !req
85. - No dice, psychopaths.
Copy !req
86. You may have claimed
our bodies,
Copy !req
87. but the spirit
of freedom cannot—
Copy !req
88. - I win!
Copy !req
89. Give me
the shiny arm bangle.
Copy !req
90. Give me, give me!
Copy !req
91. - So what's the rescue plan?
Copy !req
92. - The clan Vesuvius live
Copy !req
93. in the poshest penthouse
in Manhattan.
Copy !req
94. Security is state of the art,
Copy !req
95. but I believe I have found
an entry point
Copy !req
96. for us right here.
Copy !req
97. - I am coming, King Julien!
Copy !req
98. This entry point
is too itty-bitty.
Copy !req
99. - Come on.
Who's the good boy?
Copy !req
100. Who's gonna get
the shiny toy?
Copy !req
101. - Ooh, I hope it is me.
Copy !req
102. - No, ringtail.
Remember, dignity.
Copy !req
103. Hold onto it.
Copy !req
104. - Dignity don't sparkle
in the sunshine, buddy.
Copy !req
105. - Whoa, whoa, whoa!
Oof, oof, oof!
Copy !req
106. Oof, oof!
Copy !req
107. - Agh, yah, yah!
- Huh, uh!
Copy !req
108. - Hey, suck it up,
lazy booty.
Copy !req
109. You got to be in it
to win it.
Copy !req
110. - Whoa, yeah!
Copy !req
111. - Violence is my favorite.
Copy !req
112. - There's our entry point.
Copy !req
113. It should be an easy shot
straight across—
Copy !req
114. - I am coming, King Julien!
Copy !req
115. - With the grappling gun.
Copy !req
116. - Ew.
Copy !req
117. Ugh!
Copy !req
118. - Mm!
Copy !req
119. You are a spineless slab
of pushover jelly.
Copy !req
120. - He ate it.
- He totally ate it.
Copy !req
121. - Oh, so...
Copy !req
122. Shiny.
Copy !req
123. - Trouble choking down
Copy !req
124. your own pride,
Copy !req
125. Well, let that
be a less—
Copy !req
126. - Ew.
Copy !req
127. - Skipper—
Copy !req
128. - Oh!
Copy !req
129. - We just made a squirrel thing
throw up on a penguin.
Copy !req
130. Huh?
Copy !req
131. - Warning.
Unauthorized entry.
Copy !req
132. Press panic button
for lockdown.
Copy !req
133. - They must be, like,
homing penguins or something.
Copy !req
134. They're coming right to us!
Copy !req
135. - Whew, now, okay,
I think I'm okay now.
Copy !req
136. - Ugh!
Copy !req
137. - Oh, when did I
have kettle corn?
Copy !req
138. - Skipper?
Copy !req
139. - Don't ask.
Copy !req
140. And don't come any closer.
It's a trap.
Copy !req
141. Rico, I'm gonna need
bolt cutters,
Copy !req
142. six yards of binder twine,
and a—
Copy !req
143. - I am coming, King Julien!
Copy !req
144. - Huh?
- Huh?
Copy !req
145. - Whoa!
- Why did we even bring him?
Copy !req
146. - Ladies and gentlemen,
Copy !req
147. welcome to
the Vesuvius Brothers Circus
Copy !req
148. of pain!
Copy !req
149. - A registered trademark
of Vesuvius Enterprises.
Copy !req
150. Don't even think
about copycatting.
Copy !req
151. We have lawyers.
- It's go time.
Copy !req
152. - Behold,
the Perpetual Trapeze.
Copy !req
153. - Ow! Ow! Hey!
Copy !req
154. - The Bowl of Bowling.
Copy !req
155. - The Sickmaker.
Copy !req
156. - I am not
a licensed pilot!
Copy !req
157. - And the Doomed Damsel.
Copy !req
158. Look out!
Copy !req
159. - Ow.
- Sorry.
Copy !req
160. - Uh-oh, uh-oh, uh-oh.
Copy !req
161. - Ow!
- Sorry.
Copy !req
162. - Ow!
- Sorry.
Copy !req
163. - Ow!
- Sorry.
Copy !req
164. - Ow!
- Sorry.
Copy !req
165. - Do not worry, everyone!
Copy !req
166. King Julien will save us!
Copy !req
167. - Oh, you have got
to be kidding me.
Copy !req
168. Ow!
Copy !req
169. - Hmm... ugh!
Copy !req
170. Ringtail, I've got
an exit strategy,
Copy !req
171. but I'm gonna need
your Sergeant Saturn zap band.
Copy !req
172. - What?
Copy !req
173. I earned the zappity band
fairly and squarely
Copy !req
174. by hitting you in the back
when you were not looking.
Copy !req
175. - Listen, you self-centered,
Copy !req
176. oof!
Copy !req
177. - Sorry!
Copy !req
178. - Forget it, Skipper.
Copy !req
179. I came here
to rescue a king—ugh!
Copy !req
180. Not some kid's
fancy little pet—ow!
Copy !req
181. - How dare you speak
such lyings?
Copy !req
182. Not about the fancy.
That is obviously true.
Copy !req
183. But this king is pet to no man.
Copy !req
184. - Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
185. Tell it to that diaper leash
you're wearing—ow!
Copy !req
186. - Pfft!
Wha—oh, what, this?
Copy !req
187. Okay, firstly, the diaper?
Copy !req
188. That is purely for the...
Copy !req
189. personal comfort.
Copy !req
190. And the shiny gold chain,
for your information—
Copy !req
191. - Hey, the squirrel thing
stopped dancing.
Copy !req
192. Do it!
Copy !req
193. - Uh, yes, I do love
the dancing, but—
Copy !req
194. ugh!
Copy !req
195. - He said dance, monkey.
Copy !req
196. - Oof!
Copy !req
197. Okay,
that is really annoying,
Copy !req
198. and as your king,
I must order you to—
Copy !req
199. - Dance, monkey, dance!
Copy !req
200. - Monkey, dance.
- Monkey, dance.
Copy !req
201. - Monkey, dance.
- My dignity has been stolen!
Copy !req
202. Maurice, for once you are
Copy !req
203. a little bit right
about something.
Copy !req
204. - Oh, really?
Copy !req
205. - Nobody turns the king
into a little fur toy.
Copy !req
206. You can take your diaper
and eat it.
Copy !req
207. And you can take
your rhinestone glasses too!
Copy !req
208. - Hey, oh!
- Oh, and this belt?
Copy !req
209. Yeah, this one?
Copy !req
210. I actually like it,
so I'm going to keep it.
Copy !req
211. But you can take
your zap band!
Copy !req
212. - Oof!
Copy !req
213. Ha!
Mm, hyah!
Copy !req
214. - Ow!
Copy !req
215. - Bull's-eye.
Copy !req
216. - Panic button
lockdown initiate.
Copy !req
217. - Huh?
- Yeah!
Copy !req
218. - Yahoo!
Copy !req
219. - Welcome back to the circus.
Copy !req
220. - Under new management.
Copy !req
221. - Huh?
Copy !req
222. - Huh?
Copy !req
223. - Well, ringtail, you finally
got your dignity back.
Copy !req
224. - Yes, and now I will be
taking theirs.
Copy !req
225. - Mommy!
- Lawyers!
Copy !req
226. - I know I say
this kind of thing a lot,
Copy !req
227. but this time,
I really, really mean it.
Copy !req
228. Behold my greatest
invention ever.
Copy !req
229. The Nanites!
- Um, I'm trying.
Copy !req
230. Where are they?
Copy !req
231. Poor, scientifically illiterate
Copy !req
232. It takes a microscope
to view Nanites
Copy !req
233. in all their
miniscule glory.
Copy !req
234. - Awaiting command.
- Oh, they're so cute.
Copy !req
235. - If by "cute" you mean
Copy !req
236. "able to animate
any mechanical object,"
Copy !req
237. then, yes,
as a teeny button.
Copy !req
238. - Oh!
Copy !req
239. - Mopping floor.
Copy !req
240. - Oh, it's sparkly!
It's so sparkly.
Copy !req
241. - Nope, don't trust it.
Copy !req
242. - Not too light.
Not too dark.
Copy !req
243. - Ooh!
Copy !req
244. - Nope, still don't trust it.
Copy !req
245. - Coffee, fishly brewed.
Copy !req
246. - Sorry, Kowalski,
Copy !req
247. but I don't trust anything
I can't see and/or punch.
Copy !req
248. - Skipper,
my nanites will save us
Copy !req
249. tons of drudgery,
Copy !req
250. which will free us
for more creative pursuits.
Copy !req
251. - Oh, yeah!
Copy !req
252. Ooh, very nice.
Copy !req
253. - Like that.
Copy !req
254. - The Nanites do seem like
Copy !req
255. they're one of your
more helpful creations.
Copy !req
256. - Exactly.
They're a Kowalski creation.
Copy !req
257. And that means they're destined
to go horribly wrong.
Copy !req
258. - Impossible
this time, Skipper.
Copy !req
259. I have programmed the nanites
to never allow
Copy !req
260. any harm to come
to a penguin.
Copy !req
261. Rico, stick me.
Copy !req
262. - Okay.
Copy !req
263. - Penguin in danger!
Copy !req
264. - See?
Copy !req
265. There's no way
the nanites can go wrong.
Copy !req
266. Say, that's good Joe.
Copy !req
267. Well, maybe there is something
to your ninnyites.
Copy !req
268. At moments like these,
Copy !req
269. in the scientific community,
the technical jargon is...
Copy !req
270. told you!
- I can't stand it anymore!
Copy !req
271. - Why?
Copy !req
272. - You've messed with me
for the last time.
Copy !req
273. - So it finally happened.
Copy !req
274. Who had today
as the day Maurice snapped?
Copy !req
275. - Rico.
Copy !req
276. - Ah, yeah, give up fish, baby.
Copy !req
277. - Wait, the only crime here
Copy !req
278. is my banana berry smoothie
Copy !req
279. should be inside
my royal tummy,
Copy !req
280. not outside stickying up
my majestic midsection.
Copy !req
281. - Hmm..
Copy !req
282. - It's this
stupid, old, junky blender.
Copy !req
283. - So am I a smoothie now?
Copy !req
284. - Maurice, my nanites
can upgrade your blender
Copy !req
285. and make your workload
95.6% less grueling.
Copy !req
286. - I don't fully understand
what you're flapping about,
Copy !req
287. but I'm 95.6% sure
I like it anyway.
Copy !req
288. - Begin blender repair.
Copy !req
289. Blender repair complete.
Commence smoothie operations.
Copy !req
290. - Sweet.
Copy !req
291. Oh!
Copy !req
292. My feelings on this matter
can only be defined
Copy !req
293. by dance!
Hit it.
Copy !req
294. - And mine
will be defined by leaving.
Copy !req
295. - Come back here,
you little flirt.
Copy !req
296. We're destined
to be together, you and me.
Copy !req
297. - Playing hard to get, eh?
I like that.
Copy !req
298. I suppose you think
this is funny.
Copy !req
299. - Uh-oh.
Copy !req
300. Help!
Copy !req
301. - Wait a minute.
Where's my lunacorn?
Copy !req
302. Oh, thank you.
Copy !req
303. - How's that?
Copy !req
304. Ooh-la-la.
I am hot.
Copy !req
305. - Guys, Barry the frog's tongue
Copy !req
306. is caught
in the cotton candy machine.
Copy !req
307. It's winding up, and it's gonna
get real ugly real soon.
Copy !req
308. - Wow, never in the history
of language
Copy !req
309. have those words been put
together in that order.
Copy !req
310. - All that cotton candy
is in danger.
Copy !req
311. - Yeah, and Barry too.
- Eh, never a fan.
Copy !req
312. Still, this mission
is gonna be dangerous.
Copy !req
313. - Right.
Barry is a poison dart frog.
Copy !req
314. His touch
is devastatingly toxic.
Copy !req
315. We should work out
a meticulous strategy
Copy !req
316. with an emphasis
on caution and safety.
Copy !req
317. - Or we could just wing it
like we always do.
Copy !req
318. I mean,
what is danger, right?
Copy !req
319. - Pfft, yeah,
it's just anger
Copy !req
320. hiding behind
a plosive consonant.
Copy !req
321. - Little obscure,
even for you, Kowalski.
Copy !req
322. - All right, fine.
Let's just go.
Copy !req
323. - Danger.
Copy !req
324. - Initiate penguin
protection protocols.
Copy !req
325. - Huh?
Hey, come back!
Copy !req
326. - Bye-bye, blender!
Copy !req
327. I will always remember you
as a friend.
Copy !req
328. - Assimilating new ordinance.
Copy !req
329. - Penguins must be saved.
Copy !req
330. This hurts worse than it looks.
Copy !req
331. - Everyone relax.
We're here.
Copy !req
332. The cotton candy
will soon be safe.
Copy !req
333. Hm?
Oh, yeah.
Copy !req
334. And Barry, too.
Kowalski, cut the power.
Copy !req
335. Rico, frog-proof me.
Copy !req
336. - Private, look concerned.
- On it, Skipper.
Copy !req
337. - Easy, toxic amphibian.
Copy !req
338. Slow and steady,
and nobody gets hurt.
Copy !req
339. - I'm suffering.
- I meant me.
Copy !req
340. - Penguins must be
removed from danger.
Copy !req
341. - Hey, whoa!
This is uncomfortable.
Copy !req
342. - Penguins must be
removed from danger.
Copy !req
343. - It's the nanites following
the protective protocol.
Copy !req
344. - Whoa!
- Ah!
Copy !req
345. - Wait!
Where are you going?
Copy !req
346. - Tell them to stand down.
Copy !req
347. - Verbal override.
Good idea.
Copy !req
348. I should've done that.
Didn't, but should've.
Copy !req
349. - Ugh.
Copy !req
350. - Ow.
Copy !req
351. - Oh!
Copy !req
352. You guys are great.
I could hug you all.
Copy !req
353. no!
Copy !req
354. - Amphibian threat
Copy !req
355. - Okay, like, I was just
kidding with the hug thing.
Copy !req
356. Can you guys
let me out now?
Copy !req
357. Hello?
Copy !req
358. - Who smells
science gone wrong?
Copy !req
359. Anybody?
You, tall guy.
Copy !req
360. Yeah, okay.
Copy !req
361. Maybe just a whiff.
Copy !req
362. - This should do it.
Copy !req
363. - Overriding
safety protocols denied.
Copy !req
364. Nice try.
Copy !req
365. - What's all that about?
Copy !req
366. - Lincoln's itchy beard!
We're being sealed in.
Copy !req
367. - Containment complete.
Copy !req
368. - Containment?
As in trapped?
Copy !req
369. - What?
- This cannot stand.
Copy !req
370. What if Hans strikes?
Or Blowhole?
Copy !req
371. Or the new guy
in the reptile house?
Copy !req
372. You know, that guy
with the twitchy eye
Copy !req
373. and the blue tongue?
You've all seen him, right?
Copy !req
374. He's trouble, right?
Copy !req
375. Kowalski, front and center!
Copy !req
376. Prepare to receive
a disciplinary fish-slapping.
Copy !req
377. - Ready and deserving, Skipper.
Copy !req
378. Oh.
Hyah, hyah!
Copy !req
379. Huh?
Copy !req
380. - The safety protocols.
No harm to a penguin.
Copy !req
381. - Which I am.
- Right.
Copy !req
382. Prepare for punitive
cuddles and hugs.
Copy !req
383. Ugh!
Copy !req
384. Get off!
I just wanna hug him.
Copy !req
385. With my fists!
Copy !req
386. - I can fix this.
Give me an hour.
Copy !req
387. - What are we
supposed to do now?
Copy !req
388. - Talk amongst yourselves.
Try to make it interesting.
Copy !req
389. - Mm, they are yummy smoothies.
- Uh-huh.
Copy !req
390. - Eat plunger, nanites!
Copy !req
391. - Retreat, retreat!
Copy !req
392. - Cold smoked kielbasa,
Copy !req
393. You did it!
Copy !req
394. - It was a simple matter
of creating
Copy !req
395. a localized electromagnetic
pulse gen—
Copy !req
396. - Habba, habba, habba,
flap your beak all you want.
Copy !req
397. I'm going nanite hunting.
Copy !req
398. - Hey, nanites,
Copy !req
399. come grab a hot,
steaming serving of—
Copy !req
400. - What the what?
Copy !req
401. - Nanite protocol engaged.
Copy !req
402. Protect penguins.
Copy !req
403. - Oh, a whole bunch of heck.
- Yep.
Copy !req
404. - Ah!
Copy !req
405. Scatter!
Get the weapon!
Copy !req
406. - Rico's toast!
Copy !req
407. - Mmm!
Copy !req
408. - I've been winkied!
Copy !req
409. - Fourth penguin missing.
Copy !req
410. Scanning.
Copy !req
411. - Gotcha.
Copy !req
412. - Penguin smug levels rising.
Copy !req
413. - Oh, nuts.
Copy !req
414. Ow.
Copy !req
415. - Emergency!
Copy !req
416. Penguin injured!
Copy !req
417. We have violated
our own safety protocols.
Copy !req
418. Terminal shutdown required.
Copy !req
419. - Ow again.
Copy !req
420. - Okay, what just happened?
Copy !req
421. - Victims of
their own programming.
Copy !req
422. They self-terminated.
Copy !req
423. - Ew.
Copy !req
424. - So that's the end
of the nanites.
Copy !req
425. - I believe so.
Copy !req
426. - So there's nothing
protecting us penguins
Copy !req
427. from danger.
- It would seem that way.
Copy !req
428. - Kowalski, gonna have
to test that theory
Copy !req
429. by fish-slapping you
into next week!
Copy !req
430. - Get back here!
Copy !req
431. Take it like a penguin!
- Not in the brain!
Copy !req