1. - Cute and cuddly, boys.
Copy !req
2. - That was incredible, Skipper.
Copy !req
3. I've never seen omega boom
performed by a single penguin.
Copy !req
4. You were amazing!
Copy !req
5. - Always remember,
Young Private,
Copy !req
6. it's the leader's job
Copy !req
7. to be physically superior
at all times.
Copy !req
8. Ha!
- Guys, check out my new—
Copy !req
9. I'm fine.
Copy !req
10. It's a nonbrain injury.
Copy !req
11. Smashed atoms!
Copy !req
12. - Kowalski, explain.
Copy !req
13. - Fascinating.
Copy !req
14. The ray I built was designed
to transform spoiled food
Copy !req
15. to its younger, fresher state.
Copy !req
16. - And?
- Clearly, you are younger.
Copy !req
17. And fresher.
Copy !req
18. - This can't stand.
Copy !req
19. My body should be full grown
Copy !req
20. and bursting with unapologetic
warrior might.
Copy !req
21. Hiya! Ha! Hoo! Ha! Oof!
Copy !req
22. - Halt baby babble.
Copy !req
23. - I'm sorry, Skipper.
You're just so cute.
Copy !req
24. - Coochie, coochie,
coochie, coo!
Copy !req
25. - I can invert
the ray's polarity
Copy !req
26. and return you to normal.
Copy !req
27. But we'll need to retrieve it
from the sewer.
Copy !req
28. - Sounds easy enough.
Copy !req
29. Men, operation sewer scavenge
is a go.
Copy !req
30. Move out.
Copy !req
31. Something wrong?
- Uh, it's just...
Copy !req
32. - The mission is dangerous,
Copy !req
33. and you're so small and fluffy.
Copy !req
34. - Small, fluffy, and your
commanding officer, Private.
Copy !req
35. - Right, Skipper.
Copy !req
36. But maybe we should, you know,
Copy !req
37. get you a sitter.
Copy !req
38. Skipper?
Copy !req
39. - Down here.
Copy !req
40. - Oh.
Copy !req
41. Apologies, Skipper,
it just feels so right.
Copy !req
42. - It's oddly agreeable.
Copy !req
43. But enough malarky.
Copy !req
44. I do not need a babysitter.
Copy !req
45. I'm a trained solider.
Copy !req
46. A lethal... fighting... machine.
Copy !req
47. - Somebody needs
his nappy time.
Copy !req
48. - Aw, nappy.
Copy !req
49. - Nonsense.
Copy !req
50. I am fully... battle-ready.
Copy !req
51. - We need a sitter with
a high tolerance for weird.
Copy !req
52. Ah, those feets!
Copy !req
53. That tiny booty!
Copy !req
54. Oh, he's the most cutest thing
my eyes have ever seen...
Copy !req
55. when I'm not staring
into a reflective surface.
Copy !req
56. - Here.
Copy !req
57. - Yes, he's our cousin.
Copy !req
58. His name is, uh—
Copy !req
59. - Is it Petey?
Copy !req
60. I've always wanted
to meet a Petey,
Copy !req
61. and I would like very much
for today to be that day.
Copy !req
62. - I can be Petey.
Copy !req
63. - As it turns out,
his name is Petey.
Copy !req
64. - Your Majesty, what do
you know about babysitting?
Copy !req
65. - What? Pfft!
I am an accomplished sitter.
Copy !req
66. I sit on things all the time:
Copy !req
67. my throne, my loungey chair,
Copy !req
68. my Mort.
- I'm ergonomical.
Copy !req
69. - Mort, didn't he kick—
and weren't you—
Copy !req
70. forget it. I'm on break.
Copy !req
71. - FYI, he likes to pretend
he is Skipper
Copy !req
72. when he's conscious.
Copy !req
73. - Oh, Petey, you nut.
Copy !req
74. - Make sure you keep him warm.
Copy !req
75. And feed him regularly.
Copy !req
76. And he likes—
he likes to be rocked too.
Copy !req
77. Call us if you need anything!
Copy !req
78. - Ah!
- What the deuce?
Copy !req
79. Where are my men?
- Good morning, Petey.
Copy !req
80. You are being babysat-on by me,
the king.
Copy !req
81. - Ringtail,
don't you recognize me?
Copy !req
82. It's Skipper.
Copy !req
83. I'm—what are you doing?
Copy !req
84. - Where did King Julien go?
Copy !req
85. Oh, no, he has disap—peekaboo.
Copy !req
86. Peekaboo! Peekaboo!
Copy !req
87. Peekaboo.
Copy !req
88. Peekaboo!
Copy !req
89. - Your childish ruse
is wasted, Ringtail.
Copy !req
90. I'm an elite—
Copy !req
91. where'd he go?
Copy !req
92. - Peekaboo!
- What the—
Copy !req
93. You should have been
seeing your face.
Copy !req
94. You were stupefied
by my mad booing skills.
Copy !req
95. - Note to self:
peekaboo defense drills.
Copy !req
96. - Homing device says
the ray is...
Copy !req
97. this way.
Copy !req
98. - I wonder
how the babysitter's doing.
Copy !req
99. - Shhhhh!
Copy !req
100. The royal airplane is—shhhh—
now coming in
Copy !req
101. for a land-shhhh-ding.
Copy !req
102. - Call a mayday, 'cause
you've got the wrong tarmac.
Copy !req
103. Penguins eat fish.
Copy !req
104. - Silly me,
I see what is the wrong here.
Copy !req
105. - Finally.
- The baby penguins
Copy !req
106. only eat the food
when the papa penguin
Copy !req
107. chews it up and spits it
into the baby's mouth.
Copy !req
108. Yeah, it sounds gross,
but, hey, who am I to judge?
Copy !req
109. - No, no, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
110. - Good, huh?
- No!
Copy !req
111. - Now, don't be bashful.
- Ugh!
Copy !req
112. - There you go.
Copy !req
113. - Ringtail, you're really
starting to get on my ner—
Copy !req
114. That was an accident.
Copy !req
115. But I'm glad it happened.
Copy !req
116. - Ooh, the baby gas.
Copy !req
117. Ugh, it is the most
smelliest thing
Copy !req
118. my nose has ever sniffed.
Copy !req
119. Mort, breathe it away.
Copy !req
120. - Okay.
Copy !req
121. I like—
Copy !req
122. uh, no, I don't.
Copy !req
123. Petey, what did I tell you?
Copy !req
124. Now, you cannot be
running away.
Copy !req
125. - According to my readings,
Copy !req
126. the ray gun should be located
Copy !req
127. - With us.
Copy !req
128. - That's our ray
beam gun thingy.
Copy !req
129. - No, it's our Fresherizer.
Copy !req
130. As long as we have this baby,
Copy !req
131. we'll never eat
rotten sewer food again.
Copy !req
132. - Good golly,
it works like a charm!
Copy !req
133. I mean, give it back,
dirty rats.
Copy !req
134. - Skipper's counting on us.
- Yeah.
Copy !req
135. - Objective secured.
Copy !req
136. Let's return to—huh?
Copy !req
137. - No one steals
our Freshinator.
Copy !req
138. - I thought we named it
Copy !req
139. - We had a meeting.
You weren't there.
Copy !req
140. - Um, Kowalski?
Copy !req
141. - Historically,
Skipper's the one
Copy !req
142. who defeats the Rat King.
Copy !req
143. Therefore, run for your lives!
Copy !req
144. - Rico, rat cannon.
Copy !req
145. Fortunately,
I devised an anti-rat missile
Copy !req
146. for this exact—
Copy !req
147. - Bye-bye, birdies.
Copy !req
148. - Petey!
Copy !req
149. It is being
your afternoon nappy time.
Copy !req
150. - You're not the boss of me.
Copy !req
151. - Ah, but my regal lullaby
Copy !req
152. will give you the snoozies
for sure.
Copy !req
153. - Well, we'll see
who outlasts who.
Copy !req
154. - Well, that only took
ten seconds.
Copy !req
155. At least these tiny flippers
are good for something.
Copy !req
156. It's not right.
Copy !req
157. All those years of training
and experience,
Copy !req
158. and now I'm a useless soldier!
Copy !req
159. It's not right.
Copy !req
160. It's not right!
Copy !req
161. Rocket fire!
Copy !req
162. No time for crybaby self-pity.
Copy !req
163. My team needs me.
Copy !req
164. Petey?
He is missing from my sight!
Copy !req
165. And he is leaking melon!
Copy !req
166. Ah! Your king is coming, Petey!
Copy !req
167. - What do you say, fellas?
Copy !req
168. Time to give 'em
the toxic bird bath?
Copy !req
169. - Bird bath!
- Bird bath!
Copy !req
170. Bird bath!
Copy !req
171. - It appears this is
our rookery's final mission.
Copy !req
172. - As Skipper would say,
"It's been an honor."
Copy !req
173. - Don't forget to scrub
behind your ears.
Copy !req
174. - You call that
a victory taunt?
Copy !req
175. - Skipper!
Copy !req
176. - Fear not, Private;
Copy !req
177. your leader has arrived.
Copy !req
178. - Skipper?
Copy !req
179. Wait, the boss penguin?
Copy !req
180. What happened, fluffy boy?
You fall in the dryer?
Copy !req
181. - Let's put baby to bed...
Copy !req
182. permanently.
Copy !req
183. - Petey!
Copy !req
184. Oh, dear!
Copy !req
185. Go, Petey.
Copy !req
186. Avenge me while I lay here
Copy !req
187. and pretend to be dead
so no one is hurting me again.
Copy !req
188. I see a light.
Copy !req
189. It's a light.
Copy !req
190. I'm coming, Papa.
Copy !req
191. - Let's finish this,
mano a baby-o.
Copy !req
192. - Oh, yeah?
Copy !req
193. What are you going to do with
those teeny weeny baby muscles?
Copy !req
194. - Rat face, I've got something
stronger than muscles:
Copy !req
195. my leadership.
Rico, grappling hook!
Copy !req
196. - I'll crush you all!
Copy !req
197. - Quick, toss me.
Copy !req
198. Catch me.
Copy !req
199. Burp me.
Copy !req
200. Throw me!
Copy !req
201. Spin me.
Copy !req
202. - Ha! Did you really think
Copy !req
203. I wouldn't catch
a tiny ball like you?
Copy !req
204. - I was counting on it.
Copy !req
205. - I call that one
"the baby boom."
Copy !req
206. - Now, that's a victory taunt.
Copy !req
207. - And this is nap time.
Copy !req
208. Aww.
Copy !req
209. - They grow up so fast.
Copy !req
210. I am now having
the empty nest.
Copy !req
211. - Ringtail, I owe you one.
Copy !req
212. You saved my fluffy butt
back there.
Copy !req
213. But I hope you now realize
who I really am.
Copy !req
214. I cannot be believing it!
Copy !req
215. - I knew you'd see the light.
Copy !req
216. - Petey!
Copy !req
217. You have gotten so good
at your Skipper impersonating.
Copy !req
218. - It's the breakout
that led to a stakeout
Copy !req
219. because there's a snake out.
Copy !req
220. Savio, the Hoboken Zoo's
vicious boa constrictor,
Copy !req
221. has escaped.
Copy !req
222. - Wait, why do I feel
I know that reptile?
Copy !req
223. - Ah! Snake belly! So dark.
Copy !req
224. Don't put me
in the monkey suit.
Copy !req
225. - Ooh.
Copy !req
226. - Savio, the fiendish serpent
Copy !req
227. who temporarily ate Private,
the lemurs, and Marlene.
Copy !req
228. - Right. I hated that guy.
Copy !req
229. - We go live to Bonnie Chang
on the scene.
Copy !req
230. Trash fires,
riots in the streets—
Copy !req
231. this snake escape really has
everyone on edge, eh, Bonnie?
Copy !req
232. No, Chuck, that's just Hoboken.
Copy !req
233. Back off, pal-io!
Copy !req
234. I'm packing a pipe wrench!
Copy !req
235. The boa was last seen
entering the Hudson River,
Copy !req
236. where it appeared to be
swimming toward Manhattan.
Copy !req
237. - You don't think
Savio's still mad
Copy !req
238. we had him shipped back
to Hoboken?
Copy !req
239. - As every herpetologist knows,
Copy !req
240. this breed of boa
Copy !req
241. has an insatiable thirst
for vengeance,
Copy !req
242. nursing a grudge for months
Copy !req
243. before wreaking
its hideous retribution.
Copy !req
244. - Move out, you Nancy cats.
Copy !req
245. - Wait, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Copy !req
246. You think Savio's
coming after us?
Copy !req
247. - But that's crazy.
Copy !req
248. Most of us were his victims.
Copy !req
249. - Don't try and make sense
of revenge, Marlene.
Copy !req
250. It cheapens it.
Copy !req
251. - What do we do?
Copy !req
252. - Wait, I've got an idea.
Copy !req
253. A sandwich...
Copy !req
254. that you ride like a horse.
Copy !req
255. But think about it.
Copy !req
256. - According to my projections,
Copy !req
257. Savio will hit this zoo
in three hours.
Copy !req
258. - Luckily, that vengeful maniac
is forgetting one thing:
Copy !req
259. we've still got big gray
on our side.
Copy !req
260. Ready for another
Savio pounding, long trunks?
Copy !req
261. - You bet,
Copy !req
262. just as soon as I open
Copy !req
263. this mysterious package
Copy !req
264. I got from Hoboken.
Copy !req
265. - Oh, it's Ho—not Hoboken!
Copy !req
266. - Don't open that!
- No, don't open it!
Copy !req
267. - Um, Savio sends his regards.
Copy !req
268. A-booga-booga-booga!
Copy !req
269. - Taking out
the biggest threat first.
Copy !req
270. Well played, Savio.
Copy !req
271. - Well, clearly,
he is a vengeful genius,
Copy !req
272. and we are all doomed.
Copy !req
273. - I am panicking!
Copy !req
274. - Whoa, girl!
Easy, little tuna melt.
Copy !req
275. - Ow!
Copy !req
276. - Sorry, people,
Copy !req
277. but when no one listens
to reason,
Copy !req
278. I'm forced to speak
the language of flung nuts.
Copy !req
279. - This one said hello
to my nose hole.
Copy !req
280. - We can still take Savio
Copy !req
281. but only as a united front.
Copy !req
282. Nobody cracks.
No one does anything stupid.
Copy !req
283. - What are you all so
scaredy pantsless about this?
Copy !req
284. I say we take this Savio
Copy !req
285. and then we punch him
in the face!
Copy !req
286. - So as usual, ignore
everything the Ringtail says—
Copy !req
287. did I hear some gung ho
in that gobbledygook?
Copy !req
288. - If by "gung ho," you mean
Copy !req
289. I'm gonna hold up this Savio
Copy !req
290. and smack him around like—uh.
Copy !req
291. Oh, yeah, baby. That's—yeah.
Copy !req
292. - You're seriously not scared?
Copy !req
293. - Are we still talking
about Savio?
Copy !req
294. - Yeah, big deal.
Copy !req
295. Long booty,
Copy !req
296. fancy continental accent
he thinks is so classy.
Copy !req
297. Pah! Bring him on to me.
Copy !req
298. Bring him!
Copy !req
299. Ain't so bad. Ain't so bad.
Copy !req
300. Ain't gonna be no rematch.
Copy !req
301. Come on.
Copy !req
302. - All right,
give me two-man teams.
Copy !req
303. Establish perimeter defenses.
Copy !req
304. I want this zoo wired hotter
than a Brazilian Hanukkah.
Copy !req
305. Go!
Copy !req
306. Now, I'll need
a cool, fearless head
Copy !req
307. as my own bunker buddy.
Copy !req
308. Ringtail, I can't believe
I'm gonna say this,
Copy !req
309. but that guy is you.
Copy !req
310. - Partner hug.
- Oh, no.
Copy !req
311. - All right, Ringtail.
Copy !req
312. I'm thinking
a three-layer defense grid.
Copy !req
313. Level one: the minefield.
Copy !req
314. - Okay, what's next?
Copy !req
315. - Well, we take the clear path
through the minefield
Copy !req
316. to the others, and then...
- What?
Copy !req
317. - Level two:
electrified fence.
Copy !req
318. - Not my fault.
Copy !req
319. - Level three: motor tubes
Copy !req
320. loaded with
pure knockout spray,
Copy !req
321. the "coupe de gras."
Copy !req
322. - No, no, no, no, no.
Copy !req
323. - What do you say, soldier?
Copy !req
324. - I say...
Copy !req
325. Hey, Savio, who's gonna
save you from that?
Copy !req
326. - Ooh, taunting approved.
Copy !req
327. I don't know where this 180
of courage came from, Ringtail,
Copy !req
328. but I'm digging it.
Copy !req
329. - Yeah, yeah,
I was pretty awesome just now.
Copy !req
330. - All right, men and Marlene.
Copy !req
331. Some of you, I know,
are wondering
Copy !req
332. whether or not
you'll chicken out under fire.
Copy !req
333. Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
334. - When you put your hand
into a bunch of goo
Copy !req
335. that used to be
your best friend's face
Copy !req
336. but then you realize,
Copy !req
337. "Wait, that's just
an ice cream sandwich
Copy !req
338. shaped like a clown—"
Copy !req
339. you'll know what to do!
Copy !req
340. - I like old Julien.
Copy !req
341. - Who wanted to kick you
to the snake
Copy !req
342. just to give himself
time to run?
Copy !req
343. - Any foot touching
is good foot touching.
Copy !req
344. - He's hit the mines.
Copy !req
345. Forward positions.
Copy !req
346. - No visual yet, but—
Copy !req
347. He's cleared the mine field.
Copy !req
348. I lost him, Skipper.
Copy !req
349. - Fall back, Private.
Copy !req
350. Shock unit, talk to me.
Copy !req
351. - Electrified fence
still operative, Skipp—
Copy !req
352. He's in the walls.
He's in the walls!
Copy !req
353. - Fall back!
Gassy-lassie, you're up.
Copy !req
354. - Okay, I did not agree
to that code name.
Copy !req
355. I—
Copy !req
356. - Is he out?
Copy !req
357. Hiss!
Copy !req
358. - All units, doomsday position!
Copy !req
359. Move it, Ringtail!
Copy !req
360. - Aye, Skip-king!
Copy !req
361. - Shields up.
Copy !req
362. We drilled for this, people.
Copy !req
363. Just maintain the circle.
Copy !req
364. - Remember,
this Savio is nothing.
Copy !req
365. He is—
Copy !req
366. Hello.
Copy !req
367. - Snake!
Copy !req
368. Savio is the snake?
Copy !req
369. I thought it was that guy.
Copy !req
370. You know, big teeth,
long booty.
Copy !req
371. - I'm my own kind of beautiful.
Copy !req
372. - Oh, shut up with the fancy
continental accent already!
Copy !req
373. You aren't impressing anybody!
Copy !req
374. - Aw, shields, how adorable.
Copy !req
375. I could just eat you up.
Copy !req
376. - Stand fast.
Copy !req
377. As long as there are
no gaps in the circle—
Copy !req
378. - Gotta go not be eaten.
Love you, bye!
Copy !req
379. - Aw, ham steak.
Copy !req
380. - Since when does the inside
of a snake belly
Copy !req
381. look like the garage?
Copy !req
382. - Do not worry, succulent one.
Copy !req
383. Soon you will
all be consumed...
Copy !req
384. with admiration
Copy !req
385. when I tell you
of my plan for revenge.
Copy !req
386. I'm going to swallow you
one by one
Copy !req
387. so the last shall see
his friends go before him.
Copy !req
388. - Ew.
Copy !req
389. - And then I will regurgitate
and swallow you again
Copy !req
390. but this time in reverse order
so no one feels left out
Copy !req
391. of the "watch everybody else
get eaten" thing.
Copy !req
392. - Well, uh, you know,
way to make it your own.
Copy !req
393. - I like to take the time
to chew...
Copy !req
394. on my ideas.
Copy !req
395. But we're still one lemur short
of a full revenge set,
Copy !req
396. and so, until I return...
Copy !req
397. ciao.
Copy !req
398. That was also a reference
to the fact
Copy !req
399. that I'm going to eat you.
Copy !req
400. - We got it.
Copy !req
401. - Fantastic.
Copy !req
402. Eh, hello.
Copy !req
403. - Ringtail?
Copy !req
404. - Quick, I think I can
guide you to pick this lock.
Copy !req
405. Now, it's a wafer tumbler model
Copy !req
406. with at least seven variable
Copy !req
407. - Yeah, that sounds hard.
Copy !req
408. Uh, I'm here for more of
the last request sort of thing.
Copy !req
409. So okay, I got the banjo.
Copy !req
410. And if you feel snacky,
Copy !req
411. there's some day-old
poppity corn over there.
Copy !req
412. - Do you know "Ave Maria?"
Copy !req
413. - Boring!
Copy !req
414. This one is way better.
Copy !req
415. Check it out, y'all.
Copy !req
416. - I knew you had
your flaws, Ringtail,
Copy !req
417. but even at your worst moments,
Copy !req
418. I never pegged you for
a yellow-bellied, slimy coward.
Copy !req
419. - Okay, wow.
Copy !req
420. Uh, that stings.
Copy !req
421. It's like
you never really knew me.
Copy !req
422. Anyhoo, peace out, my peoples.
Copy !req
423. - Ah, the complete buffet.
Copy !req
424. - Ah! It's the snake!
Copy !req
425. - No, not that way.
Copy !req
426. - Stand tall, Ringtail.
Copy !req
427. You've got to decide what kind
of man you're gonna be.
Copy !req
428. - Still the yellow-bellied
slime guy.
Copy !req
429. - At least he's going out
the way he lived:
Copy !req
430. stupid.
Copy !req
431. - Ha ha!
Copy !req
432. - Artificial butter flavor.
Copy !req
433. How tasteful of you.
Copy !req
434. Okay.
Copy !req
435. - Bye-bye!
Copy !req
436. - Boys, butter me up.
Copy !req
437. - Your leadership is impeccable
Copy !req
438. and your musk
is an intoxicating blend
Copy !req
439. of danger and—ooh!
Copy !req
440. Right.
Copy !req
441. - Whee-hee-hee!
Copy !req
442. Greasy, greasy.
Copy !req
443. - Julien! You did it!
Copy !req
444. - I cannot accept
your thank-yous,
Copy !req
445. 'cause they are cheap
and useless.
Copy !req
446. Give me something shiny,
Copy !req
447. - Men, return to base
for cleanup.
Copy !req
448. We've got grease
where no grease should ever go.
Copy !req
449. - And so snakeout ends,
as these things always do,
Copy !req
450. with the snake headed home
Copy !req
451. coated in buttery,
hydrogenated soy oil.
Copy !req
452. - I can't believe
yellow-bellied slimy cowardice
Copy !req
453. was really the answer.
Copy !req
454. - No, no,
this was a team victory.
Copy !req
455. There was me, the butter,
uh, me wearing the butter,
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456. you know, probably
the elephant or something.
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457. - The elephant!
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458. - This is Chuck Charles
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459. - Go time!
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460. Come on, where's that snake?
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461. I want Savio!
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