1. - Cute and cuddly, boys.
Copy !req
2. - Gentlemen, if I'm known
for one thing,
Copy !req
3. it's my patience.
Copy !req
4. - Hmm.
Copy !req
5. - Actually, Skipper,
I think—
Copy !req
6. - Patience!
Copy !req
7. I'm known for my
saint-like patience.
Copy !req
8. But this time those ringtails
have pushed me too far.
Copy !req
9. - It's bad enough
when they listen to music.
Copy !req
10. - But it's worse
when they make their own.
Copy !req
11. - This calls for measures.
Copy !req
12. The drasticker, the better-er.
Copy !req
13. - And where should I transfer
the lemurs?
Copy !req
14. - What's the furthest point
from us?
Copy !req
15. - The petting zoo.
Copy !req
16. - Yeah.
Copy !req
17. All those tiny grabby hands.
Copy !req
18. The nose-pickers.
Copy !req
19. The tail-tuggers.
Copy !req
20. It's bratatorial combat.
Copy !req
21. Ha-ha-ha!
Copy !req
22. The petting zoo!
I like it.
Copy !req
23. - Oh, who's gonna be
our new neighbor?
Copy !req
24. Can it be Roger?
I like Roger.
Copy !req
25. - Kowalski,
I'm in a giving mood.
Copy !req
26. Grant the boy's wish.
Copy !req
27. - Ah! Ah!
Copy !req
28. Ah.
Copy !req
29. Whoa! Ah!
Copy !req
30. - Hey, yo, Alice,
I don't know about this.
Copy !req
31. Computer says I'm supposed
to transfer the lemurs to—
Copy !req
32. - Are you questioning
the computer?
Copy !req
33. The same computer
that spits out our paychecks?
Copy !req
34. - Excellent point.
Copy !req
35. - No!
Copy !req
36. This is a mistaken thing.
Copy !req
37. We should not be
in this cage.
Copy !req
38. Well, maybe Mort.
Copy !req
39. - Hello?
- Hello, Roger.
Copy !req
40. Welcome to the neighborhood.
Copy !req
41. - Thank you, but I—
- You'll find your new home
Copy !req
42. is outfitted with all
the modern conveniences.
Copy !req
43. Tiki bar, bouncy,
Copy !req
44. We can fix that. Maybe.
Copy !req
45. - Rico, warm this house
with a tasteful gift.
Copy !req
46. Hey, Roger.
Copy !req
47. - Oh, very nice.
Copy !req
48. Very classy.
Thank you.
Copy !req
49. Thanks.
Um, could I ask one thing?
Copy !req
50. Doesn't someone else live here?
Copy !req
51. - Not anymore.
Copy !req
52. Everything in my kingly kingdom,
Copy !req
53. including my kingly kingdom,
is gone.
Copy !req
54. - Yeah, but we got other things.
Copy !req
55. - Yeah? Like what?
Copy !req
56. - I found a cotton ball doggy.
Copy !req
57. - Hey, quick question.
Copy !req
58. Is this guy one of yours?
Copy !req
59. - Mort, get off the sheep.
Copy !req
60. - Thanks. I'm Randy.
Copy !req
61. Welcome to the land
of 1,000 hands.
Copy !req
62. - Uh, yeah, yeah, you can keep
your welcomes, Randy,
Copy !req
63. because I will...
Copy !req
64. Not be...
Copy !req
65. staying...
Copy !req
66. phew.
Copy !req
67. Maurice, I am bushed.
Copy !req
68. You do the tunneling
to freedom.
Copy !req
69. - Why? I think
it's kind of nice here.
Copy !req
70. - Yes, but fortunately
I am king,
Copy !req
71. so you don't have to think.
Copy !req
72. You only have to do.
Copy !req
73. And now what I, your king,
wants you to be doing
Copy !req
74. is dig, dig, dig—
Copy !req
75. Eh, Maurice,
why are they doing
Copy !req
76. what I am telling you
to be doing?
Copy !req
77. - Because you're the king,
Copy !req
78. - Obviously.
Copy !req
79. With a tail like that?
Copy !req
80. - Only a king could have
a tail so magnificent.
Copy !req
81. - Yay for the king!
Copy !req
82. - I'm sorry, but King Julien
already has someone
Copy !req
83. who blindly follows him—
Copy !req
84. wah!
Copy !req
85. - We're staying.
- Yay!
Copy !req
86. - You hear that, boys?
Copy !req
87. That's the sweet sound
of lemur-free living.
Copy !req
88. - Ah!
Copy !req
89. - Ow.
Copy !req
90. - Roger, are you okay?
Copy !req
91. - Well, guys, no.
No, I'm not.
Copy !req
92. It's just this habitat.
Copy !req
93. It simply doesn't have
the amount of swimmable water
Copy !req
94. that a wide-bodied boy
like myself needs.
Copy !req
95. - We've got plenty of water
in our pool.
Copy !req
96. - Yeah, dip your skinnies
any time you want, neighbor.
Copy !req
97. Our habitat es su habitat.
Copy !req
98. - Cannonball!
Copy !req
99. - Ah!
Copy !req
100. - Ah! Toxic gas!
Copy !req
101. Evacuate!
Copy !req
102. - It's... Stuck.
Copy !req
103. Let us out of here!
Copy !req
104. - Help!
- Open up now!
Copy !req
105. That's an order!
Copy !req
106. - Oh, no fish.
Copy !req
107. - I don't understand it.
Copy !req
108. - What happened to our lunch?
Copy !req
109. - Guys, you're the best.
You're the best.
Copy !req
110. Leaving that bowl
of fish for me?
Copy !req
111. You're the best.
Copy !req
112. What was that anyway?
Was that mackerel?
Copy !req
113. - This presentation
on Dr. Blowhole's lair
Copy !req
114. is classified
triple top secret
Copy !req
115. for your eyes only and—
Copy !req
116. - Guys, guys! Ooh.
Copy !req
117. Sorry about that.
Copy !req
118. No problem.
Copy !req
119. I just spent three
painstaking weeks building it.
Copy !req
120. - Listen. I'm working
on an original musical,
Copy !req
121. "Gator in the Park," okay?
Copy !req
122. And I'm not sure
which lyric is better,
Copy !req
123. "I have lots of teeth
at the end of my snout,"
Copy !req
124. or, "If you call me cruel names,
I'm likely to pout."
Copy !req
125. Ooh, now that I say it out loud,
Copy !req
126. it should definitely be
the second one.
Copy !req
127. Okay, thanks, guys.
Copy !req
128. - Man, I'm beginning
to see a flaw in this plan.
Copy !req
129. - Why do they get
to touch the royal feet?
Copy !req
130. - Because, Mort,
they have soft, furry paws.
Copy !req
131. - But I have soft,
furry paws too.
Copy !req
132. - Yes, but they are also cute
and adorable.
Copy !req
133. - But I am cute
and adorable too.
Copy !req
134. - Mm, yeah, I'm just gonna
bottom line this for you.
Copy !req
135. They're not you.
Copy !req
136. - Stupid bunnies.
Copy !req
137. - Good news, lemurs.
You're going back home.
Copy !req
138. - Hooray!
Copy !req
139. - Uh, maybe you penguins
are confused.
Copy !req
140. We are home.
Copy !req
141. - What, this?
Copy !req
142. This isn't your home.
Copy !req
143. - You belong in
a habitat customized
Copy !req
144. to your specific lemurish needs.
Copy !req
145. - Uh, no, this petting zoo
is much betterer.
Copy !req
146. Look, I've got
way more subjects.
Copy !req
147. - Ooh.
Copy !req
148. Bunnies.
Copy !req
149. - And they do everything
he wants
Copy !req
150. so I don't have to.
Copy !req
151. - Yes, when I saw hop—
Copy !req
152. - They say, "How high?"
Copy !req
153. - Uh, no, they just hop.
Copy !req
154. Maximum height is a given.
Copy !req
155. Hop, Fluffy.
Copy !req
156. - See? Mad hops.
Copy !req
157. So to be honest,
we really miss the old kingdom
Copy !req
158. not so much.
Copy !req
159. - I do.
Copy !req
160. - Forget it.
Copy !req
161. We didn't need
their permission before.
Copy !req
162. We don't need it now.
Copy !req
163. - Permission? Before?
Copy !req
164. - Fellows, it's time to undue
this neighbor swap fiasco.
Copy !req
165. - Just a few keystrokes.
Copy !req
166. - Uh-uh-uh.
Copy !req
167. I was expecting this kind
Copy !req
168. of sneaky peter tricking
from you penguins.
Copy !req
169. Touch that computing thingy
Copy !req
170. and face the wrath
of my newest subjects.
Copy !req
171. - What, cute bunnies?
Copy !req
172. - If I am telling them to open
up a can of "whup penguin,"
Copy !req
173. then this can will be opened.
Copy !req
174. - Believe you me.
Copy !req
175. - You can't be serious.
Copy !req
176. You want us to be afraid
of Fluffy?
Copy !req
177. Ooh!
Copy !req
178. - Ah!
Copy !req
179. - Hee-yah!
Copy !req
180. - Ah—
Copy !req
181. Ah! Ah!
Copy !req
182. - No, no!
Copy !req
183. - Wow. I was totally bluffing
back there.
Copy !req
184. I had no idea you really had
such sick booty-kicking skills.
Copy !req
185. Tell you what.
Copy !req
186. Baby carrots for everyone,
that's what.
Copy !req
187. - Yay for carrots!
Copy !req
188. - Punches.
Copy !req
189. They were so cottony.
Copy !req
190. - It was like a macabre ballet
of adorability
Copy !req
191. and pain.
Copy !req
192. - Well, on the bright side,
Copy !req
193. at least we don't
have Julien singing anymore.
Copy !req
194. Oh, oh, boy.
Copy !req
195. Oh, I hit a clam.
Hold up.
Copy !req
196. Ahhhh!
Copy !req
197. - What up, birds?
Copy !req
198. - We're looking for weakness
in the enemy.
Copy !req
199. - The little tyrant, huh?
Copy !req
200. Yeah, last night he told me
Copy !req
201. to "surrender my
puffy wooliness unto him."
Copy !req
202. Just about surrendered
my hoof unto his—
Copy !req
203. - Then our goals are the same.
Copy !req
204. The only question is the means.
Copy !req
205. - Hey.
Copy !req
206. You remember how I got kicked
out of here, don't you?
Copy !req
207. - Sure, you did a pearly white
puncture job on a kid.
Copy !req
208. - I don't think we'll ever get
Julien to bite a zoo visitor.
Copy !req
209. - Well, who says it has
to be him?
Copy !req
210. - Randy, underneath
that sweater beats
Copy !req
211. the heart of a wolf.
Copy !req
212. - I bite the people,
and then we go home?
Copy !req
213. - Just a nibble.
No skin breakage.
Copy !req
214. - And stupid bunnies
stay here?
Copy !req
215. - Exactly.
Copy !req
216. - I'm gonna bite the peoples!
Copy !req
217. - I want two choco bombs,
Copy !req
218. five gum breakers,
and a large slurp soda.
Copy !req
219. - Ooh, and zippy sticks.
Copy !req
220. Ten zippy sticks.
Copy !req
221. - Skipper, the Vesuvius Twins
are sugaring up.
Copy !req
222. Then they'll be en route
to the petting zoo.
Copy !req
223. - Ten-four, Kowalski.
Copy !req
224. The Vesuvius Twins—perfect.
Copy !req
225. If anyone deserves
Mort's might bite,
Copy !req
226. it's Park Avenue's brattiest.
Copy !req
227. - Uh-oh, I'm stuck.
Copy !req
228. - Get him off of there.
Copy !req
229. We need those choppers.
Copy !req
230. - All right, animals.
Copy !req
231. - For petting.
Copy !req
232. - Pull.
The biting window is closing.
Copy !req
233. - Find your happy place.
Copy !req
234. - Ooh, look at those.
Copy !req
235. Monkey things.
Copy !req
236. - Ooh, fresh meat.
Copy !req
237. - I've changed my mind.
Copy !req
238. I don't like
the petting zoo anymore.
Copy !req
239. - We'll protect you,
Your Majesty.
Copy !req
240. - Puh-ha-ha.
From what?
Copy !req
241. These humans are obviously
bringing tributes
Copy !req
242. of tasty snacks
to the petting zoo king.
Copy !req
243. Eh, I accept your offerings.
Copy !req
244. - Ah!
Copy !req
245. This thing is attacking me!
Copy !req
246. - Get it off!
Get it off!
Copy !req
247. Oh, brain freeze.
Copy !req
248. - No, no, Mrs. Vesuvius.
Copy !req
249. Lemurs shouldn't even be
in the petting zoo.
Copy !req
250. Frankly, I don't even know how
Copy !req
251. they got there
in the first place.
Copy !req
252. Stupid computer.
Copy !req
253. - Mission accomplished, boys.
Copy !req
254. - Hooray!
Copy !req
255. - No! I do not want
this kingdom!
Copy !req
256. Take me back
to my petting kingdom.
Copy !req
257. I order you.
Copy !req
258. Please.
Copy !req
259. - Aw, guys.
Copy !req
260. I'll sure miss
our next door neighborliness.
Copy !req
261. - Right, not gonna be the same.
Copy !req
262. - Still, I can drop by anytime,
go for a swim,
Copy !req
263. sing some showtunes.
Copy !req
264. - Oh, uh...
Copy !req
265. - Oh, yeah, yeah, great.
Just—just call first.
Copy !req
266. - But I don't have a phone.
Copy !req
267. - Oh, neither do we. Later.
Copy !req
268. - Now, that's
a fine-looking poop deck.
Copy !req
269. I mean, usually I have trouble
with my poop decks,
Copy !req
270. but this poop deck—
Copy !req
271. Uh. Oh.
Copy !req
272. - Rico, pass me
the final hull section.
Copy !req
273. - Uh—
- Come on, come on, last piece.
Copy !req
274. Let's cork this vessel.
Copy !req
275. - Last piece...
Copy !req
276. missing.
Copy !req
277. Weeks of work wasted.
Copy !req
278. - Skipper.
Copy !req
279. - Kowalski, cover
the Private's ears.
Copy !req
280. I intend to use my angry words.
Copy !req
281. Bouillabaisse!
Copy !req
282. - Wow.
Copy !req
283. - I still heard.
Copy !req
284. - Yes, we can give you
the manufacturer's address.
Copy !req
285. We're just not sure
why you need it.
Copy !req
286. - Primate, this is
a payback operation.
Copy !req
287. Missing piece payback.
Copy !req
288. The less you know,
the better.
Copy !req
289. - Phil insists there
are no missing pieces.
Copy !req
290. Apparently your model
is the S.S. Fiskinlukt.
Copy !req
291. - Denmark.
- Actually Norway.
Copy !req
292. - You don't have a problem
with the Norwegians,
Copy !req
293. do you, Skipper?
- No, I'm ambivalent
Copy !req
294. towards those fjord-loving
Copy !req
295. sons of Vikings.
Copy !req
296. - They did invent
the cheese slicer.
Copy !req
297. - Well, point for Norway.
Copy !req
298. - 100 years ago,
the Fiskinlukt sank
Copy !req
299. in the New York Bay
with a full catch
Copy !req
300. of brine-preserved herring.
Copy !req
301. - Oh, a full catch?
Copy !req
302. Of tender,
mouth-watering herring?
Copy !req
303. - Fish.
Copy !req
304. - Your missing piece represents
the breach
Copy !req
305. that sank the mighty vessel—
Copy !req
306. a solemn reminder
of man's fragile...
Copy !req
307. - And you're still thinking
about the herring, aren't you?
Copy !req
308. - An entire sunken
fishing vessel
Copy !req
309. ripe for undersea retrieval.
Copy !req
310. - "Ripe" is indeed the word,
Copy !req
311. After 100 years of aging
in brine,
Copy !req
312. that herring
should taste somewhere
Copy !req
313. between nectar of the gods
and slap your mama delicious.
Copy !req
314. - Ooh! Ooh!
Copy !req
315. - Dial down the psycho,
Copy !req
316. There's a time and a place
for that kind of madness.
Copy !req
317. - Really? When is the—
Copy !req
318. - 18 minutes from now.
Copy !req
319. In the lower New York Bay.
Copy !req
320. - Curse these Norwegian charts.
Copy !req
321. I mean, who measures
in metric beard lengths?
Copy !req
322. - Nothing on sonar, Skipper.
Copy !req
323. - Steady.
Copy !req
324. Just get us within five clicks
of that wreck.
Copy !req
325. Rico's uncanny fish sense
should kick in any—
Copy !req
326. Ah!
Copy !req
327. Fish!
Copy !req
328. - Mr. Kowalski,
hard to port.
Copy !req
329. Follow that beak.
Copy !req
330. - Beak!
Copy !req
331. - Stop.
Copy !req
332. - There she lies.
Copy !req
333. Kowalski,
herring salvage options.
Copy !req
334. - Touchy operation, Skipper.
Copy !req
335. After a century of saltwater,
Copy !req
336. that crate could fall apart
with the slightest jarring.
Copy !req
337. The key words here
are slow, deliberate—
Copy !req
338. - Oh, bad Rico! Bad Rico!
Copy !req
339. - Torpedo one.
Copy !req
340. - Sweet chester nibbets!
Copy !req
341. Oh, man.
Copy !req
342. - Steady, steady.
Copy !req
343. - His fault.
- Wow!
Copy !req
344. - Whoa, whoa, whoa,
ho, Rico!
Copy !req
345. This is what I'm talking about,
Copy !req
346. There's plenty of fish
to go around
Copy !req
347. as long as everyone shows
a little self-discipline.
Copy !req
348. - Ah!
Copy !req
349. Oh, Skipper, you have got
to try this herring.
Copy !req
350. - Don't mind if I do.
Copy !req
351. - Huh?
Copy !req
352. - Oh, giggle.
Copy !req
353. - Ah.
Copy !req
354. Wah!
Copy !req
355. Ha-ha-ha!
Copy !req
356. I got you—what?
Copy !req
357. - Oh.
Copy !req
358. Mm, satisfying.
Copy !req
359. - See, Rico,
plenty to go around.
Copy !req
360. Everybody good?
You good? You good?
Copy !req
361. Great, outstanding.
Copy !req
362. - Gentlemen, send your
taste buds into retirement.
Copy !req
363. There will never be another
flavor extravaganza like that
Copy !req
364. in our lifetime.
Copy !req
365. - That herring was so good,
Copy !req
366. it's making me crave
even more fish.
Copy !req
367. Seriously, though,
good fish.
Copy !req
368. - Still hungry, Rico?
Copy !req
369. I don't know how you could eat
ordinary sardines
Copy !req
370. after all
that delicious herring.
Copy !req
371. - Sardines?
Copy !req
372. Fish!
- Whoa! Hey!
Copy !req
373. - Hey!
- Private!
Copy !req
374. - Explain yourself, soldier.
Copy !req
375. - Fish!
Copy !req
376. - Kowalski, analysis.
Copy !req
377. - Crazy eyes.
Copy !req
378. Babbling tongue.
Copy !req
379. - Fish!
Copy !req
380. - Uh-uh!
Copy !req
381. - Egad.
Copy !req
382. I believe our Norwegian herring
was a bit too aged.
Copy !req
383. - Never, ever blame
the fish, Kowalski.
Copy !req
384. - But don't you see?
Copy !req
385. Private's contracted
Bacterial Pisces Dementia,
Copy !req
386. a rare brain disease
that's turning him
Copy !req
387. into a fish-craving psychopath.
Copy !req
388. - Hey, that's my thing.
Copy !req
389. - Yeah, we don't need
two of those.
Copy !req
390. Can he be cured?
Copy !req
391. - It should wear off
in 24 hours,
Copy !req
392. as long as he doesn't feed
the disease.
Copy !req
393. That means no more fish
of any kind.
Copy !req
394. Private ingests so much
as a single sardine,
Copy !req
395. he'll be like this forever.
Copy !req
396. - Fish!
Copy !req
397. Fish!
Copy !req
398. - Wah!
- Fish!
Copy !req
399. Fish!
Copy !req
400. Fish!
- Stop that.
Copy !req
401. - Well, on the bright side,
Copy !req
402. maybe this will teach Private
not to overindulge
Copy !req
403. in so much brined herring.
Copy !req
404. - Wait, did you eat as much
as he did?
Copy !req
405. - Why, yes, I dooby-dooby did!
Copy !req
406. Fish!
Copy !req
407. - No.
Copy !req
408. - Looks like we're on
psycho patrol, amigo.
Copy !req
409. No fish for these two
for the next 24 hours.
Copy !req
410. - Uh, what about you?
Copy !req
411. - Luckily, my iron constitution
Copy !req
412. seems to have made me immune
to this Pisces Dementia.
Copy !req
413. - Oh.
Copy !req
414. - Seriously.
Copy !req
415. No effect.
Copy !req
416. Ironclad constitution.
Copy !req
417. - Ah!
Copy !req
418. - Fish!
Copy !req
419. - Ah!
Copy !req
420. Uh-uh-uh.
Copy !req
421. No fish.
Copy !req
422. - Feeding time.
Copy !req
423. - Fish!
Copy !req
424. - Eat up,
you disgusting animals.
Copy !req
425. - Wah!
Copy !req
426. - Aw.
Copy !req
427. - Fish!
- Ah, oh.
Copy !req
428. - Since when
did we get four Ricos?
Copy !req
429. - Hey, what?
Copy !req
430. How come did nobody tell me
it was impressionation Tuesday?
Copy !req
431. I call I get to be Maurice.
Copy !req
432. "Eh, eh,
hey, everybody.
Copy !req
433. Stop having fun
because I'm bored, heh.
Copy !req
434. And you should be bored too.
Copy !req
435. - I do not talk like that.
Copy !req
436. - Yes. You. Do.
Copy !req
437. - Now, that's just
your robot voice.
Copy !req
438. - End. Transmission.
Copy !req
439. - And I be the King Julien,
Copy !req
440. which means...
Copy !req
441. the feet!
Copy !req
442. - Hey, Baron von Greedenstein,
Copy !req
443. save some for the rest
of the flock.
Copy !req
444. - Ooh!
Copy !req
445. - Oh.
- Oh.
Copy !req
446. - Oh.
Copy !req
447. - Whoa!
- Ooh, kebabs.
Copy !req
448. - Yah!
Copy !req
449. - Great. All full then?
Copy !req
450. - Whatever, freaks.
Copy !req
451. - Uh-uh. No fish.
Copy !req
452. - Yo, zookeeper lady,
Copy !req
453. where do you want this truckload
of fresh cod fillets?
Copy !req
454. - Aw, no.
Copy !req
455. - Fish!
Copy !req
456. Fish!
Copy !req
457. - This ain't happening.
This ain't happening.
Copy !req
458. - Fish!
Copy !req
459. - Get off!
Copy !req
460. Pull the car over.
Copy !req
461. - Ah!
Copy !req
462. Ah!
Copy !req
463. No...
Copy !req
464. fish.
Copy !req
465. - All right, people, that tuna
ain't gonna can itself.
Copy !req
466. - Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
467. - No.
Copy !req
468. Oh.
Copy !req
469. - Feed me!
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470. Yeah, yeah, yeah, you go ahead.
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471. Suckers.
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472. - Owee. Owee.
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473. - Owee.
- Owee.
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474. - Owee. Owee.
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475. Owee. Owee.
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476. - Rico.
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477. Why is my mouth crunchy?
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478. - Ha-ha-ha-ha!
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479. - Whoa!
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480. - And so for conspicuous bravery
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481. in the face of, uh,
himself times three,
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482. I hereby award Rico
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483. this ceremonial
smoked Alaskan salmon.
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484. - I think we all learned
something today
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485. about unrestrained gluttony.
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486. - Gimme, gimme, gimme!
Mine, mine, mine!
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487. - It's Rico's thing.
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