1. - Cute and cuddly, boys.
Copy !req
2. - Men, no training tonight.
Copy !req
3. It's game night.
Copy !req
4. - Trivia.
Let's play trivia.
Copy !req
5. I dominate trivia.
Copy !req
6. - Oh. Can we play Simon says
this week?
Copy !req
7. - Yes. Simon says
we play trivia.
Copy !req
8. - Dreamy date.
Dreamy date.
Copy !req
9. - No, no, no, men.
Copy !req
10. We're not playing any of those
Copy !req
11. admittedly delightful
Copy !req
12. We're playing... hot potato.
Copy !req
13. Eenie...
Copy !req
14. meenie...
Copy !req
15. miney... Rico.
Copy !req
16. - Here you go.
Copy !req
17. - Oh, come on!
Copy !req
18. Okay, think, Kowalski.
Copy !req
19. Oh, Private?
Copy !req
20. Private, where are you?
Copy !req
21. - I don't have the bomb.
Copy !req
22. I just want to share
your hiding space.
Copy !req
23. - And, also, your lunacorn
fan club kit just arrived.
Copy !req
24. - With the rainbow-scented
mouse pad?
Copy !req
25. - No give-backs.
- Gah!
Copy !req
26. Hot potato.
Copy !req
27. Oh, dear.
Copy !req
28. - Hot potato?
Copy !req
29. Is that what you maniacs call
destroying someone's home?
Copy !req
30. - No, but in certain parts
of Mongolia
Copy !req
31. destroying someone's yurt
is called "tepid yam."
Copy !req
32. I wanted to play trivia.
Copy !req
33. - Leonard,
it was a freak accident.
Copy !req
34. The odds of your habitat
incurring damage were...
Copy !req
35. what were they again, Kowalski?
Copy !req
36. - Uh, one in three.
- Right.
Copy !req
37. I think we can all agree,
that was a risk worth taking.
Copy !req
38. - Leave me alone.
Copy !req
39. - I'm sure the zoo will have
this hole patched up in no time.
Copy !req
40. You'll see.
Copy !req
41. Damage is structural.
Copy !req
42. I must knock down whole habitat.
Start fresh.
Copy !req
43. Big job.
Copy !req
44. - Nuts.
Copy !req
45. I'll have to move the koala
somewhere in the meantime.
Copy !req
46. Maybe he'd get along with
the kangaroo.
Copy !req
47. I mean, they're both
from Austria.
Copy !req
48. - You mean Australia, ya?
Copy !req
49. - There's a difference?
Copy !req
50. - Leonard and Joey together?
Copy !req
51. - Ay-yi-yi.
Copy !req
52. - I calculate the odds of
Leonard surviving that scenario
Copy !req
53. at 100%.
Copy !req
54. - Really?
Copy !req
55. - No, wait, I was holding it
upside down.
Copy !req
56. That's 0%
with an exclamation point.
Copy !req
57. - Somehow I feel this
is partially our fault.
Copy !req
58. - It's entirely our fault.
Copy !req
59. - Let's not point fingers
we don't have, Private.
Copy !req
60. Anywho, we better smooth this
over with the hoppy marsupial.
Copy !req
61. Listen up, Joey, Boopie,
Copy !req
62. we've got some new—
Copy !req
63. - Flee!
Copy !req
64. - Oh!
Copy !req
65. - Oh!
Copy !req
66. - Joey don't like visitors.
- Um...
Copy !req
67. then I don't imagine you'd fancy
a— roommate?
Copy !req
68. - A roommate?
Copy !req
69. - Yeah, that might be a fair go.
Copy !req
70. - Is that a yes?
Copy !req
71. - Sure. It gets lonely being
the only 'roo in the zoo.
Copy !req
72. So who is this Sheila?
Copy !req
73. - Sheila?
- Yeah, you know, girl.
Copy !req
74. Joey's got a hungry heart,
just like everyone else.
Copy !req
75. - Um, well,
it's not quite a Sheila.
Copy !req
76. - Ooh!
Copy !req
77. - Hurry. Hurry.
Copy !req
78. I do not want to miss a moment
of the melee in midtown.
Copy !req
79. The hostility in the habitat.
Copy !req
80. The big to-do in the...
Copy !req
81. zoo.
Copy !req
82. - Joey, this is Leonard.
Copy !req
83. Leonard, Joey.
Copy !req
84. - What are you birds
trying to pull?
Copy !req
85. That's no Sheila.
Copy !req
86. That's not even a kangaroo.
Copy !req
87. - Leonard is a koala.
Copy !req
88. - And I don't care what he is.
Copy !req
89. He's not staying here.
Copy !req
90. Now get out
before I throw you out.
Copy !req
91. Blimey.
I think this bloke's kicked.
Copy !req
92. - No, he's not.
Copy !req
93. He's... nocturnal.
Copy !req
94. He sleeps all day.
Copy !req
95. - Therefore, with your divergent
sleeping schedules,
Copy !req
96. you're interaction will be kept
at an absolute minimum.
Copy !req
97. - See, you'll hardly even know
he's here.
Copy !req
98. Heck, you can even use him as
a footstool if you want.
Copy !req
99. - Huh.
Copy !req
100. Well, maybe this will work
after all.
Copy !req
101. - Fantastic.
Copy !req
102. We can wash our hands of this
whole mess.
Copy !req
103. Roll out, men.
Copy !req
104. - Hmm, not bad.
Not bad at all.
Copy !req
105. - Ugh, I'm glad we didn't pay
top dollar for ringside seats.
Copy !req
106. What a day.
Copy !req
107. I slept like a little—
Copy !req
108. Who are you?
What are you?
Copy !req
109. Stay away.
I have claws.
Copy !req
110. Granted, they're mostly
for climbing.
Copy !req
111. But I'm clever.
Copy !req
112. I bet I could figure out how
to use them for self-defense.
Copy !req
113. - Calm down, you agro-fuzzer.
Copy !req
114. I'm your temporary habitat-mate.
Copy !req
115. - Well, that's, uh, swell.
Copy !req
116. I'm gonna go chew
some eucalyptus.
Copy !req
117. Want some?
Copy !req
118. - Listen, I don't want us
to hang about.
Copy !req
119. I don't want us to be pals.
Copy !req
120. I just want some sleep.
Copy !req
121. - Oh, okay.
Copy !req
122. See you in the morning.
Copy !req
123. - Huh?
Copy !req
124. What the?
Copy !req
125. - What?
Copy !req
126. - Oi, mate!
Copy !req
127. That's me bouncing ball.
Copy !req
128. - Blimey.
Copy !req
129. What was that?
Copy !req
130. - Sorry.
Copy !req
131. My claws must've popped it.
Copy !req
132. - My ball.
Copy !req
133. It was my favorite possession.
Copy !req
134. I loved this ball.
Copy !req
135. - Well, technically,
you still have the ball,
Copy !req
136. just not the air inside.
Copy !req
137. - Nice idea with the habitat
warming gift, Skipper.
Copy !req
138. But are you sure they like fish?
Copy !req
139. - Fish!
- Everybody likes fish, Private.
Copy !req
140. - Actually,
kangaroos are herbivores,
Copy !req
141. and koalas eat only
eucalyptus leaves.
Copy !req
142. I gotta do something
with all this trivia.
Copy !req
143. - Help!
Somebody, save me!
Copy !req
144. - Ditch the gift.
Copy !req
145. Let's roll.
Copy !req
146. Rico.
Copy !req
147. - Aww, come on.
Copy !req
148. - I can't hold on much longer.
Copy !req
149. - Rico, springs.
Copy !req
150. - Please help.
Copy !req
151. Anybody.
Copy !req
152. - Gotcha.
Copy !req
153. - Anybody but the penguins.
Copy !req
154. No penguins!
Copy !req
155. - Huh?
Copy !req
156. - Relax, nocturnal marsupial.
Copy !req
157. You're safe now.
Copy !req
158. - Not so high.
Not so fast.
Copy !req
159. - Don't tell me you're afraid
of heights.
Copy !req
160. - No.
Copy !req
161. I'm getting motion sickness.
Copy !req
162. - Eww.
Copy !req
163. Well, it lasted longer
than I thought it would.
Copy !req
164. - Why are you penguins
trying to ruin my life?
Copy !req
165. I was perfectly fine
until you blew up my home.
Copy !req
166. - Were you, Leonard?
Copy !req
167. Really?
Copy !req
168. Or were you a sad, lonely shell
of a beast?
Copy !req
169. - Yes.
Copy !req
170. And I was happy that way.
Copy !req
171. - I'm gonna clobber you
Copy !req
172. until your ivories
make like a necklace.
Copy !req
173. - Retreat!
Copy !req
174. - Hurry. Hurry.
Copy !req
175. It is so on.
Copy !req
176. - The sewer?
Copy !req
177. Ah, no, sorry.
Copy !req
178. Do you know what's down there?
Copy !req
179. Ah!
Copy !req
180. - Oh, you think Joey's afraid
to get his paws dirty, do ya?
Copy !req
181. Ugh!
Copy !req
182. - This event was so over-hyped.
Copy !req
183. - Oi!
Copy !req
184. Me backside's all bogged.
Copy !req
185. - Oh, not so tough now,
are you, big guy?
Copy !req
186. - Leonard, hightail it.
Copy !req
187. - And what's with the referring
to yourself in the third person?
Copy !req
188. "Oi, Joey's gonna say something
loud and stupid."
Copy !req
189. Do you ever listen
to your words?
Copy !req
190. Typical kangaroo!
Copy !req
191. - Leonard!
Copy !req
192. - You can take the boy out
of the outback...
Copy !req
193. - Now!
Copy !req
194. - But you can't take the back
out of the boy's... back.
Copy !req
195. Something like that.
Give me a minute.
Copy !req
196. I'll get it.
Copy !req
197. "You can take the outback
out of the out..."
Copy !req
198. - Ugh!
Copy !req
199. Joey thinks he's been insulted,
Copy !req
200. and Joey don't like that.
Copy !req
201. - See!
The third-person thing.
Copy !req
202. - Oof!
Copy !req
203. - He's gone.
- Curious.
Copy !req
204. I wouldn't think a mammal that
large could be so stealthy.
Copy !req
205. - Maybe he turned around
and went back—
Copy !req
206. Ah!
Copy !req
207. - It's not my fault
he can't handle honesty.
Copy !req
208. - Rico, 40 weight.
Copy !req
209. - Gotcha.
Copy !req
210. - Ah!
- Ah!
Copy !req
211. - Keep running, and don't stop,
Copy !req
212. no matter how disturbing
the sounds.
Copy !req
213. - I'm running.
I'm running.
Copy !req
214. - Hi-ya!
Copy !req
215. - Oi.
Copy !req
216. Knock it off, mate.
Copy !req
217. - Give it up.
Copy !req
218. I can do this all day.
Copy !req
219. Uh!
Copy !req
220. Good one.
Copy !req
221. Didn't see that coming.
Copy !req
222. Ugh.
Copy !req
223. - Oh, no.
No, no.
Copy !req
224. No!
Copy !req
225. - End of the line, fuzz-lump.
Copy !req
226. - Don't hurt me.
Copy !req
227. It's not my fault.
Copy !req
228. It's those penguins.
Copy !req
229. - Penguins didn't pop my ball.
Copy !req
230. - True, but if they hadn't
wrecked my home,
Copy !req
231. I wouldn't have been in yours,
Copy !req
232. and your ball
would still be fine.
Copy !req
233. It's straight logic.
Copy !req
234. - Oh.
Copy !req
235. You might have a point there.
Copy !req
236. - Ugh.
We're too late.
Copy !req
237. - Avert your eyes,
young Private.
Copy !req
238. You'll never be able
to un-see this.
Copy !req
239. - Don't worry about it.
Copy !req
240. I'll burn you a DVD.
Copy !req
241. - Skipper, wait.
Copy !req
242. Look.
Copy !req
243. They're becoming friends.
Copy !req
244. - Okay, this lack of violence
is senseless.
Copy !req
245. - If they'd just stop butting
into other people's lives,
Copy !req
246. we'd be fine.
Copy !req
247. - You're right about that, mate.
Copy !req
248. Bunch of sticky beaks,
those birds.
Copy !req
249. - Which one annoys you more?
Copy !req
250. The touchy-feely one
or the egghead?
Copy !req
251. - It's the vomity bloke that
gets me chuckin' wobblies.
Copy !req
252. - Right.
Copy !req
253. It's like, hello?
Copy !req
254. Sanitary hygiene anyone?
Copy !req
255. - Mission accomplished, boys.
Copy !req
256. - But, Skipper,
I feel terrible.
Copy !req
257. The only reason they're friends
is because they hate us.
Copy !req
258. - Right.
Copy !req
259. Now they have something
in common.
Copy !req
260. I call that a win.
Copy !req
261. Now let's ditch this sewer hole
and have a game night.
Copy !req
262. - Dreamy date!
- Did you know that dreamy date
Copy !req
263. is the 75th most popular
board game ever?
Copy !req
264. Well, you would
if you'd play trivia
Copy !req
265. just one stinking time!
Copy !req
266. - Nice try, Kowalski, but we're
going with Rico's game.
Copy !req
267. - All right!
- Shwoo.
Copy !req
268. It's a lot safer than
the last game we played.
Copy !req
269. - Oh, you mean—hot potato?
Copy !req
270. - I love that game.
Copy !req
271. - All clear at station Alpha.
Copy !req
272. Alice is in her office napping.
Copy !req
273. Or swallowing a family
of piglets.
Copy !req
274. - Let's hear surveillance
station Delta.
Copy !req
275. - Seems officer "X" is enjoying
a quiet evening
Copy !req
276. of classical music.
Copy !req
277. - Two "all clears."
Copy !req
278. Mark 'em, boys.
Copy !req
279. - Leprechaun—fzz!--avocado.
Copy !req
280. - Kowalski, status report.
Copy !req
281. - I've got a short
in station Zeta.
Copy !req
282. - Station Zeta?
Copy !req
283. That's the sewer rats.
Copy !req
284. - Mud slide—fzz!--no escape.
Copy !req
285. - Ahh!
We lost Zeta.
Copy !req
286. - Leprechaun, avocado,
mud slide, no escape?
Copy !req
287. What's that about?
Copy !req
288. - Cryptic, with a chance
of terrifying.
Copy !req
289. I need more intel.
Copy !req
290. - But, Skipper, the bug is dead.
Copy !req
291. - Then somebody's going inside,
Copy !req
292. Kowalski, who's our most
rat-like operative?
Copy !req
293. I am not.
Copy !req
294. - Calculating.
Copy !req
295. And none of us.
Copy !req
296. Oh, I can't make
the bird-to-rat math work.
Copy !req
297. - Curse our avian good looks.
Copy !req
298. - What we need is a small mammal
with a long tail
Copy !req
299. and an annoyingly
high-pitched voice.
Copy !req
300. - I call my tail Rodney.
Copy !req
301. - You want Mort
to go undercover?
Copy !req
302. Our Mort?
Copy !req
303. Stop that, Rodney.
Copy !req
304. - I got a "nuh"
and a double "uh-uh"
Copy !req
305. that spells "no way."
Copy !req
306. If anyone is to be undercover
spy acting, it is the king.
Copy !req
307. I got, like, meleven different
characters; check it out:
Copy !req
308. Jim Dandy Butterscotch.
Copy !req
309. I am the Kentucky colonel.
Copy !req
310. Or say hellos
to the wealthy heiress.
Copy !req
311. Darling, we must summer
at the fancy boating club.
Copy !req
312. - Right.
Sad Eyes it is.
Copy !req
313. - Hooray!
I guess.
Copy !req
314. - Fine.
Copy !req
315. But this Mort—pah!
Copy !req
316. He is no rat.
Copy !req
317. I'll be in my dressing room.
Copy !req
318. - Oh, he will be.
Copy !req
319. - Testing, testing.
Copy !req
320. - Ah!
Copy !req
321. - Ta-da.
Copy !req
322. - Since when do you have
a birthmark?
Copy !req
323. - That? It's just—
- What?
Copy !req
324. A spy acting job
and now a birthy-mark, too?
Copy !req
325. Why in the how come does Mort
Copy !req
326. get to be spoiled
with everything?
Copy !req
327. Maurice, dramatic sigh
pillow position.
Copy !req
328. - To the left.
To the left.
Copy !req
329. - Solid disguise.
Copy !req
330. Now let's complete the illusion.
Copy !req
331. Kowalski, cover story, ASAP.
Copy !req
332. - You are now Ben Goudasniffer.
Copy !req
333. Born in the sewers, but raised
by the cave-dwelling wood rats
Copy !req
334. of the Alleghenies,
the years of total darkness
Copy !req
335. leading to your
comically oversized eyes
Copy !req
336. and a burning desire to seek out
your long-lost sewer brothers.
Copy !req
337. Any questions?
Copy !req
338. - Is purple a vegetable?
Copy !req
339. - Yeah, I can't work with this.
Copy !req
340. - Forget the cloak and dagger
Copy !req
341. There's the one thing
you need to remember:
Copy !req
342. be the rat.
Copy !req
343. - Touch the feet.
Copy !req
344. - Be the rat.
Copy !req
345. - Bird is funny.
Copy !req
346. - Be the rat.
Copy !req
347. - Banana.
Copy !req
348. - Be the rat!
- Be the rat?
Copy !req
349. I smell cheese.
Copy !req
350. - Boys, we've got our
inside man.
Copy !req
351. - Now, you should be approaching
the entrance
Copy !req
352. to the rats' territory.
Copy !req
353. Remember, you're there
to listen.
Copy !req
354. - Been a long time comin'.
Copy !req
355. - Play it cool,
like the night wind.
Copy !req
356. You know what to do.
Copy !req
357. - Be the rat. Be the rat.
Be the rat.
Copy !req
358. Hello.
Copy !req
359. I'm being the rat.
Copy !req
360. - Ay-yi-yi.
Copy !req
361. - Pipe down, dude.
Copy !req
362. We're trying to pick
some sweet carpeting here.
Copy !req
363. Okay, leprechaun is too green,
Copy !req
364. avocado clashes with the sewage,
Copy !req
365. so we go with mud slide brown.
Copy !req
366. - I still like midnight escape.
Copy !req
367. - I said no escape.
Copy !req
368. - So "leprechaun avocado
mud slide no escape"
Copy !req
369. was all just carpet colors?
Copy !req
370. - Yes, of course.
Copy !req
371. And let's all be glad this
floor-covering crisis is over.
Copy !req
372. Good job.
Copy !req
373. Agent Sad Eyes, return to base.
Copy !req
374. - Hey, what's that red ring
on the new guy's tail?
Copy !req
375. - Oh, that?
It's just—
Copy !req
376. - Grab him!
Copy !req
377. - Bug out, Sad Eyes.
Copy !req
378. Move, man, move.
Copy !req
379. Sad Eyes!
Copy !req
380. - What do we do, skipper?
Copy !req
381. - Boys, this undercover op
just became a rescue op.
Copy !req
382. And it's time for an old pro
to step in.
Copy !req
383. - Now is the job for
Kentucky Colonel Julien.
Copy !req
384. What?
Too much finger moustache?
Copy !req
385. - Kowalski, bring me
my alias portfolio.
Copy !req
386. 'Ello, Guv'na.
Copy !req
387. - Huh? Who goes there?
Copy !req
388. - Two-bit hood Jack the knife,
at yer service.
Copy !req
389. I hear you blokes had a spot
of trouble with a lemur spy.
Copy !req
390. - I ain't seen any spies
around here.
Copy !req
391. - Really?
Then what happened to—
Copy !req
392. - Glory be, y'all.
Copy !req
393. I hear you got a tiny
annoying lemur down here.
Copy !req
394. - Ringtail?
Copy !req
395. Uhh, what's all this then,
Copy !req
396. Oh, I declare.
Copy !req
397. I would love to see a lemur,
expensive diamond talk.
Copy !req
398. So what say you cowpokes
Copy !req
399. rustle up that stray, howdy?
Copy !req
400. Robot president
approves this message.
Copy !req
401. Sniff, squeak, skitter skitter.
Copy !req
402. That's my rat, you know,
for the home crowd.
Copy !req
403. - That is the worst acting
I ever seen.
Copy !req
404. - Oh, like the eye patch penguin
was better?
Copy !req
405. - Ow.
Copy !req
406. - We got spies.
Copy !req
407. - So now it's a triple
undercover rescue mission?
Copy !req
408. I'll get the disguise kit.
Copy !req
409. - I call suave pirate
sashay calypso.
Copy !req
410. - I call pirate—
aw, man.
Copy !req
411. - Hey.
- I never.
Copy !req
412. - Bird.
Been a long time.
Copy !req
413. - You look uglier
than I remember.
Copy !req
414. - I had a skin condition.
Copy !req
415. - Oh, well,
now I feel like a jerk.
Copy !req
416. - Hey, King.
Copy !req
417. What do we do with nosy spies
around here?
Copy !req
418. - Not my call anymore, dude.
Copy !req
419. We all bow to the Great One.
Copy !req
420. I'm being the rat.
Copy !req
421. Hooray.
Copy !req
422. Hooray.
Copy !req
423. - What in the name
of golden calfery?
Copy !req
424. - The Great One bears
the red ring.
Copy !req
425. - It's on all
the ancient relics.
Copy !req
426. - Sacred symbol of rat-dom.
Copy !req
427. - Really?
Copy !req
428. A guy shows up with a birthmark
on his rump-stick,
Copy !req
429. and you just hand over
the throne?
Copy !req
430. - Hey, I'm just a dude
who's into punching stuff.
Copy !req
431. I can't compete with the wisdom
of the Great One.
Copy !req
432. Tell 'em, Great One.
Copy !req
433. - I like cheese
and biting things.
Copy !req
434. Great One.
Copy !req
435. - Is this guy awesome or what?
Copy !req
436. - Mort?
Great One?
Copy !req
437. Because of a stupid tail ring?
Copy !req
438. I am the original ringtail!
Copy !req
439. - Look, I'm gonna be straight
with you, diseased Rodentia.
Copy !req
440. This isn't some rat Great One.
Copy !req
441. This is Sad Eyes.
Copy !req
442. - The Great One
is known by many names.
Copy !req
443. I like "Cheese Brother Supremo"
Copy !req
444. You rock, Great One.
Copy !req
445. Yes, it is true.
Copy !req
446. - He's our agent.
Copy !req
447. We sent him here
Copy !req
448. to see what horror you were
unleashing on the surface world.
Copy !req
449. - Why would we be unleashing
horror on the surface world?
Copy !req
450. - Uh, maybe because you live
in a kingdom of stinkiness.
Copy !req
451. That's right, Mort.
Copy !req
452. You are king of toilet flushings
and garbage eaters, so there.
Copy !req
453. - Dude, ouch.
Copy !req
454. I mean, sure, we live in
a cold sewer and eat garbage...
Copy !req
455. - We are getting new carpet.
Copy !req
456. - In the zoo,
the houses are toasty,
Copy !req
457. and the food is fresh every day.
Copy !req
458. - Great One, are you saying
we should invade the zoo?
Copy !req
459. - Is that what a rat would do?
Copy !req
460. - Totally.
Copy !req
461. - Invasion!
Copy !req
462. Yah!
Copy !req
463. - I kinda get the pirate
and the sumo,
Copy !req
464. but what's his problem?
Copy !req
465. - I'm an atom.
Copy !req
466. Don't you see,
it's the perfect disguise.
Copy !req
467. They're everywhere.
Copy !req
468. Ah?
Copy !req
469. - How could I have sent
a rookie so deep undercover?
Copy !req
470. I should've known the boy
would go rat.
Copy !req
471. - I also blame you,
so we are agreed.
Copy !req
472. - Never mind blame.
The entire zoo's in jeopardy.
Copy !req
473. Ringtail, I'll need your...
Copy !req
474. acting skills.
Copy !req
475. Oh, excuse me.
Copy !req
476. As a licensed professor
of doctorology,
Copy !req
477. I could not help to notice
you've got something...
Copy !req
478. no, not there...
Copy !req
479. closer...
Copy !req
480. almost...
Copy !req
481. - Hi-ya!
Copy !req
482. - Oh, there it is.
Copy !req
483. In your face!
Copy !req
484. - Hurry, Kowalski.
Copy !req
485. - I'm... trying.
Copy !req
486. Why did I choose magnesium?
Copy !req
487. - There's no telling what
they're doing to poor—
Copy !req
488. - Hooray for invasions!
Copy !req
489. - Awesome.
Copy !req
490. Give the order, Great One.
Copy !req
491. - Okay.
Copy !req
492. - Stop!
Copy !req
493. Behold the one thing
powerful enough
Copy !req
494. to snap you out of this
rat trap:
Copy !req
495. the feet.
Copy !req
496. - Yoo-hoo.
Copy !req
497. Roar. Roar.
Copy !req
498. - Rats don't like feet.
Copy !req
499. - Well, that was all I had.
Copy !req
500. - Go for it, Great One.
Copy !req
501. Show 'em your awesome
invasion plan.
Copy !req
502. - Surround the animals.
Copy !req
503. And now, unleash...
Copy !req
504. the kisses and huggies!
Copy !req
505. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
506. Eh, what?
Copy !req
507. - Never question the Great One.
Copy !req
508. - Hey, do you mind, buddy boy?
Copy !req
509. - You let Mort
make the invasion plan?
Copy !req
510. Pffft!
Copy !req
511. - Well, yeah, but...
Copy !req
512. this is just part one.
Copy !req
513. - No, this is the everything.
Copy !req
514. - But you're the Great One.
Copy !req
515. You're supposed to lead us to
toasty houses and fresh food.
Copy !req
516. - Oh, food.
Copy !req
517. Well, I always keep some
strawberry jelly on my tail
Copy !req
518. for snacking.
Copy !req
519. Mmm. See?
Copy !req
520. Oh, it's good.
Copy !req
521. Mmm.
Copy !req
522. I knew we should've stuck
with punching stuff.
Copy !req
523. Ah!
Copy !req
524. - Bye-bye.
Copy !req
525. - Mmm. See?
- Careful.
Copy !req
526. Mort's brain has been
completely destabilized.
Copy !req
527. It could take months,
even years,
Copy !req
528. to bring him back
from his rat state.
Copy !req
529. - Am I all done being
the rat now?
Copy !req
530. - Or fast.
It could be fast.
Copy !req
531. - Sad Eyes, that was the most
amazing undercover work
Copy !req
532. I've ever seen.
Copy !req
533. - Yeah, I still got like ten
characters on you, though.
Copy !req
534. I'm just saying.
Copy !req
535. - Well done, tiny soldier.
Copy !req
536. Consider yourself
an honorary penguin.
Copy !req
537. - Be the penguin.
Copy !req
538. Yah!
Copy !req
539. - Hey.
Copy !req
540. - You didn't see anything.
Copy !req