1. - Cute and cuddly, boys.
Copy !req
2. - All clear
for operation bury-the-past.
Copy !req
3. At morning's light,
Copy !req
4. I want these old mission files
six feet under.
Copy !req
5. - Bleh! Kaboom?
Copy !req
6. - Are you insane, man?
Copy !req
7. - Eh...
Copy !req
8. - Explosives would scatter
the shredded files randomly.
Copy !req
9. We need precision scattering.
Copy !req
10. - Oh!
Copy !req
11. - There you penguins are hiding.
Copy !req
12. I have a big problem,
Copy !req
13. and I tried to make Maurice
wake up and fix it,
Copy !req
14. but that guy sleeps like...
Copy !req
15. "I'm a teddy bear.
Look at me hibernating."
Copy !req
16. - Take your little problemos
elsewhere, ringtail.
Copy !req
17. We're on a very tight—
Copy !req
18. You have puzzles!
Copy !req
19. Gimme, gimme, gimme!
Copy !req
20. - Classified!
- No, it's okay;
Copy !req
21. I'm like
a puzzle picture champion.
Copy !req
22. See? This one makes a penguin.
Copy !req
23. But why is he shaking hands
with the Sasquatch
Copy !req
24. and the King of Sweden?
Copy !req
25. - He knows too much.
Copy !req
26. - Operation compromised.
Copy !req
27. Rico, take care of the ringtail.
Copy !req
28. I meant take care
of the crybaby's problem.
Copy !req
29. - Looks like these files need
extra shredding, boys.
Copy !req
30. Back to HQ.
Copy !req
31. We go again in 24 hours.
Copy !req
32. - Okay, right there.
You see that?
Copy !req
33. Who can have the royal sleep
Copy !req
34. with that thing
shouting its light
Copy !req
35. into my eyeballs all night?
Copy !req
36. Nobody, right?
Copy !req
37. So make it go away already.
Copy !req
38. - Heh! Kaboom.
Copy !req
39. - What?
Of course not, you crazy.
Copy !req
40. That sign is way too huge.
Copy !req
41. One kaboomy stick
won't be nearly enough.
Copy !req
42. - Five, four, three, two, one.
Copy !req
43. Kaboom!
Copy !req
44. - What in the name
of Sherman's girdle?
Copy !req
45. - That was the most awesomest
thing I have ever seen
Copy !req
46. that wasn't me.
Copy !req
47. - Rico?
Copy !req
48. Who authorized
that billboard detonation, hmm?
Copy !req
49. - Who authorized anybody
to care?
Copy !req
50. Ha!
Copy !req
51. The shiny face sign is gone,
and there was exploding.
Copy !req
52. High-five the awesome, baby.
Copy !req
53. - You did tell him to take care
of King Julien's problem.
Copy !req
54. - You know, I can think
of many other things
Copy !req
55. that also could use
a good kabooming,
Copy !req
56. if you know what I mean.
Copy !req
57. - Whoa, ringtail,
there's a reason
Copy !req
58. we don't let Rico go wild
with the kaboom.
Copy !req
59. He needs a guiding hand
to pull him back
Copy !req
60. before things go too far...
Copy !req
61. - Kaboom, kaboom,
kaboom, kaboom, kaboom...
Copy !req
62. - ... fiery end of life
as we know it.
Copy !req
63. Comprende?
Copy !req
64. - kaboom, kaboom.
Copy !req
65. - Uh, I mean, of course.
Copy !req
66. It is unwise that we two
should kaboom together
Copy !req
67. ever again!
Copy !req
68. - Why are you winking?
Copy !req
69. - Because I am allergic to—
Copy !req
70. shut up, okay?
Copy !req
71. - Kaboom!
Copy !req
72. Kablamo!
Copy !req
73. Ah!
Copy !req
74. Ta-da!
Copy !req
75. - Mmm, mmm!
Copy !req
76. - This has been...
the best...
Copy !req
77. 11/2 days of my life.
Copy !req
78. - Kaboom-boom-boom-boom-boom!
Copy !req
79. - So, so, so tonight
we should totally boss out
Copy !req
80. my kingly habitat,
like an explody home makeover.
Copy !req
81. - Oh, wait, tonight?
Copy !req
82. - What?
You got penguiny things to do?
Copy !req
83. Come on, Rico!
Copy !req
84. Who's going to give you
the funnest time, huh?
Copy !req
85. Them or me?
Copy !req
86. - Kaboom, kaboom, kaboom!
Copy !req
87. - Well, boys...
Copy !req
88. mission accomplished.
Copy !req
89. - Requesting permission to—
Copy !req
90. - Permission granted.
Copy !req
91. I think we could all use
a little—
Copy !req
92. - Huh?
- What, what?
Copy !req
93. - Again!
Copy !req
94. - Again!
Copy !req
95. You are my minister of awesome.
Copy !req
96. - Whoo-hoo-hoo!
Copy !req
97. - Rico, explain yourself,
Copy !req
98. - Oh, check it out!
Copy !req
99. Remember my old
boring and lame throne?
Copy !req
100. - Eh...
- Now,
Copy !req
101. thanks to the crazy penguin
with the sick skills,
Copy !req
102. it explodes like
a rocka rolla concert
Copy !req
103. every time you say
the word "Julien."
Copy !req
104. - Your Majesty,
what's going on?
Copy !req
105. - Why did nobody ever tell me
Copy !req
106. a penguin could be so cool?
Copy !req
107. Who wants hugs, huh?
I got extra.
Copy !req
108. - I do! I do!
Copy !req
109. - All right, Rico.
Copy !req
110. I'm sure it's been
a blast, but—
Copy !req
111. - Uh-uh.
- What?
Copy !req
112. - You're ditching us
for Julien?
Copy !req
113. - Yes!
- Whoo-hoo!
Copy !req
114. - What fresh madness is this?
Copy !req
115. it's classic anti-authoritarian
rebel euphoria.
Copy !req
116. Rico's been encouraged to go
Copy !req
117. as destructively insane
as possible.
Copy !req
118. - And he's loving it.
Copy !req
119. Just look at that little punim.
Copy !req
120. - Don't do this, Rico.
Copy !req
121. He's pushed you too far already.
Copy !req
122. - Don't listen to them.
Copy !req
123. You just stick
with your enabler, King...
Copy !req
124. Julien.
Copy !req
125. - Look at yourself, man.
Copy !req
126. You're clinging
to a single thread of sanity.
Copy !req
127. - We could "Julien"
some potatoes.
Copy !req
128. - For your own safety,
you've got to come with us.
Copy !req
129. - I'm sorry;
I can't hear you.
Copy !req
130. Could "Ju-lien" in closer?
Copy !req
131. - Stop that.
- Uh-uh!
Copy !req
132. - Okay, if you two want
to dance with lady danger,
Copy !req
133. I guess there's nothing we can—
Copy !req
134. - Come on!
Copy !req
135. - You're going to break him.
Copy !req
136. - Bleh!
Copy !req
137. - Wha!
Copy !req
138. - Yes!
Copy !req
139. Ejection traps
for the lower classes.
Copy !req
140. Another success! Really.
Copy !req
141. - Ya, ya!
Copy !req
142. - Who is ready to complete
the royal home makeover?
Copy !req
143. - All right!
Copy !req
144. - Okay, I am a king, right?
Copy !req
145. - You're the king.
- So, what is up
Copy !req
146. with the unbig,
tiny littleness
Copy !req
147. of my royal estate?
Copy !req
148. Can your crazy explodo skills
give me
Copy !req
149. the super-big kingdom
I deserve?
Copy !req
150. I will take your deranged cackle
as a yes.
Copy !req
151. - Move in hard and fast, men.
Copy !req
152. Rico's a danger to himself
and others.
Copy !req
153. We never leave a madman behind.
Copy !req
154. - Too late,
you silly penguin!
Copy !req
155. Already he is expanding
my kingdom
Copy !req
156. with the most mayhemiest
destructo machine ever.
Copy !req
157. - Okay, why is he
just standing there?
Copy !req
158. - You maniac!
Copy !req
159. You let him go too far!
Copy !req
160. He's built up
too much psychotic pressure.
Copy !req
161. - Too much—what?
Copy !req
162. - Don't you see?
Copy !req
163. Rico is the destructo machine!
Copy !req
164. - Yeah!
Copy !req
165. - What is he doing?
Copy !req
166. - You asked Rico
to expand your kingdom.
Copy !req
167. - Yes. And?
Copy !req
168. - Well, it appears he's doing it
Copy !req
169. by leveling
everything in his path.
Copy !req
170. - Okay, maybe I was
a little fuzzy in the details,
Copy !req
171. But, you know,
I'm a big-picture guy.
Copy !req
172. - Whoa!
- Whoa!
Copy !req
173. - Maurice!
Fix it, fix it, fix it.
Copy !req
174. - By my calculations,
it's too late to stop him.
Copy !req
175. Our only hope is to contain him
at his current location
Copy !req
176. until he burns off
his appetite for destruction.
Copy !req
177. - And by "current location,"
Copy !req
178. we are talking about
my kingly habitat?
Copy !req
179. - Precisely.
If we can't hold him in there,
Copy !req
180. his vortex
of regurgitated mayhem
Copy !req
181. will destroy the zoo.
Copy !req
182. - Which parts of the zoo?
Copy !req
183. Because the elephants' place
is kind of shabby already,
Copy !req
184. if you ask me.
Copy !req
185. Okay, fine.
Let us save the zoo.
Copy !req
186. - Stand down, soldier.
Copy !req
187. You're not in your right mind.
Copy !req
188. - Or any other mind.
Copy !req
189. - He's hitting
his berserker peak.
Copy !req
190. Just hold your ground
for a little more—
Copy !req
191. - Ow!
Copy !req
192. Nobody told me
there would be hurting.
Copy !req
193. Forget it.
Copy !req
194. Knock down the zoo already.
Copy !req
195. - Ah.
Copy !req
196. Huh?
Copy !req
197. - Keep him inside the bouncy.
Copy !req
198. - Its rubbery sponginess
Copy !req
199. should make
an ideal lunacy absorber.
Copy !req
200. - He's going to be just fine.
Copy !req
201. - Whoa.
Copy !req
202. My kingdom.
Copy !req
203. - You did the right thing,
Copy !req
204. eventually,
when there was no other choice.
Copy !req
205. Um, good job.
Copy !req
206. - Look how roomy it is now!
Copy !req
207. Finally, a habitat
fit for a king.
Copy !req
208. Come, Maurice.
Copy !req
209. Let us wallow
in the luxurious nothing.
Copy !req
210. - Hooray for nothing!
Copy !req
211. - Would you look at that?
Copy !req
212. I think 48 hours
of uncontrolled mayhem
Copy !req
213. has left somebody
plumb tuckered out.
Copy !req
214. - Aw, he wants uppies.
Copy !req
215. - Come on, big guy.
Copy !req
216. Let's get you home.
Copy !req
217. - There you are.
- Up you go.
Copy !req
218. - It's good to have you back,
Copy !req
219. Huh?
Copy !req
220. Hey! Uh-uh.
Copy !req
221. - Forgive me, Rico.
Copy !req
222. Just testing out
my latest invention.
Copy !req
223. It translates thought
into action.
Copy !req
224. And I call it...
Copy !req
225. the helmet!
Copy !req
226. - The helmet? Really?
Copy !req
227. - It's a working title.
Copy !req
228. I'm totally open
to suggestions.
Copy !req
229. The point is, this proves
once and for all
Copy !req
230. that intellect is stronger
than brute force.
Copy !req
231. - Nuh-uh.
Copy !req
232. - Uh-huh.
Interesting point, Rico.
Copy !req
233. However...
Copy !req
234. - Now, there's no need
to squabble, boys.
Copy !req
235. Intellect and brute force
are both important to this team.
Copy !req
236. Mostly brute force.
Copy !req
237. - Look at me! I'm flying!
Copy !req
238. Yay!
Copy !req
239. - Not bad... if we need
to do air recon.
Copy !req
240. But what else is it good for?
Copy !req
241. - Oh, and don't get me started
on his cooking.
Copy !req
242. Ugh!
Copy !req
243. Maurice's cooking was so bad...
Copy !req
244. - How bad was it?
Copy !req
245. - It was so bad,
I wouldn't eat it.
Copy !req
246. Oh, that's so funny,
because it's you!
Copy !req
247. Hee hee hee hee hee hee!
Copy !req
248. - Oh, this ain't worth
a two-mango minimum.
Copy !req
249. - Ah, but seriously, folks—
Copy !req
250. - Now, that's funny.
Copy !req
251. Do it again.
Copy !req
252. - Nice, Kowalski.
Copy !req
253. - That penguin has a magic crown
that makes things go floaty.
Copy !req
254. Maurice, why does my crown
not do such magic?
Copy !req
255. - Well, how do you know
it doesn't?
Copy !req
256. - Ooh, good point.
Copy !req
257. Okay, fly Mort into the sun.
Copy !req
258. - Oh, yay!
Copy !req
259. - This crown is so lame!
Copy !req
260. - Oh, hello, penguins.
Copy !req
261. I could not help but notice
Copy !req
262. that you have a hat
that magically brings things.
Copy !req
263. And me want it.
Copy !req
264. - Kowalski.
Copy !req
265. - I am consumed by jealousy!
Copy !req
266. I must have that magic hat!
Copy !req
267. - Maurice, a little more.
Copy !req
268. Whew!
Copy !req
269. Oh, come on.
Copy !req
270. - Now, Maurice.
Copy !req
271. - The helmet!
Copy !req
272. It's missing.
Copy !req
273. Oh, good golly.
Copy !req
274. - Oh, hello.
Copy !req
275. I didn't see you there.
Copy !req
276. How are you liking my new crown?
Copy !req
277. Quite fetching, yes?
Copy !req
278. - Careful!
Copy !req
279. You have no idea of the awesome
power you now wield.
Copy !req
280. - Of course I do;
that's why I took it.
Copy !req
281. I am the king, and only the king
can wield such awesome power.
Copy !req
282. Now, watch as I wield.
Copy !req
283. I want a fizzy soda.
Copy !req
284. - Ow!
Copy !req
285. - And a candied bar.
Copy !req
286. - Oh!
Copy !req
287. - And now I am wanting
Chinese food.
Copy !req
288. - Ow! Ow! Ow!
Copy !req
289. - Eh, eh, eh.
Copy !req
290. No, real Chinese food
from the China.
Copy !req
291. What is taking so long?
Copy !req
292. Work, crown, work.
Copy !req
293. - No, don't touch that.
Copy !req
294. - Shh!
Copy !req
295. You are interrupting
my concentrations.
Copy !req
296. Now, where is my lo mein?
Copy !req
297. - Food coming from China
does have a long way to travel.
Copy !req
298. - Good point, Maurice.
Thank you.
Copy !req
299. Also, you are fired.
- What?
Copy !req
300. - My brain
and my crown thingamabobby
Copy !req
301. will do everything for me.
Copy !req
302. - Yay, King Julien!
Copy !req
303. - Except the worshipping,
which Mort will do.
Copy !req
304. - Yay, job security!
Copy !req
305. You are still here?
Copy !req
306. - Wait!
Copy !req
307. - Turn over the helmet,
Copy !req
308. before someone gets hurt.
Copy !req
309. Kowalski, tell him.
Copy !req
310. - I, uh, I will
just as soon as...
Copy !req
311. I can get the Mort fur
off my... tongue.
Copy !req
312. You have no idea of the forces
you are playing with—
Copy !req
313. He's turned the helmet's
control regulator up to ten.
Copy !req
314. I kept it at a cool five,
Copy !req
315. easy enough for my accelerated
brain capacity.
Copy !req
316. But ten is way too much
Copy !req
317. for Julien's
extremely limited mind.
Copy !req
318. - And that means what, exactly?
Copy !req
319. - Oh, just that his chaotic
thoughts will destroy us all.
Copy !req
320. - Kowalski, have you ever
invented anything
Copy !req
321. that doesn't eventually threaten
to destroy us all?
Copy !req
322. - Let me think.
Copy !req
323. Uh, no.
Copy !req
324. - Hmm, what next?
Copy !req
325. I know, papaya.
Copy !req
326. Uh, diced.
Copy !req
327. See, Mort?
There's nothing I cannot do.
Copy !req
328. - You are the greatest.
Copy !req
329. - Except kiss up
to my own hiney.
Copy !req
330. Very good, Mort.
Copy !req
331. Perfect. You, be gone.
Copy !req
332. You are trying
to steal my crown!
Copy !req
333. - No, it's a helmet.
Copy !req
334. And, yes, we're stealing it...
Copy !req
335. - Ha! I am surrounded
by the lowdown, dirty snakes.
Copy !req
336. Figure of speech.
Go away.
Copy !req
337. - You must exercise caution.
Copy !req
338. Whatever you think of
will come right to you.
Copy !req
339. - Your brain can't handle
that kind of power.
Copy !req
340. - I was handling it just fine
until you came charging in here
Copy !req
341. like a herd of angry rhinos.
Copy !req
342. Ooh!
Copy !req
343. At least I didn't say,
Copy !req
344. "Like a herd
of angry elephants."
Copy !req
345. - Okay, okay, but at least
I didn't say, "A city bus."
Copy !req
346. - Okay, I see what I did there.
Copy !req
347. But at least I didn't say—
- Nothing.
Copy !req
348. You didn't say nothing,
and you didn't think nothing.
Copy !req
349. - Despite Skipper's
double negatives,
Copy !req
350. I trust our point
is becoming clear.
Copy !req
351. - You know, my old crown
was much less dangerous.
Copy !req
352. - So why don't you take
this crown off?
Copy !req
353. - Yes, and do so carefully.
Copy !req
354. This is a particularly
explosive situation.
Copy !req
355. - Explosive?
Copy !req
356. - Oh, heck.
Copy !req
357. - Hit the deck!
Copy !req
358. Huh. He's grabbing
some good altitude.
Copy !req
359. - I wonder if King Julien
will realize
Copy !req
360. he can use the helmet's power
to summon a parachute.
Copy !req
361. - Nope.
Copy !req
362. Ringtail, take off that helmet
Copy !req
363. - Okay, okay,
I will take it off.
Copy !req
364. I mean, it's not like this crown
is chained to my head.
Copy !req
365. Okay, now I am feeling
the stupidness.
Copy !req
366. Help!
Copy !req
367. - Let's roll.
Copy !req
368. Okay, ringtail.
Copy !req
369. Do not think of anything
Copy !req
370. except for me telling you
not to think of anything.
Copy !req
371. - I won't. My brain
will allow no thoughts in.
Copy !req
372. My brain will be a brick wall.
Copy !req
373. Oopsy.
Copy !req
374. - Rico.
Copy !req
375. - Gah!
Copy !req
376. - You know, I thought
those would look cool,
Copy !req
377. and they do.
Copy !req
378. - The helmet is overwhelming
his brain.
Copy !req
379. - Retreat!
Copy !req
380. - Skipper, I don't see any way
Copy !req
381. of penetrating that wall
of telekinetic chaos.
Copy !req
382. Nobody can stop Julien's brain
Copy !req
383. from destroying
the entire world.
Copy !req
384. - Look!
Copy !req
385. - Whoo!
Copy !req
386. Your Highness,
I am here to help.
Copy !req
387. - And you are?
Copy !req
388. - Maurice.
- Um...
Copy !req
389. - I used to work for you.
- Um...
Copy !req
390. - As recently as this afternoon.
Copy !req
391. - Hmm,
now that you mention it,
Copy !req
392. your face does ring a bell.
Copy !req
393. Oh, Maurice!
Copy !req
394. What have I done?
Copy !req
395. - Duck!
Copy !req
396. - He's distracted.
Now's our chance.
Copy !req
397. - Skipper, I have a careful,
well-thought-out plan of attack.
Copy !req
398. Rico?
Copy !req
399. - Maurice, you are alive!
Copy !req
400. I thought I had lost you.
Copy !req
401. - No, but you did lose
your hair.
Copy !req
402. - I lost my—
Copy !req
403. Oh, this is hideousness!
Copy !req
404. I am as hairless
as a chimp's bottom.
Copy !req
405. - Chill.
I got it covered.
Copy !req
406. - Oh, Maurice, you always know
just what I need.
Copy !req
407. - Yup.
Copy !req
408. Your Chinese Chinese food
is here, Your Majesty.
Copy !req
409. - Yummy! Let's chow.
Copy !req
410. - Well done, Rico.
Copy !req
411. Good old brute force
to the rescue, eh?
Copy !req
412. - Uh-huh.
- Not entirely.
Copy !req
413. After all, Skipper,
it was my intellect
Copy !req
414. that reasoned it was time
for brute force.
Copy !req
415. - Right, Kowalski, right.
Copy !req
416. Intellect, brute force—
they're equally important.
Copy !req
417. - Not really.
Copy !req
418. Give me brute force any day.
Copy !req
419. - But, Skipper, doesn't violence
beget more violence?
Copy !req
420. - Sure does, Private.
Copy !req
421. It's a win-win.
Copy !req