1. - Cute and cuddly, boys.
Copy !req
2. - Coast is clear.
Copy !req
3. - Stealthiness, Maurice.
Copy !req
4. Follow me.
Copy !req
5. Ooh!
Copy !req
6. - Mort, how many times
am I telling you,
Copy !req
7. off the royal feet?
Copy !req
8. - But I'm cushioned
for comfort.
Copy !req
9. Wa-how!
Copy !req
10. - Ahh, always satisfying.
Copy !req
11. Come, Maurice.
Copy !req
12. Now we will find what is lost
Copy !req
13. in the lost and found.
Copy !req
14. Ha-ha-ha!
Copy !req
15. - Whee!
Copy !req
16. - Heh, heh.
Copy !req
17. - Eh, paper junk,
Copy !req
18. metal junk,
Copy !req
19. annoying junk,
Copy !req
20. plastic junk.
Copy !req
21. - Ugh!
Copy !req
22. - Oku in the forest of wonder.
Copy !req
23. - Join Oku
for an adventurous time.
Copy !req
24. - Um, okay.
Copy !req
25. - Shush, Mort.
Copy !req
26. Trying to find
the goody-goodies.
Copy !req
27. Uh, hello.
Copy !req
28. What is this?
Copy !req
29. - That's a yo-yo.
Copy !req
30. You do tricks with it.
Copy !req
31. See?
Copy !req
32. - Yes.
Copy !req
33. I will have this wondrous,
magical bauble.
Copy !req
34. Wha—
Copy !req
35. Maurice, my yo-yo-yo is broken.
Copy !req
36. - Yo-yo.
Two yos.
Copy !req
37. - Well, mine has three yos,
maybe more.
Copy !req
38. But it is broken, so no yos.
Copy !req
39. Whoop.
Copy !req
40. - Nope, it's fine.
You just need to practice.
Copy !req
41. - Practicing is for
those who aren't perfect.
Copy !req
42. Aahhh! Ooh!
Copy !req
43. Yaahh.
Copy !req
44. Huh?
Copy !req
45. My royal feet have fallen
next to Mort,
Copy !req
46. who will touch them
Copy !req
47. and annoy me
to kick him harshly.
Copy !req
48. Hello?
Copy !req
49. Mort.
Copy !req
50. - Hooray!
Copy !req
51. Join me on the next level.
Copy !req
52. - Okay, Oku.
Copy !req
53. I do whatever you say,
Copy !req
54. because you are
my bestest friend.
Copy !req
55. - Eh...
foot freak say what?
Copy !req
56. - Everyone, I am ready
to unveil my latest invention,
Copy !req
57. the Psychotron.
Copy !req
58. - Psychotron?
Copy !req
59. Sorry, Rico, seems like you've
been replaced by a robot.
Copy !req
60. Oh, well, it'll happen
to all of us sooner or later.
Copy !req
61. Anywho, clear out your locker.
Copy !req
62. - Okay.
Copy !req
63. - Oh, hold on.
Copy !req
64. The Psychotron is not
a robotic mayhem machine.
Copy !req
65. - Yay! Whew.
Copy !req
66. - The Psychotron will allow us
to hear private thoughts.
Copy !req
67. Observe.
Copy !req
68. - Hooray for rainbows
and unicorns.
Copy !req
69. - Private's always thinking
about rainbows and unicorns.
Copy !req
70. - Not just Private's
private thoughts;
Copy !req
71. anyone's thoughts.
Copy !req
72. Let's see what
the Psychotron says when—
Copy !req
73. Sweet malted milk balls!
Copy !req
74. - Kowalski, are you trying
to read my mind or melt it?
Copy !req
75. - Sorry, Skipper.
It's this cheap circuit board.
Copy !req
76. - Eat the magic star, Oku.
Copy !req
77. Yay! You eated it.
Copy !req
78. - Mort really loves that game.
Copy !req
79. - Yes, and he is
no longer annoying me
Copy !req
80. by stupidly clinging
to my royal feet,
Copy !req
81. so I love it too.
Copy !req
82. I do not love it!
Copy !req
83. - I thought you hated
the foot-touching.
Copy !req
84. - I do, but I love
savagely rejecting Mort.
Copy !req
85. Makes me feel kingly.
Copy !req
86. But how am I
to feel kingly now?
Copy !req
87. - Um, the crown, the throne,
Copy !req
88. the big fits of the crazies?
Copy !req
89. - Yeah, sure, those help.
Copy !req
90. But the rejecting Mort—ah,
that's the sweet stuff, man.
Copy !req
91. Pat the monkey, Oku.
Copy !req
92. - Here are my freshly pedicured
royal feet.
Copy !req
93. Oh, I hope no one touches them.
Copy !req
94. - No, bounce on
the fluffy clouds, Oku.
Copy !req
95. - Hey, kids!
Copy !req
96. Here's the new game
that is all slammin' and rad:
Copy !req
97. cuddle them feet.
Copy !req
98. Maurice, place Mort
upon my royal feet
Copy !req
99. so I may kick him off
with the furiousness.
Copy !req
100. Yes.
Copy !req
101. Now is the moment I have—
Copy !req
102. Oh, Oku, you're so fun.
Copy !req
103. - This is an injury
to insults!
Copy !req
104. If I cannot
brutally reject Mort,
Copy !req
105. then who can I...
Copy !req
106. uh...
Copy !req
107. say, Maurice,
Copy !req
108. have you ever noticed
my southern extremities?
Copy !req
109. Come on.
Give me your digital delights.
Copy !req
110. Oh, 64-bit garbage!
Copy !req
111. You couldn't even run
Copy !req
112. a particle destabilizer
with this.
Copy !req
113. Ah, where am I going to find
a powerful enough processor?
Copy !req
114. - No! Leave me alone!
Copy !req
115. - Come, Maurice.
Touch my royal feet.
Copy !req
116. Caress them.
Embrace them!
Copy !req
117. - Keep your creepy feet
away from me!
Copy !req
118. - Maurice, get your cuddle on
with these ten lonely toes.
Copy !req
119. - Nuh-uh.
- Whoa!
Copy !req
120. Eh, guess you're wondering
what all this is about.
Copy !req
121. - I pass no judgment
on you lemurs
Copy !req
122. and your sick,
depraved pastimes.
Copy !req
123. - Okay, okay.
I'll tell you.
Copy !req
124. Since Mort found
his stupid electronical game,
Copy !req
125. he is no longer
touching my feet.
Copy !req
126. - Elec—elec—
Copy !req
127. Oku, eat the ham sandwich.
Copy !req
128. - Ohhhh.
Copy !req
129. Check out the processing power
on that baby!
Copy !req
130. I think I can help.
Copy !req
131. - You're going to touch my feet
and let me kick you?
Copy !req
132. - Hmm, no.
Copy !req
133. - Hello, Mort.
Copy !req
134. I bet all that button pushing
has made you parched.
Copy !req
135. - Yes, how fortunate
Copy !req
136. we have this cool,
refreshifying lemonade.
Copy !req
137. - Video gaming is thirsty work.
Copy !req
138. - Have another.
Copy !req
139. - Hydrate.
- And also drink.
Copy !req
140. - Uh-huh, it's starting:
Copy !req
141. the traditional first steps
of the potty dance.
Copy !req
142. - Yeah, I never learned
that dance
Copy !req
143. because, you know,
I just go wherever I am.
Copy !req
144. What?
Copy !req
145. I am the king.
It's cool.
Copy !req
146. Mmm!
Copy !req
147. I gotta go!
Copy !req
148. - Aha!
Copy !req
149. Finally, my Psychotron
will be complete.
Copy !req
150. Mwah.
Copy !req
151. - Ah, hello, Mort.
Copy !req
152. - Oh, Oku.
Copy !req
153. I almost exploded.
Copy !req
154. Oku, where are you?
Copy !req
155. Are you hiding?
Copy !req
156. Oku!
Copy !req
157. - Uh, your little friend
in the box is gone, Mort.
Copy !req
158. He said he was leaving
because you are too stinky?
Copy !req
159. I don't know.
Copy !req
160. - He's... gone?
Copy !req
161. - Yeah, but my feet are here.
Copy !req
162. Maybe you would like
to be hugging them up
Copy !req
163. so I can kick you off and yell,
"No touching the royal feet"?
Copy !req
164. - Mm-hmm. Yep.
Copy !req
165. - Looks like someone found
their circuit board.
Copy !req
166. - Yes, indeedy,
state-of-the-art processor.
Copy !req
167. Holla!
Copy !req
168. - That's wonderful, Kowalski.
Copy !req
169. So where'd you find it?
Copy !req
170. - Oh, I, um...
Copy !req
171. I found it in...
Copy !req
172. - Hmm? How's that?
Copy !req
173. - Uh, I-I took it from...
Copy !req
174. - You took it from what now?
Copy !req
175. - I took it from Mort, okay?
Copy !req
176. I stole little innocent Mort's
favorite plaything
Copy !req
177. to fuel my own
scientific ambition!
Copy !req
178. But it was totally worth it.
Copy !req
179. Watch.
Copy !req
180. - Oh, Kowalski,
have you no shame?
Copy !req
181. - The sight of you
makes me throw up in my beak!
Copy !req
182. - Fish!
Copy !req
183. - They're right.
Copy !req
184. I'm a monster,
Copy !req
185. a selfish,
toy-stealing monster.
Copy !req
186. - I would look so good
in pantaloons.
Copy !req
187. Yes, I agree with the voice
that sounds like me.
Copy !req
188. Pantaloons would accentuate
my regality.
Copy !req
189. Uh, but that is not
why I'm here.
Copy !req
190. I am here because Mort is still
crying himself stupidly
Copy !req
191. and not noticing
I combeded my feet fur.
Copy !req
192. Look at it.
Copy !req
193. - Ew, feet fur.
Copy !req
194. - Oh, Kowalski,
Copy !req
195. you've got to make this right.
Copy !req
196. - Yes, there's only
one thing to do.
Copy !req
197. - Right, then left,
then left again,
Copy !req
198. then—er, just surprise me.
Copy !req
199. - No.
Copy !req
200. I'm going to return
the processor to Mort.
Copy !req
201. - Attaboy, Kowalski.
Copy !req
202. - My faith is restored.
Copy !req
203. - Fish!
Copy !req
204. - I'll just power down the—
Copy !req
205. oh, crud.
Copy !req
206. - Oof!
Copy !req
207. Totally stickeded the landing.
Copy !req
208. - Kowalski, Rico.
Copy !req
209. Search the video game aisle.
Copy !req
210. Private and I will be
on lookout duty.
Copy !req
211. And, ringtail...
Copy !req
212. - Yes?
Copy !req
213. - Dial down
the shenanigans, huh?
Copy !req
214. - Oh, yo-yos.
Copy !req
215. Hmm, this one is deficient.
Copy !req
216. - What do you see, Private?
Copy !req
217. - The majestic Grand Canyon.
Copy !req
218. - I got my eye on some kid
and his beagle
Copy !req
219. in a pumpkin patch.
Copy !req
220. What a blockhead.
Copy !req
221. - Eh, I'm getting it.
Copy !req
222. Look at me.
Copy !req
223. I am a yo-yo master-master.
Copy !req
224. Oh, lookit:
walk the gecko.
Copy !req
225. Ah!
Copy !req
226. - Aha!
Found it.
Copy !req
227. All right, men,
let's check out.
Copy !req
228. - We go out
the way we came in.
Copy !req
229. Attack stack on my...
Copy !req
230. ringtail!
Copy !req
231. - The yo-yo manufacturing
business is in a sorry state,
Copy !req
232. let me tell you.
Copy !req
233. Oh, Mort.
Copy !req
234. Successful shopping trip.
Copy !req
235. - Where is extremely sad eyes?
Copy !req
236. - Oh, he's down there.
Copy !req
237. But, uh, look,
Copy !req
238. I got tired of Mort crying,
Copy !req
239. so I got him something new.
Copy !req
240. - You have five messages.
Copy !req
241. - Morgan? April.
Copy !req
242. You are not gonna believe
what Jeremy did.
Copy !req
243. He asked Tessa out.
No lie. Call me.
Copy !req
244. - Ooh.
Naughty Jeremy.
Copy !req
245. - Morgan? Jeremy.
What up?
Copy !req
246. Huh?
Copy !req
247. Heh, new bush?
Since when?
Copy !req
248. - Don't mind me, Marlene.
Copy !req
249. I'm just a happy little shrub.
Copy !req
250. - Private,
what are you doing?
Copy !req
251. - Camouflage training.
Copy !req
252. If I move a single muscle,
the game's up,
Copy !req
253. so just pretend
I'm not here, okay?
Copy !req
254. - Okay.
Copy !req
255. Oh, and Private?
You're selling it.
Copy !req
256. Good job.
Copy !req
257. - Thanks, Marlene.
Copy !req
258. Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! Ooh!
Copy !req
259. - Ah! Ah, ah, ah!
Copy !req
260. - Direct hit.
Copy !req
261. - Boo-yah!
Copy !req
262. Whoa!
Copy !req
263. - Oops.
Copy !req
264. - Sweet collateral damage!
Copy !req
265. They touched down in the park.
Copy !req
266. - Private, where are you?
Copy !req
267. Fall in, soldier.
Copy !req
268. Ah, there you are.
Copy !req
269. - Yes, but where's Marlene?
Copy !req
270. - Ah, yes.
Copy !req
271. Because she was born
in captivity,
Copy !req
272. when Marlene leaves
the confines of the zoo,
Copy !req
273. she goes—
and this is a technical term—
Copy !req
274. - Oh, right.
Forgot about that.
Copy !req
275. Hey, Rico.
Copy !req
276. See if you can stumble
toward the zoo.
Copy !req
277. - Cut it out!
Copy !req
278. - Just a few more
agonizing feet, Rico.
Copy !req
279. - What's up, Rico?
Copy !req
280. Hey, did I go
all feral again?
Copy !req
281. - Um... just a bit.
Copy !req
282. - Ah!
Copy !req
283. What are you gonna do?
Copy !req
284. - No need to fret, Marlene.
Copy !req
285. You're back in the safe,
civilizing environs of the zoo.
Copy !req
286. - But wait.
How did I get out?
Copy !req
287. - That is a complete
and total mystery,
Copy !req
288. one we intend
to thoroughly investigate.
Copy !req
289. - Mm-hmm, you guys did it, huh?
Copy !req
290. - Marlene, it would be
premature to speculate
Copy !req
291. at this early phase.
Copy !req
292. Badgers!
Copy !req
293. - Heh?
- Oh.
Copy !req
294. - Yeah, we've known
they were coming for weeks.
Copy !req
295. - We've been trying to find
a good time to tell you.
Copy !req
296. - Guess now is it.
Copy !req
297. - Request permission to go hide
in my bunk... forever.
Copy !req
298. - Denied.
Copy !req
299. It's high time you got over
this silly fear, Private.
Copy !req
300. - Yeah, badgers are
nice animals.
Copy !req
301. - As a matter of fact,
Copy !req
302. badgers and otters are all
part of the family Mustelidae.
Copy !req
303. - Exactly, and you're not
afraid of me, are you?
Copy !req
304. - In the zoo
or out of the zoo?
Copy !req
305. - Heh, you're funny.
Come on.
Copy !req
306. - No. No.
Copy !req
307. I don't want to meet
the badgers.
Copy !req
308. - There is nothing
to be afraid of.
Copy !req
309. - Okay, okay.
You're right.
Copy !req
310. Badgers are nice and friendly,
Copy !req
311. and they probably
don't even have
Copy !req
312. six-inch,
flesh-rending incisors.
Copy !req
313. Now let me go!
Copy !req
314. - No, no, we are gonna
go through with this.
Copy !req
315. - Uh, is it me,
or is this badger habitat
Copy !req
316. surprisingly low on badgers?
Copy !req
317. Hey, in there.
Copy !req
318. Becky, we have visitors!
Copy !req
319. - Visitors? Sweet!
Copy !req
320. - Super sweet.
Copy !req
321. - Super sugary sweet.
Copy !req
322. - Hey, I'm Marlene.
Copy !req
323. - Marlene, I'm Becky.
Copy !req
324. - And I'm Stacy.
Copy !req
325. - Correct me if I'm wrong,
Copy !req
326. - You're an otter.
Copy !req
327. - Hey, spoiler alert.
Copy !req
328. - Sorry; got excited.
Copy !req
329. - Yeah, yeah, I'm an otter.
Copy !req
330. - So you're practically
our cousin.
Copy !req
331. Family!
Copy !req
332. - Yeah, fa—family.
Copy !req
333. - And this little cutie?
Copy !req
334. - Becky, I've seen them
in books.
Copy !req
335. - And glossy magazines.
- TV shows.
Copy !req
336. - DVDs.
- And TV shows on DVD!
Copy !req
337. That is a penguin!
Copy !req
338. - All right,
yes, I'm a penguin!
Copy !req
339. Now get on with it!
Copy !req
340. Devour me with your
flesh-rending incisors already.
Copy !req
341. - Devour?
Copy !req
342. Flesh-rending incisors?
Copy !req
343. - Private is just maybe
Copy !req
344. a little bit terrified
of you guys.
Copy !req
345. - Well, that's a shame,
Copy !req
346. because I've got this
peanut butter Winky here
Copy !req
347. and nobody to share it with.
Copy !req
348. - Peanut... butter...
Copy !req
349. Winky?
Copy !req
350. Mmm, good Winky.
Copy !req
351. - Belly up, bud; there's more
where that came from.
Copy !req
352. - Oh, my!
Copy !req
353. Oh, Winkies everywhere.
Copy !req
354. - Oh, Marlene,
can you guys stay for lunch?
Copy !req
355. Please say yes.
Please say yes. Please say yes!
Copy !req
356. Please say yes!
Please say yes!
Copy !req
357. - Okay.
Copy !req
358. Yes!
Copy !req
359. - See you soon, cousin.
Copy !req
360. - Right back at you, cousin.
Copy !req
361. Okay.
Copy !req
362. Was I so right
and you so wrong or what?
Copy !req
363. - All right, okay.
I admit it.
Copy !req
364. I was a silly-willy dingdong.
Copy !req
365. - Okay, not the words
I would choose.
Copy !req
366. But, yeah,
I embrace the spirit.
Copy !req
367. Yes, yes.
Copy !req
368. Aah!
Copy !req
369. - Hey, cousin.
Copy !req
370. Late-night snack attack?
Copy !req
371. - Caramel corn
and boysenberry smoothies!
Copy !req
372. So yum!
Copy !req
373. - Spontaneous slumber party!
Copy !req
374. - Ehhh...
Copy !req
375. - Let's go hang-gliding!
Copy !req
376. - Hey, let me down.
Hey, let me down.
Copy !req
377. Hey, let me down.
Hey, let me down.
Copy !req
378. Hey, let me down.
Hey, let me down.
Copy !req
379. - Who's up
for a game of Simon Says?
Copy !req
380. - Ooh! Ooh! I'm Simon.
Copy !req
381. - No!
Copy !req
382. I mean, it's late.
Copy !req
383. I-I think I'll pass.
Copy !req
384. - Ehh!
I didn't say "Simon Says."
Copy !req
385. - You didn't say anything.
- I know.
Copy !req
386. I don't think
she gets this game at all.
Copy !req
387. - Seriously, guys,
I'm exhausted.
Copy !req
388. - Okay.
Copy !req
389. But we'll see you tomorrow,
right, cousin?
Copy !req
390. - We've got a full day planned.
Copy !req
391. - Don't want to give away
too much,
Copy !req
392. but spontaneous scavenger hunt.
Copy !req
393. - Shh, you didn't hear it
from us.
Copy !req
394. - 'Cause then it wouldn't be
Copy !req
395. - Okay, well, we'll see, guys.
Copy !req
396. Please say yes.
Please say yes.
Copy !req
397. Please say yes.
Please say yes.
Copy !req
398. - Oh, my gosh!
Copy !req
399. Will you guys
stop badgering me?
Copy !req
400. - Badger?
Copy !req
401. - Oh, I wish
you hadn't said that.
Copy !req
402. - Is that what you think
badgers do, Marlene?
Copy !req
403. Badger?
Copy !req
404. I so didn't mean it that way.
Copy !req
405. I'm so sorry.
I didn't mean—
Copy !req
406. - You said it, Marlene,
Copy !req
407. so you must have meant it!
Copy !req
408. - Calm, Becky.
Find your happy space.
Copy !req
409. She didn't mean to spew
hateful badger stereotypes.
Copy !req
410. - Do you think badgers
badger, Marlene?
Copy !req
411. Huh? Do ya?
Do ya? Do ya?
Copy !req
412. Do ya?
Copy !req
413. - No, no, I was just saying
Copy !req
414. I don't want to play any more
silly games, that's all.
Copy !req
415. - Silly?
Copy !req
416. - Ooh.
Copy !req
417. - I had them all wrong.
Copy !req
418. I mean, Stacy and Becky
are regular folk,
Copy !req
419. just like you and me.
Copy !req
420. - Well, me.
Copy !req
421. Anyway, in the end,
there's nothing to fear.
Copy !req
422. - Hide me! Hide me!
Copy !req
423. The badgers are gonna shred me!
Copy !req
424. They're gonna shred me
to pieces!
Copy !req
425. I was right!
Copy !req
426. Never trust a badger!
Copy !req
427. - And then they said
when they were finished,
Copy !req
428. even my own mother wouldn't
recognize what was left.
Copy !req
429. - Now, now, that won't happen.
Copy !req
430. - Yes, your right foot
is very distinctive.
Copy !req
431. Your mother would surely
recognize that.
Copy !req
432. And—and also,
we're going to help you.
Copy !req
433. - Nice recovery, Kowalski.
Copy !req
434. Video surveillance,
Copy !req
435. laser beam barrier,
Copy !req
436. barbed wire,
Copy !req
437. and an old-fashioned trip line
Copy !req
438. connected to a bell.
Copy !req
439. - Whoo, that's a lot of stuff.
Copy !req
440. - Take this garlic clove.
Copy !req
441. It wards off
evil badger spirits.
Copy !req
442. - Now, sleep easy, Marlene.
Copy !req
443. This security net
is impenetrable.
Copy !req
444. - Thanks.
I feel better already.
Copy !req
445. - Great, then we can
knock off early.
Copy !req
446. Roll out, men.
Copy !req
447. Garlic.
Copy !req
448. Those guys.
Copy !req
449. - What's so funny, Marlene?
Copy !req
450. - Ahh!
Copy !req
451. - You hear a joke?
Copy !req
452. - A silly joke?
Copy !req
453. - A silly badger joke?
Copy !req
454. - A silly badger joke
about garlic
Copy !req
455. and how it wards off
evil badger spirits?
Copy !req
456. - You heard that one too?
Copy !req
457. It's kind of funny, right?
Copy !req
458. - No! It's just another
insulting badger stereotype!
Copy !req
459. - Insulting and untrue!
Copy !req
460. - You sure?
I don't know.
Copy !req
461. There might be something to it.
Copy !req
462. It's the badgers.
Copy !req
463. - Marlene!
Copy !req
464. - Um, you three go ahead.
Copy !req
465. I've got an idea.
Copy !req
466. - Sure, you do, Private.
Copy !req
467. - No, really,
I'm working on something.
Copy !req
468. - Okay.
Copy !req
469. That doesn't sound
chickeny at all.
Copy !req
470. - Help!
Copy !req
471. - Halt, stubby-legged mam—
Copy !req
472. Kowalski, Rico,
sticky situation scenario.
Copy !req
473. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
474. - Out of ammo, Skipper.
- Sorry.
Copy !req
475. - Blast.
Give chase, men.
Copy !req
476. - Whoa!
Copy !req
477. - Oof!
Copy !req
478. - Ahh!
Copy !req
479. - Nowhere to run now,
Copy !req
480. - Who's going to save you now?
Copy !req
481. - I don't know, but, uh,
I do have a question.
Copy !req
482. What's that bush
doing here?
Copy !req
483. - This!
Copy !req
484. - Hm? Hm?
Copy !req
485. - Whoa!
Copy !req
486. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
487. I'm outside.
Copy !req
488. - Wow, nothing gets past you,
does it?
Copy !req
489. - I'm—I'm—I'm out—
Copy !req
490. Outside!
Copy !req
491. - That is so wrong.
Copy !req
492. - Stace, I think
maybe we should...
Copy !req
493. run!
Copy !req
494. - Ohh!
Copy !req
495. Please don't hurt me.
Please don't hurt me.
Copy !req
496. Whoa!
Copy !req
497. No! No!
Copy !req
498. Oh! Ah!
Copy !req
499. - Nice anti-badger measure,
Copy !req
500. - Thanks, Skipper.
Copy !req
501. I didn't quite plan for them
to actually take Marlene.
Copy !req
502. - Oh, well,
it's working anyway.
Copy !req
503. - Shouldn't we
do something, Skipper?
Copy !req
504. - It's a family matter,
Copy !req
505. There's no way I'm getting
in the middle of that.
Copy !req
506. - Mmm.
Copy !req
507. Smashing good picnic.
Copy !req
508. I'm so glad
we're all friends again.
Copy !req
509. - Forgive and forget.
Copy !req
510. - Can't imagine it
any other way.
Copy !req