1. I don't know
how to trust you.
Copy !req
2. How about
I keep showing you how?
Copy !req
3. Don't move.
Don't fucking move.
Copy !req
4. Down. On your knees.
I said on your fucking knees!
Copy !req
5. Watch your goddamn mouth!
I ain't some kinda...
Copy !req
6. The disrespect
you have shown our family...
Copy !req
7. I know about the new drug.
Copy !req
8. Your lab, it's ours now.
Copy !req
9. Listen, it don't have
to go down this way.
Copy !req
10. You think we'd just sit by,
Copy !req
11. and watch you make
excuse after excuse,
Copy !req
12. and do nothing?
Copy !req
13. What the fuck
is she talking about?
Copy !req
14. The second you walked
into Blackgate,
Copy !req
15. I knew you were a swindler
and a cheat.
Copy !req
16. What the fuck
is she talking about?
Copy !req
17. Shut your goddamn mouth.
Copy !req
18. Oh, I thought for a moment
you two were...
Copy !req
19. that perhaps you asked him to...
Copy !req
20. Asked him to what?
Copy !req
21. Kill your brother...
Copy !req
22. to take his place.
Copy !req
23. But I'm wrong, aren't I?
Copy !req
24. You didn't know.
Copy !req
25. You...
Copy !req
26. Nadia, you gotta listen to me.
Copy !req
27. I never cheated your family.
Copy !req
28. Jesus! Come on!
Copy !req
29. I needed Sofia
to get the new drug.
Copy !req
30. All right? For us.
Copy !req
31. It's yours. It's fucking yours!
I was gonna bring it to you.
Copy !req
32. I swear to God.
You gotta trust me.
Copy !req
33. I'm on your side.
Copy !req
34. Let's go!
Copy !req
35. Get in!
Copy !req
36. Sofia?
Copy !req
37. Julian.
Copy !req
38. I need... I need help.
Copy !req
39. Where are you?
Copy !req
40. It was... It...
Copy !req
41. It was... Oz.
Copy !req
42. Sofia?
Copy !req
43. Sofia?
Copy !req
44. Sofia?
Copy !req
45. On behalf
of the Lucy House,
Copy !req
46. it is my pleasure
to welcome the chairwoman
Copy !req
47. of the Isabella Falcone
Copy !req
48. Sofia Falcone.
Copy !req
49. I've never been one
for speeches, but, um...
Copy !req
50. my mother, Isabella Falcone,
Copy !req
51. struggled with depression
for years.
Copy !req
52. She never got the help
that she needed,
Copy !req
53. and when I was nine,
Copy !req
54. she took her own life.
Copy !req
55. That's why my father and I
started this foundation.
Copy !req
56. We wanted to support charities
like this one
Copy !req
57. that provide women and girls
with life-saving services.
Copy !req
58. I'm so busy with our gala
and golf tournament next month.
Copy !req
59. - Great speech.
- Thank you. Thank you.
Copy !req
60. Sofia, you will be there,
won't you? It is so fun.
Copy !req
61. Yes. I'm so sorry.
I have to run.
Copy !req
62. - Thank you.
- Thank you, Mrs. Hill.
Copy !req
63. You need a cigarette,
take the edge off?
Copy !req
64. This is the third luncheon
this week.
Copy !req
65. A lobotomy
couldn't take the edge off.
Copy !req
66. I'm sure
your father appreciates it.
Copy !req
67. But yeah, even when
you're helping people,
Copy !req
68. you still gotta eat shit.
Copy !req
69. It's better
than some jobs, though.
Copy !req
70. Yeah, like what?
Driving me around?
Copy !req
71. Nah, that ain't...
You know what I mean.
Copy !req
72. Oz, I'm messing with you.
Copy !req
73. It's a shitty job, I know.
Copy !req
74. You deserve better.
Copy !req
75. I mean, we both do,
but... you have a dick,
Copy !req
76. so at least you're eligible
for a promotion.
Copy !req
77. I'll get the car.
Copy !req
78. - You did good.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
79. Ms. Falcone.
Copy !req
80. I know you're on your way out,
but do you have a minute?
Copy !req
81. Sorry. Of course, yes.
Copy !req
82. - I'm Summer Gleeson.
- Hi.
Copy !req
83. Been following your work
with the Foundation.
Copy !req
84. - It's impressive.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
85. But if you don't mind me saying,
I think you could be doing more.
Copy !req
86. I don't know if you're aware,
Copy !req
87. but a young woman
named Yolanda Jones
Copy !req
88. committed suicide last week.
Copy !req
89. There's actually been
a number of women like Ms. Jones
Copy !req
90. over the last decade,
and they all died the same way,
Copy !req
91. by hanging.
Copy !req
92. Which...
that's how your mother died
Copy !req
93. if I'm not mistaken.
Copy !req
94. - Um...
- I'm sorry. I don't mean to...
Copy !req
95. You said there was something
I could do to help.
Copy !req
96. Yolanda Jones worked
at the Iceberg Lounge.
Copy !req
97. In fact, most of these women
worked for businesses
Copy !req
98. owned by your father.
Copy !req
99. What organization
did you say you were with?
Copy !req
100. I don't talk to press.
Copy !req
101. - Sofia, please.
- I don't talk to press.
Copy !req
102. Hey, hey! Back off, lady.
She don't wanna talk to you.
Copy !req
103. More women could get hurt.
Copy !req
104. You could help them.
Copy !req
105. You okay, Sofia?
Copy !req
106. Ready or not, here I come!
Copy !req
107. Alberto, I know you're in here.
Copy !req
108. Alberto, where are you?
Copy !req
109. Mom?
Copy !req
110. Sofia, how was
your luncheon?
Copy !req
111. Good.
Copy !req
112. Ruth sends her regards.
Copy !req
113. Which one's Ruth?
Copy !req
114. The wife of Congressman Hill...
Copy !req
115. who's finally taking my calls,
thanks to your sister.
Copy !req
116. Right, right. Hill.
Copy !req
117. I asked you to look into
his financial holdings.
Copy !req
118. Uh...
Copy !req
119. I'm working on it.
Copy !req
120. I've been busy,
Copy !req
121. but tomorrow, I promise.
Copy !req
122. Why are you such a fool
when your sister's so reliable?
Copy !req
123. I know, Pop.
Copy !req
124. I get it. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
125. Shit!
Copy !req
126. I, uh... I gotta go.
Copy !req
127. I don't know
what to do with him.
Copy !req
128. The drinking...
Copy !req
129. the partying.
Copy !req
130. I can't have your brother
embarrassing me next weekend,
Copy !req
131. not with the Family flying in.
Copy !req
132. I'm gonna watch him.
I'll make sure that he behaves.
Copy !req
133. Thank you, beautiful.
Copy !req
134. You know,
he's not like you and me.
Copy !req
135. He's soft.
Copy !req
136. I've been thinking recently
about the future...
Copy !req
137. about our Family's future.
Copy !req
138. Maybe it's time
to break with tradition.
Copy !req
139. When the time comes,
Copy !req
140. I want you to take my place.
Copy !req
141. I want you to run this Family...
Copy !req
142. if that's something
that would interest you.
Copy !req
143. Yeah.
Copy !req
144. Yeah, of course.
Copy !req
145. I w-I would be... honored.
Copy !req
146. But the rest of the Family...
Copy !req
147. They know you're mine.
They'll do as I say.
Copy !req
148. What? What is it?
Copy !req
149. Tell me.
Copy !req
150. Oh, it's nothing.
Copy !req
151. I don't know.
Copy !req
152. Maybe it's because
of the Foundation,
Copy !req
153. but I've just been...
thinking a lot about Mom.
Copy !req
154. Uh-huh.
Copy !req
155. I know I was so young, but I...
Copy !req
156. It's just...
Copy !req
157. I don't remember her being sick
Copy !req
158. or depressed.
Copy !req
159. She was good at hiding it.
Copy !req
160. Look, I miss her too, baby,
every day.
Copy !req
161. Did she ever see anyone
Copy !req
162. Like a therapist
or a psychiatrist?
Copy !req
163. Your mother was a proud woman...
Copy !req
164. stubborn.
Copy !req
165. She refused my help,
Copy !req
166. as much as I tried, and...
Copy !req
167. God knows I tried.
Copy !req
168. Of course, yeah.
Copy !req
169. - I just...
- Sofia.
Copy !req
170. Why would you do this now?
Copy !req
171. Picking away at old wounds...
Copy !req
172. You know how it upsets me.
Copy !req
173. I'm sorry. I didn't...
I-I-I didn't mean to.
Copy !req
174. You still haven't told me
what you want for your birthday.
Copy !req
175. I'm sure I'll love it,
whatever you get me.
Copy !req
176. Don't worry.
Copy !req
177. Pop's gonna lose his shit
over it.
Copy !req
178. - Yeah?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
179. How do you know?
Copy !req
180. 'Cause it's old and expensive,
like his favorite child.
Copy !req
181. Shit!
Copy !req
182. Your Penguin up there
is gonna have to clean this up.
Copy !req
183. Don't call him that.
Copy !req
184. - You'll take care of the card?
- Yeah.
Copy !req
185. Wait. Wait, wait.
Can I ask you something?
Copy !req
186. The girls at the 44 Below,
Copy !req
187. h-has Dad ever had relationships
with them?
Copy !req
188. Those girls aren't exactly
the relationship type.
Copy !req
189. Since when do you care
about Pop's love life?
Copy !req
190. It's been a long time since Mom,
Copy !req
191. and he doesn't really talk to me
about it, and...
Copy !req
192. I don't know. You get to see
a whole 'nother side of him.
Copy !req
193. - What side? He's Pop.
- Yeah, I know.
Copy !req
194. But you know what I mean.
It's very different with me.
Copy !req
195. I just thought
you might have seen something.
Copy !req
196. What are you asking?
Copy !req
197. I guess I...
Copy !req
198. Sometimes, I wonder if I...
Copy !req
199. really...
Copy !req
200. really know him.
Copy !req
201. Like, with all the lies
that we had to tell growing up
Copy !req
202. about what he does,
and there's...
Copy !req
203. there's a lot
that we don't talk about.
Copy !req
204. There is something, but...
Copy !req
205. I can't. He'd fucking kill me.
Copy !req
206. Pop's...
Copy !req
207. Mossad,
Copy !req
208. and the girls at the club
are trained female assassins.
Copy !req
209. Shut up!
Copy !req
210. Listen, whatever
you're thinking, don't.
Copy !req
211. What Pop does at work,
he does at work.
Copy !req
212. I mean,
we got a good life, right?
Copy !req
213. Where to, Sofia?
Copy !req
214. This is everything.
Copy !req
215. Coroner reports are consistent.
Copy !req
216. They all died from asphyxia.
Copy !req
217. I'm not disputing that.
Copy !req
218. What I find strange is,
Copy !req
219. according to the police,
Copy !req
220. official cause of death
is suicide by hanging.
Copy !req
221. Do you see the impressions
around the neck?
Copy !req
222. They're far more congruent
with manual strangulation.
Copy !req
223. Like someone's hands?
Copy !req
224. Exactly.
Copy !req
225. Then there's
the defensive wounds.
Copy !req
226. They were left off
the police reports.
Copy !req
227. You can see these women,
they fought back.
Copy !req
228. Biting, scratching... They...
Copy !req
229. Why are you telling me this?
Copy !req
230. I need access to the girls
working at the club.
Copy !req
231. It's not exclusive.
Copy !req
232. Not the Iceberg Lounge,
the 44 Below,
Copy !req
233. where Yolanda Jones
actually worked.
Copy !req
234. - If you wore a wire...
- To my father's club?
Copy !req
235. Never gonna happen.
Copy !req
236. Then just give me access
to employee records.
Copy !req
237. Women who are new in town,
Copy !req
238. who don't have
family or friends close by,
Copy !req
239. the type whose death
or disappearance
Copy !req
240. doesn't make the news.
Copy !req
241. We need to protect these women.
Copy !req
242. Mom?
Copy !req
243. Oh, no. No, no. Sofia.
Copy !req
244. Don't look.
Copy !req
245. Don't look.
Copy !req
246. Dad.
Copy !req
247. Sofia?
Copy !req
248. Sofia, what is it?
Copy !req
249. This is all you have?
Copy !req
250. That's it?
Copy !req
251. Just, like, some old reports
and conspiracy theories?
Copy !req
252. It's ridiculous.
Copy !req
253. And it reeks
Copy !req
254. of a junior reporter
desperate for a byline.
Copy !req
255. Sofia, please, just...
Copy !req
256. You don't know shit
about my father.
Copy !req
257. He is a good man!
Copy !req
258. And if you try publishing
any of this garbage,
Copy !req
259. my family will destroy you.
Copy !req
260. Do you understand?
Copy !req
261. That the same lady
from the luncheon?
Copy !req
262. Look, Sofia,
meeting a reporter...
Copy !req
263. people are gonna start
to get ideas.
Copy !req
264. Your father might not like...
Copy !req
265. Oz, stop!
Copy !req
266. Stop talking.
Copy !req
267. I don't need your advice.
Copy !req
268. I don't care what you think.
No one does.
Copy !req
269. You are my driver.
That is all you are.
Copy !req
270. So stop talking and drive.
Copy !req
271. Sofia!
Copy !req
272. Sofia.
Copy !req
273. - Carla!
- Aw, Sofia! Thank God!
Copy !req
274. Have you seen
bride number three?
Copy !req
275. Oh, my God.
Copy !req
276. - It's a lot.
- It's a lot.
Copy !req
277. Yeah. Yeah.
Copy !req
278. Luca says he met her
in Portugal.
Copy !req
279. Okay.
Copy !req
280. Portugal.com.
Copy !req
281. Oh... Yeah.
Copy !req
282. You must catch me up
on absolutely everything.
Copy !req
283. - Oh my God, yeah. Absolutely.
- Everything.
Copy !req
284. - First, a martini?
- Obviously.
Copy !req
285. Sofia. Hey.
Copy !req
286. Oz, what are you doing inside?
Copy !req
287. Is that a new jacket?
Copy !req
288. Yeah, yeah.
Copy !req
289. - Looks good.
- Thank you.
Copy !req
290. Uh, your father wants
to see you.
Copy !req
291. He's in his office.
Copy !req
292. Don't tell me you're sick
of the party already.
Copy !req
293. Uncle Luca hasn't even told
his vasectomy story yet.
Copy !req
294. Why didn't you tell me
you met with a reporter?
Copy !req
295. You never, ever talk
to the press.
Copy !req
296. I thought you understood that.
Copy !req
297. Did Oz tell you that?
Copy !req
298. Oz doesn't know
what he's talking about.
Copy !req
299. Some woman approached me,
but I told her to fuck off.
Copy !req
300. That's it.
Copy !req
301. Is that right?
Copy !req
302. Mm-hmm. Yeah.
Copy !req
303. Dad...
Copy !req
304. I spoke to Kenzie.
Copy !req
305. Summer Gleeson has been working
with the police.
Copy !req
306. There's an open investigation.
Copy !req
307. They're looking into me
for murder.
Copy !req
308. Murder, Sofia.
Copy !req
309. Some hookers at the club.
Copy !req
310. - Why didn't you come to me?
- I should have. You're right.
Copy !req
311. But I knew it was bullshit,
and I didn't wanna worry you.
Copy !req
312. Stop.
Copy !req
313. Do you think I did these things?
Copy !req
314. No, of course not.
Copy !req
315. You were supposed
to be better than this.
Copy !req
316. This...
Copy !req
317. was meant for you.
Copy !req
318. All of it.
Copy !req
319. How could you do this to me?
Copy !req
320. I-I didn't... I-I've never...
Copy !req
321. I've never doubted you.
Copy !req
322. I love you.
Copy !req
323. And I know, I know
that there is an explanation.
Copy !req
324. An explanation for what?
Copy !req
325. You had scratches
on-on your hands
Copy !req
326. the day Mom died.
Copy !req
327. But I know-I know
they weren't from her.
Copy !req
328. I know that. I-I, um...
Copy !req
329. They were from...
Copy !req
330. something else. I...
Copy !req
331. I don't know what, but...
Copy !req
332. S-s-something.
Copy !req
333. Right?
Copy !req
334. My...
Copy !req
335. sweet Sofia.
Copy !req
336. What has happened to you?
Copy !req
337. You're clearly not yourself.
Copy !req
338. You're confused, sick.
Copy !req
339. I think you need to leave
before you make a scene.
Copy !req
340. Dad, please, please...
Copy !req
341. Oz will drive you home.
Copy !req
342. Now.
Copy !req
343. Listen, I get that you're angry,
you know.
Copy !req
344. But I was just doing my job,
Copy !req
345. looking out for you.
Copy !req
346. That's what
your father pays me for.
Copy !req
347. These reporters,
they get in your head.
Copy !req
348. - You can't trust 'em.
- Jesus, Oz, shut up!
Copy !req
349. If you were really looking out
for me,
Copy !req
350. you would've talked to me,
not him.
Copy !req
351. I trusted you.
Copy !req
352. Congratulations.
You got what you wanted.
Copy !req
353. My father sees you now.
Copy !req
354. You and everyone you love
is on his radar.
Copy !req
355. Come on. What the fuck is this?
Copy !req
356. Come on, Kenzie. You wanna kill
the circus lights?
Copy !req
357. I'm taking Ms. Falcone home.
Father's orders.
Copy !req
358. Ms. Falcone, step outside.
Copy !req
359. - What is this?
- Did my dad call you?
Copy !req
360. Step out of the car.
Copy !req
361. Oh, my God. Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
362. Sofia Falcone.
Copy !req
363. - Get off me. Wait!
- You're under arrest
Copy !req
364. for the murder
of Summer Gleeson.
Copy !req
365. - The reporter?
- What?
Copy !req
366. Did you do this? For him?
Copy !req
367. No. I got no idea
what the fuck is going on.
Copy !req
368. - Kenzie, what the fuck?
- You're also being charged
Copy !req
369. with the murder
of Yolanda Jones,
Copy !req
370. Taylor Montgomery,
and Nancy Hoffman.
Copy !req
371. - Get out of here with that!
- No, I didn't kill anyone!
Copy !req
372. Oz, you gotta do something!
Copy !req
373. Hey, let her go!
Copy !req
374. Take my advice
and shut the fuck up, Penguin.
Copy !req
375. Oz, call Alberto!
Copy !req
376. Stop! Call Alberto!
Copy !req
377. - Get your fucking hands off...
- Tell him what's going on! Oz!
Copy !req
378. The Hangman?
Copy !req
379. That's what they're calling me?
Copy !req
380. It's just tabloid bullshit.
It'll pass.
Copy !req
381. Sofia, your father's claiming
Copy !req
382. that you have a history
of mental illness.
Copy !req
383. Well, that's ridiculous.
Copy !req
384. The ADA met
with the judge,
Copy !req
385. and the court has ordered
a psychological evaluation.
Copy !req
386. Because my dad said so?
Copy !req
387. It's not just your father.
Copy !req
388. A number of family members
have written affidavits
Copy !req
389. suggesting the same.
Copy !req
390. Your uncle Luca.
Copy !req
391. Your cousins
Johnny and Carla Viti.
Copy !req
392. They're using
my mother's suicide as a...
Copy !req
393. I have a compulsion
for killing animals?
Copy !req
394. Are you fucking serious?
Copy !req
395. - Did you know about this?
- No. I swear.
Copy !req
396. So, I, uh...
Copy !req
397. I do an evaluation, and I, um...
Copy !req
398. answer a few questions
to prove I'm sane, right?
Copy !req
399. That's it, right? Then what?
Copy !req
400. I'm afraid
it's not that simple.
Copy !req
401. The judge agreed
to the ADA's request.
Copy !req
402. You're being remanded
to Arkham State Hospital
Copy !req
403. for observation.
Copy !req
404. No.
Copy !req
405. No.
That doesn't make any sense.
Copy !req
406. You'll be under their care
till the start of trial.
Copy !req
407. When is that?
Copy !req
408. Six months from now.
Copy !req
409. - Oh, my God!
- I'm sorry.
Copy !req
410. No. I'm not doing that.
Copy !req
411. I am not doing that.
Copy !req
412. Can't you stop this? You're my...
You're my fucking lawyer!
Copy !req
413. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
414. I'll give you two a minute.
Copy !req
415. He is punishing me
for something he did.
Copy !req
416. You don't know that.
Copy !req
417. Alberto, wake up!
Are you kidding me?
Copy !req
418. He strangled those women,
Copy !req
419. and then he strangled
that reporter
Copy !req
420. and strung her up
to pin it on me.
Copy !req
421. He did the same thing to Mom.
Copy !req
422. It's true.
And I'm not gonna make it.
Copy !req
423. I'm not gonna make it
in a place like that.
Copy !req
424. I'm gonna die in there.
Copy !req
425. I'm gonna die in there,
and he knows it. He knows it.
Copy !req
426. - That's what he wants.
- Stop.
Copy !req
427. It's only six months.
Copy !req
428. You can handle six months.
Copy !req
429. And then
you're gonna get a trial,
Copy !req
430. and you're gonna get out.
Copy !req
431. You are, God damn it.
Copy !req
432. - I promise you.
- It's time.
Copy !req
433. Wait. Right now?
Copy !req
434. Listen, you're
a fucking Falcone.
Copy !req
435. You can do this.
Copy !req
436. - I know you can.
- No, no, no, no. Wait. Stop.
Copy !req
437. Please, stop. Please.
Copy !req
438. Sofia!
Copy !req
439. - Please, please!
- It's gonna be okay.
Copy !req
440. Alberto!
Copy !req
441. Don't let him win.
Copy !req
442. Please. Alberto!
Copy !req
443. Falcone, Sofia.
Copy !req
444. I'm Dr. Ventris,
chief psychiatrist.
Copy !req
445. I'll be overseeing your care
for the next six months.
Copy !req
446. This is my associate,
Dr. Julian Rush.
Copy !req
447. He'll be conducting
the psychological evaluation.
Copy !req
448. While here, you'll be under
Copy !req
449. court-ordered
mandatory isolation,
Copy !req
450. which means no visitors,
no outside contact.
Copy !req
451. Wait, what?
Copy !req
452. It's important for us
to observe you
Copy !req
453. without interference.
Copy !req
454. No, no, no. Wait!
Wait a second. Wait a second!
Copy !req
455. There's-there's been
a mistake here, okay?
Copy !req
456. And I know...
Stop. Please, just...
Copy !req
457. I know that people say that
all the time,
Copy !req
458. but it is true, all right?
Copy !req
459. I am innocent! Please!
Copy !req
460. I realize this is
a difficult adjustment.
Copy !req
461. Shall we?
Copy !req
462. Follow me.
Copy !req
463. Get some rest.
Copy !req
464. Hi.
Copy !req
465. Hello.
Copy !req
466. Up here.
Copy !req
467. Lights out!
Copy !req
468. You're the Hangman, aren't you?
Copy !req
469. I saw you on the TV.
Copy !req
470. My name is Magpie.
Copy !req
471. Like the bird.
Copy !req
472. Not "Margaret."
Copy !req
473. My stepmom
used to call me "Margaret,"
Copy !req
474. and I told her not to,
and she didn't listen.
Copy !req
475. It's okay to be scared.
I was scared at first, too,
Copy !req
476. but it's not so bad here.
You get used to the noises.
Copy !req
477. I'm getting out in six months.
Copy !req
478. Isn't that exciting?
Copy !req
479. Ooh, I bet there'll be
lots of paparazzi at your trial.
Copy !req
480. No one even wrote about mine.
Copy !req
481. Is it fun being famous?
Oh, I bet it's fun.
Copy !req
482. Hangman? Hangman?
Copy !req
483. Hangman...
Copy !req
484. Check out the new chick.
Copy !req
485. Hangman.
Copy !req
486. Hey, pretty lady.
Copy !req
487. Hangman.
Copy !req
488. Hangman! It's me, Magpie.
Copy !req
489. I saved you a seat.
Copy !req
490. Dr. V says it's important
that I make friends.
Copy !req
491. Sometimes, I have a problem
with that.
Copy !req
492. But I'm making progress.
Copy !req
493. Candy!
Copy !req
494. Mmm.
Copy !req
495. What is that?
Copy !req
496. You only get it
when you're good.
Copy !req
497. What is she...
Shouldn't she be chained?
Copy !req
498. Hey. Hey.
Copy !req
499. Wow!
Do you see that? The colors?
Copy !req
500. It's all so shiny.
Copy !req
501. Hey, she's not...
She-she-she's not chained.
Copy !req
502. You killed those girls.
Copy !req
503. Girls. Girls. Girls.
Copy !req
504. I-I didn't kill anyone.
Copy !req
505. You're lying.
Copy !req
506. She's lying!
Lying. Lying. Lying.
Copy !req
507. You killed them!
Say it! Say it! Say it!
Copy !req
508. How are you feeling?
Copy !req
509. I heard you had an incident
in the mess hall today.
Copy !req
510. A woman beat the shit out of me
Copy !req
511. while everyone stood around
and watched.
Copy !req
512. So, yeah, I had an incident.
Copy !req
513. I'm sorry that happened to you.
Copy !req
514. Why was she unchained?
Copy !req
515. I don't know.
Copy !req
516. They're looking into it.
Copy !req
517. Did someone release her?
Copy !req
518. Is that what you believe?
Copy !req
519. The attack in there
was coordinated?
Copy !req
520. - I know what you're doing.
- What's that?
Copy !req
521. You're twisting my words around
to make me sound paranoid.
Copy !req
522. But you weren't there.
Copy !req
523. Someone h-had
to have set her free.
Copy !req
524. You've been in therapy before,
I see.
Copy !req
525. With, uh, Dr. Shaw.
Copy !req
526. After your mother died.
Copy !req
527. The death of a parent
is a traumatic event,
Copy !req
528. and it's not unusual
Copy !req
529. to transfer that grief
into anger
Copy !req
530. or even violence.
Copy !req
531. It's not unusual
to just be sad, either.
Copy !req
532. Right?
Copy !req
533. I didn't kill those women.
Copy !req
534. I would never do
anything like that.
Copy !req
535. I am here
Copy !req
536. because my father
wants to keep me quiet,
Copy !req
537. and my family will do
whatever he says.
Copy !req
538. So you're saying
that your father
Copy !req
539. framed you for murder?
Copy !req
540. You don't believe me.
Copy !req
541. I didn't say that.
Copy !req
542. I can tell.
Copy !req
543. I don't know
how to convince you I'm sane
Copy !req
544. when you've already made up
your mind about me.
Copy !req
545. I'm here to help you, Sofia.
Copy !req
546. I have no other agenda
than that.
Copy !req
547. Move!
Copy !req
548. Fuck you, bitch! Bitch! Bitch!
Copy !req
549. Come here
so I can eat your fucking mouth.
Copy !req
550. Mouth. Mouth. Mouth.
Copy !req
551. Come on, try it.
Copy !req
552. T-try it. Try it. T-try it.
Copy !req
553. You want me to hurt her.
Copy !req
554. Right?
Copy !req
555. To what? Prove I'm a killer?
Is that it?
Copy !req
556. You killed them.
Say it! Say it! Say it!
Copy !req
557. This is my father.
Copy !req
558. You're-you're-you're working
for him.
Copy !req
559. End it.
Copy !req
560. Please. End it.
Copy !req
561. End it.
Copy !req
562. End it.
Copy !req
563. End it!
Copy !req
564. End it! End it!
Copy !req
565. What happened?
Copy !req
566. What are you doing?
Copy !req
567. No, no. What is that?
Copy !req
568. It's set.
Copy !req
569. You can't do this.
I didn't do anything wrong.
Copy !req
570. This isn't a punishment.
You're agitated, confused.
Copy !req
571. This'll help you feel
like yourself again.
Copy !req
572. - Wait.
- Open wide.
Copy !req
573. No!
Copy !req
574. Open!
Copy !req
575. Uh-oh.
Copy !req
576. Hangman?
Copy !req
577. Are you okay?
Copy !req
578. What?
Copy !req
579. Why are you doing this?
Copy !req
580. I'm innocent.
I'm innocent.
Copy !req
581. I didn't kill anyone!
Copy !req
582. Stop! Stop!
Copy !req
583. Please!
Copy !req
584. What if
she's telling the truth?
Copy !req
585. Careful, Doctor.
Copy !req
586. Mom?
Copy !req
587. Sofia.
Copy !req
588. You've got a visitor.
Copy !req
589. Go on.
Copy !req
590. - Alberto.
- Sofia.
Copy !req
591. - Sofia.
- What?
Copy !req
592. Fuck! I'm so sorry.
Copy !req
593. You're not going to court.
Copy !req
594. No one's gonna hear your case.
Copy !req
595. Your-your doctor, he's claiming
you're unfit to stand trial.
Copy !req
596. Dr. Rush?
Copy !req
597. He-he wouldn't do that.
Copy !req
598. It was the head of Arkham.
Uh, some guy named Ventris.
Copy !req
599. He wrote the report,
and the judge agreed. It's done.
Copy !req
600. But that's...
Copy !req
601. That's not...
Copy !req
602. I-I did my six months.
Copy !req
603. I deserve a trial. I...
Copy !req
604. I have... rights.
Copy !req
605. This-this is my life.
Copy !req
606. We'll file an appeal.
Copy !req
607. O-or try for a new evaluation.
Copy !req
608. I don't know. Tell me
what to do, and I'll do it.
Copy !req
609. - That's it.
- No.
Copy !req
610. Sofia...
Copy !req
611. Sofia, no, don't. Don't. Please.
Copy !req
612. I know this is fucked,
but you gotta keep fighting.
Copy !req
613. I'm not giving up.
Copy !req
614. I swear to God, one day,
I'll get you out of here.
Copy !req
615. Sofia.
Copy !req
616. Sofia!
Copy !req
617. Sofia!
Copy !req
618. Sofia. I didn't know Ventris
was gonna write the report.
Copy !req
619. I tried to stop him.
Copy !req
620. I'm sorry.
Copy !req
621. How'd it go?
Copy !req
622. Uh-oh. Not good?
Copy !req
623. Well, at least
we can stay friends now.
Copy !req
624. Best friends.
Copy !req
625. And I can show the garden.
Copy !req
626. There aren't any plants, though.
It's more of a yard, really.
Copy !req
627. I always look for birds,
but I can never see any.
Copy !req
628. Oh!
He'll give you candy now.
Copy !req
629. What?
Copy !req
630. You don't have to lie
to Dr. V anymore.
Copy !req
631. You can tell him the truth.
Copy !req
632. He'll give it to you now.
Copy !req
633. Are you working for him?
Copy !req
634. Have you been spying on me?
Copy !req
635. No.
Copy !req
636. Is that why
he's giving you drugs?
Copy !req
637. To get information out of me?
Copy !req
638. Don't be silly.
I'm your friend!
Copy !req
639. We're gonna have
so much fun together, too.
Copy !req
640. We can celebrate holidays
and birthdays.
Copy !req
641. Mine's in February,
which makes me an Aquarius.
Copy !req
642. Wait. Wait!
Copy !req
643. I told you I'm fucking innocent.
Copy !req
644. Sofia?
Copy !req
645. Sofia?
Copy !req
646. Thank God you're okay.
Copy !req
647. I'm glad you called me.
Copy !req
648. Not too fast.
Copy !req
649. I'm gonna get you
something to eat.
Copy !req
650. If you wanna get cleaned up,
there's a towel
Copy !req
651. and a change of clothes
in the guest bath upstairs.
Copy !req
652. Breakfast is almost ready.
Copy !req
653. How you feeling?
Copy !req
654. Like an idiot.
Copy !req
655. I trusted him...
Copy !req
656. when everything in my body
told me not to.
Copy !req
657. I should have killed him
when I had the chance.
Copy !req
658. Sofia...
Copy !req
659. I don't even know
where the hell Oz is.
Copy !req
660. I have no allies, no resources,
Copy !req
661. and if I'm not on a plane
to Sicily by tomorrow...
Copy !req
662. my Uncle Luca...
Copy !req
663. Well...
Copy !req
664. Maybe you should go.
Copy !req
665. Not for your family.
Copy !req
666. For yourself.
Copy !req
667. Sofia, you've only been
out of Arkham a few weeks.
Copy !req
668. You deserve a fresh start,
Copy !req
669. an opportunity to heal.
Copy !req
670. Why are you doing this?
Copy !req
671. What do you want?
Copy !req
672. To help you.
Copy !req
673. Mm-hmm.
Copy !req
674. And to feel better...
Copy !req
675. or less guilty
for what happened to you.
Copy !req
676. You quit.
Copy !req
677. You abandoned me.
Copy !req
678. I left because I had to,
Copy !req
679. because I could.
Copy !req
680. I know
you didn't have that choice,
Copy !req
681. but I'm here now.
Copy !req
682. You don't have to pretend
with me.
Copy !req
683. You miss how it was
at Arkham, don't you?
Copy !req
684. You've had a long night.
Copy !req
685. The control that you had...
Copy !req
686. treating me,
Copy !req
687. rehabilitating me.
Copy !req
688. I helped Alberto get you out.
Copy !req
689. And now, here I am...
Copy !req
690. wearing your clothes.
Copy !req
691. I haven't forgotten, you know?
Copy !req
692. The way you looked at me.
Copy !req
693. So curious.
Copy !req
694. What did it feel like?
Copy !req
695. To get to watch
a person unravel?
Copy !req
696. And now, you're numbing yourself
as punishment.
Copy !req
697. That's absurd.
Copy !req
698. My father told me I was sick.
Copy !req
699. And Dr. Ventris.
Copy !req
700. And then the doctor after him.
Copy !req
701. And then the doctor after him.
Copy !req
702. For ten years,
Copy !req
703. men have lied to me.
Copy !req
704. And then I come home,
Copy !req
705. and it's all the same.
Copy !req
706. They think I'm broken.
Copy !req
707. I'm not broken.
Copy !req
708. I'm not the one who's sick.
Copy !req
709. And neither are you.
Copy !req
710. The world is.
Copy !req
711. You're right.
Copy !req
712. I deserve a fresh start.
Copy !req
713. I do want some cheese.
Copy !req
714. You know what?
I don't want any cheese.
Copy !req
715. You hold the cheese.
Copy !req
716. What the hell are you doin'?
Copy !req
717. Supporting Uncle Luca.
Copy !req
718. Same as you.
Copy !req
719. Can you pass the meatballs?
Copy !req
720. I'd like to express my gratitude
to everyone here.
Copy !req
721. Tensions are high,
Copy !req
722. and I wish we was gathered
under different circumstances.
Copy !req
723. But our Family
has weathered storms before,
Copy !req
724. and it has only made us
Copy !req
725. Gia. Gia.
Copy !req
726. But here, this house,
Copy !req
727. us, we are
each other's sanctuary,
Copy !req
728. finding solace and celebration
even in our darkest hour.
Copy !req
729. My brother used to say
that true strength...
Copy !req
730. Forgive me. I've never been one
for speeches,
Copy !req
731. but I did wanna say a few words.
Copy !req
732. You don't mind,
do you, Uncle Luca?
Copy !req
733. Wow.
Copy !req
734. Look at everyone.
Copy !req
735. I believe the last time
we were all together
Copy !req
736. was my father's birthday
10 years ago.
Copy !req
737. I'm sure
you all remember that night.
Copy !req
738. I know I do.
Copy !req
739. Come on. It's time for bed.
Copy !req
740. But Daddy said there'd be cake.
Copy !req
741. Take a seat, Carla.
Copy !req
742. Gia, go get ready for bed, okay?
Copy !req
743. As you all know,
Copy !req
744. I was stuffed
in Arkham State Hospital
Copy !req
745. for a decade...
Copy !req
746. convicted
of murdering seven women.
Copy !req
747. Summer Gleeson,
Copy !req
748. Taylor Montgomery,
Copy !req
749. Yolanda Jones,
Copy !req
750. Nancy Hoffman,
Copy !req
751. Susanna Weakley,
Copy !req
752. Devri Blake,
Copy !req
753. and Tricia Becker.
Copy !req
754. Their names are worth saying.
Copy !req
755. Victims are
so quickly forgotten,
Copy !req
756. aren't they?
Copy !req
757. Our stories are... rarely told.
Copy !req
758. Okay, all right,
I think that's...
Copy !req
759. Yes?
Copy !req
760. Hmm?
Copy !req
761. I've had a lot of time
to reflect.
Copy !req
762. And I have to say...
Copy !req
763. I was genuinely surprised
Copy !req
764. at how many of you wrote letters
Copy !req
765. telling the judge
that I was mentally ill,
Copy !req
766. like my mother.
Copy !req
767. Not that the judge
needed much convincing.
Copy !req
768. My father saw to that.
Copy !req
769. Still, I trusted you.
Copy !req
770. I loved you.
Copy !req
771. And yet, not one of you...
Copy !req
772. tried to help me.
Copy !req
773. Except for my brother,
Copy !req
774. the man you all flew in
to mourn.
Copy !req
775. And you know,
the real thorn in my side
Copy !req
776. is that, unlike everyone here...
Copy !req
777. I was innocent.
Copy !req
778. I mean...
Copy !req
779. Jesus Christ, Milos has
a higher body count than I do.
Copy !req
780. Sofia!
Copy !req
781. I know you're all anxious
for me to leave.
Copy !req
782. No one has been shy about that.
Copy !req
783. I'd really hoped
that it would be different.
Copy !req
784. But I understand.
Copy !req
785. I don't fit
into this family anymore.
Copy !req
786. So, tomorrow,
I'm starting a new life.
Copy !req
787. For the first time,
Copy !req
788. I have hope.
Copy !req
789. To new beginnings.
Copy !req
790. Cent'anni.
Copy !req
791. Are you ready
for some cake?
Copy !req
792. I have a corner piece
with your name on it.
Copy !req
793. It's extra chocolatey,
Copy !req
794. with tons of frosting.
Copy !req
795. But...
Copy !req
796. we have to eat it
in the greenhouse.
Copy !req
797. Should we tell my mom?
Copy !req
798. No.
We don't need to wake her up.
Copy !req
799. It can be our little secret, okay?
Copy !req
800. Would you like
some more?
Copy !req
801. I should go to bed.
Copy !req
802. You know, my brother and I
used to sleep out here
Copy !req
803. when we were little.
Copy !req
804. We would snuggle up in blankets,
Copy !req
805. and we would pretend
that this was a jungle.
Copy !req
806. Should we sleep
out here tonight?
Copy !req
807. That could be fun, right?
Copy !req
808. My mom told me
not to talk to you.
Copy !req
809. She said you did bad things.
Copy !req
810. She's right.
Copy !req
811. I did do bad things.
Copy !req
812. Why?
Copy !req
813. Well, my father locked me away
in a dungeon
Copy !req
814. with a bunch of scary monsters,
Copy !req
815. I had to fight them
to survive.
Copy !req
816. Am I gonna get locked away?
Copy !req
817. No, no, no. You don't have
to worry about that.
Copy !req
818. I'm gonna make sure
Copy !req
819. that you never have
to fight any monsters.
Copy !req
820. Okay?
Copy !req
821. Now, get some sleep.
Copy !req
822. Go back to sleep.
Copy !req
823. I'll be right back.
Copy !req
824. Put your pants on, Johnny.
Copy !req
825. We need to talk.
Copy !req